it is a small world

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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Here is a list of interesting facts about most of the countries around the world. I use it as a gap filler, warming up listening, and topic discussion with my young low-level students of English.


It is a small...

WorldJosé Antonio Alcalde

Most of the information in this document has been taken from the book “The Not-for-Parents Travel Book” by Michael Dubois, Katri Hilden and Jane Price, Lonely Planet, 2011.

The idea is to gather some cool, amazing or shocking facts around the world so everyday in the English lesson they are presented with the help of a map, music, video or any other multimedia resources available. This way we do not only teach English but also geography, history, economics, science, socio-cultural aspects and so on.

When adequate, Internet links have been added for further research and information.

American English variety has been used to edit the text.

The facts are classified according to the continents which the country belongs to.

Click here for an interactive world map (you must be connected to the Internet) .

Have a good journey!!



1. A 63-year-old female teacher was the first person to go down Niagara Falls into a keg in 19012. It is the second biggest country on planet Earth (after Russia) but with a low population, only 33 million inhabitants

3. Ice hockey is the national sport and some families flood their gardens in winter so it freezes and can play!4. Totems are very typical of British Columbia and they are giant tree trunks telling the story of a family or were used as a lucky charm in front

of houses

5. The famous Mounted Police of Canada was established in 1873

USA:6. In the USA there are more than 1,000 tornados every year, most of them in the Great Plains area7. Doughnuts were invented in 1847 and today they come in all sizes and colors

8. Baseball in the national sport and its star can be as famous as movie stars

9. The famous Statue of Liberty in NYC was a present by the French10. General Sherman is a giant redwood tree in California as high as a 23-story building11. Karts were born in California in the 50s. The first ones had modified chainsaws motors!!12. Hollywood famous sign was part of an advertising campaign for a new residential development (Hollywoodland)

13. Mount Rushmore in South Dakota was sculptured by Gutzon Borglum for 14 years to create the faces of four famous American presidents (Washington, Jefferson, Roosevelt and Lincoln). He used dynamite to create 90% of the faces. Each face is 18 m high

Mexico:14. One of Mexico's favorite meals is “mole poblano” which is turkey with chocolate. Another one is an omelette with fly eggs and cacti.

15. The pyramid of Chichén Itza is one of the new 7 World Wonders and has got 365 steps.16. Mexico DF the capital city of Mexico was founded on an old lake and it goes down 10 cm each year.17. Chihuahas are the smallest dogs in the world with only 15 cm height

Belize:18. It is home to the howling monkey, one of the noisiest animals in the world. Its howling can reach 5 km.19. Its capital city, Belmopan, has got only 20,000 inhabitants.20. Its Great Coral Reef is second in importance after Australia's.

Honduras:21. It was the first place in Continental America where Christopher Columbus set foot in 1502 and its name was given because of the depth of

its coast.

22. It is a paradise for nature lovers with amazing tropical rain forests and varied wildlife (for example there are more than 90 varieties of frogs).


23. Nicaragua lake is so big that you cannot see the other shore. It is more like a sea. There is an undergoing project to build in this lake a Canal similar to the one in Panama.

24. Nicaragua is famous for two reasons: international poets (like Rubén Darío) and devastating natural disasters (like hurricanes, volcanic eruptions, earthquakes, etc.)

25. In the tropical rainforest there is a peculiar animal, the sloth. It is so slow that they can only cover 2 m per minute. This is why they can grow moss on their fur!!

Costa Rica:26. Its name was given by Christopher Columbus when he saw the local natives wearing gold jewelry.

27. This country is worldwide famous for its natural diversity (for example there are 50 varieties of hummingbirds) and one of the top destinations for eco-tourists.

28. They abolished their national army in 1949.


29. The Panamerican Highway from Alaska to Chile with nearly 48.000 km suddenly stops in a jungle in Panama so dense and dangerous that can only go on 100 km southbound.

30. In the building of the Panama Canal (linking the Atlantic and the Pacific Oceans) over 30,000 workers died mainly because of tropical diseases and landslides.

31. In Panama is possible to see the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean and the sunset over the Pacific Ocean.32. Apparently “Panama” means in a local language “land of fish”.33. Panama hats are not original from Panama but rather from Ecuador!!

Bahamas:34. Here was the headquarters of many famous pirates because they were on the route South America – Spain with hundreds of ships loaded

with gold.35. The archipelago has got more than 3100 islands.

36. In Dean's Blue Hole William Trubridge set in 2010 the for free-diving World record (101m and 5 minutes underwater).37. Some 007 films have been shot in Bahamas.

Cuba:38. Cuba is famous for its cigars. Every year more than 70 million cigars are exported worldwide.39. In the capital city, Havana, citizens call the local buses “camels” because of their humped shape.40. Fidel Castro is said to have survived more than 638 killing attempts most of them commissioned by the CIA.41. More than 4000 islands make up Cuba.42. The famous drink “Cuba Libre” is a mix of Cola and rum (a mixture of the USA and Cuba)

Jamaica:43. Reggae was born in Jamaica and exported by people like Bob Marley. It is the origin to other musics like ska, mento, rocksteady, dub, etc.44. Dreadlocks were also born in Jamaica.

