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Israel: 1st-7th February 2015 A bird trip report by Bob and Dora Swann

We organised the trip ourselves using the internet to book accommodation and car hire prior to our departure. We

flew out by Easyjet from Luton to Tel Aviv. As we were arriving late we spent the first night at Hotel Bat Yam just

south of Tel Aviv. We then stayed in the kibbutz at Gvulot for three nights before heading to Motel Aviv in Eilat for

the final three nights. Car hire was arranged through before we left.

1st February. Hotel Bat Yam is located above the beach so we had a pre breakfast stroll along the shore. Large

flocks of Great Cormorants were heading north. The shore side scrub held Yellow-vented Bulbuls and a few

Common Stonechat. A Little Egret fed along the shoreline. After a good breakfast we packed and headed north in

to Tel Aviv along the very busy route 20. Exited at the Rokach junction and turned right along the north side of Ha

Yarkon Park. Stopped at a garage where we parked the car, giving us handy access to the park. In the open grassy

areas lots of Common Myna, Hooded Crow, Jackdaw and White Wagtail. The trees held noisy Ring-necked

Parakeets, Monk Parakeets, Collared Doves, Laughing Doves, Jays and a few Syrian Woodpeckers. In addition

to the resident Great Tits and Chaffinches there were many wintering Chiffchaffs. Got good views of some

stunning White-throated Kingfishers. Worked our way round to a small lake, where there were lots of loafing

Black-headed Gulls with a few Yellow-legged Gulls and Armenian Gulls. Waterfowl comprised Coot, Moorhen,

Mallard and some Egyptian Geese. Lurking round the edges found a Grey Heron, a Black-crowned Night Heron

and a Common Kingfisher. Continued on towards the botanic garden area where there was a nice male Black

Redstart by the entrance. A walk round revealed Blackbird, Hoopoe and a Hawfinch along with a hunting

Sparrow Hawk. Beyond the gardens a damp area held a few Cattle Egret and some Spur-winged Plovers, whilst

overhead we had an early migrating White Stork and some

Barn Swallows.

Stopped for some lunch then went for another circuit of the

park. By the river a nice Pied Kingfisher. Eventually in a

fenced grassy area between the zoo and the lake we located our

target species a flock of eleven Vinous-breasted Starlings

which proceeded to give excellent close views as they fed on the

lawns and in some adjacent bushes. Eventually headed off west

to Gvulot where the most interesting observation was a flock of

several hundred Black Kite by the dump just south of the


2nd February. After breakfast as we walked out to the car park had good views of a Great-spotted Cuckoo being

chased by a Hooded Crow. Drove up to Urim, took the paved track just before the power line and headed east

towards the farm. Turned left and headed north under the power line before turning right along a good track that

took us back to the power line. Along the track were many Crested Larks, small groups of Spanish Sparrows and

some Corn Bunting. Out in the fields were many large flocks of Skylarks and a few flocks of Common Starling.

We checked the power line for raptors and were rewarded with good views of two Eastern Imperial Eagle and an

adult Peregrine. Hunting over the fields were many Common Kestrel,

Black Kite and two Marsh Harrier. Many flocks of Common Cranes

were flying about and we got good views of 60+ in an adjacent cereal

field. At 31.28211N, 3.58801E there was a very large bare field. This

held 150 Lapwing and with them were six Sociable Plovers which gave

us superb close views. They were then flushed by a Long-legged

Buzzard. We returned to

the power line track and

continued further east,

getting superb views of

two Sakers perched on

the pylons. In another

bare roadside field at

31.28920N, 34.60751E we had another group of 40 Lapwing along

with another ten Sociable Plovers. This was my number one target

species so we were delighted to find them and get such excellent

views. Continued east till we reached a landfill area. The scrub held

some Stonechat, Graceful Prinia, a pair of Lilith Little Owl (which

were a bit darker than I expected), whilst overhead were a group of 20+ Pallid Swift.

Returned west along the track to the main road then drove south. Just before the bad bend turned left along another

paved track. Tried to head south into a hilly area but it was a military zone so there was no access. Did see a nice

pair of Southern Grey Shrike. Continued further east along the main track, where we found another Peregrine and

at least three Long-legged Buzzards. A drinking pool attracted a flock of 25 Linnet, a Greenfinch, two Goldfinch

and a few Meadow Pipit, whilst along the track we encountered our first Isabelline Wheatears.

