it grc versus ? enterprise grc but: it grc is a basis of...

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IT GRC versus ? Enterprise GRCbut: IT GRC is a Basis of Strategic Governance

Dr. Katalin Szenes, CISA, CISM, CGEIT, CISSP

Obuda UniversityFaculty John von NeumannInstitute Software


1 corporate governance - IT governancewhat are these? and what is their purpose?

2 how to manage corporate governance?requirements, should we want to buy a supporting tool

3 how to achieve our goals?- let's start from the requirements of the company!

4 derived requirements - complianceregulatory bodies, Acts

5 benefit of compliance: the story of "my" internet banks6 how to manage compliance?7 compliance example: the benefits of SOX in practice


8 risk - audit basics - control objective, control measure / procedure9 success derived requirements that are the base of risk management10 a possible risk management processes from my practice

steps from the assessment to the implementation of the necessary measuresthen: go to step1 !

11 risk management in USA: what did NIST do with FISMA

12 to do: find key control objectives & measures - where?- use COBIT to formulate our goals and evaluate our information

13 we have a plus! what is it?o important duties to do to succeedo there are things that high performers never let their staff do


14 another key control measure: educate everybody15 another to do: find the minimum security requirements

- a sample from FIPS PUB16 exactly how do we implement proper IT - IT security: their 3 pillars17 technical example: let's create a secure network

18 referencesIS Control Journal - ISACA® Journal, COSO, CRM, COBIT, ISO 27000 family and their predecessors, EU legislation, NIST FIPS

corporate governance - IT governance

corporate governance - corporate wellness, market success, growth

• "ethical corporate behaviour by directors or others charged with governance in the creation and presentation of wealth for all stakeholders"

• "the distribution of rights and responsibilities o among different participants in the corporation, such aso board, managers, shareholders and other stakeholders

• and (it)spells outo the rules and procedures for making decisions on corporate affairs"


corporate governance - IT governance

what kind of rules and procedures do we need?to serve all of the stakeholdersto allocate rights, responsibilities,to support decision planning?

• a structure that supports the setting of the goals of the company• means of attaining these goals• means of avoiding / managing risks meanwhile• monitoring performance• etc.

corporate governance - IT governance

COBIT on IT Governance:"The need for assurance about the value of IT, the management of IT-related risks and increased requirements for control over information are now understood as key elements of enterprise governance. Value, risk and control constitute the core of IT governance. ""IT governance is the responsibility of executives and the board of directors, and consists of the leadership, organisational structures and processes that ensure that the enterprise’s IT sustains and extends the organisation’s strategies and objectives. "

my private experience shows:the new interpretation of "IT governance" might be:

IT-based management (without IT can we survive?)

corporate governance - IT governance

IT governance is:

o the responsibility of the board of directors and executive mgmt.o an integral part of the enterprise governanceo leadership + organisational structures + processes

ensure that IT sustains and extends the strategy & objectives of the organisation

ITGI - IT Governance Institute: Board Briefing on IT Governance2nd Ed., USA, 2003

how to manage corporate governance?

governance requirements for tools see Sing, Lilja articlewhen buying a tool

some of the most important requirements:

business alignment + strategy development supportmanagement of the communications mediadecision support data

acquisition & processing

let's see the details!

how to manage corporate governance?

governance requirements for tools - details

business alignment + strategy development support• assistance to the governance support system (e.g. MIS, DW); • methods & readiness to moderate strategic planning• alignment of governance with business objectives

• operational supportdocument management procedural rulebooks, financial! reports - SOXworkflow to manage work and progress

how to manage corporate governance?

governance requirements for tools - cont'd

management of the communications mediapolicy - procedures, guideline, standardsexpressing the intentions and commitment of management

control facilities, supervision mechanism for the management such as e.g.• static: IT tools - dashboard, reporting tools - template & maintenance• continuous: audit tools• development, testing, maintenance facilities for these

how to manage corporate governance?

governance requirements for tools - cont'd

decision support data- acquisition & processing

• express the proposed control measures in an understandable way• prove their business use• risk data to justify spending• cost / benefit info

how to achieve our goals?

let's start from the requirements characteristic to the companyand: what are the consequences of the current economic situation?

now governance is: o IT-based fight for successo for continuously improved production and its realizationo in compliance with every "restriction" (law, rule, ...) affecting the institutionsbased on a solid operation + IT

in order to achieve these -let's translate the requirements into the terminology of a best practice methodology ISACA, COSO, ISO/IEC

how to achieve our goals?

most generic (control) objective: success... drilling down ...

