itttl ltr r rt -lrr3,r-r on trent,

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-Lrr3,r-rItttl ltr rBritish UFO Res€arch Associ.tion N€wchap€r Obsetuaro'y, sroke on Trent,







sroKE oN TRENT ENGLAND - l4Ay 1975

Price: Menbers 30 pence; Non-Menbers 50 pencePublished: Januarl 1976


IntrodEtion by Tony P&e IRAS

nq chje.ts and Davld certainryl1kes to )reep there. se is bastcally using

enqinee! sp€ciarisins in tneatesign and deveroprent of

rd dalyttcal

6!'ectry Eaid.!acec!aft, I d pleased he lointed out


tney night bespacecraft o exproratory kl]dledqe t!13question has .ot reauy been .tudtear lEo!,eiry in tne last and conseqEntly

ar society hawe ser out b evarure juet h4detectarrre sucb

k are at pr€sent 1n tne inttbr sbqes of a €iytentati'eexPe'ienurthistoPic.lhele

tnat this ls Hhat ue do,

rle de not involved


a epecific technique rhic

societyisarery1911 plrery to conduct rcsearch

'ourd juE! 1ik€ b cment

of @s. ry feelineskld of sp€cific

!b..$re question of o!191n of uFos

of ou socieq privately de of

of natural teEesdial

1s tet s@arised ln rlEt 'e &reideron tnls s$ject, siudy of onldentrfied Fryine oblects"

sPacecraft and fo! tlecall tnese s!,acec.aft ii.tdshipsi.

of stalsh1ps Furd beexda-teiresdial , siryry beca6e sbrshi!,s Gy not be


radtattor of t]le v1:ilrle ttqht.

radloactlve @teilals. A tt? radlo-activesouceforthekinitofeq

a harf-life of 5,26 yeals.

of radlatto! atu:e equtlent I an qotnq to

d€cribe. b ldeot1ry ladlatlon froD lts s!,e.tal

.Pace, ltarsh$s rculd need werYof enerqy. Trrey

Eefurly, vehlcles'ou1don tt@ scares

to do tn1s. tney harea nmbe! of qtoups it t]]le

bEe.tilal techDlosy b bulrat 6tdshtlsfutue. BecaGe of tx1s,

a 1ot of sFclflc lnfomtion about hd these wehtcles niqht 6perate, ee

at s@€ lblnt 1n tnei. de€rordent dqht

steculattnq alout

F6olursion rhichfine foi dEemnt but you can,t acturry do anyrhrng about l]]a because

e*tracr€d 1n basically f6uln brresbiat

future 1r my beln txat 'e do

cent efficiendr. of cbraining enelgy riqht be tn€ us€ 6f

Baslcatry 'e hare m

kcbnorosy rhich Dight be tne !,bysics is rndn

to dlscuEs nucrear

srldt of a nechadm for buudi.s a

ar devices _ boobs

tneboDbslntoar a hish rare _ say 30 a

deuteilu/tritiu Pelretsfe' D1lr&re ar€ injecr€d into

tne btunucre mter1ar

projecr and rike

rdl€t 'hich

orior plojecr shich actully

objecrs and tney r l be weryIt'i

!i.. b a Ery rdq' n@b" of dlrtutbu€t tn*";**r. p**a*. Oure apd! re pu&e' ol lrsht anit n*I.ui.iiin.; ;"y 'rrt €dtht€; .ag*t1. rrer.b. tnrla-r"r !'dl!tlor' etc'because eudi ; @clttE r. ,n!t enslreels

.-'!**'. s. txl^*rne tltlt b€ca* lt @rBi"a."u- -a q*.t. rr"r&, rt r@ksr. i' .,r'* -i=. s.*',o.. b 6@ eaent oFos are Yhit€ DtEeg"*i.-* r'. *y;*.r tn$€ s r' coinclde'* (Fo'


r rltl d m€ on b tn€ e4E!t!et! rnich ha3 b'en olEiat€d !t tlE Jd6

"'li!-'li[..;- * 6e E,t; E!s3bl'r sodeqi (shd^ tn Frq 1) rhr''.h-1'

iii*'G-".";,-"***th;t;;;;"tb'. 'tptq t "I*' " ttnx a;"qre or t,'e expezisxt ' *J* . r.-" bd1& scrnrrllalron"* '"ni.r-

roo *rrderecuon vort' b 10 lrrrron:;;;;;i;.. F.dralron enbrrns:ii;;. -' oir.o "t rrql't "' d't*t'd bv a phobur"'Prie! rhtch 15 'I."^iii* J"J*u. ft€ ;r-b"rderrd ..!rd. .rectttc'r 'rq")s rhrch,-

