issue 35 - calling - (11 november 2010)

Post on 22-Mar-2016






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Over the last week there have been a number of significant events for the College. Last Friday evening, the 2010 Celebration of Excellence was held in the Callan Centre.


Dear Members of the St Patrick’s Family, Over the last week there have been a number of significant events for the College. Last Friday evening, the 2010 Celebration of Excellence was held in the Callan Centre. It was an excellent evening where the pride, passion and talent that exists with the St. Patrick’s College Community was there to see. My thanks to Mr Hawkins, Mr Samuels, Mr Miers and the large number of people who were involved with the organisation and coordination of the night. I also wish to congratulate the young men who spoke on Friday night, Tom Bartsch and Brodie Zeller. Their courage, passion and expert delivery was outstanding. The Callan Centre was full and I thank all for their presence and support. On Monday, the College Community had the opportunity to farewell and thank the Year 12 students. They have had an outstanding year under very difficult conditions. Yet despite this challenge, as a group they formed the “Band of Brothers” and journeyed the year together. I thank the College Leaders—Brodie, Jordan and Lachlan for their outstanding leadership and wish all the Year 12 cohort the very best in their future journey. Recently, Michael Wallace, Year 10, participated in the National Youth Ambassador for Health Research Competition. Michael penned an essay titled “Innovation as a Function of Survival”. The essay was an outstanding piece of writing and as a result Michael was selected as the National winner for this competition. This is an outstanding achievement and Michael should be congratulated. Michael travels to Sydney later this month to collect his award, which amongst other things includes an IPad. Well done Michael. As the end of the year rapidly approaches it is an appropriate time to remind parents that assignments and exams are well under way. It is imperative that all students are focussing on their school work, ensuring assignments are completed on time and exam study and revision is underway. A great deal of effort is put into many activities at St. Patrick’s College but is is imperative that our primary focus remains on education, especially at this stage of the year. I am fully aware that it is not always easy but as parents we must both support and challenge our children to maintain a strong focus on their studies. Finally this week, a reminder the College is hosting the Ashes Dinner on Saturday 20 November. This will be a great night so come along and help raise money for the cricket program. Tickets may be booked at the College Office. Have a great week. God Bless Dr Michael Carroll College Principal

11 November 2010 No. 35

Celia Lashlie CD’s $20-00

Please contact the Main Office on 3631 9000 to book a copy

by the 12 November


Frank Torrisi

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Celebration of Excellence: Thank you to all the staff and students involved in the Celebration of Excellence held last Friday. It was a wonderful celebration of all the great things that have formed SPC in 2010. Congratulation to all award recipients. The hard work and dedication to all aspects of College life paid off. Well done, everyone. Yr 12 Farewell – It was an emotional farewell to our Year 12s on Monday. Thank you to the 300 parents, grandparents and siblings who came to help celebrate the farewell of the Year 12s. It was a very positive sign of support. Exam Block Privileges: All students in Years 10 and 11 will commence what is known as block exams in a weeks time. This allows boys to stay home when they do not have an exam. This time should be used in a productive way that will assist them to achieve the best possible results. It is definitely not a time to get extra hours at their part time jobs. The library is available for those students who wish to study at school. Some items that need to be reinforced are:

Block Exams is a privilege not a right. All normal school rules apply. Students must attend school in full school

uniform, even if they are only coming to school for a short period of time.

Students are not permitted to leave the school grounds for any reason during the day if they are at school for the whole day.

IPods and Mobile phone are not permitted to be used on the school grounds.

House Transfers: Students who are moving into the three new Houses in 2011 will receive an exchange sports shirt (1 only) when they hand over their existing sports shirt. To assist in this process Julie Bowden in the Uniform Shop has requested that students visit the Uniform shop and inform them of their shirt size for 2011. End of Semester – With only three weeks left in the school year for Years 5 to 11, it is extremely important that every student is very clear as to what assessment he has due. Parents can help their son by

ensuring they have all the little things correctly done and are aware of their assessment requirements. The main focus for three weeks should clearly be on doing our very best. Exit Procedures for Years 10 and 11: All students in Year 10 and 11 will be required to complete a form before they have the privilege of Block exams. The form will be required to be signed off by various staff members. Library books by Library Staff, Lockers and Locks by House Deans, Assessment by Mr Campbell and incomplete duties/detentions by Mr Torrisi. The form has been developed to make students accountable and serves as a check that your son has completed all his duties at school. Lost Property—We have a lot of lost property in the Student Office. If your son has misplaced any items throughout the year could you please come in and check as soon as possible as all uniform items will be sent to the uniform shop to be resold if not claimed by the end of the year.


