iu strike team protection handbook(1)

Post on 15-Nov-2015






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  • Witness Protection/Escort Handbook

    Author: Johnny Burnett

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • Chapters:

    1. Historical Introduction to the VIP Protection/Escort Duties

    2. Preparation, equipment and vehicles

    a. Mental and physical shape of the protection officer

    b. Equipment and firearms

    c. Types of vehicles and operational usage

    3. Formations, tactics, kidnapping attempts, terrorist attacks

    a. Formations by foot or vehicle

    b. Escape and combat tactics

    4. Modus Operandi of the potential attackers

    a. The 7 steps of an assassination

    b. Ways of assassination

    c. Materials or weapons of assassination

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • 1. Historical Introduction to the Protection/Escort Duties

    The need for protection of an individual has been always a serious issue since the

    very old times. Through history we have witnessed a number of assassinations that

    in their majority, have managed to succeed due the lack of training or awareness of

    the protection personnel that were conducting protection/escort duties in charge for

    the safety of the assassinated individual.

    However a VIP (Very Important Person), is not only a politician or a diplomat or a

    individual with high social status, but also a witness, a prisoner during an escort to a

    high facility prison or even a government employee such as the Chief of Police

    himself. As you can realize according to the above description, being a Protection

    Officer or conducting personal protection duties involves multiple characters, with

    different habits from different categories of our community. So it is mandatory to

    have great communicational skills, common sense, be responsible, maintain proper

    behavior no matter what happens and always hold important information about the

    individual that you are protecting.

    A successful protection officer is not the one who weighs 200 pounds and carries a

    desert eagle .50, but the one who has the ability to analyze the incidents very fast

    and efficiently by using common sense. The firearm is for the self protection of the

    officer or for the protection of the individual. Most of the times, during a VIP escort

    when it comes to firearms and gunshots it means that the protection team has failed

    to fulfill their mission. Something more important than the VIPs life is the life of the

    protection officer, cause if the protection officer is neutralized then the VIP is been

    considered helpless and most likely in some situations deceased.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • It is crucial to remember the 6 duties of a protection officer:

    1. Preserve your safety and the safety of the VIP.

    2. Preserve the social image of the VIP if he is an official.

    3. Always make sure that you operate according to a plan.

    4. Always make sure you have a plan B.

    5. Always make sure you have a good relation with the VIP, so it will be easier to

    make him realize that you know what its best for him.

    6. Always act and operate as a team. Each person has a key role, he is not placed in

    his position randomly.

    7. Make sure you always have enough intelligence about the VIP and his


    Watch how confident George Bush the older is on that picture about his protection team, as

    well as for the rest of the local authorities that takes part on this operation.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • 2. Preparation, equipment and vehicles

    2a. Mental and physical shape of the protection officer

    It is important for you to know that, the job of protecting someone is not easy. On

    the contrite it is very demanding and sometimes you might forget that you have a

    personal life. So it is very important to ask yourself if you fit for this job. In order to

    execute a duty with such a high responsibility, you always need to be in good mood

    no matter what happens. Even if you got issues in your personal life you need to let

    those behind once you attend at your work. You need to be ready to fulfill any

    mission that might be given by your agency and always have positive thinking. If you

    ever feel that today is not a good day for you, immediately notify your superiors and

    ask to be replaced. The day you bring your problems at work , is the day that you will

    lose your target or even your own life.

    Now concerning your physical shape it is mandatory to maintain it on a high level,

    according to the ancient Greeks a mind is healthy when the body is healthy. The

    nature of the work is often physically demanding, you might even need to adjust

    your fitness program sometimes with the targets program if we are talking about a

    long term assignment next to someone. That could be a joking run every morning for

    miles or even regular everyday escort by foot. Remember wherever the target goes

    you go as well. Last but not least, always make sure you have a proper appearance

    and behavior.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • 2b. Equipment and firearms

    The standard equipment that you need to carry is the following:

    1. Level III ballistic protection vest. Sometimes level IV if we have to deal with a high

    risk protection operation.

