irvine foundation infographic: linked learring

Post on 02-Apr-2018






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  • 7/27/2019 Irvine Foundation Infographic: Linked Learring


    Its about equity, belief in thepotential of young people and

    the future of California.

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    2013 Snapshot:Linked Learning

    in Motion

  • 7/27/2019 Irvine Foundation Infographic: Linked Learring




    Linked Learning integrates rigorousacademics with real-world experiences.This approach transforms education intoa personally relevant, wholly engagingexperience and opens students tocareer and college opportunities theynever imagined.

    Lost potential

    They can expect unemploymentor low wages.

    850,000California youth, ages 16 to 24are neither in school nor working.

    Californiahigh schoolstudentswho do notgraduate infour years

    Irvine commitmentnew achievement

    Linked Learning creates meaningful experiencesin areas that interest students, called pathways.

    Linked Learning incorporates fourelements that research shows asessential to student success.

    Irvine has already invested more than $100 million inLinked Learning as the best way to give all Californiayouth the opportunity to reach their potential.

    Linked Learning is transforming education A practical, proven approach

    Igniting students passions

    Real-world experience

    Rigorous academics

    Greater achievementRigorousacademics






    21% of all students

    27% of Latino students

    34% of African American students

    Anne Stanton, Irvine Youth Program Director

  • 7/27/2019 Irvine Foundation Infographic: Linked Learring


    OVERVIEW progress voicesACTION

    The James Irvine Foundation is leading development of a field that is advancingLinked Learning as an approach that works for all students in California.

    Create theFramework andInfrastructure

    Demonstratein High Schools

    Extend inDistrictsand Beyond

    pilot andsupportstatewide

    Click a year above to see the growing number ofCalifornia high school students participating in acertified Linked Learning pathway.

    2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    State agencies

    See the full list of Alliance members.

    6Business, industry and trade organizations

    Education organizations and associations54

    California Linked

    Learning Alliance

    High school students participating





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    Create theFramework andInfrastructure


    Linked Learning builds on decades of experiencegained by California schools that combineacademic and career-based learning to generatehigh student achievement.

    In 2009, Irvine funded The Bridgespan Group toproduce a framework for developing a strong

    Linked Learning field. Irvines investments havebeen made based on this field-building approach,including support for two vital organizations.

    ConnectEd: The California Center for College andCareer advances Linked Learning practice, policyand research. ConnectEd supports communitiesin developing Linked Learning pathways.

    The Linked Learning Alliance is a statewidecoalition of education, industry and community

    organizations that is expanding access forCalifornias young people to Linked Learning.

    View the set of Irvine Linked Learning granteeorganizations.

    Read The Strong Field Frameworkfrom The Bridgespan Group.

    2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    State agencies

    See the full list of Alliance members.

    6Business, industry and trade organizations

    Education organizations and associations54

    California Linked

    Learning Alliance

    High school students participating

    9 0 0 0Click a year above to see the growing number ofCalifornia high school students participating in acertified Linked Learning pathway.


    The James Irvine Foundation is leading development of a field that is advancingLinked Learning as an approach that works for all students in California.


  • 7/27/2019 Irvine Foundation Infographic: Linked Learring


    16 highschools

    thousandsof students

    With Irvine support, a network of 16 high schools,occupational programs and nonprofit organizationsproviding elective courses has delivered LinkedLearning programs to thousands of California highschool students beginning in 2006. They representedurban and rural communities spanning the state.

    An evaluation during the 200708 academic yearcompared the achievement of participatingstudents with statewide averages. Participantsshowed higher graduation rates and better passrates on the California High School Exit Exam.They demonstrated deeper engagement in schooland completed more courses needed to preparefor Californias four-year public colleges.

    View the network of Linked Learningdemonstration sites.

    OVERVIEW progress voicesACTION

    2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    State agencies

    See the full list of Alliance members.

    6Business, industry and trade organizations

    Education organizations and associations54

    California Linked

    Learning Alliance

    High school students participating

    1 3 0 0 0anticipated


    Click a year above to see the growing number ofCalifornia high school students participating in acertified Linked Learning pathway.

