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PAGE 1987 — 1


Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday, January 13, 1987, 7:30 PM


Miller Williams


OTHERS PRESENT: L. James K iscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Chester Lutz, Maintenance Supv. Robert Ham, Police Chief Colleen Lear, L-S Student Observer Robert Lane Cliff Stirba Robert Haug J. R. Johnson Marge McCarthy, Strasburg News Mary Weldon Jeff Fralich, Strasburg Ambulance Dale Beiler, Strasburg Ambulance

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mary Rachel Hoover, followed by the Pledge to the Flag.

STRASBURG AMBULANCE REPORT -- Messrs. Fralich and Beiler pre- sented a written informative report on the activities and financial status of the Association. While reporting a mem- bership of only 29, there were only 5 no-response situations in the last year, 2 of which were because of mechanical prob- lems .

The subject of paid dr ivers was discussed. The Association is doing some groundwork planning for a paid driver program, but at the present is not looking to implementation of the plan.

The Association is monitoring the investment of the funds on hand in order to avoid an increase in membership dues.

The new state laws requiring an EMT on each crew is likely to be replaced with a law requiring two EMT's per crew. The study and preparation t'ime to keep these certifications up to date discourages volunteerism. The state legislators will be contacted regarding Act 45.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the December 9th meeting were approved as written.

MINOR SUBDIVISION — PAUL ROWE — 2 LOTS -- A minor subdivi- sion creating two lots at the west extension of Heritage Ave- nue was presented for review. The Borough and County Plan- ning Commission reviews have been received. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Darryl Taylor, and passed unanimously, approving the plan as presented, and granting a

PAGE 1987 — 2

waiver from compliance with the rolled-curb requirements.

SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- Mz. Ranck reported that he has been in touch with the new purchasers or the Country Store E Cream- ery. The zoning violations have now been abated because the properties accomodating the parking for the enterprise are now in one ownership. He also reported on the status of the bankruptcy and sheriff sale involving Historic Strasburg.

MAYOR'S REPORT -- Mz. Kiscaden reported the following:

l. On January 6th, Chief Ham spoke at the Lion's meeting.

2. The recent drug raids at Taylor's Body Shop and the Strasburg Citgo station.

3. Received one letter relative to traffic and a lettez fzom the tourist bureau regarding signs.

POLICE REPORT -- The police report for December contained the following:

22 Traffic Violations

8 Criminal Incidents

1 Cr iminal Arrest

51 Calls

13 Speeding, 4 Red Light 3 Suspended License, 1 Inspection Violation, 1 Unauthorized Transfer 3 Disorderly Conduct, 2 Theft, 1 each Resisting Arrest, Criminal Mischief and scaattering rubbish for Public drunkenness, Resisting Arrest and Dis- orderly Conduct. 10 Traffic, 5 Domestic, 2 dog law, 34 Other

MAINTENANCE REPORT -- The Maintenance Report contained the following:

Additional tests are being run for the Fisher well and the 96 hour pump test required by PennDER is in process. The water table is showing gradual improvement.

Infiltration inspections aze being conducted on the sewer lines . A problem connection solution is being pursued with the new owner of the Country Store and Creamery.

Winter maintenance problems have been encountered in Olde Towne Strasburg because of cars parked along the curb rather than on the provided parking pads.

Mr. Kiscaden complimented the Department for their diligence in obtaining future water supplies.

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LANCASTER COUNTY SOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN -- A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, . approving the Resolution, Ordinance and Agree- ment for the plan.


RESOLUTION -- A resolution honoring former council member Frank W. Herr and approving a memorial contribution to the Strasburg Fire Company was read. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously approving the resolution as prepared.

REQUEST FOR REDUCTION IN IMPROVEMENT GUARANTEE -- A request for a reduction in the Improvements Guarantee for the Kings— cote development has been received. The contractor, Andrews Excavating, Inc. , is requesting a reduction of $282, 321. 00. Chester Lutz requested that $3, 000 of the storm sewer guaran- tee be retained until the final grading is completed on the swale. The original guarantee was filed in 110% of the con- tract, so the 10% Maintenance Guarantee remains. Funds for completion of the concrete work and street topping also remain guaranteed. A motion was made by Darryl Taylor, sec- onded by Bob Myers, and passed unanimously approving a reduc- tion in the guarantee in the amount of $279, 321. 00.


BILLS FOR APPROVAL -- A list of bills for approval was dis- tributed. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, approving payment.

PUBLIC HEARING — TRAFFIC LIGHT PROJECT -- The format of the public hearing was discussed. The recommendation of the Planning Commission will be followed. Mr. Williams will check on the possibility of using a roving microphone.

BUILDING STUDY — — Mr. Williams suggested that some of the money appropriated in the 1987 Budget for Building Study be considered for use on a study of the feasibility of obtaining Massasoit Hall as a borough property.

BREAKFAST MEETING -- Representative Barley has invited coun- cil members to a breakfast on January 29th at 7:30 a. m. Also attending will be the local director of the PennDOT office. A suggestion was made that the use of the tar sealant on the state streets be questioned at that meeting.


Robert Haug suggested that council consider the different opinions in the traffic light issue. J. R. Johnson urged careful consideration of the impact following decisions.

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Council adjourned into Executive Session at 8:45 p. m. to received information regarding police work.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Secre y

NOTES FROM EXECUTIVE SESSION -- Information from the recent drug arrests was given to council. A motion was made by Fred Williams, seconded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously that a check be written to Robert Ham in the amount of $600.

Adjournment: 9:25 p. m.


Notes from discussion session, January 27, 1987, 7:30 p. m.


Miller Williams


OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Robert Ham Chester Lutz Ted Grabowski, SBPC Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simon Rita Lane Larry Dinoff

MEETING GUIDELINES -- Mary Rachel announced that guidelines for the conduct of discussion sessions will be developed in the near future.



Robert Haug -- Presented a petition calling for the rejection of any traffic pattern which eliminates parking and changes the curbs and sidewalks. The petition contains 214 signa- tures. He also presented, from the Heritage Society, a 7 — point view of the traffic problems.

Ted Grabowski -- Based on the hearing, it is clear that additional planning needs to be done. There are differences of opinion which can be resolved. Consideration should be given to the possibilities of a less expensive alternative. Agreed that HARB should be invited to become involved in the beautification design and equipment selection. Expressed disappointment in the failure to address the bypass issue at the public heaaring. The purpose of the traffic light pro- ject was not to speed traffic, but rather to increase safety. Route 741 will continue to go through town and the project was an attempt to minimize the associated traffic problems. PennDOT did not institute the request, it was suggested locally. The proposal was that the traffic plan be consid- ered and the remaining facts gathered. Urged unification to get the best possible plans.

Mary Rachel Hoover -- The Planning Commission has not gotten enough credit for the many hours of work done. The hearing was pushed upon them before all the facts could be gathered. People need to recognize the work of the Commission.

While the hearing was well attended, the attendance repre- sents a very small portion of the population. Requested that council members and borough personnel speak to others about the issue in order to obtain the opinion of a greater per- centage of the population.

TRAFFIC LIGHT PROJECT -- The following oral comments were reported:

MRH Tele hone call from Rita Lane P questioning accuracy of newspapers report on cost of project and res- ponsibility for maintenance of enlarged sidewalks. Response was that the information was not supplied by council.

Contact from John Ranck that following the public hearing he queried PennDOT reps regarding the possibility of the elimination of the right turn on red requirements.

Two unsolicited comments in support of the project. Two contacts suggesting that council invoke its responsibilities to repre- sent the people who elected them to do a job.

DKT One complaint regarding the written contact to property owners of the area now proposed for alternate parking. Suggested that a policy be established that initial contacts for property ac- quisition be made in person.

Mr. Williams stated that he sees it as a weakness when we say that 150 people MAY be negeative against the total. The people who will suffer most by the possible changes or speeding up traffic and expansion of commercialism are the people on East Main Street. People on East and West Main Streets and Miller Street will suffer from the increased traffic. The people who are being the most vociferous feel their axe is being ground.

Jim Kiscaden questioned the reputed expansion of commercial- ism, referring to the current zoning map and asking how this will come about.

I arry Dinof f said that he felt this would be accomplished through the granting of special variances in the R-75 dis- trict, suggesting that Council look at the number of uses which are non-conforming that have been issued by the Zoning Hearing Board. The erosion which is presently in place is likely to accelerate if the proposed traffic plan is approved.

In reply to Mr. Kiscaden's request for examples, Mr. Dinoff cited the Bread and Breakfast and Antique Shop recently approved by the Zoning Board.

Henry explained that the Zoning Hearing Board has formulated their actions in strict accordance with the Ordinance which is regarded as a rather strict ordinance.

The Mayor stated that he finds it rather repulsive that local tax dollars be used to resolve a problem that has not been created by the residents of Strasburg, but by the state. Traffic will continue to increase each year. Private tax dollars which would go to support the traffic light could be used to the better advantage of the Borough.

Mary Rachel explained that PennDOT would come to us for com- pliance with their regulations, if we should attempt to put up a traffic light without obtaining PennDOT approval.

Robert Haug stated that in his opinion high traffic volume encourages commercialism. If the traffic is not taken out of town, there will be high volume traffic, high volume business rolling through the downtown area.

The Mayor expressed frustration with putting pressure on sur- rounding areas to create a by-pass, when the surrounding areas are not in support of creating a by-pass. Perhaps the matter should be put in the hands of the State Represent- atives and taken from there.

Ted explained that the Township planners are concerned over the possible separation of prime farm land, and that possible compromises are being explored.

CORRESPONDENCE -- The following correspondence was available for review:

Notice of VoTech Course on Grant Writing

Letter from C. F. Fleming, in opposi- tion to traffic proposal.

Design samples for beautification

project, submitted by Borough Engineer

Solicitor's letter regarding HSI land division.

Letter from Andrew Hooker Appel, repre- senting Donald Bachman in H. A. R. B. notice.

Letter from U. S. Post Office Depart- ment announcing intentions to attain new quarters.

Request for street lighting in Olde Towne Strasburg service alley.

Letter from Larry Dinoff objecting to SBPC minutes

Letter from Mr. and Mrs. Robert Haug complimenting Maintenance Depart- ment snow removal.

LCPC Agenda listing Fisher Well Sub- division review.

SNOW REMOVAL — — Numerous complaints were received in the Borough Office regarding the plowing back of snow onto cleared sidewalks, several days after snowfall had stopped. The complaintants were advised to contact the local PennDOT office. Numerous complaints were also received about side- walks not being cleared, some throughout both recent storms. All complaintants requested that consideration be given to the possibility of renewing action on the adoption of a man- datory snow removal ordinance.


Joe Simon suggested that the traffic signal project be put on a referendum ballot.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Secre ry

Motion for adjournment: 9:15 p. m.

Following adjournment, Council moved into Executive Session to discuss personnel issues.

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COMPENSATION FOR COLLECTION OF COUNTY TAXES -- A suggestion was made by the Secretary that the per item fee for the col- lection of County Real Estate Taxes ($. 50 per item) be paid to the Borough and that $400 be added to the Borough Secre- tary's salary. Previously, the payment had been made to the Secretary as the appointed County Collector. There are now 889 items on the duplicate. The difference between the paid amounts from the County and the proposed salary change would more than offset the employer Social Security. A motion was made be Helen Penman, seconded by Henry Miller, and passed unanimously approving the change. The future salary base is not to be affected by the change.

At the time of initial employment, one-week's pay was with- held from Michele Mood. Inasmuch as this is contrary to all other payroll procedures, it is suggested that she be paid that week s pay. This suggestion was approved by the Borough Auditors and is presented here as a point of information.

Accurate figures for calculating employee dependent coverage for medical benefits has not yet been received. Velma wil continue to work with the agent and the carrier to resolve this problem.

The Maintenance Department employees, Paul and Rick, have accumulted compensatory time beyond an amount. which can be reasonably awarded. The Employee Guidelines were reviewed and there is no provision at this time for overtime pay for that department. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Bob Myers, and passed unanimously, that the 2 employees be paid for accumulated overtime, and that the Employee Guide- lines be updated to reflect a future policy.




Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday, February 10, 1987, 7:30p. m.



Wi 1 1 iams Penman

Hoover Barnett Taylor L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Robert Ham, Police Chief Chester Lutz, Maint. Supv. John Miller Scott Wood Joseph Simon Rita Lane Cliff Stirba Robert Haug Cindy Stauffer, Lancaster Newspapers Mary Weldon, Lancaster Newspapers Marge McCarthy, Strasburg News Tessa Lefever Carol Herr

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mary Rachel Hoover, followed by the Pledge to the Flag.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the January 13 and 27th meetings were approved with the following corrections:

The name of Robert Myers was added to'Members Present at the January 27th meeting.

Paragraph 2, Page 1987-6, last sentence was amended to read "The people who are being the most vociferous feel their ox is being gored. "

ROUTINE CORRESPONDENCE -- The following was available for review:

Letter from Geraldine Rapp, acknowledging recogni- tion of Frank WE Herr

Letter from LCPC, re joint meeting

"Up and Comers, The Story of Pennsylvania's Enterprise Zones" — Booklet from state

Legislative Newsletter

PennDOT approval for 5th Annual Amish Half Marathon

PAGE — 1987 — 11

SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Ranck reported on the recent sale by the County Sherrif of the 8 acre tract of Historic Stras- burg, Inc. He has requested that the delinquent water/sewer lien be satisfied from the proceeds of that sale. However, objections have been raised by Philadelphia counsel because the facilities served are not on this property. While cer- tain illegal subdivisions had been created from the original tract, the statute of limitations has expired for prosecuting those violations. The Sherrif s office employed a title search and the final decision was that the lien remain on the schedule for distribution. If the Philadelphia council files exceptions to the distribution, a decision will have to be made on whether or not to pass on this lien and await payment when the bankruptcy proceedings of Historic Realty, Inc. are finalized.

POLICE REPORT -- The report for January contained the follow- ing:

9 Traffic Violations 2 Speeding, 2 Unsafe Speed, 1 each of Passing, Turning, Registration, Inspection and No license

4 Parking

5 Accidents

13 Traffic Warnings

11 Criminal Incidents 2 Thefts, 4 Trespassing and 1 each of Disorderly Con- duct, Criminal Mischief, Bad Check and Harassment

6 Criminal Arrests 1 Disorderly Conduct, 1 Theft of Services, 2 Drug Act, 1 Underage Drinking, 1 Burglary

76 Complaints 14 Traffic, 2 Domestic, 1 Alarm, 2 Dog, 57 Others

The annual report for 1986 contained the following:

1986 1985 1984 1983

Traffic Arrests Criminal Incidents Other Complaints

347 191 840

368 365 159 127 534 497

554 128 418

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MAINTENANCE REPORT -- The report for January contained the following:

Fisher Well subdivision approval and 90 hour pump tests have been completed. Laboratory testing results are excellent. Additional technical information regarding the ozonation pro- cess are being submitted to DER.

A leak detection and sump pump monitoring program is in prog- ress. Two major leaks have been pinpointed and. two illegal sump pump connections observed.

A Water/Sewer Flow History report as follows:


1983 1984 1985 1986

WATER 124, 972 132, 934 139, 698 150, 476 159, 685

SEWER 136, 551 166, 887 225, . 554 170, 389+ 222, 693

* Caulking repair work done in 1984

A long range plan for establishing a Maintenance Department Equipment Reserve was presented.

A Maintenance Department Overtime policy was proposed.


SNOW REMOVAL ORDINANCE — — A suggestion was made by Henry Miller that no action be taken until the sidewalk program has been set in place.

TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECT -- Henry Miller explained the recent action of the Planning Commission to delay action on the ECONS project until next year, in order to provide time for the establishment of costs for the plan as proposed under the ECONS program, as well as an alternate plan for Borough fund- ing.


MEETING GUIDELINES FOR DISCUSSION SESSIONS -- A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by James Barnett, and passed unanimously, approving the proposed guidelines.

HOSPITALIZATION DEPENDENT COVERAGE -- A cost comparison for dependent medical coverage was reviewed. A motion was made

by Helen Penman, seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unani-

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mously, that the 3 employes involved (Ham, Echternach and Miller) be assessed the cost difference from 1985 to 1987. A payroll deduction of $15. 00 per month will be assessed to the employees.

BID SPECIFICATIONS FOR REPLACEMENT OF MAINTENANCE VEHICLE A motion was made by Bob Myers, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, approving the advertisement of bids under the specifications prepared by the Maintenance Department.


by Henry Miller, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unani- mously, approving the establishment of a policy providing for a maximum accumulation of 20 hours compensatory time, after which time and one-half pay will be made for accumulated overtime. The employee guidelines will be amended accord- ingly.

REPORT OF PENSION COMMITTEE -- A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, accepting the report of the Pension Committee that no employe contributions are required for the Police Pension plan for 1985 through 1987 and approving a resolution amending the Police Pension Ordinance to allow the payment of administra- tive expenses from the Pension Fund.

JOINT MEETING LCPC — — February, 23rd at 7:30 p. m. has been set as a workshop session with the Borough and County Planning Commission to receive local input toward the revision of the County Comprehensive Plan.

PAYMENT OF BILLS — — A list of bills for approval was reviewed. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, approving payment of the bills as listed.


JOHN MILLER -- Requested that consideration be given to the following problems:

Numerous cars traveling the wrong way on South Jackson Street.

Bicycle traffic leaving the ball diamond and swimming pool and riding erratically northward on South Jackson Street. The danger of ground water being pumped across the intersection of Franklin and South Jackson Street and resulting in icing.


The traffic safety problems will be investigated by the Police Department. The property owners involved with the ground water pumping will be notified that a complaint has been received.

8:35 adjourn to Executive Session

8:50 Reconvene to note the following action:

RESIGNATION — — A motion was made by Darryl Taylor, seconded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously, accepting the resig- nation of Michele D. Wood, Administrative Assistant, with regret. Michele is returning to the Bank of Lancaster County. The position will be advertised with applications accepted until February 24th.

9:00 p. m. ADJOURNMENT

Submitted by,

Ve lma H. Lutz, Se tary

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Minutes from Discussion Session, February 24, 1987


Myers Taylor Barnett Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: R. Ham C. . Lutz R. Lane C. Stirba

The meeting was called to order by the President.

LCPC REVISIONS TO COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN -- The notes from the conference with representatives of LCPC were reviewed. The purpose of the conference was to obtain input from local governing groups for consideration in the updates to the county plan.

APPLE ALLEY -- A suggestion has been received that the Borough assume responsibility for winter maintenance of Apple Alley because Borough regulations required the creation of offstreet parking spaces. No winter maintenance service will be offered because of other similar situations. There has also been a request for information regarding regulations for parking distances to driveways and/or common alleyways and that consideration be given to eliminating parking on one side of North Jackson Street. The parking suggestions will be referred to the Planning Commission for recommendation.

PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH EXPANSION -- The Presbyterian Church has requested information regarding whether or not Zoning stan- dards will be met by their proposal. The Zoning Officer has reviewed the plan and given the opinion that no variances will be required. The church is also considering the expan- sion of their parking lot onto the property located at 119 South Decatur Street. This property was not a part of the church complex at the time of adoption of the Zoning Ordi- nance. Therefore, a Special Exception will be required to expand the church operations onto that tract. The Chairman of the Board of Trustees has started that process.

OFFICE SCHEDULE -- The Secretary will be out of town on March 12, 13 and 16. Temporary help will be hired to cover the morning hours of those days.

Submitted by,

Adjournment 8:30 P. M.

Velma H. Lutz, e etary

PAGE 1987 — 16


Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday, March 10, 1987, 7:30 p. m.


Penman Miller

Myers Taylor

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Borough Solicitor Robert Ham, Police Dept. Robert Haug Tessa Lefever Carol Herr

The meeting was called to order by the President, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the February 10 meeting and Febru- ary 24 Discussion Session were approved as printed.

BID OPENING -- The sealed bids for the purchase of a new truck for the Maintenance Department were opened and reported as follows:

New Holland Ford Keim Chevrolet Quarryville CDP Horning Dodge

$12, 019. 00 $12, 468. 00 $12, 547. 00 $13, 159, 00

The bids will be reviewed and a recommendation for acceptance made at the February 24th meeting. The meeting will be advertised for action on the bids.

SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Ranck reported that exceptions to the Historic Strasburg Water/Sewer Bill lien, filed by the Borough against the sale of the 8. 7 acre tract at Sheriff s sale, have been filed by Meridian Bank and Wm. Lassiter. Mr. Lassiter is the judgment creditor. The objections are raised on the basis that the water/sewer charges were not incurred on the property being sold.

MAYOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Kiscaden reported on the following: 1. Complimented the Maintenance Department on the excellent snow removal program. 2. Requested that the Pension Committee meet briefly after this meeting. 3. Stated that he personally feels that at least two of the by-pass alternatives are band-aid applications; particularly alternate 53 between the Iron Horse Inn and Strasburg Tire.

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4. Questioned the February 19th meeting attendance of the Historic Review Board; specifically whether that is the usual number in attendance.

POLICE REPORT -- The report for February contained the fol- lowing:

21 Traffic Violations

15 Traffic Warnings 1 Traffic Accident

6 Speeding, 6 Stop Sign, 2 Red Light, 7 License Violations

5 Criminal Incidents

6 Criminal Arrests

49 Complaints

1 Each of Harassment/Disorderly Conduct; Harassment by Communi- cation; Burglary/Theft; Arson; Public Drunkenness 4 Underage Drinking; 1 Disor- derly Conduct; 1 Public Drunkenness 6 Traffic, 1 Domestic, 5 Animal 37 Other

MAINTENANCE REPORT -- The report contained the following:

Fisher Well -- The construction permit has been received and construction is progressing.

Sewer Inspection -- A contract has been executed with Gannett Fleming for TV repair work. The sump pump connection detec- tion program is being pursued.

Street Cleaning -- A tentative date has been set for Monday, March 30. The program for encouraging owner clean-up is being published in the Strasburg News.

ANNUAL AUDIT & REPORT -- The Annual Audit and Financial Sta- tement, together with the concise report for publication, has been received from Dorwart Andrew & Company, and was accepted for filing with the appropriate agencies.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was dis- tributed and reviewed. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, approving payment of the bills as listed. CITIZEN COMMENT -- Carol Herr questioned the $20, 000 budgeted figure for Building Study. It was explained that the figure had been amended to $12, 000 in the Final Draft of the Budget and that there were no plans to expend the funds at this time. She also questioned the temporary half-day office

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hours. It was explained that the office doors are closed at noon to provide uninterrupted work time and that they will continue at least until an Administrative Assistant is hired. Motion for Adjournment 7:50 p. m. Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Secreta

PAGE 1987-19


Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday, March 24, 1987, 7:30 p. m.


Miller Taylor Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Chester Lutz, Maint. Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Robert Haug Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Simon Robert Lane Mary Weldon

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mary Rachel Hoover.

TRUCK BIDS — — ' The truck bids have been reviewed by the Main-

tenance Supervisor and the WSS Coordinator. The apparent low bidder, New Holland Ford, has been contacted regarding the type truck bid — a light duty 6500¹ gvw. By mutual agreement with the company, the bid has been withdrawn. A copy of the signature is on file. A motion was made by Mr. Myers, sec- onded by Henry Miller, and passed unanimously, that the bid award be made to Keim Chevrolet for a 1987 Chevrolet at a bid price of $12, 468. 00.

ADMINISTRATIVE ASSISTANT -- Mary Rachel reported on the interviews conducted in response to the advertisements. She recommended the appointment of Lisa M. Boyd. Mr. Williams objected to the amount of information presented. A motion was made by Mr. Taylor, seconded by Bob Myers, that Lisa Boyd be appointed to a probationary appointment as Administrative Assistant at an annual salary of $12, 480 and that the salary be renegotiated upon permanent appointment. The motion passed with 4 affirmative votes, with member Williams abstaining.

PENSION FUND INVESTMENT -- Two proposals have been suggested by the State Association of Boroughs for the investment of pension funds. One is a balanced portfolio of fixed assets and stocks, the other strictly fixed assets. PSAB will be contacted to see whether additional figures of history can be obtained, and the membership polled to determine their wishes.


SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM -- The President requested that the Council take action at the April 14th meeting on whether or not to begin the sidewalk improvement program.

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SIDEWALK REPAIRS -- Mr. Williams suggested that action be taken to force the repair of the hole in front of 6 East Main Street. There was some question as to whether the hole is in the driveway or the sidewalk. Mr. Kiscaden offered to contact the property owner.

CITIZEN COMMENT -- Mr. Haug asked about the status of the Traffic Light Project. Mary Rachel explained that the local Planning Commission is in the process of preparing alterna- tives. He further questioned when information will be avail- able. Henry explained that there has been no information since the last Planning Commission, attended by Mr. Haug. Mr. Haug stated that he is simply attempting to bring the matter out in the open. Mrs. Simon supported Mr. Williams's position re hiring. TRAFFIC — — Mr. Williams reported that a local citizen has made the suggestion that the stop sign at the East end of the Borough be reversed to stop traffic on Route 741 rather than Route 896, perhaps encouraging the routing of traffic through an alternate route over Fairview Road to Route 30. EXECUTIVE SESSION -- The meeting was adjourned to Executive Session to discuss personnel issues. Motion for adjournment 8:15 p. m. Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Secret Notes from Executive Session -- Hospitalization Dependent coverage was discussed. No decisions were reached.

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Minutes of the meeting of April 14, 1987, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Hoover Miller Barnett

Williams Penman

Taylor Myers

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Robert-'Ham, Police Department Chester Lutz, Maintenance Department . Marge McCarthy, Strasburg News Mary Weldon, Lancaster Newspapers Lisa Boyd, Borough Office Jim Cowhey, Huth Engr. , Repr. Kingscote Earl Hess, Hess Home Builders Richard Johnson Tessa Lefever Carol Herr Jeff See Bruce Ryder Mr. and Mrs. James Martin Mr. and Mrs. Herb Austin Mr. and Mrs. Jos. Simon Rita Lane Robert Haug

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mary Rachel Hoover, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


Herb Austin: Requested that ramifications of sidewalk improvement programs in other areas be studied as they might concern property devaluation, elderly who may want to sell their property before the program is completed, requirements for placing funds in escrow for completion of sidewalk improvements, effects on historic properties, etc. Jos. Simon: Voiced opposition to past and planned expenses incurred or to be incurred and to new sidewalks.

Robert Haug: Acknowledged work of the Planning Commission toward the bypass program.

Bruce Ryder: Questioned whether provisions have been made for resolving disputes from recommendations made by the Borough Engineer; the estblishment of a variance program; the establishment of guidelines to be given to the Engi- neer.

Barbara Cote: Indicated she feels most people do not know that a sidewalk program is contemplated.

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James Martin: Suggested a mail return form for obtaining opinion.

MINUTES -- A motion was made by Darryl Taylor, seconded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously, approving the minutes of the March 12. and 26th meetings as printed.


FINAL PLAN APPROVAL -- The. -Planning Commission, LCPC and Borough Engineer's comments' on review of the Final Plan for Phase II of Kingscote ~Ye reviewed. A motion was made by Jim Barnett, seco~ed ~bp Darryl Taylor, and passed unani- mously, approving the plans'- conditioned on submittal of a satisfactory improvements guarantee.

INFORMAL SKETCH PLAN -- An. informal sketch plan was reviewed for 17 lots off Lancaster Avenue. Mr. Hess, the proposed developer, stated that he has been in touch with abutting owners to negotiate property line changes to obtain the required clear site triangles. Mr. Hess indi- cated that he plans to use brick and siding over 2 x 6 construction, and that the properties will probably market in the mid 60's. No requests for waivers are contemplated unless one is required for an existing garage. (ALSO SEE MAYOR'S REPORT)

MINOR SUBDIVISION — CHESTER LUTZ — — A plan was reviewed for a lot add-on to 317 South Jackson Street. The land south- ward to the Borough line would be added to the Lutz's sec- ond lot. At the same time, an 8' tract would be deeded to the owners of 307 South Jackson to eliminate a side-yard violation as a result of a builder's construction error. The lot lines between the two Lutz lots will be relocated to establish two nearly equal lots. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unani- mously, approving the plan as presented.


SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reported that the exceptions to the payments from the Sheriff's sale of the 8 acres tract owned by Historic Strasburg have been filed with Judge Perezous. There is no policy outlined for processing the exceptions.

MAYOR -- During discussion of an earlier sketch plan review, Mr. Kiscaden suggested that the Zoning/Planning guidelines be continually monitored to see that they pro- vide for adequate protection of water and wastewater facilities.

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His report contained the following:

1. Recommended that Steve Yinger be permanently employed as a Police Officer, having satisfact- orily completed his probationary appointment, at an annual wage of $17, 000.

2. Reported on information received from the Housing Development Corporation.

3. Reports on infor~tion received from the United Way 100 Annikersary Committee.

4. Reported, on ~ recent success in the drug enforcement program, and the citations issued by the'. Community Ambulance. An executive session will be held after this meeting to further dis- cuss details of the program.

5- Reported on a letter from Fred Williams about increased traffic, particularly in the morning hours. Some additional arrests have been made, and surveillance will be stepped up as the weather permits. Officer Yinger completed a class on traffic control and DUI investigations.


27 Traffic Arrests 14 Speeding, 4 Red Light, 3 Stop Sign, 2 Passing Zone and 1 each of Licensing Require- ments, License Class, Unsafe Speed and Protective Headgear

2 Accidents 17 Traffic Warnings

1 Parking Violations

22 Criminal Incidents 4 Drug, 3 Crim. Mischief 3 Underage Drinking, 4 Harassment, 2 Disord. Conduct, and 1 each of Attempt. Burglary, Cri- minal Trespass, Drunken Driving, Drunkenness, Cri- minal Misch. , and Burning Ordinance.

6 Criminal Arrests 1 each Delivery of Drugs, Poss. of drugs with Intent to Deliver, Disorderly Conduct, 3 Underage Drink.

68 Complaints 12 Traf f ic, 6 Animal, Domestic, 48 Others

PAGE 1987-24


WATER -- Water main flushing is in progress between 11:00 p. m. and 3:00 a. m. The Fisher well line has been laid from the well site to Reser- voir Road.

SEWER — — Television repair work has been com- pleted and one trench repair made. Additional repairs are scheduled as soon as time permits.

STREET -- Annual cleaning has been completed. Requested that hcimeowners be thanked publicly for cleaning up prior to the annual project. Total cost to the Borough is approximately $400 less than in previous years, plus the job is much better. Continued individual clean up is a real cost savings. A number of requests have been received that consideration be given to having a Borough — owned sweeper, but it would not be cost effective at this time.


SIDEWALK PROGRAM — — The events of the sidewalk program to date were explained by the Council President. Mr. William~ questioned whether or not the proposed ordinance had been reviewed by the Solicitor (it had been in 1983 and will be resubmitted if and when the program begins); the costs of municipal work and liens in cases of non-compliance (the language is standard boiler-plate and invoking process is a judgement decision for the legislative body); the area of concrete to be placed and the cost (part of the engineering study recommended); the cost of the engineering study (cost estimates were secured from the Borough Engineer and the figure quoted in the local paper includes surveying, design technical advice, etc. ). The details of the engineering study were discussed fur- ther.

A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Helen Pen- man, and passed unanimously, that the Borough Engineer be authorized to proceed with a preliminary overview of the first phase of the sidewalk improvement program (as recom- mended by the Borough Planning Commission, with the study including cost estimates; the cost not to exceed $800; and the report returned by July 1, 1987.

TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECT -- The three alternatives to the square project, each retaining some parking, were reviewed' One alternative allows 10 parallel spaces, while the other two would provide 13 or 18 redesigned diagonal parking spaces. All of the PennDOT guidelines cannot be met. The

PAGE 1987-25

Engineer has recommended: Alternate A (10 parallel spaces) if any parking is to be retained in the square.

The alternatives, including the original recommendation, will now be further explored by the Planning Commission.


PERSONNEL APPOINTMENT -- A motion was made by Jim Barnett, seconded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously, confirm- ing the permanent appointment of Steve G. Yinger as police officer at an annual wage: of $17, 000 per year.

PAYMENT OF BILLS. . — . — Ai'last of bills for approval was reviewed. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Henry Mi-lier, and passed unanimously, approving payment of the bills as listed. PURCHASE — — A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Bob Myers, and passed unanimously, approving purchase of a free standing partition for the front office.


A question was raised regarding PennDOT's plans to widen Route 896 north. No word has been received locally. Relative to the traffic light project, Bruce Ryder indi- cated that he feels the parking is not the real issue, but rather the issue is a concern that Main Street not become a four — lane street. Regarding the sidewalk program, he suggested that it might be better to have the engineering study include the entire program and again stated that he feels the executive procedures should be incorporated into the ordinance.

Dick Johnson questioned the legal avenues for construction of sidewalks where one side of a street is Township and the other Borough. This will be a part of the engineering study.

The similarity of the Strasburg Square to the Lewisburg and Sunbury Squares was discussed. Mr. Kiscaden reported that he visited the Sunbury site and found that it was quite different in that it was about 150 feet wide and that traffic is divided through the intersection. During a period of several hours, he counted only 100 cars passing through the intersection on a Saturday afternoon.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz Borough Secretary



Informal notes from the session of April 28, 1987


Myers Barnett

Penman Miller

OTHERS PRESENT: Chester Lutz, Maint. Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept.

SIDEWALK PROGRAM: An initial field survey of the first phase of the sidewalk program has been con- ducted by the Borough Engineer. Of significant issue is the width to be established on Lancaster Avenue. If no other direction is given, the study will be based on the establishment of a uniform width of 33' to the extent possible. Other alternatives will be suggested as a part of the study. The Iancaster Avenue/ West Main/Miller Street intersection was discussed.

The May 26th meeting will be held as a committee meeting to hear the engineer's report on the study.

STURROCK LETTER -- A suggestion for training of newly elected council members was received from Alex Sturrock. The letter will be filed for future refer- ence for considertion along with other instruction resources available at the appropriate time. Follow- ing the primary election, copies of the minutes will be mailed to all candidates.

MEMORIAL DAY CELEBRATION -- A request to hold the annual Memorial Day parade on Monday, May 25th has been received from the VFW and approved by the Mayor. A letter of intent will be filed with PennDOT, and the official street closing will be approved at the May meeting. The parade will form in Douglas Heights at 9:00 a. m. , moving at 9:30 a. m. Council members are urged to participate in the parade.

LIBRARY BOOK SALE -- The annual book sale was rained out last Saturday. Alternative locations for holding the sale are being explored.

GRASS ORDINANCE VIOLATIONS -- A notice will be served to Historic Strasburg regarding the weed and grass violations on the property.

SEWER LEAK DETECTION -- A tape of the television leak detection and repair was shown. Numerous incidents


of poor workmanship were observed in just 5 manhole runs.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Secret

1987-PAGE 28

!, . J i


. . ~ r. . . . . . : . :. . . . I.

Minutes of 'the''me'etin'g of" Tuesday, ' May'l2, 1987 — "7:30 'p". m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Hoover Penman Taylor

Myers Barnett

"Williams Miller

1, , I . t I

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Solicitor Chester Lutz, Maintenance Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Tami Williams, L-S Student Kim Hess, L-S Student Dover Dawson, L-S Student Dick Johnson Mr. a Mrs. Richard Kennell Herb Austin Robert Lane'" Joseph Simon Marge McCarthy, Strasburg News

I .

The meeting was called to order fo'll'owed'by" the''Salute'. to the Flag.

''MINUTES''--'''A mot'ion' was 'made by Jim Barnett, scca'nded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously, approving the minutes from the April 14 an'd''28th meet-in'gs a' s' printed. '


KINGSCOTE PHASE II — IMPROVEMENTS GUARANTEE -"-- 'The final cost estimates have been submitted by the contractor and approved by the Borough Engineer;. The amount of the irrevocable letter from the. Bank of Lancaster County will be set at 8349, 908. 00 plus 10'4 for a total of $384, 898. 00. A motion was made by Jim Barnett, seconded by Bob Myers, and passed unanimously, accepting the fig- ures for the improvements estimates and approving the form. of guarantee.


SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Ranck reported that the objections to distribution of the proceeds of the Sheriff sale of the 8. 7 acre tract will be heard by Judge Perezous on May 21, 1987. A Subpoena 'will' b' e' s''erved t'o th' e' Borou'g'h; The--defense' argue's--that:there are

'n'o'"'bu'i'1dings -a'nd/o'r'"facil-ities on. th'e''tr'a'ct''d'escr'ibed. " 'Our argu- ment is that the former owners created an illegal subdivision

1987-PAGE 29

without the knowledge of the Borough and the entire complex was regarded as one tract. and any subsequent owners (sellers as well as buyersj are committed for the violations and obligations. The Mayor questioned the . effect of, the fact, that, the lines are pri- vately owned. Mr'. Ranck indicated that he felt none impl'ied.

ENGINEER S REPORT — — The final draft of the Storm Water Management Ordinance has been received and will be re'viewed by the Borough Planners at the June meeting.

MAYOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Kiscaden's report contained the following:

1. A proclamation has been issued for Strasburg Heritage Weekend.

2. The Memorial, Day Parade has been approved. The annual dona- tion is recommended.

3. Will attend the Strasburg, Virginia Mayfest on May 17, 1987. ) 4. Received a letter from the Pennsylvania Dutch Tourist Bureau

noting an increase in tourism last year of 32% and predicting an additional increase this year.

5. Acknowledge'd th'e lette'r 'from Fred Wi. '1'liams regarding the Cen- . ter Square parking study, stating that the comments raised, were good and worthy of' further examination.


POLICE REPORT -- The report for April contained the following:

31 Traffic A'rrests

2 Accidents 18 Traffic Warni'ngs 17 Crimin. Incidents

4 Crimin. Arrests

94 Complaints

15 'Speeding, 4 Red Light', 3 Li'cense Suspens'ions, " 9"Misc. '

3 Disturbances, 1 Burg. /Thefts, 2 Drug Violations, 1 each of Criminal Mischief, No Solicita- tion permit, Public Drunkenness, Theft, Trespass 6 Buining Ordi- nance violation. 2 Drug counts, 1 Public Drunken- ness, 1 No Soliciting Permit 18 Traffic, 2 Domestic, 4 Dog, 3 Alarms, 67 miscellaneous


MEMORIAL DAY PARADE -- A mo'tion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Jim Barnett and passed unanimously, approving the date and time for the annual parade and authorizing . payment of the budgeted donation.

1987-PAGE 30

MASSASOIT HALL BUILDING — — Mr. Williams. reported that he has been repeatedly. , contacted by. . members of the I. O. O. F. . regarding future disposition of. , the building. Those members, fear that the building may fall into. the. hands . of others, persons not interested in the preservation of the building.