... + operational support, e.g. IT of good quality + ...+ compliance + ...... drilling further down ...

information [evaluation quality] criteria we'll come back to these... drilling further down ...

...... drilling further down ...

requirements on the level of the individual infrastructure elements

derived requirements - compliance

where are the compliance requirements to be found?o legislative materialso special sectoral regulatory enactmento in the expressed / implied intentions of the mother companyo etc.

regulatory bodies: USA: Congress, SEC, PCAOB, OSHA, ...Hungary: parliament, government, Supervisory Authority for Financial Institutions,

other sectorial level administration

popular examples in the USA: GLB, SOX, HIPAA, ...

derived requirements - compliance

Hungary keeps up quite well:

• Act on Credit Institutions & Financial Enterprises of 1996 CXII• Data Protection Act of 1992 LXIII. • 196, 200/2007 government decrees on credit / operational risk• Data Protection Act of 1992 LXIII. • Act On The Recording of the Personal Data and Home Address of Citizens

1992 LXVI.

and we have others as well: marketing, digital signature, etc.

derived requirements - compliance

what are these regulatory bodies and acts? - some of them:• SEC: US Securities and Exchange Commission, founded in 1934!• PCAOB: US Public Company Accounting Oversight Board (founded: 2002-SOX) • OSHA: Occupational Safety and Health Administration Office• NIST: National Institute of Standards - FIPS Publication Series

GLBThe Gramm-Leach Bliley Act 1999 - The Financial Modernization Act of 1999 contains provisions on• the privacy of financial matters• the confidentiality of customers' information• the collection of financial information on customers

derived requirements - compliance

SOX: Sarbanes - Oxley Act of 2002 its predecessors:the Securities Act of 1933 and the Securities Exchange Act of 1934

there are lots of legends spread by the suppliersbut positive examples can and will be shown on its proper application

HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act, 1996regulates healthcare insurance companies and providers • in order to improve the US health insurance system• ours is: Title IV: defines rules for protection of patient information

benefits of compliance - "my" i-banks

the story of "my" internet banks:

1 board of the bank wants internet bank

I get budget for the technical information security architecture, safe nw topology

2 the special interest of the year atSupervisory Authority for Financial Institutions includes internet bank

I get resources to ethical hacking(and a nice logging feature is sponsored)

note: against customers' weaknesses there is no defense

how to manage compliance?

compliance requirements recommended to the organizations

being well-versed + continuous follow-upauthoritatve collection of the requirements, control measures to be followedregulatory changes

being able to correlate the requirements of different authoritiese.g. PCI DSS + SOX

being able to track the progress of control measures

reporting according to any kind of requirements to be taken into account

compliance example: the benefits of SOX in the practice

what follows here is:"Expanding Business Horizons Through IT" - ISACA® Journal front page+ a practical example to the business value in SOX related IT investments

what is SOX about?

according to suppliers:• identity management• activity monitoring

but what does SOX really provides?

compliance example: the benefits of SOX in the practice

compared to its predecessors in 1933, 34multiplication of the penalties - $, length of imprisonment

and !

in internal reporting:• due diligence• discipline• regularity • CEO and CFO periodically has to sign reports• auditors shall preserve every note

compliance example: the benefits of SOX in the practice

Spears 2007 Thesis verifies all of these: 10 organizations / 20 persons research shows:

• reduction in risk to financial reporting

• improved internal control measures

• improvements in governance


compliance example: the benefits of SOX in the practice

my favourites:• obligation to document

maturity - see SEI CMM and, of course, COBIT• control measures are aligned to business objectives• while helping to manage security risk

to financial reporting.

"functional business users routinely contribute business perspective to IT"

I do think that there is no business - following IT without IT security and vice versa

risk - audit basics

basic audit notions:what is the control objective? how can they be achieved?using control measures - procedures

official definition of control objective:generic best practice management objectives for all IT activities

IT control objective: statement of the desired result or purpose to be achieved by implementing control procedures in a particular IT activity.