    Demonstratein High Schools


    The James Irvine Foundation is leading development of a field that is advancingLinked Learning as an approach that works for all students in California.


  • 7/27/2019 Irvine Foundation Infographic: Linked Learring


    Extend inDistrictsand Beyond

    With support and leadership from The JamesIrvine Foundation, a growing field of educators,providers and partners is working together tomake Linked Learning available to youth acrossthe state.

    Strengthening school districts: The California

    Linked Learning District Initiative demonstrateshow a systematic approach to Linked Learningworks in nine school districts and communities.The 150,000 students these districts serve arepredominately non-white and economicallydisadvantaged. Evaluation shows participantson track for high school graduation, preparingfor college and building career and life skills.

    Connecting through colleges: Postsecondaryinstitutions prepare teachers to instruct in LinkedLearning schools. Community colleges and theCalifornia State University system are usingLinked Learning to increase relevance andachievement in the classroom.

    Engaging out-of-school youth: The OpportunityLinks for Youth Initiative applies Linked Learningto re-engage those who are no longer in school,who are underemployed or unemployed, andwho are actively seeking a way into college.

    OVERVIEW progress voicesACTION

    2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    State agencies

    See the full list of Alliance members.

    6Business, industry and trade organizations33Education organizations and associations54

    California Linked

    Learning Alliance

    High school students participating

    2 0 0 0 0


    Click a year above to see the growing number ofCalifornia high school students participating in acertified Linked Learning pathway.


    The James Irvine Foundation is leading development of a field that is advancingLinked Learning as an approach that works for all students in California.


  • 7/27/2019 Irvine Foundation Infographic: Linked Learring


    With mounting evidence that Linked Learning helpsstudents graduate and prepare for success in collegeand career, the California Department of Educationis offering assistance to local education agenciesthat launch Linked Learning programs.

    The Linked Learning Pilot Program will be used to

    assess how Linked Learning can be expanded toschools across the state. This program is expected toinvolve 63 districts and county offices of education.Together, these agencies serve more than 600,000high school students, 30 percent of Californias total.Irvine grantmaking will adapt to reflect thisremarkable expansion of Linked Learning.

    In addition, the state legislature allocated $250million to establish a California Career PathwaysState Fund. This major investment boosts and affirmsthe value of work-based learning, a core LinkedLearning element.

    Sources: Linked Learning Alliance, news release, 2013;California Department of Education, CalEdFacts

    Linked Learning Pilot Program,California Department of Education

    Pilot andsupportstatewide

    OVERVIEW progress voicesACTION

    2009 2010 2011 2012 2013 2014 2015

    State agencies

    See the full list of Alliance members.

    6Business, industry and trade organizations

    Education organizations and associations54

    California Linked

    Learning Alliance

    High school students participating

    2 7 0 0 0


    Click a year above to see the growing number ofCalifornia high school students participating in acertified Linked Learning pathway.



    The James Irvine Foundation is leading development of a field that is advancingLinked Learning as an approach that works for all students in California.


  • 7/27/2019 Irvine Foundation Infographic: Linked Learring


    Research Improvement

    The success of Linked Learning is fueled by studies that test its effectiveness, document its outcomes and inform its practitioners.View the three types of activity vital to expanding and enhancing this approach throughout California.

    Students achieve more college prepDistricts embrace systemic approach


    Students gain career and life readiness

    OVERVIEW progress voicesACTION

    completed byLinked Learningstudents in firsttwo years ofhigh school.


    SRI International is conducting rigorous evaluation of the Linked Learning District Initiative a systemic demonstration of this approach.





    teamwork towardshared goal

    working with otherprofessionals




    responsible forquality work

    using informationand technology





    Our focusThe multiyear evaluation for this large

    initiative is two-fold: to document the work,results and lessons from districts that areapplying Linked Learning systemically; andto measure the effect of this comprehensiveimplementation on student outcomes.