Chris Campbell



Mon B 22 Nov Per 1-2 Science Per 3-4 (5) Maths Per 3-4 (5) Ext Maths

8.50 CC Cr Maths 8.50 CC Ext Maths (1)

8.30 E209 Chemistry 11.40 S2G1/2 Graphics 2.00 D0C5-6 Cert I/II in IT

Tue B 23 Nov (No Assembly) Per 3-4 Maths

(No Assembly) Per 3-4 Science

12.00 CC Shop A Th

8.50 CC Maths A 8.50 CC Maths B 12.00 CC IPT 12.00 S1W1 11B Furn

Wed B 24 Nov 8.40 CC Ext Maths (2) 12.30 O210 Indone-sian Reading

8.40 CC SoR 10.50 CC Mar St 1.10 CC Leg St

Thu B 25 Nov Per 4-5 Shop B Th

8.50 S2G1/2 Graphics 12.00 CC Geog 12.00 CC SoSE

8.40 CC PE 11.00 CC History 11.00 S1M1 11A Engi-neering 1.20 CC Geog 1.20 CC MultiStrand

Fri B 26 Nov 8.50 CC Shop B Th 8.50 CC Maths C 8.50 C201 Music 8.50 S1M1 11B Engin 12.00 S2C1 Accounting 12.00 S1W1 11A Furn

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STUDIES CONT’D In recent weeks I have written about the exciting progress in the College’s implementation of information technology. Schools have certainly moved with the times and at St. Patrick’s we are looking forward to the continued involvement of our boys in today’s digital world.

It is interesting to reflect on how things have changed since I was at school. I may be showing my age but my first experience of a computer was in a leisure arcade where for twenty cents you could play ping pong on a video machine against an opponent. We would each have a control (not a remote control, but a dial attached to the machine) which controlled a white line at both edges of the screen. This was the ping pong bat and when you turned the dial it moved in a straight line up and down. The only other image visible on the screen was a white circle. This was the ball. It would bounce off the bottom and head to the edge of the screen. The idea was to move the dial so the bat would block the ball. If successful the ball would bounce at the bottom of the screen then head towards your opponent. If he missed it with his bat you scored a point. This was a 1970’s version of a computer game. When you ran out of twenty cent pieces the fun was over.

Today we no longer need to head to leisure arcades. Games can be bought and installed on home computers. This is further evidence of the technologically advanced world in which our children live. But, is this availability of programming, designed solely for the purpose of leisure a positive or a negative?

My concern is that is is a negative and the consequences of spending hours upon hours playing today’s advance computer games are in most cases counter productive to your son’s education.

The most obvious reason for this is the obsessive nature of the games. Many parents speak to me about the battle that often results in trying to drag boys away from the game and utilize the computer for homework or assignment research. I am increasingly concerned about the growing number of students who come to school after only a few hours sleep, because they have been either on social network sites or playing games. There is no way these boys are able to concentrate on their class work throughout the day. Not only this, but spending lengthy periods using the computer as a means of entertainment can only mean that homework is either poorly done or not done at all.

The second concern is the premise on which these games are constructed. Your

sons, when playing, are immersed in a series of visually spectacular, ever changing, colourful images. The problem here is that our young people are being conditioned to respond only to images which are fast moving and constantly changing. To go from this to sitting for two hours reading internet sites or a research book so that a student can compile a one thousand word History, Science or English assignment is almost impossible. I would contend that many of today’s young people are losing the capacity to sit still and concentrate on one task for an extended period of time.

So, when boys are complaining that they can’t understand the work or can’t follow the unit, perhaps the reason is a lot closer to home than we realize.

Although the talk this week was very much “on the grapevine” I was concerned about stories of our students not only taking possession of the latest version of the computer game “Call of Duty” (COD), but that boys had been waiting at stores at midnight so they could buy the game straight away. From this I am led to believe some boys went home and played the game till morning, then took the day off school.

Ultimately what decisions a family makes are their business. However, we need to be realistic. Most of life is a matter of choice. If boys choose to be out that late on a school night and subsequently spend large amounts of time playing computer games such as COD in the middle of end of year exams, then it is a reasonable assumption that student achievement will be compromised.

