issue 3 - 7 march 2019 bundoora bulletin...2019/03/06  · issue 3 - 7 march 2019 balmoral avenue,...

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Bundoora Bulletin Excellence Respect Co-Operation

Resilience Friendship

Issue 3 - 7 March 2019

Balmoral Avenue, Bundoora 3083 Ph: 9467 2601

Out of School Hours Care: 0499 003 108

From the Principal We’re halfway through Term 1 and it’s fantastic to see that all of our students have settled into their classes well, most certainly comfortable with their classroom processes and school routines. Unfortunately, though, we have a small number of students who are consistently late to school, which is not ideal. Students who are late to school miss the important part of the morning, learning details of their day’s expectations and crucial instructions regarding the tasks of their first sessions. It is imperative for children to learn the many life skills that create good habits, being conscientious and respectfully on time, is one of those life skills. Falling into the trap of regularly being late will not benefit students as they enter high school and, in time, the workforce. Understandably there are obvious obstacles, such as traffic, etc, which can interfere with routines and, as such, lateness can’t be avoided. Where possible, all students should be at school on time and I urge parents and carers to encourage this.

Our Parents & Friends Team met last week for their first meeting to discuss this year’s fundraising events and activities, as well as their goals for 2019. Events this year will include a Bunnings BBQ, Book Fair, Mother’s/Father’s Day stalls, Chocolate Drive, Colour Explosion Run, and our popular Community Welcome BBQ which will be held on Friday 29th March. Information will be sent out shortly with details about the activities, food stalls, and performances that will be organised for the evening. We hope to see as many families attend, so please SAVE the DATE.

Important Information

Our Stage 2 building works will commence on

Friday 5th April (Library, Visual Arts, STEM,

student toilets). School Council has approved

an extraordinary Pupil Free Day on Friday 5th

April, the last day of Term 1, due to

preparations for demolition of Building 2

commencing on this day. The Victorian Schools

Building Authority (VSBA) has requested that

the school premises be ready for asbestos

removal, ahead of Stage 2 of the building

works, as soon as possible. They asked if we

could schedule a Pupil Free Day on Friday 5

April so that they can commence the

process then. School Council has agreed to

this proposal.

The asbestos remove phase impacts on our

OSHC for the Pupil Free Day as well as for

the School Holiday Program. I am delighted

to announce that our OSHC program will

relocate to Bundoora Junior Football Club

in Telfer Reserve for the Pupil Free Day, as

well as the duration of the Term 1 holiday

break. Bookings for the Pupil Free Day and

Holiday Program are essential. All staff will

be involved in planning and professional

development at an off-site location on the

Pupil Free Day. No person is able to be on

the school site when the asbestos removal

process commences. The last day of term

for our students will therefore be

Thursday 4th April with the normal

dismissal time of 3.15pm.

Our new Basketball court has finally been able to be used this week for PE lessons and outside play breaks. The

line marking will be added in approximately four weeks, once the

ground has completely set.

We are hoping to be able to begin using our Hall within the next two

weeks, once the plywood has finished been installed.

We have had confirmation that Stage 2 Building works will begin at the end of this term. This means site fences will be erected in the last few weeks of this term and demolition of part of Building 2 will start during the school

holiday break.

Have a good week! Lee Pollard

Dates to Remember

Friday 8th March Year 5/6 Interschool sports vs Greensborough (away)

Monday 11th March Labour Day Public Holiday (NO School)

Sunday 17th March Arty Farty Festival

Tuesday 19th March Prep 2020 School Tour 9.30am

Wednesday 27th March Prep 2020 School Tour 9.30am

School Council AGM 6.00pm

Friday 29th March Community Welcome BBQ (information to come)

Friday 5th April


OSHC Available – bookings essential

Note: Location Bundoora Junior Football Club, Telfer Reserve 7.00am-6.00pm

School Uniform orders are easily placed online via Orders

will be ready on Monday afternoons

(parents/carers will receive a text advising their order is ready for

collection from our office. All enquiries are to be directed to Leonie 0409 227 110 (business

hours only).

Have you paid your Excursion/Incursion Levy? Payments are made through Compass in either:

$100.00 payment due 4 April 2019; or

$50.00 payment due 4 April and $50.00 payment due 28 June by arrangement at our office.

Pupil of the Week: For the week ending 22 February 2019. Congratulations to the following students:-


5/6T For being an excellent friend to our new students and making them feel welcome! Bixie

5/6N For participating cooperatively during group sessions. Rhys

5/6M For displaying a positive attitude, asking questions and trying your best. David

3/4S For always maintaining positive and friendly relationships with all members of the classroom. Maddie

3/4R For always cooperating and using your initiative. You’re a star! Esther

3/4M For displaying many of the attributes of being a great friend to a new student in our grade. Scott

3/4B For cooperating with all members of the classroom and developing friendships with students you are getting to know. Great job!


1/2S For always doing your very best in all that you do and for being a wonderful friend and role modelling to your classmates.


1/2R For always listening carefully to others and contributing politely to class discussions. Keep up the great work!


