issue number 18 -

Post on 13-Nov-2021






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Summer Term 2014

School Website Address:

This newsletter celebrates school events and trips that have taken place and this summer term has

been busy

Two new members have been welcomed onto our Governing body. There are a total of 12

Governors: 2 parents, 1 Head, 1 staff, 1 LEA, and 7 Co-opted. The two new parent Governors are:

Mrs Lisa Crankshaw and Mr Peter Toft. Thank you both for volunteering.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a special thank you to the Parents’ Association, their

Chairman Mr D Marshall and his committee, who have supported school with end of term discos,

raffles and donations to specific school projects.

Elise Brien (a Year 7 pupil at Ripley St Thomas School), has finished her year as Heysham St Peter’s

Rose Queen. At the beginning of her year of office she announced that her chosen charities would

be Morecambe Road School and Parkinson Society. On June 28th

2014, as one her last duties Elise

presented Mr Paul Edmondson with a cheque for £1,350. Thank you so much Elise and the

committee of Heysham St Peter’s Rose Queen, your support is very much appreciated by the whole

school community.

Saturday June 28th

was also the day that school entered a Staff team the It’s a Knock-Out

Competition that was organised by Joanne Kelly and took place on the playing fields of Morecambe

Road School. Our team came fifth though members may need more practice before coming first.

However their efforts do not go totally unrewarded, as monies will be shared between Morecambe

Road School, The National Autistic Society and the oncology ward for children at Alder Hey hospital.

Our thanks go to Joanne for organising the event along with all those who helped and took part on

the day. (Continued over the page)

Morecambe Road School

Morecambe Road

Morecambe, LA3 3AB

Telephone : 01524 414384

Through the term the Eco Council invited the Chair of the governing body to attend their

presentation in the final round of Lancashire County Council Chairman’s Challenge at the County

Offices in Preston. The Eco council gave their presentation clearly, with confidence and effective

props. I felt immensely proud of the Team when it was announced that Morecambe Road School

were joint winners, in a very strong field of contestants. The Team returned with an inscribed salver

and were able to present School with a cheque for over £600.

The Eco Council wish to remind everyone that the recycling of clothes, batteries and ink cartridges

will continue when school starts in September.

In May Year 11 pupils put their catering and silver service skills to the ultimate test by serving a

delicious afternoon tea to invited guests. As part of their life skills programme in Catering and Silver

Service, they used their skills well and passed with flying colours. Empty plates were the highest

accolade, though when all the guests had departed there was time to sample cake and have their

own cup of tea.

At the end of June Year 11 pupils and their parents attended a Prom Event that began with a red

carpet reception followed by a presentation to each pupil of their Achievement Folders. This is an

evening to share in their achievements and the progress of each and every pupil as well as to

congratulate and praise their success as they leave school for further education and opportunities in

the district. Following the presentation parents went home and Year 11 got down to the serious

business of enjoying a splendid meal followed by high quality disco dancing. Year 11 pupils leave us

with some very fond memories and we wish them luck and good fortune for the future.

School is very busy with plenty of activities. Key Stage 1 pupils had a very successful visit to a

Lakeland Garden centre where they learnt how to plant seeds. Back in school, they have cultivated

their seedlings to become small plants. In Key Stage 4, pupils prepared and packed their rucksacks

for their overnight practise expedition in the Arnside area. The expedition is the final piece of work

to gain a Duke of Edinburgh Bronze Award. This year in fine weather, the qualifying expedition took

place in the Chipping area. All those pupils who took part in the scheme were successful and school

is justly proud of their success.

Four girls in Year 11 achieved a Level 1 Award in Hair and Beauty. A skill that throughout their lives

will be useful. Also in Year 11, four pupils taking Horticulture were awarded a Level 1 Award and one

pupil gained the Diploma level. Congratulation to a ll these pupils and thanks to the staff who have

guided and support them. In August they will find out how well they have done in their GCSE’s.

Pupils have taken up to 3 GCSE’s in Mathematics, English and Art. This Year, 5 pupils leave to go to

Specialist Further Educational provision and 6 pupi ls go on to main stream education at Lancaster

Further Education College. We wish them all well in the future.

The final school based event of the year is the Summer Fair and we hope that you are able to join us

for the afternoon.

We wish you a very good summer break and look forward to seeing you in September 2014.

Janet Ward, Chair of Governors

Classes 2, 3 and 4 have experienced some amazing outdoor education lessons

this half term. We have walked miles through the countryside looking at our

beautiful surroundings.

On our visit to Gaits Barrow we looked at different types of trees and walked

over great strips of limestone that had been there for thousands of years.

In Eaves Wood we found the remains of an old house and walked up to the

Pepperpot monuments which were erected by Queen Victoria in appreciation of

our beautiful countryside.

On our last expedition, we clambered up to the top of Warton Crag and admired

views of our enchanting coastline. We couldn’t believe how far we had walked

when we looked back up at the rockface! A big thanks to Keith Gaydon who led

and enabled Classes 2, 3 and 4 to experience the Great Outdoors. Well done


Joseph couldn’t believe how. Enjoying a well earned rest.

high Warton Crag is

The views were amazing!