Dr Michael Carr-Gregg, when speaking about boys’ education, is a firm believer that computers should not be allowed in students’ bedrooms. I would guess that most homes now have PC’s in all the kids’ rooms, so the challenge becomes how to monitor what they are used for.

Technology is a tremendous component of contemporary society. In many ways, the more it improves the better it is for all of us. Nevertheless, it does have a down side, the most prominent being that continued use must ultimately have an impact on the ability of our students to maximize their potential and achieve their best results.

We look forward to our increased use of technology, from 2011. My challenge for both school and home, is not to allow the technology to become an end in itself. Our objective should be to use it as a tool, to promote learning, a sophisticated level of thinking and reasoning and as a result, academic success.


Monday afternoon, 8 November, St Patrick’s was privileged to watch a cultural performance presented by the Indonesian students involved in the Australia Indonesian Youth Exchange Program (AIYEP). This program, supported by the Australia Indonesia Institute and the Federal Government, runs each year moving between the Australian states and this year is Queensland’s turn. Participants are usually aged between 21 – 25 and come from many occupational fields including accountants, engineers and teachers. The students in Years 5 – 8 and selected students in Years 9 – 11 watched the hour long presentation. There was a display of the provincial dress from each of the areas, songs, dances and games. Many of the St. Pat’s students watching in amazement at one particular dance that involved body percussion and a rolling beach wave. This was a great opportunity for the students to see Indonesian in action. Voc Ed Departments: Every year at this time, staff and students in the Vocational Education Department spend quite a bit of time discussing “Where to from here?” Students complete a Destination Survey which indicates their anticipated directions after school and the steps that they are about to take to set off on that journey. Many students have a very clear idea about where they are headed and how they are going to get there. In other words, their strategy is well planned. But, as I have often discussed with my classes, a strategy is not complete without a fallback plan. What happens if this does not work out? What if that promised apprenticeship falls through? This can happen for many reasons, over which the effected student has no control at all, but the outcome remains that the intended “Plan A” cannot be put into effect. What now? Also, there remains a group of young men who still have no firm plans for 2011. For them, the question “Where to from here?” has some special pertinence. A number of avenues are open for consideration.

1. T.A.F.E. Pre-vocational Courses If a student has decided which trade he would like to work in but has not as yet secured an apprenticeship, the Pre-Vocational Course is a good option. This course is often around six months long and covers the technical aspects of beginning in that trade. Many tradespeople look to recruit new apprentices out of these courses, and in

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STUDIES CONT’D many cases, successful completion of this course is a requirement for employment in certain trades. Contact your local T.A.F.E. College for details.

2. Group Training Organisations Group Training Organisations sign up a large number of apprentices each year. How they work is the apprentice is sign to the company as the employer, and the company then is responsible for the apprentice’s training, salary and conditions, etc. The company places apprentices with tradesmen who pay a fee to the Group Training Company for providing them with the apprentice. This costs the apprentice nothing, and is a means of starting the apprentice in the workforce. Many such Group Training Organisations exist, and the College has had dealings with MIGAS, BIGA, Alltrades and Eastcoast amongst others.

Also, there are students who are not

trades oriented, but are looking for other employment avenues or Traineeships. One helpful suggestion is to look at the Public Sector. Commonwealth, State and Local Government agencies (departments) are amongst our largest employers and trainers of young people and they offer a very wide range of employment options and opportunities. Check websites for contact details and application processes. Finally, many people look down their noses at the fast food industry but the fact remains that this industry is one of the largest employers of young workers around the world, and the industry is growing. What is not as well known is that this industry also offers a significant number of Traineeships which result in T.A.F.E. qualifications, free of charge, to employees. These can range from Certificate II and III level courses to Diploma level qualifications. There is no obligation on the Trainee to remain with the company for any period after

completion of the training, but promotional opportunities within the franchise group are open to staff who complete these courses. Many young people take these jobs, earn some money, gain some skills, experience and a qualification, and use this to make their resume a little more marketable. A well known fact is that many young people use the skills and experience gained in the fast food industry as a “stepping stone” into other industries. “It is easier to get a job, if you already have a job.” I trust that these few hints might prove helpful, and please do not hesitate to contact me if I can help in any way. My office number is 3631 9072. Best wishes, and good luck with the job hunting. Phil Webb Head of Department, Vocational Education and Careers


