isograpnk intilligence sulletin no. - … intilligence sulletin no. and dissimination. . ' •...

Post on 24-Mar-2018






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le OP 1••••• of •■••olor• f000kuMee• tfON•

fro of •• New fit** ',owe*** NM INWe Oro Woosoloo aw •AW•081 •••••Moo • melt Vabot ~MM. e••••• its of owegloosollif NI easeful Woof WO folloSONSMOW WOOF* ei Me cwt. swermallieller.

160110•0•64 fooluos.o oaf glow** o• tr. No

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mow NI •••••••• of onollfto. ,of p. • .MI at WOO Iff mo ••••••••• low.* IS e • *•• •W IS..The ••••••••• if MA Ono • ■•• •••


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of •a 6:4::••• fle ••••zfs•

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? • . • , .. ..•.II!, IiIIILHis fi 1 illpiu III!,In JW.4 4 1 . Piel 11:11 ililkitt 41: !..:1 i

' TIPliti; i! 1 fo feetql WY! 1• 41 110 giil f fro 41 liefigig iri

1111)!Illq : Ill 11114 o gii$ 0.44:11=41 4 1 lea 4411 itfli g114.,t1 fir v. ea* fltg.-1-;-: Vita*

. • L . ! r g ii :L ./4 11ig1.4.?^4ka S ',-;

eff:04 1 .4. . . 11 ;WI t a t:H i II .

. 7 1t7 04,44 i If .1 ” Iiii • Ilfeksm ; 0441, gto&leg.: wiltt ''11-1 IfIr 111:4:'

01:riei'Ae 144 t Iiilii 1 'fqtaleP4.slArylivi itstp 11,4 ittolki .1i;itlialileill 4111 reaf Ag 1011a 414bi Ili -;;Ititi "I


4 .01;214141) Win .;'117.. 14414 :6.1 a a 1 i.,85^"'4"•t! !sow ,p„, is ,b . :--.... _ 4. ,., •;147. "g4' illft If0:01 W,Aii -1::4,7;.. 1 , • ." 4.fe • . 11 • f f .. k :,. 11 e.e.rka • --, C o A • I4 41 • .4- ..•


• •fp ••■1111•••••••• •••• •••• • • 44 • • ••• • wean..

■INIImer ammo 41.■•••••••••••



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4: 4 f • A.

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c .itasr/v. oriumq: •

Trlyt feoetiatent)

IbtritL. •1.3 tbst, although Damon industry stsuported Attei-.unr's 1. •;1.:.C7 ot- thews= letegration, the propozed trip yrs &wive(' solely for Ulu cst.:411-1-0•t•t6•of mesa/ %ludo relations with the WM , ouch rs nre maintained bz otbn•jtfees. 7.0 the sacs press interview tors cermented that Ceram ita y tt .y 17%!

'itIvays tecolpilecti Vac seed for pineing the country's ;rattle/al intnn at 1.1.,,vc r,reosnosie !stereo,. Critising seri fs atattvent, the psvtsc c3ei tbni be gee •no Pleat to otter hie ono perattes1 pollticai views an the °pluton oe

tol all a wboic. :lip/ At a rare reeent p.n-ne cenfareace, r v. lentAted coe Ap)st ot islustrisl orgrairttioon to ativice ?arliersent on ce!onn.-do p p , t

ilettotisokalie c'estsa that this soma Npinyieg tvititics. • Accopiin3 to 'tell:, it inobsolete vise that useutastursee abould roccotrste solely on the ....v.s.?,ez.u.t. or

• . their raktorios without taking uotice oe pciities1 develop.fcatn.•.••; Serg's position states hip potastialy oas of tbi • notttorit:-.%iv•, .

tor Vast Cereals btrinassree. at /coat one report Imbibes, the merit:tiniltatilko..pclalides. that ba its 'completely diedoitati by sore ineert.-at