45. Ackee is a very sweet fruit but when eaten not ripe enough can kill you.

Haiti: 46. Haiti became the first “black” republic in the world.47. Voodoo is religion based on local, Christian and African traditions and in its ceremonies the dead can act and talk thanks to the living.48. The tragic earthquake of 2010 destroyed the capital city, Port-au-Prince and killed more than 200,000 people.

Dominican Republic:49. It was the first place in America where European settled.50. Baseball is really big in this country.51. Merengue is the national dance in the country. It is very fast.52. Sugar cane is the most importance industry in the country along with rum.

Antigua and Barbuda:53. Their beaches are famous worldwide and the perfect setting for many musical videos. There are 365 beaches, one for every day of the year.54. Famous people like Eric Clapton, Giorgio Armani or Ken Follett have got houses on these islands.55. It is an ideal place for divers because of the many shipwrecks and coral reefs.56. Frigatebirds are really famous here. They can stay on the air for a week!!

Dominica:57. This island has been the setting for many “Pirates of the Caribbean” scenes58. It was the last Caribbean island to be colonized by Europeans because its inhabitants were really brave.

59. The name “Dominica” was given by Christopher Columbus because he saw the island on a Sunday ( Domenica in Latin).60. One third of the island is National Park. There is a very peculiar frog that can weight up to 1kg.

Santa Luzia:61. Scientists believe a volcano eruption will destroy the island in the next 100 years.62. Sulphur Springs is the only volcano in the world you can reach in your own car!!

Barbados:63. Sugar is an important industry in the island and there is a famous summer festival (“Crop Over”) to celebrate the end of the season.64. In 2008 the smallest snake in the world was discovered here. It is thin as an spaghetti and it fits in a coin.65. Barbados was one of the few places with destination for Concorde planes.66. Many great cricket players were born in Barbados.

67. Barbados is the home of the flying fish. They jump out of the water and can glide for 50m.


Venezuela:68. It was named after “Venice”, because it reminded the Italian visitors of their native Venice.69. Angel Falls are the highest falls in the world with 979m. It is so high that much water never touches the ground again but turns into steam. It

is named after Jimmy Angel who was flying over them in search for gold.

70. Catacumbo is a special storm unique to Venezuela with over 280 lightning an hour and can be seen from 400km.

Colombia:71. The legend of El Dorado tells that this man covered his body with gold powder. It is also the name of a mythic city.72. It is the country that produce more emerald in the world.73. Unfortunately, Colombia has one of the highest kidnapping rates in the world.

Ecuador:74. The giant turtle from Galapagos can live more than 180 years and weigh 400kg.75. It was named after the Equator line.76. The country is full of volcanoes.77. The condor is the national bird. It is the biggest bird with 3.2m length and can glide for hours without flapping its wings.

Peru:78. The Amazon River begins in the Peruvian Andes.79. Peru is one of the most biologically diverse countries in the world with jaguars, dogs without tail or more than 4,000 butterflies.

80. Machu Pichu was built by the Incas in the 14 th century and is considered one of the seven new Wonders of the World.81. Llamas belong to the camel family. Peruvians use them for transportation, food and milk and for its wool.

82. Lake Titicaca is the highest in the world (3,800m above sea level) and the Uros live there on floating islands made of reeds.

83. Mysterious Nazca lines were made 1,500 years ago and represent diverse shapes like a monkey, a hummingbird, a condor or even an astronaut. They are so big that can only be seen from an airplane.

Brazil:84. Rio de Janeiro Carnival is only 5 days long but rehearsals start months before.

85. Christ the Redeemer is one of the new seven Wonders of the World. Is is 40m high and 30m wide, it weighs 680 tons and there are thorns on its head to scare birds.

86. The Amazon is one of the most important rivers in the world. Twice a year the water from the Atlantic Ocean makes waves in the river as high as 4m and can be heard 30 minutes in advance.

87. It will held the next Summer Olympic Games in 2016.

Bolivia:88. Its capital city, La Paz, is the highest on Earth at 3,600m above sea level. Its airport is also the highest in the world.

89. The country was named after Simón Bolívar, the political activist who played a key role in the independence of some South American countries from Spain.

90. Yungas road is said to be the most dangerous in the world with more than 250 dead people every year.

Paraguay:91. Paraguayans love football and their team has been in many international competitions.92. Some native tribes have never been in contact with Europeans so far!!93. In 1893 a group of Australians established a colony called “New Australia” and that is why it is still possible to see some ginger haired people

from those first comers.

Uruguay:94. It is known as the Switzerland of South America because it is a very calm country.95. They love football and have got great players playing for many teams in the world.96. They love beef meat and the average consumption is 86kg per person a year. The national dish is the grilled steak.

97. The ant-eater can eat thousands of insects in a few minutes thanks to its really long tongue (up to 60cm) but it has no teeth.

Argentina:98. The national sport is called “duck” (because at first they used an alive duck) and it is a mixture of polo and basketball.99. Iguazú Falls are very important and impressive.100. The name “Argentina” means “land of silver” because of the many silver objects that the Spanish explorers found there.101. It is the cradle of tango, the national dance. It was born in Buenos Aires more than 100 years ago.