I i

A motion was made by Fred Williams, and seconded by Henry Miller, that a committee be appointed, consisting of the Borough Manager, Mayor, Council President and Borough Solicitor to meet with repre- sentatives of the I. O. O. F. Hall Association to investigate a long- term lease or outright purchase of the building; and as soon as possible thereafter submit a report in writing of the findings of that meeting. During discussion the Mayor reviewed a previous effort to lease the building and obtain a, - first refusal right upon sale. The Mayor also recommended that an architect or engi- neer be added as a member of the committee. Other discussions involved the expenditure of public funds for preservation

The motion was amended to include the Borough Engineer as a mem- ber of the committee. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 2. Members Williams, Miller, Myers, Taylor and Barnett cast assenting votes. Members Hoover and Penman cast dissenting votes.

Following additional discussion on implementation of the committee study, a motion was made by Jim Barnett, and seconded by Henry Miller, that before the committee is activated, the Hall Associa- tion be contacted for a decision on whether or not the building is available for long term lease or purchase. The motion passed by a vote of 6 to 1, with members Barnett, Miller, Taylor, Myers, Hoover and Penman casting assenting votes, and member Williams casting a dissenting vote.

Mr. Williams objected to the delay in the processes contained in the earlier motion and left the meeting at 7:50 p. m.


INSURANCE RENEWAL -- A quotation for renewal of the insurance liability package has been received. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, approving binding of the present policy. No new quotes were received.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was reviewed. A

motion was made by Jim Barnett, seconded by Henry Miller, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed, and including the following additions:

Summer Recreation Program S 240. 00

1987-PAGE 31

Strasburg Fire Company Strasburg Ambulance

3, 750. 00 3, 750. 00

REZONING PETITION — — A petition' to rezone approximately 30. 5 acres from R-100 to R-75 in order to construct apartments has been sub- mitted by Varren Feister. The proposal has been referred to the County and Borough Planning Commissions for review and comment.

Motion for adjournment 8. :15 p. m.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Secret

1987-PAGE 32


Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday, May 26, 1987 — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Hoover Myers Penman Miller

Williams Taylor

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Rick Huxta, Borough Engineer Chester Lutz, Maintenance Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Austin

SIDEWALK PROJECT -- Mr. Huxta has completed a field inspection of the areas presently designated as Phase I of the proposed side- walk project and the following critical points were discussed:

West Main Street: At least five' large trees will be seriously impacted. Alternatives are to allow the trees to stand, eliminat- ing curbing for a small section; remove the tree and stump to allow the proper curb/sidewalk installation. To remove the trees will alter the character of the neighborhood, but will eliminate existing serious drainage problems and the continuous problem of sidewalk heaving from the tree roots. The removal would also per- mit a cleaner parking lane, improving safety.

North Decatur Street — — Along the east side the sidewalks are reasonably good, but curb face is almost non-existant. To require curb construction to meet specs would mean the replacement of some good sidewalks, or the creation of a situation where the sidewalks are lower than the curbs. If the water can be diverted, this is not necessarily a problem. On the West side, there are situations where no curbs/sidewalks exist. These can apparently be filled in with little problem. At the commercial properties, it is sug- gested that no requirement for construction be made if there is a safe paved area for pedestrian traffic. Other areas on the west side have severe raising of curbs which will need to be addressed.

South Jackson, Fulton and Franklin Streets — No apparent problem with the exception of possible storm drainage problems.

Lancaster Avenue -- A standard street width will need to be deter- mined. A minimum of 28 to 30 feet is suggested, allowing traffic to get around a left-turning vehicle. One option is to just place sidewalk at the appropriate width and elevation, leaving curb con- struction for a later time. This would require two separate con- struction projects, with the accompanying inconveniences. If the entire curb/sidewalk project is undertaken, siginificant storm

1987 — PAGE 33

drainage costs will need to be anticipated.

Tree Removal — — The decision regarding tree removal should be, for the most part, uniform. The cost bearing policy will also need to be determined.

Mr. Huxta will have a more detailed report in hand by June 19th so that it can be distributed to council members prior to the June 23rd council meeting.

The sidewalk specifications will need to be revised to allow for 18" curbs (standard in most areas--and meeting PennDOT specs) rather than the present 24" now designated.

OFFICE PARTITION -- A suggestion has been made that a floor-to- ceiling partition be placed in the present council room in order to provide the Police Department with more space. The cost esti- mate is $1, 182. 04. The price includes access into the police por- tion, and wall insulation. The project will be considered for action at the June regular meeting.

MASSASOIT HALL — — Mr. Williams asked whether or not the I. O. O. F. Board has been contacted regarding purchase of their propezty. No contact has been made to date. Mr. Williams offered to make the initial contact to arrange a meeting. The Secretary was directed to write a letter to the Trustees.

Submitted by, ~zJ' Ve lma H. Lutz Seczetary


Minutes of the meeting of June 9, 1987, 7:30 p. m.


Williams Miller

Myers Penman

OTHERS PRESENT: John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Robert Ham, Police Department Chester Lutz, Maintenance Department Herbert Austin Clarence Herr, Repr. , Methodist Church Harold Walter, Repr. , Methodist Church Jim Frey, Repr. , Methodist Church Dick and Jan Kennell Bruce Ryder Shirley Simon Rita Lane Jeff Gast. Cheryl L. Irwin, Local Ledger Mary Weldon, Lancaster Newspapers Marge McCarthy, Strasburg News

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mary Rachel Hoover followed by the Salute to the Flag.


METHODIST CHURCH APPEAL FROM HARB DECISION — — Mr. Herr reviewed the appeal filed last month, provididng further descriptions of the proposed siding for the church manse. Mr. Herr indicated that he has not been furnished with copies of information upon which the Board decision was made. References to similar installations were cited. The Board will be invited to attend the 6/23/87 meet- ing which will be advertised as a regular business meeting so that action on the appeal can be taken.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the May 12, 1987 meeting were approved as printed.

SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Ranck reviewed the court hearing on the Historic Strasburg Inc. water/sewer tax lein.

Mr. Ranck was asked to check into the recent Supreme Court deci- sion regarding right to use properties.

MAYOR'S REPORT -- Several complaints have been received regarding the growth of thistles and weeds on the Historic Strasburg prop- erty. There is a dispute about boundaries between the 8. 47 acre

tract recently sold at Sheriff's sale and that owned by Historic Realty Inc. Enforcement of the ordinance will be pursued by the Police Department. Other weed complaints have been received about 105 East Main Street and North Decatur Street Received a contact from State Representative Barley regarding the possibility of funding to be used toward the by-pass project. A letter has been forwarded to Mr. Barley, requesting the funding to be used for the enhancement of the tourist industry in Pennsylva- nia. (Mr. Williams asked that the record show that he is opposed to the wording by which the funding had to be requested)

The annual Fire Company report was reviewed. A motion was made by Fred Williams, seconded by Bob Myers, and passed unanimously, that a letter of commendation be forwarded to the Fire Company.

POLICE REPORT -- The report contained the following:

TRAFFIC ARRESTS 39 Speeding, 6 Red Light, 3 Passing, 2 Left Turn, and 1 each License Requirements, Jr. License, Stop Sign, Following too close, Reckless Driving, Permit Violation, Permitting Violation and Unsafe Speed



13 CRIMINAL INCIDENTS 5 Criminal Mischief, 2 Theft, 2 Drunk Driving, and 1 each of Possession of Marijuana, Disor- derly Conduct, Arson and Burning Ordinance Violation

6 CRIMINAL ARRESTS 3 Underage Drinking, 2 Drunk Driving and 1 Possession of Mar- ijuana

98 COMPI AINTS 22 Traffic, 7 Domestic, 6 Dog 63 Miscellaneous

MAINTENANCE REPORT -- At this time, no wells are being used. All water is from springs.

The Fisher Well line has been completed, using 1180 of 4" pipe. The line is filled and chlorinated. Air pressure tests and perma- nent electrical wiring will be completed within the next week.


The roadway restoration will be completed as a cooperative project with Strasburg Township crews.

The average daily sewer flow has dropped 20 to 30 thousand gallons per day since the repair work is completed.


MASSASOIT HALL — — A meeting will be scheduled for Monday, June 15th at 6:30 p. m. to take a conclusive tour of the building. The Borough Engineer will be asked to provide a consultant.


A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, that the Ordinances be prepared for advertis- ing.


OFFICE PARTITION -- A quotation of $1, 182. 04 has been submitted by Douglas Bair for installation of a partition across the conference room in order to provide better facilities for the police depart- ment. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Fred Wil- liams, and passed unanimously to proceed.

BILLS FOR APPROVAL — — A list of bills for approval was distrib- uted. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Bob Myers, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed.


The following comments were made:

Questioned the possibility of restricting truck weight and height.

Cost of new building must offset purchase of Massasoit Hall.

Question new developments in by-pass project.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz Secrtary

Motion for adjournment 9:30 p. m.



Minutes from the Special Meeting of June 23, 1987 — 7:30 p. m.


Myers Williams

Miller Taylor

OTHERS PRESENT: Tessa Lefever Clarence Herr, Methodist Church Harold Walter, Methodist Church Bob Haug Bruce Ryder H. Dale Kaufman, HARB Robert Lane Mary Weldon

The meeting was called to order by the President.


All comments offered, pertained to the HARB appeal advertised for action at this meeting, and are therefore included under that heading.

HARB APPEAL -- Several comments were offered, both in support of the appellants and the board. Mr. Herr, on behalf of the church repeated his position, and further outlined the purposes and procedures for the proposed installation.

Mr. Kaufman reiterated the position of the Board, and stated that he felt the Board was in 100'4 agreement on the decision. He further cited certain Preservation Trust Bulletins covering the subject, as well as national Department of Interior references. He also pointed out that the Lancaster District disallows the use of aluminum and other synthetic sidings.

A motion was made by Mr. Williams, seconded by Helen Penman, that the decision of the Historic District Board be upheld. The motion failed by a vote of 2 to 4. Members Williams and Miller cast affirmative votes. Members Penman, Hoover, Myers and Taylor cast dissenting votes.

STOP SIGN REQUEST -- A suggestion has been received that a stop sign be installed on Shenk Avenue, at the intersection of East Hillcrest Avenue and Kingscote. A motion was made by Helen Pen- man, seconded by Henry Miller, and passed unanimously that a double stop sign and white line be erected by the Maintenance Department.

1987 — 38

TRAFFIC ORDINANCE -- Henry Miller suggested that the revisions to the Traffic Ordinance be prepared to incorporate the new stop sign as well as earlier suggestions for the elimination of parking at the Post Office and left tu'ms from the bank parking lot and driveup windows.

TRAFFIC LIGHT -- Chet Lutz reported the deterioration of the cables for the traffic light and maintenance problems experienced due to the low position of the lights. He was authorized to pro- ceed with obtaining an estimte for repair.

SIDEWALK PROGRAM -- The engineer's review was distributed. Mem- bers were urged to review the document and be prepared to take action at the July 13th meeting.

SECOND ORIGINALS OF PLANS — — A motion was made by Fred Williams, seconded by Darryl Taylor, and passed unanimously, approving the purchase of second originals of the sewer system and water sys- tem. The former engineer will be contacted to prepare them. The second originals will then be lodged with the Borough Engineer so that reference copies can be reproduced economically.

PAYMENTS -- The contractor for the new partition has submitted a partial bill for $648. 20. A motion was made by Fred Williams, seconded by Henry Miller and passed unanimously, approving pay- ment.

CARPETING -- The carpeting in the conference room needed to be replaced, following construction of the partition. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously that the floor of the rest room and former police office also be carpeted at an additional cost of $250.

PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT -- The appointment of Henry Miller to the Planning Commission expired in May. Fred Williams was asked to recommend an appointment.


PERMANENT APPOINTMENT -- A motion was made by Fred Williams, sec- onded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously, approving the per- manent appointment of Lisa M. Boyd, Administrative Assistant at an

- annual salary of $15, 000.

Adjournment 8:30 Velma H. Lutz Secretary

1987 — 39


Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday, July 14, 1987, 7:30 p. m.


Myers Barnett

Miller Taylor

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Michael Ranck, Esq. , for Ranck and Ranck, PC Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Austin Sophrona Bachman Rita Lane Donald Kreider Shirley Simon Marge McCarthy, Strasburg News

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mary Rachel Hoover followed by the Salute to the Flag.


A question was raised regarding the Borough Engineer preparing development plans on behalf of private contractors. An explana- tion was provided that when official plans are presented, they will, if necessary, be reviewed by another firm.

MINUTES -- The minutes from the May 26th, June 9th and June 26th meetings were approved as printed.

SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- Michael Ranck reported that research has been done on the Sidewalk Ordinance and suggested that a review in committee be considered. A date of August 25th was set. TREASURER'S REPORT -- Balance Sheets and Budget Reports for the period through June 30th were reviewed. Future monthly reports will. be furnished in summary form, with detailed reports provided quarterly. One copy of the detailed report will be available for examination on a monthly basis. The report was filed for audit. MAYOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Kiscaden reported on a letter from Senator Armstrong announcing funding available from the Commonwealth. The funds will be used for various projects, including a feasibility study on the proposed bypass.

The Mayor represented the Borough at the Broadway Limited birthday celebration.

Special Event approvals have been executed for the annual Heritage Society Flea Market in September and Jaycee Festival in August.


POLICE REPORT -- The report for June included the following:

61 Traffic Arrests 44 Speeding, 2 Red Light, 3 Passing, 4 Driving Under Suspen- sion, 2 Reckless Driving and 1 each of No Inspection, No Regis- tration, Stop Sign, License, Right Turn and Title Violations

2 Accidents

8 Traffic Warnings

31 Criminal Incidents 4 Theft, 4 Criminal Mischief, 4 Disorderly Conduct, 3 Prowling, 3 Trespass, 2 Telephone Harass- ment, 2 Bad Checks, 2 Underage Drinking, 2 Pellet Guns, and 1 each of Assault, Homicide, Bur- glary, Harassment and Drunken Driving

14 Cr iminal Arrests 5 Underage Drinking, 2 Disor- derly Conduct, and 1 each Drunken Driving, Harassment, Public Drunkenness, Unsworn Fal- sifiction, False Reporting, Criminal Mischief and Criminal Homicide

109 Complaints 15 Traffic, 2 Domestic, 1 Dog, 1 Alarm and 90 Miscellaneous

MAINTENANCE REPORT -- The Fisher Well road restoration project has been completed with the excellent cooperation of Strasburg Township. Cost savings over bid price is $2, 830. 26.

Kingscote, Phase II sewer main and lateral installations are : nearly completed. Storm sewer, curbing and water main installa-

tions will immediately follow.

The water supply is good. All spring water is used from Tuesday 'through Saturday, and minimal well use over- weekends. Rainfall

, -accumulations in the springs areas has exceeded that in town. The new springs have been overflowing recently, the first summer over- flow since 1981.

The new Chevrolet pickup truck is in service.


The cast iron identification sign east of the Borough has been salvaged following an accident. The Maintenance Supervisor was authorized to investigate sources and costs for securing a replacement and possibly additional signs.


FINAL PLAN, STRABURG BUSINESS CENTER -- A plan was reviewed for a proposed addition between the present pharmacy and the convenience store. The Planning Commission reviews have been received. The Borough Planning Commission has negotiated minor changes in the parking and traffic flow plans, and recommended approval.

Mr. Williams reguested that the record show his concerns about this as well as future developments, as follows:

1. This plan presents an adverse impact on senior citizens and pedestrians because of difficulty in present tenants operating with new management, and associated increased costs. 2. Local people are not made aware of development situations. 3. The present tenants are not informed of developments.

Mr. Kiscaden guestioned the cause of the price increases, and noted that negotiated lease contracts are civil matters not invol- ving the Borough.

Other members in attendance had the impression from current tenants that the tenants were anxious to have to plans finalized so that new leases could be negotiated.

A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Helen Penman, and passed by a vote of 5 to 1 that the plan be approved as amended. Members Miller, Hoover, Penman, Myers and Barnett cast affirmative votes. Member Williams cast a negative vote.

KREIDER-JOHNSON SKETCH PLAN -- The developers are proposing an 11 unit apartment complex at 139 Miller Street, and have submitted simultaneous Sketch Plans, in anticipation of approval to proceed with Preliminary Plan, and Zoning Special Exception Applications. The Planning Commission has recommended approval of both. A motion was made by Henry Millr, seconded by Jim Barnett, approving the Sketch Plan and authorizing the developers to proceed with Preliminary Plan. The Zoning Hearing will be held on Monday, July 20th.

GARLAND SKETCH PLAN -- The developer has submitted a Sketch Plan for the construction of 16 single family units, and construction of a culdesac street. The Planning Commission has recommended


denial of the plan based on the following three reasons:

1. The culdesac street exceeds the maximum length requirements of the Subdivision Ordinance.

The off-street parking requirements of the Zoning Ordinance have not been met.

The minimum building set back for the existing building on the Eberly prperty has not been met.

A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, denying the plan approval for the same reasons set forth in the Planning Commission recommendation.

STRASBURG WEST SKETCH PLAN -- The developers are proposing a 17- unit single family residence plan for the land behind the Ada Landis property on Lancaster Avenue. The Planning Commission has

'recommended approval of the sketch plan. The developers are also requesting affirmation of water and sewer capacities. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Henry Miller, and passed unanimously approving the sketch plan and capacity approval let- ter. REZONING REQUEST -- A request for rezoning of 30. 5+ acres from R-100 to R-75 in order to construct apartments has been sub- mitted. The proposal has been reviewed by the Borough and County

. Planning Commissions and approval was not recommended by either body. The developer contacted the Borough Office today by tele- phone and requested that no action be taken on the plan at this time.


APPOINTMENT -- A motion was made by Fred Williams, seconded by Helen Penman and passed unanimously, approving the appointment of Henry Miller to a 5-year term on the Planning Commission.

MASSASOIT HALL PURCHASE -- A motion was made by Helen Penman, and seconded by Bob. Myers, that in view of the costs involved in the project, any Borough Council participation be dropped. During discussion, Mr. Williams expressed the hope that any action taken tonight would not close the doors to future negotiations. The Mayor stated that at the time the meeting with the I. O. O. F. was scheduled, he was under the distinct impression that the lodge had met and was eager to sell the building; but following the meeting he had no such impression. Michael Ranck reported that he under- stands there is nothing force the lodge into an immediate sale. Jim Barnett stated he has been appzoached by a member of the lodge

. who understands that the National I odge would be involved in the


sale. Helen Penman indicated that she feels the preservation of landmarks should be the work of a foundation or private group rather than municipal government. Othezs indicated that support of such private enterprise would be in order. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 2. M'embers Penman, Myers, Barnett and Hoover cast affirmative votes. Members Williams and Miller cast dissent- ing votes.

A letter will be forwarded to the lodge that at this time the Borough Council is not interested in presenting an offer, but if the lodge would like to come forth with a proposal at some future time we would appreciate being included in such distribu- tion.

TRAFFIC SIGNAL PROJECCT -- Henry Miller indicated that the newest proposal offered by the Borough Engineer was reviewed briefly by the Planning Commission at their July meeting. The President expressed concern that the funding deadlines have alzeady been missed, delaying the project several years. Henry indicated that the Planning Commission is looking toward a recommendation by their September meeting.

SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT -- As indicated under the Solicitor's Report, a committee meeting will be held on August 25th to review the sidewalk ordinance proposals, Mr, Williams suggested that narrower sidewalks be considered in areas of low volume pedestrian traffic.


AGENDA ADVERTISEMENT -- Because of the submittal deadlines neces- sary for publication of the Strasburg News, the tentative agenda advertised is frequently incomplete. An additional line to the tentative agenda advertised in the News will be added — stating that an update will be posted in the Borough Office window 24 hours prioz to the meeting.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, approving payment, with the following addi-


Tom Hart, Installation of Police Telephones ~ 890. 00

DISPOSAL OF MAP -- A map, mounted on hard board, has been stored in the Borough Maintenance Building for a number of years. The black on white linen copy is safely kept in the Borough Office. Furthez storage of the white on black map would probably mean fur- ther detrioration. The map will be made available to the pubic


and if there is no interest, the map will be disposed of. Michael Ranck suggested that the Heritage, Society may want to store it in the garage at his residence.


PENSION PLAN CHANGES -- The revised agreements and resolutions for the updated pension benefits have been received. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unani- mously, approving their execution.

SALARY PROPOSALS -- A suggestion was made that salary proposals be made available to Council by late August. A meeting of the Coun- cil Department heads was set for 7:00 p. m. August 15th, prior to the Committee meeting on sidewalks.

Motion for adjournment 9:15 p. m. u~~i 4

Velma H. Lutz Secretary

PAGE 1987-45


Minutes of the meeting of Monday, August 11, 1987, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Hoover Williams

Taylor Miller

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Michael Ranck, Esq. , Ranck and Ranck Chester Lutz, Maint. Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Tessa Lefever Rita Lane Bruce Ryder Lynn Rankin, Local Ledger Mary Weldon, Lancaster Newspapers Earl Hess, Hess Home Builders Pat Lemmerman, Rettew Assoc.

The meeting. was called to order by the President, Mary Rachel Hoover followed by the Salute to the Flag.


Sewer Service Requests -- Rita Lane commented on the agenda item concerning sewer service requests, stating that she has checked for information and learned that the capacity for the Borough is limited to 390, 000 gallons per day. Mr. Kiscaden pointed out that there are many factors to be considered. The first step required would be the formation of a sewer authority by Strasburg Township.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the July 14, 1987 meeting were approved with the following change: Fred Williams should be included in the list of members present, and Darryl Taylor's name should be deleted from that list.


STRASBURG WEST — PRELIMINARY PLAN -- The developer is proposing a 17 lot development off Lancaster Avenue. Details of the plan were reviewed by the local and county Planning Commissions, as well as by Greenebaum, Miller & Zug Associates, Inc. (the original plans were prepared by Rettew Assoc. , Borough Engineer). The Borough Planning Commission has recommended conditional approval. All of the Planning Commission condidtions have been met. The need for a fire hydrant in the cul-de-sac was discussed. Chester Lutz requested that a hydrant be placed, eliminating the need for clos- ing Lancaster Avenue to utilize hydrants on the east side of that

q(g(g) ~

PAGE 1987-46

street and to provide better facilities for water main maintenance in the proposed street. The developer agreed to include a hydrant on the final plan. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Darryl Taylor, and passed unanimously, approving the plan and authorizing the developer to proceed to Final Plan with the inclu- sion of a fire hydrant.


TREASURER — — The reports for the period ending July 31, 1987 were presented, reviewed and filed for audit.

SOLICITOR -- Michael Ranck reported that research by the firm indictes that the lease back of the water system has expired in May and Council should con-ider whether or not to have the deeds placed back into the hands of the Council, as provided in the lease. The method for accomplishing this would be to have a title company do a bring-down search on all of the properties and have a complete plat. created. , The deeds, , easements, rights of way etc. will be collected and furnished to Ranck and Ranck so that a request for bids can- be. prepared and, furnished to, a number of, , title companies. This step will provide a budgetary figure for future consideration.

MAYOR -- Mr. Kiscaden':s report contained the following:

1. Recommend that the resignation of Steve Yinger be accepted.

2. Reported on a meeting with Strasburg Ambulance Association. Volunteer personnel are in critically short supply. The Association is facing two alterna- tives: A. Terminate operations or B. Institute paid technicians to operate the service. September 8-13 will be proclaimed as Strasburg Emergency Awareness Week. All are asked to help to spread the word that the next several weeks are critical for the continua- tion of ambulance service in this area.

3. Recommend approval of an application for 825, 000 Legislative Initiative Program funding.

4. Recommend 4 candidates for the 1989 — 90 Highway Rest. oration Program: A. Resurface Route 741, B. Re- surface Route 896, C. Improving signing on Prospect Road, D, . S, ign Miller Street-Lime. Valley and Village Road intersection as hazardous.

PAGE 1987-47

POLICE — — The report for July contained the following:

28 Traffic Arrests 13 Speeding, 3 Red Light, 3 Passing zone, 3 Right Turn, 2 Unsafe Speed, and 1 each Inspec- tion, Licensing, Passing on right and Following too closely.

2 Accidents

16 Criminal Incidents 8 Disorderly Conduct, 2 Thefts, 2 Prowlers, and 1 each Harass- ment, Criminal Mischief, Fire- works and Burglary.

6 Criminal Arrests 2 Underage Drinking, 2 Drunken Driving, 2 Disorderly Conduct

78 Complaints 19 Tr'af'fic, 2 Animal, 2 Domes- t. ic, 1 Missing Person, 54 Misc.

MAINTENANCE . -- The r'eport included the-following:

One spring in the New Springs serries has dried. The King well is pumping 60 gpm for 12 hours, Rohrer 36 gpm for 8 hours per day. The Mowrer wells are used weekends to maintain safe levels in the reservoir.

Dirty water complaints have been received due to line tapping to complete the connections in Kingscote. The situation will continue over the next two weeks and an alert will be placed in the local papers.

S EVER The Kingscote Phase II lines are completed and ready for testing.

STREET Kingscote storm sewer installa- tions have been completed. The developer has agreed to in"tall a 24" pi:pe in lieu of the 10' cut swale provided for in the approved plan.

Curbing on Heritage Avenue has

PAGE 1987-48

been order repaired.


COURT CLAIM FOR W/S BILL -- Judge Perezous has denied the claim of the Borough for payment of the delinquent Water and Sewer bill against the formed owner of Historic Strasburg Inn, based on the fact that the service was not provided to the property against which the claim was made. The present owners of the Inn maintain a current status with their bills. BY-PASS STUDY -- A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Fred Williams and passed unanimously that the Borough Engineer be requested to conduct a feasibility study on a by-pass, utilizing that portion of the approyed funding (810, 000) included in the Legislative Initiative Progrram.


RESIGNATION -- A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, accepting the resignation of Steve Yinger, Police Officer. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Darryl Taylor, and passed unanimously that' the posi- tion be advertised for acceptance of applications until August 21.

WINTER MAINTENANCE CONTRACT -- A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Darryl Taylor, and passed unanimously, approving the 1987-88 Winter Maintenance Contract with PennDOT in the amount of 92, 140. 16.

SKATEBOARDS -- Jeff Fralich of the Ambulance Association has sug- gested that consideration be given to addressing the problems of use of skateboards on local streets and sidewalks. A local municipality has recently adopted legislation. The subject will be researched and taken up at a later meeting.

SEWER SERVICE R'EQUEST — — An acknowledgment letter will be prepared to Paul Risk Associates regarding their request for information in anticipation of securing sanitary sewer services to a Strasburg Township property.

REASSESSMENT SUIT -- A letter was received today from Lancaster j

City suggesting that the Borough join in their 'suit' against the County of Lancaster to halt spot reassessment programs. A special meeting will be advertised for 7. *30 p. m. on August 25th to con- sider action on the suggestion.

PAGE 1987-49

WATER/SEWER BILL QUERIES -- The following actions were taken:

Incorrect Rate Table A single-family rate has been used for the Raymond Good prop- erty, a 2-family residence. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously that no back charges be made.

Leak Allowances Warren Feister has requested that consideration be given to granting an allowance for leaks occurring in his water system. He is billed only for sewer service based on his own metered water. A motion was made by Henry Miller' seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously that the request be tabled pen- ding additional information.

Partial Payments A request has been made that no penalties be assessed on out- standing balances when partial payments are made, particularly in the case of fixed incomes. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Darryl Taylor, and passed unanimously that the request be denied.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, that the bills be approved for payment.


HOUSING COMMITTEE VACANCIES -- Bruce Ryder asked whether an existing vacancy on the Committee has been filled. It has not. He pointed out that a term has probably also expired as of July, 1987. There are no appeals pending at this time. The Housing Officer has recommended the adoption of the CABO uniform code prepared by BOCA. He will be asked to prepare a sample ordinance for consideration at the September meeting.


HOSPITALIZATION DEPENDENT COVERAGE -- The dependent coverage charge to be paid by employees will be dropped through 1987 with a

PAGE 1987-50

-:-new policy to be considered early in the 1988 budget processes

POLICE -- A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Darryl Taylor and passed unanimously, authorizing the Mayor to reorganize the police department and adjust salaries as required by the positions.

ADJOURNMENT 9:50 P. M. Submitted by

Velma H. Lutz, Secre y

PAGE 1987-51


Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday, August 25, 1987@ 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Hoover Taylor ,

' Penman

Barnett Myers - Miller Williams

OTHERS PRESENET: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Michael Ranck, Esquire Dale Beiler, Strasburg Ambulance Jeff Fralich, Strasburg Ambulance Mike Lockard, Strasburg Ambulance Rita Lane Herb Austin Marge McCarthy, Strasburg News Mary Weldon, Strasburg News

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mary Rachel Hoover, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

AGENDA ADVERTISEMENT -- Due to a misunderstanding, the agenda advertised in the Strasburg News was incorrect.

REASSESSMENT -- There was a discussion on the proposal by the City of Lancaster that all county municipalities join in the suit the City is proposing to file against the County, objecting to the present policy of "spot reassessment" and calling for a county- wide reassessment program. While the consensus was in support of county-wide reassessment, the unknown probable or possible cost was of concern.

A motion was made by Jim Barnett, seconded by Henry Miller, andn passed unanimously, that the Borough support the reassessment suit with costs based on the population ratio, with a maximum liability of $4, 000.

STRASBURG AMBULANCE ASSOCIATION -- Dale Beiler, speaking on behalf of the Ambulance Association, explained the activities now set during Ambulance Awareness Week. An announcement was also made about the upcoming Advancned First Aid Training Class, set to begin on Sunday evening, September 13th, and continuing for 10-12 weeks.

Mr. Belier also explained the Association's training cost reim- bursement policies. Motion for adjournment 8:30 p. m.

Sub itted by,

r Velma H. Lutz, Seer ry



Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday, September 8, 1987, 7:30 p. m.


Taylor Miller

Penman Myers

OTHERS PRESENT: . L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Michael Ranck, Ranck 6 Ranck, PC Bruce Ryder Jos.

, Simon

Robert Ham, Police Department I

The meeting was called to order by the President, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

MINUTES — . — . The minutes of the August ll, 1987 meeting were cor- rected. as, follows:.

Under REQUESTS TO BE HEARD, first paragraph, --the figure 360, 000 is changed to, 300, 000. . (The':. actual- sewer capacity amount is 320, 000 gallons)

A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, approving the minutes of the August ll and 25th meetings, with the foregoing change.

TREASURER'S REPORT -- The report for the period ending August 31, 1987 was distributed for review and -filed for audit;

SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Ranck has been in contact with Attorney Thomas Goodman, representing the Zoning Hearing Board, and Attor- ney Charles Zaleski, representing Farmland Industries, regarding the appeal filed on behalf of Turkey Hill. The hearing date is set for September 21, 1987.

MAYOR'S REPORT --: Mr. Kiscaden reported the following:

1. Suggested information be distributed regarding side and rear yard rquirements for the placement of storage barns.

2. Reminded citizens to participate in Ambulance Awareness Week and the Heritage Society Flea Market.

3. . Requested an Executive Session following this meeting, in order to discuss police personnel matters.

':4. Reported that. a. suggestion ha's. been . received;='from Fred: Wil-. ". liams. . concerning. support-of::the-. :Ambulance- Association. -programs.

Copies will be made available for Council review.

POLICE REPORT -- The report for August contained the following:

27 Traffic Arrests

3 Accidents

4 Traffic Warnings

15 Speeding, 2 Reckless Driving, 2 No inspection, and 1 each of Passing Zone, Driving Under Suspension, Unsafe Speed, , Junior License, Following too Closely, One-way Direction, Red Light and Right Turn on Red.

23 Incidents

9 Criminal Arrests

12 Discharging Pellet Guns, 3 Thefts, 2 Each of Criminal Mis- chief and Disorderly Conduct, 1 Each of Prowling, Loud Partying, Attempted Suicide and Harassment

3 Underage Drinking, 1 each of Resisting Arrest, Escape, Theft of Service, Theft by Deceptionf Harassment and Drunken Driving.

91 General Complaints 8 Traffic, 2 Domestic, 1 Animal, 79 Miscellaneous

One cruiser is again out of service. MAINTENANCE REPORT -- The report contained the following:

KINGSCOTE PHASE II -- All water and sewer mains. and sevices have been completed, inspected and tested. Minor changes. to the Final Plan have been agreed to by the developer.

WATER SUPPLY -- In addition to the springs, well pumping is being used at the King, Mowrer and Rohrer wells.

FISHER WELL -- Contacts have been nude with PPSL, Hajoca and Red Jacket. Hajoca will agree to accept the pump at full refund, pro- vided the pump received no further use and the return is made promptly. Red Jacket will be able to supply the larger pump in about 8 weeks. PPaL cannot schedule the 3-phase electrical ser- vice until January, 1988. Two options were explained, as follows:

l. Absorb the price of the present pump, keeping it in place and making no further changes until a need arises for additional flow from the well or proceed with the additional changes in the spring

1987 — 54

of 1988, advertising the pump for . sale as surplus property.

2. Proceed with dismantling the present pump, leaving the Fisher Well idle until PP&L has installed 3-phase service and weather permits installation of the larger pump.

Option 2 leaves only the King well as a major backup supply. Historically, the ground water table does not return until late December, regardless of rainfall. Therefore, Option 1 is recom- mended.


FISHER WELL PUMP -- A motion was made by Jim Barnett, seconded by Henry Miller, and passed unanimously, that the present 15 hp pump be retained, and that the upgrading be performed next spring after the 3-phase service has been placed by PP&L. Cost options for outright payment and rate guarantee will be obtained from PP&L.

BY-PASS STUDY -- The Borough Engineer is proceeding with the feasibility study for the by-pass. The new engineering proposal for the 23/30 by-pass may alter that project to some degree. A

public hearing on the 23/30 study will be held on September 23, 1987 at 7:00 p. m. at Pequea Valley High School. The drawings will be available for inspection at 6:30 p. m.

ORDINANCE CODIFICATION -- A preliminary review of the draft has been completed. The draft will. now be forwarded to the Planning Commission for recommendation, and an editorial session scheduled with Penns Valley.

WATER SYSTEM EVALUATION REPORT -- A representative from Rettew Associates will be asked to attend the September 22nd meeting to provide background information on the Water Report.

REASSESSMENT SUIT -- Following a media report that the City charges the Borough a 15'4 surcharge for sewer treatment, Bernie Ziegler, Chief Financial Administrator for Lancaster City, con- tacted the Borough, and the matter has been clarified and apolo- gies extended for any misunderstandings.


I. O. O. F. LEASE -- An addendum to the current lease has been received from the Lodge. The addendum provides for a 22'4 increase in rent to $4, 440 annually, payable semi-annually, and including a clause that all fixtures and repairs shall be the expense of the Lessor, with the exception of main line wiring. Increased costs for water, sewer, insurance and taxes wre listed as the basis for the increase. A motion was made by Jim Barnett, seconded by Henry


Mi lier, :. '-:and passed-::. unanimously~:-. that. :the addendum be approved g „

along:with:a notation that water':and sewer costs' for the piopeity have. :decreased, :. rather than increased.

COUNTY-AID -APPLICATION: — A motion was made by Helen Penman, ::sec- onded by Henry Miller, and passed:unanimously, . approving the"'1988 County Aid Application in the amount of 81448. 07, for equipment purchase.

REGIONAL ADVISORY COUNCIL -- A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, that Secretary be named as the Municipal Representative to the Lancaster County Redevelopment Authority Regional Advisory Council. The group meets to review project proposals submitted by local municipali- ties and non-profit organizations making project priority ranking and funding level recommendations for Community Development-Pro- gram giants. The. Borough is now divided into several census tracts, and is more likely to be eligible for project funding 'than in the past.

MUNICIPAL OFFICIALS BREAKFAST -- An invitation was extended to attend. the. : breakfast at Historic Strasburg Inn on Wednesday morn- ing, September 16th at 8:00 a. m. Program subject. will be Unifor- mity in the Issuance of Building Permits.

FACT SHEET -- A letter from Mr. Williams suggests that'a- fact sheet be prepared for distribution to local citizens. Council members are to submit questions most often asked so that answers can be prepared for publication and distribution. The suggestion will be considered further when the annual newsletter is prepared for distribution with the tax notices in February, 1988.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distribuWd. A motion was made by Helen Penman~ seconded by Henry Miller~ and passed unanimously, approving payment of the bills as, listed. ''

A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by:Jim Barnett, that Officer Echternach be promoted to Sergeant effective October 1, 1987 at a salary of $21, 250.

Adjournment 8:50 p. m. Submitted by,

di- Velma H. Lutz, Secre y

PAGE 1987-56


Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday, September 22, 1987, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Hoover Taylor Myers Barnett Williams Penman Taylor

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Rita Lane Shirley Simon Ellis R. Bachman ~ .

Mr. and Mrs. Herbert H. Austin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kennell William-Koch, III, Strasburg Fire Co. Charles L. Danner, Jr. , Strasburg Fire Co. Pat Lemmerrman, Rettew Associates Earl Hess, Hess Homebuilders Marjor'ie 'McCarthy, Strasburg News

" Th' e. - meeting was called to. order by the President, Mary Rachel Hoover, followed by the Salute'to the Flag.


A citizen complaint regarding the flower sale display at 9, East Main' Street was registered. The complainant, Sh'irley Simon, stated that she feels pedestrian traffic is impaired. According to the regulations, 4' of sidewalk must be maintained, and in excess of the minimum appears to be maintained. The area will be measured and a response prepared.


STRASBURG WEST, AMENDED PRELIMINARY PLAN -- A revised Preliminary Plan was reviewed. Under the . new plan, Lot 17 will be provided with access to Hemlock Lane, the street proposed for the develop- ment. A Zoning Variance from minimum lot width at the street line was approved by the Zoning Hearing Board last evening. In addi- tion, two waivers are requested; one for the lot depth/width requirements and the other for radial lot lines. The narrow neck extending eastward to Lancaster Avenue is proposed for conveyance to- Ada . Landis, an adjacent property owner. The Planning Commis- sion has reviewed the plan and recommends approval, along with the requested waivers. The fire hydrant requested during the initial review has been added to the plan.

A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Jim Bar'nett, and . passed unanimously, approving the plan and granting. :the-requested . . waivers.

PAGE 1987-57

FIRST PENN SQUARE, MINOR SUBDIVISION -- A plan has been submitted for the resubdivision of Lot 4, Kingscote, Phase I, to separate Book Lane . from the lot. The Planning Commission has reviewed the plan and recommended that the plan be denied because it does not meet the minimum lot width requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and does not constitute a useful parcel. The primary issue is the maintenance of Book Lane, and this appears to be a civil matter. A motion was made by Fred Williams, seconded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously, that the plan be denied because it does not meet the minimum lot width requirements of the Zoning Ordinance and does not constitute a useful subdivision.