344141 Di la elnodurs referred to as an *agile slit attzertnieli.v.1tate tog aestivates. Ottiabas. if A report cities desarthee Dan as It1o17 rectpwtt$7:

sr $0 Dam* fairiesisela • sitibleo votes Nista asensry 1.933;"' the 1aders1.1teptiolic .; •'w": 411•154bstoplin11111_91fir *demi Service trout with liter. 10/ decostilem to

•IlletsberWitatiptii . altlionsit he Is sot swaggered e pert*, of-outstanding' otility,_ .1111111telitliridaea.1iee to ttro feet tint he represents the views or tb* Ruhr

ase steelpeinteeriekNogaty In 1947 lir% Mae arrestod and loAer acquitted so • ef,attavAla re fitzleeat vet the hoStveer poseesoisse of MAUI eat:seined dOeuessatithe ttligo~te*los or 3CO3000 tonis of steel. Of possible significance iktsetutosent Auld& pivoted in et 195i WWI= Oilietoh of fors) eat berg, siert:Noun

,Xsenfinteaps, left the Chnrob dual* the era. g

.L.*A.mindel Or.)• ciersoaliy Ileerettolf general of the hundraverbous2 der Dente-elms Teduntit"taiii4..;,9.40111/402 or Deane lobettry), and a amber et srvessit Vest Omni) orsanieutioos, frim'Esse Sitliatha 24rutier was tor treaty yaws a leather of the

ItsklerV "Verittffes,/2/lentlar, AO Was tort* 'Irtnt..t.._,..sistor A/134A44 7%_WW , .1fierrp Aisw

Clelrgas and wag apsolateil9111. After working coi re, emu *sernsfaetvrer in ClagenO,ha Rroe4 to VPORr Bilaile *ors att he■AAR.seetsitive stiarstary of the illonlan brattish or the cable eaters' owlet litc1934.

: t0 tie Nueink orrice in 1931. Dantitsr tented vita this cartel vuttit'Opiates the last tour years as its sieseutive eessistetry at the loottieviectS.

•lb February 19%6; he baseee occontive thierstesy of PsiilessOlpston for eteel-trawing and eald-rtaliog wills; • positioe Ite bole te411'

. 3 .

Sitattir/VB 0711131AIS *air . 12 ).. cs

4111i IMO USW on his salusintanceo radii; statesere, bt • lvy k


•■••••• ...101111.•

• • •

L.lealtli Oi*..,1tri.'.. )'...Z:

-..,.:)...i.:•.:. :-.........-;:::=.4.t. CDI..• ;4:....;..::.. ...t) .

Ikea he avelott4. ttr.• mt. '.. :XELo:,h la i'cr.lx11-.4 tile 2 ,:itar• toittoe l •- ,. 6 • ••is::i: .u..4.,kl:tall la tan& togoei-vr: , ',or ;••••• tr,;! •: •......1 wit:ran . ■ eit'..: irAtr•tryl. r. •: vas

Filateellro'irit.7..7..:,. eln .7.:Iti .:i: to ..... :,.47T-COatober.. 1S49. I/3r— * --,.

- "- ItN • ,;.. '.,. ',,•es3.,t''.

DC leribNI. CA an erprrt oil ela-r,.).....:ro.:e'ltal re-,vo .la ottetalen t•in. ,v, f•cutlicr :-.41,..;•4.■,,:-.7,•hos eervel co the lisorial '..o.ilIng rtyptitt.:e for N:r.:1;• • %rads urn .`^ 1; .:r•90 • . .4

.., ••%Mac theaT tor Hatt.tre et the I!..•!..trnAt.iortl !hr. a k:421tration Cod": ;atoll: :•'3,' .

' VebraoryiloestlIaterazt. col Corlhor of Cearz.rei. 1/ In ne.), 1:7- Wpm ol. ea to tit Excoutt,..,i...