    2. A personal radio system that comes with an earpiece and a thumb button

    attached on your wrist (if it is a formal circumstance).

    3. A pair of sunglasses if it is daylight.

    4. A clean suit if it is a social event and a pair of comfortable shoes. Remember you

    might have to walk for miles, if you have been assigned next to a government official

    they like to be in touch with their voters and feel close to them. Or your tactical,

    equipment if it is a high profile, tactical operation.

    5. Always make sure you carry a first aid kit on the trunk of the convoy vehicles, as

    well as gas masks for the VIP and you, in case of a tear gas attack and smoke

    grenades in case of an ambush or in order to retreat.

    The firearms and items that you need to carry are the following:

    1. Your agency issued handgun or any other handgun of your choice.

    2. A backup handgun if it is possible.

    3. Your department issued sub-machinegun or assault rifle.

    4. A concealed duty belt in order to carry the following items (if you are dressed


    5. Your concealed inside pants holster. (if you are dressed formally)

    6. Your dual extra magazines belt pouch. (if you are dressed formally)

    7. A pair of cuffs, in order to detain the individual till the uniformed units arrives.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • 2c. Types of vehicles and operational usage

    There are two types of vehicles that we can use during a VIP escort. Marked ones

    and unmarked ones. And 6 types of vehicles, sedan, motorbikes, SUVs, helicopters,

    limos and boats. We may use them according to the importance of the mission and

    the threat level. All of the vehicles must hold a powerful engine, preferably with

    automatic transmissions in order for the retreat maneuvers to be conducted easier

    and of course bulletproof.

    During escorts it is preferable for the escort team to use unmarked ones, because of

    the fact that unmarked vehicles draws less attention to the public, and it is more

    difficult for the assassinators or terrorists to understand on which car the VIP has

    been placed. Now usually the SUVs and the sedans can be used to escort the VIP on

    the ground, and ensure that the VIP will arrive at the desirable destination safely.

    However the helicopters can be used as well if we want the VIP to be transferred

    safely and fast to a specific destination in order to eliminate the fact of a ground

    attack, if we have received intel that an attack will take place on his way in. The

    motorbikes can be used for recon, that means before our convoy is ready to move

    we can send the a couple of motorbikes to check the area before the VIP arrives and

    gives additional detail besides the ASU. Also the motorbikes can be used during an

    ambush as a very powerful tool against the attackers for the simple fact, that we can

    have two individuals on the vehicle, one who is driving and one who is shooting. In

    that case if the attackers are going to try to assassinate the VIP from inside their

    vehicles the motorbike can be a very efficient weapon. However the motorbike is

    not recommended for escort due the lack of safety that is riding on it.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • 3. Formations, tactics, kidnapping attempts, terrorist attacks

    3a. Formations by foot or vehicle

    This is one of the most important parts of this handbook. It is mandatory and crucial

    to understand the importance of the formations that can be used during a

    VIP/Witness escort operation.

    First we will have a closer look on the positions of each officer that consist our team

    in order to realize better the formations. Each officer holds a number and each

    number has a list of specific tasks to perform during an operation.

    Number 1: He is the team leader, the closest person to the VIP. Wherever the VIP

    goes he is following as well, either if it is a very personal meeting in a public place

    while the additional operators secures the perimeter, or inside the VIPs vehicle or

    even during emergency getaways. That is why he is called The Best man in the

    terminology of the VIP/Intelligence Protection.

    Number 2: He is the co leader of the team, the second closest person to the VIP.

    Usually if number 1 is not there he is the one in charge of the team. If number 1 is

    next to the VIP in a personal meeting in his office or in a social meeting, number 2 is

    the one who coordinates the perimeter and reports to number 1 the situation

    outside in case something suspicious is going on.