Wow! What

an amazing


Class 5 visited Heysham Power Station.Class 5 visited Heysham Power Station.Class 5 visited Heysham Power Station.Class 5 visited Heysham Power Station.

We learned about how electricity was made.We learned about how electricity was made.We learned about how electricity was made.We learned about how electricity was made.

Year 10 History.

Visit to Lancaster Castle.

We learnt about how the castle has changed

over hundreds of years and explored very old

and modern day cells.

Some of us were locked in a cell!

A great experience!

Following completion of

their Unit Award

(Medieval Castles),

Year 10 visited

Lancaster Castle. Over

2 weeks we visited and

explored the internal

and external parts of

the castle.

A big thank yA big thank yA big thank yA big thank you to Barrow Transport Museum Trustou to Barrow Transport Museum Trustou to Barrow Transport Museum Trustou to Barrow Transport Museum Trust for providing for providing for providing for providing our bus at the last minute,our bus at the last minute,our bus at the last minute,our bus at the last minute, and to V and to V and to V and to Virgin Trains for our bus driver.irgin Trains for our bus driver.irgin Trains for our bus driver.irgin Trains for our bus driver.

Year 11 Leavers Prom 2014

ECO-COUNCIL NEWS Summer Term 2014

Council members have had a busy term, most of it spent preparing to take part in

the 10th anniversary of the Chairman's Challenge on 14 May at County Hall in

Preston. The ‘Waste Not, Want Not’ recycling project in school was used to

provide evidence of the Eco-Council’s pledge to improve the environment. The

project was one of 5 across the county that were shortlisted to take part in the

final presentation.

Harry, Joe, Bradley, Chris and Philip represented the Eco-Council on the day and

did such a brilliant job that they walked away with a prestigious Gold Award,

bringing with it a plaque and £625 for school funds, as well as great recognition

for the work carried out in school and the progress made in recycling.

A lot of effort went on behind the scenes to ensure this great result on the day

so many thanks are due to ALL who were involved in any way. This, of course,

includes staff, parents and friends who have sent in items for recycling and who

supported our stall at the Christmas Fair.

Please see the list of items that we are collecting at the end

of the newsletter to help us to continue to raise funds for

the school and to care for the environment.

The Eco-Council recently got the whole of Year 9 (and their willing staff teams)

involved in a Community Litter Pick with Morecambe Town Council. They collected

9 bags of litter from a 1-hour pick along the cycle track on a sunny Thursday

afternoon which was a fantastic and worthwhile effort to help improve our local


The school took delivery of a Salvation

Army collection bin for clothes in March.

The first collection raised £56 for school

funds so please continue to send in any

unwanted clothes and shoes to help both

the Salvation Army and the school.







Music & Performing Arts

Giant Slayer Pupils from KS2 did our school proud

performing in the Royal School of Church

Music’s production of the Giant Slayer at

Morecambe Parish Church. All their hard

work during rehearsals paid off and they

took part, along with pupils from 4 other

local schools, in what was a wonderful

musical production of the biblical story

David and Goliath. I would like to

congratulate all the children who took

part for singing with such enthusiasm and

representing our school so brilliantly. A

special well done goes to Sam Watt and

Sophie Nichols who had to learn and read

out speaking parts on the day – you did

fantastically well!

Marquee Celebrations! Rehearsals for our end of year celebrations in the marquee are in full swing! As a reward

for all our hard work in music this year, the whole school will be performing for each

other’s entertainment in a giant whole school assembly on the last Friday of term.

Secondary pupils are performing songs from Grease the Musical and Primary are taking on

Disney’s Frozen. We’re all really looking forward having a sing-a-long in the relaxed

atmosphere of the marquee! (Look out for more pictures on our Facebook page!)

In June, Miss Bradshaw, Ann and Janet, took some KS2 pupils tIn June, Miss Bradshaw, Ann and Janet, took some KS2 pupils tIn June, Miss Bradshaw, Ann and Janet, took some KS2 pupils tIn June, Miss Bradshaw, Ann and Janet, took some KS2 pupils to help reo help reo help reo help re----plant poppy seeds at Hplant poppy seeds at Hplant poppy seeds at Hplant poppy seeds at Happy Mount Park.appy Mount Park.appy Mount Park.appy Mount Park. We were We were We were We were

proud to be a part of a great cause and we were on the 6 O’proud to be a part of a great cause and we were on the 6 O’proud to be a part of a great cause and we were on the 6 O’proud to be a part of a great cause and we were on the 6 O’clock news!clock news!clock news!clock news!

FREE SCHOOL MEAL INFORMATION From September 2014 school meals will be provided for all children in Key Stage

1 (Foundation Stage to Year 2) FREE of charge.