0•In CoVio.. 2 M srtf.cie app .:trios I klei;:kt Inenrre "r1 V, .. 4••;•'.114,0 .Ii. W. i.viil v, la , ....44,1 C':01:trat fa

tile PDX ned a. 7::-Mxtr of ta- ncerato C-. V.:4 Clcreas orgonization COMPligitell..1

*. .reblem or trtic with the .s. tr .. croul tims3mirrilet—liitaL,41eu4;, riecirlfateee•!t ,- e-lia-Citivon p.. ,:sio, ca- tt..: lacrle:tedrcp,--r bottle: io:? E.-4t-!:•:et trode ere, t.k..., •

mod to glee Triortily to cue' turd:: in l'oler rim Zoreign tirae leliev. 'st , .eines au diduatriatdireeilory identi:iea Vela' N:utler,-e. Ty,....6n: hxyr.oecas, da We* • 4,•:,Ostannetilust wreber,,stad It. V. Llutlor or Col •rlez rat thc IDS 0f4c4A01 it olnit.zar

"Ik.■" at eel error t:::: blia In Um pee* article; cavc:tbelece, it hea not reco

. 45' .. ; 1436441 tq evt.4.1ette•to which Deutlar ese . eirt rof:•-:e. 2/ Teutler rue is ;to, :.i'.. .

t.dalitag Decast r 2.951 r.s a partIcIpas 3&t lattentstloas1 ZrIn:;r.1.41'Is Jogar,s7 i9 I4e visited Parlaith 'Prite 7 Xf-X-4I-Miathirt,7"f4i—iii-

for get:ging; of tile Si. at j jajs -041c:rations. In/ ......, .

..,-,..,.• ..,. ore ).933 1 • ya:t•sa gat* aeolber of thfliosr.ttia forotile. allesed1721: festser frtc-..teme-7 To

tv14 said to. *

CatialikastivitisS Is tliesla tabu was act 'a ntvdter DC.; Map istj.te . van actively evvluod lo fbgigie; 'the FLV egif :.:

eon 0)..4eregvoboaion of the Ihrtli Ilhiac Psovieft eliovittfos, ..:::to ra ""ataiboca, itlara aod a 'inrY eLlechlet acir•rr • 1,..-41* han,.:.■:,en•

f.oLlt as a fins believer to .1.1i:rate el t:c:Prico • ttoe--a;otally cultiospa.of itslortri by 'Mbar the atnt.a or the trigsi "wl ,..f...• -,-s.r.,:;

' *-* ,••••.', N, -ir .

'‘ e'• ••

Llycelittlf,:kid,led Out as iszo or three sitOstaalbai In theirNadsa, w;eab Sala amoclated

co; outdo tap par.cIfrS5r(ttlaccresS) ol A.

/esti* of Mrsasachvici Doinu vie bout' &Dr 1093. .1k'Art. or roceleirs bit Dr. Jur: (leitiagrce) 81-1922(

:break-WAWA $ter I to cos %abase Bobalsk WO*,

nesbell diger): *political eel *Saadi ssiSass. AttOr.serviaBr:419710a arta .$o Pram:was& Rose* soisa wet* O ' lfarla /a 1919 so a makikke.

verstf000 tttestesiostO Derinetka )920's as vorlial in tea Mialatre of .•s sal:Sfaaltialstsylie riassee, attatalag tag st4/.Iretr/sa :tail of "lltier,

" • • •

•. a .

aztur:/us; OITICIMS °lax


•• ■••••%

...,..1.„..2..., 0 .2,11.1,1 :r,:t417,,i/

regierungalst. eg Po ekotoo ro secret . Lry C21'. of the Ccrrandel‘gi.tIor to thyReparations CCTAJOICU in 3.-7: ti

Jolnins the 410 ampler att.:14ln in the ecay le:+:3's, 'Man y:a ptt. cvd it

charge of eeminletrative affs.lre. 17 1942 hp .:%, A M: 1 ,0r O': the At'l 7qvatana, •

de ' obairmIa of Cu" oc.7f,r-4r1my cquocfl of ...m .,17 zOvIdinry and .::!1-;41:r or esvIA .

einfghtoo7ory corne In three nt a:rm tectriml ff.J...lf,. ?/,' F nve nine hcli .,1r7rip

Nii,VIn I. rkIrS_CC'2,itten Of It.' r .:Ich %:oro :*- lisex n icntryra Cemtrc,1 0.44 /A Utt.

