iota phi lambda sorority, inc. the business chronicle...swr regional director, linda annon [s first...

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Michelle Peace, Epsilon Tau 1st Vice President

Volume 1 Issue 7 March 2014

“Always stay true to

yourself and never let what

somebody else says distract

you from your goals“

Michelle Obama

The Month of March is designated as Women’s

History Month. The theme of the month is

Celebrating Women of Character, Courage and

Commitment. African American Businesswomen

with each day exhibit character, courage, and

commitment. I applaud each soror of Iota Phi

Lambda Sorority, Inc. – Epsilon Tau Chapter for

being that woman. Epsilon Tau, at our first

Regional Conference, all of our hard work was

rewarded. Since it was our first conference, we did

not expect the many accolades and achievements

we received. Seven gavel taps to Soror LaToya

Randle and Dorian Jordan in their presentation at

the SWR Leadership Conference on

“Collaborations: Partnerships and Sponsors”, and

Soror Dr. Tonya Sawyer McGee for the 2nd Place

winner in the Regional Essay Middle School

Competition, Shandrell Fisher, and 1st Place

winner in the Regional Essay High School

Competition, Diego Jones. Seven gavel taps to

Soror Carmon Brown for a 3rd place winning

Newsletter, and Sorors Shelia Fisher and LaToya

Randle for a 3rd place win in Membership/Chapter

Growth. Ladies, your hard work, courage, and

commitment to the aims and ideals of Iota, make

me proud. Now as we prepare to commemorate

Iota’s capstone program, Business Month, let’s




“This is Our First Time at the Regional Conference…..” Epsilon Tau at the 67th Southwestern Regional Conference

March 7-9, 2014, New Orleans, LA. The Epsilon Tau delegation of 8 sorors descended upon the Southwestern Regional Conference with flair. SWR Regional Director, Linda Cannon’s first Regional Conference began on Thursday night with the Shades of Green Reception. Epsilon Tau sorors had a great time socializing with Southwestern Region sorors, including Soror Sheri Marshall of Beta Upsilon Chapter in Austin, TX. At Friday morning’s Leadership Forum, ET 2nd Vice President, LaToya Randle gave a magnificent presentation on collaborations, partnerships, and sponsorships. Her presentation was rich with anecdotal stories of how in just ten months, ET has formed some very valuable relationships. The ET Brochure was presented and very well-received. After an opening session filled with a full marching band, flag corps, cheerleaders and drill team, conference first-timers which included, ET Soror Robin Mack and Soror Dr. Tonya Sawyer- McGee, were presented to the conference. 1st Vice President, Michelle Peace, presented the Region and conference guests, with a mini-workshop, “Webcasts, Webinars, and Webconferences”. A report on how the Southwestern Region can become more cost efficient in hosting its meetings. SororPeace, also ran unopposed for the position of Southwestern Regional Journalist.

Saturday morning, ET President Wendy B. Jacques, sang “This is our first time at the Regional Conference” and described all the programs and projects, Epsilon Tau had completed since our chartering in May of 2013. The Educational Luncheon brought the first surprise of the day, after the National President’s address to the conference, the Regional Winners of the National Education Week Essay contest were announced. ET FIL, Shandrell Fisher was announced as the 2nd place winner for Middle School in the Region and ET FIL Diego Jones, received 1st place in the High School Division for the Region. Great Job! To our FIL winners and our FIL sponsor, Soror Dr. Tonya Sawyer-McGee! The Awards night was a “Mask-querade” Affair which honored the Regional Chapter Presidents. ET sorors served as judges and presenters of awards for the Award Night. Our chapter’s name was called twice! We received 3rd Place Newsletter and 3rd Place for Membership Growth! Then to close out the night, the host chapter Alpha Rho closed the awards program with its own 2nd Line parade complete with Turtle mascot!

ET Sorors and Beta Upsilon member, Soror Sheri Marshall

ET Soror LaToya Randle during her presentation at the Leadership Forum

Opening Session “ NOLA Style”

“This is Our First Time at the Regional Conference…..”

Sunday was a day of worship, remembrance, and business. The Prayer Breakfast was held on Sunday morning, as well as the Memorial Service, and final Business Session. In the final Business Session, Soror Michelle Peace was installed as the Southwestern Regional Journalist. The conference ended with fond goodbyes to our sister chapters and hopes to see each other again soon. The weekend was magnificent, the Big Easy was Fun, we returned home energized, because if our 1st Time at the Regional Conference, nets four awards…just IMAGINE Next Year! The 68th Regional Conference will be held in Houston, with our sisters in Beta Pi serving as host!

