islamic ethics: the concept of religion (deen)

Post on 28-Jan-2018






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The concept of religion (din)

4 significations of term din or religion1-indebtedness2-submissiveness3-judicious power4-natural inclination or tendency

Its meaning-the verb dana which derives from din

conveys the meaning of being indebted-the term dain-one subjects to oneself in

term of obeying, to the law governing the debts and to the creditor, who is likewise designated as a dain

In short,-one in debt is under obligation-being in debt and under obligation

naturally involves judgment and conviction

As far as Islam is concerned, there are 2 primary significations

1-the signification of being in the state of debt to mean to abase oneself, to serve, to become enslaved

2-the signification of being in the state of judge, ruler and governor to mean the becoming, powerful and strong, a master , one elevated in rank and glorious

To whom is the debt owed?

-man is indebted to God, his Creator/ provider for bringing man into existence and maintaining him in his existence

-man was once did not exist, and now he is

-man in Islam knows that his creation and existence cannot be directed to his parents

-man also knows that he does not cause his own growth and development

What is the nature of the debt?

-the nature of the debt of creation and existence is so tremendously total-for man is in a state of utter loss, for he possesses really nothing himself (103:2)

-man owns nothing to repay his debt except his own consciousness of the fact that man he is himself the very substance of the debt, so must he repay with himself, so must he return to Him Who owns absolutely

-so the rightly man sincerely enslaves himself for God

-by returning himself to God, man will receive his good return multiplied many times over (2:245)

Submissiveness refers to -conscious and willing submission-a continuous act lived throughout the

entire span of one’s ethical life nor is it the kind that operates only within the realm of the heart without manifesting itself outwardly in the action

-as far as Islam is concerned-it does not entails loss of freedom for

man, since freedom means to act as true nature demands

In short, submissiveness comprises of these 3

1-sincere2-total submission to the Will of God3-it is in the form of din

-man of Islam who is conscious of his destiny

Man of Islam realizes that he is himself a microcosmic representation as well as macrocosmos

-man in Islam is both soul& body, the soul govern the body

-for man has 2 souls, the rational must exert its power and rule over the animal soul which must be rendered to it

-making the latter subject to the former, the man is described has attained the freedom

Judicious power

Its Meaning -God’s government of the realm of

creation-man in Islam who acknowledges God as

Lord (Rabb), has to mean also to acknowledge His Absolute King (Malik), Possessor and Owner (Sahib), Ruler, Governor, Master, Creator, Cherisher, Sustainer

•Ruler, •Governor,

•Master,• Creator,



Possessor and Owner


Absolute King (Malik),

God as Lord (Rabb),

Its nature -all human soul have the same status in

relation to their Lord; that of being subject, possessed, owned, ruled, governed enslaved, created, cherished and sustained

-it is based on a unique brotherhood-when it manifested as man in Islam, the same souls united, that which unites an individual in Islam to another

-in this firm spiritual foundation, neither individual has to suffer loss of individuality and personality nor society has to loss its polity and authority

Natural Inclination (fitrah)

Its meaning-literally - an inborn natural or innate

disposition -innate natural disposition which cannot be

change, and which exists at birth in all human beings

-technically--it is the pattern according to which God

has created all things, (30:30)In short,-it is God’s manner of creating-it is the law of God

Man’s Fitrah-the ideal form of the human constitution is

in fact in harmony with the din or the ideal form of religion

-a reflection of natural human tendency in man to serve God and worship Him

-before man’s creation, he has sealed a covenant with God by acknowledging the truth of God’s Lordship

-thus, submission to fitrah brings harmony for it means realization of what is inherent in one true nature and opposition to it bring discord, for it means realization of

of what is extraneous to one’s nature-when man is manifested as man in this

worldly life he will, if rightly guided, act accordingly so that his ??????????? will be presented for the sake of God

-Islam as din of fitrah for its law and teaching are in full harmony with the normal and natural inclination of human fitrah

-according to Shah Wali Allah there are 4 qualities needed to be at the state of so called as fitrah

1-purity2-humbling oneself3-magnanimity (samahah, the soul

refuses to follow the animalistic force)4-justice (‘adalah)

Veils preventing the fitrah

veil of natureveil of world

misunderstanding/ misinterpretation

Modes to remove veils1-any devotional practices that control the

animalistic force like fasting, praying at night

2-u/taking the repudiation of those who following their physical natures that aginst the right practice, by explaining the way to become free of every domination by nature

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