102. Perito Moreno Glacier is 30km long and belongs to the third biggest body of fresh water in the world.

Chile:103. More than 80% of the country is covered by mountains, most of them are actually volcanoes.

104. Atacama Desert is the hottest place on Earth. In some areas it has not rained for more than 400 years. However, some animals and plants can survived thanks to the early morning mist.

105. Rodeo is the national sport in Chile. It is more popular than football.

106. In 1880 Chile bought Easter Island (more than 3,500km away from Chile) on the Pacific Ocean where we can see the famous Moai (giant heads scattered all over the island).


Scotland:107. Although Edinburgh is the capital city, Glasgow is the biggest city in Scotland.

108. Their national dish is “haggis” made of mince meat in a sheep stomach.

109. In the Highland Games there are strange sports like caber-tossing or haggis-hurling!!110. In the Highlands every clan had their own kilt design. They were banned by the Government in 1746 after the Scottish Rebellion. Remember

that under their kilts men wear nothing!!111. Nessie is perhaps the most famous supernatural being in Scotland. She is supposed to live in Loch Ness.112. The telephone, the telegraph, golf, tyres or penicillium were all invented by Sottish people.


113. Giant's Causeway is made up of 40.000 blocks of volcanic stone and were formed 50 million years ago. Finn McColl, a famous Irish Giant, used to cross the sea here and fight his Scottish rival.

114. Only in Ireland windmills rotate anti-clockwise!!115. Halloween was born originally in Ireland and coincided with the Celtic New Year.

116. The name “Ireland” comes from “Emerald island”.117. There are no native snakes in Ireland, according to the legend St. Patrick led them all out of the island.

118. In the 19th century the potato famine forced millions of Irish people to migrate (most of them to the USA)

Wales:119. Rugby is the national sport.120. Wales is the country with more castles in the world (more than 600)!!121. Sheep outnumber people with four sheep per person!!

122. One small town has got the longest name for a train station ( Llanfairpwllgwyngyllgogerychwyrndrobwllllantysiliogogogoch ).

England:123. London has been for a long time the capital of the world thanks to the British Empire.124. The North of the country is heavily industrialized but at the same time, it is the place with more mysterious circles in crop fields.125. One in every three days it rains.126. The English drink more tea than any other nation (although they imported tea from China).127. Most major cities have two football teams (one Catholic and the other Protestant).128. The Royal Guard wear bearskin hats to look taller and frighten the enemies!!

129. Stonehenge (built when the Great Pyramids in Egypt) is still rather a mystery.

130. Fish and Chips are very popular and in the summer they can be bought at chippies by the sea.

Portugal:131. The Portuguese guitar is played only with your nails!132. Wall tiles are everywhere not only in bathrooms but also outside churches for example.

133. Famous “Pasteis de nata” are thought to be among the best cakes in the world.134. Portugal gave the world famous explorers like Pedro Alvarez Cabral (he discovered Brazil) or Vasco da Gama (he found the route to India

along the African coast).

Spain:135. It is the country of festivals and fun.

136. Torre de Hércules is the oldest lighthouse in the world. It was built by the Romans in the 1 st century AD and it flashes light every 20 seconds.

137. Famous painters, architects, singers, writers or sculptors were born in Spain. Salvador Dalí painted the Chupa Chups logo.

Andorra:138. It is a very small country in the Pyrenees. For many years it was property of the aristocracy of different kingdoms until 1278 when it became

a more independent region.139. The capital city, Andorra La Vella, is the highest in Europe.

140. The name comes from Arabic “with many trees” but today most of them have disappeared (like cattle) to make more and more ski resorts.

141. Its citizens live longest than in any other country (except for the Japanese)142. It is shoppers' paradise with more than 2,000 shops, one in every 40 people!!


143. Le Tour de France is the most famous bicycle race in the world and the leader always wears the yellow maillot.144. Underground Paris there are many catacombs, where poor people buried their dead once the cemeteries have no more capacity.145. It is the country of cheese (more than 500 varieties) but some are so stinky that it is prohibited to take them in public transport.

146. The Eiffel Tower was built for the World Exhibition of 1889 and has got 1665 steps. It was a temporary work but due to its success, they decided to keep it for ever.

147. Fashion is very important in France and many designers were born there.148. The French invented the hot air ballon, the Braille system, the sewing machine, the guillotine and the bikini!!


149. The Casino de Montecarlo is one of the most famous in the world but no citizen from Montecarlo can bet money in it! 150. It takes only 56 minutes on foot to cross the country. With only 2 km2, it is the second smallest country in the world.151. It is the country with more police-officers per inhabitant.152. Its flag is exactly the same as the one in Indonesia!!

153. The Montecarlo Grand Prix is worldwide famous and one of the oldest. It takes 6 weeks to prepare the streets for the race.

The Netherlands:154. They are the first producers of tulips in the world and during World War II many people survived by eating them.155. The typical windmills are used to pump water into the watering ditches that crisscross the country.

156. The Dutch are the tallest nationality in the world with an average of 1,84cm.

157. Carrots were originally black, red, white or purple but 500 years ago the Dutch created the orange carrot for the House of Orange.