This time of year is of course the season for celebrations, for farewells, and for the sharing of memories. As Year 12s come to the end of their journey at school, their departure from the gates is ritualised in various ways. On Monday of this week, the Senior Farewell Assembly took place in the Callan Centre, and the community – staff, students and parents – marked the occasion in numbers and in voice. As Brodie symbolically passed the College Captain’s tie over to his successor in Giles, another stage of 2010 was brought to a close. As a community though, it was perhaps last Friday night which for me effectively captured the year that has been. Immediately after the Celebration of Excellence concluded and people were leaving the Callan Centre, a parent approached me and said, “Matt, what a great night! It was so much more than just an Awards Night!” And I agreed with her. It was indeed more than that. Yes, we recognised many, many students in our community who have achieved excellence this year, particularly in the academic field, but I think we also recognised that

St Patrick’s offers far more than an excellent education in the traditional sense of the phrase. The theme of the night was an Edmund Rice quotation: “Have courage; the good seed will grow up in the children’s hearts later on.” And through following one young man’s St Patrick’s journey, we saw the proof of Edmund’s words. As Year 12 student Thomas Bartsch reflected upon his time at the College in our Opening Reflection, he was joined by the Year 5 choir and their rendition of “From Little Things Big Things Grow”. Tom continued to share elements of his story throughout the night, and continued the metaphor of growth by sharing his highlights and difficult times. Tom’s story is the College story – full of great times and achievements, as well as really tough times where support was needed and given. His story was simply full of life and humanity, and he articulated what a community like St Patrick’s can offer – he said at one point, “To the outside world, St Pat’s is just a school, but to the students here, St Pat’s is just the world.” Few present will forget the passion and

emotion contained in the words of those whom spoke on Friday night – from Tom’s sharing of his own journey, to Dr Carroll’s reflection of the year with a poetic finish, to our 2010 College Captain’s address. I thought Brodie’s words were mature, articulate and heart-felt, and it was a pleasure to be witness to his reflection of 2010. When the night concluded with the Year 12 choir belting out a passionate rendition of “The Call”, there was seemingly a communal recognition of the special nature of this place and this time. Yes, as that parent said to me, Friday night was “so much more than just an Awards Night”. Why? Simply because St Patrick’s is so much more than just a school. Just ask the boys who leave our gates for the last time next week.

Matt Hawkins

Mark Mewburn

“Talking Sexual Health” is a booklet distributed to schools by the Australian Parents Council and The Australian Council of State School Organizations. It is a Parents’ Guide to handling conversations with their children. They are free of charge. Contact me if you want a copy and I will mail one out to you. Families going through Separation/Divorce will experience a wide range of

difficulties & emotions both positive and negative. The federal government has put out 2 useful resources:

A Kid’s Guide to Changing Families (a game on CD-ROM) that is suitable ages 8-12

Our Family’s Changes (an activity book) that is suitable ages 5-7 If you are interested in getting a copy, please let me know.

Coming Careers Events

20th Nov - UQ Bay Fest at Moreton Bay – 10-3pm - 34099058

20th Dec – UQ Options Evening – St Lucia Campus

21st Dec – Real Decisions at QUT – Garden’s Point campus – 10 – 2pm


David Gardiner

Page 5

Congratulations to all our students who received an award at last week’s Celebration of Excellence. It was great to see the Callan Centre packed to see 272 boys receive their award. The night also involved some wonderful performances from our bands, the Theatre sports team,

and memorable speeches from Brodie Zeller and Tom Bartsch. I would like to thank and congratulate the team who prepared the evening – Mr Matt Hawkins, Mr Geoff Samuels, Ms Janet Garside, Mr Mark Ellison, Ms Marthy Watson and Mr Andrew Will. The time and expertise they

put into preparing the program shone through on the night. I would like to particularly congratulate the Special Award winners:-

The Jackman Family AwardThe Jackman Family Award

Captain of the College Captain of the College

Brodie Zeller

Vice Captains of the CollegeVice Captains of the College

Lachlan Ryan and Jordan Sullivan

Global Meritorious Achievement in Year 5Global Meritorious Achievement in Year 5

David Fitzpatrick, James Nott, Jack Pashley

Global Meritorious Achievement in Year 6Global Meritorious Achievement in Year 6

Luca Kortyka

Global Meritorious Achievement in YearGlobal Meritorious Achievement in Year 77

Jacob Lawrence

The Rotary Award The Rotary Award For Best All Rounder For Best All Rounder

Years 5Years 5--77

Luke Squire

The Arcodia Award The Arcodia Award For Global Meritorious For Global Meritorious