OrklAGTEae for F6argn Tsr.6.:—.1:r,,:—.6171 --

In bin pre2upt copeci Lt. tEl, neetin direnta nil operntVre; ottoW,Verlir area end is cenoi6crâ to he *owe or 12:1:" L',.: tle ,social, le ::../ :1 . t poWY

Imen for tta outlre ecopsay. Ut :.• ft/s.10 or oup,..m.13,1/7 ..,,......ii. otPItrfio-nz 113 rat ::wt%r"!"nenncrk^ 141,(WW1i .rntimv : i) 4'. ItYch4lr:41n no a 'cry ,iNtlio 1 0: 1./..cld,l_prlaxlAy7;m- .4 .,.,1 01,P,',..Of the $urcrvisors conitoll of ril rloiltioenl fl,.:*3, InTlralret 3.:::::0 S. lid

Udell vas nejut? ChnIresr. or 'Art CiV. O doleryitiOn to the e... .S.:.:,m,a.- Plan seip3iintitr.t held in

a the

Anse 50 it Parlr. 0/it am






: M.






rk. .

r.!•ofiterol bin Ate'etslatrankip of r dolc Vioticm, init Vint fro doollned. 2/ As a,

liidrestod ..i . su ..111.11er e t



of the-%id rt f;v., Intareon of *Iva T1•1e":tio-•- • ,!1 - of

t Cr,...4.nrc. -7 Y.,;,.' • t -: ' .

"Socarode VvIdlcatloo Scram enobtaall Irtetzevtloa." Sj Anoo4 no 4orrIna Vao .:244.,Unite StAtts in 3.9S1 to dramas

ofPnericen cry:W. invottrento In Ger :arty.140

r..1 . rn. bodan hes reportedly or Iv severs/ °par : .4...• 4yo . Azsatgation •,.tripe. to theVeLiod.15babee. trjr 2r53 We° vas env of a &wren da.:zatiois Adelliletited WIC> to ittieoio gt.t.W the Arab Legato States tint ponsibility of Gerz-n

...aelholoia, ant reearoga aseistrarte.Of the

gnat.= maw of the Feraipt Trnds •Cteaittliae Ikastareartand der . trio (11014e4aterloa•of Gerona71hdrptilP).42/

'' ' . . ' 1•6.'‘ , ••• .1 : 11titbentOi • Vr.Intdod an a stages Sun= onticsalIst, lodes Is bollosiod to base .el ine.seef ein 63 bine endebed aabinral Avolnliatatteoptn to &mimetic dr4. .

A IS induntriallat vho has bar" Wu CO! now lours atatre that '!,r1.-a did • •••no lopmpatb:2e with Vie Uvula pod Is at pram& detialtplreati.f,v.r.untai. 1/

klitOao friend of Adensunrs lksdan vss Irap3rtall is 2,952, to base considerably,SlabItafte vitib tho Chancellor, who at ow thee Is WA to have offered Ida the••pealltIon of pereaseat heal of tie Fulcra% Maim*, of Inosonlee. oden repos:00e .agitattal fall cooperation topmost Orroary sod !so Western ftroere. LI Altkcusli , • •apserilmd try OW us,cs ao wfbalraentnUy week," he hoe alao been =tarred to on.a;••

..soig sutstamuss vita ataaiderobla abllitw In settem 3%v:carding(kW' ,

Ileittr• einstare 644 camera affair% sal poe.seetag annalist loatacts, keenIladjtlaal skill and Mal takperloacti.

•- -

xlsearg/us or.;i'xIfm

s7afeb‘.. •




gif 04.1 , -4:4" 41.. •Iar

• . . • ,"••-•

:• .•'/ T1 • t •701.7.

Ar•t ‘ • • r(1).•) erw:nkfils ht-.o 1•4•,.. s ex- ;Abe e-trettry nf t'vg ‘.;:.j.3olata.;•=4..12,10..ze.