158. Being a very flat country (part of it under sea level!) makes riding bicycles very easy. The number of bicycles doubles the number of cars in the country.

Belgium:159. The country has got three official languages: German, French and Dutch.160. They invented fries and chocolates (they produce more than 220.000 tons of chocolate a year!!161. They built the first skyscraper in Europe in 1932.

162. Hergé created the famous cartoon character Tintin with sales of more than 350 million comics. 163. Here was the birth of skating. In 1760 Joseph Merlin attended a fancy dress party with a pair of boots with metal wheels under them.

Austria:164. Two thirds of the country are part of the Alps, this is why there are some many famous ski resorts.

165. The national dish is strudel, a delicious desert with apple or cherry filling.166. Austria is home to many famous classical music composers (Haydn, Liszt, Schubert, Mozart...)

Germany:167. Berlin Wall was demolished in 1989 and the country was reunited.168. Garden gnomes are original from Germany and the first ones appeared in 1880.169. It is the second most inhabited country in Europe.170. The Germans love sausages and they have more than 1,500 different types. Sausages (Teckel) dogs are original from Germany and they

were used to hunt foxes.171. Many fairy tales are based on German folktales.

Switzerland:172. It has not participated in any war since 1814 and the country is known for its neutrality. This is why Swiss banks are also famous for keeping

the money of other people.

173. The Swiss Army knife was a local invention with scissors, hook, knife, screwdriver....174. Velcro was invented in Switzerland in 1948.

Italy:175. Every Italian eats 36kg of pasta a year!176. Italy is famous for its luxurious sport cars (Alfa Romero, Lamborghini, Maserati, Ferrari...)177. They say that Emperor Nero invented ice-cream in 62 AD when he sent his servants to the mountains to get ice and mix it with fruits.

178. Venice is famous for its canals and vaporetti (instead of cars) and every year the city sinks a little bit more.

179. The Colosseum in Rome is one of the news seven wonders in the world.

Vatican City:180. It is the smallest country in the world with only 0,44 km2 (some malls in America are bigger than it!!) and it is in the middle of Rome. There

are only 800 inhabitants. It was officially created in 1929.181. The famous Swiss guards protect the Pope since 1506.182. They have their own post service and cash points have instructions in Latin!!

Slovenia:183. It is the country with more tractors per person in the world!!184. Half the country is covered by forests with wild bears.

Croatia:185. Dalmatian dogs come from the Dalmatian coast.186. They gave the white stone that was used to build the White House in the USA!!187. Croatian soldiers used a scarf that later on developed into modern ties (with a little help from the French!)

Albania:188. There are 27 words for mustache (they are really obsessed with facial here in here!) 189. To say “yes” they shake their heads, and to say “no” they nod their heads!!190. It was the land of eagles, that is why there still one in their national flag.


191. The Parthenon is one of the most copied and famous buildings in the world. For a time it was used as the national bank of Greece.192. The Yo-yo was invented here more than 3,000 years ago.

193. The same greek word (kolóura) is used for “bread”, “toilet seat” and “life jacket”!!194. The national anthem has got 158 stanzas!!

195. The Olympic Games were born in Greece.196. They love blue for buildings for superstition, they think it protects from evil.

Moldava:197. The name comes from the river Moldova (named after a dog which died in the river after an exhausting hunting)198. They have the largest wine cellar in the world with capacity for more than 2 million bottles!!199. Religious symbols abound everywhere, even alongside roads.

Ukraine:200. In 1965 some amazing remains were discovered: huts made of bones and skin from mammoths.201. Visitors are welcome with bread and salt (meaning hospitality and friendship).202. Seeing a cobweb on Christmas Day is considered good luck, so they have Christmas decorations with that theme.


203. The name comes from Attila the Hun.204. The capital city, Budapest, is famous for its many baths. Budapest is the result of joining two different cities in 1873 (Buda and Pest)

205. Rubik cube was invented here and also ball-pens.


206. Stefan Banic , an slovakian inventor working in the USA, patented the parachute in 1914. He jumped from the 41 st floor of a building to test it.

207. They love ice hockey and it is the major producer of hockey pucks in the world.

208. Andy Warhola is its most famous artist.

209. In a cave called Krásnohorská we can find the highest stalagmite in the world (34m).210. The typical Christmas lunch is made up of carp (kind of fish). They buy it alive and keep it home in the bathtub for a few days.

Czech Republic:211. The Czech drink more beer than anybody else in the world (560 glasses a year per person).212. They love potatoes and can be served roasted, boiled, fried, mashed, in soup, stuffed, in salads....213. They country became independent in 1993 from the Soviet Union.214. Its capital city, Prague, is amongst the most beautiful capitals in the world. It has got 20 bridges over the Moldava River.215. They love puppets and puppet shows.

Poland:216. Every April thousands of white storks come to Poland and the Polish let them nest as close as possible because they are considered to

bring good luck.217. On Easter Monday children play with water all day.218. Most cemeteries get rid of the bones after 40 years to make room for more!!

Bulgary:219. Yoghurt was invented here.220. Here to say “Yes” people shake their heads and to say “No” people nod their heads

Belarus:221. It became independent from Russia in 1991.222. The capital city Minsk was almost completely destroyed in the Second World War, and half its population died.