ET 1st Timers, Dr. Tonya McGee and Robin Mack with other Conference 1st Timers

Alpha Rho sister, Alaina Shepard , and ET sorors, Peace, Fisher, Mack, Randle and Martin at the Educational Luncheon

ET sorors at Meditation

67th Regional ET delegation in Chapter Gear

Sorors Mack and Martin at the Mask- querade

Welcome and Occasion for the evening by ET President Wendy B. Jacques

67th Regional ET delegation after the Memorial Service

The Prayer Breakfast Speaker, National President Soror Shumate , WRQ Parker, ARD Loud and Soror Pleasant on Sunday Morning

“Iota National News Provided at the SWR Conference.”Information provided by the National President, Phyllis Shumate and National

President Elect, Stephanie Dilworth

National President, Phyllis Shumate made several newsworthy reports at the Regional Conference. The National Headquarters has a new home! During the National Convention, it was discussed that there was an imminent need to move from the S Street location. Problems with flooding and other environmental issues made the move urgent. During the National Executive Board’s Mid-Winter meeting in January, Iota Phi Lambda’s National Headquarters office moved to 1015 15th Street NW, Suite1110, Washington, DC 20005.

The National President also began the roll-out for the 2015 National Convention, in the U.S. Virgin Islands. A video from the host chapter and the hotel will be available to chapters. She announced the celebration, Alpha Chapter in Chicago, IL is planning for the 85th Anniversary of Iota Phi Lambda Sorority, Inc. Details have been provided via email.

The Capital Campaign for the permanent Iota Headquarters will begin on June 1, 2014. National President Elect Stephanie Dilworth, distributed the pledge cards and campaign documents to all participants at the conference. Sorors not attendance will receive the packets via mail.

“SWR Director Visits Dallas-Fort Worth Area”Dinner with the Regional Director

March 18, 2014, Madame Regional Director , Linda Cannon visited with Epsilon Tau Chapter and Psi Chapter at a dinner arranged by Assistant Southwestern Regional Director, Vahnita Loud. ET President, Wendy B. Jacques and 1st Vice President, Michelle Peace participated in the dinner at Pappadeaux Seafood Restaurant in Duncanville, Texas. After the dinner and social time, Regional Director Cannon distributed written versions of her “ State of the Southwestern Region” address; Southwestern Region membership numbers; and an agenda for the evening. The Regional Director said her mission is to see an increase in the membership for the Southwestern Region each year. There are 3 area chapters in the Dallas-Ft. Worth area, Epsilon Omicron had dinner with the Regional Director on Monday evening.

“ET Newest Sorors Participate in Iota Workshop”

Sorors Ján Harbert and Alicia Sanders participated in the “New Soror” workshop presented by Dean Soror Shelia Fisher and 1st Vice President LaToya Randle. The workshop was designed to acquaint our new sorors with Robert’s Rule of Order, Protocol, Using their Iota Tools, and other information on being a Soror.

In observance of Women’s History Month, Saturday, March 22, 2014, nine sorors from Epsilon Tau attended the 1st Annual Bottles, Bibs, and Pumps Conference at the Aloft Hotel. The conference was opportunity for Mompreneurs (Entrepreneurs who are moms) to receive valuable information on goal setting and growing your business. Vendors, Speakers, and Mompreneurs networked between the session discussing collaborations and business opportunities. Epsilon Tau was a table sponsor for this event, where WFAA-TV’s Shon Gables gave an inspiring speech to motivate us to “Fail Forward”; Best-selling author, Baylor Barbee told us how to treat our “Businesses like our Babies!”. Sorors also received valuable information from the breakout sessions: The Economics of Entrepreneurship and Increasing your Brand Presence with Social Media. Conference Organizer, VonnaMatthews, will be one of the ET Business Spotlights during Business Month.

“ET is Making Networking Work!”

Future Iota Leaders of Epsilon Tau “….. Giving Back”

“The Leukemia Lymphoma Society (LLS) is the world's largest voluntary health agency dedicated to blood cancer. LLS funds lifesaving blood cancer research around the world and provides free information and support services.” The FIL of Epsilon Tau collected money to donate to the LLS. This was in conjunction with our Adopt A School, Ruby Young Elementary School, school-wide donation. All donations were due on March 7, 2014.

FIL Achievements

Congratulations to FIL Shandrell Fisher on her induction to the National Junior Honor Society

FIL Andrell Fisher, Esiah Hurdle, and Shandrell Fisher, accept ET President Wendy B. Jacques’ donation

“GET READY, GET READY, GET SET…..GO!”April is Business Month all over Iotaland and Epsilon Tau is preparing for its inaugural Business Month. Check out the calendar of events below for times and dates of our Business Month Events. This year’s events will focus on Publication, Presentation, and Philanthropy. Each soror is asked to participate in as many events as possible. The attire for most of the events will be green and white.