• 1 . ..:rFc:,/. ' . --tixt...1...4....._;,!.col 1,....i•4;0 . . MOW.- nrd aleelereren.'rd • le! 'Aermt.e./..3■:.;.-

70,-'rrrfs rest-,•,-!r au7e717.:(c ., th, -; •-ociittLeves.l intii :;1,;(0....;-1.enlr- •:'wel. ti...,..i•I ..-7 F;'•!.1'.0:1•!...,t-.1.tre 35...n• ut• is

<1..,..ea II-. •,,. £ I' . urgi,,,u.:....1... li____...-- • ..,... , c •SWF 0.11 u cl.ortvirOgrUjill yt . ':% • -r„, 1:•.% eto :,•,1 1,,, r,,a. .......,;1,•,:up pit tb..

4 Wer5t1.:,....- • oV : VriVibtii-,3, 1:.•trlotr-;,'"C.:: ■•,.7,/ tea: ,tas, gr.-4v Alai; „tit WI.• '1111:47-FirAim -i,,.. tontrair—,e sin the run eca3.777. srrmf,f.i gnis grIro......7,..ue

.tiseette erer se.rry of bra 13,::::311 Ite.o3trittl enseelr.140 .-.!. In 192/. V

, - .,„1.,t....-. A• • - • After Voris& kr.r IX pal tolk r. lee... 4 tr.s role la firt•-lop g the Vorgarr.

i't'l ." '. •of.eleentia for Itoe se a M. tf.•.1., t. ••.: t.. a., -• rc7r.1,er t1 ; ...V.Litir r+r-.1.•.+10•• ..5•-• ,... . .... . . lr. bee - ■*

i . . .A.I....7.n.41 sal ::•:t.c1 k.:.-peeelf_.. 7r.0,..-t.r7 E,,,,1 Cue of three 1- ..,1 art..uern vi:..'.-•fatereatiord-tootp:eri eirIaatnItiq.-1 rivaic:c it tr's, Etta an, 1/..-iceg;i ee i•;‘. - '..e.i , ,.,........,..

,'. ".. -' • Voiteeylrbial Cos Beet.sehon intle.v.,:le (rt,i-Vedetatten of Clettr.n la3un1 ..7). 1/, k'l ,., .

.- Pitt Maud tho Vaal Prxty in Itcrj 1933. Ii;polarted Cem....te fer !Ve1.1.1.;fettien aa aeleatbr.rk of tut warp In 1944 ere 1949 be We* he):1 c .,::,•1.417•)

p-̀'.. • paa.valet WO: eivillen oat Wel* Mao Coo.oittee /*It* the toned toTc-a erg 1'..,,t4r1 0: -jeer (Nriro-rte) MIlktatry. :Athol% he anintetrma Ida poelLire ■ . • Vt.:or-Mut ta.b"::*- . .

e 1:-..,... • - .8i.n ..rtak•vsg it/ hea4111ee prolaord easy teetleontela ea:Aerator hie orrps: wto 'total wvi tile ea to lta Ideates. Arc-m.11R' to a -1,51 Tesprgr,tetwr. "•• •••rv t-. -•

oated his Zem:pecu cut:loot,. tea ir aUrCe ililko-aritich• F'-'• Is a '•.z•aale-'i- 'r `'..&,.ttioetto. , V . • • ....',,,- i .

• • • • •-•'', PriFC.

, ,...; .• f*a 1 xrticIT.-.-nt ;n t.'-e Ir.terasty.wel t:"..regor,at Pr..41....:Z.P4ty Aten!..”1 cre. , .....-1•1iet 1iltr:Ji .tier.a.1. Cour..,.r ..see ef Ve..le.' .. t.ttu .c•re, Paz. eleltel the Malted'..../ato'In 19a. V It:..1•74•vcd. 'A is grt, t -7 lrt i..4. "ape of r 're r.tate.t .:,.., i r.404

Ot tie .afool riVet:Itir,; Ite.latx; • file hoe Woo 3".•-•Per1te1 el r.,-altteco, ev.....iarlo,• ••iitliall 4'. 1 lelll infm.-:x.I. .t i . .