-iiriJ .'a *.t t '*ro* rhit or adrvLtcar 'sutPrnt' ftr'

***ii r'"" r*. "*-.r ror *rer'I ver!' rt

;;;;;;;;;; ; i-r"*'r"*, 6*ntt@! P.p'! 3Ere ch'tu' FnEhed

i.p"' t-p", p't"t-""t..',a otber k1'& or outPut€'l,L* i ai-lr.-. e.* "v dle*ibutlon berne @E*r;;;.'";=; tt'u. tr'" "v"u rE Eise€r€d int! ar@rro

he ol tnes.r tor rnsbnce.ploduceE a velv h19h te&lurrcn Ps;h pa!€' tap'ach a-. i,* au tle r;rotuEron belnq recoliied Dv tJle equrprnt 't u€;;;iGj. ."-". ee en tnen ex*cL everv @abre pr€@

";";;;.; a; .r'. "v.* u',a "r:."tr*rv 'eons@'t *E event dd 1r

!ed€r. or th€ tle tld tne €went oes6'

ladlalion detet'! rhtd ceE a sodi@ loi['t':;.;.i sr. rs . r"xr&trr)ciarrv slm .rnsr€ svst,r' rr ts Erv.;;;;". ;.- drrrrcurt b MIG r! \as an oplr€r {n*r-:"1", .

"i*' ir"a- ehr.,h coupres rrsht pdr.€s -'c€d bv scuurra oc

"r'*i' *i .r'-*r*" q@ av Photo!' iEslnq tlEouqh t}l€a.L1.... n'*. llqnt pulEes de opti.arrv @upre't b tne photdurtrplrd'

the rhole asEedty 1s @sted 1. a.oDtalndra talqe tlberand EqEtl€al]v.b.l€Ided. Itt. baslcally alat c{Errt€it tn, Posltlo! rnet' lt lE Dt€ffecd€ry Ecleeneat f!6 tne q.@ Edlatld t! tle atslo5phs€,

Flq 3 .hds d ln.Elmnt bav Pit@!11v Eeat for .rlear pnvst'surie'r*"t". n t'.". a crock rht.h ties 'rd l'ar1€llv

"-ur. *-. k hate a .IE tru aElv*! Yhlch taLeE lnfoet1or 116the laatlat-ton aiet€ctors sit s!t5 lt dt inb a dlEi!1r)utld. It 1'€ffecdvery a aal1 c.rpute! lEvtng a ft&d progld.r".a*.ti *. ssdlated vitx oldaths th€ iietectot. a'it calrvlns outsignar ploesstns tasks on tn€ lnfoetlon.

te@d outputs frcrtr. .p".L*t"t @ n routjc b!si6. at the lle tnis IE tlctrId Gchlne*.. ba"g sed to cbtal! houlv .tat, on trE s@ rav 3!Ec&ar dltttll'utldin th€ aiespnderrhlch re haG b€€n slnq as a baclqrourd b fEtnd Ydr'


Y,1l ll Tl]lll', l,i';i rllt

-*ttt . ,:.

Flc 2






frc 9


rike 15 000 of these pdricurdrecolaied by t})€ e)eerlnents.

d rdltrer drfferenr specu(IFbr whlche1@i!-cdnL evanrs,

It a@ry6es the radlarlo! ar farrly hish resolutlon and the.outputs tt 1n rhe fon of pal,e!