E. C. WITMER, MINOR SUBDIVISION -- A plan for a one-lot subdivi- sion from the existing remaining lands of E. C. Witmer was reviewed. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, that the plan be approved as presented and the waivers be granted from compliance with the existing building set back lines, inasmuch as the buildings pre- existed the subdivision ordinance.


ZONING AMENDMENTS -- A proposal for amendments to the Zoning Ordi- nance have been received from the Planning Commission. A Public Hearing Date for a joint hearing with the Planning Commission was set for Tuesday, October 27th.

TRUCK BIDS -- Bids for the sale of the 1974 Chevrolet Pickup Truck were received and opened. Two bids were received, as follows:

J. F. Stermer $257. 00

Roy Mowrer S950. oo

A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Darryl Taylor, and passed unanimously, accepting the high bid.

OFFICE SCHEDULE -- A seminar for year-end accounting updates has been scheduled for Monday, October 12th. Since that date is a holiday for many offices, it is requested that the office be closed on that date, to relieve the Maintenance Department from providing coverage. A motion was made by Henry Millerr, seconded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously, approving request.


George Wagner of Rettew Associates presented an informative repoit on details of the Water Study recently completed. Highlights of that report are as follows:

PAGE 1987-58

SUPPLY The water supply appears to be sufficient to meet the immediate domestic demands.

ADDITIONAL SOURCES An additional source within the next five to ten years is recom- mended because sources can easily be lost to contamination.

COST Many communities are requesting upfront capital contributions from developers to provide funds for system enlargements and upgrading.

P EAK US AGE The present system appears to provide adequate pressure for domestic use during peak usage.

PRESSURE RECORDS A part of the report prepared on the computer module indicated that there may be a problem with partially closed valves in the Precision Avenue/Lancaster Ave- nue area. However, a recheck indicates that the valves are open, but the problem stems from a small section of smaller pipe in that area. The section will be scheduled for replacement.

PIPE SIZING A recommendation is made that not less than 8" pipes be approved for future line exten- sions or replacements.

FIRE FLOWS There has been recent litigation in other parts of the country indicating that the presence of a fire hydrant indicates suffi- cient fire flow to provide ade- quate protection. The test cases have not yet been decided

The acceptable minimum flow for resid'ential fire protection is 500 gpm. The local supply does not meet tthat standard.

PAGE 1987-59

If other water sources are located nearby, the minimum flow requirements are not as criti- cal.


FRICTION LOSS Friction loss is mostly exhi- bited in getting water from the reservoir into the Borough. Very little pressure remains for moving the water around the sys- tem in the town.

INCREASE MAIN SIZES Cost estimates for increasing the 8" and/or 12" mains are sub- stantially higher than other alternatives.

STANDPIPE A standpipe in the west end of the Borough would serve to equalize pressure throughout the town at a minimal comparative cost to other options.

WATER TOWER An elevated tower would provide the same benef its, but would allow the use of the entire tank reservoir. Cost estimates are approximately double that of a standpipe.

LINE REPI ACEMENTS A recommendation of the report is that all 4 and 6" mains be sche- duled for replacement with 8" pipe. The'scheduling can be based on future street work, as well as other factors.

HYDRANTS While hydrant condition was not a part of this study, the spac- ing of hydrants throughout the system appears to be good. The hydrants are inspected and tested annually, and a program is in place for the replacement of outdated hydrants. The pro- gram is based on the size of the

PAGE 1987 — 60

Var ious comments were of fered by members of the Fire Company in support of providing adequate fire flow. They also explained that an indirect cost savings to the residents is probable through insurance rate reductions.

Following a council discussion on the merits of the program, a motion was made by Fred Williams, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously that cost options and proposed time schedules be prepared for proceeding with implementation of the recommend- ations of the Borough Engineer, as contained in the water study.


ACTIVITY REQUEST — CHRISTMAS ON THE SQUARE -- A request for Spe- cial Events has been approved for the Womens Club Annual Christmas on the Square to be held December 20, 1987 '

REASSESSMENT SUIT -- A request has been submitted by the City that an individual property owner be named, in addition to the Borough, in the reassessment suit. The matter will be referred to the Borough Solicitor. STREET MAINTENANCE -- A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, that a letter be forwarded to the Post Office that the Borough will agree to perform winter maintenance on the streets of Kingscote, Phase I, so that mail delivery can be provided to residents.

MAIL DELIVERY SERVICES -- As a matter of policy, only curbside delivery to mail boxes is being provided to residents of both Olde Towne Strasburg and Kingscote. Residents are not satisfied with this service, citing problems with receiving mail due to cars parked in front of the mail boxes (particularly in Olde Towne) and also aesthetics. They have asked that the Council support them in their efforts to obtain upgraded service to regular city delivery. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Henry Miller and passed unanimously, that a letter be written to the local Postmas- ter in their behalf.

Adjournment 9:30 p. m.


An executive session on personnel reports was convened and adjouined, with the regular session reconvened at 9:45 p. m.

ROUTE 23/20 BYPASS OPTIONS -- The proposed corridors for the 23/20 bypass study were reviewed. A motion was made by Henry Miller seconded by Robert Myers, and passed by a vote of 6 to 1 that

PAGE 1987-61 E

Council go on record in support of the preliminary findings for corridor ¹4, which will skirt Strasburg and continue eastward over Mine Ridge. Members Hoover, Penman, Myers, Taylor, Barnett and Miller cast affirmative votes. Member Williams abstained on the basis that he felt the information: provided is too vague at this time.

ORDINANCE CODIFICATION -- The Planning Commission has recommended that an editing conference be scheduled with Penns Valley and the codified ordinance book adopted forthwith, in order 'to provide a useful document for use and future editing. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Henry Miller, and passed unanimously, approving the recommendation.

HALLOWEEN -- The following dates were set: PARADE -- Thursday, October 29th

TRICK-OR-TREAT -- Friday, October 30th

WARREN FEISTER WATER/SEWER BILLS -- A history of the account, including usage reports from daily readings over a 17-day period, was reviewed. The usage has remained consistent, however substan- tially higher than . when the property was operated by a previous owner. Mr. Feister is requesting relief from the billing, on the basis that he has leaks, and the metered water is probably not passing into the sewer system. He is also requesting relief from the penalties assessed on the billing since January, 1987.

A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously that a letter be forwarded to Mr. Feister, stating that no forgivenesS of past penalties be granted, and that the account should be brought up to date within 15 days to avoid further penalties.

CRAMMER WATER/SEWER BILL -- LaMar Crammer, owner of 23-29:West Main Street is requesting. forgiveness of penalties added to his water/sewer bill on the basis that he. did not receive a bil'I. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded- by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously, that the request be denied and present policy be maintained.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Borou Secretary

PAGE 1987 — 62


Minutes of the meeting of Tuesday, October 13, 1987, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Hoover Myers Penman Miller Taylor Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: John Milton Ranck, Esquire Chester G. Lutz, Maintenance Department Robert Ham, Police Department Barbara Law Pat Antonacci Bruce Ryder Kevin Werner, Shertzer Associates Phil Garland Ed Krause Bob Lane Lynn Rankin, Local Ledger

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mary Rachel Hoover, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


STORM BASIN COMPLAINTS -- Barbara Law and Pat Antonacci, residents of 227 and 229 Black Horse Drive, respectively, spoke about the storm water basin behind their properties. They expressed concern about the depth of water in the facility, evidence of storm sewer rats, and dumping trash in the area. Chester Lutz explained that during the time the pond banks were being established, the pond banks were mowed by the Maintenance Department until the grass banks were well established and that the Borough Engineer has indicated that the pond is built according to plan. Some minor repair work remains to be done following the heavy rain earlier this summer. The developer has authorized his landscaping con- tractor to work with the Maintenance Department to complete this work. When the repair work has been completed, the pond banks will not be mowed by the Borough, but will become the responsibil- ities of the private property owners involved. Regarding the rats, Mr. Lutz reported that there was evidence of rats washing into the basin following the 7" rain. The dead rats were removed and disposed of by the Maintenance Department.

Ms. Law and Mr. Antonacci expressed their concern for children using the area as a playground. The pond at times, during storms, reached a depth of approximately 5'. The water then drains out slowly over a period of several. hours.

The matter will be investigated by the Borough and a report made

PAGE 1987-63

to the compla i nants . WEEDS -- Ms. Law also registered a complaint about weeds on the property directly across the street from her.


SKETCH PI AN FOR 122-124 MILLER STREET -- Phil Garland presented a sketch plan for review. The plan was a substantial revision from that presented to the Planning Commission on October 5th. The revised plan was referred to the Planning Commission for review at their November meeting.

The plan reviewed by the Planning Commission at their October meeting was reviewed, together with the comments of the Planning Commission contained in their recommendation for denial. A motion was made by Mr. Williams, seconded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously, denying the Sketch Plan presented on October 5th on the basis of the Planning Commission comments.

Mr. Garland stated that the three objections raised to an earlier plan submitted in July were addressed in the plan submitted in October. He indicated that he felt all anticipated zoning amend- ments should have been pointed out to him at that time.


MINUTES -- A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, approving the minutes of the September 8, 1987 meeting as printed.

TREASURER'S REPORT -- A report for the period ending September 30~ 1987 was distributed for review and filed for audit. SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Ranck had nothing to report. The com- ments of Mr. Garland regarding the sketch plan process were referred to Mr. Ranck for opinion.

POLICE REPORT -- The report for September contained the following:

19 Traffic Arrests 8 Speeding, 4 Red Light, 1 each of Unsafe Speed, Improper Left Turn, Driving while consuming alcohol, No Inspection, Passing Violation, Following too Closely and Drunken Driving

8 Criminal Incidents 2 Attempted Burglaries 2 Crimi- nal Mischief, 1 each of Theft, Disorderly Conduct, Drunken

PAGE 1987-64

Driving and Drugs.

3 Criminal Arrests 2 Theft, 1 Disorderly Conduct

84 Complaints 15Traffic, 5 Animal, 1 each of Alarm, Domestic Disturbance, Missing Person and 61 Other calls

MAINTENANCE REPORT -- The report for September contained the fol- lowing:

WATER The King well has experienced an operation failure following a power outage during operation.

Flushing of transmissions lines is completed. Distribution line flushing is underway.

DER is working with the Borough to investigate a private source for compliance with SDWA.

RADON REPORTS . Preliminary test results on the water supply have been received from DER. Results average 698. 5 pCi/L. Limit standards are expected to be set between 10, 000 and 40, 000 pCi/L, placing the local supply in excellent position.

SEWER All winter maintenance on pumps and generators has been com- pleted.

STREETS Base coat has been placed on Kingscote, Phase II. Finish Coat has been placed on Susan Avenue extension.

OTHER Work is progressing in cooper- ation with PennDER, on the hazardous waste monitoring at the' AMP facility.

PAGE 1987 — 65


MAIL SERVICE -- A letter has been written to the local Postmaster, with a copy to Congressman Walker, regarding mail service impro- vements to Olde Towne Strasburg and Kingscote. The local office has replied that no changes can be made. Congressman Walker has acknowledge our letter and will report more upon hearing from the Federal offices of the Postal System.


WATER/SEWER ACCOUNTS -- No payment has been received on the delinquent water/sewer account. The account will be referred to the solicitor for further action. PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for payment was distributed. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Darryl Taylor, and passed unanimously, approving payment of the bills as listed.


STATEMENT CLARIFICATION -- Bob Myers referred to a statement in the local newspapers, quoting him as saying that water pressure was doubled in the last few years. The statement was that volume was doubled.

Motion for adjournment 8:20 p. m.

Submitted by

Velma H. Lutz Borough Secretary

Page 1987-66


Minutes of the Meeting of October 27, 1987 7:30 p. m.


Myers '~"'- ~"' ='Ta. ylor Miller Williams

L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Allen Shenk Chester Lutz, Maintenance Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept.

The meeting was called to order by the P'resident, Mary Rachel Hoover followed b the Salute to 'the Fla


y g

ZONING AMENDMENT PUBLIC HEARING -- The public hearing advertised for tonight has been cancelled in order to provide the LCPC with the required time'-to review the proposed amendments. It will be rescheduled to November

: 17th; . and, the November 24th Discussion Session will be .

. . . . cancelled.

RECYCLING REPORT -- Dan sigman reported"that: a' total of $1, 389 has been accumulated to date. Mr. Sigman also proposed that the Recycling Project be taken over by the Lion's'Club. The Lion's Board of Directors is willing to' u'ndertake the project. A motion was made by Mr. Williams, second'ed' by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously that letters of commendation be forwarded to Dan and to Chet Lutz.

Action to ratify abandonment of the pro'ject will be taken at the next. meeting.

SEWER CHARGES, REQUEST FOR CREDIT -- John'"'Gearhart:, owner of the Strasburg Creamery, . has requested consideration for credit on the sewer charges for water used in the' heating/cooling system. Chet provided a drawing and explan'a'tion of the system and reviewed past months when unmetered"w'ater from the wells used by the cooling system was flowing int'o the sewer system without charge. He also reviewed the corrections made to the system by Mr. Gearhart. No action to give' credit'was authorized.

OFFICE SPACE -- A local property owner ha's:requested informa- tion on whether the Borough Council would'- be interested in office space in the old bank building, 'should it be purchased and renovated. Little or no interest wa's"expresses.

HOUSING . VIOLATIONS -- A broken window in''the-attic of 8-10 East Main Street is providing a haven for pi'geons; The Housing Officer will be asked to investigate.

Motion for adjournment 8:30 p. m.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Bor h Secretary

PAGE 1987 — 67


Minutes of the meeting of November 10, 1987, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT; Hoover Taylor Miller

Penman Wi 1 1 iams

Myers Barnett

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esquire Chester Lutz, Maint. Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. John Gearhart Eugene A. Groff Pat Lemmerman, Rettew Associates Earl Hess Donald P. Kreider Richard Johnson Bruce L. Ryder, Council Member Elect

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mary Rachel Hoover, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


REQUEST FOR SEWER CHARGE CREDIT -- Mr. Gearhart requested a credit for a portion of the sewer charges included on the October bill for the Creamery. He stated that the use was 414, 300 gallons for the third quarter, opposed to 97, 100 gallons for the second quar- ter. Meter records for the third quarter of 1986 reflect a use of 189, 700 gallons. Mr. Gearhart alleges that the increase is due to use of municipal water to service a cooling/heating system rather than domestic use. The matter was taken under advisement and a report on the occupancy rates for 1986 and 1987 will be furnished by Mr. Gearhart at the next meeting.


— — -A-motion was made by Jim Barnett, seconded by Henry Miller, and passed unanimously, approving the minutes of the October 13, 1987 meeting as written.


STRASBURG WEST, FINAL PLAN -- Modifications to the plan were reviewed as follows:

The drainage plans have been revised to provide a rip-rap and

PAGE 1987 — 68

grass swale rather than the concrete swale previous designed.

Responsibility for maintenance was discussed. The swale and retention basin maintenance will be the responsibility of the property owners. This maintenance will include silt removal.

The plans have been signed by other property owners involved; specifically, Richard and Verna Eckman, Ada P. Landis and Glenn Eberly. I'f the Eberly property is in joint ownership, the sig- nature of Mrs. Eberly will be required.

A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Darryl Taylor and passed unanimously, approving the plan, subject to clarification of ownership for the Eberly easement.

A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Henry Miller, and passed unanimously, approving the escrow amount of $119, 400, representing $108, 550 for construction and $10, 850 for inspection.

KREIDER-JOHNSON PRELIMINARY' PLAN -- A preliminary plan for 11 apartment units was reviewed. The Borough Planning Commission has recommended conditional approval. The LCPC comments were reviewed. A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Jim Bar- nett, and passed unanimously, approving the plan and authorizing the developers to proceed to Final Plan, conditioned on compliance with the County and Borough Planning Commission comments.


SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reported that he has forwarded a demand collection letter to Warren Feister. Mr. Feister's counsel has contacted Mr. Ranck and a professional courtesy extension has been granted to November 16th when he returns from out-of-town.

Mr. Ranck also reported on the Farmland Industries Zoning Appeal requesting a reversal of the plan approval for Strasburg Business Center. Two evenings of testimony have been received by the Board. All attorneys have been requested to file a Memorandum of Law. The hearing has been continued to December 14th, at which time a. decision is expected to be forthcoming from the Board.

Mr, Ranck was asked to. check into the status of the Historic Strasburg bankruptcy suit. The delinquent amount has been included as projected revenue in the 1988 Sewer Fund Budget and will need to be reconsidered if collection during 1988 is unlikely.

MAYOR -- Mr. Kiscaden congratulated the newly elected council members and wished the outgoing' members well. He announced that he will administer the Oath of Office to the new members on Janu-

ary 4th.

POLICE -- The report for October contained the following:

11 Traffic Arrests 6 Speeding, One each Jr. License, Following too Close, Red Light, Improper Left Turn and Failure to Keep to Right

1 Accident

12 Criminal Incidents 6 Criminal Mischief, 2 Underage Drinking and 1 each of Harass- ment, Interference with Child Custody, Assault and Disorderly Conduct

13 Criminal Arrests 7 Underage Drinking, 2 Drug Act and 1 each Criminal Conspiracy, Interference with Child Custody, Public Drunkenness and Disor- derly Conduct.

140 Complaints 15 Traffic, 2 Domestic, 9 Ani- mal, 1 Alarm and 113 Miscella- neous

MAINTENANCE -- A request for water service has been received for a connection on Summit Hill Road. Chet has discussed the matter with PennDER and their representative has expressed a reluctance to approve any connections before the reservoir. The 150 feet rule was also discussed. A decision will be delayed pending fur- ther word from PennDER.

The Fisher well final inspection has been completed and approved by PennDER. An operating permit should be forthcoming.


PUBLIC HEARING — ZONING AMENDMENT --The Lancaster County Planning Commission has scheduled their review of the proposed amendments on December 14th. The Commission has 45 days from the date of receipt of the proposal to take action. Therefore the Public Hearing will be delayed until January 12th at 7:30 p. m.

ORDINANCE CODIFICATION -- The editing conference has been held. An outline of the proposed changes will be submitted for revie~ -prior to the second conference. Completion of the project is anticipated in January.

PAGE 1987 — 70


LCPC APPOINTMENT NOMINATION -- Municipalities have been requested to submit a nomination for appointment as Region 6 representative. The incumbent, Carl Meshey of Paradise Township, has opted not to run. Two nominations for the region will be made on Wednesday, November 18th, and the final selection will be made by the County Commissioners. Elected officials or municipal managers are eli- gible. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Jim Barnett and passed unanimously, that the Borough submit the name of Velma H. Lutz for nomination. A contact letter will be mailed to the other municipalities announcing the intent to nominate.

LIBRARY APPOINTMENT -- A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously, approving the appointment of Sandy Dinoff to the Library Advisory Board. The by-laws of the Library provide for the appointment of one person by Borough Coun- cil to serve a 3-year term.


PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was reviewed. A motion was made by Jim Barnett, seconded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously, approving payment of the bills as listed. 1988 BUDGET -- A first draft of the 1988 Budget in the form of a worksheet was reviewed. A brief discussion ensued. A date of November 17th was set as a Special Meeting for preliminary approval of the budget. Final approval is scheduled for December 9th. Fred Williams stated that he will probably not be able to attend the November 17th meeting, but would like the record to show that he will not vote for any budget that includes a line item for Municipal Building Study in the amount of $12I000g feel- ing that the amount is excessive and that the concept of moving the Borough Offices would be a disservice to the community. A discussion of that item ensued. The item will be included in the second draft, but renamed, inasmuch as the figure as included in the 1987 Budget included some funds toward design as well as study. The amount for Council and Mayor salaries, by unanimous agreement, will be deleted from the second draft. An expense for purchasing a new cruiser will be added to the Reserve Fund.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Borou ecretary

page 1987 — 71


Minutes of the meeting of November 14, 1987, 7:30 p. m.


Penman Miller

Taylor Myers

OTHERS PRESENT: Ralph H. Heiser Robert Heiser George Heiser Donald Heiser Sophrona Bachman Jeff See, Council Member Elect Rick Martin, Council Member Elect Marie Poley, Lancaster Newspapers Lynn Rankin, Local Ledger H. D. Kaufman, HARB


The meeting was called to order by the President, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


STORM MATER DRAINAGE -- Mr. Ralph Heiser expressed concern about the design of storm water facilities for the Kreider-Johnson apartments. After reviewing the plans at the Borough Office, he contacted Rettew Associates, but his call was not returned this afternoon. He was concerned that his interests might be regis- tered i oo late. He stated that he has been authorized to speak for Eli Ebersol, whose land also adjoins the project, and register the concerns of Mr. Ebersol and present an offer to provide a cost free right of way to pipe the water approximately 200 to 250 yards to a stream. John Madden, who reviewed the plan as Borough Engi- neer will be contacted to follow-up the matter. The Preliminary Plan approval is conditioned upon satisfactory resolution of all storm water problems. Mr. Heiser was encouraged to attend the next meeting of the Borough Planing Commission for further infor- mat ion.

APPEAL OF HARB DECISION -- Donald Heiser, 221 Miller Street has requested Historic District approval for work at his residence. The request for covering of the soffit and fascia has been denied. Mr. Heiser cited several examples of similar work in the area, amd presented photographs of his proposal.

Dale Kaufman, speaking on behalf of the HARB board supported the recent policy to disallow crown molding cover. He stated that the moldings are no longer used, and offer significant detail to the historic properties. He referenced other Historic Districts and

page 1987-72

their policies. He explained that if the work is not done prop- erly, moisture can be trapped and lead to deterioration that can- not be easily observed.

Mr. Kaufman stated that the Board does not enjoy being in a posi- tion of denying requests, but feels that the "line must be drawn". Toward that end, the Boazd will work on the establishment of poli- cies for education of the citizens of the District. A motion was made by Helen Penman, and seconded by Jim Barnett, that in view of the precedents set, a decision in favor of the applicant be found. The motion passed by a five to one vote, with members Penman, Myers, Barnett, Hoover and Taylor casting assent- ing votes, and Miller casting a dissenting vote.


RECYCLING PROJECT -- A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, turning over the Recycling Project to the Strasburg Lions Club.


COMPLAINT ON USE OF RADIO -- A complaint was registered with the Council Pzesident regarding use of the emergency radio recently. The incident involved a comment over the air that the Borough had no officer on duty — thus, informing the public that there was no coverage at that exact time. Bob Ham explained that there is no choice in this type situation. The on-call officer for the Borough had gone off-duty for several hours for a dinner engage- ment, and the State Police were placed on call. This is the regu- laz proceduze. Further, the incident involved a suspicious death, and by regulation must be a joint investigation with the PA State Police. The explanation will be transmitted to the complainant.

STORM WATER COMPLAINT -- A concern about storm drainage facilities on the South side of Susan Avenue, between Susan and Sunset Ave- nues, has been registered. The Maintenance Supervisor will review the problem with the developer and recommend appropriate action.

DER PLANNING MODULE -- A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, approving the submittal of a Planning Module for the Kreider-Johnson apaztments.


BUDGET WORKSHEET — 2ND DRAFT -- The second draft of the Budget Worksheet was reviewed, and the following amendments made:

page 1987-73

Public Servant Recognition Included Proposed Banquet for Board Members

Reduced from $1, 200 to $300

Custodian for Office

Fire Company Donation

Ambulance Donation

$450 added

Reduced from $4, 200 to $4, 000

Reduced from $4, 200 to $4, 000

Summer Recreation Program Raised from $250 to $500

The End-of-year fund balances were discussed. The prospects of tax reform legislation becoming a reality this year are more optimistic than at any time, and the recommendations are to hold fast on tax rates, to the extent possible, pending outcome of that~ legislation.

Long-range fiscal planning was also discussed. Vehicle replace- ments are now funded over a long range for the Maintenance Department, and short-range for the Police Department. Groundwork for building planning has been made, and a long-range budget will be prepared after preliminary information has been obtained. Other areas for long-range planning include Maintenance Equipment. and Recreation.

A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Helen Penman, and passed unanimously, tentatively approving the 1988 Budget, with mo change in tax, water or sewer rates. Following final approval, the Water and Sewer Connection and/or Tapping Fees will be reviewed and revised.

Submitted by,

Ve ma H. Lutz, Secreta

Motion for adjournment 9:00 p. m.

page 1987-74


A short executive session was held to set the 1988 Salary for the Borough Manager at $22, 075, with the 9400 additional apportioned to the General Fund. In view of the amount, and the projected year-end balance in the General Fund, no budget change is required

PAGE 1987 — 75


Minutes from the meeting of December 8, 1987 — 7:30 p. m.


Penman Miller

Taylor Barnett

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Borough Solicitor Chester Lutz, Maintenance Department Robert Ham, Police Department John Gearhart, Strasburg Creamery Barbara Law Lynn Rankin, Local Ledger Marie Poley, Lancaster Newspapers

The meeting was called to order by the President, Mary Rachel Hoover, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


OLDE TOWNE STRASBURG STORM DRAINAGE -- Mrs. Law requested infor- mation on whether or not the Borough has a legal right-of-way for the storm water basin to the rear of her property. Chet has been in touch with the developer, and there are"plans to install asphalt in the bottom of the basin to promote getting rid of the final drainage water, and to reseed some portions of the basin. However, the work will probably not be done until spring. An explanation was given to Mrs. Law, that the responsibility for maintenance, as provided on the Land Development Plan, is the responsibility of the individual property owner.

JOHN GEARHART — STRASBURG CREAMERY -- Mr. Gearhart submitted further information to substantiate his request for consideration of an adjustment on sewer charges. However, the information was in conflict with other records from the billing charges. The cal- culations will be reworked for further review at the January 12th meeting.

DOG COMPLAINT -- A letter discussing complaints about dogs harming pet rabbits was read. The complainant will be contacted by the Police Department.


The minutes of the November 17th meeting were approved with the following change:

Date changed from November 14 to 17

PAGE 1987-76


TREASURER -- The report for the period ending November 30, 1987 was accepted and filed for audit. A budget report for the period ending December 8th was also submitted for comparison to the 1988 budget figures.

SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reported on the Farmland Industries Zoning Appeal. A decision is expected from the Board on December 14th.

A meeting is scheduled with Mr. Feister and his counsel on Novem- ber 11th at 10:30 a. m. in the Borough Office.

An explanation of "vested interest" was provided following the research on the Phil Garland Sketch Plan submittal.

A draft of a disclaimer for water/sewer tenant billing has been prepared in an effort to expedite collections from delinquent tenants.

A meeting was held with the bankruptcy attorney and one of the principal investors. A proposal has. been submitted to settle the water/sewer claim as a cash settlement of $13, 012. 09 to be paid upon the effective date of approval, by the bankruptcy court, of a Debtor's Plan. Waived from the claim would. be the 10% penalty attached to the original billings. The alternative would be to allow the claim, in full, to proceed in . the normal channels, usu- ally a plan for long-range payments over a six year period, with interest attached at a rate of 9'4.

A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, accepting the pro- posal for the cash settlement.

MAYOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Kiscaden attended the 35th Anniversary Banquet of the Strasburg Ambulance and 'reported that as a result of their campaign, several new members have been accepted into the training program. He also urged attendance at the Womens Club Christmas program on December 20th at 6:30 p. m. The club has requested that the first block of East Main Street be closed dur- ing the program. A permit will be requested from PennDOT.

Mr. Kiscaden questioned the status of action on the recommend- ations contained in the Engineer's Special Water Study. (A meet- ing is planned with the Borough Engineer early next year to pre- pare further information on costs and funding needs. )

POLICE -- The report for November contained the following:

PAGE 1987-77

27 Traffic Arrests 15 Speeding, 3 Unauthorized Transfer, 2 Driving Under Sus- pension, 1 Reckless Driving and one five count violation for Driving Under Suspension, No Registration, No Inspection, Fleeing Police and Lighting Violation

25 Criminal Incidents 3 Criminal Mischief, 5 Disor- derly Conduct, 3 Thefts, 2 Bur- glaries, 2 Stolen Vehicles, 2 Dog — law, 2 Harassment, and 1 each of Terroristic Threats, Drunken Driving, Prowling, Hunt- ing in Borough, Solicitation, and Burning Ordinance Violation

14 Cr iminal Arrests 4 Underage Drinking, 7 Disor- derly Conduct and 1 each Har- assment, Unauthorized use of vehicle and Drunken Driving.

93 Complaints 20 Traffic, 5 Domestic, 3 Ani- mal, 1 Alarm, 64 Other

MAINTENANCE -- A new pump has been installed at the King Well. The pump depth has been raised.

A break in the 6" forcemain on North Jackson Street was repaired Tank trucks were used during the repairs.

The Borough pond has been drained by muskrats. The Fire Company was placed on immediate alert. Temporary repairs were attempted with the cooperation of four Fire Company volunteers. Permanent repairs have been made by Andrews Excavating. Trapping has been started. It is expected to take about 4 weeks to refill the pond.

A suggestion was made to complete piping the storm drainage ditch on the north side of the lot. That project will be pursued and cost estimates obtained.


23/30 BY-PASS PROJECT — — Velma attended the Local Officials meet- ing on December 1st. A questionnaire was reproduced and distrib- uted. Council members are asked to return them to the Borough Office by January 4th, for mailing to PennDOT. The next public meeting on the project is scheduled for December 9th at Conestoga Valley High School.

PAGE 1987 — 78

1988 BUDGET -- The third draft of the Budget reflects the follow- ing changes:

All salary and wage figures have been adjusted to reflect 27 pay periods in 1988.

The following changes were made at the request of the Mayor

Police Uniform Purchase Police Computer

$700 from $2800 $6500 Deleted

A motion was made by Henry Miller, seconded by Jim Barnett, and passed unanimously, approving the budget as amended, and maintain- ing the same tax millage and water/sewer rates.


PENSION BUDGET -- A revised Pension Budget for the Municipal Employes Plan was submitted. The revision accounts for the addi- tional funds received from the State Allocation.

PAYMENT OF BILI. S -- A list of bills for approval was presented. A motion was made by Helen Penman, seconded by Darryl Taylor, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed. AWARDS — — A service plaque was awarded to the following members

Helen Penman — 4 years Darryl Taylor — 4 years Jim Barnett — 3 years Bob Myers — 8 years

A round of applause was given for Mary Rachel, in appreciation of her leadership as Council President.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 8:30 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz', Secreta

PAGE 1988 — 79


Minutes of the Reorganizational Meeting, January 4, 1988

MEMBERS PRESENT: Hoover Ferrell See

Miller Martin

Wi 11 iams Ryder

OTHERS PRESENT: L . James K i scaden, Mayor Katie Ferrell Bobbe, Chris and Laura Ryder JoAnn, Nathan and Amanda Martin Holly Miller Robert Haug Ann Schein

The meeting was called to order by the Mayor, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


The Mayor administered the Oath of Office to William D. Ferrell, Richard A. Martin, Bruce L. Ryder, and '- -. Je&«eY-:-:8 ~ See ' '. . f or four-year terms and to Fred A. Williams for a two-year term. The Certificates of Election for each were presented for filing.


Henry Miller was nominated for the Presidency by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams. Fred Williams moved that the nominations be closed, second by Bruce Ryder. Henry Miller was elected President by unanimous vote.

Mary Rachel Hoover was nominated for the Vice-Presidency by Wil- liam Ferrell, second by Fred Williams' Bruce Ryder moved that the nominations be closed, second by Richard Martin. Mary Rachel Hoover was elected Vice-President by unanimous vote.

President Miller assumed the chair for the remainder of the meet- ing.


BOROUGH ENGINEER — A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, appointing Rettew Asso- ciates as the Borough Engineer for a two-year term.

BOROUGH SOLICITOR -- A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, appointing John Milton Ranck,

PAGE 1988 — 80

Esquire, of Ranck and Ranck, P. C. , as Borough Solicitor. BANK DEPOSITORY -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously, approving a resolution naming the authorized officers of the Borough to execute documents for the depository, and naming the Bank of Lancaster County as the approved depository for Borough funds.


INSURANCE RENEWALS -- A proposal has been received from Gingrich Stoudt, Horst Group, for renewals of the liability policies as follows:

Police Liability $ 1, 719 Public Officials Liability $ 4, 250

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, accepting the proposal.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Secretar

Motion for adjournment 7:50 p. m.

PAGE 1988 — 81


Minutes of the meeting of January 12, 1988, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Williams Ferrell Martin Ryder See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Chester Lutz, Maintenance Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Chick Cooper Bob Lane John Gearhart Bob Haug Pete Kingsley Paul Collins Lynelle Sollenberger Bob Sangrey Gail Knauer, Strasburg News Bob Bruhn, Local Ledger

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


Pete Kingsley -- A subdivision plan had been approved for a tract owned by Kingsley — Collins. The Final Plan was approved and recorded in 1973. At that time, the tract was zoned R-75 and met the Zoning Requirements. The lot sizes and land use meet the original requirements for R-100, the present Zoning for the tract. Mr. Kingsley requested that no action be taken on revisions for the lot sizes, permitting the developers to continue with their construction plans in the next several years.

Mr. Ranck explained that under the provisions of the Municipali- ties Planning Act, Subdivision or Land Development Plans are immune from changes in the Zoning or Subdivision Regulations for a period of five years, unless an extension is granted at the dis- cretion of Council. The plan under discussion may be resubmitted for conformity with the new regulations.


ZONING AMENDMENTS — — The proposed amendments to the Zoning Ordi- nance were reviewed, along with the Lancaster County Planning Com- mission comments.

PAGE 1988-82

The following issues were raised

The reference to self-latching gates shall be retained in the Swimming Pool regulations.

The location of fencing with respect to property lines is not def- ined, and will be addressed along with other fencing issues during the next amendment process.

The reduction in Building Set Back Lines for Single Family Attached Residences was set to provide for better lot configura- tion, larger rear yards, and generally conform to those up-to-date trends 'which seem to best meet local needs.

Lot Coverage, by definition, does not include paved areas — only principal and accessory building~.

Parking Space sizes have been reduced from 10' x 20' to 9' by 18'. The advertisement inadvertently included total space of 180 square feet. This should read 162 square feet. A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Bruce Ryder, that the amendments be accepted for inclusion in the Zoning Ordinance

During discussion, the Kingsley request was further reviewed. Of the 24 proposed lots, 17 will not meet the present requirements. No action was taken on the request.

The motion for approval of the amendments passed by unanimous vote.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the December 8, 1987 and January 4, 1988 meetings were approved as printed.


TREASURER'S REPORT — — Reports for all funds for the period ending December 31, 1987 were distributed. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, accepting the reports.

SOLICITOR'S REPORT — — Mr. Ranck reported on the outcome of the Zoning Appeal of Farmland Industries (Turkey Hill) asking for relief from Council's approval of the Land Development Plan for an expansion of thb Strasburg Business Center. The Zoning Hearing Board found in favor of Farmland Industries on the basis of proce- dural and technical findings; specifically, the definition of gross floor area. The computation for parking was based on gross floor area, excluding open porches' The definition requires the inclusion of open porches. Thus, the parking requirements were

PAGE 1988-83

not met. Counsel for the developer has announced that he does not plan to appeal the decision to the courts. Several alternatives exist, but no decisions have been made. The decision will not be appealed by the Borough.

MAYOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Kiscaden commended the community for their support of the Women' s' Club annual Christmas program. A letter of appreciation will be mailed to the club.

He also recommended that the contract for calibration for speed detection equipment not be renewed with Systems Innovation, in light of certain allegations recently publicized.

The annual report of police activities was reviewed.

POLICE REPORT -- The report for December contained the following:

11 Traffic Arrests

4 Accidents

2 Speeding, 2 Unauthorized Use of Registration, 2 Red Light, 2 Following Too Closely, and 1 each Improper Left Turn, No Registration and Driving at Unsafe Speed.

13 Criminal Arrests 12 Underage Drinking and 1 Dis- orderly Conduct

21 Criminal Incidents 10 Thefts, 5 Criminal Mischief 4 Underage Drinking, 1 Burglary

80 Complaints 14 Traffic, 5 Domestic, 2 Alarm, 8 Dogs, 51 Miscellaneous

The annual report contained the following:

1987 1986 1985 1984 1983

TRAFFIC ARRESTS 548 347 368 365 554

CRIMINAL INCIDENTS 304 231 159 127 128

ALI OTHER COMPLAINTS 1063 840 534 497 418

MAINTENANCE REPORT -- The report for December contained the fol- lowing:

A complete breakdown of the Ozonation equipment was experienced

PAGE 1988 — 84

and repaired by the Department. Standby chlor inator was used dur— 0 i ng the down per i od.

The tractor/loader also was disabled just before the snow storm. The t-tact-c&r we= =plit and a rebuilt clutch and pressure plate installed by the Department.


COUNCIL COORDINATOR APPOINTMENTS -- The following appointments were made:

PUBLIC WORKS -- William Ferrell S Rick Martin

SAFETY Bruce Ryder 6 Jeff See

PERSONNEL Fred Williams & Mary Rachel Hoover

SEWER BILLING, COUNTRY STORE & CREAMERY -- Mr. Gearhart supplied new figures outlining the occupancy for the Inn, consumption fig- ures for the third quarters of 1987 and 1986, and an estimate of the amount of water he believes did not flow into the sewer sys- tem. He is requesting relief from the sewer rate for approxi- mately 220, 000 gallons. This would calculate to $990 on the rate schedule. There was a lengthy discussion regarding ramifications of an allowance, contrary to past practices, with regard to future requests. A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Jeff See, to consider the case on its own merits, and grant a $500 relief to Mr. Gearhart. The motion passed by a vote of 6 to 1, with members Williams, See, Hoover, Martin, Ferrell and Ryder casting assenting votes. Member Miller cast a dissenting vote.


CALIBRATION OF SPEED DETECTION EQUIPMENT -- A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unani- mously, approving an agreement with YIS, York' PAp for calibration of speed detection equipment.

BOARD APPOINTMENTS — — A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, appointing Tessa Lefever to a 3-year term on the Zoning Hearing Board and Steve VanOrmer to a 5 — year term on the Historic and Architectural Review Board.

Two additional appointments will' be required for the additional seats on the Zoning Hearing Board. Suggestions should be referred to the Borough Office or to either Personnel Coordinator.

SEWER RATE POLICIES — — The Public Works Coordinators will meet with the Maintenance Supervisor to review and recommend policies

PAGE 1988-85

for dealing with relief requests involving leaks, and for possible . -changes to the connection fee charges. Comparative connections fee were submitted for review.

MUNICIPAL DIRECTORY — — A sample of a municipal directory and map prepared by Community Map Company, Pottstown, PA. The directory is prepared through an advertising campaign with local businesses. Some concern about the advertising aspect was voiced. However, both Mr. Gearhart and Chick Cooper, indicated that they had no problem with the concept. Additional information will be obtained from the company for further discussion.