Achievement in Year 8Achievement in Year 8

Alex Kallenbach

Mazlin’s Mensland Award Mazlin’s Mensland Award For Global Meritorious For Global Meritorious Achievement in Year 9Achievement in Year 9

Christian Rizzalli

The Chris Morris Memorial Award The Chris Morris Memorial Award For Self For Self

Improvement in Year 10Improvement in Year 10

Mitchell McIntosh

The Caltex Award The Caltex Award For Global Meritorious For Global Meritorious

Achievement in Year 10Achievement in Year 10

Ricardo Thomas, Michael Wallace

The Quota Award The Quota Award For Global Meritorious Achieve-For Global Meritorious Achieve-ment in Year 11ment in Year 11

Christian Corias

The McGreevey Family Award The McGreevey Family Award For Service to the For Service to the

College by a StudentCollege by a Student

Thymon Venter

The Senior Award for DiligenceThe Senior Award for Diligence

Caden Samuels

John Kennedy ShieldJohn Kennedy Shield For House ChampionFor House Champion

Ryan House

Hezekiah Shepherd Memorial Award Gift of Joyce and Hezekiah Shepherd Memorial Award Gift of Joyce and Stafford Shepherd Snr For Global Meritorious Stafford Shepherd Snr For Global Meritorious Achievement in Year 12Achievement in Year 12 Daniel Row

Director of Sport Award Director of Sport Award For College Sports For College Sports Administrator of the YearAdministrator of the Year Br Pritchard

Outstanding Performance in Sport in 2010Outstanding Performance in Sport in 2010 Ty Collins

Junior Sportsman of the YearJunior Sportsman of the Year Adam Edgar, Marcus Ferguson

Senior Sportsman of the YearSenior Sportsman of the Year Cameron Myers

Herbert Family Award Herbert Family Award For Junior Cultural For Junior Cultural ExcellenceExcellence William Sked

Patrick Wright Award Patrick Wright Award For Senior Cultural For Senior Cultural ExcellenceExcellence Samuel Mego The Vicky Darling MP Award The Vicky Darling MP Award Trainee of the YearTrainee of the Year Jacob Hansford

P & F Edmund Rice Community AwardP & F Edmund Rice Community Award Lachlan Ryan

The Certa Certamen Bonum Award The Certa Certamen Bonum Award for Outstanding for Outstanding Service to the College CommunityService to the College Community Mrs Diane Hamill Sharon Donaghue Memorial Trophy Sharon Donaghue Memorial Trophy VET Student of VET Student of the Yearthe Year Tory Ogden

Pellegrini Award Pellegrini Award –– Dux of the CollegeDux of the College Luke Reynolds

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DIRECTOR OF SPORT—LUKE DONATINI Congratulations on Recent Success

SPC Golfers: Daniel Stringfellow, Nathan McGrath Burgess, Eric Secondes, Reimon Raukete, Clinton Greenhalgh – On Sunday 31 October the mentioned students represented St Patrick’s College at the annual AIC Belharry Golf Championship. Overall St Patrick’s placed 5th on the day. Daniel Stringfellow – at the recent 2010 AIC Belharry Golf Championship, Daniel finished the day in first place was named as AIC champion Golfer for 2010. Congratulations Daniel on winning this event in 2010.

SPC Cricket Coaches We are calling for anyone within the St Patrick’s community who is interested and wishing to coach cricket for our College in 2011 to contact our Ryan Schultz (SPC Coaching Administrator) and pass on the following information:

Name Contact details (phone numbers, e-mail address etc) Cricket Coaching Experience Coaching year level preference Blue Card Details (If you have one. If you do not we can arrange for your application)

Shirt size All interested coaches can send the above information to: Mr Ryan Schultz – Ryan can be contacted on 3631 9045 during College office hours.

SPC CIC and AIC 2011 Cricket Sign On

The sign on for all 2011 CIC Cricket and AIC Cricket was held last week at various lunchtimes. Should any student have missed this sign on, they are to see Mr Ryan Schultz to

register their name and have it added to the list.