223. In Belarus wrestling is very famous and many champions come from this country (both men and women).

224. Here lives the biggest animal in Europe, the bison.


225. Skype was invented here!!226. This is the country with more meteor landing on Earth.227. There is a famous competition where men have to run carrying their wives on their backs. The final is in Finland and the winner can drink his

wife's weight in beer.

Russian Federation:228. It is the biggest country on Earth and also the coldest, the first in many things, ….

229. It was the first country to travel to space with Yuri Gagarin.

230. In Moscow CatsTheatre they have shows performed by cats!!231. Many underground stations in Moscow are real museums full of sculptures, paintings, etc.

Finland:232. It is truly a country made of islands (179.584!!) and lakes (187.888!!)

233. The north of Finland, Sweden, Norway and Russia is the land of the Sami ( Lapland).234. This is the country where most coffee is drunk!!

235. Rovaniemi is the home of Santa Claus and you can send your letters there.236. They love saunas, the country has got more than 2 million of them.237. It is not very inhabited, there are only 16 Finnish per km2.

Sweden:238. The national dish is meatballs with cranberry sauce and mashed potatoes.

239. The Nobel Prizes are given in Stockholm every year. Alfred Nobel, the inventor of dynamite, created them.240. Viking ships used to have frightening dragon heads on their ships.

241. In Kiruna there is an ice hotel for the winter season.242. They belong to the EU but keep their national currency: the Swedish Crown.

Denmark:243. Bicycles are free to ride in many places.244. This is the land of LEGO. You would need a tower of 40.000 million pieces to reach the moon.245. For more than 400 years the Vikings frightened Europe and made Denmark a powerful nation.

246. Walt Disney visited Tivoli Park in Copenhagen and decided to do something similar in the USA: Disneyland.


247. Killer whales spend 3 months every year in the cold waters of Northern Norway.

248. Northern lights are an amazing sight.249. Oslo has been the capital city since 1299.

250. The King Crab is the biggest on Earth with 2m width.

251. Fjords are like valleys but in reality they are glaciers moving really slow.252. The country is very generous and gives every year the famous Christmas tree for Trafalgar Square in England.


253. Its capital city Reykjavík is the most northern capital in the world.254. This is the country of volcanoes and geysers (some can get 70m high!!)255. The Vikings brought some horses and since then, to keep them apart, no other horses can come to the island and if one of the native horse

leaves, it cannot come back ever!!


Morocco:256. Women usually tattoo their hands, arms and legs with henna.

257. Souqs are traditional markets where you can buy everything from spices to rugs, from animals to jewelry.258. The Hassan II mosque in Casablanca has the record for the tallest minaret in the world (210m).259. The national drink ins mint tea served always burning hot (even in summer!!)

Algeria:260. Most of the country is covered by the Sahara desert.

261. Tuareg people are also known as the blue people of the desert because of their usual clothes color. They are nomads.

262. The fennec is the smallest fox in the world. Thanks to its big ears, it can eliminate most of the body heat.


263. The national dish is couscous with fish and they love spicy food.

264. Lucky charms are really popular especially Fatima's hands. Fish are also considered to bring good luck.265. Many scenes form Star Wars were filmed in the south of the country.

Egypt:266. The country had two of the Antique Seven Wonders in the world (the Great Pyramids and the Lighthouse of Alexandria).267. Cats were sacred in Egypt because they eat snakes and mice and some were mummified.268. River Nile with 6650km is the longest in the world.

269. Papyrus was invented here long ago from a plant in the river Nile (it is a kind of paper)270. The Red Sea is famous for its coral and fish varieties.271. Pyramid thieves were said to be cursed if they broke into it.

Republic of Niger:272. Slavery was not officially abolished until 2003!!273. Although it has not got coast, fishing is an important activity for the country.274. Most of the country is covered by desert and sand storms can turn day into night!!

Mali:275. In Timbuktu we can find one of the oldest universities in the world (ca 1320) and it still has some of the original books on astronomy,

mathematics, etc.

276. The Great Mosque of Djenné is the biggest one in the world made of mud!!277. Elephants live in the desert of Mali but their habitat is reduced every year because agriculture needs more and more land.

Mauritania:278. Here is the longest train in the world (more than 3km) and it is used to transport mineral.279. Slavery is illegal but about 20% of the population are slaves!!280. Here come many birds from Northern Europe (more than 2 million) to mate.

Cape Verde:281. The isles were uninhabited until the Portuguese arrived in 1462.282. The isles were separated from Africa thousands of years ago.283. It is a very windy country and hurricanes are frequent.284. People here like dancing in the many festivals along the year.

Senegal:285. In 1979 two French men drove a Range Rover from Paris to Dakar and won the first rally.

286. Lake Retba is also called the “pink lake” because of the color of its water caused by salt and a bacteria.

287. Millions of birds use Djoudj National Park on their migration tours from Northern Europe.288. The national animal is the lion.

Guinea-Bissau:289. 3/4 of the country is covered by forests, one of the biggest extensions in Africa.

290. Guinea Pigs are from Colombia and Peru but one theory says that these animals got to America from here in Africa, that is why they are called so in English.