T4:141k releu_a tDri) b..L. ■.■..................... .

•,, • N . . , . ..... .:• . •11:11 917.•fletnx• Of the Rbeinleekt .411.ec31.- ru.t. owl 1r ,:in,:rte .., .• . •,,ser Of iie • 'litVr.,-.enonevennatve.ria.1... ia• it3'..:. s-Adelnlatrr.t:Je , bete le .

,.." pa -71-4. ' ti.ilicriara591-icy-etati74.11 oe...:.,.<, pp:A-011,10cl,nn 0,223 1 3* a liat. r Islet* In i‘lont •ores cue. Its a lob 17..c.f......

eur.erv 4 e•,lee I •fir

•• Ca.,. ....F.7*.tta...1,-.1rtsalAiLl- . ,',..;,t‘!:.,';',:. . :., .‘• • llobai • Mj asit • toir4 e in

.. • : ... • F' ewe • Ainei hileThiiierlitl .iiilfs. 1_. 4C'Xert•it'2'••'.:'‘k7.

........... ••■

. 4 .1. ..• 41)' ' • ' • . k .the - or.: ga 19141114.roato.,9. ,11(nrieete.. , ..:,

'...... ...'7 .-0.,;■.,•;■: • deputy elatresa of the suotrvleOri Isoutioll, erirehfter!e aerwlIttror•44.4....„. .'...',

agstesttan of tet . 1.44tUgre.„Inituttry g ani.orsailiflE inr wvuto;) 4.-- guirtr. ., • ,- ,•:-. '!'--.....- --_ _


steIvIVE IAIS uta





t91.JY1 92_ rvut !olL 4.nv,..) (coot4twed)

of four other fir.-- . . kiln ...icreou at that tine v4 $ellia-Wilmersdor(. !T;it Ie

elI13 he was e'en revolted to be se officer of r)zatactm ;:tak :err 00K,,e041that Anis). iil

I. :me 195h Pollees use reportedly slated to z;o to **cow as a %caber or 3delegation of the Ostameehuss, a Vest Ocrote Stonstrial committee &allot; vithtrade relations with the tot. V Shortly before the scheduled derartore, kswever.tie trip woe isdeflaital, postponed At to request of Chancellor ALlennuer. y

t111111.11/ase pem e

tie letopittios eoetaised is this report dose eot tatted* deta . whirb way be .bc14is Vim edemrdtg Or nOteiter.lataligrece, Wee of Or air Ober US ittliksi.

-7. -



•11.l't•I L

• a" •

tg -41



11 110. rcit-- 4; :Iihk . , otTi .,1 File,,, 17 a •e:latser 19'..^. 1!..c',•tetrti•

?! Ct. !.•, U. 1.i fne., P•: ..rm, 10 AprIl J.953. Seev.l.At r,A . '..., 01.1.*'4 Vitt:, 14 relt•whe • 195) • 1%,:srl'.rrtiql.Ei 3L; r..,, Yr,afttrt. P-10, 19 Joule 1950, tocrAeitlAl.if At••e, 0L1/121 :1 1.•!J. '9 OrLeter 1949, u:-.1mnoir1cd.pi. tr_lot .yrr, 1504, Ur-le:wined.V :eV.e7de ! int- -Tveler 'I1rt4.e ..,ft1 1953, Ibelnpalf1cd.

,E / Gt7ic:-.7.:. iii:;1.:4c2C 10-30, 25 Meet 1953, Unclassified.91 sev Trk Tinel, ZL :t5.:eil 1;14, UnclosniCi-d.