(COBIT’s control objectives can be taken as:the minimum requirements needed to control effectively the IT processes.)

risk - audit basics

my private interpretation:

generic control objective:generic best practice top management obj. derived from corporate strategy

IT control objective: IT operation objective derived from generic ctrl. obj. in the form of a statement expressing a desired result. It can be achieved by implementing control measures / procedures concerning IT activities.

management responsibility: to determine the generic control objectivesinternal audit responsibility: support the management doing soIT + information security responsibility: to achieve the objectives

risk - audit basics

the question was:what is the control objective? how can they be achieved?the answer:using control measures - procedures

bad short form: "control"

these are to be designed to provide reasonable assurance that the business objectives will be achieved, andthat undesired events will be

prevented / detected / corrected

preventive - detective - corrective ∃ mitigation, too

derived requirements - risk management

what is the goal?corporate wellness - market success, growththe quality of the informationcompliance

let's take the fiduciary formulation of the Treadway Commission - COSO :

• effectiveness and efficiency of operations• reliability of financial reporting• compliance to the applicable laws and regulations

derived requirements - risk management

what do we need to actually achieve all of these?remember:to fulfill the control objectives we have: the control measures / procedures

where do these measures act?

the organisational structures with their operational procedures and practicesthe guidelines and procedural rulebooks - ¬ policy!the technical developments and measures

here are the 3 pillars of IT - IT security

a possible risk management process

this is what I use in the real life

assessment of the situationchoosing the target of the reviewchoice of the appropriate methodology & tools (ideal order)determination of the presently available

institutional preconditions for improvement determination of the required levelassessing the difference between the levels cost/effectively determining the control measures to be introducedimplement themcycle

a possible risk management process

some details:

assessment of the situation:• requirements (business, compliance, ...)• business process / operation / organization / assets relations

choosing the target of the review:• scope definition• guidelines definition / revision

choice of the appropriate methodology & tools• control objectives from the usual sources - for goals

a possible risk management process

details - cont'd

determination of the presently available improvement toolsinstitutional preconditions for improvement

• corporate IS security infrastructure• organizational & procedural defense

e.g. organizational operational rule system• built – in control measures• 3rd party agreements• etc.

a possible risk management process

details - cont'd

determining the necessary control measures + cost / effectivity evaluation=>• implementing the control measures • OR accepting risks in a documented way

implement:• documentation, procedural handbooks, etc., prepare / update these• organizational (security) measures

scheduling the next review and goto step 1

risk management - USA

risk management in the way of the Information Security Management Act

E-Government Act (Public Law 107-347):"passed by the 107th Congress and signed into law by the President in December 2002 recognized the importance of information security to the economic and national security interests of the United States"its Title III: Federal Information Security Management Act (FISMA):the federal agencies shall "develop, document, and implement an agency-wide program to provide information security for the information and information systems that support the operations and assets of the agency, including those provided or managed by another agency, contractor, or other source"

risk management - USA

steps after FISMA - NIST Risk Management Framework:• categorizethe IS based on impact• selectan initial set of control measures & minimum security requirements• tailor theseto the risk assessment, to the local conditions• implement the measures• assess them• authorizeIS operations based upon organizational, asset dependent, personal...risksmonitor and assess selected security control measures

to do: find key control objectives & measures

so what we can do is - going back to the drilling down from the top level goalto FIND key control objectives & measures - for the SUCCESSFUL enterprises

for the SUCCESSFUL IT governancefor the COMPLIANT enterprises

1 the control objectives can be derived from the strategytop: most general control objective: successful institution

bottom: requirements on the quality of the infrastructural elements2 using info quality requirements from best practice: COSO, COBIT, ISO / IEC3 using + !4 using education

let us formulate our goals

COBIT components - control objectives - will help us:quality + fiduciary + security

quality: quality + cost + delivery

fiduciary: effectiveness and efficiency of operationsreliability of financial reportingcompliance with laws and regulations

security: availability + confidentiality + integrity

our goal definitions: how to evaluate info

COBIT components - cont.'dinformation [evaluation / quality] criteria

o effectivenesso efficiencyo confidentialityo integrityo availabilityo complianceo reliability of Information

+ non-repudiation, accountability, authenticity, QoS (technics), ...

and what is the + ?

the findings of a 2007 article of Melancon from the IS Control Journal

control measures bringing success:change managementconfiguration management

(6 years long IT Process Institute Study)


what do we need to configuration management?inventory, asset classification, data classification, data owner / custodian

and what is the + ?

if NO change managementNO configuration management

NO tracking of unauthorizedunsuccessful configuration and other changes

NO understanding ofproduction environmentpast mistakes ...

and what is the + ?

change management control measuresused by the high performers of the Melancon ITPI studythese are discriminant control measures:

all of the low performers lack them

• to monitor the systems in order to identify unauthorized changes• to define the consequences of the unauthorized changes

practically: the change management procedures should be includedinto the IS Security Procedural Rulebookto write a security policy is not enough

and what is the + ?

configuration management control measuresused by the high performers of the Melancon ITPI studythese are discriminant control measures:

all of the low performers lack them

• to define the configuration management processautomatization where possible

• track change success (changes that cause no mishaps)• continuous info on the current state to those who need to know

and what is the + ?