291. Elephants here are smaller than in the savannah but they still can eat more than 100kg a day!!

292. Cashews are very important here for exportation.293. Roasted monkey is really popular.

Sierra Leone:294. It is one of the top producers of diamonds. No machine can help to get them just your hands and luck!!

295. There live pygmy hippos with only 93cm height.296. Freetown is the capital city to remember that this was previously a land of slaves.

Ivory Coast:297. The name of the country is due to the trade of ivory in the past.298. They are the biggest producers of cacao and coffee in the world.299. They have the biggest Catholic church in the world the more than 30,000m2.

Ghana:300. Coffins can have different shapes to resemble some features of the deceased person.

301. Lake Volta is the biggest artificial lake in the world to produce electric power. It can be seen from space.302. It is one of the major producers of gold in the world.303. Princes Town is the closest town in the world to latitude and longitude 0.

Togo:304. It is frequent to buy monkey or snake heads in markets for voodoo sessions.305. It is a small country with more than 40 tribal groups.306. It was a French colony for many years and the influence can be seen on the capital design (resembling the big avenues of Paris)

Nigeria:307. With more than 157 million inhabitants it is the most populated country in Africa.

308. They have Nollywood, the second film producer in the world after India with more than 2,000 films a year or 5 every day!!309. The country is also rich in oil.310. Many spam emails from Nigeria promise you a lot of money!!

Cameroun:311. One of the tribes in the country keeps the brains of the dead relatives where their spirits are supposed to live.312. Goliath beetle is the heaviest and biggest in the world with 125gr and 12cm.313. Goliath frog is also the biggest in the world. They can reach 33kg and 33cm.

Republic of the Congo:314. Bonobos and Chimpanzees (our closest relatives in animal kingdom) live here but are in danger of extinction.315. Here live the smallest pygmies in the world with an average height of 1,40cm.

316. The okapi, in the giraffe family, has such a long tongue that can lick its ears and eye-lashes.317. This is the place in the world with more electric storms!!

Uganda:318. The River Nile is born here.

319. The population here is very young, more than half is under 15.

320. The tsetse fly is responsible for the sleep disease.

Kenya:321. Here have been found remains of some of the oldest humans in history.322. Nairobi National Park is a great place to see lions.

Somalia:323. With more than 3,000 kms of coast no wonder most of the modern pirates are from Somalia.324. They tamed the first camels more than 5,000 years ago.


325. Coffee was discovered here in the 9 th century by a shepherd when he noticed the stimulating effect of the coffee beans on his goats.

326. Mursi teenage females wear a plate on their lower lips.327. Many famous marathon runners come from this country as they are well trained, some of them even run barefoot.

Eritrea:328. It was the first country in the world to protect its coast.

329. The Red Sea isn't red at all but it is salty and warm, full of coral and fish!330. Elephants were originally from Eritrea.

Burundi:331. Their post stamps are amongst the most beautiful in the world.332. In 2005 the government prohibited Christmas trees to protect wild trees.

333. Lake Tanganyika is one of the biggest in the world and has got more than 350 different fish species.334. Coffee is one of the most important exports for the country.

Tanzania:335. Here is Mount Kilimanjaro, the highest in Africa with 5895m. It is an old volcano always covered in snow.

336. Women carry their children on their backs with the kangas. This way the baby is protected and the mother's hands are free to move.

Angola:337. This country was a Portuguese colony in the past. It is quite rich in oil, gold, copper and diamonds.338. There was a horrible civil war for 27 years that killed 1.5 million people.339. More than 30% of children in the country have to work nowadays.


340. Namibia Ultra Marathon is a 126km race in the desert for 24h. Runners have to carry their own food and drinks and temperatures can vary from 45º C at daytime and 0º C at night.

341. Hoba meteorite is the biggest one intact on Earth. It is a block of iron of 60 tons and fell from the sky 80,000 years ago.

South Africa:

342. In Cape Agulhas meet the two oceas, Atlantic and Indian.

343. Nelson Mandela is a national leader. He was in prison for 28 years because he fought for the same right for black people.344. Here was found in 1905 the biggest diamond in the world ( Cullinan) with 3106 carats and 10,5 cm length.345. Zulus are the biggest tribal group in Africa. They were great warriors.

Madagascar:346. It is the fourth biggest island in the world. It got separated from Africa millions of years ago and animals and plants evolved in different ways.347. They have both, biggest and smallest chameleons in the world.348. Every seven years families get the bones of their dead relatives to honor them and after that, they are buried again.349. They have got seven species of baobabs in the island. These trees can store more than 120,000 liters of water in their roots for the dry


Seychelles:350. This country made up of 155 islands is the least inhabited one in Africa.351. Until the arrival of the French colonists in 1770, it was not inhabited.352. It is famous for its white beaches. 353. They have the biggest seed in the world, a coconut that can weigh up to 20kg.

Mauritius:354. This is the place where the extinct dodo lived until 1681.355. There is no army in this pacific country.356. Some of their post stamps are amongst the most expensive ones for stamp collectors.