10' 1ninT17j9ni1 Sk.umaisches Areldr, 12 J9se 1954, Mat:, DI Phil heporc, Aii!Ay 1951, r,mfIarat111.1172 Ife*: Turk TJArep, 17 ■;m:tit 195*, Melaccifled.

gEalirbuosiadurf, II-218_, 11 tegelbsr I'.753, r•unden'-ifil.ClA. *e51/6 tclly Repart tn6, wsIns, 19 fty 1953, 0ff1eN.41 Cu Om,.

te 111; 74511:=0:74,Thli,56151/U41:33:"Zi;ellersist Use Cl'I'Y-- State, Avesse1der4'0425, 6 080tobar 1953. Onalscified./ State, Pcasueldorf, 8431, 21 VSy 1954, Uanlx.aelflul.

.Stste, Vuessaldurf, 0-108, 21 Ansunbm. Scrtricteid. .• cm, PSIS roily Repora $158„ WS/MM, a moot 1921, Offloisl 0re 0'4..itaite, 01CO3 ions, D

Jun-304 16 Auzast 190, Unel...laifie4.

l WRY,25Y318 t£1.1L7R91-2:-. 23, , 25 Jo 1524, Offisisl Ot4-.. telly;CIA, /MIS tolLY Sewn (222, swims, 16 VagenLer 195i., =leis) r ' ,. c .;.:.

'CIA. NW :34I.418ipter V, Section 59, 2chruiry.19A, otrldcatmat.

isis 2•11ilis (DOSta.24, al-Air/1re; 1 2vbru!ry 1952, CoueldenttA). .

• lit.rias, D....:•0811,ri, 11+32h, 1114ANF 19.,h; I.:4.0.4.A Ortfeta We.

. 1/ lip... elite4.4444.14: C:atrisctio ,ses 195h. thelssiiificd./

. _

Aci. Skate. ligi,-83747,.64tTS,724-kii:h-iii4- i liclw..sified. •Elltence Mrenner des_110tehafi, 1953, 0:CIAPPined..Stti.1,,', 17 laspervq. 1952, PrIltrletuie

li WA, tart:, RaTO 3('2, W? J41112rY 1952, Feztried.•

. . .

-- .-. . ca, t.e 11o.73111,48 £95•, Cr.;t1del,tt ic

f.AiV3 Off 0m1y.1 '! - EL -i126 ). • •

It 8t14e, cu/sz mu., 1 Febrvvry 15% emeldentlal. •; Ettisie -ler-ta...11210r9otl.. 1,,,,' nor1ArsinT4.

./ ftet-o, VLI I Vibes, :0 goverieer 195k, Upclasolaca.

• n -

Aarnitr/ts OPFIcIAIs (11:LY




DOWN. Y .t.s . C. (Dr) (guatiaued)/ -11.r i..W4., -tv, Perlis, 100, UeeInee1f1•4.

6/ TreAeor:•, 'Foreign Fuel, ;' zestrol, Vol. 1, Cmtideeti.a1. •CIA, vii/cn Tiles, 24 JI-tr h 1944, Ihp-lraeifIed.

I ser 02 yi.--A c-1529, 31 jimmy 1953, Umlussitied.State, Cairo, D.159, 31 .Irli-ry 1933, Caelmoilled.MIroCirtlq:"!!"ItmEn-unt_lr! lifdtlArtl, 190, UsclaReirif.d.,

-. Stets, OLIE/11 IPIIes, 23 Jun 1.9)a,

Pruroar.) .UrOicite, 01.1/11/ Tile. a, lb Serte,zber 194• CooqUestlal.

CIA. ddieD Tiles (gatioral r.r.enceent Coupon Persoseeel Quereti ,v 1ret1951, -COnfldTttlal.

• porLc 11 Soleuth ftti .

4.-Atimil_EifliattAl t_t, 1953, Uselassificd.Stat., (UPI rue., 30 deveanmer Mr, Unclassified.

• ow lattA4y, ferns, 1940, IhvIlleeelffed...1Weseria Psfeiipa Pods Control, februery . 1943, Confidential.- OA, =Asks so Jose Igsb (p4), fteret/us oreicial. 11114%-Stan,' =COI Lay D-3o93, 30 June 190, Ocsildsatial.

i4r +Ps;

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