STREET DEDICATION — WEST SUSAN AVENUE -- A Deed of Dedication for West Susan Avenue has been submitted for approval. Chester Lutz indicated that the street and improvements were constructed and/or repaired in a satisfactory manner. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously, accep- ting the Deed as prepared.

DUTCH COUNTRY AMISH HALF MARATHON -- A motion was made by Rick Martin, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, approving the date of April 17, 1988 for the event. A Partial Street Clos- ing Approval will be submitted to PennDOT.

APPLICATION FOR WATER SERVICE -- Tom Groff, owner of the Choo-Choo Barn has submitted an Application for Water Service at his prop- erty. He is planning an expansion over the next two years, involving additional shops. Present use at the property averages 500 gallons per day or 45, 000 per quarter. To handle the addi- tional use, Mr. Groff is requesting a 1-1/2 inch service. The southwest corner of the property is within 150 of the water main on 896. However, the point of connection desired i" more than approximately 280' from the main. The 1966 Resolution declaring the 150' rule and excerpts from the March 2, 1970 Council Minutes were reviewed. The matter will be referred to the Borough Solici- tor for opinion.

STATE GRANT FUNDING -- In light of the PennDOT studies involving 23/30, the Borough Planning Commission has recommended that the two grants originally set for a feasibility study and land acqui- sition for the by-pass be used for improvements to Center Square, including a traffic light and safety designs. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams, and passed unani- mously that use of the funds be changed as recommended by the Planning Commission. The Borough Engineer will be requested to attend the next meeting of the Planning Commission to begin the project. Senator Armstrong and Representative Barley will attend the Janu- ary 26th meeting to present the checks involved in these projects,

PAGE 1988-86

as we 1 1 as the $10, 000 f or s idewalk improvements on South Jackson Street. PAYMENT OF BILLS — — A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously approving payment of the bills as listed.

Submitted bye

Velma H. Lutz, Seer ary

Motion for adjournment 9:45

oaqe 198@-87


Minutes from the meeting of Tuesday, 'January, 26, 1988, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Wi 11 iams Ferrell Martin Ryder See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Senator Gibson Armstrong Representative John Barley Chester Lutz, Maintenance Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Charles Book, Playground Assoc. Jim Johnson, Playground Assoc. Holly Miller

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag. LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVE PROJECT GRANTS — — The following grant checks were presented:

Senator Armstrong $10, 000 Safety & Traffic Improvements $10, 000 Sidewalk Improvements

Representative Barley $25, 000 Safety & Traffic Improvements

A request to have the deadline for use of the funds extended to June 30, 1989 has been requested.

SAFETY & TRAFFIC IMPROVEMENT 'PROJECT -- The goals for the project were discussed. A draft of the comments will be forwarded to the Borough Planning Commission for consideration at their meeting set for Monday, February 1. Mary Rachel Hoover suggested for purposes of discussion that the diagonal parking be abolished, as originally planned. Pros and cons of diagonal parking were discussed. Statistically, there have, over the years, been few reportable accidents directly related to diagonal parking. There have been numerous "fender- bender" accidents resulting in exchange of information between drivers, and no investigation.

page 19 89-88

In addition to diagonal parking, the following areas will need to be addressed during the project study:

Traffic Signal Replacement Left turn delays Historic effect Pedestrian Safety (Walk Light) Extending sidewalk/curb north to

south to shorten crosswalk Advanced green signal Integrity of the square Effect on businesses

The Borough Engineer has been requested to attend the February Planning Commission meeting. Mr. Williams suggested that a cost estimate be obtained, prior to beginning work.

SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT -- The Playground Association members requested that consideration be given to placing the sidewalks behind the tree line on South Jackson Street. Past plans to build up the street to improve drainage were also discussed. Also of concern was winter maintenance and liability. The Public Works coordinators and Maintenance Supervisor will inspect the area and present recommendations at the February discussion meeting.

SNOW REMOVAL ORDINANCE — — A number of requests for a snow removal ordinance have been received. Further discussion will be held at the Februaiy discussion meeting.

SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROJECT — — A brief discussion was held. Details of the package recommended by the local Planning Commis- sion will be prepared for the new members. Further discussion is scheduled for February.

WATER STUDY -- The Borough Fngineer will be presenting some addi- tional details for implementation of the recommendations contained in the most recent Water Study. A meeting will be set for him to meet in early February with the Public Works Coordinators and the Maintenance Supervisor, so that a proposed schedule can be pre- pared for recommendation and cost analysis. ROUTE 23/20 UPDATE -- The County Commissioners have suggested that local municipalities prepare a statement of position so that a concensus of opinion can be formulated for submission to PennDOT. A draft of a statement was reviewed. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, and second by Bruce Ryder, that a letter reiterat- ing endorsement of 4 South (the route near Strasburg) and requesting the removal of Alternates 1, 2 & 3 (through the heart of farmland) from further study be forwarded to the Commissioners. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 2. Members Hoover, Ryder,

page 198/-89

ee, Martin and Miller cast assentinq votes; members Williams and Ferrell cast dissenting votes.

VEHICLE PURCHASE — — A proposal to purchase a 1988 cruiser through the state piggy-back program at a was presented. The light-siren option offered wil but an alternate purchase for $961 , bringing the $12, 343. The proposal includes offering the 1984 bid, after delivery of the new car. A motion was Ferrell, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimo the purchase, as proposed.

Chevrolet cost of $11, 382 1 not be choseni total cost to car for sale by made by Bill usly, approving

SNOW REMOVAL -- A suggestion was made that the Maintenance Depart- ment remove snow in the areas where the police cars are parked along the street.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Secre ry

Motion for adjournment 9:45 p. m.

PAGE 19 88 — 9 0


Minutes of February 9, 1988, 7:30 p. m.


Hoover See

Martin Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: John . Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Ann Schein, Borough Planning Commission Chester Lutz, Maint. Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Lisa Boyd, Borough Office Dick Johnson, Developer Don Kreider, Developer Rita Lane Holly Miller Chris Knight, Local Ledger Lynn Rankin, Local Ledger Gail Knauer, Strasburg News

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the January 12th and 25th meetings were approved as printed.


SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reported that he has reviewed the proposed codification of Ordinances, having checked with PSAB, and finds no objection.

Reviewed a letter from counsel for Warren Feister, outlining a compromise for settlement of the delinquent water/sewer bills. Mr. Ranck suggested that, if the matter is not amicably resolved, consideration be given to arranging for private mediation or arbi- tration. Under present laws, claims of $20, 000 or less fall within the limits of compulsory arbitration, rather than litiga- tion through the courts.

Research has been done on the Choo Choo Barn request for water service. A history of the events leading to a Resolution to limit connections to a 150' distance from the water main were reviewed. Mr. Ranck reviewed the case with Charles Aulthouse, a former council member. According to Mr. Aulthouse, council was persuaded to give a connection to the Choo Choo Barn, through a service pipe to another property on Rt. 896. This connection provided drinking water to a fountain. When the Choo Choo Barn property was sold, the connection was removed. The "150'Rule" was adopted by Council following a visit to the Public Utility Commis- sion in Harrisburg, wherein the discussion promoted a suggestion that a "reasonable distance" from the water main to the principal structure be established. A later resolution to prohibit all

PAGE 1988-91

future connections outside the Borough was rescinded following a case filed with the PUC. That action re-established the 150' rule.

Mr. Ranck stated that it is his opinion that council is bound to the historical use of the 150' rule to deny the request.

Further discussion of the broader-based issue of water ser- vice resulted in Mr. Ranck's recommendation that the establishment of a defined service territory be continued.

ALSO SEE — Old Business — Groff Water Service

POLICE — — The report for January contained the following:

8 Traffic Uiolations 2 Stop Sign and 1 Driving at Unsafe Under Suspension, tation on Backing, keep to Right.

each Speeding, Speed, Driving Passing, Limi- Failure to

3 Accidents

4 Criminal Arrests 2 Underage Drinking, 1 each Drunk Driving and Dog at Large

8 Criminal Incidents 2 Criminal Mischief, and 1 each Attempted Burglary, Trespass, False Alarm, Drunk Driving, Underage Drinking and Dog Law

75 Comp]aints 15 Traffic, 2 Domestic, 58 Misc.

MAINTENANCE -- The report contained the following:

Water -- The system is currently operating on spring water only. A suggestion that the 150' rule be revised to be more specific concerning point of use.

Sidewalks -- Permission requested to proceed with contacting Penn- DOT for proposal to take over street, and to work with Borough Engineer and Public Works Coordinators to pursue proposal to com- plete South Jackson Streete sidewalk project in order to take advantage of grant funds.


WATER-SEWER CONNECTION FEES — — A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Jeff See, and papsed unanimously, approving a Resolutien to establish the following water and sewer connection fees:

WATER CONNECTION, From Curb Box From Main

$250 $750

PAGE 1988-92


$600. $600 plus all costs of saddle and lateral, including excavating

GROFF WATER SERVICE — — A motion was. made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously that the Groff request for water service to the Choo Choo Barn be denied, based on the past actions with regard to the 150' Resolution and the recommendation of counsel.

REVISIONS TO 150' RESOLUTION — — A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, that the solicitor be instructed to revise the resolution to support the past practice and intent of the resolution.

FEISTER WATER/SEWER BILLS -- The proposal for compromise offered by Mr. Feister's counsel was reviewed, along with other background information. The compromise offered to settle the Laundry/Car Wash claim based on a consumption of 325, 000 gallons per quarter for the periods ending 12/31/86, 03/31/87/06/30/87 and 09/30/87 and the forgiveness of all late charges, plus a credit for $1, 500 in damages alleged to have been caused by a sewer main backup.

A history of the actual consumptions registered on the meters was reviewed. An interim reading for all large — use customers is taken monthly by the Maintenance Department. The reading for the month of January indicated a consumption of 370, 200 gallons, which equates to a quarterly use of 1, 110, 600 gallons.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, that the case be pursued via an agreement for binding mediation Following discussion, the motion was withdrawn.

A motion -was made by Marj-"'. " Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, that the solicitor be instructed to pro- ceed with litigation. CENTER SQUARE PROJECT -- A draft of a Request for Proposal, including several options, has been prepared by the Borough Engi- neer.

The following revisions were made:

1. The first paragraph should include a reference to the work outlined by Council on January 26, namely Traffic Signal Replace- ment, Left Turn Delays, Historic Effect, Pedestrian Safety Walk Light, Extended sidewalk and curb north to south to shorten crosswalk, Advanced Green Signal, Maintenance of integrity of the Square and Effect on local businesses.

PAGE 1988 — 9 3

2. Item I SCHEDULE under SCOPE OF WORK should include an early informal submittal to PennDOT.

3. Item 2. A. Field Survey should be removed from the proposal and performed in advance by the Borough Engineer. A cost estimate of $1500 has been offered by the Engineer.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, approving the proposal draft as amended.

KREIDER-JOHNSON HIGHWAY OCCUPANCY PERMIT -- A revised drawing to accompany the PennDOT Highway Occupancy Permit Application was submitted. The new plan calls for a bituminous surface over the entire entrance, rather than a concrete sidewalk and apron as required by Borough specifications. A motion was made by Rick Martin, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, approving the modified drawing.

SOUTH JACKSON STREET SIDEWALK PROJECT -- A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously that the project proceed in accordance with the plan outlined in the Maintenance Report.

TAX REFORM -- A communication has been received from the PA Department of Community Affairs outlining the provisions of the pending legislation. Copies were distributed to all members. Contact. ' with local legislators is urged.


REQUEST FOR RELIEF FROM SEWER CHARGE -- A request for relief from sewer charges has been received from John A. Fisher. He had experienced 'a leak in his barn. The leak was verified by the Maintenance Supervisor. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously, that a revised bill be forwarded to Mr. Fisher, charging the regular sewer rate for his average use, and a half-rate for the excess.

STREET LIGHT REQUEST -- A request has been made to have street lights installed in the service alley at Olde Towne Strasburg. A

motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Rick Martin, that a request be forwarded to P P & L for a proposal for installation.

STREET CLOSING -- A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, approving the closing of Franklin Street on February 27, 1988 for the Annual Fire Company Sale.

ENGINEER CONTRACT -- Rettew Associates has been advised by counsel that all work be done under contract. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously thai the contract be executed and returned.

PAGE 1988-94

SEWER SYSTEM REPORTS — — The Annual Report of Lhe Sewer System has been prepared by the Borough Engineer, as well as the Chapter 94 Report required by the City of Lancaster.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. The following bill was added:

Nick Ferretti $43. 47 Reimbursement for clothing required for police school

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously approving payment.

CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES — — The preliminary draft of the codi- fied ordinances and editorial comments were reviewed. The fol- lowing changes to the Notes from Editorial Conference were made:

1. Chapter 2, ANIMALS — — The recommended model ordinance will not be adopted at this time, but researched further for future consid- eration.

2. Chapter 6, CONDUCT, Fireworks -- Subsection 105, Excepting the Fire Company from acquiring a permit, should be stricken.

3. Chapter 6, CONDUCT, Firearms -- Subsection 203 of the revised ordinance, referring to Exceptions, should be excluded. A subsec- tion, from original ordinance, allowing issuance of permits, should be added.

4. Chapter 6, CONDUCT, Lewd Materials -- The recommended model ordinance will not be adopted at this time, but researched further for future consideration.

5. Chapter. 7, FIRE PREVENTION AND FIRE PROTECTION -- The recom- mended model ordinance will not be adopted at this time.

A copy of the Notes from the Editorial Conference, together with the above changes will be forwarded to Penns Valley for prepara- tion of the final draft and adopting ordinance.

BOROUGH CODE -- Copies of the Borough Code will be ordered for the new members.

POINT OF INTEREST — — Bruce Ryder reviewed some details of a recent class he attended for newly elected officials. One such detail is a regulation regarding abstention from voting. An abstention is allowable only for conflict of interest.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 10:20 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Seer tary

PAGE 1988-95


Minutes of the meeting of February 23, 1988, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Martin Williams

Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

OTHERS PRESENT: John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Chester Lutz, Maintenance Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Rita Lane

The meeting convened at 7:15 p. m. in Executive Session to discuss with the Solicitor the status of the Groff water service request. The regular meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller.

GROFF WATER SERVICE -- The Solicitor's opinion, upon further research of the facts, is that the Groff water service should be approved based on the approvals contained in the 1970 meeting min- utes.

WATER SERVICE RESOLUTION — — Mr. Ranck has drafted a Resolution to amend the "150' Rule" in order to more clearly set forth the intent of the original resolution. The following additional sug- gestions were set forth for Mr. Ranck's review:

1. Should the resolution include a positive statement about no connections to the 12" main.

2. Should the resolution include a statement regarding areas other than the 8" transmission line from the reservoir to the Borough being excluded.

3. Should an area be defined as a given distance, perhap~ 3, 000' from the reservoir, along the 8" transmission line being excluded because of excessive ozone residual. The final draft will be reviewed at the March meeting so that the advertisement and adoption can proceed.

CENTER SQUARE PROJECT -- A draft of the Request For Proposal has been prepared by the Borough Engineer. Modifications to the word- ing under "Scope of Work" were suggested. A revised quote. for doing the field survey is $2, 980. The engineer will proceed with the survey and preparation of the advertisements for RFP's.

PAGE 1988-96

WATER STUDY -- The meeting scheduled with the Borough Engineer had to be cancelled due to scheduling problems. It will be resche- duled within the next few weeks.


SUMMER RECREATION ADVISORY COMMITTEE APPOINTMENT -- Bill Ferrell was appointed to represent Borough Council.

SIGNS -- There was a discussion regarding the condition of the signs at the Borough limits. The pros and cons of a standardized sign were discussed, but no policy established.

COUNCIL AGENDA — — Several members expressed a desire to have the agenda well formulated by the Friday before each meeting. The possibility of establishing a deadline for submitting agenda items will be researched in an effort to better meet the advance agenda request.

SNOW REMOVAL ORDINANCE -- Bruce Ryder stated that he has several suggestions toward development of an Ordinance. He will work with Velma to prepare a draft for consideration.

SKATEBOARD ORDINANCE — — The possibility of adopting a skateboard ordinance was discussed, with no decision reached. . Skateboards may also be handled under the Motor Vehicle Code.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Sec etary

Motion for adjournment 8:45 p. m.

Page 1988-97


Minutes of the March 8, 1988 meeting — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Ferrell See

Hoover Martin

Williams Ryder

OTHERS PRESENT: John Milton Ranck, Esquire Chester Lutz, Maint. Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Donald"Kreider, Developer David Work David Work, Jr. Mary Weldon, Local Ledger

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

"MNUTES -- The minutes of the February 9th and 23rd meetings were approved as printed-. -


KREIDER-JOHNSON FINAL PI AN -- A final plan was resubmitted, with revised storm water facilities. The revisions involve piping the storm water discharge through the Eli Ebersol property to a stream. A copy of the easement agreement was presented for: review. Both the Borough Engineer and Borough Planning Commission have recommended approval. The Lancaster County Planning Commis- sion comments have been addressed. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, approval the revised plan as presented. .


TREASURER -- A variety of report styles were distributed, covering the period ending- February-28th. ' A request 'sheet was also dis- tributed, for return at the March discussion session, so that each member can receive- the particular report found most desirable. MAYOR -- None

SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reviewed his research on the Groff Water Service, the water service resolution and the Feister utility claim.

POLICE -- The report for February contained the following:

4 Traffic Arrests 1 each of Speeding, Hit and

Page 1988-98

Run, Inspection Violation, and Driving on Right.

1 Parking Ticket

1 Accident

4 Criminal Arrests 1 Forgery, 3 Underage Drinking

90 Complaints 14 Traffic, 3 Domestic, 3 Animal and 70 Other Calls

MAINTENANCE -- The report contained the following:

A review of a meeting held on March 3rd with the Borough Engineer regarding implementation of recommendations contained in the Water Study.

An update on the study currently being conducted on replacement of valves for the 8" transmission line. An update on anticipated changes in PennDER regulations for water supplies.

A suggestion for the implementation of Developer Impact Fees. =- — Street:-Cleaning dates- tentatively are set for March 28 and 29.


GROFF WATER SERVICE -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams and passed unanimously that the request of Tom Groff for water service at the Choo-Choo barn be approvedf based upon the recommendation of the Borough Solicitor, following his further investigation of the references contained in the March 2, 1970 minutes indicating approval for service, prior to the adoption of the "150 foot rule". WATER SERVICE RESOLUTION -- A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, that a resolution clarifying the "150 foot rule" to better identify its original intent, as drafted by the Borough Solicitor, be advertised for adoption.


SNOW REMOVM ORDINANCE -- A draft of a proposed snow removal ordi- nance was reviewed. Additional information will be gathered regarding the inclusion of areas where no sidewalks exist; where sidewalks are missing; and clarification of some definitions.

Page 1988-99

Planning Commission H. A. R. B. Borough Authority Zoning Hearing Board

PERSONNEL APPOINTMENTS -- The Personnel Coordinators announced that the following appointments will need to be made in the near future:

(1) (2) (1) (2)

Members are encouraged to make suggestions to the Personnel Coor- dinators for these appointments or reappointments before the March Discussion meeting.

EROSION 6 SEDIMENTATION CONTROL PLAN FEES -- The Lancaster Conser- vation District has recently announced that effective April 1, 1988 a fee will be charged for the review of E 6 S Plans. The Borough Subdivision Ordinance requires submittal of these plans as a part of the Subdivision and Land Development process. The fees will be the responsibility of the applicant.

ROUTE 30 BRIDGE REPLACEMENT -- A meeting will be held on Thursday at 1:00 p. m. in the Paradise Township Municipal Building to review with PennDOT the plans for traffic control during the replacement of the Leaman Place bridge.

GARLAND REQUEST FOR TIME EXTENSION FOR PLAN APPROVAL -- Dennis --Gehringer has-requested 'a 90 day extension of time for obtaining

Preliminary Plan approval for the proposed subdivision at 122-124 Miller Street. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, granting the extension as requested.

REQUESTS FOR CHANGES IN ORDINANCE CODIFICATION -- The Safety Coor- dinators had a list of requested changes to the codification draft. The codifier will be contacted to determine his time schedule. If appropriate, the changes will be discussed at the next meeting. If not, any changes will need to be addressed at a future time.

PAYMENT OF BILLS . -- A list of bills for approval was presented. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, approving payment of the bills as listed.

Mot ion f or ad journment 9:05 p. m.

Submitted by,

8~~~4 g Ve lma H. Lutz, Seer ry

PAGE 1988-100


Minutes from the March 22, 1988 meeting, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Ferrell See

Hoover Martin

Wi 11 iams Ryder

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Robert Ham, Police Dept. Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Mary Weldon, Local Ledger

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller.

Requests for specific types of Treasurer's reports were submitted.

The Personnel Coordinators reminded council members to submit sug- gestions for board appointments. Nominations for appointment to the now vacant positions will be made at the March meeting.

CENTER SQUARE PROJECT -- As a result of the scoping meeting held on March 18th, several questions needed to be addressed. The traffic signal equipment will not be considered a part of the design phase, but will be separately bid. The parameters for total project cost were set at $150, 000 to $175, 000. Bidders will be requested to emphasize modular construction possibilities as a part of their design. The project parameters will be relayed to the interested bidders early on March 23rd.

TAX REFORM -- Revisions to the tax reform legislation as it left the House and passed to the Senate were reviewed. Of special con- cern is the change in the differential provisions for owner- occupied residences and commercial-industrial properties. Members are urged to contact their legislators. ORDINANCE CODIFICATION -- The minor text changes requested by the Safety Coordinators will be incorporated into the final draft, which is expected very shortly.

OFFICE EQUIPMENT -- A new typewriter, included in the budget, will be ordered. Problems are occurring with the photocopier, and a decision on repair or replace may be forthcoming.

AMP SEWER SERVICE -- The offer to accept the well water used in the AMP chemical contamination tests has been declined. A counter offer of 1/2 the normal sewer rates has been offered by AMP. In view of the limited capacity, that offer will be declined.

PAGE 1988 — 101

INSURANCE RENEWALS — — The insurance package renews May 1, 1988. An insurance proposal will be prepared and distributed in order to obtain compet i t i ve quotes . I n f or mat ion on PennPRIME, insurance pooling, will also be obtained.

TROLLEY BUS SERVICE — — Information has been received that RRTA is planning a trolley bus service throughout the summer season. A 30 — minute schedule from mid — morning to early evening is planned.

OLDE TOWNE STRASBURG STREET LIGHTS -- A proposal for street lights in the service alley has been received from PP & L. Additional information on alternatives will be requested.

PennVEST -- The State water system loan/grant program has been approved. Additional information will be obtained to pursue one or more of the projects contained in the engineer's water study.

HOSPITALIZATION -- The carrier of the Borough's hospitalization has been cited by the Insurance Commissioner, and coverage was in question for a short time. More recently, the Erin Group has merged with Equitable Life Assuzance, and no problems are antici- pated. The situation will be closely monitored.

EMERGENCY RESPONSE PI AN -- As a part of the reporting require- ments for PennDER, an Emergency Response Plan must be prepared for operation of the Water system duz. . ing an emergency situation. A draft of the plan has been prepared.

DEPARTMENT NAME -- In order to adapt to standard boiler plate lan- guage in many reports, the name of the Maintenance Department to the Public Works Department. Employee titles will be similarly changed.

LEAMAN PLACE BRIDGE REPLACEMENT MEETING — — The results of the Lea- man Place Bridge meetings were discussed. The actual detour is planned for a duration of not more than 3 — 5 days.

SOUTH JACKSON STREET -- Mr. Kiscaden reviewed a discussion he had with Roy Zimmerman and Dorothy Raub relative to the future width of South Jackson Street. A letter to the residents, in 1969, indicated a future width of 43'. No definitive plans have been prepared to date. Informal plans az:e for the establishment of a width of 30 to 33', in the event negotiations with PennDOT for Borough takeover of the street are successful.

Motion for adjournment 9:15 p. m.

Submitted byi

') Velma H. Lutz, Se etary

1988 — 102


Minutes of Tuesday, April 12, 1988, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Martin Williams

Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor (8:10) Chester Lutz, Public Works Robert Ham, Police Ann P. Schein, SBPC Richard Johnson

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


MINUTES — The minutes of the March 8 and 22nd meetings were approved'as printed.


TREASURER — The reports for the period ending March 31, 1988 were accepted and filed for audit.

POLICE — The report for March contained the following:.

23 Traffic Violations 4 Speeding, 2 Red Light, 5 No Registration, 3 Unauthorized Use of Registration, 3 Inspection, 2 Driving Under Suspension, 2 Open Title and 1 each Unsafe Speed, Turning Violation, Passing Violation.

3 Parking 2 Accidents

12 Criminal Incidents 4 Theft, 4 Underage Drinking, 1 1 each Simple Assault, Drunk Driver, Dog Law, Burning

84 Complaints 12 Traffic, 2 Alarms, 3 Domes- tic, 2 Dog, 65 Other

6 Criminal Arrests 5 Underage Drinking, 1 Drunk Driver

Mary Rachel Hoover reported that she has received a suggestion


that a stop sign be installed at the intersection of Beddington Lane and Shenk Avenue. The Public Works Department will install the sign.


The report contained the following:

WATER The Emergency Response Plan has been completed and submitted to PennDER.

Final grading and seeding for the Fisher well are in process

All spring water is being used The water table is good.

SEWER The readings for the special meter at the Strasburg Creamery have been completed for the first quarter. A flow of 781, 500 was recorded.

STREETS A study is being made on the use of slurry seal. Cost compar i- sons were furnished. Several exampled of projects were fur- nished. A decision on proceed- ing should be made by the April 22nd meeting so that bids can be prepared if the project is pur- sued.

POND An additional muskrat leak has been repaired with wire and backfilled.


ZONING PERMITS -- For the first quarter, the following permits have been issued:

32 Building Permits Value $795, 295

7 Alteration Permits 1 Use and Occupancy Permit

Pequea Fishing Property



INSURANCE -- The requests for insurance quotations have been withdrawn because the 45 — day lead time was not suf f icient. The present carrier has been asked to present a pzoposal to extend coverage to January 1, 1989. The quotation requests will be resubmitted in August for a January 1, 1989 package, covering all coverages, including Errors and Omissions and Police Liability. A meeting was held with representatives of PennPRIME, an insurance pool formed by the PA League of Cities. The PennPRIME and Gingrich Stoudt proposals will be available for the April discussion session.

STREET LIGHTING — Dick Green, of PP&L would like to submit a pro- posal for the installation of all sodium street lights. Estimated cost saving is $350/year. Sodium lights offer better illumina- tion. Mr. Green will be authorized to proceed with the paper work involved for installation in the late fall of 1988. FUTURE PLANNING — A short discussion period will be held at a future workshop for the purpose of prioritizing programs and establishing goals.


Mr. Kiscaden reported that he attended the viewing for Rodney Mayhew.

A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Mary . Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, that a Resolution be prepared, honoring Mr. Mayhew for his service on Borough Council, and approving a $25 contribution to the Computer Fund of the First Presbyterian Church, Lancaster.

Mr. Kiscaden will also be attending the Strasburg, VA Mayfest on May 21.

A meeting of the Safety Coozdinators is scheduled for Apzi 1 21. Reported that a substantial amount of dead vegetation has been observed at the Truman Baxter property, representing a potential fire hazard.

A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, directing that a letter, based on any appropriate legislation, be forwarded to Mr. Baxter. The Police Department will talk to him in advance of the letter.

1988 — 105


FEISTER WATER/SEWER CLAIM — — The last day for the defendant to file pleadings was April 11th. No copies have yet been received. A 5-day extension had been granted to the new counsel for Mr. Feister. SNOW REMOVAL ORDINANCE — Delayed pending additional information.

CENTER SOUARE PROJECT — The quotations submitted as a result of the Requests for Proposals were reviewed. - The bids were:

Rettew Associates $14, 530

D. C. Gohn 16' 900

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, awarding the project to Rettew Associates and approving the Notice to Proceed.

HISTORIC STRASBURG BANKRUPTCY -- Mr. Ranck has furnished an update outlining the status of the proceedings. After the current details about information on other creditors is filed, a 90-day period will be required before the payouts are made.

PERSONNEL APPOINTMENTS -- The Coordinators are working with the various Boards for suggestions. Recommendations are expected at the next meeting.


ACTUARIAL VALUATION REPORTS -- The reports have been received for both pension plans. Employee benefit sheets have also been received, but had to be returned for corrections.

ROUTE 23/30 -- A meeting of the Task Force has been scheduled for April 19, 1988 at 7:30 p. m. at the Court House. Velma will attend. A copy of a letter from Salisbury Township officials to Congressman Walker, requesting additional clarification of Mr. Walker's endorsement of Corridor 5 as a relief route, was dis- tributed.

TRAINING PROGRAMS -- A training course for Zoning Officers will be held on May 3rd from 8:30 to 4:00. A 3-session course on Sub- division Design will be held on May 9, 16 and 23 from 6:30 to 9:36 p. m. Application forms are available from the Borough Office.



financing applications for the mass burn resource, a certification of the Intermunicipal Agreement was executed upon motion by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, and unanimous approval.

PENNDOT 12-YEAR PROGRAM -- The Lancaster County Planning Commis- sion is requesting biennial requests for project applications for inclusion on the PennDOT 12-year program. The following will be submitted:

Traffic Light at Decatur/Historic Drive Traffic Light at 741/896 Intersection

East end of Borough By-Pass north around Borough Improvements to Lancaster Ave/Miller/

West Main Intersection

LANCASTER LEADERSHIP APPLICATIONS -- An invitation to nominate candidates for the Leadership Lancaster program has been offered by the Lancaster Chamber. Bill Ferrell stated that he partici- pated last year and would provide further information to anyone interested.

COUNTY AID APPLICATION -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, approving the application for County Aid in the amount of $1, 429. 35 for street maintenance.

STRASBURG WEST IMPROVEMENTS -- A motion was made by Jeff See, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, that a letter be forwarded to the Bank of Lancaster County confirming the instal- lation of improvements to date, and providing a reduction in the irrevocable letter of credit to $25, 750, representing the 10% Maintenance Guarantee, 110% of the reserve for the street top, and $6, 000 for Final Inspection.

PSAB ANNUAL CONFERENCE — The conference will be held in Pittsburgh on July 24 to 27. Applications are available at the Borough Office.

MEMORIAL DAY PARADE -- Mr. Johnson explained that the parade will be held on May 30th, provided participation by the L-S Bands is worked out. To date, they have been unable to schedule an evening meeting with the school officials. Additional information will be available at the next meeting. If the parade is held, participa- tion by Council members is encouraged.

MASSASOIT HALL -- Henry Miller stated that at the suggestion of Fred Williams he had been contacted by Donald Hostetter regarding the purchase and preservation of' Massasoit Hall. Mr. Hostetter works with the Historic Preservation Trust and is familiar with


various types of funding that may be available. He also suggested that Bob Wohlsen, Jr. is sometimes available for consultation on restoration projects. A meeting will be scheduled for another

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was submitted. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, approving payment of the bills as listed.


AMP WELL DRILLING -- An explanation was provided to Mr. Johnson about the work being done at the AMP property.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 9:10 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz Borough Secretary

PAGE 1988-108


Minutes of Tuesday, April 26, 1988, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Martin Williams

Ferrell Ryder

Hoover See

OTHERS PRESENT: L, . James K i scaden, Mayor ( 8: 30 ) Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Mary Weldon, Local Ledger (Until 8:45)

FEISTER WATER/SEWER CLAIM -- A proposal for out-of-court settle- ment was reviewed. The proposal is for a down payment of $20, 000; the installation, under the supervision of the Borough Engineer, of two new water meters to separately meter the car wash and laun- dromat; a test period of 3 or 6 months to monitor the percentile of water passing through the two meters, with an adjustment in the claim for the volume of water passing to the car wash and allegedly not going into the sewer system; and a concession that the leaks in the operation had been repaired and henceforth will present no problem. There was a further suggestions that consid- eration be given to an adjustment by the Borough for the previous leakage, if the new metering shows a lower present usage by the laundromat.

Several counter proposals were considered and rejected. The con- census was to pursue the case through the court.

Also, the solicitor will be asked to research the ordinances to determine whether or not the laundromat should be connected to the sanitary sewer system.

The deli nguent amounts for the 3 properties is now $26, 636. 50 with an additional current amount due before May 1st in the amount of $5, 473. 84, for a total of $32, 110. 34.

INSURANCE QUOTATIONS -- A proposal to furnish insurance was fur- nished by Gingrich Stoudt, as follows:

All-Risk Perils and General Liability

Inland Marine Auto Umbrella

$5, 162

1, 539 1, 934 1, 132

The inland marine includes the sewer lines at a value of $1, 986, 715. In checking with the Borough Engineer, he would agree

PAGE 1988-109

with reducing that coverage to the value of approximately 1 mile of sewer pipe.

The concensus was to accept the Gingrich Stoudt proposal. The action will be ratified at the May meeting.

the building has been confirmed with the Hall Association and Mr. Hostetter. If appropriate, Mr. Wohlson will be contacted later. OVERVIEW OF BOROUGH PROGRAMS -- An outline of programs was reviewed and amended as followed:

RIGHT TO KNOW ACT Pursue with assistance of Borough Engineer or other con- sultant. Lancaster Labs sug- gested.



Preliminary contacts made.

Final draft received today. Adopting Ordinance reviewed for advertisement. Adoption sche- duled for June 14th meeting.

CENTER SQUARE Suggested dates for preliminary work~hops set as Thursday, May 5 and Wednesday May ll. Submis- sion of Preliminary Concepts is calendared to June 20th, Final Concept, July 11; Final Concept to PennDOT, July 18; Public Hearing in Late July; Construc- tion Plans October/November.

STREET TURNBACK PennDOT would like to see a less fragmented proposal for taking over South Jackson/Bunker Hill Road. A contact will be made with Strasburg Township to determine their interest in par- ticipating.

PLAYGROUND SIDEWALKS On hold pending resolution of street turnback. Time extension of one year will be requested.

SIDEWALK PROJECT Past information distributed. Set for discussion at May Work- shop.

PAGE 1988-110

MASSASOI T HALL Tour with Donald Hostetter set for May 24, 7:00 p. m.

BUILDING CODE Reg i ona 1 mee t i ng se t wi th West Lampeter Township, May 5th. Only interest is regional con- cept.

HOUSING CODE Plan to revise ordinance or com- ply with existing.

WATER/SEWER RATES Do an analysis of multi-family rates compared to single-family rates. Future discussion


All present legal papers being listed and copies for forwarding to attorney. Proposal for title search and single plotting for be obtained.


To be prepared on time — permits basis by of f ice and Public Works Department. Samples from other municipalities will be requested.

COMPREHENSIVE PLAN Contact Township to determine interest in joint project; then re-evaluate need.

ZONING ORDINANCE Evaluate need following decision on Comprehensive Plan. Area for addition mentioned: Satellite Dishes. (See BED E BREAKFAST below)



Copies of current to be distrib- uted for evaluation.

Copies of current to be distrib- uted for evaluation.



Final draft now under review by Borough Engineer to compare to new County ordinance.

Minor changes suggested. Length of cul-de-sac street, for one.

PAGE 1988 — 111

AREA COOPERATION Seek to organize regular joint meetings with Strasburg Township officials.

PUBLIC WATER Str ive toward mandatory use of public water system.

USE OF NAME 'STRASBURG SQUARE' -- Concern about confusion possibly resulting from the name of the business center on Hartman Bridge Road has been registered. Deemed to be a civil matter between businesses, no action will be taken.

MAYHEW RESOLUTION -- The resolution honoring Rodney D. Mayhew was executed.

BED AND BREAKFAST REGULATIONS -- A set of proposed regulations for inclusion in the Zoning Ordinance were contained in the April min- utes of the Planning Commission. The following comments were offered for forwarding to the Commission for consideration:

1. Item 1 would be clarified by changing "an occupation" to "the occupation".

2. Item 5 would be clarified by changing "occupations" to singu- lar and ending the section at . . . property as a residence.

3. The set back requirements contained in Item 7 appear to be excessive, particularly when compared to similar requirements for apartments, home occupations, professional offices, etc. Of general concern was the sentiment that the proposed regulations in effect prohibit rather than regulate Bed and Breakfast.

SPECIAL EVENT REQUEST — — A request for approval of closing West Main Street from Center Square to South Fulton Street on June 25th was reviewed. The proposal is to hold a Community Street Fair in cooperation with local businesses and the Womens Club. The event was approved, with a suggestion that the bank parking lot be uti- lized, but the street closing was not approved.

MEMORIAL DAY PARADE -- Members were reminded to participate in the annual parade, sponsored by the Strasburg V. F. W. , on May 30th.

UNDERGROUND TANKS -- Chester Lutz reported that two underground tanks were discovered during a waterline replacement at the Car- riage Motel. The tanks at one time served gasoline pumps at the site. The tanks will be ordered to be abandoned in accordance with PennDER regulations.

PAGE 1988-112

WATER LINE REPAIRS -- Notices have been circulated for a water shutdown during repairs to a valve at Center Square. The work is scheduled for April 27th, beginning at 11:00 p. m. If efforts are unsuccessful in isolating the shutdown to East Main and South Decatur Streets, the work will be rescheduled and a total shutdown of the distribution system will be announced via the media at a future date.

FIRE DANGER NOTIFICATION -- No contacts have been made with Mr. Baxter, pending a determination on jurisdiction of the property. The frontage along Prospect Road, to a depth of 150' is located in the Township.

SLURRY SEAL -- The reaction to inspections of slurry seal in lieu of repaving were generally negative.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 10:00 p. m. Velma H. Lutz



Minutes of May 10, 1988, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Ferre 1 1, Ryder See Martin (8:15)

Hoover Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: John Milton Ranck, Esquire L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Robert Ham, Police Dept. Chester Lutz, 'Public Works Dept. John D. Bachman Gail E. Knauer, Strasburg News

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

MINUTES — — The minutes of the April 12 and 26th meetings were approved as printed.

TREASURER — — The balance sheets for the period ending April 30 were distributed and filed for audit.


SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reported on his findings regarding the deeds to the Massasoit Hall property, recommending that if the matter is to be pursued a title company be employed to study the deed problems. He suggested that aerial photos be obtained. (A contact will be made with the Borough Engineer about information on recent photos, discussed earlier in conjunction with another project. )

The Feister litigation was deferred to Executive Session.

MAYOR — — Mr. Kiscaden reported on a contact he received from the Ambulance Association regarding internal problems. In response to question, John Bachman indicated that the problems would be addressed at the Association's meeting on May 11th, and that sin- cere efforts are being made to conquer the present problems. The support of the Borough was offered to Mr. Bachman.