At least 30 Best Southwest African American Business Owners will be featured on our website, Every Tuesday, an African American Female business owner will be featured.

APRIL 1-27 EPSILON TAU’S DFS-DALLAS CAREER CENTER DONATION DRIVE ET will collect items for Dress for Success- Dallas’ new Career Center. All collected donations will be made on Wednesday, April 30.

APRIL 1-27 EPSILON TAU’S DEVELOP AFRICA DONATION DRIVE ET will collect financial contributions to sponsor one microfinance loan through “Develop Africa.” All collected donations will be made on April 30.

APRIL 2 EPSILON TAU IS TIED TO BE FIT. ET is “Tied to Be Fit” On April 2, 2014, we will observe the American Heart Association’s National Walking Day. All ET Family and Friends are invited to join us at 6:30 PM at Exall Park, 1355 Adair Street, 75204.

APRIL 6 ET FUTURE IOTA LEADERS ACTIVITYET‘s Future Iota Leaders and guests will be treated to presentations by professionals about their respective careers.

APRIL 7-28 YOUTH EVENT– FIND YOUR VOICE RADIO BROADCAST INTERNSHIPEPSILON TAU will accept nominations from girls, ages 13-17 who are interested in a career in radio broadcasting. The winner will have the opportunity to set up her own radio show: she will be host, find guests, set up the show content, and broadcast the show on blog radio.

APRIL 11 ET’s CONVERSATION WITH BEE AND CEECEE. ET and its Business Month Activities will be featured on a 30 minute online radio show, called the Convo to discuss Business Month, the importance of business education and our activities, 10:00 PM . CHAPTER LISTENING PARTY @ 922 MARISA COURT. HOME OF Soror SHELIA FISHER.

APRIL 12 EPSILON TAU SUPPORTS PSI CHAPTER BUSINESS MONTH LUNCHEONMembers of ET will attend our sister chapter’s business month luncheon at the Hilton- Dallas, Lincoln Center.

APRIL 12 NETWORKING OPPORTUNITYThe North Texas Business & Professional Women’s League is hosting a free event at the Magnolia Lounge at Fair Park to celebrate Women’s History and the Founding of their organization. 11-1 PM, 1121 First Ave., Dallas- Fair Park.

APRIL 13 EPSILON TAU CHAPTER MEETING AND BUSINESS SPOTLIGHTEpsilon Tau will spotlight Mrs. Vonna Matthews of V Events and sponsor of the Bottles, Bibs, and Pumps Conference. Mrs. Matthews will share her story and discuss future networking events with the chapter.

APRIL 16 NETWORKING EVENTJasmin Brand of Brandpointe is hosting a My Forward Life Happy Hour at the Candleroom, 6-8:30 pm 5039 Willis Ave., Dallas 75206. Tickets available April 1.

APRIL 19 EPSILON TAU FIL will participate in BLACK GIRLS CODE at UTD.Epsilon Tau female FIL will attend the Build A Webpage in a Day Workshop sponsored by Black Girls Code at the University of Texas at Dallas.

APRIL 21 EPSILON TAU DINNER AT THE KITCHEN LTO at 3011 Gulden Lane Ste 108, Dallas, TX 75212. The current Chef in residence is African American chef Eric Shelton. We will enjoy dinner there and hear from local business women about their journeys and trials through entrepreneurship.

APRIL 24 EPSILON TAU “GET IN THE MIX” BUSINESS PROFESSIONALS MIXEREpsilon Tau will host Dallas area business professionals at the Sunset Lounge, 3030 Ross Avenue, Dallas, TX 75206 from 6-8 PM. Professionals are asked to bring their business cards, mix and mingle. All participants are asked to bring a donation for the Dress For Success-Career Center. Items needed for the Career Center are: Flash drives; Resume paper; Empowerment books; Portfolio folders; and Date notebooks. All donations are tax deductible.

APRIL 26 DRESS FOR SUCCESS-DALLAS FACILITY TOURThe Chapter tour the facility and present its donation for the Career Center, 11:00 AM.

APRIL 26 NETWORKING EVENT – LANCASTER CHAMBER OF COMMERCE BLACK AND WHITE GALAThe Lancaster Chamber of Commerce is hosting its annual gala at the Hilton Garden Inn- Duncanville. Tickets are $75 each.

APRIL 27 EPSILON TAU CHURCH FELLOWSHIPEpsilon Tau sorors are invited to fellowship together at the Riverside Missionary Baptist Church, 3132 Lagow Street, 11AM service. It is Women’s Day at Riverside. The color of the day is “Shades of Purple.”

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