iron man 2

Post on 05-Dec-2014






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Iron Man 2Kay & Stephen


$170-200million budget $594million gross revenue Starring: Robert Downey Jr., Gwyneth

Paltrow, Don Cheadle, Scarlett Johansson, Mickey Rourke, Samuel L Jackson

Director: Jon Favreau Released 30 April 2010

Plot The military want Stark’s armour Stark refuses to give it to them Someone attacks him in a similar suit Finds out it was son of dads work partner Ivan wants revenge for dads death Ivan gets busted from jail and builds drones instead

of armour for Hammer They fight Thinking that he was soon to die Stark swapped his

reactor for another and set of to stop Ivan who was still alive after all

Stark wins and destroys the drones and receives medals for bravery

News footage shows the Hulk rampaging

Viral Marketing

A news clipping was posted on line giving hints about the movie to come followed by others all revealing something new

Clues included the highlighted words and letters that were bolder than others, also the picture below even seemingly unrelated gave more away.

Actors handed out business cards so people could apply for jobs at Stark Industries

A teaser trailer was released along with posters for the main characters

A letter from Tony Stark was posted on line

A web site for Stark Industries was launched

Clips of a press release showing an exoskeleton could be found on it.


Yes reception was mostly positive and a huge number watched the film in the cinema but some say that wasn’t down to the viral marketing campaign.

‘Iron Man 2 has a mass audience that is already guaranteed to go see it, viral marketing or not.’…

‘I’ve found most people are already talking about the film because of the trailer, the poster, Scarlett Johansson, Mickey Rourke’s Whiplash character, and (to a lesser extent) the TV spots’ …

‘adding to the pointlessness of it all, those debating such trivial things are already going to see Iron Man 2 opening weekend, without question. So who, exactly, is benefiting from all of this viral guff?’

Our Viral Marketing Campaign

We plan to make a website for the main character that will be a blog of events leading up to the film where others can comment

A poster for the main characters A teaser trailer which gives nothing

away about the film and includes enigma codes leaving the audience with many questions

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