issue of muhammad’s successor after muhammad died, there was a question on who should be the...

Post on 02-Jan-2016






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Issue of Muhammad’s Successor

• After Muhammad died, there was a question on who should be the leader.

• Abu-Bakr was elected the first Caliph in 632 CE: “Successor”.

• Abu-Bakr and the next three Caliphs (Umar, Uthman, Ali) became known as the “Four Rightly Guided Caliphs”.

• Some people start abandoning Islam after Muhammad’s death.

• Abu-Bakr uses military force to reassert authority of Muhammad’s successors in the Muslim community. Control of Arabia!

• Umar: Conquer’s Syria and Egypt!• Uthman and Ali: Expand to as far as Atlantic

ocean in West and Indus River in the East!

Reasons for Success

Inspiration from Faith: Saw victories as sign of Allah’s support.

Well disciplined army and expertly commanded.

Success: Due to other’s empires’ (Byzantine and Persian) weakness.

Unpopularity of Byzantium and Persia: Persecuted people welcomed invaders.

• The Fourth Caliph, Ali is assassinated. Right to rule is challenged by Muawiya, governor of Syria.

• Umayyad family comes to power. Capital moves from Mecca to Damascus.

• Umayyad live life of wealth and ceremony and abandon simple life.

Division within Islam:I. Shi’a: Caliph needs to be relative of

Muhammad (Against Umayyad)II. Sunni: means “Followers of

Muhammad’s example” (Do not actively resist Umayyad)

III. Sufi: Life of poverty, meditation, and devotion to spiritual life.

• In 750 CE: Abbasids come to power. They ruthlessly murder the family of the Umayyads = flee to Spain.

• Capital from Damascus to Baghdad = center of trade routes (sakk = check).

• Beginning of Golden Age of Islam!

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