is your teen rel. smart

Post on 07-Apr-2018






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8/4/2019 Is Your Teen Rel. Smart 1/2

 Te Uivesit Gegia ad Ft. Valle State Uivesit, te U.S. Depatmet Agicultue

ad cuties te state cpeatig. Cpeative Extesi, te Cllege Agicultual adEvimetal Scieces, es educatial pgams, assistace ad mateials t all peple

witut egad t ace, cl, atial igi, age, gede disabilit. A equal pptuitemple/amative acti gaizati cmmitted t a divese wk ce. Issued i

uteace Cpeative Extesi wk, Acts Ma 8 ad Jue 30, 1914, Te Uivesit

Gegia Cllege Agicultual ad Evimetal Scieces ad te U.S. Depatmet  Agicultue cpeatig. J. Sctt Agle, Dea ad Diect

CHFD-E-90 November 2008

Is Your TeenMom/Dad, Iam going out

on a date . . .I’m in love!


Family, Health,

Home, Money......a UGA Cooperative Extension Family and 

Consumer Sciences Agent can guide you.

o r c a l l y o u r l o c a l E x t e n s i o n a g e n t a t  

1-800-ASK-UGA1Is your teen ready to date?

Are you ready for your teen

to date? Did you know that

nearly 30% of 12–13 year

olds experience a romantic

relationship each year

compared to about 50%

of 15–16 year olds and

70% of 17–18 year olds.

A U t h o r S :

 Ted G. Futis ad Bbbee Seldi

Famil ad Csume Scieces Extesi

Adapted m Kate Fgat (2006). Teens and Dating: Tips for Parents

and Professionals. Uivesit Flida Extesi.

 T h E U n I V E r S I T y o F G E o r G I A

Cllege Famil ad Csume Scieces

Cpeative Extesi

8/4/2019 Is Your Teen Rel. Smart 2/2

Parents play a very important role i elpig tei tees lea

wat is ealt i a elatisip ad wat is t. Paets ca als

elp tees bette udestad te eeligs te expeiece ad

w t maage tem. hee ae a ew tigs u ca d t elp

u tee be elatisip smat:

Be open and sensitive when talking with your teen abut

datig ad elatisips. Discuss u views ad values ad

ea wat te ave t sa witut beig judgmetal.

Maintain a caring, supportive relationship wit u

tee. Make sue u tee kws u will suppt is/edecisis ad u ae tee t e guidace ad diecti

we eeded. Tis tpe elatisip pes te lie  

cmmuicati ad tust s tat u tee ca cme ad

talk wit u abut elatisips ad datig.

Share your own relationship experiences wit u

tee ad u deiti a ealt vesus uealt

elatisip. Mdel apppiate beavis i u w


Keep up with your teen’s schedule and activities.

 Tis sws u iteest i tei scial lie.

Learn about your teen’s friends – tis t l

allws u t kw tei ieds ad paets adptetial matic iteests, but als t ste

discussis abut w tse elatisips ae gig.

yu ca d tis b ldig dail cvesatis wit

u tee. Be a gd listee ad allw u tee

t talk wit u abut tei ieds, activities,

atig m tei da. Wat u talk abut is

t as imptat as u tee eelig cmtable

talkig ad voluntarily saig wit u as pat  

tei egula utie.

 Join your teen in various activities – plaig

vide games, usig te cmpute, ad watcig

is/e avite televisi pgams ad mvies

– paticulal tse tat sw tees avig

matic elatisips. Take time t discuss wat u

watced, w it elated t tei cuet elatisip, ad te

veall message te gt m it.

Work together to form clear expectations and rules

on dating. Be fexible ad willig t liste t u tee’s

viewpit. negtiate witut givig up u paetal

autit. Beig t stict ma lead tees t ebel b makig

p datig cices egagig i te isk beavis.

Establis ai ad easable csequeces tat u ae

able t llw tug wit we ules ae bke. Tis is

imptat because ules witut csequeces, we te

ae bke, ca icease te likelid tat u tee will

egage i uealt isk beavis i te utue.

Des yueen aveelainsip


Datig is a mal ad imptat pat tee

develpmet. F uge tees, datig is me abut

avig u, agig ut wit pees, ad explig wat

te like. Eal , mst tei time is spet i same

gede pee gups, but evetuall te begi t g ut

“gup dates” wee tei pee gup becmes mixed-


As tees get lde, te ae me likel t becme ivlved

i exclusive datig elatisips. F lde tees, datig

begis t cus me cmpaisip, saig tugts

ad eeligs, ad scial suppt. Wile extemel itese,

tese elatisips ae tpicall st lived ad abut al 

ed witi e ea. F tees, tese elatisips, eve

we st-lived, ca ave imptat implicatis tei

develpmet ad emtial well-beig.

Datig is a pptuit tees t lea abut

temselves ad wat te wat i a utue lg-tem

cmmitted elatisip. Fmig ealt elatisips

ca elp tees lea imptat skills suc as cpeati,

apppiate beavi, cmpmise, sesitivit, ad te

abilit t udestad tes’ eeligs. Tese skills ca lead

t utue ealt elatisips i adultd. o te te

ad, uealt elatisips ca put tees at isk eal

sexual activit, depessi, ad mig p scial skills.

Adlescece is a time we tees ae develpig bt

emtiall ad psicall, ad tese cages ca eite

ave a psitive egative ifuece a tee’s judgmet

ad beavi i a datig elatisip. Des u tee ave

te emtial itelligece t adle callegig situatis

i is e datig elatisips?

About 1 in 5 teens say most of their friends are in unhealthy relationships

About 1 in 10 teens have been hit,slapped, or physically hurt on purpose by their boyfriend orgirlfriend.

Teen Relationship Facts:

oveall, daing duing adlescence can pse b

pmise and pblems. Wile is can be a sessful

ime f paens, i can be an even me sessful

expeience f eens. Pviding a safe and secue

base f yu een cmmunicae wi yu penly

abu is e elainsips and elping yu een

ink abu is e expecains and values in

elainsips can lead a elainsip sma een!

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