Returned to Gvulot and I took a stroll round the kibbutz. Lots of Common Myna, Yellow-vented Bulbul,

Blackbird, Chiffchaff, a couple of Robin and a Song Thrush. Nice views of Syrian Woodpeckers and at least

two White-throated Kingfishers. Palestinian Sunbirds were noisily chasing each other. In a field just beyond the

security fence there was a large loose flock of c95 Stone Curlew. I then walked out to the water treatment works.

On the lagoon were 12 Little Grebe, 35 Teal and 5 Shoveler. A Green Sandpiper fed along the shore where 30

Spur-winged Plover were roosting. Large numbers of White Wagtails were also arriving to roost.

Returned to the chalet for a celebratory beer and were entertained by three Long-eared Owls flying about in the half

light. Later as we headed out for a meal it was three Barn Owls calling and chasing each other that caught our


3rd February. A pre breakfast stroll revealed a Blackcap and a Wryneck in the trees near the chalet. Drove up to

Urim seeing four Chukar by the roadside. Checked out the fields north of Urim. A flooded track pool attracted 3

coutelli Water Pipit, a smart Red-throated Pipit, a few Meadow Pipit and a Green Sandpiper. Little else bar the

usual big Skylark flocks and a couple of Peregrines.

Drove east past Lehavm then turned off left on 358, then left again towards Lehav. Bypassed Lehav and stopped at

the end of the forest by the entrance track to the Lahav reserve. Walked out along the track seeing a few Black

Redstart, Stonechat, a female Finch’s Wheatear and flushed some Chukar. Took the track up to the viewpoint at

the top of the hill. Overhead a Common Buzzard and eight Black Kites, whilst in the more open areas a few

Crested Lark and a flock of nine Woodlark. Checked out the ridge on the other side of the main track. Several

Spectacled Warbler seen and a very co-operative Long-billed Pipit which sat up on a bush allowing good scope

views. This was almost the exact site where I saw this species in 2011.

4th February. We were on our way by 0800 driving down the 222 then

cut over on the 224 to Yerukham. Had a brief stop by the shore of the

lake. A few Grey Heron, a Black-crowned Night Heron and a

Squacco Heron were logged. Continued east through Yerukham along

225. This eventually cut through a large crater and we began to start

seeing desert birds such as Desert Lark, Mourning Wheatear,

Tristram’s Grackle and Brown-necked Raven. As we headed

southeast on the narrow 227 we had two Griffon Vulture soaring over

one of the hills. Then drove through a vegetated wadi with more desert

species such as Pale Rock Martin, Blackstart, Trumpeter Finch and

a Sand Partridge.

Eventually reached the Arava valley and made a brief detour to the

reservoir at Idan where a red-billed teal had been reported the previous

week. Unfortunately no sign, just a few Teal, a Common Shelduck,

some Black-winged Stilts and a Green Sandpiper. On the security

fence our first Little Green Bee-eaters. The reservoir at Hatseva was

totally dry with a pair of Sand Partridge running across it.

Continued south and had a brief stop at km76. Very arid and apart from

a few Desert Lark, Sardinian Warbler and a Southern Grey Shrike

only other bird of note was a ring tailed Hen Harrier. Final stop was by

the Bird Centre at Eilat. On the lake three Western Reef Egrets with Barn Swallow and House Martin overhead.

Eventually arrived and checked in to Motel Aviv in Eilat. As we had a cooling beer on the balcony a group of House

Crow squabbled below us.

5th February. There was a strong wind blowing and it was cold on my pre breakfast visit to Holland Park. Apart

from doves not many birds were moving. Located a few Chiffchaffs, Palestinian Sunbirds and a couple of

Arabian Babblers but little else of note.

After breakfast returned to the Bird Watching centre. A Pied Kingfisher on the lake gave good views. On the

saltpans a scattering of waders included Marsh Sandpiper, Greenshank, Redshank, Ruff as well as a Baltic Gull.

Continued north up to the water treatment works at km19. The main lagoon held lots of birds; 500+ Great

Cormorant, a Great Crested Grebe, some Little Grebe, 150+ Coot, 50+ Shoveler, 200+ Teal, a male Pochard

and a few Egyptian Geese. On the bank lots of Great White Egret, Grey Heron, with six Spoonbill, 6 Squacco

Heron and a Little Egret. Raptors included two Marsh Harrier, a Common Buzzard, a Sparrow Hawk and two

adult Steppe Eagle.