357. Here is Krubera Cave the deepest cave in the world with 2140m.

358. Joseph Stalin was born here.

359. They use also a different alphabet: the Georgian alphabet.

Armenia:360. This is said to be the place were Noah's Ark arrived after the Biblical flood (more specifically on Mount Ararat).361. Here is where skirts were used for the first time!362. They also were the first to get wine from grapes.363. Here are the most delicious apricots in the world!!

Lebanon:364. The name of the country means in Arabic “white” because of the snow in the mountains of the country.365. Cedar trees come from here but due to deforestation there are not many.366. Lebanese food is famous worldwide (kebabs, hummus, tabule...)

367. Here took place one of the biggest robberies in history: €30 million were stolen in 1976.


368. Here is the Dead Sea, the most salted lake in the world where you can easily float. No fish can live in this salty water. It is also the deepest place on Earth above ground.

369. Many Biblical sites are found here (Galilea, Bethlem, Nazareth...)


370. Here is Petra, one of the new seven wonders of the world.371. According to table manners, you have so say “No” three times before accepting food!!372. You must avoid praising children, it brings bad luck!

Saudi Arabia:373. Here are the biggest deposits of oil in the world. This is why the country is so rich!374. In Meca Prophet Mahoma was born in 570. All muslims must travel to Meca at least once in their lives and go around Kaaba for seven

times.375. Here is the biggest desert in the world (650,000 km2)

United Arab Emirates:376. There are seven emirates, being Dubai the most famous one.

377. This is a country of world records. Burj Khalifa is the tallest building in the world (828m). It is like two Empire State Buildings one on top of the other. It cost 1,000 € million to build it.

378. They love huge projects like Palm Islands or The World, two artificial archipelagos.

Bahrain:379. They say Eden, the Biblical paradise, was here.380. 92% of the country is desert.381. In 2004 they built a F1 circuit but because alcohol is prohibited, the winner cannot use champagne to celebrate the victory.382. Pearls from here are considered amongst the best in the world, even more valuable than diamonds.

Kuwait:383. This is the sixth richest country in the world and 95% of its wealth comes from oil exports.384. There are strange buildings all over the country to store water as most of the country is desert.385. Every year they host a kite festival. In 2005 they flew the biggest kite in the world (a Kuwait flag 25m long and 40m wide, bigger than a

tennis court!!)386. Like in other muslim countries, Fridays are festive days with traditional familiar lunches.

Iraq:387. Bagdag is one of the oldest cities in the world, it was founded between 900 and 1200 BC and had more than 1.2 million inhabitants.388. Writing began here as well as schools and the first school books were made of mud.

389. Camel spiders can jump more than 1m, move as fast as humans and yell!!390. Many Biblical episodes happened here (Babel tower was built here, Abraham was born here, Noah's Ark was built here, the Three Wise

Men set off from here...)

Iran:391. Here humans started to grow crops and breed animals. Since then nomads started to settle in villages and towns.392. Backgammon was invented here.393. It seems incredible but there are ski resorts in this country.


394. In the past this country was very important because the Silk Road passed it. It was 6500km long and European merchants traded species, silk, gold, silver, etc. Caravans were necessary to protect themselves from bandits. Marco Polo was one of the best-known travelers and he took 3 years to complete the journey.

395. Never place bread upside down or on the floor (even inside a bag) here, it brings bad luck!

Kazakhstan:396. It is said that here is where humans first tamed horses.

397. The Aral Sea was the fourth biggest inland sea in the past but today it is just one tenth of its original size. The Soviet Union used most of its water to water huge crop fields in the past.

398. Caviar is one of the most delicious and expensive meals in the world (it can be 7200€ a kilo) and it comes from a fish in the Caspian Sea.

Pakistan:399. It is a new country born after the partition of India in 1947.400. Here is K2, the second highest mountain in the world.401. The Indians invented numbers but here was invented the number 0.402. Polo sport was invented here, the word “polo” means “ball” in the local language.403. In the city of Mohenjo Daro we find the first example in history of a city with straight streets.404. They make 80% of the footballs in the world.


405. Eight out of ten Indians are Hindus and they believe cows are sacred animals so they do not eat them.

406. Bollywood is the Indian version of Hollywood. Every year they film 800 movies full of actions, dances and music.

407. Taj Mahal is considered one of the new seven wonders of the world. It took 21 years to build it and 20,000 workers participated.408. Some inventions from this marvelous country: buttons, pajamas, numbers from 1 to 9, bracelets, dentistry, hospitals, ovens, shampoo,


Sri Lanka:409. The name of the country changed from Ceylon in 1972.

410. Here is the biggest fruit in the world, jackfruit. It weighs as 125 apples!!!411. Tea is an important produce here and more than one million people work in it.

Nepal:412. Here is Mount Everest with 8850m height. It was first climbed by Edmund Hillary in 1953. Here are also eight of the ten highest places on

Earth. Sherpas are local people who help expeditions.413. According to legend, this is also the home of Yeti.414. The main religion is hinduism but here is where Buddha was born.

Bhutan:415. Even though most homes have no TV, telephone or Internet access, this is one of the happiest place on Earth.416. Tourists were forbidden until 1974.417. Here is the highest mountain on Earth not climbed yet, the government has no money for rescue and so it is forbidden.418. Archery is the national sport.