    Numbers 3,4,5,6: Those are the additional force of the team. They are the ones who

    have to conduct multiple tasks during an operation, according on what is going to be

    ordered by number 1 and number 2. However the fact this officers are not carrying

    any leading roles, does not mean that theyre not important as number 1 and 2. All

    officers are important and hold a key position in the mission, so it is expected by

    number 1 and 2 to treat them accordingly.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • There is a variety of formations during an operation that are categorized as:

    1. Foot formations

    A team can be composed by 3 till 6 operators. However it is strongly recommended

    to have at least 5 operators in order to ensure the safety of the VIP by almost any

    kind of potential threats.

    a) Formation conducted by 3 officers:

    In this graph we see a task conducted by 3 officers. However you can clearly see that

    it not very efficient because of the fact that the side sectors on 3 oclock and 9

    oclock are totally uncovered, so it is hard for the team to be aware of what is going

    on all the time.

    Pros: Enough protection in the front and the rear.

    Cons: Side sectors are totally exposed.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • b) Formation conducted by 4 officers:

    In this graph we see a task conducted by 4 officers. However you can also clearly see

    here that 3 oclock is totally uncovered, so there is a strong possibility for the team

    and the VIP to be endangered by the right side, something that would be


    Pros: Covering most of the angles.

    Cons: Right sector is still exposed.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • c) Formation conducted by officers:

    In this graph we see a task conducted by 5 officers. It is clearly indicated that almost

    every aspect of the protection circle is covered. It is a perfect example of a

    complete formation that ensures the safety of the VIP. That is why is recommended

    that a team should be consisted from at least 5 officers.

    Pros: All angles and sectors can be covered.

    Cons: There is always the element of surprise so it is mandatory for the team to be

    always on alert and never feel comfortable because of the fact that all sectors are


    Tips: Radio communication needs to be accurate, and all officers needs to update number 1 if

    something suspicious is going. However number 1 is the officer that coordinates on the radio at all

    times. While the team is moving to an open area, the protection circle needs to be more open in

    order to avoid potential collisions between the officers and VIP. However when the team is operating

    in tiny areas where a lot of people are stationed, then the protection circle needs to close in order to

    ensure that physical threats against the VIP will be successfully faced.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • 2. Vehicles formations

    a) Formation conducted by 3 officers with 1 motorbike and 1 SUV:

    In all cases the VIP is always located at the right back seat because of the fact that

    the Best Man is located in front of him as a human shield. Officer number 2 is

    driving the VIP vehicle and number 3 is using the bike in order to conduct recon

    tasks. That means, number 1 is always requesting to number 3 by the radio to drive a

    little bit faster that the VIP vehicle and report them a visual of what is going before

    the convoy passes an intersection or a street that might be considered dangerous or

    populated. In that case the Best Man will decide if it is safe to continue with the

    original route or proceed to the alternative route (something that will be discussed


    Pros: It is a low profile fast convoy, for rapid deployment.

    Cons: Totally exposed in the front and the rear, in case of an ambush or a kidnap

    attempt it is highly expected for the attacker to succeed.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • Tips: When the convoy reaches the desirable destination, the motorbike maintains in

    the front of the SUV. The Best Man after receiving a clear code by number 3 that

    everything is ok outside, he exits the vehicle, conducts a second check that

    everything is ok and then he stands by the door of the VIP and opens it with his left

    arm in order for the right arm that draws his weapon in case of attack to be free.

    After the VIP exits the vehicle the Best Man is following him and officers 2 and 3

    remains outside, observing the area and keeps the engines running.

    Be aware and keep that always in mind, never let the VIP get off his car before

    the protection team! That would jeopardize the entire mission along with the

    VIPs life!

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • b) Formation conducted by 6 officers with 2 SUVs or 2 sedan.

    This formation requires precision and speed. The VIP is always located in the right

    back seat of the VIP vehicle. The Best Man is always in the front passenger seat

    and number 6 is the driver of the VIP vehicle. In the back according to the figure we

    can clearly see the rest of the officers. Number 2 is driving the Escort vehicle,

    number 3 is in the front passenger seat, number 4 always in the right back seat and

    number 5 to the left back seat. You might ask yourself if this is a random line up.

