item 5: report from chair accomplishments and challenges darasri dowreang 4 november 2009 1 the 23...

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Item 5: Report from ChairAccomplishments and Challenges

Darasri Dowreang4 November 2009

1The 23rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 2009


The 23rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 2009 2

• CEOS 2009 Priorities

• CEOS 2009 Tangible Outcomes

– Outcome Accomplishments and Challenges

• Overall Accomplishments and Challenges

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1) Continue the excellent progress towards GEOSS space segment implementation

2) Provide start-up support for tasks on • Global Monitoring of Greenhouse Gases from Space• Forest Carbon Tracking from Space

3) Strengthen coordination among CEOS, CGMS and WMO to optimize available resources

4) Further develop the Data Democracy effort

5) Improve outreach and promotion of results

CEOS 2009 PrioritiesCEOS 2009 PrioritiesCEOS 2009 PrioritiesCEOS 2009 Priorities

1) Continue the excellent progress towards GEOSS space segment implementation

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2009 CEOS Tangible Outcomes2009 CEOS Tangible Outcomes2009 CEOS Tangible Outcomes2009 CEOS Tangible Outcomes

Substantial progress towards the targets of the CEOS Implementation Plan (CEOS IP) for Space-based Observations for the GEOSS

A) CEOS-GEO Actions TableAccomplishment: Commitments from CEOS agencies at SIT-23Challenge: Seeking commitments from agencies

B) Commitments from all CEOS space agencies Achievement: Success of ‘Tour de Table’ from SIT-23 and followed-up

actions with agencies in SIT-24 Challenge: A monthly telecon requests more participations from agencies

C) A third version of the CEOS IPAchievement: CEOS IP issued ahead of Plenary

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Compelling, high-level demonstrations of GEOSS Space Segment outcomes in support of GEO-VI, COP-15 and GEO Ministerial meetings

Accomplishment : Dedicated team established for both GEO-VI and COP-15 preparation

o GEO-VI team led by Brian Killougho COP-15 team led by Julio D’Alge

Challenge: CEOS relations to UNFCCC are not formalised – engagement is difficult. GEO has the same challenge. Positioning and mandate of CEOS and GEO wrt UNFCCC needs to be addressed at some stage if supply of satellite observations is to get appropriate recognition in the political process

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2) Provide start-up support for tasks on • Global Monitoring of Greenhouse Gases from Space• Forest Carbon Tracking from Space

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Forest Carbon Tracking (CL-09-03b)Accomplishment : - Forest Carbon Tracking Communiqué was adopted at SIT-23.- The 2nd GEO Forest Monitoring Symposium was well organized on 1-

3 July 2009 with a lot of inputs from agencies and participants. - SIT Chair dedicated follow-ups with data providers. - CEOS has provided a comprehensive response to the GEO 2009 data

requirements: FM Seifert (ESA) is the CEOS PoC- Draft Data Management & Access Guidelines for the

GEO Forest Carbon Tracking Demonstrator released September 2009.

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Challenge: - Governments and UN agencies need to be convinced that data supply can be secured continuously and on public good terms

(or adequate funding arrangements can be made)- Without this the role of satellites in FCT operational phase is in question in minds of the politicians- The prospect of linking success of CEOS coordination efforts to crucial global policy development in climate is a compelling


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Forest Carbon Tracking (CL-09-03b) cont.

CEOS Agencies involved either as FCT co-Leads or as EO data providers

o Co-Leads: currently CSIRO, ESA, JAXA, NSCo SAR: ASI, CSA, DLR, ESA, JAXAo Optical: CNES, INPE, ISRO, KARI, & USGS

Challenge: - CEOS urges FCT task to produce and promote the GEO 2009 Forest Carbon Tracking demo

dataset as soon as possible- Indicate the space agency intent- Encourage space agencies that their efforts are worthwhile and recognised

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Forest Carbon Tracking (CL-09-03b) cont.