All students wishing to play cricket for St Patrick’s College in 2011 are asked to sign on so that number of teams for 2011 can be established.

St. Patrick’s Swimming in Season 2010/2011 Swimming training has commenced for 2010/11 and already we are having large numbers of boys training very hard to drop their times and get the most out of their swimming. Whether you are an elite swimmer looking to train with some of Australia’s and the world’s best coaches in Ken Wood and his staff, or just someone who is looking to improve their fitness, please come down and get involved. Swimming times for Term 4 are as follows: TUESDAY (SANDGATE POOL): 6:15am – 7:30am WEDNESDAY (REDCLIFFE POOL, SYDNEY ST REDCLIFFE): 5:45am – 7:30am THURSDAY (REDCLIFFE POOL, SYDNEY ST REDCLIFFE): 3:45pm – 5:00pm There will be buses to take the boys to school after morning training and a bus take the boys to Thursday afternoon training at Redcliffe. Parents will need to drop the boys off to morning training and pick up after Thursday training. Could all boys please wear their St. Pat’s swim caps and bring swim fins if they have them. The College has purchased a lim-ited supply of fins for the boys but we will run out, particularly in the bigger sizes. If any boys are interested in becoming involved with extra training, or holiday training at Redcliffe, please see me or contact the ladies at the pool during training. There are a range of squads and lessons available ranging from stroke correction and technique work, right through to elite national training squads. The coaching here is the best available. The swim camp this year runs from Sunday the 9th of January until Wednesday the 12th of January and is at the Gold Coast Sports Super Centre, Runaway Bay. The cost for the 4 days is $300.00. This includes all meals, use of state of the art training facilities and accommodation. The cost has risen this year due to the Sports Super Centre increasing their prices. Over the course of the 4 days, the boys will be training up to 3 sessions per day, plus engaging in a mini-lifesaving carnival, trips to the beach and the movies. Every year places fill very fast for the camp, so if interested please contact Ms Donna Day at the front office as soon as possible. Letters are available at the Student Office for collection.



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2010/2011 CIC and AIC Cricket Pre Season All students that have recently signed on for the 2010/2011 CIC and AIC seasons are encouraged to attend the Term 4 Cricket Pre Season Program. Each age group will only train on one day per week. Students will train in the year levels/ age groups they are currently in for 2010. This is including new students coming into the College next year. It is recommended that all cricketers signed up for next years season turn up for these sessions.


Week Skill Monday Tuesday Wednesday

1st Nov 3:30pm – 4:30pm

Ball Handling, Catching and Throwing

2010 Under 13, 2010 Year5, 2011 Year 5

2010 Under 14 and 2010 Year 6

2010 Under 15 2010 Year 7, 2011 Under 13

8th Nov 3:30pm – 4:30pm

Bowling 2010 Under 13, 2010 Year 5, 2011 Year 5

2010 Under 14 and 2010 Year 6

2010 Under 15, 2010 Year 7, 2011 Under 13

15th Nov 3:30pm – 4:30pm

Batting 2010 Under 13 2010 Year 5, 2011 Year 5

2010 Under 14 and 2010 Year 6

2010 Under 15, 2010 Year 7, 2011 Under 13

Following the Term 4 Pre Season Block cricketers will start training the first week back at school in Term 1 of 2011. Cricketers will train with the age group and team two times a week at Curlew Park from 3:30pm – 5:00pm. A training schedule for these sessions will be provided at a later date.

FIRST XV Squad Holiday Schedule

Block Two: Summer Holidays 29th Nov 2010 – 24th Janurary 2011 8 weeks First Three Weeks of Holidays, Last Three Weeks of Holidays Whole Squad (anyone that has signed on)

Strength, Anaerobic and Aerobic Testing (end of Term 4 and end of Holidays)

Strength Sessions ( with provided holiday programs)

Wednesday Strength and Conditioning Session 6:30am Back Oval

Friday Morning Compulsory Skills Session 6:30am Curlew Park

It is expected that some squad members will not be able to make some of the above sessions so it is im-perative that they inform myself on 0402600892 or at These sessions are very important to maintain and progress all the hard work put in during Term 4.