1/2N For a fantastic start to the year. Great work helping your peers. Keep it up! Hamish

1/2B Congratulations on being an amazing helper and great friend in the 1/2 area. Well done! Isabelle

Prep T For being such a kind and helpful person, always thinking of how you can help others. Orlando

Prep L For demonstrating excellent listening skills and helping your peers to make positive choices. Charlie

Prep E For being an excellent role model during pack up times. Fantastic! Edwin

STEM For happily cooperating with everyone in the class and applying yourself while doing an experiment. Rufus

Visual Arts For helping the preps enjoy their first Art sessions. For being understanding and offering support to another class member.

Mohammad Zack

Phys. Ed For being a great help with fellow students throughout the start of term. Hamish

Performing Arts For listening, singing, signing, questioning, and playing in such a caring and respectful way. Your kindness is contagious!


Auslan For always participating happily and enthusiastically. Your Auslan is fantastic! Zoe

Wellbeing Award For displaying good friendship qualities, including showing empathy, being non-judgemental and supportive of others. Well done!


Apologies for not having photos available from Star of the Week or Assembly from this week.

Well done to all the students who competed in the District Swimming

Carnival yesterday at Watermarc. We are so proud of you for coming this far!

Pupil of the Week: For the week ending 1st March 2019. Congratulations to the following students:-


5/6T For being an excellent role model to your buddy and displaying our school values at all times. Molly

5/6N For being a super helpful and cooperative student with our new student. Jun

5/6M For always giving 100% to achieve your best. You have an amazing attitude. Well done! Savannah

3/4S For being a cooperative member of our team, using your initiative to help others. Siddhant

3/4R For demonstrating great friendship and cooperation towards your peers and using your initiative in class.


3/4M For displaying many aspects of great cooperation when working within a small group. Alena

3/4B For being an excellent role model to your peers with your efforts in keeping our classroom organised. Brandon

1/2S For all your efforts and concentration with your school work. You are a great friend to all your 1/2 classmates. For being kind and thoughtful. You are always thinking of others and how you can brighten up their day. You are a wonderful and valued member of 1/2S.

Ashton Tanish

1/2R For being an amazing class member, who models great learning, effort and behaviour to all in the class


1/2N For working well during reading groups. You have been a fantastic helper for your classmates. Well done!


1/2B You are a great friend, helper and always think about others. Well done! Xavier

Prep T For stepping out of your comfort zone and making new friends with students from other classes. Well done!


Prep L For putting in an excellent effort with your work. Cooper

Prep E For always listening to instructions. Fantastic! Tyson

STEM For cooperating with your friends to build a tower and thinking outside the box to solve problems. Jawad

Visual Arts For your attitude to your work and the way you relate to others. Talia

Phys. Ed For a great start to the year. You have been a fantastic helper and friend to your classmates. Addison

Performing Arts For cooperating so well together during drumming and keyboard songs. What a helpful, friendly and very musical team you both make!

Ella and Maddie

Auslan For the kind way you constantly help others with their signs. Amelijah

EAL For being very kind, thoughtful and helpful to your classmates and teacher. Way to go! Lok

Happy Birthday!

Congratulations Stars of the Week!

The eSafety Commission has published advice, which we endourse:

Statement: eSafety advice on the Momo Challenge

Media release |March 01 2019

It is very concerning when young people have been exposed to any content that scares them or plays on their emotions, like those reported via the Momo Challenge. Although it has now been widely reported and exposed as a viral hoax, the Momo Challenge is not the first, nor will it be the last, online “challenge” or phenomenon to target our children with potentially harmful consequences.

Our research shows 81% of parents hand their child an internet-connected device by the age of 4, so active parental engagement and oversight of a child’s online activities is critical from the start, to help ensure they are prepared for what they may encounter. As young people often do not have the maturity or judgement to cope with confronting content online, it’s important to guide and instil critical reasoning skills, so they are aware that not everything they see or receive online is real.

We encourage parents to co-view, co-play, ask questions about the games and apps they are using, and let them know you are there to support them if they are upset or uncomfortable about anything they see online.

Five top tips to help limit your child’s exposure to harmful content online:

Engage in your child’s online activities – ask what apps, sites and games they’re using and make sure they’re age-appropriate

Use parental controls on devices to help limit what your child is exposed to Let them know not everything they see online is real or true. Help them report and block upsetting content they see on social media sites or apps. Let them know they can come to you about anything upsetting they see online, and contact Kids Helpline if they

need further support.

Parents who are concerned their child may be susceptible to self-harm should be aware of the signs to look out for and know where to go for help – see more info here:

Parents can visit for information and advice on keep your child safe online.

Concord Playgroup - Half price term fees

Half price term fees now available at Concord Playgroup in Bundoora – only $35 for full fee / $30 for concession – per family. There are still six weeks of term left so come along and join in the fun for less than $5 per family per session (we are open during the school holidays).

Concord Playgroup is a happy and welcoming place for kids and parents / carers alike to have fun, learn and play. We have spacious indoor and fenced outdoor play spaces and loads of age appropriate toys and equipment for children aged from birth to six years old. We have lots of sessions running throughout the week so we are sure to find one that suits you and your family. Text our Enrolments Officer on 0490 439 267 or email to sign up.

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