isys spring semester 2010 introduction to information systems lecture section 6 3:00 - 3:50 mwf 7...

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iSYS Spring Semester 2010

Introduction to Information Systems Lecture Section 6 3:00 - 3:50 MWF 7 6:00 – 9:50 M

Gregg W. Asher, PhD

Academics - > iSYS101


• Education– BS MS Minnesota State University– PhD University of Minnesota

• Educational Administration emphasis technology

• Work Experience– MN State University EDP– Microcomputer Macintosh & Statistical


Office• WH226• 507-389-5370•

– subject – iSYS101

• Office Hours– 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm MWF– 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm M– 1:00 pm – 2:00 pm T– 4:00 - 5:00 pm W

– Other times by appointment

Classroom Decorum

• Dr. Asher• Professor Asher• Mr. Asher• Please NOT => Gregg!

• Please introduce yourself

Classroom Decorum

• I talk – you listen• You talk – I listen• Please try to be on-time – • Assignments are due at the beginning of the

hour – Don’t think about turning your assignment in late!

Cell Phones/iPods

• Not to be used in class – this includes SMS (Text Messaging)

• Please turn them off.– For cell Phones put them in appropriate silent


• Applies to lecture/labs/tests

Laptops• Use for taking notes during lecture.

• Please don’t read e-mail or surf the web – this is distracting to the students around you and ME.

• Anyone wanting to use a laptop will sit in the last two rows.

• If don’t want to or can’t abide by these principles of conduct


• If you don’t want to be here • DON’T COME


• Please try NOT to send HTML e-mail to–

• matters of personal nature applicable to you only

• all others go to the iSYS101 Desire2Learn in the appropriate discussion list


• include subject iSYS101 - #– (where # is your section number)

• then additional subject matter

• If the subject doesn’t include the course# and section#, I will reply requesting it.

Class E-mail• Read the email messages from me

generated on D2L iSYS101 or sent by me from the MSU email system

• Many of the same questions have been asked and answered

• If you aren’t getting email from me and your email is forwarded to some email account other than MSU,M, check the spam filter.


• You are responsible for any email sent to you regardless as to where you have forwarded it to.

Desire2Learn• Sign in to Desire2Learn (Link is on iSYS101 web site)

during the 1st week.• There will be a discussion list established for each of the

assignments. Please post your questions about the assignments there. I or the Teaching Assistant (TA) will attempt to answer your questions in a timely fashion. However our failure to respond to questions concerning the current assignment is no excuse for not completing the assignment.

• Don’t send e-mails to me with questions on the assignment – I will just post them on the discussion list. Most of the time others have the same questions.


• Questions about scoring will be addressed the Teaching Assistant.

• Questions concerning any assignment will only be addressed if pursued within two weeks after the scores have been posted. After that it is too late. NO CHANGES to scores will be made after that!


• No late assignments (make sure to set time zone correctly on myITlab

• All assignments have enough variability!!! – Each assignment should be different

• Issues with assignments should be addressed IMMEDIATELY after scores after posted

• NOT at the end of the semester!!!!!!!!!!!


• There is enough variability in each assignment that no two should be alike.

• Assignments are due at the start of class. • There is NO excuse for assignments to be

handed in late. • Finish assignment at least one day before



• No adjustments in scores will be made during finals week – It is too late!

• All adjustments will done prior to finals week – NO EXCEPTIONS

Teaching Assistant

• TA will grade assignments• Any and all questions concerning

assignments should be directed to them• They will also be available for tutoring• Their hours and email address will be

posted on D2L when determined


• Dates for the finals are already scheduled– Don’t schedule or make airline, hotel, etc

reservations for dates earlier than your scheduled finals.

– Make these reservations to take place AFTER your final is over!

University Sponsored Activities

• Any student participating in any University sponsored activities, e.g. forensics, theater, athletics etc. need to provide documentation supporting their need to be absent from lecture prior to the absence.

• Students participating in these activities are responsible for any material presented. (Homework will be submitted prior to the absence.)

TextsThese texts are required: Fundamentals of Information Systems 4th Edition; Ralph Stair, George Reynolds; Thomson Course Technology; ISBN-13; 978-1-4239-0113-6


ISBN: 9780137066292


• Required - PRS Transmitter• RF - PRS

Edition:RFPublisher:GTCOISBN: 281844002671

• Recommend - Flash drive 1GB

Plagiarism, cheating, or collusion:

These will not be tolerated! Read the section on Academic Honesty in the Student Handbook pg. 49

so you are aware of your rights and responsibilities. Cheating will result in a lowering of your

grade one letter, receiving an F in the class, probation, or suspension from the University.

ACADEMIC HONESTYIn order for an academic community to teach and support appropriate educational values, an environment of trust, cooperation and personal responsibility must be maintained. As members of this University community, students assume the responsibility to fulfill their academic obligations in a fair and honest manner. This responsibility includes avoiding such inappropriate activities as plagiarism, cheating or collusion. Students found responsible for one or more of these activities may face both academic sanctions (such as lowering a grade, failing of a course, etc.) and disciplinary

sanctions (such as probation, suspension, etc.).It is the intent of Minnesota State University, Mankato to encourage a sense of integrity on the part of students in fulfilling their academic requirements. To give students a better understanding of behaviors that may constitute academic dishonesty, the following definitions are provided:Plagiarism - Submission of an academic assignment as one's own work, which includes criticalideas or written narrative that are taken from another author without the proper citation. This does not apply only to direct quotes, but also to critical ideas that are paraphrased by the student.

Academic Honesty (Cont)

Time Management

• Inventory• Plan/Schedule• Discipline

All Can Succeed


Grade Distribution

Fall 2007

SS I 2008


Spring 2009

Grade Percent Percent Percent Percent

“A” 11.1% 10.7% 10.0% 7.2%“B” 29.3% 42.9% 25.8% 24.7%“C” 29.3% 25.0% 26.2% 32.0%“D” 12.3% 10.7% 13.1% 13.7%“F” 17.9% 10.7% 24.9% 22.3%

Total Stds

324 28 221 291


• I do NOT do extra credit! I also do NOT entertain questions concerning test scores, lab and bonus points weeks after the points have been awarded.

There will be a test on the syllabus and on this lecture.

Professor Asher’s Web Site

Good Luck

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