Page 8

Uniform Shop SHIRTS FOR EXISTING STUDENTS GOING INTO NEW HOUSES – These orders should have been completed by now if a shirt is required for the start of next year. WATER BOTTLES FOR NEW HOUSES now available for $6. HELP NEEDED BACK TO SCHOOL TRADING 9am – 2pm 12 TO 22 JANUARY 2011 – If you think you may be able to help next year please let me know at the shop or phone 36319055. I always confirm the week before trading starts as circumstances may change. THANKYOU to the ladies who have volunteered for Saturday 20/11 9am-2pm. SCIENTIFIC CALCULATOR FOR YEARS 7 & 8 & CORE MATHS STUDENTS available from the shop for $27. Last trading day for this year Thurs 25 November. Trading Hours term time Tues 12-4pm, Wed 10am-2pm, Thurs 7.30-11.30am.

RESOURCE CENTRE Therearelessthanthreeweekstoendofterm.AlllibraryresourcesareduebackNOLATERthan19thNovember.Therearealargenumberofresourcesstilloutstandingor“missing”.Pleasehavea“mothers’look”athometocheckyouhavenothingoverdueorifyouareunsureofyourborrowingspopintotheResourceCentreandtheladieswillbeabletohelpyou.Booksareveryexpensivetoreplaceandanyoutstandingbooksattheendoftheyearwillbeaddedtoyourschoolfees.(NooneneedsthisexpenseatChristmas).Noquestionswillbeasked–justplacebooksintoreturnbox.Happyhunting!


TI-nspire CAS Texas Instruments calculator for students in Maths B and C, used one term only, $150 CASH. Computer cable, all booklets and DVD present. Calculator was purchased for $200 in January 2010 at St Patrick’s uniform shop. Please contact Nola Pedersen on 3261 5175 or 0416 091 904.


There will be a meeting on next Wednesday 17 November Commencing at 7.30pm in the Boardroom



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Sport Support Group Our AGM took place on Monday 8th November, 2010. Cameron Herpich thanked the outgoing 2010 office bearers, especially the Canteen, Curlew Park & Callan Centre, mothers, and stepped down as Chairman for the elections. We thanked him. Elections of office bearers were held and Cameron Herpich accepted the position of Chairman, Terry McMahon the position of Vice Chairman, David Row the position of Treasurer, Br Chris Pritchard the position of Secretary, Theresa Duke, Noelene Jones, Anne Newton & Kerri Taylor the position of Canteen Convenors, and Terry McMahon & Anthony Teeuwsen the Curlew Park BBQ Convenor. Sincere thanks to these office bearers for 2011. The St Patrick’s College Sport Support Group works tirelessly for the good of our young sportsmen and the improvement of their facilities to better their enjoyment and success in their chosen sports. This is a special invitation to all those good parents who do well in supporting your son/s in various sports offered by St Patrick’s to come and be part of a dynamic Group that tries to make a solid difference, and succeeds. Our next meeting is on Monday the 1st February, 2011. Thanks! Br Chris Pritchard Secretary

Lost Property Hat embroidered with name ‘D. Lucas’ Spray Jacket embroidered with name ‘Weekes’ Spray Jacket with name Patrick Squire Blue Esky with a Thermos Flask inside Spray Jacket embroidered with name ‘Wieland’ Hat embroidered with ‘E. Harvey’ Spray Jacket embroidered with name “Turk’ Grey Pullover size 16 with name ‘Browning’ on the label Lost BMX Bike Helmut Grey Pullover with name Steven Pettigrew on tag Grey Adidas drawstring bag with Smash Pencil Case, Diary and Glasses belonging to Tyler Caruana TI-30XB Calculator belonging to Robert Peredo Yr 8 Lost Basketball singlet lent to a Year 9 or 10 student at the Ipswich game. Hat embroidered with ‘R. Browning’


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Tuesday Morn BBQ— Decker Park, Sandgate

7.25 am—9.00 am

Thursday Morning BBQ —Humpybong School 7. 30 am—9.00 am

Thursday Evening Street Van —Brisbane City

5.00 pm—8.45 pm

Saturday Night BBQ—Sandgate Rotunda

5.45 pm—8.30 pm

Tuesday, 16 November Josh Smith, Matt Braithwaite

Thursday, 18 November Josh Smith, Matt Braithwaite

Thursday, 18 November Allan Shadbolt, Mark Winsen,

Dan Greentree

Saturday, 13 November TBA

Please Note: If you cannot fulfil your commitment to take part in these service programs, please advise Mr Ellison ASAP.