Global Monitoring of Greenhouse Gases from Space (CL-09-03c)

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Accomplishment: - GEO Carbon Report has been circulated to CEOS.- JAXA as a leader of GHG task has input Space Based Measurement section on October 2009

- Multiple comments from CEOS Members in support

- Document in development for distribution at GEO-VI.Challenge: - ACC Constellation engagement important going forward

- 2010 Workshop on GHG and CEOS Response to the GEO Carbon Report?

- Anticipate increasing attention for GEO Carbon Report- Some CEOS response required – consistency with new GCOS IP should be confirmed

3) Strengthen coordination among CEOS, CGMS and WMO to optimize available


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Positive steps towards harmonised relations among CEOS, CGMS and the WMO Space Programme (SP) in support of efficient implementation of the GEOSS Space Segment

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Accomplishments : - Endorsed QA4EO - instrument for supporting CGMS and WMO

relationship (QA4EO Workshop was held in Antalya, Turkey – Sept)- Strong WMO support on 2009 CEOS MIM database and consistency

in terminology for joint analyses purposes. CGMS offered use of MIM for their studies

- Climate coordination meeting in margins of Phuket Plenary

Positive steps towards harmonised relations among CEOS, CGMS and the WMO Space Programme (SP) in support of efficient implementation of the GEOSS Space Segment

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Challenge: - An enormous challenge is presented in responding to the GCOS IP

and stewarding the ECVs and FCDRs required- Need more effective coordination among research space agencies,

operational space agencies and WMO- Increased efforts on this front are needed

4) Further develop the Data Democracy effort

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Execute initiative on Data Democracy for Developing Countries

Accomplishment : • ASEAN Data Democracy Seminar was held successfully in

Bangkok in June 2009 • the effort of CEOS on data democracy initiative to ASEAN countries.

• Asian countries have a well-response to the project and guided their user’s requirement to CEOS.• A concept proposal was submitted to GEO CFP for EO for

Decision Support Projects• Data Democracy Program is proposed as a new task in a

current GEO WP• Deliverables on Data Access, Software package, and Capacity


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Execute initiative on Data Democracy for Developing Countries

Challenge: • Chairmanship transition may reflect to sustainability and

continuity of the project strategy• Some overlapping works with other groups

5) Improve outreach and promotion of results

The 23rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 2009 18

Event Place DateGEO-V Plenary Bucharest, Romania 19 – 20 Nov 2008UNFCCC, COP-14 Poznan, Poland 1-12 Dec 2008CEOS-GEO Coordination Meeting Geneva, Switzerland 3-4 Dec 2008GEOSS User & Architecture Workshop XXV Valencia, Spain 3-4 Dec 2008Land-Cover/Land-Use Change Processes in Monsoon Asia Region Khonkaen, Thailand 12-17 Jan 2009WGEdu Remote Sensing Workshop (for ASEAN) Bangkok, Thailand 4-6 Feb 20093rd GEOSS Asian-Pacific symposium Kyoto, Japan 4-6 Feb 2009GEO ADC Full Committee and Co-Chair Committee Kyoto, Japan 8-11 Feb 2009Workshop on "Developing on an Agricultural Monitoring system of Systems” Beijing, China 11-13 Feb 200946th COPUOS Vienna, Austria 9-20 Feb 2009GEO Reconciliation Meeting Geneva, Switzerland 30 Mar-1 Apr 2009Joint Scientific Committee, WCRP JSC University of MD, USA 6-9 Apr 2009IOCCG Meeting Hangzhou, China 20-22 Apr 2009(ISRSE) User Interface Committee of GEO Stressa, Italy 4-8 May 2009GEO ADC Full Committee Stressa, Italy 11-15 May 2009Oceans'09 IEEE Bremen, Germany 11-14 May 20091st CEOS Carbon Task Force Meeting Canberra, Australia 21-22 May 2009GEOSS Sensor Web Workshop Ibaraki, Japan 21-22 May 2009UNFCCC, SBSTA-30 Bonn, Germany 1-12 June 200915th GEO Executive Committee Meeting Geneva, Switzerland 1-2 June 2009WMO Executive Council Geneva, Switzerland 3-12 June 200952nd COPUOS Vienna, Austria 3-12 June 20092nd GEO Forest Monitoring Symposium Chaing Rai, Thailand 1-3 July 2009GEOSS Workshop XXVIII: Health and the Environment Geneva, Switzerland 7-9 July 2009IGARSS-2009 Cape Town, South Africa 13-17 July 20093rd World Climate Conference Geneva, Switzerland 29-5 Sept 20096th International Symposium on Digital Earth Beijing, China 9-12 Sept 2009GEO ADC Full Committee and Co-Chair Committee Beijing, China 15-18 Sept 2009OceanObs'09 conference Venice, Italy 25 Sept 2009QA4EO Workshop Antalya, Turkey 29 Sept – 1 Oct 2009International Astronautical Congress Daejeon, Korea 12-16 Oct 2009GEO Forest Carbon Tracking Review and Strategy Meeting London, England 19-20 Oct 2009GEO Forest Carbon Tracking Technical and Management Meeting London, England 21-22 Oct 2009CGMS-37 Jeju Island, Korea 20-30 Oct 2009GEO-VI Plenary Washington DC, USA 17-18 Nov 2009UNFCCC, COP-15 Copenhagen, Denmark 7 Dec – 18 Dec 2009