Burma / Myanmar:419. Women with neck rings add one every year. They say that is a perfect protection against tiger attacks.

420. Bagan was formerly the capitol city of Burma and had more than 13,000 temples. Today only 2,200 remain in the middle of a forest.

421. Rubies come from Northern Burma.

Thailand:422. It is known as the country of smiles, as people are very friendly.423. In Bangkok there is a floating market and people jump from boat to boat looking for their shopping.424. Here polo is played with elephants and a football!!

425. Their version of a taxi for crowded places is the auto-rickshaw or tuck-tuck (because of the noise they make)426. Here it is illegal to go out without underwear!!


427. They celebrate Tet, which is like Christmas, your birthday and New Year on the same date with a big celebration.428. In some restaurants they serve dog meat and you can drink snake wine.429. Here buffalos are similar to horses to help in farming and transportation.430. Vietnamese are masters of kites, some even have flutes that sound when they fly against the wind.431. The war with the USA is of the most horrible events in the past.


432. Petrona Twin Towers in Kuala Lumpur (designed by Cesar Pelli and built in 1998) were the tallest building in the world until 2004.

433. Here there are the biggest flowers in the world. Rafflesias can be 1m wide and weigh up to 10kg. They are famous because they smell of rotten meat to attract flies.

434. Do not use your index finger to point at something but your thumb!435. Here there are wild orangutans (in the local language “orang” means “man” and “utan” means “forest”).


436. Durians are local fruit with a very disgusting smell and so it is prohibited in some hotels and public transport.437. The Sultan of the country is famous for collecting expensive cars (he has got 983 Mercedes, 230 Rolls-Royce and 325 Ferrari).438. No building in the country can be taller than the mosque built in 1958 (the minaret is 44m tall).

Singapore:439. It is a city state (like the Vatican).440. It is famous for its shops and clean streets.441. Some illegal things here: chewing-gum, graffiti, spitting on the street, littering the streets...

Indonesia:442. It is made up of 17,000 islands but only 600 are inhabited.443. There are 129 active volcanos.444. In 1912 here was killed the longest snake so far (10m).

Philippines:445. It was a Spanish colony for some centuries named after king Philip II.446. They love texting with more than 400 million text messages a day!!447. If the country is on war, they fly the flag upside down.

Taiwan:448. The portuguese were the first Europeans to set foot here.

449. In the early morning it is frequent to see large groups of people practicing taichi in the parks.

450. Taipei 101 (508m) was the tallest building in the world until Burj Khalifa was inaugurated.451. Here fortune-tellers can read your face lines!452. Here number 4 is for bad luck, color red for good luck and white is the color for death.

China:453. This is the most populated country in the world with 1,300 millions inhabitants. One out of five people in the world live here!! This is why the

Government only allows one child from couples in cities.

454. The Great Wall of China is the biggest structure ever built by humans. It is 3460km long as protection was against invasions from the north. It is one of the new seven wonders of the world.

455. Giant panda bears are in danger of extinction, there are only 1,600 in the wilderness. Fertility is very low as females have only 3 fertile days a year.

North Korea:456. Korea was divided in two after the Second World War.457. This is the most militarized country in the world.458. The relationship with their neighbors, South Korea, are not good at all. A concrete wall watched by soldiers runs along the border.

South Korea:459. The capital city, Seoul, is one of the largest in the world.

460. Here is the best Ginseng in the world.461. Many restaurants will offer you octopus alive still wriggling on your plate.462. They love technology, new gadgets, etc.

Japan:463. Tokyo is the most populated city in the world. There are more than 35 million people in the Metropolitan area (there are even employers who

push people into underground trains!!)464. Space is a problem here and people are used to live in very small areas.

465. Origami is the art of making different shapes by folding a piece of paper.466. Balloon fish is really delicious but its skin and gutters are deadly poisonous for humans.467. Manga is more than comics, there are also manga books about science, history, love, business...


Papua New Guinea:468. This is one of the places on Earth least explored, many animal and plant species are yet to be discovered.469. This is the country with more languages (850) and different tribes (700).470. They love face painting a lot!471. Houses are built on poles platforms so air circulates and keeps the houses fresh.472. Cannibalism was only prohibited here in the 1950s.

Australia:473. Australia was a penal colony for many years and British convicts were sent there when the British jails were full.

474. Here is the biggest rock on Earth (Ayers Rock or Uluru).

475. Sydney Opera House is huge with 1,000 music rooms!!476. White sharks can be 6m long, weigh 2 tons and swim as fast as 70km/h.

New Zealand:477. This is a very unstable country with around 365 earthquakes a year.478. This the home of kiwis (people from here are also known as '”kiwis”.

479. There are some 12 sheep per each person in the country!

480. Zorbing was invented here in 1994 and it was used to roll down hills.481. Bungee jumping started here in 1984.482. Their rugby team “All Blacks” is one of the most famous in the world.

Tahiti:483. It was a French colony and it is made up of 117 islands in an area as big as western Europe.

484. To welcome visitors they offer a lei, the traditional necklace made of flowers. 485. Black pearls from here are really famous and mean a fortune for the country every year.

486. The French painter Paul Gauguin visited the islands in the late 1890s and fell in love with the scenery and colors of the islands.

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