    Well not at all like we said in the beginning of this handbook, every officer is been

    placed at its position to execute a specific task. So once the vehicles will reach their

    destination, concerning the escort vehicle numbers 3, 4 and 5 are exiting the vehicle

    and each one are covering a visual sector of 180 degrees. Number 2 remains in the

    car keeping the engine running and detecting any other potential hostile or

    suspicious activity that the other officers might be unable to detect.

  • Now if everything is clear, number 3 approaches the VIP car and stands in the front

    right side of the vehicle and taps the car with his fingers twice (that is a signal to the

    Best Man that everything is ok), and then like in the pre-mentioned formation the

    Best Man exits the vehicle, stands in the right side between the VIPs door and the

    tire and opens the door for the VIP with his left hand in order for the right hand to

    be ready to draw his weapon in case of an attack.

    And now the 3rd phase, the escort of the VIP on foot from the vehicle to his

    destination (office, event etc). Once the VIP is out from his vehicle the alarm level is

    escaladed into red, which means that the Best Man maintains his position behind

    the right shoulder of the VIP, number 3 takes the left side, number 4 takes the front

    side and number 5 covers the rear.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • 3b. Escape and combat tactics

    In case of an assault against the VIP while the protection team is escorting him,

    numbers 3, 4 and 5 gets in front of the VIP and the Best Man, taking out their

    weapons returns fire and provides cover to the 2 pre-mentioned officers. At the

    same time the VIP and the Best Man are heading to the Escort vehicle and the

    Best Man along with number 2 is securing the VIP. After this happens, elements 3,

    4 and 5 are entering in the VIP vehicle handled by number 6. And they are retreating

    as well. Both vehicles meet in the extraction point which has been indicated in

    advance (a further analysis will be conducted in chapter 5).

    (Tip to elements 3,4 and 5)

    Remember your goal is to retreat in order to protect the VIP. Let the

    additional units that will arrive take care of the attackers, your job is to

    gain time till the VIP escapes from the ambush once he/she is secured

    you retreat as well from the scene. Your safety is as important as the


    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • 4. Modus Operandi of the potential attackers

    a. The 7 steps of an assassination

    Every organized attack against an individual, takes time, organization, funds,

    preparation and of course a lot of intelligence. A well trained and well armed

    assassination group or terrorist organization will never risk their chances to fail on

    their mission. They will calculate everything, they will be patient, they will analyze

    the VIP as well as his protection team. They time of reaction, the everyday program,

    the routes using to be transported from place to place. Remember the thing that

    separates you from them and gives them a huge advantage against you(if they know

    the identity of the VIP/Witness), is the element of surprise. That is why every single

    protection officer needs to be always on alert and use common logic.

    Those are the 7 steps that a group will follow most of times in order to execute their


    1) The selection of the target.

    2) The selection of the team members that will take place in the operation.

    3) The gathering of intelligence. (Anything that has to do with the VIP)

    4) The preparation. (The weapons and the vehicles that will be used)

    5) The practice. (They will go through the plan of the execution again and again)

    6) The execution.

    7) The escape.

    Now keep in mind most of the times, assassinators will try to escape, that is why

    they need to do it fast and violently in order to be lost from the local authorities.

    Some other times might not, there can be also corruption inside their own

    organization. That means that even those who will picked to make the hit, are going

    to be double crossed by their own high ranks in order to avoid from having witnesses

    at a later moment, so in this way they avoid the fact of extortion.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

  • Solutions

    In order to make their work as hard as possible, what we can do is a few simple

    things but various for the safety of the VIP. Remember you might be a target as well

    besides the VIP. They will follow you, they will analyze your moves, they will test you

    reaction times, they will create potential events to come closer to you and be aware

    of your methods.

    1. Brake the routine, doing the same things everyday in regular basis makes you

    predictable. That includes driving routes, points of gathering even information about

    the VIP given in public(if he or she is a public person).

    2. Ensure that the places where the VIP goes are safe and there is always an escape

    plan along with an exit.

    (( Los Santos Roleplay, All rights reserved to Traveler )) Internal Use Only - All rights reserved, Johnny Burnett, SASD IU

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