Publish a high-level CEOS publication for use by CEOS at high profile forums including GEO Plenary and Ministerial

Accomplishment : - SIT Team has put a lot of effort on constructing the CEOS

deliverable document. A high-level CEOS publication is planned to develop by Troika ahead of the GEO Ministerial in late 2010, using text from the final version of the CEOS deliverables document with a support from SIT/ CEO/SEO/ and relevant agencies.

Challenge: - A lot of editorial works, support from members needed, request to

contribute on this publication.

The 23rd CEOS Plenary I Phuket, Thailand I 3-5 November 2009 20

Intensified engagement, under the direction of the CEOS Chair, with the UNFCCC on CEOS coordination of the implementation of the Global Climate Observing System (GCOS) space-based observations

Accomplishment : - CEOS statement on the status of CEOS response to the GCOS IP was gave in

SBSTA Plenary at COP-14 as well as CEOS side event.- A statement of CEOS support to space-based observations of GCOS was

addressed at SBSTA-30, also CEOS side meeting was succeed. - SBSTA encourages CEOS to continue involvement in global observations and

invites CEOS to give a report during SBSTA-33.- Plenary side meeting on this topic Challenge: - Strengthened relationship & systematic reporting to UNFCCC to promote the

role of CEOS in coordinating observations

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6) Other Key Outcomes

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Substantial progress on outcomes from the CEOS Virtual Constellations

Accomplishment : - Two new Constellations Implementation Plans have been

distributed in CEOS for review. Challenge: - Identifying short to medium term tangible outcomes – as

anticipated by the Constellations Concept- Ensuring alignment with CEOS priorities

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Improvements to the various CEOS information systems employed in support of our objectives

Accomplishment : - A well-developed and up-to-date CEOS website- A new CEOS mailing list- A CEOS Missions, Instruments and Measurements (MIM) online Challenge: In General- Keeping the website current and accurate is critical to its effectiveness and use- Ensure agency contributions to provide the recent update to SEOMIM- Sustained effort annually to update MIM by all agencies- Ensure MIM are put to work in support of our coordination priorities

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Raise the importance of societal impact from loss of Earth observing spectrum and of work of the Space Frequency Coordination Group (SFCG)

Accomplishment : - CSIR and SFCG establishing plan for way forward.

Challenge: - Economic and other information required beyond typical CEOS

representation.- Existing data will exist and CSIR/SFCG will need assistance to

identify and integrate

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• A busy year of considerable accomplishments– GISTDA believes that our objectives as Chair were met and hope that

CEOS agrees

• Overall Challenges: – Maintaining momentum: Chair, SIT, CEO & SEO resources for 2010 will

be challenged– New opportunity presents itself with the GCOS IP update: including for

a new dialogue with CGMS & WMO Space– Increased political engagement of CEOS (and indeed GEO) seems

essential for increased support for our coordination effort

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Overall Accomplishments and ChallengesOverall Accomplishments and ChallengesOverall Accomplishments and ChallengesOverall Accomplishments and Challenges

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