is your entrepreneurial heart trapped in the wrong workplace?

Post on 14-Aug-2015



Small Business & Entrepreneurship



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Is Your Entrepreneurial Heart Trapped in the Wrong Workplace?

By The Fabulous Linda Lee

The Numbers Don’t Lie• As of 2014, it is estimated that there are nearly

9.1 million women-owned businesses in the United States, generating over $1.4 trillion in revenues and employing nearly 7.9 million people.

• Women have been starting businesses at a higher rate than men for the last 20 years and tend to create home-based micro (less than 5 employees) and small businesses.

• Women will create over half of the 9.72 million new small business jobs expected to be created by 2018 and more and more are doing this from home offices across the country.

Women across the United States are quietly taking part in a revolution.

These women are leaving the workforce and returning home to be job-making entrepreneurs.

Are You Feeling the Movement?

Take a deep breath! If any, or all, of the following are happening, this slide show is for YOU!

• Your heart is beating rapidly as you read these statistics.• Your mind is racing with excitement.• You feel inspired and not alone any more.• You just ran out the door – far away from your place of employment! 

If you’re experiencing these symptoms, without a doubt, you possess an entrepreneurial heart, possibly trapped in the wrong workplace!

Are you ready to discover more about your entrepreneurial heart?

A debate exists about whether entrepreneurs are born or made.

From all the findings I’ve read, entrepreneurs are born with special traits and attributes.

However, education and life experiences teach and provide the skills necessary to be successful.

The Characteristics of Entrepreneurs

So what are these characteristics entrepreneurs are born with?

Do you have them?

1. You have a burning passion to do something that uses your skills and talents. It’s a calling for you.

2. You NEED to help someone else with the service or products you provide.

3. You hate the status quo. You’re always thinking outside the box to find new ways of doing things.

4. You’re stubborn, tenacious, competitive, and unwilling to give up.

5. You possess strong people skills. You’re viewed as confident and outgoing.

6. You resist authority. Sometimes you’re considered a troublemaker because you won’t follow the herd.

7. You think logically. You’re able to come up with new solutions for problems.

8. You’re a risk-taker. You’re able to live comfortably with “no guarantees”.

9. You see a picture bigger than those around you see. You see opportunity beyond your current job, serving others while doing something you love.

10. Your body is at work, but your mind is focused on your side business.

If these characteristics speak to your heart, you’re most likely an entrepreneur.

You may already have a side hustle. Or you may have an idea formulating in your mind.

Either way, you’re driven to do whatever it takes to change your current situation and/or the situation of others.

People will discourage you. They’ll call you crazy. People who aren’t entrepreneurial just can’t understand those who are. Love them, but don’t alter your dream.

Most importantly, don’t waste time fighting your entrepreneurial heart. You can’t change what God put in you. Simply embrace your heart and work toward creating an environment where it can flourish!

Get Started or Get Moving

Do you have an entrepreneurial heart exploding inside you?

Are you ready to take your part-time business to full-time or your full-time business to rockin’?

I’m The Fabulous Linda Lee – The Branding and Marketing Quarterback for Women Entrepreneurs.

I teach committed women entrepreneurs how to brand themselves and market their businesses to get ideal clients and generate more income.

If you’re committed to taking your business to the next level, but overwhelmed and frustrated by social media, branding, and marketing your business, let’s talk about it.

Please schedule your complimentary Huddle Session (AKA consultation) by clicking here. Don’t procrastinate because availability is limited.

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