    Whats nextReports on the fourth year of the initiativewill identify core characteristics in districtsystems that provide high-quality LinkedLearning experiences, and add important

    data on student outcomes. A relatedIrvine-funded evaluation examines how aLinked Learning approach can help studentsmake successful transitions to postsecondaryinstitutions. +10%


    With strong local leadership, nine districts areusing a systemic approach to improve studentaccess to high quality Linked Learning pathwaysfeaturing relevant and rigorous curriculum. Eachof these districts is committed to Linked Learningas its primary high school reform strategy.



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    Linked Learning students attendedfour-year postsecondary education,compared to their peers.

    Greater postsecondary enrollment

    Increased income after high school Higher high school graduation rates

    Multiple studies show that Linked Learning improves student outcomes and provides a basis for systemic high school reform.


    Male students participating in programscombining academics and careerpreparations earned

    in the four years followinghigh school.

    $10,000 MORE

    of 12th-grade students inCalifornia PartnershipAcademies graduated95%

    compared to 85% of 12th-gradestudents statewide.

    Our focusLinked Learning and other similar approaches

    have been the subject of past researchdemonstrating positive results for students.

    Several studies funded by Irvine complementthe Linked Learning District Initiativeevaluation and deepen understanding of howsystemic implementation of the approachincreases impact on student achievement inhigh school, college and career.

    Whats nextA study of Linked Learning district systemsthat will provide a cost-benefit analysis toinform policymakers on expected investmentand return.


    ResearchEvaluation Improvement

    The success of Linked Learning is fueled by studies that test its effectiveness, document its outcomes and inform its practitioners.View the three types of activity vital to expanding and enhancing this approach throughout California.


    Reduced barriers to success

    72%of Linked Learningstudents agree:

    I know a lot about collegeand career planning.

  • 7/27/2019 Irvine Foundation Infographic: Linked Learring



    A Linked Learning data system is in development to give school districts information that supports continuous improvement.

    Our focusProvide timely data on student enrollment

    and achievement for district leaders,generating information to help themmonitor and improve pathwaydevelopment and student success.

    whats next


    Tracking critical indicators agreed upon by all participating districts

    A dashboard highlightingstatus for critical indicatorswill launch in late 2013.


    Equity and high school participantsEthnicityFree or reduced lunch8th-grade math scoresEnglish language learnerSpecial needs

    Student engagementFour-year graduation rateAttendance rateCourse pass rateSuspensionsPathway persistence

    Academic achievement

    a-g completion rate

    Math proficiency (Early Assessment Program)English proficiency (Early Assessment Program)Grade point averageCAHSEE pass rate

    PostsecondaryPostsecondary enrollment ratePostsecondary start without remediationDual enrollment participation1st year credit accumulation

    Work-based learning

    Work-based learning experience

    Pathway-related internshipSkills certificate received

    Early analysis shows positive

    outcomes for course pass rates,a-g completion, GPA, 10th-gradeCalifornia High School ExitExamination (CAHSEE) testing,postsecondary enrollment, dualenrollment in high school andcollege, and number ofsuspensions.

    Promising signs

    The success of Linked Learning is fueled by studies that test its effectiveness, document its outcomes and inform its practitioners.View the three types of activity vital to expanding and enhancing this approach throughout California.


  • 7/27/2019 Irvine Foundation Infographic: Linked Learring


    Based on research and collaboration with those who are proving the value of Linked Learning,The James Irvine Foundation is investing to expand this approach in multiple ways.

    Strengtheningthe community

    Connecting the people

    who believe in the valuesand purpose of LinkedLearning, including:

    Business partnersCommunity-based organizationsEducation support organizationsPolicymakersResearchersSchool administrators

    Students and parentsTeachers

    You can help make linked learning a reality for all California youth.

    We are bringing high-quality

    Linked Learning programs to

    more of the places where young

    people live and learn: high

    school districts, colleges and

    community centers that serve

    those who have left school.

    spreading the practice

    We are inviting people and

    organizations across the state

    to learn about the benefits of

    Linked Learning, and to

    support expansion of this

    approach as a way to enrich

    youth and communities

    throughout California.

    Engaging the Public

    We are sharing results with

    education decision makers to

    encourage further expansion of

    Linked Learning at the local,

    regional and state levels.

    informing the Policymakers



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    Hear the insights and experiences of Linked Learning participants and champions.

















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