The Paddies Van is Proudly Sponsored by:-

Thank you to all Volunteers who have helped out in the Tuckshop this year. Please call me to confirm your days for next year, and to any new Parents who would like to join us, for a fun day, with great company and new friends, please phone Demetria on 3631 9050.

Look forward to seeing you all in 2011.

Date  Helpers 

Fri          12/11  Susan Mobbs, Sue Fuhrmeister, Trisha Willis, Carolyn Harmen 

Mon      15/11  Madonna Hoelscher, Victoria Su on, Colleen Whyte 

Tue        16/11  Theresa Browning, Gina Macpherson, Margaret Webb 

Wed      17/11  Noelene Jones, Vicki Tanzer, Jodi Wright, Bonnie Flaherty 

Thu        18/11  Suzanne Brough, Liz Turner, Cheryl Keasley, Cheryl Jahnke 

Fri          19/11  Nola Pedersen, Trisha Fitzpatrick, Jenny Evans 

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Page 12

Kennedy House Seniors Farewell

2010 has been a challenging year for St Patrick’s. Though the struggles of the beginning of this year clearly took its toll on the community as events unfolded, a few things reaffirmed my belief that there is no other place in the world I would rather be teaching. One of those things that galvanised my love for our school is that the strength of the Leadership Team at Patties is without peer. I don’t just mean the College Leadership Team led by Dr Carroll. I am talking about the other leadership team integral to the running of our school – the Year 12 cohort, and in particular the Kennedy Seniors. In my short life of being a House Dean, I have never been so impressed by the amazing life which was breathed back into the community by such a passionate group of young men. Initially I saw heads drop and questions being asked like “Why Us? Why our year” but as the dust started to settle on a tragic start to the year, I saw a willingness to defy adversity, conviction to overcome misfortune and a confidence and fervour in rolling up sleeves and tackling difficulty head on. This resilience and ultimate defiance of the hardships of the start of the year blossomed into what has become the finest group of seniors I have worked with as a team. It is something that the Pastoral Team work tirelessly to try and instil in every student at St. Pat’s to prepare them for life, which we all know is not always fair. I have coached many a football team over the years and stared down the barrel of many seemingly impossible wins. I have sought to invoke inspiration with rousing pep talks hoping to galvanise various groups into growing an extra arm or leg to rise to a challenge. And I have occasionally had success in beating the odds with an underdog group through motivating them with abundance of self belief. But I can truthfully say that I can’t take all the credit for what has happened this year with this group. The courage you have shown, the way you have picked yourselves up and risen to the challenge by leading the House in the way you have, without too much direction from me, has made your year successful beyond belief. Do not be disappointed by little things like being pipped at the post in the race for the House Shield, or coming fourth in House Choir despite our most amazing performance to date. Instead look back with pride on your accomplishments. Through your actions you have made every young man in Kennedy House prouder and more committed than he ever has been before – so much so that I had a very tough job getting them to move to the new Houses. You didn’t have to drag them kicking and screaming to House events like others had in the past, but rather you set an example that made students in other Houses take notice, you made them believe in themselves and in Kennedy House. To my House Leaders – Kurt, Craig, Tim and Lachlan, thank you from the bottom of my heart for all of your energy and enthusiasm. You have been an inspiration to me throughout a year which has been the most demanding of my entire career. The way you have fulfilled your role has been superlative and I will miss you immensely now that you have gone, I will forever remember your incredible contributions. To the Kennedy Seniors as a group – you have all been House Leaders in my eyes. The best batch yet. Your legacy is a House brimming with pride and spirit which I am sure will endure for many years to come. Farewell and Good Luck. Mr John Tucker Kennedy House Dean





Page 13

November 12

Year 12 Exam Block

November 15

Year 12 Exam Block / Year 9 Shop A Test

November 16

Year 12 Exam Block

November 17

Year 12 Exam Block / Year 9 Business Studies Test

November 18

Year 12 Graduation / Year 9 Graphics Test

November 19

Year 7 Retreat / Year 9 Core A Expo

November 22

Year 10-11 Exam Block / Year 8 Science Exam / Year 9 Maths/Adv Maths Exam

November 23

Year 10-11 Exam Block / Year 8 Maths and Year 9 Science Exams

November 24

Year 10-11 Exam Block

November 25

Year 10-11 Exam Block / Year 9 Shop B Theory Test

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