POLICE — — The report contained the following:

33 Traffic Violations 29Speeding, 1 each No License, Stop Sign, Unsafe Speed and No

Passing Zone 2 Parking Tickets 2 Accidents

PAGE 1988-114

20 Cr imina 1 Incidents 6 Theft, Forgery, assment, Act and

6 Underage Dr ink ing, 3 and 1 each Phone Har- Assault, Trespass, Drug

Disorderly Conduct

105 Complaints 11 Traf f ic, 4 Animal, 1 Domes- tic, 1 Weed, 88 Misc.

14 Criminal Arrests 3 Forgery, 8 Underage Drinking, and 1 each Drug Act, Shoplift- ing, and Theft of Service

PUBLIC WORKS — — The report contained the following:

WATER The 4" valve at been replaced. hydrant on East several water se ments on Dallas on North Decatur planned.

the square has Replacement of a Main Street, rvice replace- Avenue, and one Street are

SEWER Two 48 — hour pump tests will be performed at AMP, with a flow during the tests at 40 gpm.

The original sewer pump at the main pump station is scheduled for replacement.

STREETS Skin patching has been com- pleted. PennDOT has been con- tacted for pothole repairs, especially on North Decatur Street.


that proce- comple- utili-


A suggestion is offered the Borough investigate dures needed to require tinn of all streets and ties prior to issuing b permits.

MANAGER — — The report contained the following

ZONING VIOLATIONS Two violations notices for non — compliance with tions of Special Except Truck parking violation

issued condi—

aeons notices

PAGE 1988 — 11"

were issued on East Main Street

SURD I VI S I ON A notice of violati for I. ot 17, Strasbu structure moved to Lancaster. Avenue wa to be a single — fami Renovation". to the indicate a two — fami

on was issued rg West. 'I'he that lot from s designated ly residence. building ly use.

, SEWER CAPACITY Initial contacts have been made to the Borough Engineer to increase capacity in the South Treatment Plant. Additional capacity will also be required in the SI. SA 1 ines. A capacity to match the capabi 1 i ties of exist ing pumps wi 11 be attempted.

PLAYGROUND Fund i ng sources in f ormat ion has been requested f rom DCA.

HISTORIC STRASBURG Despite rumors persisting about the financial status of the Inn, all 1988 County and Borough taxes have been paid, as well as a timely payment of all utility bills.

CODE ENFORCEMENT A meeting was held with repre- sentat i ves n f Strasburg and West Lampe te r Towns h i ps . A f o 1 low — up meeting with reps from a local municipal ity now administer ing a code program, reps from DCA, PSAB and BOCA wi th tentat ive dates of' 7/13 or 14 is likely.


At tended a meet i ng o f S trasburg Township Planning Commission. Interest was shown in develop- ment of a joint revision of the Comprehensive Plan, following completion of the Township's review of the Sewer Facilities Plan. The State road turnback program will be further addressed to the Supervisors.

PAGE 1988 — 116

UTILITY BILLING An incorrect due date was placed on some of the April bills, resulting in confusion about date for payment. A follow — up letter of explanation was mailed.


INSURANCE — — A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, approving the insurance proposal submitted by G'ingrich Stoudt for policies written from May 1 to December 31st. New quotations on a calendar year basis will be requested in August for all coverage, including Public Officials and Law Enfor'cement liability. FIRE DANGER REPORT -- The police have been unable to contact Mr. Baxter. A letter of concern will be forwarded.

WATER RESOLUTION — — A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, sec- ond by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, approving the resolu- tion as advertised.

PERSONNEL APPOINTMENTS — — A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, approving the following:

Darwin Mowery, Borough Authority, 5 year beginning 08/88 Thomas R. Groff, H. A. R. B. , 5 year beginning 10/88 Walter Root, Planning Comm. , 5 year beginning 05/88

Other remaining appointments are one addition to H. A. R. B. and two vacancies on the Zoning Hearing Board. Urgency for filling the posts was discussed, and it was determined that the Zoning Hearing Board positions should be pursued promptly since the presence of all present members would be required in order to constitute a quorum.


SEWER AUDIT — — A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, approving the engagement letter for Dorwart Andrew 6 Company to perform the annual sewer audit as of May 1. 4th, as required under the Bond Trust Indenture. The audit is performed on a time fee basis, and no estimate has been made. Last year's cost was $1, 750 (incorrectly quoted as $2750). A suggestion was made that quotes be obtained for the 1988 Annual Audit. This will be done later this year.

PAGE 1988 — 117

STORM WATER BASIN MAINTENANCE — — A complaint regarding mowing of the Olde Towne Strasburg storm water basin at two of the four properties involved was referred to the Police Department.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. An addition was made for payment of reimbursable school expenses to Nick Ferretti in the amount of $344. 11. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously approving payment as the list was amended.

Adjourned to Executive Session 8:20 p. m.


FEISTER LITIGATION — — Following a discussion, the solicitor was instructed to list the case for trial without jury.

EMPLOYEE BENEFIT STATEMENTS — — The revised statements have been received and will be distributed, with an explanation of the Social Security offset involved with the police plan.

POLICE APPOINTMENT -- A suggestion was offered by the Safety Coordinators that Steve Yinger be employed as a part — time police officer for 5 eight hour days per month at an hourly rate of $6. 50 per hour. The purpose is to allow more time for the regular officers to accomplish speed enforcement. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Jeff See, and passed by a vote of 6 to 1, approving the proposal. Members Ryder, See, Hoover, Ferrell, Martin and Miller cast affirmative votes, Member Williams cast a dissenting vote. Total cost this year, including uniforms and fringe benefits is estimated at $1, 500.

A concern was expressed that the proposal was not submitted in writing prior to the meeting to offer an opportunity for examina- tion prior to decision.

Adjournment 8:55 p. m. Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz Borough Secretary

Page-1988-118 05/24/88


Minutes of May 24, 1988 — 7:30 p. m.


Ferrell See

Martin Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: Donald Hostetter Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Mary Weldon, Local Ledger

Prior to the meeting, Council Members, Mr. Hostetter and eight members of the I. O. O. F toured Massasoit Hall.

MASSASOIT HALL -- Mr. Hostetter suggested that, if a sale is con- summated, title be taken by the Borough or Authority, in order to obtain a tax — free financing program. The tax exempt status is eliminated if the property is used as a. revenue producing pro- ject. The 1986 tax law changes have made it rather unattractive for private financing.

Project parameters should be defined for proposed uses of the building. For example, what would be planned — — Municipal Offices, Scouting, Library, Public Meeting Room etc. When the proposed uses are preliminarily defined, a meeting can be sche- duled with Charles Patterson of the Redevelopment Authority and/or Bob Wohlsen to determine ballpark project estimates and funding possibilities. The possibility of establishing a Massasoit Hall Foundation was discussed.

The consensus was to continue the study to determine whether or not it would be feasible to bring the first and second floors into conformity with the laws. Mr. Williams suggested using the funds budgeted for "Building Study" for this purpose. . The 1988 Budget contained no "Study" item, but does include $6, 000 in the General Fund and Water Fund for "Municipal Building Project". (Total $12, 000)

BED AND BREAKFAST REGULATIONS -- The Planning Commission draft of Bed and Breakfast regulations was reviewed. The following com- ments were made:

1. A definition of "purpose" (Item 6) of Bed and Breakfast should be included in the definitions.

2. The regulations for evergreen plantings and set-backs appear to be excessive when compared to similar regulations for profes-

Page-1988-119 05/24/88

sional offices and other home occupations. If the proposed requirements are adopted, the pzesent regulations for other com- mercial/zesidential uses should be studied.

SIDEWALK PROGRAM -- A number of issues were discussed regarding implementation of a project. Some differences with the presently proposed priority phasing were aired. A genezal agreement was reached that a pzoject package should be prepared, including the enabling ordinance, regulations, financing, and education and pub- licity. The Safety Coordinators and Velma will meet to draft the initial package.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 9:10 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Secreta

PAGE 1988-120


Minutes of June 14, 1988, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Martin Williams

Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Borough Solicitor Robert Ham, Police Department Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Mr. and Mrs. Herb Austin Ann Schein Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kennell David M. Rupp Robert Haug Gail Knauer, Strasburg News Mary Weldon, Local Iedger

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


CODIFICATION OF ORDINANCES -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, approving the codification ordinance as advertised.


MINUTES -- The minutes of the May 10 and 24 meetings were approved as printed.


TREASURER -- The report for the period ending May 31, 1988 was reviewed and filed for audit.

SOLICITOR -- STRASBURQ WEST-- Mr. Ranck reviewed correspondence received from counsel for the prospective purchaser of Lot 17, Strasburg West. The purchaser is contending that the current zon- ing regulations prevai-1-- over the subdivision plan and that the use exists by right. -Dur-ing construction of the development, only a single 3/4 inch water line and single sewer line were installed. Of concern is the fact that the street frontage to the lot was created by a long narrow tract between Lots 14 and 15, and the waiver of street frontage requirements was approved on the basis of the use of Lot 17 as a single family residence. The Zoning Ordinance, in Section 518 provides conditions for Residential Con-

PAGE 1988-121

versions. Mr. Ranck was instructed to contact Mr. Newcomer stat- ing the council will take no action until a new plan has been sub- mitted.

FEISTER BANKRUPTCY -- Counsel for the Feister bankruptcy has contacted Mr. Ranck, requesting all material relative to the Borough claims. An up-to-date billing history will be furnished to Mr. Ranck.

HISTORIC STRASBURG -- A claim has been filed for distribution of additional attorney fees.

MAYOR -- Mr. Kiscaden reported the following:

Received a report of children entering the storm drainage pipes in Olde Towne Strasburg.

The Public Works Department is currently reviewing with the Borough Engineer alternatives to this problem.

Received an objection to the use of tax funds for the purchase or preservation of Massasoit Hall.

Received a complaint about. drag racing on Borough streets. Urged the Safety Coordinators to work with the Fire Company on the analysis of the Future Needs report received last month.

Visited Strasburg, , VA on May 21 and 22. A planned establishment of an Historic District resulted in a write-in vote overthrow of the incumbent Mayor by 20 votes.

POLICE-REPORT. . =-. The report for May contained the following:

57 Traffic Arrests 45 Speeding, 2 No Passing, 2 Traffic Light, 1 each of Passing School Bus, Stop sign, Left Turn, Unsafe Speed, No Inspec- tion, No registration, License Class and Alcoholic Beverage Restriction.

5 Accidents

28 Criminal Incidents 2 Telephone Harassment, 4 Disor-

PAGE 1988-122

derly Conduct, 3 Underage Drink- ing, 4 Theft of service, 2 Crim- inal Mischief, 1 Burglary, 1 Dog Law, 3 Theft, 2 Public Drunken- ness 2 Driving while Intoxi- cated, 3 Retail Theft.

125 Complaints 21 Traffic, 2 Alarm, 8 Weeds, 6 Animals, 88 Other calls

21 Criminal Arrests 8 Underage Drinking, 4 Public Drunkenness, 3 Disorderly Con- duct, 2 Driving While Intoxi- cated, 2 Theft, and 1 each Retail Theft, and Theft of Ser- vices.

Several young people were using rafts in the Borough Pond. The sign at the pond will be redone to include the prohibition of all water activities except fishing and skating under appropriate con- ditions.

PUBLIC WORKS -- The report for May included the following:

WATER 3 services have been replaced on Dallas Avenue.

Night flushing is schedule for this week, after ll:00 p. m.

Only springs are in use.

SEWER The manhole inspection and ' repair program and infiltration check is in process

STORM DRAI NAGE The ditch to the rear of proper- ties on the north side of Dallas Avenue is not being maintained. Owners will be notified.



Negotiations are underway with the developer to move the f ire hydrant located in the cul-de- sac. The present location is too close to a driveway.

Meetings with the owner and sev- eral contractors have been held to discuss alternatives to the

PAGE 1988-123

drainage from the overflowing of the wells used for the heat- ing/cooling system.

The owner will be contacted and asked to have a letter outlining definite remedial plans by the July Council meeting.

MANAGER -- The report contained the following:

HOUSING VIOLATIONS Inspection performed at 138-140 East Main Street. Also see New Business

BACHMAN SIGN Permit has been obtained. Noti- fication approved for July 5th completion.

INVESTMENTS Recommendation for reinvesting of State Highway Aid Funds. See New Business.

PERMIT POLICY Permits are not being secured for installation of central air con- ditioning systems. An education program will be included in the 1988 newsletter.

AIR CONDITIONERS One installed in office. Prices on additional units secured.

1989 BUDGET A schedule was suggested. See New Business.

SOUTH JACKSON STREET The Township has indicated no interest in a takeover of Bunker Hill Road at the current prices being offered. The Borough Engi- neer will be contacted to furnish a cost estimate for South Jackson Street only so that the sidewalk project can be implemented before the expiration date for use of the grant funding.

INSURANCE All three items from the car- rier's loss control survey have been completed.

TAX REFORM Additional information submitted.

PAGE 1988-124

LANCASTER 2000 FORUM Copy of report available for review.


FIRE DANGER REPORT -- The Housing Officer will be requested to inspect the area and report his opinion.

GARLAND SUBDIVISION -- The 90-day time extension requested by the developer has expired, without the submission of additional data relative to clear sight triangles, building set-backs, etc. A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, that the plan be denied on the basis of non- compliance.

BACHMAN SIGN -- A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, that a compliance deadline for erection of the new sign be set for July 5, 1988.

AIR CONDITIONER PURCHASE -- A price of $379 for a 10, 000 BTU unit (Meeting Room) and $349 for an 8, 000 BTU unit (police room) have been received. The ceiling fan in the meeting room appears to provide adequate conditions. The present unit in the police room is noisy. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously to purchase the smaller unit for the police room.

SKATEBOARDS -- Continued complaints are being received about care- less use of skateboards. Pros and cons of legislating their use were discussed briefly. Model Ordinances will be obtained for study.

STORM WATER MANAGEMENT ORDINANCE -- The final draft was received from the Borough Engineer. A motion was made by Jeff See, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously approving advertisement of the ordinance for consideration at the July meeting.


138. -140 EAST MAIN STREET== As a result of the Housing Officer' s inspection of the property, it has become apparent that an apart- ment unit has been added to the east side, second floor. No Land Development Plans have been submitted. A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously that a notice of violation of the Subdivision/Land Development Ordinance be forwarded to the owner, and that the Housing Officer be requested to issue a follow-up letter setting reasonable deadlines for compliance with the Housing Ordinance.

PAGE 1988 — 125

STATE HIGHWAY AID FUNDS -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Jef f See, and passed unanimously that $75, 000 be invested in a 6-month Certificate of Deposit.

1989 BUDGET SCHEDULE -- Capital expenditure budget requests from Department Heads should be submitted to the Manager be the end of July. A committee comprised of Bill Ferrell, Jeff See and Fred Williams was named to review the Employe Salary and Wage Benefit package to have recommendations prepared by the September Council meeting.

WOMEN'S CLUB NOTE PROJECT -- Just before the meeting, a complimen- tary set of notes was presented to the Mayor. They are four scenes done by local artists, and the packettes are for sale at local stores. The complimentary set was placed in the archive cupboard.

SIGNS -- A letter was received from the President of the Strasburg Ministerium suggesting that Council consider the feasibility of having appropriate signs erected at the entrances to the Borough advertising the local churches and other benevolent organizations. A letter will be forwarded to Rev. Powl encouraging the pursuit of the project. HALLOWEEN PARADE DATE -- The school officials have asked that the date of the Halloween Parade be firmed up earlier to avoid con- flicts in scheduling the band. Information will be obtained from Lancaster City regarding Trick-or-Treat dates so that both events can be scheduled promptly. Bill Ferrell suggested that it might be appropriate to evaluate Halloween festivities. FULTON STREET EXTENSION -- Mr. 'Kiscaden reported that he has received a suggestion that Council explore the possibility of opening Fulton Street from West Main Street through to North Ful- ton Street/Denlinger Avenue. No decision was made.

ZONING COMPLAINT -- Several council members were contacted regard- ing the construction of a pad for central air conditioning equip- ment. The pad is within the side yard minimum requirements. The complainant contacted the Zoning Officer today, and a notice of the violation will be prepared and mailed tomorrow.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills was distributed. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed.

Motion for Adjournment 9:40 p. m.

Su tted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Seer ary

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Minutes of Tuesday, June 28, 1988 — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Martin Williams

Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Chester G. Lutz, Public Works Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Mr. hand Mrs. Christopher Heyn Eva 2(lexander Diana Calderon Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lane Joseph Simon Dave Rupp Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kennell

The meeting was called to order by the Pre'sident, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

REQUESTS TO BE HEARD -- A resident expressed the opinion that permitting of bed and breakfast operations would open the door to commercialism.


STREET LIGHT PROPOSAL -- Several members indicated that they have received negative comments regarding the proposal to install high pressure sodium lights throughout the Borough. The purpose of the proposal was to provide increased lighting — not the resulting cost: saving of approximately $300/year. While the present mercury vapor lights will no longer be offered for new developments, they will continue to be serviced by P P 6 L until an undetermined date in the future. Those communities now using incandescent lights will be required to change to HP sodium by 1992.

A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Bruce Ryder to delay acceptance of the P P & L proposal. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 3, with members Williams, Ryder, Martin and See casting affirmative votes, and members Ferrell, Hoover and Miller casting dissenting votes.

ZONING CHANGES -- The changes to the Zoning Ordinance, as proposed by the Planning Commission, were discussed. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Bill Ferrell, to advertise the Bed and Breakfast regulations as proposed. The motion passed by a vote of 6 to 1, with members Miller, Hoover, Ferrell, Martin, Ryder and Williams casting affirmative votes, and member See casting a dis-

PAGE 1988-127

senting vote.

A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, to advertise the Residential Conversion amendment as proposed.

SUBDIVISION CHANGES -- A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, that the proposal be advertised to limit the length of cul-de-sac streets to 400'.

SIDEWALK IMPROVEMENT PROGRAM — — A suggested schedule for the development of a program was distributed. In view of the single monthly meetings during July and August, each step will likely be moved back one month.

TRICK OR TREAT -- A contact with Lancaster City indicates that their Trick-or — Treat will be established this year as Monday, October 31. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed by a vote of 6 to 1, establishing Thurs- day, October 27th as parade night, and Monday, October 31st as Trick or Treat. Members Miller, Hoover, Martin, Ryder, See and Williams cast affirmative votes. Member Ferrell cast a dissenting vote.

WATERSHED PROPERTIES -- A suggestion was made several months ago that the deeds and rights of way be researched so that all hold- ings involving the water system be properly identified. The known deeds, agreements, etc. have now been photocopied. They will be forwarded to the Borough Solicitor for an estimate of cost involved in having a title search completed.


PEQUEA FISHING TACKLE BUILDING -- Mr. and Mrs. Heyn explained the results of their Zoning Hearing request for using the property at 19 Miller Street for 9 apartments. The request was denied.

The possible uses for the property, the historic significance and the present condition of the building were discussed. The main objections to the request were the existing driveway and the mag- nitude of the variances necessary.

The Heyn's were directed to resubmit the request, with more detailed information, particularly regarding parking and the existing public alley.

A motion was made by Mazy Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously that; in view of the pre-existing building, other possibly more detrimental permitted uses for the building, the historical significance and the present condition of the

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building, a letter be forwarded to the Board, suggesting favorable action.

PERSONNEL APPOINTMENTS -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, for the following appointments:

Beth Johnson, H. A. R. B. , Five Year Term

John Calabrese, Zoning Hearing Board, Four Year Term

IMPACT FEES/NO GROWTH -- A short discussion was held. Members are encouraged to express their ideas during future meetings.

PARKING SUGGESTION -- A citizen suggestion that on-street parking close to driveways be limited was abandoned, because it cannot be controlled on state highways.

EQUIPMENT PURCHASE -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin and passed unanimously, authorizing purchase of dictation and transcribing equipment -from ACM company.

Motion for adjournment -9:00 p. m. Submitted by, !)~S g

Ve lma H. Lutz Borough Secretary

PAGE 1988-129


Minutes of July 12, 1988, 7:30 p. m.


Hoover See

Martin Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Mary Weldon, Local Ledger Gail Knauer, Strasburg News

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the June 14 and 28, 1988 meetings were approved as printed.


TREASURER -- The reports for the period, including the Budget Sum- maries, for the period ending June 30, 1988 were approved as printed.

SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reported that he will be furnishing Mr. Feister's bankruptcy counsel with a composite of up-to-date out- standing balances for water and sewer.

Mr. Ranck was requested to research municipal rights regarding erroneous information being furnished during negotiations for Sub- division and Land Development plans.

(Also see New Business — Policies)

Mr. . Ranck was requested to write a letter to the vendor for the new police cruiser, announcing our intention to invoke the penalty provisions of the contract. The vendor is Warnock Chevrolet. The contract calls for 120 day delivery and 162 days have now passed.

POLICE — The report for June contained the following:

55 Traffic Arrests 42 Speeding, 3 Driving Under Sus- pension, 2 Following Too Closely and 1 each, License Requirements, No Passing, Meeting in Opposite Direction, Hit-Run, Reckless Driving, Stop Sign, Right Turn on Red and Left Turn.

PAGE 1988 — 130

4 Acc idents

4 Parking Violations

11 Warning Cards

17 Criminal Incidents 5 Criminal Mischief, 3 Disorderly Conduct, 3 Theft, 2 DUI, 2 Har- assment, and 1 each Theft of Service and Retail Theft

105 Complaints 20 Traffic, 6 Animal, 1 Weed, 78 Misc.

10 Criminal Arrests 4 Underage Drinking, 2 Disorderly Conduct, 2 DUI and 1 each Har- assment and Retail Theft

PUBLIC WORKS -- The report for June contained the following:

WATER All spring water is being used and reservoir is full. Air cond i t i oner and awnings have been installed at reservoir to improve equipment operation.

SEWER Pump supplies for major overhaul of Station 52 are on order.

STREET Storm drain maintenance com- pleted. Protective grate has been installed at Olde Towne.

MAINTENANCE Advertisements have been placed for sealed bids for driveway pav- ing.

RECYCLING Attended meeting of LCBA on 6/15 regarding mandatory recycling regulations.

ZONING HEARING Attended meeting of Paradise Twp. Board on 6/28. Timberline Lodge request to construct 14 addi- tional motel units was denied. Board informed about PennDER restrictions on use of raw water for additional connections.

PAGE 1988-131

MANAGER -- The report for June contained the following:


6 New Construction Permits, Value $420, 000

25 Alterations 6 Addition Permits

18 Use and Occupancy Permits


WORKERS COMP INS. A new carrier has been provided under the PSAB Plan.

1989 BUDGET REMINDER Capital Expense requests are due by the end of July.

INSURANCE PACKAGE The Insurance Package policies have now been received. The car- rier is unwilling to cover the sewer lines, unless the total value is covered. Therefore, the premium is $1, 311 higher than quoted. Another proposal of additional coverage for equipment will be distributed for a later evaluation.

The sewer line coverage premium will be paid.


STRASBURG CREAMERY WATER DISCHARGE -- Mr. Gearhart was requested to submit a plan for a permanent solution to the discharging of water from the heating/cooling unit wells. He informed the Borough Office that he is awaiting word from PennDER and PennDOT.

A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, that a notice be forwarded to Mr. Gear- hart, requiring him to abate the problem within 15 days, and have a permanent solution in place within 30 days.

NORTH FULTON STREET EXTENSION -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel --'Hoover, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously, that the ini-

tial steps be taken to acquire the necessary rights-of-way for the construction of North Fulton Street from West Main northward to

PAGE 1988 — 132

Denlinger Avenue

BACHMAN SIGN -- The banner objected to by the Historic District Board has been removed, and an approved sign has been erected.

FIRE DANGER REPORT -- The Housing Officer has not yet been requested to conduct an inspection.

SKATEBOARD REGULATIONS -- Several sample ordinances are being obtained, but have not yet been received.

HOUSING VIOLATIONS -- The Housing Officer is monitoring the work in process at 138-140 East Main Street.

SUBDIVISION VIOLATION — — The owner of the property at 138-140 East Main Street has contacted an engineer to prepare plans for the creation of an additional unit. The unit, already created, will not be rented until the matter is resolved, per Homer Knecht, son of the owner.

ZONING 6 SUBDIVISION AMENDMENTS -- The advertisements have been placed for a Public Hearing on August 9th.

ZONING HEARING — 19 MILLER STREET -- The previous position of mem- bers was reiterated. Several members indicated their intent to support the Heyn request at the hearing on July 18th.


SAFETY COORDINATORS RECOMMENDATION -- The following were proposed:

1. Install 5 additional 25 MPH speed signs at each entrance to the Borough, except South Jackson Street. 2. Paint "No Parking" on the street surface at the corners of the square.

3. All curbs should be painted yellow.

The following additional suggestion was made by Henry Miller:

4. Install an additional One-Way sign at the intersection of South Jackson and West Main Streets. 5. Install an additional One-Way sign on South Jackson Street at the exit from the Playground.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, approving the recommendations as pre- sented.

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An additional recommendation from the Coordinators for a request to have PennDOT install a stop sign at Hemlock Lane/Lancaster Ave- nue had already been done.

PLANNING POLICIES -- PennDOT will be contacted to determine their official policy regarding driveway construction, and pending out- come of that research, further action will be taken regarding pol- icies regarding the submission of information on which the outcome of planning decisions are made.

STREET LIGHTING -- Bruce Ryder suggested that the street lighting program throughout the Borough be evaluated, and that requests now in hand be held until the outcome of that study.

SITE DISTANCES -- The current legislation will be distributed for review and compared to any present problems.

CABLE TV FRANCHISE -- A suggestion was made that the franchise agreement be distributed to the council members for information purposes.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, approving payment of the bills as listed.

BUILDING CODE MEETING -- The joint meeting with officials from West Lampeter Twp. , Strasburg Twp. , and Peguea Twp. , is scheduled for Thursday, July 14, 1988 at 8:00 p. m. , in the West Lampeter Township Municipal Building.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 8:40 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Secre ry

PAGE 1988 — 134


Minutes from August 9, 1988, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Ferrell Martin

Hoover Ryder

Wi 1 1 iams See

OTHERS PRESENT: John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Borough Solicitor Chester Lutz, Public Works Department Steve Echternach, Police Department Bob Lane Lee Martin M/M Richard Kennell M/M Dave Rupp H. H. Austin Irwin Widders Richard Johnson John Gearhart Gail Knauer, Strasburg News Mary Weldon, Local Ledger


ZONING AND SUBDIVISION AMENDMENTS -- The proposed changes outlined as Ordinance No. 1988-3 have been advertised for consideration. They include:

Length of cul de sac streets

Regulations for Bed and Breakfast Lot area for Residential Conversions

A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Rick Martin, and passed by a vote of 6 to 1, approving the ordinance as advertised. Affirmative votes were cast by members Miller, Williams, Martin, Ferrell, Hoover and Ryder. Member See cast a dissenting vote.

The public hearing was concluded at 7:40 p. m.

The regular meeting was immediately called to order by the Pre- sident, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the July 12, 1988 meeting were approved as printed. An editorial comment was offered by Bill Ferrell that he is opposed to the extension of North Fulton Street.


IRWIN WIDDERS — STORM WATER COMPLAINT — — Mr. Widders reviewed a storm drainage problem he experienced during recent rainfalls. Chester Lutz explained that a meeting has been held with the

PAGE 1988 — 135

developer of Strasburg West and the Borough Engineer. Some rede- sign work to redirect the water will be performed by the Engineer. One alternative will involve directing water through an existing swale on the Amp property. The next meeting is scheduled for Tuesday, August 16th.

STORM DRAINAGE -- Richard Johnson addressed a problem caused by the construction of a loading area. The result has been addi- tional water at the Precision Avenue/Lancaster Avenue intersec- tion. Mr. Johnson also questioned the Borough's policy for storm sewer maintenance, requesting that the Safety Committee study the situation.

Chester Lutz reported on other storm sewer problems, explaining that a cooperative effort on the part of property owners is in place.


KINGSCOTE MINOR SUBDIVISION -- A minor subdivision plan has been presented to alter the lot lines between Lots 28 and 29 in Kings- cote in order to accommodate an error in staking out a home now under construction. The change involves approximately 6' in the rear, tapering to zero at the front property line. The Planning Commission has recommended approval. A motion was made by Bruce' Ryder, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously approving the subdivision as presented.


TREASURER -- The reports for the period ending July 31st were distributed and filed for audit.

SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reported. that Stevens and Lee are antici- pating a class action suit against Warnock Chevrolet. Details will be provided later. Mr. Ranck also reported on driveway regulation differences between PennDOT and local and will provide additional information.

No new matter is available on the Feister claim.

MANAGER -- The report for July contained the following:

Suggestions Received: Provide legislation to require tree trimming to discourage bird roosting.

Provide legislation to prohibit outdoor burning.

A preliminary outline for adding "Conditional Uses" to the Zoning Ordinance.

PAGE 1988-136

A report on pending legislation to recodi fy and amend the Municipalities Planning Act.

POLICE -- The report for July contained the following:

55 Traffic Violations 40 Speeding, 4 Red Light, 3 No Passing, 2 each of Driving Safe Speed and Stop Sign and 1 each of Reckless Driving, Expired Inspection, Left Turn and Pro- tective Equipment for Cycle.

8 Accidents

14 Criminal Incidents

134 General Complaints 26 Traffic, 6 Domestic, 2 Animali 3 Weed and 97 Miscellaneous

5 Criminal Arrests All Underage Drinking

Mr. Williams questioned procedures for truck parking complaints. They are not handled under the Vehicle Code, but rather by the Zoning Officer.

PUBLIC WORKS -- The report for July contained the following:"

Water Current sources are entirely springs, including the Mowrer.

Ma intenance o f the 105 hydrants is in process.

Sewer Parts for major overhaul of Sta- tion ¹2 are on order.

Streets Property owners project for cleaning storm drainage waterways has been coordinated.

Borough Building Sanding and painting completed with Department manpower and assistance of Community Service client.


DRIVEWAY BIDS — — Bids for placement of a bituminous surface and minor grading on the driveway were as follows:

Harold G. Long Drumore, PA $5, 225. 00

Hershey Paving, Inc. Strasburg, PA $6, 800. 00

PAGE 1988-137

A motion was made by Rick Martin, second by Fill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, awarding the contract to Harold G. Long.

STRASBURG CREAMERY WATER DISCHARGE -- Mr. Gearhart reported on his negotiations with Bell Telephone to utilize a street opening now under construction. He also reported contacting Mr. Ford from PennDER who reported that there is no PennDER jurisdiction so long as there is no stream crossing involved.

A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed by a vote of 6 to 1, extending the time for abatement of the surface water to August 23, 1988, and encouraging mainte- nance of the sidewalk crossing by scrubbing to reduce or eliminate algae. Members Miller, Ferrell, Hoover, See, Martin and Williams cast affirmative votes. Member Ryder cast a dissenting vote.

NORTH FULTON STREET EXTENSION -- Sherman Book has requested an opportunity to discuss the matter at the regular September Council Meeting. Letters will be written to John Settle and Albert Herr, inviting their input.

BUILDING/HOUSING CODES -- A letter will be written to West Lam- peter Township, requesting that further study of a joint project be pursued promptly. Bruce Ryder suggested that the Housing Ordi- nance be included in the study so that the Borough Ordinance be brought into sync with the present practices, regardless of the outcome of the Building Code program.


CONDITIONAL USES -- Samples of provisions for Conditional Uses in Zoning Ordinances will be obtained, and the Planning Commission will be asked to provide recommendations on the possibilities of using this method as an instrument for regulating pre-existing buildings without placing the Zoning Hearing Board in a position which falls outside their normal judicial duties.

HIGHWAY RESTORATION SUGGESTIONS -- In response to the request of Representative John Barley, the following restoration suggestions will be submitted:

West Main/Miller Street/Lancaster Avenue — Redesign of intersection.

Prospect Road/Lancaster Avenue — Improved visibility and safety.

Miller Street/Lime Valley Road/Village Road Inter- section — Improved signing.

WEED COMPLAINTS -- The policy of requiring identification of rom- plainants was discussed. It has been the policy of the police department to require identification. Frequently, complaints are registered without identification. In the past, the manager has

PAGE 1988 — 138

been named as the comp la i nant .

NORTH JACKSON STREET -- A suggestion has been made by a North Jackson Street resident that the street be made one-way to improve safety. Tour busses, large trucks and farm equipment travel this street r'equiring residents to move their parked cars in order to allow the vehicles to pass through. The suggestion was referred to the Safety Committee for recommendation.

UNINSPECTED VEHICLES -- A question was raised on procedures for dealing with uninspected and/or unlicensed vehicles. They should be reported to the Zoning Officer.

SIGNS — — Signs were discussed. Permission was granted for the over-head banner on North Decatur Street. Other negative comments have been received regarding the sign for "Sodas" at 9 East Main Street. . The sign regulations under the Zoning Ordinance will be reviewed in conjunction with the next Zoning update.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Rick Martin, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, approving payment of the bills as listed. Motion for adjournment 9:20 p. m. Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, ecre' y

PAGE 1988-139



August 23, 1988 — 7:30 p. m. Strasburg Elementary School

PRESENT: Henry Miller, Council President Mary Rachel Hoover Rick Martin Jeff See Bill Ferrell Fred Williams L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Rick Huxta, Rettew Associates Al Ola, Rettew Associates Approximately 75 Citizens

Following opening remarks by Mayor Kiscaden, a brief overview of the project was presented by the President, Henry Miller. The project costs were outlined as follows:

Survey and Design Site Improvements 15% Contingency on Site Improvements Overhead light structures Signal Controller 4-phase Added Cost for 8-phase Controller Additional Engineering for

$17, 500 32, 175 4, 825

5'0, 000 5, 000 2, 000 5 000

$116, 500 TOTAL

Funding is guaranteed for $40, 000, other funding sources will provide an additional $41, 500, leaving $35, 000 to be funded.

Messrs Ola and Huxta outlined details of the proposed changes.

Goals of the project, outlined in the Scope of Work prepared by the Borough, included improved signalization, retention of diag- onal parking and pedestrian safety. Mr. Ola pointed how the pro- posal addressed these goals.

The following issues were addressed:

Phasing and Timing of Signals:

The details are not finally designed or approved. This work will be a part of the final submission to PennDOT.

PAGE 1988-140

Eastbound traffic on West Main Street:

An advance green is anticipated. The length of the advance will likely be fiom 8 to 18 seconds. In 18 seconds 4 to 5 cars can be accommodated.

Right turn lanes:

Maverick right turn lanes from East Main to North Decatur and West Main to South Decatur will no longer be available. Indeci- sions by drivers will therefore be reduced. The intent was to' eliminate fostering an illegal lane.

Turn on red:

No turn on red is expected to be maintained.

Pedestrian Crossing Lights:

Separate ped signals are proposed on each corner. Total ped protection severely limits traffic flow. Recent ped counts in'di- cate approximately 100 people per hour crossing the square.

Parking Spaces:

The diagonal parking spaces have been redesigned to a uniform size. The angle has been changed to 38 degrees to improve use. The number of spaces has been reduced from 26 to 18, as follows:

Northwest Corner Southwest Corner Northeast Corner Southeast Corner

8 to 4 to 9 to 5' to

5 (3) 3 (1)

(2) 3 (2)

Materials for crosswalks:

No special material is proposed. Four inch reflective tape is proposed for each side of the 6' walkways.

Large vehicles:

Significant changes in the ability of large vehicles to negotiate are not anticipated, unless the entire area is gutted. The stop lines on North Decatur Street are proposed to be placed further north to build a safer traffic situation.

North Decatur Street traffic backup:

No changes are proposed as a part of this project

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Pedestrian Safety -- Concerns were expressed that the shortening of the walkways would not necessarily improve safety. Indications were given that the vehicle safety problems outweighed present ped safety. Trial Project -- Erect pylons in the areas proposed for ped peninsulas as an experimental measure to determine the consequences on traffic and ped safety. Signalization Equipment — — Erect only the signalization equipment at this time. Purchase the most up-to — date equipment available to assure the inclusion of all options for variances in timing and phasing.

Traffic Flow -- In response to a query, the engineer indicated that traffic would probably flow more easily if the peninsulas were eliminated.

Traffic Volume -- Continue to pursue "by-pass" possibilities. A comment was offered that a short by-pass, accommodating only Route 896 from the east end of the Borough to North Decatur Street, would not be a viable solution. The suggestion was made that only a "crosstown" east to west by-pass be pursued.

West Bound Traffic on East Main Street -- There were a number of suggestions that consideration be given to improving traffic flow by provision for a right turn from East Main to North Decatur. Concerns were offered for truck traffic, both pro and con. A sug- gestion to eliminate left turns onto South Decatur Street was offered. A study would need to take place to determine the effect on Shenk Avenue should this be included in the plan. East Bound Traffic on West Main Street -- Concerns were expressed regarding traffic being tied up on West Main with the exclusion of the maverick right turn/straight ahead lane.

Signalization Equipment -- Comments were registered about the great number of vehicles travelling through the red lights. All new equipment is designed to provide for a few seconds of all red, which would help to alleviate this condition. Total cycle time is expected to be 75 to 90 seconds.

Visibility -- A question was asked about the possibility of the ped peninsulas obstructing visibility. No problem is anticipated unless a large group of pedestrians are gathered at one time.

Load/Unload Areas -- A suggestion was made that tour busses and

PAGE 1988 — 142

the trolley-bus not use the Southeast corner of the square for this purposes.

North Fulton Street -- A suggestion was made that consideration be given to opening North Fulton Street from West Main Street to Den- linger Avenue, eliminating some traffic from the square.

Parking -- Several suggestions for providing off-street parking were given, as well as several for further reduction in parking on the Northeast corner in order to provide at least a small right turn lane.

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Special Meeting of August 23, 1988 Strasburg Elementary School

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Martin See

Williams Ferrell

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Robert Ham, Police Department

A special meeting was advertised to address the following:

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, at 9:30 p. m.

COUNTRY STORE AND CR ERY — — Mr. Gearhart has contacted Bell Telephone relative to sharing a trench with a wire installation in order to dispose of the well waste water from his cooling system. Shirley Bilmier, a Bell engineer, has agreed to the project and indicated that construction is expected to commence on Thursday August 25th or Friday August 26th. A delay in compliance with the abatement order was extended to September 13th. DISPOSITION OF EQUIPMENT -- A suggestion was made by Mr. Kiscaden that a proposal to purchase the 1984 police cruiser for $1, 000 be accepted. According to the Borough Code, equipment having a value in excess of $200 must be advertised for bid. A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously that an advertisement to accept bids for the cruiser be placed in the local paper, with a September 13th call date. Wayside Motors, having placed the original bid, will receive a copy of the invita- tion.