{elavedeec'qyofray !,rrotons in ele.ron vo of arour 100 kirob about 3 n lionevents, qhe disl)l:y ts @de up of a nrdei of drsctete points rnicb are

in tne mchlne.prot -but uhen

are dne b qeloglcar .adiatlo.i f.iisototE Pobssim tn rarqe quntities

is tne contl.uE ofincrea!1.q nujobe. of ts due ro the padrarabsorPtia. and scatt*insed6, fte orisl. of tnese !,hobns ts due to botx georoqical fadlation rike

I edlter Enttoned that the syEta mnibred tne iadiarion and detectElnstdce o.e pdtlcular

5r1 k o erecEd votrs.lnto Eom srrectal ro$ine.

cont.orred by a1n lig 5. rire

crystal.lherng P.esented by tne systo.

lecorded at howry i.ten car b€ 6lm.ded

,EiosPnere pr-€sute

elecrlc flerd ril1 yhtchis a very *clllE detecrs etectitc rierdsln the ate.pnele no'utlt caEed r,y

intelesttrq ln rhe srudy of Ebrshrls, - eree"*"tant_t

€artn. rt ls interestlnqbecause 1f a wehicle rike Dedal!6 vhich

have or,tain€d uitn tnis


tne 6tudi' of Etual phe

eery *Perjtent3 tas a rcPeat 6rIishtninq vhtch 'as

g.ou! at Eanell. t]re Eaneri soupsugg€gted tnat balr liqhtnins Dight be

tne upFr atmsphele. arlis qo* 'aE

pubitshed aand 'e 'ere sufficiently

of operatlon.onesaldvelrope

atnr€edtnensionaltare. dutnq a vtolnr tn

slec+ra are inter€tlns

n a@s .ot chaoqe .lqltficdtlv uleEs vou havea rclcaro in tne ga!de!. rf you rook at tnts diasrd tlu rl11 notice tnattne second slectJM has d extra peal,

at it 'as. rhlE vas

dore rry ldentifylng tne ererqY of tne rEaLa s!€dflc raaioactive 'aterta1,

Bisntn 207.and sulrsequdtlv te verc at'le b

'ashe.l do{n ftoD tne nPper at!€d€te

rhese s!€ctraa tlacltory event, very lnteiestins

fo'. A st ship Disht q:v€ladlation s!ectr@, rt Bight b€ of tnat kind of dllttu<te.

ftat's rery difflcult b detect by tne 'ayl rf vou vere Eins a qetser

tne @bd of hous dlicb tlis tdtlcurar

30 ooo hours of ab6ut 20 o00 nours of sallm iav

and 'e ale saYlnq hete tnat te ctlsenero! d .rrject entetlnq

d resFnd to d obj€ct a 100 otreg

:ugqeEt trEt alt-\oush F lra!,s to tre non-enqlneers amns

thm, arr different l,ere tn[en at tne timin Fig 9 and shd

us lf thlnss have(r.duced eutn

E a rairly 9..d

chalt (i.i.s.)


liq 11 Ehds ou obseBabry at B&!jGte!yaus 4!d oade a sLDdy of discrec pnemra Lhere j$l b evzr@re rharthe kind ha! hcvedl.clsed ad it op€rat€d reri.bty and v

s,# t". mo. k., *a) ,."; ,hev ,",-...

".,i"td. ._,


6,t r rout d llkeFettysuitable:Erv ry,::+ alr.tostr*-.p'.losr""ly


"r"". rJa"".tI !(e ln.L becals-

or !,€qrcncy !€op lebF d}-. b operqt€;

6ntrnErty bbken bv tnm!

be aleterurned by @ntact rr tr,.t "."*"it is 14ortut{e feer tnat uforosists snlrty of juDprne

have any cdrrD'ae ddE on tnis bpic. r arso k@r rhat tr.eir "rriics r,"""

r set rn;"r""d.'r "-r tod.b;and yol doniE hcre or Fporrirq rr,

iL,doritsaytha!jllsdnyt}lnqrur-lat pro@'."; lind out ihsl baDpere


-.. 1' i",.';q

ao tltd 13 basi.auy r rcurd jEt like bo@reg! ry tnanlsrrolsrell

'ho prelded r,l1e exn$ition and of corse k Rogd steay ad

scje'ti?ic stDitg of ande'ttfied rtgl,s o}J-ts D ! cilmre (en) Bdtd 1969PmiF. &cd,,us: rlcerP_treidy sociaryst,rEhlp stuity (ey 1974)



publi3he3, bi{onthly jounar

,'d oreserrbnoD.llv lq!Lres in lonoonr or ttit

.nd a11ied subjects. roi further inronarion

rins 0252 5r1753, or fite rne Pubri.iLy

niss c. liennins, 99 t.yday Gardens. l-ondon s.E. 3.

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