Next stop was the reservoirs at km20. Highlight here was a nice Lesser

Flamingo feeding actively amongst the Greater Flamingos. There were

lots of waders including 100+ Dunlin, 100+ Little Stint, 30 Redshank,

8 Marsh Sandpipers, a Greenshank, two Avocet, some Kentish

Plovers and lots of Black-winged Stilts. There were good numbers of

Black-headed Gulls with a few Slender-billed Gulls. On the water

were large numbers of duck; 120+Common Shelduck, c300 Shoveler,

c50 Pintail, c50 Teal and 3 Wigeon. It was now a bit warmer, but still

with a nagging strong north wind.

Continued north to Yotvata. The circular pivot field revealed a flock of 60 Skylark and another of 30 Crested

Lark. On the irrigation rig found six Water Pipits. Lots of Pale Rock Martin, Barn Swallow and a few House

Martin fed over the fields. Drove over to the sewage pools seeing a few Black Redstarts en route. The pools held 3

Green Sandpiper, a Common Snipe and a Bluethroat. Then went for the traditional ice cream and a sit in the sun.

On way back south at km25 turned off west to the Hidden Valley. On the flat plain good views of a male Hooded

Wheatear. Drove up to the wadi and then walked up it finding a pair of Blackstarts, a pair of Scrub Warbler and a

White-crowned Black Wheatear. It was then back to Eilat for a nice beer.

6th February. Prior to breakfast made a quick visit down to North Beach, where there were a few White-eyed

Gulls offshore but little else. In the creek leading to the shore 3 Common Sandpiper, a Ringed Plover and a

Western Reef Egret. Drove up to the Bird Watching Centre. Much as the previous day with the exception of an

early Common Swift over the lake, a singing Cetti’s Warbler and four Caspian Tern at the saltpans.

After breakfast headed up into the Eilat Mountains. The wind had dropped so there were not many raptors moving –

only five adult Steppe Eagles. Decided to give up on the mountains and returned to the Arava Valley. Drove north

and took the track to Amram’s Pillars. As we crossed the desert had a few groups of Desert Lark, a Mourning

Wheatear, a Southern Grey Shrike and a small warbler that was almost certainly a Desert Warbler, which

disappeared into a bush never to be seen again. Up by the pillars another pair of Scrub Warbler, more Desert larks

and White-crowned Wheatears but no rosefinches.

Returned to Eilat so that Dora could do some shopping. In late afternoon I went back out. First checked the fields

north of Eilat but apart from a pair of Little Green Bee-eater, a Water Pipit and some Greenfinch not much else

was seen. Returned to the km19 water treatment works. In the bushes in the surrounding ditches a large group of

sparrows comprised c60 Dead Sea Sparrows, along with some House and Spanish Sparrows. There were also

over 35 Yellow-vented Bulbuls, many of them fly catching, and a White-throated Kingfisher. Birds on the main

lagoon were much as the previous day with the addition of a Purple Heron and some Cattle Egrets. At one stage

the large Feral Pigeon flock was disturbed by a Barbary Falcon. No sign of any sandgrouse coming to drink so

returned to Eilat.

7th February. Our final day. Were packed and on our way north by 0730. First stop was the Ha Meishar plain

where winter rains had resulted in a good growth of vegetation – especially in the area by the monument. Lots of

wheatears including Desert Wheatear, Isabelline Wheatear and Mourning Wheatear. Being a Saturday it was

OK to walk out on to the plain where I located a nice Cream-coloured Courser, then got superb views of four

feeding Pin-tailed Sandgrouse. There was a big flock of feeding Trumpeter Finch and Skylark. In the distance I

scoped two Temminck’s Larks. Finally as I returned to the roadside I joined some Israeli birders watching an

Asian Desert Warbler in a roadside bush. This had been a very productive stop.

Continued on to Mitze Ramon and checked out the football ground. No serins, lots of White Wagtails, a Yellow

Wagtail, a Hoopoe and a few Black Redstarts including a nice ochrurous male. Next stop was the Ben Gurion

monument, but again no serins. Continued on to Tel Aviv and then east to Jerusalem. Tried to find a site where pine

bunting had been reported but the roads were not well marked and scared of getting lost we abandoned our search

and returned back towards Tel Aviv. A brief stop in an open forested area revealed little bar some Meadow Pipits,

Chiffchaffs and our final Palestinian Sunbirds.

Returned to the airport, returned the car having done 2506 km and started the process of checking in for our 1940

Easyjet flight back to Luton. It had been another good trip. Saw 143 different species including two Western

Palearctic lifers.

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