the never let-s

the high performers NEVER LET

• developers make changes in the production systems• change management process get bureaucratic• users exceed their role in the change management process

another key control measure: education

every employee should be educated• at the working places - regularly• at the schools already

our University Obuda (former College Kando, Budapest Tech)1998 Introduction to IS Audit2002 Information Security - at the students' request

+ state examnow: 3 - term specialization in Information Security

basic requirements of IS:strategy support, ACI, documentation, functionality

to do: find the minimum security requirements

Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems(FIPS PUB 200, March 2006 )

sample - some of my favourites from the little bit more than 17

• configuration management• contingency planning - this is the BCP / disaster recovery• audit & accountability• maintenance - systems,

- control measures for personnel, tools, mechanisms, techniques• media protection (protect the info, limit the access)•systems, communications protection ...

exactly how do we implement proper IT & ! security?

to satisfy all of these control objectives and the risk management requirementswe have the 3 basic pillars of IT - IT securityproper IT and IT security works hand in hand this one important key of any kind of success

organization rule technics

organization - segregation of duties, identity management, etc.rulebooks - SDLC, BCP, IT BCP, information security rulebookand what about the technics?

technical example: to do-s when creating secure networks

requirements networkdesign


simulated attacksinbound/outbound


technical example: tests, simulated attcks

every test should be regular + after every approved ! change

engineer test - the control objectives are to be tested by:• IT• information security• IS auditspecifics e.g.: customers' requirements, incident handling, scalability, QoS, ...

simulated attacks to test e.g.:strength of authentication, open ports, unecessary services, state of patching ...


the favourite +

Dwayne Melancon: Security Controls That WorkIS Control Journal, Vol. 4, 2007pp. 29-32ITPI - IT Process Institute

IT Controls Performance Benchmark - the present: March, 2010)


Anand Singh, David J. Lilja:Criteria and Methodology for GRC Platform SelectionISACA® Journal, Vol. 1, 2010pp. 32-37

Janine L. Spears:How Has Sarbanes - Oxley Compliance Affected Information Security?ISACA® Journal, Vol. 6, 2009pp. 33-36


The Committee of Sponsoring Organisations of the Treadway Commission - was founded in 1985 to support the National Commission on Fraudulent Financial Reporting. o "a voluntary private-sector organization" o "dedicated to guiding executive management and governance entities toward the

establishment of more effective, efficient, and ethical business operations on a global basis"

o contributes to the quality of the financial reports by the means of business ethics, effective internal control measures and enterprise governance methods


COSO - cont'd

COSO materials support the companies of the stock exchange and their auditors, the SEC, other institutions having regulational duties, educational organizations in the recognition of the specifics of the fraudulent reportsSponsors of COSO:o AICPA - American Institute of Certified Public Accountantso AAA - American Accounting Associationo FEI - Financial Executives International o IIA - Institute of Internal Auditors o IMA - Association for Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business


CRM 2010 CISA Review Technical Information Manualeditor: Information Systems Audit and Control AssociationRolling Meadows, Illinois, USA, 2009

COBIT Executive SummaryApril 1998 2nd EditionReleased by the COBIT Steering Committee and the Information Systems Audit and Control Foundation

COBIT® 3rd Edition, July 2000Released by the COBIT Steering Committee and the IT Governance Institute™editor: Information Systems Audit and Control Association - ISACA


COBIT - cont'd

COBIT® 4.0 Control Objectives, Management Guidelines, Maturity ModelsCopyright © IT Governance Institute® , 2005

COBIT® 4.1 Framework, Management Guidelines, Maturity ModelsCopyright © IT Governance Institute® , 2007


ISO 27001 International Standard ISO/IEC 27001 First edition 2005-10-15Information technology - Security techniques - Information security management systems - RequirementsReference number: ISO/IEC 27001:2005 (E)Copyright © ISO/IEC 2005

ISO 27002 International Standard ISO/IEC 27002 First edition 2005-06-15Information technology — Security techniques — Code of practice for information security managementReference number: ISO/IEC 27002:2005(E)Copyright © ISO/IEC 2005


the predecessors of ISO 27001, ISO 27002 are: CRAMM, ISO/IEC 17799

European Union Law: March, 2010

Summaries of EU Legislation: March, 2010


NIST - National Institute of Standards and TechnologyFIPS - The Federal Information Processing Standards (FIPS) Publication Series official series of publications due toFISMA - Federal Information Security Management Act of 2002

FIPS PUB 200, March 2006 Minimum Security Requirements for Federal Information and Information Systems Computer Security Division Information Technology Laboratory National Institute of Standards and Technology (12 March, 2002)


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