Even though all pupils in the age bracket above will automatically receive free

meals we need to identify all pupils who have a statutory entitlement to

receive free meals as all schools receive funding called ‘Pupil Premium’ for each

child that qualifies.

If you receive:

• Income Related Employment and Support Allowance

• Income Support

• Income Based Jobseeker’s Allowance

• Support under Part V1 of the Immigration and Asylum Act 1999

• Guarantee Element of State Pension Credit

• Child Tax Credit (BUT NOT entitled to Working Tax Credit and your annual

income does not exceed £16,190)

• Working Tax Credit ‘run on’ – the payment you receive for a further four

weeks after you stop qualifying for Working Tax Credit

• Universal Credit (sometime during 2014/15 the new benefit, if fully introduced

by the Government, will also be a qualifying criteria for free school meals)

Your child will be entitled to free school meals up to the age of 16 years. The

County Council is now able to access the Government’s benefits eligibility

database which will enable an immediate check on your entitlement to free

school meals. Once your child has been awarded free school meals they

will continue to receive them throughout school unless your circumstances


If you think you fit the criteria above please check with the council, the

telephone number to ring is 01524 581207. You will need to have your name,

address, date of birth and National Insurance number to hand. You will be

informed of your entitlement as soon as possible and school will also be


We need to stress that if you do fit the criteria to claim, please apply as above

so that school will not miss out on the funding associated with free school meals

of up to £1900 per child. Forms are available to download from the school

website at, please look under School

Information or you can ask for one from the school office. Many thanks.



Active Kids - thanks for your fantastic support!

Thank you for your incredible support which helped make our Active Kids 2014 campaign such a success. This year we managed to collect 12,620, meaning we could order sports, play and Duke of Edinburgh equipment. We’re delighted with our voucher total however if you do have still have vouchers that you would like to donate it’s not too late to send them in. Everyone is really excited about receiving the new equipment in October. Yours sincerely, Sandra Bateson

SUMMER CLOSURE Close at lunch


Wednesday 23rd July, 2014


SEPTEMBER, 2014 Re-open Monday 8th September, 2014

HALF TERM Close after school Thursday 23rd October

Re-open Monday 3rd November



Close at lunch


Friday 19th December

Thank you to St Peters of Heysham Rose Queen

Elise for a staggering £1,350 cheque to

Morecambe Road School Charity.

The money was raised by Rose Queen Elise with

her friends and family by holding cake sales,

raffles and various activities.

The money will be put towards the much

needed Sensory Room and it is hoped that Elise

will visit to see the benefits of her hard work

and fundraising.


Examination Board results will arrive in school on Thursday 21rd August 2014.

Results will be available for collection from 10.00hrs

Results will not be handed to friends or parents unless previous arrangements

have been made with Mr Townley in writing, or they bring a letter of

authorisation from the pupil on the day.

At 12.00 noon results that have not been collected will be posted home by first

class post.

Arrangements for the Receipt of Certificates

A presentation evening has been arranged for Tuesday 11th November at 18:30hrs

for students to collect their certificates in person.

Certificates not collected on the evening can be collected from the Main Office.

Certificates will not be handed to a third party unless they have written

authorisation from the pupil giving us permission to release them.

On Friday 14th November 2014 any remaining certificates will be posted home

by recorded delivery.

It is very important that you advise the school as a matter of urgency if you

move address once you have left school, as results/certificates that have been

posted out cannot be replaced.

Summer Holiday Activity Programme.

Lancaster District’s Children and Young People’s Trust have produced an electronic brochure this year with details of the wide range of activities that are planned for children and young people of all ages and abilities during the long summer holidays. The activities are provided by museums, libraries, Lancaster Castle, Lancaster City Council and other organisations that are part of the Lancaster Children and Young People’s Trust. Information about the activities and details can be found at: here you can also register to join the mailing list for future holiday programmes and will be sent details as soon as they are available.


Please see the attached exciting new menu for school lunches at Morecambe Road School starting from

September 2014.If you would like your child to start school lunches the daily cost is £2 or you may be

entitled to a free school meal – see info. on Free School Meals in this Newsletter. Contact the school office

for advice.

Parents are reminded to update school with details of pupil’s food allergies or intolerances. Please contact

the School Business Manager with details ( and every effort will be

made to create a relevant menu for your child/young person.


It’s A Knock Out

Thank you - Elixit Garden Supplies

For your kind donation to help with our displays during our fund raising festival.

As you are aware we held the family fun

day featuring ‘It’s a knockout’ on the 28th

June. The day was a huge success with 9

teams competing on the day, Team

Crankshaw, The Grannies, 118-118,

Tremendous Toads, World Cup,

Footy Buds 1, Footy Buds 2, The Jockeys and The Superheroes. Team

Crankshaw being the winners.. I would like to thank everyone on behalf

of the charities for your support and a huge thank you to the local

businesses that came on the day and donated 20% of their takings.

Alderhey Children’s Hospital – Urology Ward, the National Autistic

Society Lancaster and Morecambe District and Morecambe Road schools

sensory room will each receive £645.54.

top related