Motion for adjournment 9: 45 p. m. Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Sec tary

PAGEE 1988-144


Minutes from September 13, 1988 — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Ferrell See

Hoover Martin

Williams Ryder

OTHERS PRESENT: John Milton Ranck, Esquire, Solicitor Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Richard Wittlinger, Jr. Mark S. Lefever Richard C. Johnson Anne Kiscaden Robert Haug Irwin S. Widders John Settle Richard Johnson Donald L. Kreider Art Kreider Pat Lemmerman Mr. and Mrs. Steve Herren Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Book Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wood Lauren Wood Allen Shenk Len Ferber Gail Knauer, Strasburg News Alison Eichelberger, Lancaster Newspapers

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the August 9th meeting were approved as printed.


NORTH FULTON STREET EXTENSION -- Mr. Book inquired about the sta- tus of plans for the extension of North Fulton Street. At this time, the Borough Engineer has done a cursory inspection of the area and has indicated that it is a viable project. Mr. Settle indicated his opposition to the project, citing disruption of the residential area, probable creation of another drag racing area, noise, destruction of old trees, etc. Mr. Ferrell repeated his opposition to the project. Other thoughts projected were that studies need to be conducted to determine whether or not the project would be in the best interest

PAGEE 1988-145

of the community as a whole.

A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed by a vote of 6 to 1, to have the Borough Engineer pro- ceed with the preparation of cost estimates for preliminary designs. Members Ryder, Hoover, Miller, Williams, Ryder and See cast affirmative votes. Member Ferrell cast a dissenting vote.

STORM DRAINAGE PROBLEMS — — Alternatives to the storm drainage flow from the detention basin in Strasburg West were discussed. The Borough Engineer has proposed cutting through a bank to divert some of the water through an existing swale. Ms. Lemmerman indi- cated that the surveyors have checked and found that there is enough slope to drain the area.

Mr. Widders agreed to try Ms. Lemmerman's suggestion for now, subject to an evaluation. The work will be performed by Earl Hess.

NORTH JACKSON STREET -- Mr. Wood described traffic problems on North Jackson Street. They include tour busses traveling north and turning around at the Dallas Avenue intersection to return southbound; parking on both sides causing traffic to duck between parked cars to allow passing; excessive speed and increased traf- fic volume. The Safety Coordinators will meet to prepare a recommendation.


STRASBURG WEST LAND DEVELOPMENT FOR LOT 17 -- Ms. Lemmerman reviewed a plan proposing change in use for Lot 17 from single family to two-family. A variance and a waiver had been granted to the previously recorded plan, under which Lot 17 was a single- family residence. The lot has a frontage of 20' in order to accommodate a 130+'ten-foot wide driveway, with five — foot grass strips on either side. The county and local Planning Commission reviews were discussed. Adjoining property owners voiced objec- tions to the proposed change. The water and sewer laterals were installed to serve the single family use. No problems are anti- cipated with the sewer lateral, but Chet Lutz questioned the ade- quacy of the water service in view of the length of the service pipe. A motion was made by Rick Martin, . second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, denying the required waiver and plan approval.

KREIDER-JOHNSON LAND DEVELOPMENT -- The differences in information regarding PennDOT driveway permit requirements were discussed. The developer had been informed by a former PennDOT permit officer that a bituminous surface would be required. Later information from PennDOT to the Borough indicated that concrete, in accordance

PAGEE 1988-146

with Borough specifications, would also be approved. The devel- oper is requesting permission to proceed in accordance with the permit issued for the bituminous drive. The impact of the side- walk program now under consideration was discussed. If the drive is installed with the bituminous surface, it may be subject to change under a future program.

A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Rick Martin, and passed by a vote of 5 to 2, allowing the developer to proceed under the plan approved in February. Members Ferrell, Martin, Ryder, See and Williams cast affirmative votes. Members Hoover. and Miller cast dissenting votes.


TREASURER -- The reports for the period ending August 31st were distributed and filed for audit.

SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reported on the proposed class action suit to recover damages due to failure to deliver the cruiser in accordance with the contract. A 33-1/3% contingency fee, plus proportionate costs will be charged. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, approving the fee contract.

Mr. Ranck also reported on the Lancaster City assessment suit and the Feister claims.

MANAGER -- The report contained the following:

SIDEWALK REPORT Committee draft will be completed and distributed prior to Septem- ber workshop.

WAGE STUDY REPORT Committee draft distributed for initial review in Executive Ses- sion and action on September 27th.

FIRE DANGER Housing Officer opinion submitted that no immediate fire danger exists.

ACT 247 Attended meeting on 8/28. Out- line of changes to Municipalities Planning Code outlined in memo.

AUDITS Sewer Fund Audit and Authority Audit received.

PAGEE 1988-147

SIGNS Overhead banner on North Decatur Street scheduled for removal.

STORM WATER MGT Ordinance will be advertised for consideration at October council meeting.

COMPLAIN POLICIES "Lighter" initial contact plan explained.

ZONING Eight unlicensed/uninspected cars removed.

POLICE -- The report contained the following:

44 Traffic Violations 23 Speeding, 10 Red Light, 2 Reckless Driving, 2 License Requirements, and 1 each of Transfer of Ownership, Registra- tion, Protective Equipment, Safe Speed, Following Too Closely, Stop Sign and Fleeing Police Officer.

5 Accidents 4 Parking Violations

11 Warnings/Faulty Equipment Cards 11 Criminal Incidents 4 Theft, 3 Disorderly Conduct, 2

Criminal Mischief, 1 Assault, 1 Reckless Endangerment

133 Complaints 29 Traffic, 5 Animal, 3 Alarm, 3 Weed, 1 Domestic, 92 Misc.

6 Cr iminal Arrests 3 Underage Drinking, 2 DUI, and 1 Reckless Endangerment

Omitted from the report was an incident of a Juvenile Runaway, now believed located.

Mr. Williams questioned the absence of speeding arrests on East Main Street and the explanation of speed enforcement schedules and use of equipment was explained.

PUBLIC WORKS -- The report contained the following:

PERSONNEL The resignation of Richard Wit- tlinger, effective September 9th has been received. The position has been advertised.

PAGEE 1988-148

WATER Wells have been added to the sys- tem to maintain a good reservoir level.

Five water services were replaced.

Hydrant maintenance has been put on hold due to manpower short- ages.

STREET Cost estimates for upgrading South Jackson Street have been received from the Borough Engi- neer.

Recommendation: Appoint a Com- mittee to prepare recommendations for alternatives.

Bill Ferrell and Bruce Ryder were appointed to serve on the Com- mittee.

The Fisher Well Operating Permit has been received


CREAMERY WATER DISCHARGE -- Work to connect the discharge to the storm drainage pipe is progressing and should be finished in the next two weeks.

BUILDING CODE -- No word has been received from West Lampeter Township on the joint program.

CONDITIONAL ZONING USES -- Under study by the Borough Planning Commission.

MASSASOIT HALL — — A motion was made by Jeff See, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed by a vote of 6 to 1, approving obtaining two real estate appraisals to establish a value of the real estate. Members See, Ryder, Miller, Hoover, Martin and Williams cast affirmative votes. Member Ferrell cast a dissenting vote.

1989 BUDGET — — The remaining budget requests are due by . September 27th.

CRUISER BIDS -- One bid was received for the 1984 Dodge police cruiser from:

PAGEE 1988-149

Woodside Motors, Inc. , Woodside, NY $1, 000

A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, accepting the Woodside bid.

CENTER SQUARE PROJECT -- The tones of the two public hearings were discussed. Mr. Williams suggested that a two-phase plan be con- sidered whereby only the traffic signal be erected in the first phase, with additional work making up the second phase. Anne Kiscaden objected to the present proposal because of the elimina- tion of the two unofficial lanes on East Main and West Main Streets, citing probable traffic tie-ups. Len Ferber questioned the wisdom of creating additional problems for getting emergency vehicles through the intersection. Several ideas for consider- ation were voiced e. g. limiting left turns during certain times. A workshop with the Borough Engineer was set for Thursday, Sep- tember 22nd at 7:30 p. m.


LANCASTER COUNTY BOROUGH'S ASSOCIATION MEETING -- The quarterly meeting will be hosted by the Borough on September 21st at 7:00 p. m. The subject is Safe Drinking Water Act.

ACT 205 REQUIREMENTS -- The Minimum Municipal Obligation estimates were distributed. They will be reviewed following receipt of the 1988 allocation, which is anticipated to be substantially larger than in previous years.

NEW EMPLOYEE -- Seven applications for the new position have been received to date. Bill Ferrell, Rick Martin and Mary Rachel Hoover were appointed to a committee to assist in the preparation of a recommendation for appointment to the Public Works Worker position.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed.


Mr. Johnson suggested that it may be appropriate to provide signs at various intersections surrounding the Borough to divert tourist traffic from the square. Mr. Ferber explained that alternate routes have been considered by the Tourist Bureau and the Old Strasburg business group. However, they must be approved and no satisfactory alternates are available.

Mr. Ferber reviewed a meeting he had with PennDOT officials regarding safety at various intersections and offered his assis-

PAGEE 1988-150

tance to the Safety Coordinators.


Council adjourned to Executive Session at 9:50 to receive the report of the Wage Study Committee.

Motion for adjournment 10:20 p. m.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Secret y


Minutes of September 27, 1988 — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Ferrell Martin Ryder See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept.

WARNOCK CHEVROLET CONTRACT SUIT -- An offer to settle has been received from Warnock. It consists of a 8600 light bar on any 1989 car ordered, or $300 cash. If the suit proceeds, a consid- erable amount of documentation must be furnished on contacts with the vendor. A decision was made to negotiate an out-of-court set- tlement for cash. A counter offer will be made to Warnock.

FEISTER SEWER CLAIM -- Efforts will be made to determine whether other alternatives exist for forcing payment, including closing off sewer services.

CENTER SQUARE PROJECT -- The discussions with the Borough Engineer on September 20th were reviewed, along with a follow-up letter received from Mr. Huxta.

SIDEWALK PROJECT -- A draft of the Committee report was reviewed and comments taken. The Committee will meet to incorporate the comments into a draft for further discussion at the October work- shop.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 9:40 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Seer ary

Following the workshop, an Executive Session was held to discuss personnel issues.

PAGE 1988 — 152


Minutes of Tuesday, October 11, 1988 — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Martin Williams

Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Robert Ham, Police Dept. Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Richard C. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. . Sherman Book Sophrona Bachman Kaiyu Lu Robert Haug Gail Knauer, Strasburg News Mary Weldon, Local Ledger Allison Eichelberger, Lancaster Newspapers

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


Advertisements have been'placed with the local newspapers for the proposed adoption of a Storm Water Management Ordinance. A motion

==. ==-=-- — --. — . --was — made-- by-:Mary Rachel -Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, approving the Ordinance as advertised.

MINUTES -- 'The minutes of the September 13 and 27, 1988 meetings were approved as written.

TREASURER'S REPORT — — The reports for the period ending September 30, 1988 were distributed and filed for audit.

REQUESTS TO. BE HEARD -- Kaiyu Lu, an engineer from China, was introduced by Bruce Ryder.


SOLICITOR — — Mr. Ranck reported that he had approved the letter to Warnock offering a counter offer to their settlement offer in the police cruiser liquidated damage suit. He reported on the Feister bankruptcy work in cooperation with Diane Sigmund, an attorney for a major creditor. There is a mam- moth amount of litigation pending, and it was agreed that repre-

PAGE 1988-153

sentation at the upcoming hearing will not be necessary.

MAYOR -- Mr. Kiscaden recommended that the annual donation for the Halloween Parade be authorized.

A motion was made by Fred Williams second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, that a donation of $290 be made to the VFW, and hours of 6:00 to 8:00 p. m. be established for Trick or Treat.

He also reported receiving two objections to the idea of opening Nort'h Fulton Street from West Main Street to Denlinger Avenue.

MANAGER — — The report for September contained the following:

CITY ASSESSMENT SUIT Amended suit has been filed. L-S LATCHKEY PROGRAM Request for donation received.

Report on meeting regarding water rights, water discharge into sewer system etc.

SEMINAR County Planning Seminar will be attended. Ann Schein will also attend.


14 -NEW CONSTRUCTION PERMITS (Value $1, 184, 300)




POLICE -= The report for September contained the following:

41 Traffic Arrests- 36 Speeding, 2 Left Turn Viola- tions, and 1 each Passing, Red

. Light and Reckless Driving.

3 Accidents

2 Parking Tickets 7 Traffic Warnings

9 Criminal Arrests 2 Theft, 1 DWI, 5 Disorderly Conduct, 1 Resisting Arrest

PAGE 1988 — 154

17 Criminal Incidents 4 Theft, 8 Disorderly Conduct, and 1 each Criminal Trespass, DWI, Indecent Exposure and Crimi- nal Mischief

80 -Complaints 15 Traffic, 1 Domestic, 1 Animal and 63 Miscellaneous

PUBLIC WORKS — — The report f or September contained the f ol lowing:

WATER A new on Eas spr lng we 1 ls flushi month.

hydrant has been installed t Main Street. Cleaning of s and winter maintenance of is in progress. Fall ng will be completed this

S EWER TV inspections of lines being scheduled.

STREETS 1989 major resurfacing project being set up.


STRASBURG CREAMERY WATER DISCHARGE -- The discharge to storm water has been inspected and completed'

CENTER SQUARE PROJECT -- Council members reported on citizen com- ments they have received.

A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Bruce Ryder, that the project design for four full-sized pedestrian peninsulas and the 8-phase control be approved. The motion was defeated by a vote of 2 to 5. Members Ryder and Ferrell cast affirmative votes and mem- bers Miller, Hoover, Martin, See and Williams cast dissenting votes.

A motion was made by Jeff See, second by Rick Martin, that the project design for three pedestrian peninsulas (the one on the Southwest corner with a projection of 10') and no change to the Northeast corner be approved. The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 3. Members See, Martin, Miller and Ryder cast assenting votes. Members Williams, Hoover and Ferrell cast dissenting votes.

PAGE 1988 — 155


PENSION COMMITTEE REPORT =- New joinder a'greements have been received from the Trustee. ' There is no change in the benefit package. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, that . the Joinder agreements be approved.

Revised Minimum Municipal Obligation Reports were distributed.

AUDIT BI DDING — — Dorwart Andrew will be asked to submit "not-to- exceed" guotati ons for the 1989 audits.

AMP — — A report on a number of var iables for acquir ing water rights, sewer flow acceptance and property acguisition was reviewed. Further study will be required.

LATCH — KEY PROJECT -- No donation to the project will be made at this time.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed.


Mr. and Mrs. Book questioned the status of the North Fulton Stree't extension project. It was explained that it is, at this point, an idea only and that it is important that the Borough explore all alternatives to relieve the present "single-artery" traffic system that now exists. The idea of a by-pass has been explored, and continues to be. However, it appears that a short by-pass relieving only the traf- fic generated by the railroad attractions east of the Borough is not a viable solution. With the increased use of Route 741, and the encouragement of this use by a number of entities, larger options will be discussed in an upcoming revision to the Compre- hensive Plan.

EXECUTIVE SESSION -- At 8:25, council adjourned into Executive Session to discuss personnel issues.

Motion for adjournment 9:15 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Bo gh Secretary

PAGE 1988-156


Minutes from the October 25, 1988 workshop — 7:30 p. m.


Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Lisa Boyd Chester Lutz Paul Miller Tim Rineer Robert Ham Steve Echternach Nick Ferretti Steve Yinger

An executive session was held in order to announce 1988 salaries and wages and review the Employee Policy outline.

The following comments were raised by the Police Department regarding the policies:

Funeral Leave Add in — laws and delete exclusion of benefits during vacation.

Holiday Pay Amend alternate day approval to discretion of department head rather than department council coordinator.

Court Pay Include 1/2 day pay for on-call for court on day off. This involves 6 two-week 'periods each year.

Compensatory Overtime Change the limits — or consider opt i ona 1 pay/accr ua 1 package .

Record Maintenance Daily confidential log sheets contain actual hours worked. Total hours per day turned in monthly. This is not in sync with outline.

Confidential File


Add employee right to file. Consider additional days between two-'weeks after second year and three-weeks after ten years.

PAGE 1988-157

The suggestions will be reviewed prior to final approval.

MASSASOIT HALL — An appraisal of the Massasoit Hall property has been received. A second appraisal will not be requested at this time.

AMP PROPERTY — Arrangements will be made to have the Borough Engineer evaluate the main building to determine viability of its use as a municipal building.

SIDEWALK PROJECT — The revised draft of the information program, including rules and regulations, was reviewed. Remaining for consideration are: 1. The enabling Ordinance 2. Some technical aspects of the specifications 3. Implementation of operating procedures.

Other discussions were:

TREES Provide a better narrative on the responsibility for maintenance of sidewalks uprooted by trees. Consider compensation for removal of trees. Develop policy for responsibility for removal of trees.

CORNER PROPERTIES Corner properties included in two zones are generally considered to be in the two phases — one fron- tage upgraded during the first of the two zones, the second in the last. Provisions for options to do at one time should be included.

OTHER RESPONSIBILITIES The responsibility for hydrant, -- — — ----- --- water services, poles, --etc. ,

should be defined.

I OANS The bank will be requested to attend a future meeting to pro- vide a full explanation of the loan program.

BOROUGH CONTRACT Consideration should be given to including lawn and street resto- ration in the Borough contract.

PAGE 1988-158

ZONES Members are asked to formulate their ideas for Zones. Next discussion will be November workshop meeting.

1989 BUDGET -- The 1988 Year-End Projections were distributed. The first draft of the 1989 Budget will be available prior to the November Counci. l Meeting.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 9:45 p. m.

Velma H. Iutz, Boro h Secretary

Page 1989 — 159


Minutes from November 8, 1988, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Ferrell Ryder See Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Solicitor Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept' Stephen M. Herren Sherman Book Allison Eichelberger, Lancaster Newspapers

The' meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the October 11 and 25th meetings were approved as printed.

TREASURER'S REPORT -- The fund balances for the period ending October 31, 1988 were distributed and filed for audit.


SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reported that the Proofs of Claim have been filed in the Feister bankruptcies and that he is working with Diane Sigmund to join in her motion to dismiss the bankruptcy proceedings.

Work is progressing on the negotiations with SLSA for the revised treatment agreement.

MANAGER -- The report included:

HISTORIC DISTRICT Attended meeting at Churchtown to share ideas.

BUILDING CODE Invitation to meet on Wednesday, December 7th will be sent to Strasburg, W. Lampeter and Pequea Townships.

CHAMBER CONFERENCE Chamber Planning Conference reported. Theme resulting from discussions centered around two key words — "Communication and Regionalization".

Suggest semi-annual meeting with Lampeter Strasburg School Dis- trict and the three municipali- ties it covers.

Page 1989 — 160

PUBLICATIONS The following are available

Manheim Twp Committee Report on Impact Fees

Lancaster 2000 Forum Proceedings Lancaster County — The (Ex?)

Garden Spot Planning Perspectives 1988-89 Development of New Comprehensive

Plan for Lancaster County

POLICE -- The report contained the following:

35 Traffic Arrests 29 Speeding, 2 Jr. License, 2 Red Light, 1 Stop Sign, and 1 Wind- shield Obstruction.

1 Accident 4 Parking Violations 7 Faulty Equipment cards 1 Criminal Arrest Juvenile Arson

18 Cr iminal Incidents 2 Burglary, 5 Theft, 5 Harass- ment, 3 Burning Ordinance, and 1 each Underage Drinking, Criminal Mischief, and Arson

117 Complaints 15 Traffic, 3 Missing Persons, 2 each Alarms and Animals, 1 each Domestic and Weed Ordinance and 93 Miscellaneous

PUBLIC WORKS — — The report contained the following:

WATER The high bacteriological sample was traced to an isolated inci- dent. Flushing is completed for the winter. A 6" water main break was repaired on Sunday, October 30th.

STORM DRAINS A storm drain pipe on East Main Street has deteriorated as a result of heavy truck traffic. Temporarily opened by Department using sewer auger. Negotiating with PennDOT for permanent repair.

S EWER Overhaul of wet well base at Station ¹2 scheduled for over- night project during week of November 14th.

Page 1989-161


AMP PROPERTY -- No further word from owners

NORTH JACKSON STREET SUGGESTIONS -- Note will be sent to Mr. and Mrs. Wood.

SIDEWALK PROJECT -- Further discussion at next workshop.


1989 BUDGET -- A revised draft of the Preliminary Budget was reviewed. No increase in tax or utility rates is anticipated. A

motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams, and' passed unanimously, approving the draft for preliminary approval and advertisement for public inspection. Final approval is anticipated at the December 13th meeting.

SNOW REMOVAL ORDINANCE -- The snow removal ordinance, together with the Solicitor's comments, will be discussed at the November workshop.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Jeff See, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed. COMPLAINT POLICY -- Mr. Williams read a memorandum regarding lack of action on complaints, citing two notes he had written and the citizen suggestion regarding North Jackson Street traffic. He suggested that a formal policy for following up on complaints and suggestions be instituted.

8:45 council adjourned to Executive Session


The appointment of Carolyn Williams as Clerk for the Police Department was approved.

Adjournment 9:30 p. m.

Submitted by

Velma H. Lutz, Sec ary

Page 1989--162


Minutes from the November 22, 1988 Workshop — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Ferrell Martin Ryder See Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: Darwin Mowery, Bank of Lancaster County Dale Beiler, Strasburg Ambulance Mary Weldon, Local Ledger

SIDEWALK PROGRAM LOANS -- Mr. Mowery explained the bank's proposal for loans in conjunction with the sidewalk program. The loan applications and screening will be done by the bank. The Borough will be expected to guarantee loans beyond a 60-day delinquency. The loans would be for a two-year period at a fixed rate of 1/4% less than the Commercial Prime at the time the loans are made. The loans would be based on construction costs for curbs and sidewalks only, and no other projects would be eligible for inclu- sion at the special rate. STRASBURG AMBULANCE — — Mr. Beiler presented Financial Statements from the Association and reviewed some of their upcoming projects. Plans are underway to purchase a new vehicle. Last year, approx- imately 360 calls were answered.

SIDEWALK PROGRAM -- The proposed Zones were reviewed, and the following suggestions made:

Include East Hillcrest, '~ both sides, in Zone l

Include South Jackson Street, East side, from Hill- crest to Franklin Street, in Zone l. Include North Jackson Street, both sides, from West Main to Pleasant View Drive, in Zone l.

The issue of separations between curbs and sidewalks should be addressed in the narrative.

Following further discussion, a suggestion was made to reduce the program from five to three zones. A temporary "boardwalk" walkway was suggested for portions of Lancaster Avenue.

The suggestions will be incorporated into a draft for further discussion at the next meeting, at which time a revised time schedule will be discussed.

Page l989 — -163

SNOW REMOVAL ORDINANCE -- The revised draft was reviewed, along with the solicitor 's comments. The following will be incorporated into the final draft:

Allow 24 hours for removal.

Change required clearing width to 30"

Change fines to $25/day.

Include fire hydrants and storm sewers with areas where snow should not be piled.

Mr. Ranck will be asked to provide possible alternatives to lien- ing real estate when work must be done by the Borough.

1989 BUDGET — — A brief review of the Budget was made and the fol- lowing changes made:

Police Uniform Purchases increased from $750 to $1, 500.

New Item: One-call System, $400 Total, $200 each in Water Fund and Sewer Fund.

MASSASQIT HALL -- Further action will be delayed until the outcome of the meeting with AMP.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 10:00 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Seer tary

1988--Page 164


Minutes . from December 1'3, 1988, '' 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Martin Wi 1 l iams

Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

. OTHERS PRESENT: John Milton Ranck, Solicitor L; 'James Kiscaden', Mayor' Robert Ham, Police Dept. .

Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Rob Myers, Myers E Bell Insurance Linda Bell, . Gingrich Stoudt Insurance Terry Harnish Bob Haug Jackie Herr Tim Rineer Lynn Rankin, Local Ledger Gail Knauer, Strasburg News

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Pledge to the Flag.

INSURANCE BID AWARD -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, awarding the 1989 insurance -contracts to Gingrich Stoudt. Total premiums are:

All Risk, Gen. I iabl. Inland Marine Commercial Auto $1, 000, 000 Umbrella Police Liability Public Officials Liability

$8, 632 563

3, 445 1, 655 1, 727 4, 250

TOTAL . $20, 835

MINUTES -- The minutes from the November meetings were approved as printed.

TREASURER'S REPORT -- The' report for the period ending November 30, 1988 was distributed and filed for audit.


SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reported on the status of negotiations with SLSA regarding the revisions to the treatment agreement as they pertain to electricity costs. He also addressed comments on the proposed Snow and Ice Removal Ordinance. His recommendations have been incorporated into the draft to be reviewed later tonight.

1988--Page 165

-The:Feister. bankruptcy was discussed. ' In reply to a question from t' he floor-'. :by Terry Harnish, :, the . tqtal . owing by . Feister was- listed -- as nearly. -S50, 000 through October 1. , A hearing on motion to dis-

miss the'bankruptcy, is scheduled for Thursday, November 15th-, in Reading. The Borough' will'. be represented by Mr. Ranck and Velma Lute:. .

MAYOR -- . Mr. Kiscaden, . reminded, . those. present. of 'the Annual Christmas-On-. The-Square program scheduled for Sunday evening, December 16th at 6:30 p. m. In case of inclement weather, it. will be held at the Methodist Church.

MANAGER -- The report for. November contained the following:




Informal price quotations

BUILDING CODE Report from meeting on December 7th. All municipalities still interested in further study. :

Next meeting scheduled for Janu- ary 11th, 7:30, Borough Office.



Recap of two bids outlined.

Parked vehicle referred to Mayor and Safety Coord. Replied to trash pickup complainant that matter is civil issue. Turkey Hill opposing proposed expansion of SBC. No action taken — . no formal submittal on record.

POLICE -- The. report for November contained the following:

11 Traffic Arrests 6 Speeding, 2 Unsafe Speed, and 1 each Red Light, Equipment, No License and No Lights.

6 Accidents

4 Parking Violations 5 Faulty Equipment Cards

4 Criminal Arrests 3 Underage Drinking, 1 Public Drunkenness

1988--Page 166

19 Criminal Incidents 7 Thefts, 1 Arson, . 1 Criminal Mischie f, 6 -Disorder'ly Conduct', 2 Underage Drinking, 1 Burning Violation.

77' Complaints 1 Missing Person, 16 Traffic, 3. Dogs, 57 Miscellaneous.

PUBI. IC WORKS -- The:r'eport for November. . contained:the 'followi'ng:

WATER Supply' presently . is all springs, including Mowrer, plus 6 hpd on King Well.

SEWER: , . Repairs'. complete at Station N2. One pump out at Station I5.

STREET Storm drain pipe on East Main replaced by. PennDOT.

OTHER Daily inspections on water/sewer installations at Walnut Run apartments.

Backhoe bid specs prepared and presented for approval.


1989 BUDGET — — The following adjustments to the first draft were proposed:

EXPENSES 420. 192 Police Uniform Purchase, General Fund 426. 740 Backhoe Purchase, General Fund 426. 740 Backhoe Purchase, Water Fund 426. 740 Backhoe Purchase, Sewer Fund 449. 601 Capital Improvements, Water Fund 486. 351 s 352 Insurance, . General, Fund 486. 351 6 352 Insurance, Water Fund 486. 351 & 352 Insurance, Sewer Fund 491. 010 Loan, Water to General 493. 300 Misc. Unappr. Items, General Fund 493. 300 Misc. Unappr. Items, Water Fund 493. 300 Misc. Unappr. Items, Sewer Fund

+ + + +

S 700 10, 000 16, 500 3, 500

20, 000 700 400

1, 100 7, 000

500 1Q, QQO

16, 000

REVENUES 390. 060 Loan, Water to General 310. 210 Earned Income Tax, General Fund

+ 7, 000 + 1, 000

1988--Page 167

A motion was made' by Bill Ferrell, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimouSly, approving the 1989 Budget as amended, and

" '' retainin'g-t' he sa'me tax mi:llage'. a'nd"water/sewer rates.

SIDEWALK PROGRAM -- The revised dra f t of . the program was reviewed. A: map designating two, alternatives for' zones, was reviewed. '


decision was made to use the second alt'ernative ( pr ovid ing f or. a block-type approach) in the information package. A motion was made by'Mary Ra'chel "Hoover', sec'ond by Rick Martin, and pass'ed unanimously, to continue with the program', advertising the Ordi- '

nance and setting January 24, 1989 as a date for the' public hear- ing at. the Elementary School.

NOTE: As 'of this writing (12/20/88) if was learned that the school will not be avail- able on January 24th. By polling council, the date was changed to January 25th.

EMPLOYEE GUIDELINES -- The following changes were recommended by '

the drafting committee:

Funeral- Leave Mother and father-in — law to be added.

Holiday Pay Change "Council Coordinator" to "Department Head" for authority to approve schedule.

A motion was made by Rick Martin, . second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, approving the Policies, as amended.

An outline of the present status of sick leave will be furnished to each employee, with a Department report furnished to each Department head.

SNOW REMOVAL ORDINANCE -- A revised draft of the ordinance was distributed. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimous. ly, approving the draft for advertise- ment, with action scheduled for January 10, 1989.

NORTH FULTON STREET -- An estimate has been received from the Borough Engineer of $7, 000 for surveying and $4, 000 for design plus related costs for subdivision, waivers, etc. No action was taken to proceed.

TAX REFORM -- With the passage of tax reform legislation by the state legislature, additional legislation will be required to provide a referendum in a general election before the new laws will take effect. The secretary was directed to address the local

1988--Page 168

legislators with a letter encouraging prompt pursuit and support . 'of . the additional legislation.


1988 GOALS — — ' A status report of the 1988 goals was reviewed.

EQUIPMENT PURCHASE:-- A motion was made by Bill Feriell, . second by Bruce. Ryder, and passed unanimously, approving . the specifications for a backhoe', . and approving adv'ertisemerit foi -sealed bids.

A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Fred Williams, and. passed unanimous. ly approving- purchase of 'an overhead projector from Office Works for $451. Initial supplies will be approxi- mately' $50;

WATER REPORT. -- The Public Woiks Department and Council Cooidina- . tors are developing-a list of priorities for completing the recommendations' contained in the Engineer's. 'Study. A ful. l report is expected by the January workshop.

CONDITIONAL USE AMENDMENTS TO ZONING ORDINANCE -- A draft of pro- posed changes to the. Zoning Ordinance to provide for conditional uses in the Historic District has. been developed by the Planning Commission. Copies were distributed. Discussion is anticipated at the January- meeting.

GARLAND SUBDIVISION . -- A minor subdivision has been submitted for adding the rear portion of the Garland lot to the Eberly (Stras- burg Masonry) lot. Approval has been recommended-by the Borough Planning. Commission. Action is scheduled for January 10th.

1989 MEETING SCHEDULE -- The schedule for Council and all Board meetings has been prepared. It will be advertised in'the Local Ledger and Strasburg News. Copies were distributed.

STORM DRAINAGE PROPOSAL — CALABRESE -- A sketch was presented for a proposed dwelling on the rear portion of the John Calabrese property located at 18- — 20 South Decatur Street. Some extensive work is proposed for storm drainage along the boundaries of the property, but also involving adjacent owners. When a formal plan has been presented, the neighboring property owners will be invited to attend a meeting to discuss their involvement in the proposal.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. The following was added:

Homsher Printing, No Parking Signs $46. 00

1988--Page 169

A motion was made. by Jef f See, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unani'mously, approving the bi lip as listed.


A short executive session was held to discuss Civil Service '

procedures' r'eguired under the Borough, Code. /

:Motion for adjournment. ,

9:50 p. m. Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Borou 1


Page 1989-1


Minutes of January 10, 1989 — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Ferrell Martin Ryder See Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Bob Ham, Police Dept. William R. Wiley, C. E. Wiley Sons Dave Martin, Plasterer Equipment Roger Schaeffer, Groff Equipment Ed Greenleaf, Ag Equipment Phil Garland Terry Harnish Gail Knauer, Strasburg News Mary Weldon, Local Ledger

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


GARLAND MINOR SUBDIVISION — — A plan was reviewed for subdividing the tract known as 124 Miller Street into two lots. The land to the rear will be joined in common with lands of Glen Eberly (Strasburg Masonry Supply). Any expansion of the masonry business will require a Special Exception before the Zoning Hearing Board. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, approving the plan as presented. The mylars were signed and delivered to Mr. Garland.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the December meeting were approved as printed.

TREASURER'S REPORT -- The reports will be available at the second meeting in January.

SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Ranck reported on the Feister bankruptcy hearing wherein Mr. Feister was given 30-days to present a plan for marketing the apartments and a revised plan for the bankrupt- cies. The problem of the required connections to the Borough water system were discussed. A ball — park estimate for anticipated costs of such connections will be furnished to Mr. Ranck.

The next hearing is scheduled for late January or February 1st. Conflicting dates are circulating.

Page l989-2


MAYOR -- None

MANAGER -- To be submitted January 24th.

POLICE -- The report for December contained the following:

ll Traffic Arrests 3 Speeding, 2 Stop Sign, and 1 each Abandoned Vehicle, No Inspection, No License, Fleeing Police, No Passing, Unsafe Speed, Failure to Keep Right and Required I. ighting.

3 Accidents

10 Faulty Equipment and Warning Cards

8 Criminal Arrests 3 Underage Drinking, 3 Disorderly Conduct and 1 each Burglary and Theft, Theft of Vehicle and Recklessly Endangering.

29 Criminal Incidents 10 Bad Checks, 4 Disorderly Con- duct, 2 each Theft of Vehicle and Theft, 1 each DUI, Recklessly Endangering, Underage Drinking, Criminal Mischief, Trespass, Domestic Violence, Missing Person and Death Investigation.

96 Complaints 13 Traffic, 5 Animal, 78 Miscel- laneous

The 1988 annual summary contained the following:

Traffic Speeding Red Light Reckless Driving License 6 Insp. Other Moving Viol. Other Traffic

1988 287

43 5

31 76


1987 198

21 4

53 240


1986 160

53 5

36 49


Accidents 37 27

Total Traffic 496 548 347

Criminal incidents and arrests remained about the same.

Page 1989 — 3

PUBLIC WORKS -- The report for contained the following:

WATER PennDER is conducting a complete sanitary survey of the water system. Their Chief Engineer is assisting in the survey;

SEWER Replacement pump for Station 5 on order. 22 week delivery.

STREETS Complaints about excess salt and cinders applied to state streets is being checked with all involved.

Dump truck breakdowns repaired.


BACKHOE BIDS -- A resume of the bids is as follows:

BIDDER 2-Wheel Drive 4-Wheel Drive

Ag. Ind. Equipment (JCB)

Groff (Case)

29, 666

30, 999

33, 544

33, 999

Plasterer (John Deere) 30, 900 34, 700

Wiley (Ford) 31, 400 33, 800

Installment sales plans were offered by each vendor. Major deviations from the bid specs are: 3 cylinder engine offered by Ford and Dry Cylinder Liners and Walls offered by JCB.

Compliance with Act 40, a state requirement governing location of manufacture and assembly was discussed. Copies of the Act were furnished by Mr. Ranck. A motion was made by Fred Williams, sec- ond by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, tabling an award until further verification of compliance with Act 40 is furnished by the manufacturers of each machine.

SNOW REMOVAL ORDINANCE — — The proposed Ordinance has been adver- tised for action. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Jeff See and passed unanimously, approving the Ordinance as advertised. It takes effect immediately.

EMPLOYEE POLICIES -- A final draft of the Employee Policies was distributed and approved as drafted. Copies will be distributed

Page 1989-4

with the first employee pay checks of 1989, along with W-2 forms and an outline of sick hours, vacation time, etc. CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION -- The Personnel Coordinators were requested to submit nominations for appointment to the Civil Ser- vice Commission. Copies of the required Ordinance have been ordered.


POLICE POLICIES -- The Safety Coordinators were requested to develop a proposal for consideration covering the implementation of Deadly/Non-Deadly Force and Vehicle Pursuit. Formal policies are required by the police liability insurance carrier. PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 9:15 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Secret

Page 1989 — 5


Minutes of the January 24, 1989 meeting — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Ferrell Martin Ryder See Wi 1 1 iams

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Robert Ham, Police Dept. Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Ed Greenleaf, Ag-Ind. Equipment Irv Muentner, Ag-Ind. , Equipment Ron McCallin, Ag-Ind. , Equipment Dave Martin, Plasterer Equipment Terry Harnish

The meeting was advertised as a Special Meeting in order to award bids and conduct such other business as may be necessary.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the January 10th meeting were approved as printed.

BACKHOE BID AWARD -- There was discussion regarding compliance by, , the vendors with Act 40. Each vendor had been requested to submit information on the percentage of component parts of the vehicle assembled in North America and the percentage of parts manufactured in North America.

The following information was received:

JCB Tractor John Deere Tractor



50. 6% of 8 Content 100'4 Assembly

+ 9 5'4 Manu f acture 100'4 Assembly

65'4 Manufacture 100'4 Assembly

84'4 Manufacture

Also discussed was the difference between wet and dry cylinder walls, with wet having been specified in the bid.

A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Jeff See, and passed by a vote of 6 to 1 to award the bid to Plasterer Equipment, based on the conformity with Act 140 and overall compliance with the bid specifications, for a 2 wheel drive John Deere Model 310C with cab. Casting affirmative votes were members Miller, Hoover, Mar—

Page 1989-6

tin, Ryder, See and Williams. Member Ferrell cast a dissenting vote.


SIDEWALK PROGRAM -- The format for the Public Hearing was dis- cussed. Anticipated questions were reviewed. Construction esti- mates will be obtained.

AMP BUILDING -- No report has been received from the Engineer. A contact will be made with PennDER to obtain a status report on the ground water problems. Following that report, contacts will be made with AMP about possible uses.

SNOW REMOVAL ORDINANCE -- No penalty section was added to the Ordinance because it was incorrectly assumed to be included in the adopting Ordinance. Mr. Ranck will be contacted for an opinion on whether or not the Ordinance needs to be readvertised, and if so in what form, prior to inclusion of the standard penalty provi- sions.

SEWER AGREEMENT — SLSA -- The appropriate solicitors and engi- neers have proposed an amendment to the agreement to provide for a pass-along charge for electricity at the Mill Creek and Linden pump stations in the SLSA line. Costs are estimated at 5 cents per thousand gallons. (Present costs at station 05 averaged 6. 6 cents last year). The amendment was approved by the Authority on January 23rd. A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Mary Rachel Hoover and passed unanimously, approving the proposed amendment.

SOUTH JACKSON STREET SIDEWALKS -- An explanation of a proposal to install sidewalks only at the Playground given. Other alterna- tives were discussed, including sidewalks along Funk and Franklin Streets — in lieu of or in addition to the Jackson Street section. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell and passed by a vote of 6 to 1, that the Engineer proceed with the preparation of design and construction specifications for South Jackson Street and provide cost estimates for similar work on Franklin and Funk Streets. Members Miller, Hoover, Ferrell, Mar- tin, Ryder and Williams cast assenting votes. Member See cast a dissenting vote.

DEADLY FORCE/HOT PURSUIT POLICIES -- The Safety Coordinators have determined that the present Police Manual contains sufficient information on Deadly Force procedures and that a Hot Pursuit Pol- icy will be presented for approval in advance of the time required by the insurance carrier.

Page 1989-7


TIM RINEER — PERMANENT APPOINTMENT -- A report on the Probationary Period for Tim Rineer was given. His performance has been very satisfactory. A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, approving the permanent appoint- ment.

1989 NEWSLETTER — A draft for the 1989 Newsletter was reviewed. The name for the library will be correctly listed, as well as the information number for the police department.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, sec- ond by Jeff See, and passed unanimously, approving the following bills for payment:

Horting Printers Homsher Printing

$298. 40 48. 50

STREET LIGHTS -- Residents of Ada Avenue have requested informa- tion on obtaining a street light at or near the bottom of the culdesac. Dick Green will be contacted.

ADA AVENUE — STREET NAME -- A recent incident involving difficulty locating a residence was experienced by the ambulance. The origi- nal section of Ada Avenue has been known as North Ada Avenue, how- ever, the newer section is north of the intersection with Dallas Avenue, and appears to be "North". A suggestions was made that the residents be notified to eliminate "North" from all addresses and simply use "Ada Avenue".

STREET NUMBERS -- Similar confusion exists on Pleasant View Drive, where door number 9 has been assigned immediately across the street from door numbers 235 and 239. Remedies will be explored.


CENTER SQUARE PROJECT -- The PennDOT permit has been received. Bid specifications are being prepared by the Engineer, with Febru- ary 28 set as the date to receive. Award is anticipated in March.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 9:45 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Secreta

Page 1989- — 8


Minutes from February 14, 1989 — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Ferrell Martin Ryder See Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Borough Solicitor Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept Robert Ham, Police Dept Dick Johnson, Walnut Run Apartments Don Kreider, Walnut Run Apartments

Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wood Mr. & Mrs. Alan Dreyer Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Meek Mr. and Mrs. Terry Harnish Mr. and Mrs. Robert Lane Mr. and Mrs. Gerry Hoffard Roy Zimmerman Dorothy J. Raub Gary Myers John M. Miller Robert Winters Mr. and Mrs. Ed Diller Mr. and Mrs. Tom Getz Joe Clement Nick Ferretti Jim and Ruth Wilson Sara Lownsbery Becky Perry Sandra Groff Steve Echternach

Gail Knauer, Strasburg News

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

Changes in the order of business were announced.

WALNUT RUN APARTMENTS -- A landscape plan was presented for review. A copy of the plan had been reviewed with a neighbor,

*'Ra'iph "Heiser. "A 'motion' was "made" by"Mar'y" R'achel', """'sec'ond by Bill ' "' *

Ferrell, and passed unanimously, approving the plan as presented.

SIDEWALK PROGRAM -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, sec- ond by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, that the program be tabled and referred back to Committee for further study and evalu- ation of the comments received to date.

Susan Dreyer, 50 Ada Avenue, presented a list of questions and suggestions for consideration. Michele Wood presented a petition containing signatures of persons opposed to the program. She suggested that the current ordinance be enforced, requiring repair of existing sidewalks. Tim Meek questioned the availability of specifications for sidewalks, and suggested the enforcement of the current ordinance for repairs. Rita Lane questioned the ability of people to repair existing sidewalks, with the program in limbo.

Page 1989--9

SIDEWALK PROGRAM, (Con't. ) -- Questions were asked about the action taken to table the program and the time when a definite conclusion will be reached. Henry explained that while the ordinance could be adopted, the sidewalk program would not be instituted without another public hearing.

The referendum process was discussed, along with the weight given to public opinion.

The purpose of the program, pedestrian safety, was discussed along with legal ramifications regarding liability. Also discussed was the effect on historic properties. Gail Knauer reported that in her former position with an historic evaluation agency, level and safe sidewalks have not been listed as detracting from an historic property. Other discussions involved the devaluation of proper- ties, the escalation of property values resulting in increased assessments and tax burdens, employment of a traffic engineer.

In order to provide an answer to the question of time span, the opinions of council members were discussed, without unanimity. A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Rick Martin, that a period of not less than 60 days, nor more than 120 days, be esta- blished for resolution of the tabled motion. The motion was defeated by a vote of 2 to 5. Members Ferrell and Martin cast assenting votes, members Miller, Hoover, Ryder, See and Williams cast dissenting votes.

A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, that a period of one year be established for resolution of the tabled motion. The motion was defeated by a vote of 2 to 5. Members Williams and Miller cast assenting votes, members Ferrell, Hoover, Martin, Ryder and See cast dissenting votes.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, that a period of 6 to 9 months be established for resolution of the tabled motion. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 2. Mem- bers Ferrell, Hoover, Miller Ryder and See cast assenting votes. Members Williams and Martin cast dissenting votes. A suggestion was made that' continued efforts be made to obtain public funding.

MINUTES — — The minutes from the January meetings were approved as printed.

TREASURER'S REPORT -- The report for the period ending January 31, 1989 was approved as printed.

Page 1989--10


MAYOR -- The Mayor recommended that the Sidewalk Program be referred back to committee to further assess phasing of critical areas; specifically Lancaster Avenue and South Jackson Street and to review bid price estimates.

Mr. Kiscaden commended the Police Dept for their handling of the recent hostage situation.

SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reviewed the January 30th Feister bank- ruptcy hearing. In response to a question about the "next step", a reply was made that it will probably await the referee's deci- sion on the bankruptcy.

MANAGER -- The report for January contained the following:


3 New Construction Permits Value $210, 000

17 Alteration 6 Addition Permits

2 Use and Occupancy Permits

ANNUAL, 1988

65 New Construction Permits Value $2, 609, 600

66 Alteration & Addition Permits

22 Use and Occupancy Permits

4 Sign Permits

UTILITY BILLINGS A list of proposed adjustments to utility billings was made. The adjustments are due to incorrect amounts, penalty adjustmentsg etc.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, approving the adjustments as listed.

SEWER CAPACITY A request for reserved capacity in the sewer system for approxi- mately 21 residences has been received from Pete Kingsley.

Page 1989--11

SMALL GAMES OF CHANCE; Additional information submitted. '

POLICE -- The report for January contained the following:

6 Traffic Arrests 2 Speeding, 2 Red Light, 1 Sus- pended License and 1 Seized Lic- ense

4 Parking Tickets 6 Faulty Eguipment Cards 2 Traffic Warning Cards

1 Accident

16 Criminal Incidents 5 Theft, 5 Disorderly Conduct, 2 Drunk Driving, 2 Dog Law and 1 each Harassment and Public Drunk

88 Complaints 11 Traffic, 77 Miscellaneous

PUBLIC WORKS -- The report for January contained the following:

WATER 400 Pine trees are being removed from the reservoir property for sale to Gladfelter for $1, 000.

All spring water is being used.

SEWER Major repairs to the generator at N2 pump station being made.

STREETS Met with District Office PennDOT representatives. They will agree to 24' width for South Jackson Street from West Main to Funk or 28' from Franklin to Hill- crest, provided parking is pro- hibited. They also indicated an agreement with slight realignment of centerline on I ancaster Avenue to provide room for curbs and sidewalks — again provided park- ing is prohibited.


MASSASOIT HALL -- In order to reply to a request for leasing a portion of the building, the Odd Fellows have asked for a decision

Page 1989--12

on the interest of the Borough for purchasing the building. There was some discussion on whether or not the building would meet the future needs of the Borough and the Borough's participation in the preservation of the building. The President will appoint an ad hoc committee to investigate possibilities. Bill Ferrell, Fred Williams and Rick Martin offered to represent the Council on the Committee.

SNOW REMOVAL ORDINANCE -- An advertisement has been placed, adding standard penalty provisions to the recently adopted snow removal ordinance. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously, approving the amendment as advertised.

AMP BUILDING REPORT -- A sketch has been received from the Borough Engineer. Discussion delayed until February 28th meeting.

SODIUM LIGHT CONVERSION -- P. P. 6 L. has requested information on the status of their proposal to convert all street lights to sodium. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell to proceed with the conversion. The motion was defeated by 3 to 4 votes. Members Hoover, Ferrell and Miller cast assent- ing votes, members Williams, Ryder, See and Martin cast dissenting votes. P. P. 6 L. will be notified of the decision, and directed to remove it from their schedule.

BACKHOE PURCHASE -- A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, approving total payment rather than installment purchase.

BUILDING CODE -- Notes from the February 8th meeting of the joint committee were distributed. The next meeting will be held on March 8th. Council members are encouraged to attend.

CENTER SOUARE PROJECT -- Invitations to Bid had been advertised for opening on February 28th.

SOUTH JACKSON STREET SIDEWALK REPORT -- The engineering estimates were distributed. Further discussion scheduled for February 28th.

NORTH JACKSON STREET -- An additional complaint has been received. Remedies will be discussed at the workshop meeting.


FRANKLIN STREET CLOSING -- A request to close Franklin Street on February 25th for the Annual Fire Company Auction was received. A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously, approving the request.


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(717) 627-0036 ~ Fax (717) 627-1389 senatorbrubaker. corn mbrubaker@pasen. gov

Page 1989--13

SEWER CAPACITY REQUEST -- A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, sec- ond by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, approving a request from Kingsley-Collins for reserved capacity for approxi- mately 21 homes, with a one-year limit on the approval, subject to annual review for renewal.

AMISH COUNTRY ANNUAL HALF MARATHON -- The date for this year' s event has been set for April 16th. The PennDOT approval is on file. PAYMENT OF BILLS — — A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed. TRANSFERS -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, approving the transfer of $9, 000 from the excess beginning balance of the General Fund to the Center Square project.


MEETINGS -- In response to a query: All meetings, including workshops are open to the public.

SOUTH JACKSON STREET ONE-WAY -- Question: Why was stop sign at Main Street intersection removed? Reply: Upon PennDOT order. Suggestion: Improve enforcement of one — way traffic through edu- cation and publicity. A letter will be sent to PennDOT requesting permission to improve signing and control.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 9:20 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Secretary

PAGE 1989--14


Minutes from February 28, 1989 — 7:30 p. m.

Special Meeting

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Martin Williams

Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

OTHERS PRESENT: Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept Robert Ham, Poli ce Dept Sophrona Bachman Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dreyer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wood Kevin J. Taylor

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

SQUARE PROJECT BID OPENING -- One bid was received. Discussion was held regarding opening the bid, or rejecting it unopened. A decision was made to proceed. The bid was for $49, 031 submitted by John P. Stumpf, Jr. , Inc. Lancaster, PA. Estimates were for approximately $25, 000 + contingencies.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by William Fer- rell, and passed unanimously, rejecting the bid.

A conference was scheduled for Tuesday, March 7th at 7:30 to meet with the Borough Engineer to discuss alternatives. An alternate date of March 9th was set. MASSASOIT HALL — — Plans to establish an ad hoc committee to pursue the preservation of Massasoit Hall are underway. A letter will be forwarded to the I. O. O. F. group indicating that there are no imme- diate plans.

BUILDING CODE -- The next meeting of the study committee will be held on Wednesday, March 8th at 7:00 p. m. in the West Lampeter Township offices. A representative of DCA will be present to out- line intermunicipal agreements.

SOUTH JACKSON STREET SIDEWALK PROJECT -- To be pursued further at the March 7th meeting. Contacts will be made with Senator Arm- strong's office to determine what courses of action can be taken with these funds.

PAGE 1989--15

NORTH JACKSON STREET TRAFFIC PROBLEMS -- A letter will be sent to the residents of North Jackson Street indicating that a discussion will be held at the next Council meeting regarding the elimination of parking on the west side, from West Main Street northward to the apartments at 105 North Jackson Street.


WATER RATE SCHEDULE -- A problem has surfaced with the Residen- tial/Commercial Combination water rate schedule. A difference exists between the rates entered into the computer and those listed on the rate schedule. Copies of all rate schedules will be given to Council. The matter will be resolved at the next meeting.

POLICE POLICIES -- A draft of official policies for implementae- tion were presented on police department use of Fire Arms/ Deadly Force and Hot Pursuit. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by William Ferrell and passed unanimously, approving the policies as drafted. Copies will be mailed to the insurance com- pany.


SIDEWALK PROGRAM -- There was a general discussion of the program in an effort to provide feedback to the Committee. Cost appeared to be the major area of concern. Methods of financing the program need to be further evaluated. Contacts will be made with Kidder Peabody for preliminary information on floating bonds. Other details of the program study will be expanded by the Committee.


Scott Wood expressed his dissatisfaction with the program, urging that the existing ordinance be implemented.

Susan Dreyer inquired about having citizen input added to the Sidewalk Committee study. An answer was provided that is deter- mined best to conduct the preliminary studies in a small group; present them to Council for consideration and possible modifica- tion, prior to presentation to the general public.


At 9:05 the regular meeting was adjourned to Executive Session.

PAGE 1989 — — 16

The Executive Session was held to consider probably modifications to the Secretary's schedule for a few weeks in order to meet a family crisis. Other discussions included the status of the Amp property.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 9:20 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Secret y

Page 1989-17


Minutes of Tuesday, March 14, 1989 -- 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Ferrell Martin Ryder See Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Robert Ham, Police Department Chester Lutz, Public Works Department Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dreyer Larry Dinoff Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wood Robert Haug Matt Groff Ken Kreider, HARB Beth Johnson, HARB Gail Knauer, Strasburg News Mary Weldon, Local Ledger Alison Eichelberger, Lancaster Newspapers

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


Several citizens commented on the proposed demolition of a prop- erty located at 119 South Decatur Street. Both expressed support of the Historic District Board decision to deny the demolition request.


The minutes of the February 14 and 28 meetings were approved as printed.


The Treasurer's Report for the period ending February 28th was distributed and filed for audit.


MAYOR -- Mr. Kiscaden supported the remarks made regarding the proposed demolition of the property at 119 South Decatur Street. SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reported that an additional day-long hear- ing has been held on the Feister bankruptcy. Two alternatives are to have the case dismissed as originally requested, or to have the matter changed to Chapter 7 wherein a Trustee is named to handle all affairs of the bankruptcy. The matter is now in the hands of the bankruptcy judge. A date for a briefing conference has not yet been set.

Page 1989-18

In the Historic Realty Bankruptcy, a hearing has been set for April 6, 1989, at which time the plan will be presented to the judge for approval. Distributions are not likely before May.

BOOK LANE (Listed under New Business, but discussed under Solici- tor's Report as a legal matter) -- Shirk, Reist, Wagenseller and Shirk, attorney for Martina and Branting of 105 Beddington Lane, have requested records of the 1987 proposal to subdivide Book Lane into a separate parcel from the Martina/Branting property. The plan was not approved. At issue is the maintenance of Book Lane, which is believed to be a private matter between the property own- ers. The information will be forwarded.

POLICE--The report for February contained the following:

9 Traffic Violations 4 Speeding, 1 each of Right turn on red, Driving under suspension, Red Light, One Way Street and Driver's License Seized.

5 Equipment Cards and 7 Warning Cards

1 Accident

15 Criminal Incidents 7 Theft or attempted theft, 3 Criminal Mischief, and 1 each Bank Robbery, Criminal Mischief, Disorderly Conduct, Underage Drinking, Trespass and Dog Run- ning at Large.

129 Complaints 6 Traffic, 3 Alarms, 2 Animals and 118 Miscellaneous.

6 Criminal Arrests 2 Underage Drinking, 1 Dog Run- ning at Large (3 counts) and 1 Mental Health Commitment


SLSA AMENDED SEWER AGREEMENT — — A proposed amendment to the treat- ment has been received. Execution will await receipt of cost estimates from SLSA's engineer.

TAX REFORM -- The Lancaster Chamber is sponsoring a seminar on 3/21/89 from 8:00 until noon. Velma will attend.

SMALL GAMES OF CHANCE -- A letter was received from the Fire Com- pany on March 6th requesting action by council to place the issue on the primary ballot as a referendum. The request was not in time to meet the March 7th filing deadline. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams, and passed by a vote of 5 to 2 to place the issue on the ballot for the November Gen- eral Election. There was a discussion on the quantity of requests

Page 1989-19

received for this action. Other informal verbal requests have been received by council members. Members Miller, Hoover, Martin, Ryder and Williams cast assenting votes. Members Ferrell and See cast dissenting votes.

RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL WATER RATES -- Comparative rates for resi- dential use tables were distributed. The Commercial rate will be distributed. A decision is expected at the next meeting.


COUNTY COOPERATIVE PURCHASING -- A second meeting to discuss County Cooperative Purchasing has been scheduled for Wednesday, March 15th at 7:00 in the County Court House.

PENSION ADMINISTRATION RULINGS -- A letter has been received from MMCSP, Pension Actuaries, regarding a recent decision by the Gov- ernmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) to require the use of "Projected Unit Credit Actuarial Cost Methods" opposed to the pre- sent use of "Entry Age Normal Actuarial Cost Methods" for calcu- lation of funding requirements. The Actuary is requesting our support of their opposition to the new requirement because of the increased administrative costs. A sample letter was provided. A motion was made by Rick Martin, second by Mary Rachel Hoover and passed unanimously, approving the letter. LANCASTER CO. BOROUGH'S ASSOCIATION -- The quarterly meeting is scheduled for Wednesday, March 22 at 7:00 at the Millersville Borough Offices. The speaker will be a representative from DCA on Changes in the Pennsylvania Municipal Planning Laws.

BUILDING STUDY COMMITTEE -- A meeting was held on March 8th. The

peter Township Office.

HARB DECISION — DEMOLITION -- At their February meeting, action was taken by the Board to deny a request from the Presbyterian Church for demolition of a residence at 119 South Decatur Street. A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously to sustain the action of the Review Board.

1988 ANNUAL AUDIT -- The audit report has been received and filed with DCA, PennDOT and the County Clerk of Courts. Copies are available for inspection.

AMP BUILDING -- No date has been set as yet with PennDER.

CENTER SQUARE PROJECT -- A conference was held with the Borough Engineer to review the status. A motion was made by Bill Ferrellg second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, to re — bid the pro- ject with the option to select the entire project or signal equip- ment only, with the option to omit brickwork or other units.

SUMMER RECREATION PROGRAM -- Bill Ferrell volunteered to continue as Council's representative to the Recreation Program Board.

Page 1989 — 20

COUNTY COMPREHENSIVE PLAN -- Two copies of the Draft Policy Plan of the Lancaster County Comprehensive Plan are available. They will be placed on the mail cupboard with a sign-out card.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was reviewed. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 8:25 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Secreta

Page 1989-21


Notes from Workshop Session, March 28, 1989 — 7:30 p. m.

PRESENT: Miller Martin Wi 1 1 i;s ms

Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Chester Lutz, Public Works Robert Ham, Police John Penatzer, Jaycee Park

The following items were discussed:

RESIDENTIAL/COMMERCIAL WATER RATES -- The comparisons of the RC rate with others produced a concensus of opinion that the rate now used in the computer system should prevail. Any changes necessary in the ordinance will be prepared.

WATER -- After the recently purchased sprea'dsheet is running in the computer, a review of all current water rates will be per- formed to determine whether or not changes are in order. The Mayor suggested that continued efforts be made to obtain water sources on the perimeter of the Borough. The status of the Town- ship's Act 537 plan and its effect on water was discussed briefly. GRADING COMPLAINT -- A complaint on the grading atcLot 046 was registered by an adjoining property owner. The complaint was investigated by Chester Lutz and reviewed by the Borough Engineer. Under the plan, no finished elevations are required, and the matter becomes a civil issue.

ZONING HEARING — EDEN TOWNSHIP -- A building has been constructed on a property adjacent to the Borough watershed. The building is to be used as a masonry construction business and office. A residence for the owner is also planned. An appeal has been filed with Eden Township alleging that the present building is a prin- cipal building rather than an accessory building. If it is con- sidered a principal building, the setback regulations are viol- ated. A hearing has been scheduled for March 30th at 7:00 p. m. A letter will be mailed to the hearing board stating that there is no objection on our part to the building, as constructed, provided that the standard environmental regulations are followed.

PHOTOCOPIER QUOTATIONS -- A quotation has been presented by Colony Copy Products for a new Canon machine, including options. The supplier will be asked to provide a demonstration prior to the next meetings

CENTER SQUARE PROJECT -- Time extensions have been received until November 30th, 1989 for using the Legislative Initiative grants now in hand ($35, 000). A new grant of $10, 000 should be for- thcoming shortly. The Borough Engineer is preparing to rebid the

Page 1989-22

project as a total package — construction and signal equipment.

TRANSPORTATION PARTNERSHIPS -- The County Planning Commission has recently formed a partnership for studying a north/south alterna- tive truck route. The Borough was not included in the partner- ship. Velma will be meeting with the Chief Transportation Direc- tor on April 10th, and will discuss inclusion. Additional infor- mation on partnerships will be obtained for distribution.

AMP PROPERTY -- A letter has been sent to AMP to arrange a joint meeting with their representatives, PennDER and local officials to discuss options for uses of the property. No reply has yet been received.

John Penatzer read a letter from the Jaycee Park Committee urging the Council to seriously consider the acquisition of the property in its entirely; citing its potential to provide municipal needs, recreation areas and centralized facilities, while maintaining a substantial open space area in the center of town.

STREET RESURFACING -- A question was raised about major street resurfacing projects in light of the pending status of a sidewalk program. It was generally agreed to inspect the streets in ques- tion, and if possible, delay resurfacing until early 1990.

DELINQUENT WATER BII L -- A bill for a township property is sev- erely delinquent. Certified mail notices are returned. The bill is in the name of the tenant. The property will be posted for a shut-off date of Apriil 11th. The property owner has been con- tacted.


Police Off-Duty Court Pay -- In Committee

Conditional Use Ordinance -- To be discussed by SBPC at April meeting.

Playground Sidewalks -- To be discussed by Committee and Engineer.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Secreta y

Adjournment 9:40 p. m.

Page 1989 — 23


Minutes from Tuesday, Apr i 1 11, 1989, 7: 30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Ferrell Martin Ryder See Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept Robert Ham, Police Dept Clarence Ressler Nancy McCall Levi and Jeanette Grissinger Alan and Susan Dreyer Sherman Book Stephen Herren Terry and Deb Harnish Robert Haug Joe Clement Gail Knauer, Strasburg News

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Pledge to the Flag. MINUTES -- The minutes from the March 14 meeting and the March 28 workshop were approved as printed. TREASURER'S REPORT -- The report for the period ending March 31, 1989 was approved as printed.


SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck stated that the deadline for filing an amended plan in the Feister/KenWar bankruptcies has passed. A hearing is scheduled for April 19, 1989 in Reading. Research in the sidewalk program has been passed to the Committee for review.

MAYOR -- Mr. Kiscaden recommended that the regular donation be made to the VFW Parade. He read a letter from a citizen opposing action on the Amp property and reported receiving several other comments, both pro and con.


Permits First Quarter

8 Single Family Residences, Valued at $613, 000 5 Accessory Buildings 15, 940 5 Alteration Permits 2 Use Permits 4 Sign Permits

Page 1989-24

Amp building tour scheduled for 5/10/89

Tax Reform — Model Resolution supporting referendum sub- mitted

County Cooperative Purchasing — Model Resolution sub- mitted

Delinquent Taxes — List of 1988 delinquent real estate taxes submitted.

Publications — New procedure outlined


5 Traffic Violations 2 Red Light, 1 each of Reckless Driving, Passing Violation and Turning Violation

5 Parking Tickets 1 Equipment Card

5 Accidents

19 Criminal Incidents 4 Theft, 3 Disorderly Conduct, 2 each of Harassment, Criminal Mis- chief, Underage Drinking and Dog Law Violations, 1 each of Arson Trash Fire, Theft of Vehicle, Receiving Stolen Property and Bad Check

133 Complaints 1 Missing Person, 18 Traffic, 4 Alarms, 3 Animal and 107 Misc.

3 Cr imina1 Arrests 2 Underage Drinking, 1 Receiving Stolen Property


WATER 1 property posted for water shut-off for nonpayment

Spring flushing program in pro- cess

Backflow preventer program started

200 seedlings order for reservoir property

4 water services replaced

Page 1989 — 25

STREET Pre 1 i mi nary clean ing wi th West Lampeter Township sweeper com- pleted. Vacuum cleaning com- pleted today.

List of streets with resurfacing history and recommendations to be prepared for April workshop.

S EWER TV inspection of Miller Street and Shenk Avenue scheduled.

Sewer clogs in Kingscote due to low flow.

Major line break on Clover Ave- nue, Saturday, April 8th.


CONDITIONAL USE ORDINANCE -- The ordinance has been recommended for adoption by the Borough Planning Commission, following the addition of a requirement for recommendations from the Historic District Board of Review. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, sec- ond by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, approving the Ordi- nance for advertisement.

PHOTOCOPIER QUOTATIONS -- A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Jeff See and passed unanimously, approving the purchase of a Canon photocopier, Model 3725 for $3994 with the RDF feeder, 10 bin sorter and 30 sheet duplexer option to be added.

TRANSPORTATION PARTNERSHIPS — — A meeting has been held with Chris Neumann, Chief County Transportation Planner, regarding participa- tion in the recently formed partnership for a north/south truck relief route. A background report on the partnership was distrib- uted. More information will be available at the April workshop.

BUILDING CODE MEETING -- The next meeting is Wednesday, April 12th at 7:00 in the West Lampeter Township office. Objectives and goals were discussed briefly. A suggestion was 'made that a dead- line be set for development of a complete program.

NORTH JACKSON STREET -- Residents had been invited to discuss a trial measure calling for the elimination of parking on the west side of the street. Several letters have been received in opposi- tion and one in support of the suggestion. A number of residents in attendance indicated that other than very minimal delays while waiting for oncoming traffic to pass, no other problems exist. They expressed their fear that already excessive speed would worsen if the traffic conditions were to be improved. Suggestions were made that parking be eliminated on the west side of the street across from the entrance to Apple Alley and on the east side for a distance of approximately five feet on either side of

Apple Alley. The residents also requested that the "Watch Chil- dren" signs on either end of the street be upgraded.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, that an amendment to the traffic ordinance be prepared for advertisement.

NORTH FULTON STREET -- The status of opening North Fulton Street from West Main Street to Denlinger Avenue was discussed. Sherman Book, owner of 59 West Main Street is in the process of improving the property and asked for a decision. Also discussed were water and/or pedestrian path easements. A meeting will be scheduled with the property owner(s) with further discussion at the April workshop so that a final decision can be made at the May meeting.


TAX REFORM RESOLUTION -- Municipalities are being encouraged to take a stand on the tax reform referendum question on the May pri- mary election ballot. A sample resolution was reviewed. A ques- tion was raised regarding the appropriateness of this action. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second Bruce Ryder, and passed by a vote of 4 to 3, approving the resolution. Members Hoover, Ryder, Miller and See cast assenting votes, members Mar- tin, Ferrell and Williams cast dissenting votes. The resolution will be advertised in the local newspapers.

COUNTY COOPERATIVE PURCHASING -- Municipalities intending to par- ticipate in the proposed program are requested to pass a resolu- tion to that effect. A sample was reviewed. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously approving the resolution as drafted. FISH DERBY -- A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously approving the date of May 13, 19'89 for the Annual Fish Derby at the borough pond. The event is spon- sored by the Strasburg Sportsmen's Association.

MEMORIAL DAY PARADE — — A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Rich Martin, and passed unanimously, approving the date of May 29, 1989 for the annual parade and a donation of $400.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously, that the list be approved as printed. PLANNING COMMISSION APPOINTMENT -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously approving the reappointment of Ann Schein for a five-year term to the Borough Planning Commission.

COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT AUTHORITY — A motion was made by Fred Wil- liams, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously approving the appointment as municipal representative to the Regional Advi- sory Committee.

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GROWTH FORUM -- The dates for the Growth Forum sponsored by the Lancaster County Planning Commission are as follows:

April 28th 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. First phase Discussion with Municipal


April 29th 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Second phase Discussion with Special

Interest Groups

Late April — Early May

May 10th 7:30 p. m.

Reg iona 1 meet ings

Region 6 meeting SoLanco High School

AMP BUILDING TOUR -- The Library, Fire Company, Jaycee Park Com- mittee, Scout House Committee and Post Office will be invited to have a maximum of two representatives accompany local officials on the tour of the facilities. CITIZEN COMMENT — Zoning regulations concerning utility buildings were questions and current regs explained.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 8)55 p. m.


Velma H. Lutz, Secreta

Page 1989 — 28


Notes from workshop session, April 25, 1989 — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Martin Ryder See Wi 11 iams

OTHERS PRESENT: Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Mr. and Mrs. Terry Harnish

STREET RESURFACING -- Following an inspection of the streets, no bids will be requested until late fall for work to be done in early spring of 1990.

BUILDING/HOUSING CODE STUDY COMMITTEE REPORT -- A report on find- ings to date was reviewed. In answer to the questionnaire, the inclination is to move toward an intermunicipal organization, with the advancement of administrative funds by member municipalities. FEISTER DELINQUENT ACCOUNTS -- A review of the Feister accounts indicates the following amounts: $35, 936. 67 pre-bankruptcy and $25, 245. 92 post. Information on location of sewer connections' PennDER involvement and legal questions to Bond Counsel will be secured. A draft letter to Mr. Feister will then be forwarded to the Borough Solicitor for approval.

HERITAGE SOCIETY SEWER BILL -- A leak at the building resulted in water use of 38, 700 gallons. The sewer charge was $106. 40 opposed to a normal charge of $41. 25. An adjustment of the difference ($65. 15) will be considered at the May meeting.


At 8:45, Council moved to Executive Session to discuss zoning use inquiries which have the potential to result in litigation and proposed changes to the police benefit package. A decision on the benefit package is anticipated at the May meeting.

Motion for adjournment 9:10 p. m.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Borough cretary




WHEREAS Soroughs, Cities, Townships, School Districts and Counties increasingly have had to rely on the property tax and various "nuisance" taxes in order to fund essential public ser- vices, and

WHEREAS these taxes have proven to be burdensome for many taxpayers, and

'WHEREAS the present tax system does not provide for a fair local tax system, and

WHEREAS the General Assembly has passed, and the Gover- nor has signed into law a comprehensive Local Tax Reform Act which enables local jurisdictions to have the ability to rely on broader=based levies, such as income and sales taxes as a means of reducing the heavy reliance on property and "nuisance" taxes, and

WHEREAS this new law also provides new protections for senior citizens and low income taxpayers, establishing a fairer local tax system based on ability to pay, and

WHEREAS the provisions of the Local Tax Reform Act will not take effect unless the voters in the May 16, 1999 Primary Election approve a proposed constitutional amendment authorizing lower property tax rates for residential than for non-residential property, thereby allowing local taxing jurisdictions to lower residential property tax rates by at least 25%.

NOW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Borough of Stras- burg hereby endorses the I. ocal Tax Reform Act of 1988 and urges the citizens of this Borough to vote YES for Local Tax Reform by casting their ballots in favor of the proposed constitutional amendment in the upcoming primary election.

ADOPTED this 11th day of April/ 1989.

ATTEST: /s/ Henry D. Miller Henry D. Miller Council President

/s/ Velma H. Lutz Velma H. Lutz, Secretary

Page 1989-29


Minutes from May 9, 1989, 7:30 p. m.

PRESENT: Miller Martin Williams

Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dreyer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wood Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Austin Mr. and Mrs. Richard Kennell Steve Echternach LaJune Ranck M. Fritz Hess Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Book Mr. and Mrs. Stephen Herren Polly Graybill John Pratt Donald Schrage Alan Patrick

The meeting was called to order by the Pres ident, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

MINUTES -- The minutes from the April 11 and 25th meetings were approved as printed.

TREASURER'S REPORT -- The report for the period ending April 30th was reviewed and filed for audit.

SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Ranck reported on the status of the Feister bankruptcies, recommending that the Borough execute bal- lots rejecting the plans filed in each case.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously approving the recommendation and authorizing executing of the ballots.

He further reported that the suit filed in the Lancaster County Court by the Feisters vs United Penn Bank has been transferred to be heard by the bankruptcy court on May 17th. The post-bankruptcy water and sewer claims were discussed. Ches- ter Lutz indicated that he has located a valve which can be used to interrupt service on 6" sewer lines. Mr. Ranck repeated his earlier opinion that action to disconnect service can be made on the Car Wash/laundry and KenWAR, but not on the apartments.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously that the

Page 1989-30

attorney for the debtor be notif ied immediately of the intent to proceed immediately with a 30 — day notice for discontinuance of service to the Car Wash/Laundry and KenWAR unless payment of the post— bankruptcy charges are paid.

Historic Realty Inc. , has also filed an Organization Plan. Under the plan the Borough would receive $13, 012. 19 as a lump sum pay- ment for water and sewer pre-bankruptcy debts of Robert Cook. This amount was negotiated earlier. Also listed is $248, 714. 13 to the Lancaster County Tax Claim Office. Of that amount, approxi- mately $10, 000 is due the Borough for 1985 taxes. This amount is to be paid over a 6-year period in equal monthly installments, with accrued interest at a rate of 9%. The position of the School District is not known at this time. The ultimate decision for acceptance/rejection rests with the Tax Claim Bureau. Mr. Ranck recommended approving the plan.

A mot i on was made by Mary Rache 1 Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, accepting the recommendation and directing execution of the ballot.

MAYOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Kiscaden issued a reminder of the annual Memorial Day Parade on May 29th, forming in Douglas Heights at 9:00 a. m. , moving at 9:30 a. m. , and followed immediately by a ser- vice at the Strasburg Cemetery.

Received several comments about increased traffic on Lancaster Avenue and East Main Streets and also complaints about increases in speed.

Commended Officers Echternach and Ferretti for their execution of the Presbyterian Church burglary.


MANAGER -- Outlined information on the following:

Request for contribution — Sunshine Corners IRS Section 89 Leaf Collection Suggestion Heritage Society Sewer Bill


14 Traffic Arrests 10 Speeding, 1 each Right of Way, Unsafe Speed, Red Light Uiolation and No License

1 Accident

14 Criminal Incidents 4 Burglary Theft, 2 each Theft and Harassment, 1 each Criminal Mischief, Drug Device, Public

Page 1989-31

Drunkenness, Disorderly Conduct, Simple Assault and Domestic Vio- lence

147 Complaints 25 Traffic, 3 Alarms, 7 Animals, 112 Misc. Calls

11 Criminal Arrests 3 each Burglary & Theft, Institu- tional Vandalism, and Criminal Conspiracy; 1 each Underage Drinking and Disorderly Conduct


WATER Heavy rains caused limited damage at springs. Pine trees at reser- voir being . hauled out. Tops will be ground for mulch.

STREETS Storm drain damage on East and West Main Streets. Temporary repairs made.

SEWER Department out all Friday night and Saturday. All pumps at Sta- tions 2 & 5 overloaded.

Several sewer line clogs repaired.


CENTER SQUARE PROJECT -- The signalization design permit has been submitted to PennDOT. The project will be re-advertised as soon as the permit is received.

HERITAGE SOCIETY SEWER BILL -- A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously approving a forgive- ness of $65. 15 on the sewer portion of the second quarter billing. NORTH FULTON STREET EXTENSION -- Bill Ferrell reported that he met with the property owners and Chet Lutz on April 28th, and out- lined the findings.

A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Fred Williams, that by action of Borough Council, any and all plans for the extension of North Fulton Street, through properties located at 59 and 101 West Main Street and others, northward to Denlinger Avenue be abandoned.

Jeff See reported that during walks through the Borough he has received only positive comments to the project. Other comments on the issue were voiced on the balance of community vs individual pros and cons.

Page 1989-32

The motion passed by a vote of 4 to 3. Members Miller, Ferrell, Williams and Martin cast assenting votes. Members Hoover, Ryder and See cast dissenting votes.

Additional details of an easement for placing a waterline on the site were discussed. Following design of the garage proposed by the Books, that issue will be pursued by the Public Works Depart- ment and reported to Council.


LEAF DISPOSAL — — A suggestion has been offered by a citizen that the Borough explore the possibility of organizing a leaf collec- tion. The name of a farmer who has coordinated similar projects was furnished. A contact will be made to determine the feasibil- ity of continuing.

EAST MAIN STREET SPEED CONCERNS -- The following is a brief of Mr. Williams presentation:

We are entering a projected period of the heaviest traffic experienced.

In 1980 the to increase ervation of not to make motorists.

speed limit was lowered to 25 mph in order the safety of persons and aid in the pres- buildings and under-the-road water lines more arrests, increase revenue or vex

This is not intended to be critical of the police as individuals, but to fault the system under which they operate -- Insufficient visibility. To substantiate — the reports show that in 1988 there were a total of 287 speeding arrests — an increase over the previous year. Only 9 of them were from East Main

6 made in one month, perhaps in 1 day. Of the arrests the average speed was 47-1/3 mph, the highest/ 57 mph.

The interest of the residents is not an increase in arrests, but a decrease in violations. Possible rea- sons for the disregard may include 1. A general aware- ness of the low possibility of apprehension. 2. A natural traits to "see what I can get away with". 3. Lack of realization of the magnitude of the threat speed imposes on safety and welfare and 4. Ignorance of the very slight amount of time saved.

Possible solutions: 1. Increase the visibility of police by having a uniformed officer and possible cruiser stationed in a prominent position for several hours each day in the square. 2. Erect eye-catching but attractive signs which might read "You are entering

Page 1989-33

Strasburg''s Historic District. Speed Limit 25 mph". Costs are negligible when compared with cost of added personnel. A ceremony when the signs are erected would attract publicity. At the same ceremony, drama- tization of time saved could be portrayed by having a demonstration with the police cruiser.

The Mayor applauded the "education" concept and agreed to have additional patrols on East Main Street. Bob Ham explained the difficulty with using Vascar on East Main Street because it is so flat and that the tape speed detection process is a 2-man oper- ation. Under state law, local municipalities are not given the choice of using radar. State Police do not monitor speed in 25 mph zones.

A number of East Main Street residents described situations they experience and pleaded for remedial action.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams, directing the collection of information regarding signs at all entrances to the Borough and that a letter be written to the local legislators regarding radar. The motion passed by a vote of 6 to 1. Members Hoover, Williams, Martin, Miller, Ryder and See cast assenting votes. Member Ferrell cast a dissenting vote, stating he was not comfortable with the sign proposal.

MASSASOIT HALL COMMITTEE -- The following ad hoc committee was appointed to study the preservation of Massasoit Hall:

Ellis Bachman Jack Coyle Bill Ferrell Catherine Hess Don Hostetter H. Dale Kaufman Bruce Ryder Fred Williams Thelma Weaver

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed. 9:25 p. m.


Following discussion, a motion was made by Rick Martin, second by Bruce Ryder and passed unanimously that the following be included in the Employee Guidelines:

OVERTIME POLICE DEPARTMENT -- Add sen- tence: "Standby for court appearances during off-duty time shall be compensated at the same

Page 1989-34

rate as half — day court pay ($25)

RECORD MAINTENANCE Add: Time records for Police Department shall be submitted monthly and shall include:

Hours worked per day

Vacation Days Used

Sick Time Used

Compensatory Time Used

Add "for other Departments" to present Time Records require- ments.

9:45 p. m.

LEGISLATION SUPPORT -- A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously, directing the Secretary to con- tact Legislators supporting changes in legislation concerning arrest powers for part-time police.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 9:50 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Borough ecretary

Page 1989-35


Notes from the May 23, 1989 Workshop Session

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Martin Wi 1 1 iams

Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

OTHERS PRESENT: Chester G. Lutz Steve Echternach

The following discussions were held:

HISTORIC REALTY BANKRUPTCY -- A corrected plan has been filed. No change in the vote to accept the plan is required according to the Solicitor. FEISTER BANKRUPTCY -- No word has been heard on the notice to discontinue sewer service to the CarWash/Laundry and KenWAR. The hearing scheduled for May 17 is continuing. The required mate- rials are on hand for the service interruption.

PUBLICATION FILE -- A file has been set up near the Council mail- boxes. Various publications received in the office will be placed there for use of council members and/or other board members. Those to be retained for fi. ling will have an In/Out card attached.

CITY ASSESSMENT SUIT -- Copies of PreTrial Memoranda of Law and Answers to Second Interrogatories are available for readind.

BOOK LANE -- Copies of correspondence between counsel for the own- ers of Book Lane (Martino's) and Mr. Goberman were reviewed. The issue appears to be a civil matter in which the Borough may or may not be enjoined.


CONDITIONAL USE ORDINANCE — — Copies of the LCPC comments were distributed. The proposed Ordinance will be advertised for action at the July 11th meeting.

EMPLOYEE POLICY REVISIONS -- Copies of the revised policy papers were reviewed. They will be distributed to employees with the next payroll.

AMP BUILDING -- A professional appraisal will be ordered.

STORM DRAIN POLICY -- During the recent heavy rains, it was necessary to perform work on storm drainage pipes located on pri- vate property in order to get water off the street. This is not in accordance with our present policies. No changes were deemed necessary in the present policy, and work — as required — is authorized during emergency situations.

Page 1989 — 36

RECYCLING — — Problems with newspapers accumulating are being experienced. The situation will be monitored closely, and if necessary an article will be placed in the local papers requesting citizens to temporarily store newspapers until the market adjusts.

GOOD PENSION -- The pension file for Charles Good was reviewed. It was determined that no vesting was accumulated, and therefore no payments will be made.

Motion for adjournment 9:30 p. m.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Boroug ecretary

Page 1989-37


Minutes from June 13, 1989 — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Martin Williams

Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Solicitor Mr. and Mrs. Alan Dreyer Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wood Jennifer Kopf, Local Ledger

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Pledge to the Flag.



The comments of the local and county Planning Commissions have been received. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously approving the Second Draft as amended by the local Planning Commission, with the addition of the following words reinserted (from the first draft) into the Spe- cific Term:

. . . . which may be suitable in order to utilize existin structures within the Historic District.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, that a fee of $150 be established by Reso- lution.

MINUTES -- The minutes from the May 9th and 23rd meetings were approved as printed.

TREASURER'S REPORT — — A report for the period ending May 31, 1989 was accepted and filed for audit.


SMALL GAMES OF CHANCE REFERENDUM -- After research, Mr. Ranck's opinion is that the matter may not be placed on the ballot until the May Primary Election of 1991.

HISTORIC RFALTY BANKRUPTCY -- If there are no further objections, preliminary approval of the plan is expected on June 15th, final approval on June 25th, and a payout in mid-July.

MASSASOIT HALL — — File information has been furnished to Donald Hostetter, a member of the ad hoc committee formed recently.

FEISTER ACCOUNTS -- The plan submitted to court by the Feisters

Page 1989 — 38

has been Bank has Approval standing ing, was

disapproved. The suit of the Feisters vs United Penn had 3 days of testimony, with at least one more likely. for filing a lien in the Prothonotary's Office for out- charges since January 1, 1988, the date of the last fil- requested.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unani- mously, authorizing the lien filing.

A notice has been served to Mr. Feister's attorney on the sewer service interruption at the Car/Wash — Laundry and KenWAR. Certi- fied mail copies are being prepared to Mr. Feister. BID — RIGGING CLASS ACTION SUIT — — A class action suit has been instituted against the asphalt material vendors charged with Bid- Rigging. A letter will be sent to Attorney Roda, advising him of our preliminary intent to participate.


Mr. Kiscaden reported that he continues to receive the normal com- plaints regarding increased traffic and over-sized loads.


DONATIONS Acknowledgment letters have been received from the Playground, L i brary and Summer Rec .

BOROUGH AUTHORITY Portfolio reviews and ledgers received from Trust Officer.

LANC. CO. TRANSPORTATION Copies available. County Commis— FUNDING TASK FORCE RPT. sioners are requesting local


ROUTE 741 STUDY GROUP Initial meeting scheduled for Tuesday, June 20th at 4:00 p. m. in Borough Office.

SEWER CAPACITY Request for cooperative effort to obtain capacity received from Strasburg Township.

COMM. DEVELOPMENT FUNDS Renewed contacts with Redevelop- ment Authority confirms that Borough has no eligible blocks for low to moderate income.


29 TRAFFIC VIOLATIONS 24 Speeding, 2 Stop Sign, 1 each Unsafe Speed, No Registration and Passing Violation.

Page 1989 — 39




2 each Criminal Mischief, Theft, Disorderly Conduct and 1 each Burglary, Unsworn Falsification, Forged Check, Bad Check, Harass- ment, DWI, Possession of m/j and Missing Person. 14 Traffic, 1 Alarm, 4 Animal and 84 Miscellaneous

2 CRIMINAL ARRESTS 1 each Disorderly Conduct and DWI

EAST MAIN STREET SPEED — The following report was given on the special project on East Main Street speeding complaints detail:

First Day, 6 hours 5:00 to 11:00 p. m.

East and Westbound traffic moni- tored. 447 vehicles clocked, 2 arrests made. Eastbound: 245 vehicles at average speed of 27. 3 mph. Westbound: 202 vehicles at average speed of 28. 9 mph.

Second Day, 4 hours 7: 00 to . 11: 00 a. m.

Westbound traffic monitored. 660 vehicles clocked, 4 arrests made. 660 vehicles at average speed of 28. 9 mph.

Third Day, 5. 5 hours East and Westbound traffic moni- tored. 965 vehicles clocked, 9 arrests made. Eastbound: 482 vehicles at average speed of 29. 2 mph. Westbound: 483 vehicles at average speed of 29. 0 mph.

Total, 15. 5 hours 2072 vehicles monitored at aver- age speed of 28. 8 mph.

Chief Ham provided his personal opinion of the situation, stating that he feels that the proximity of the homes to the roadway, along with the overhanging trees create a "tunnel" situation which gives the illusion of excessive speed.

Mr. Kiscaden explained that this special detail was done on over- time hours, and if additional similar work is required prepara- tions should be made for substantial time and one-half pay or the addition of manpower to the force.


WATER Backflow prevention valve educa- tional program being developed.

Page 1989-40

High water table causing overflow problems at reservoir.

SEWER TV inspection and repair work began Monday evening. One major leak located on Miller Street.

EQUIPMENT Bids for sale of backhoe to old tractor have been advertised fox opening on June 27th.


WATER/SEWER RATE ORDINANCE -- An ordinance containing all water/sewer rates has been prepared. The proposed ordinance cor- rects an error in the Residential/Commercial Rate. The rate cur- rently charged in the schedule in the computer is correct. The ordinance also lists actual figures in the upper registers for multi-unit connections. The original ordinance referred to "See Commercial Rate" for the upper registers. No change in the charges is made for any of the rate structures. Also contained in the new ordinance is the renumbering of Schedule 5 Commercial and Schedule 6 Residential/Commercial. These schedules were reversed at the time of the codification. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, approving the Ordinance for advertisement for adoption at the July meeting.

BOROUGH ENTRANCE SIGNS -- Mr. Williams presented two drawing as proposals for signs to be erected at the entrances to the Borough. A motion was made by Mr. Williams, second by Rick Martin, that Mrs. Lutz be authorized and requested to immediately 1. have drawings in final form for the signs be developed and 2. get accurate cost estimates for the making, painting and erection of the signs, and 3. take the necessary action to obtain permits and locations for the signs, and 4. present the material at Borough Council meeting on July 11th for final action.

A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed by a vote of 6 to 1, amending the motion to change the date for final action to August 8th. Members Williams, Hoover, Martin, Miller, Ryder and See cast affirmative votes. Member Ferrell cast a dissenting vote.

A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Jeff See, and passed by a vote of 6 to 1, amending the first motion to remove the requirement to obtain permits. Members Ryder, See, Hoover, Martin, Miller, and Williams cast affirmative votes. Member Ferrell cast a dissenting vote.

Bill Ferrell voiced his objections to the concept of the proposed signs being used as a tool to reduce speed, citing doubts as to

Page 1989 — 41

their effectiveness.

The vote on the amended motion was 6 to l. Members Williams, Mar- tin, Hoover, Martin, Miller, Ryder and See cast assenting votes. Member Ferrell cast a dissenting vote.

SOUTH JACKSON STREET TURNBACK -- Additional word has been received from the PennDQT Municipal Services Office that there is interest in turning back South Jackson Street to municipal jurisdiction. A

motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously that a letter of intent be forwarded to PennDOT to acquire the street for a payment of $25, 000.

Jim Kiscaden expressed reservations about the amount of the com- pensation, stating that he felt it would take "triple figures" to bring the street up to standard.

SUNSHINE CORNERS -- Mary Rachel Hoover suggested that the minutes reflect that no action was taken on the "Wish List" of Sunshine Corners.


FIRE COMPANY ANNUAL REPORT -- The annual Fire Report and Training Report for Strasburg Fire Company was distributed. The report contains astonishing figures comprising dedicated Volunteer Ser- vice for which the community is grateful.

The band concert sponsored by the Fire Company in memory of Howard Johnston, their benefactor, was held Sunday evening. A letter of appreciation will be forwarded to the Fire Company.

LANCASTER CO. TRANSPORTATION FUNDING TASK FORCE REPORT -- Copies of the report are available. Local legislators are requested to submit their comments to the County Commissioners.

STRASBURG TOWNSHIP SEWER CAPACITY -- A letter has been received from the Township suggesting a cooperative effort in obtaining additional sewer capacity. A meeting will be scheduled with Town- ship Officials in the very near future.

TRANSPORTATION STUDY GROUP --. The initial meeting will be held in the Borough Office on Tuesday, June 20th at 4:00 p. m. Members are urged to attend. Chris Neumann, Chief Transportation Planner, with LCPC will coordinate the discussions.

PENNDOT SNOW REMOVAI CONTRACT -- A 5-year contract for snow removal has been received. This year's contract contains a 3w increase from last year, and clauses for increases throughout the term. A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Mary Rachel Hoover and passed unanimously, approving the contract as pre- sented.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills was distributed, and the fol- lowing addition made: Nick Ferretti, Reimbursement for expenses

Page 1989 — 42

while attending Firearms Instructor School — $315. 08. A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Rick Martin and passed unani- mously approving payment as listed and amended.


SIDEWALK PROGRAM STATUS — — Work is in process to answer all of the questions raised at the hearing. Additional work on the bonding program remains. A report is expected in August, September or October.

SIGNS -- Scott Wood suggested that the proposed signs will not help control speed, stating that he witnesses the same people on a regular basis speeding — even though they pass speed limit signs now.


REAI ESTATE OPTIONS -- The Rinehart Car Lot has been listed with a local realtor and contacts made relative to its use as a municipal building. The agent has expressed a wish to give a presentation at the June workshop. It was the consensus that it is too early to entertain proposals. The Amp building inspection has been com- pleted by the appraiser. A ballpark figure on renovation costs per square foot will be obtained from the Borough Engineer.

WATERSHED PROPERTY -- A property fronting Summit Hill Road has been placed on the market. The property is a very narrow strip with approximately 565 feet of frontage. Present Borough holdings include the ground behind this lot. The Secretary was authorized to negotiate a purchase.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 9:15 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Boroug ecretary

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Minutes of Tuesday, June 27, 1989, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Martin Williams

Hoover Ryder

Ferrell See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Chester Lutz, Public Works Steve Echternach, Police

BACKHOE BIDS -- One bid was received as follows:

Albert Herr $511

Mr. Herr will be notified of the intent to award at the July meeting.

HOUSING OFFICER REPORT -- Frank Stearns, Housing Officer, reported on his attempts to alleviate problems at the Crammer property, 23-29 West Main Street. The following policy was set up:

Proceed immediately to have the overflowing sewer corrected by the owner. If no action by the owner is accomplished, take necessary steps, including court order if required, to have the work done by the Borough and follow with a lien on the property.

Post vacant apartments as "Uninhabitable".

Notify owner and/or tenants of Inspections — 10 days for corn- pliance.

Post all units in violation.

Notify mortgagor of violations.

. Notify all tenants of possibility of condemnation of units

Proceed with prosecution if necessary.

HISTORIC REALTY BANKRUPTCY -- Notice has been received that the Second Amended Plan has been approved. Full payment on the Water/Sewer bill will be made immediately. Partial payments on the delinquent taxes will begin.

TRANSPORTATION FUNDING TASK FORCE REPORT -- A synopsis of the report was given. No consensus for reporting to the County Com- missioners was reached.

SOUTH JACKSON STREET TURNBACK -- The South Jackson Street request will be revised to $25/mile, with a two-year period for performing work.

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CENTER SQUARE SIGNALIZATION DRAWING -- The drawings were reviewed. The Borough Engineer will report on the phasing, including the advanced green on West Main Street. BUII DING CODE MEETING -- Manheim Township Code Enforcement per- sonnel will give a presentation on July 6, at 7:30 p. m. in the Strasburg Township offices. HOUSING ORDINANCE -- Work will begin on bringing the Ordinance into conformity with current practice of using complaints only rather than inspections. Bruce was given permission to contact Dan Herr, Esq. for his input.

BUDGET WORKSHOP -- August 22nd was set for a Budget Workshop for purposes of studying long-range plans. Candidates will be invited to attend.

Submitted by,

CA~~DX Velma H. Lutz, Sec ary

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Minutes of July ll, 1989, 7:30 p. m.


Hoover See


OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Frank Stearns, Housing Officer Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Steve Echternach, Police Dept. William Koch, Strasburg Fire Co. Mr. and Mrs. Scott Wood Susan Dreyer Gail Knauer, Strasburg News

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the June 13 and 27 meetings were approved as printed.


SOLICITOR -- Mr. Ranck reported on the following:

FEISTER W/S ACCOUNTS Two options for collecting the sewer rentals for the apartment units. 1. Petition through the bankruptcy court for payment of expenses. 2. Use the routine cut-off notices, with copies to each tenant.

A motion was made by Jeff See, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, that service interruption notices be issued for post-bankruptcy amounts due on the Clover Avenue properties with a disconnection date of 60 days from date of service, Copies of the notice will be served to the tenants and to counsel for the debtor.


The second amended plan has been approved. The payment for water and sewer has been received.

CI ASS ACTION SUIT The bid-rigging suit is progres- sing.

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MAYOR -- A complaint was received about the weeds and algae on the Historic Strasburg pond. Several certified letters were received from tourists regarding shopping complaints and traffic citations issued by PSP in Strasburg Township. A question was raised about personnel conducting personal business during working hours. The speed focus this month was on Lancaster Avenue where the average speed is approximately 11 mph higher than the survey on East Main Street. POLICE -- The report for June contained the following:

36 Traffic Arrests 29 Speeding, 3 Red Light, 1 each Driving Under Suspension, Driving at Unsafe Speed, Stop Sign and Reckless Driving/Hit & Run

5 Accidents

17 Traffic Warnings 10 Speeding, 7 Other

2 Equipment Cards

16 Incidents 4 Disorderly Conduct, 4 Criminal Mischief, 3 Harassment, 2 each Theft and DUI, 1 Underage Drink- ing

79 Complaints 14 Traffic, 2 Dogs, 1 Domestic and 62 Miscellaneous

9 Criminal Arrests 2 each Burglary E Theft, DUI, Underage Drinking and Forgery, 1 Theft.


WATER/SEWER RATE ORDINANCE -- An Ordinance correcting an error in the second step of the Residential/Commercial Water Rate and sub- stituting figures for the words "See Commercial Rate" in the multi-unit tables has been advertised. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Jeff See and passed unanimously that the Ordi- nance be approved as advertised.

HOUSING OFFICER REPORT -- A report on the status of the Crammer property at 23-29 West Main Street. Two tenant/landlord hearings have been held at Justice Hamilton's Office. During the second hearing a tour of several apartments was conducted, with Justice Hamilton in attendance. Units 2 and 7 are being prepared for occupancy at this time. Unit 4 will be prepared as soon as it is vacated' The owner has been notified of corrections to be made and that the units are to remain unoccupied until a satisfactory inspection has been completed. The sewer line had been repaired on June 30th, but again malfunctioned and was repaired again on July 7th. A list of the findings to date were distributed to Council. Repairs to the porches on the front have reportedly been

Page 1989 — 47

delayed by the owner pending the outcome of the Borough sidewalk program. However, the sidewalk repairs may proceed under the current specif ications. Additional inspections will be performed.

BUILDING CODE -- A proposal for formulating a joint program has been received. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously approving the participation by the Borough.

TRANSPORTATION FUNDING TASK FORCE REPORT — — Additional summaries of the report will be prepared so that a letter of comment can be drafted for the County Commissioners. One thought expressed was the desire to have any program capable of providing assistance for smaller municipalities that do not have the capabilities of partnerships.


PARKING RESTRICTIONS -- PennDOT, following a meeting with repre- sentatives of Historic Strasburg, has agreed to improve the shoulder along North Decatur Street adjacent to the HSI property. A condition is that the Borough agree to have the area posted as a no parking zone. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously approving the suggestion. The letter will also request that the necessary repairs be made to the storm drainage pipe at that location. The Traffic Ordinance will be advertised to provide the modifications.

HISTORIC DISTRICT PERMIT -- Clifton Carter has submitted a Request for Approval for remodeling his property at 12-14 South Decatur Street. Several recommendations were made by the Board. In addition, concern was expressed about the bow in the south wall of the building, and a condition was placed on the approval that the plastic flowers in the base of the gift shop sign be removed. The consensus of opinion among council members was that the removal of the flowers should not preclude the proposed improvements. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, seconded by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously that a building permit be issued subject to the owner obtaining an inspection and approval from the Borough Housing Officer prior to beginning work.

FLUORIDATION -- Several references have appeared in the media recently on pending legislation on requir~ed addition of fluoride to public water supplies. A letter will be written to local leg- islators to determine the status. HOUSING ORDINANCE -- A review of the Housing Ordinance was reported by Bruce Ryder. The proposed changes would bring the Ordinance into conformity with existing practice. The changes have been discussed with Dan Herr, counsel for the former Housing Committee. The changes will be incorporated into a draft form of an amending ordinance.

CENTER SQUARE -- The status of the project was discussed. An update from the Borough Engineer will be requested. The advance

Page 1989-48

green on West Main Street was discussed. The small rectangles on the plan represent presence indicators and control the timing of the lights appropriately. Their inclusion in the phasing may eliminate the need for advanced green — additional information will be requested.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was reviewed. A motion was made by Jeff See, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed.


FIRE COMPANY REPORT -- Bill Koch asked whether or not there are any comments or plans addressing the report submitted by the Fire Company thirteen months ago. An apology, along with some expla- nation, was expressed to Mr. Koch for the delay in replying. It was further explained that plans have been made to address these issues, as well as other long-range plans, at a discussion meeting in late August.


Council adjourned into executive session at 8:50 p. m. in order to discuss real estate statistics with regard to the AMP property.

Motion for adjournment 9:10 p. m.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Borou Secretary

PAGE 1989-49


Minutes from Tuesday, August 8, 1989, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Ferrell Martin Ryder See Wi 1 1 i ams

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor R. C. Johnson Alan Patrick H. Dale Kaufman Robert Haug Susan Dreyer Gail Knauer, Strasburg News

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag. MINUTES -- The minutes from the July 11th meeting were approved as printed.

TREASURER'S REPORT -- A report for the period ending July 31, 1989 was distributed and filed for audit.


FEISTER WATER/SEWER ACCOUNTS -- Mr. Ranck requested permission to file a municipal claim for the period covering January 1, 1988 to May 4, ~;1988, the date of the Feister bankruptcy. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, approving the claim filing.


CROSSING GUARD RESIGNATION -- Mr. Kiscaden reported that I inda Althouse has resigned her position as school crossing guard. A motion was made by Rick Martin, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously that the resignation be accepted with regret. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, that a letter of appreci~ation be forwarded to Mrs. Althouse, recognizing her 14 years of faithful service. ACT 24 OF 1989 --An explanation of'Act 24 of 1989 was provided. The act attaches additional costs to certain motor vehicle fines in order to defray the deficit in the Catastrophic Insurance Fund, resulting in extremely high fines for relatively minor violations. Opposition to the act has been registered by the F. O. P. and other groups; citing pitfalls such as increased court time, possible reductions in speeding tickets, etc. A motion was made by Rick Martin, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed by a vote of 6 to 1 that letters be forwarded to local legislators opposing the leg- islation and encouraging replacement legislation. Members Martin, Hoover, Miller, Ryder, See and Williams cast assenting votes.

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Member Ferrell cast a dissenting vote.

AMP PROPERTY -- Mr. Kiscaden questioned the quality of the report submitted by Warren Harnish as an appraisal of the Amp property.

H. A. R. B. DECISION -- Mr. Kiscaden supported the recent HARB deci- sion to disallow the demolition of the South Decatur Street pro- perty owned by the Presbyterian Church.





Several contacts have been received from parties interested in obtaining sanitary sewer ser- vices via the Strasburg system. A recommendation was made that no negotiations be held unless it is with another municipality or municipal authority.

Recommendation to delay until additional information is avail- able.


The report for July contained the following:

18 TRAFFIC ARRESTS 11 Speeding, 2 Traffic Control Signals, and 1 each Stop Sign, Left Turn, Unsafe Speed, No Pas- sing and Red Light.

29 Traffic Warnings


1 NON-TRAFFIC ARREST Unsworn falsificationX



8 Theft, 5 Harassment, 10 Crimi- nal Mischief, 3 Disorderly Con- duct, 3 Dog at Large and 1 each Weed Ordinance, Burning Ordi- nance and Indecent Exposure

13 Traffic, 3 Alarms, 1 Animal and 71 Miscellaneous


WATER 10 additional water services 1 is ted f or replacement. State Permit work has been. completed.

PAGE 1989-51

Fire hydrant service program completed.

SEWER Pump Station ¹3 pump rebuilt and wired for stock. Cost saving of $4, 500.

New AC pump received for Station ¹5


TRANSPORTATION TASK FORCE REPORT -- A synopsis of the report was reviewed. A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Bruce Ryder and passed unanimously, that a letter be forwarded to the County Commissioners supporting the concepts contained in the report, with an additional comment that an improved county-wide transportation program be explored through the services of RRTA, and that any use of County funding should be for projects of benefit to the entire County.

BUILDING CODE -- The next meeting of the joint representatives will be held on Thursday, August 17th at Strasburg Township.

CENTER SQUARE PROJECT --. The last state permit has been obtained. Bids will be advertised for opening at the September 12th meeting. SEWER — JOINT PROGRAMS -- A motion was made by Mr. Williams, sec- ond by Mary Rachel Hoover, that a policy by adopted to not enter- tain discussion with any other than municipal personnel. The motion was amended to state that the policy be outlined in a reso- lution and that a copy be forwarded to Strasburg Township and those persons who have inquired explaining in a cover letter that there is every intent to work together.


BOROUGH AUTHORITY APPOINTMENT -- Upon recommendation of the mem- bers of the Authority, a motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Rick Martin and passed unanimously, that Herbert Austin be reappointed to a 5-year term on the Borough Authority.

PENSION PLAN INVESTMENT OPTIONS -- A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously that 100'4 of the funds from both pension plans be invested in fixed assets for a period of one year.

H. A. R. B. LETTERS -- A draft of proposed letters to present resi- dents and new residents of the Historic District were presented for review. A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously, approving the letters as drafted. STREET BANNERS -- Representatives of the Gemstone and Mineral Show have contacted the office providing an explanation of the delay in removing the sign in 1988, and asking whether a change in policy

PAGE 1989-52

might be made. No change was approved. The organization has been informed that no banners are to be placed in the future.

FLUORIDE LEGISLATION -- A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, that contacts be made with the state legislators opposing proposed regulations for the addition of fluoride to municipal water supplies.

SEWER AUDIT -- Copies of the annual audit of the Sewer Revenue Fund are available for review.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and pass'ed unanimously, approving payment as listed. AUGUST WORKSHOP -- The August 22nd meeting will serve as a work- shop for discussing long range capital expenditures. George Wag- ner of Rettew Associates and Dj. ck Cummings of Dorwart Andrew Com- pany will attend.

Motion for Adjournment 8:55 p. m.

Submitte by,

Velma H. Lutz, Borough ecretary

PAGE 1989-53


Notes from the August 22, 1989 Workshop

MEMBERS PRESENT; Miller Hoover Ferrell Martin Ryder See Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: George Wagner, Rettew Associates Dick Cummings, Dorwart Andrew Company Sue Barnett Alan Patrick Robert Haug

A general discussion was held on numerous long-range capital expense items that may be anticipated over the next 20 years, including means of funding.

They are listed below with comments from the discussions:


Various highlights of the most recent study were reviewed as fol-


Storage -- The capacity of the Fisher will is capable of providing sufficient additional storage.

The condition of the present 500, 000 gallon reservoir is unknown. An inspection would be in order.

Domestic Supply -- At this time, there is sufficient capacity to supply the community and projected growth through the year 2020.

The disadvantage to the present supply is its centralization — increasing the risk of supply failure due to contamination, however unlikely.

Fire Supply -- Some limitations present for fighting a major fire. However, with the use of tank trucks and the presence of the Borough Pond, the situation is not critical. I'ikely correction would be the construction of at least a 200, 000 elevated tank.


No immediate plans for expansion. Continued efforts and contacts should be made for obtaining additional capacity.


Considered funded at this time. Review after September bid open- ing.

PAGE 1989-54

MASSASOIT HALL -- The concensus was a municipal undertaking, but rather formed. The support of the Borough annual line item, but not as a part

that the project should not be the work of a foundation to be should be anticipated as an of capital expenditures.

COMMUNITY BUII DING (including AMP property) -- The needs of the various groups expressing an interest in the project should be explored, likely via a questionnaire. Dale Kaufman, Larry Dinoff and John Calabrese will be asked to formulate a questionnaire with replies to be reviewed at the October workshop.

SIDEWALK PROJECT -- The question of municipal participation in the cost needs to be resolved.


ASSESSMENT -- An incident involving an individual assessment change was discussed. The need for total reassessment remains.

SAFETY -- Truck parking limiting safe egress from private drive- ways. No ability to enforce if vehicles have current license and/or inspection — and are NOT blocking the driveway in question. COUNCIL TRAINING -- Courses are offered to new members bi-annually by Pa Dept of Community Affairs. Notices also sent to municipal offices. The courses are not limited to NEW members.

SALARY RECOMMENDATIONS -- Should be prepared by October workshop.

EVALUATIONS -- Bruce and Bill will prepare drafts of forms.

SIDEWALKS AT PLAYGROUND -- Engineer directed to proceed with sur- vey work this fall. BUDGET PROJECTIONS -- Year-end projections will be prepared for September workshop.

CHECK VALVE PROGRAM -- The backflow preventers are being installed on new installations and replacement meters. No problems are being experienced.

MCP UPDATES -- The Zoning Ordinance and Subdivision Ordinance should be updated to meet requirements of the MCP.

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Minutes from September 12, 1989 — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Ferrell Martin Ryder See Williams

OTHERS PRESENT: John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor R. C. Johnson Blair W. Fisher Scott and Michele Wood Mel Brubaker, Pflumm Paving Gail Knauer, Strasburg News

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.


WITMER MINOR SUBDIVISION -- The plan proposes the subdivision of the three-unit multi-use building located at 306 Miller Street from the remaining lands of E. C. Witmer. The comments of LCPC were reviewed. The Borough Planning Commission recommended favo- rable action, with the condition that a plan note citing the Zon- ing Approval be added and that future parking and access thereto be shown on the plan. Action on the plan was delayed until the next meeting.


CENTER SQUARE PROJECT -- Three bids were received, as follows:


S 122, 260 $ 62, 150 CONTRACTOR

David Pflumm Millersvile, PA

John P. Stumpf, Jr. , Inc Lancaster, PA

McMinn's Asphalt Co. , Inc. Lancaster, PA

S 106, 905

$ 95, 450

61, 900

43, 390

The contract documents will be reviewed by the Borough Engineer, with an anticipated date of award set for September 26th. The meeting will be advertised as a Special Meeting.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the August meetings were approved after the addition of the name of Mayor Kiscaden to the August 22nd list of persons present.

TREASURER'S REPORT -- A report for the period 1989 was distributed and filed for audit.

ending August. 31,

SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Ranck reported that Feister bankruptcy has been completed, but no

testimony in the decision has been

PAGE 1989-56

handed down by the judge.



OPEN BURNING Existing PennDER regulations will be checked to determine whether or not they supersede local reg- ulations.

W/S BILLING ADJ. Two billing adjustments were explained. One for a penalty reversal and the other for credit for sewer charges involving a water leak.




Budget requests are requested by September 20th.

Total expenses to date are $1, 646, substantially under bud- get.


5 Thefts, 3 Public Drunks, 4 Disorderly Conduct, 2 Trespass- ing, and 1 each Simple Assault, Criminal Mischief and Driving While Intoxicated. 19 Traffic, 2 Missing Person, 1 Animal, 1 Alarm and 110 Misc.


2 Speeding, 1 each Left Turn, License Requirements, Unsafe Speed and No Passing.



5 CRIMINAL ARRESTS 1 each DVI, Dog at Large, Defiant Trespass, Disorderly Conduct and Simple Assault




The fall program for flushing is underway. Additional water ser- vices are being replaced. The Ozonator tower and building have been painted.

All pump stations have been sanded and painted.

PAGE 1989-57



All winter sealing is completed.

Spraying at the watershed has been scheduled for the County 1990 program.

HALLOWEEN PARADE -- A motion was made by Rick Martin, second by Fred Williams, and passed unanimously, approving the date of October 26th for the annual VFW Halloween Parade and the annual donation of $300.


EVALUATION FORM REPORT -- A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Jeff See and passed unanimously to delay the deadline for personnel evaluations from September 30th to October 31st in order to allow time for development and approval of a new form.


ZONING AND SUBDIVISION UPDATES — — A cost estimate will be obtained to have a consulting firm prepare the necessary revisions to both Ordinances, as required under the revised Municipalities Planning Code (MCP).

POLICE SCHOOLING -- A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously approving attendance at a seminar for Steve Echternach, including meals and mileage.

SIGNS -- Designs for signs at the various entrances to the Borough were reviewed. No cost estimates are yet available.

PAYMENT OF BILLS -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Rick Martin, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed. DALLAS/ADA AVENUE INTERSECTIONS -- Speed on Dallas Avenue was discussed, and a suggestion was made for making the intersection a 4-way stop. A evaluation of the traffic volume will be made prior to making a decision.

Motion for adjournment 8:45 p. m.

Submitted by,

Velma H. putz, Borou Secretary

PAGE 1989-58


Minutes from September 26, 1989 — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Martin Wi 11 iams

Hoover Ryder

Ferrel1 See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor

The meeting was advertised as a Special Meeting in order to award the bid for the Center Square Project and conduct any other business.

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag. CENTER SQUARE PROJECT BID AWARD -- Mr. Williams requested the floor to explain his position of opposition to the proposal to pursue the total project and his desire to proceed only with the signal replacement at this time. The engineer has reviewed the documents and is satisfied with the low bid. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Jeff See and passed with 6 affirmative votes to award the bid for the Alternate 1 to McMinn's Asphalt Co. , Inc. Mr. Williams abstained from the vote. BOROUGH ENTRANCE SIGNS -- A motion was made by Fred Williams, second by Rick Martin, and passed by a vote of 4 to 3 to proceed with the erection of 5 signs at the entrances to the Borough. Members Williams, Martin, Hoover and Ryder cast affirmative votes. Members Miller, Ferrell and Ryder cast dissenting votes' A motion was made by Jeff See, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, to select design "A" with the single pedestal. The motion was later amended to include having the words "Speed Limit Strictly Enforced" and "Please Drive Safely" included on the sign. The motion passed by a vote of 5 to 2. Members See, Hoover, Miller, Martin and Ryder cast affirmative votes. Members Martin and Ferrell cast dissent- ing votes.

SIDEWALK COMMITTEE REPORT -- A preliminary report from the Com- mittee appointed to re-evaluate the sidewalk program was distrib- uted. The information is for further discussion at the October meeting, at which time a decision will likely be made to proceed with a hearing or drop the program proposal. If the program is not dropped, a decision to proceed will be likely at the November meeting.

LEGISLATIVE INITIATIVE GRANT -- A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Rick Martin and passed unanimously authorizing execution of the documents required in order to receive an additional $10, 000 grant awarded to the Borough by Senator Armstrong.

SEWER TREATMENT AGREEMENT -- A firm beginning date has been esta- blished by SLSA for the surcharge for electricity used at the two

PAC~E 1989-59

pump stations through which our discharge is pumped. It is July 1, 1988. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bill Ferrell and passed unanimously, approving execution of the amended agreement.

TRICK OR TREAT -- A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Rick Martin, and passed by a vote of 6 to 1, approving the date of October 30, 1989 from 6:00 to 8:00 as Trick or Treat in the Borough. Members Ryder, Martin, Miller, Ryder, See and Williams cast affirmative votes. Member Ferrell cast a dissenting vote.

Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 9:00 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Borough ecretary


An Executive Session immediately followed the regular meeting. During that session, a motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously that a letter be forwarded to Amp, Inc. outlining a proposal to formulate an agreement to accept their groundwater treatment well flow into the public sewer system from October 1 through March 31, 1990 in order to provide additional time to assess the possibilities for acqui- sition of the property by the Borough and/or other public agencies.

The personnel evaluation form was discussed. It was agreed to eliminate annual evaluations this year and proceed with sal- ary/wage studies using the same method as last year. Work on developing a satisfactory evaluation form will continue immedi- ately. Motion for adjournment 10:00 p. m.

V. H. L.

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Minutes from October 10, 1989 — 7:30 p. m.


Hoover See


OTHERS PRESENT: James Kiscaden, Mayor John Milton Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Rita Lane Blair Fisher, Fuehrer Assoc. Scott 6 Michele Vood Susan Dreyer

At 7:30, prior to opening the meeting, a short Executive Session was held to discuss personnel matters.

At 7:35 p. m. , the meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

REPORT ON EXECUTIVE SESSION -- A letter of resignation, effective October 10, 1989, from Fred Milliams was received. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder and passed una- nimously to accept the resignation with deep regret. A successor will be appointed to fill the vacancy. Details of requirements will be researched by Mr. Ranck.

MINUTES -- The minutes of the September 12 and 26th meetings were approved as printed.

TREASURER'S REPORT -- The report for the period ending September 30, 1989 were distributed and filed for audit. The format of the report has been revised to eliminate the inclusion of liability accounts (tax deductions, special project funds, etc. ) and the inclusion of a "Net Income — Year to date" line for each fund.

SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Ranck reported that there has been no further word from the bankruptcy court in the Feister matter.

Status of the Feister Accounts: All post-bankruptcy amounts have been paid. All accounts are current except for pre-bankruptcy.

MAYOR'S REPORT -- Mr. Kiscaden issued the following reminders:

Annual Parade — Thursday, October 26th Form 6:30 p. m. , Move 7:00 p. m.

Trick-Or-Treat Monday, October 30th 6:00 to 8:00 p. m.

He also suggested that consideration be given to recognition of residents for exceptional work in property maintenance. A similar proposal has been made by the Historic District Board.

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JOINT SEWER MEETING A date of Thursday, October 19th has been set for discussions with Strasburg Township. The date did not meet vith schedules for most Council members. Therefore, the alternative date of Wednesday, October 18th will be offered.


12 Traffic Arrests 3 Speeding, 2 each Driving at Unsafe Speed, No Passing Zone and Stop Sign Violations, 1 each Class of License, Registration Required and Turning Movements

3 Speed Warnings

15 Warning & Equipt. Cards

1 Accident

20 Criminal Incidents 2 Attempted Burglaries, 4 Theft/ 1 Provling at Night, 4 Criminal Mischief, 2 Assaults, 2 Harass- ment, and 1 each Missing Person, Disorderly Conduct, Underage Drinking, Dog Lav Violation and Curfew Violation

103 Complaints 17 Traffic, 4 Alarms, 1 Animal, 81 Misc.

1 Criminal Arrest Underage Dr ink ing


E. C. WITMER, FINAL MINOR SUBDIVISION -- A revised plan was reviewed for the subdivision of the apartment building from the parent tract. A plan note has been added citing the Zoning Approval of the Variance and future parking has been defined. Access to the future parking spaces vill be across Lot Nl. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Jeff See and passed unanimously granting conditional approval to the plan, subject to the addition of a plan note defining the access (across Lot Sl) to the future parking area.


1990 BUDGET -- Year-end-Projections for 1989 were distributed for

Page 1989-62

the major funds. A preliminary draft of the 1990 Budget was also distributed. Drafts of the budgets for other funds and programs have been prepared and will be copied for distribution this week. The next meeting will be devoted to finalizing a preliminary draft. SIDEWALK PROGRAN -- The report of the Committee was reviewed and the following comments made:

Should commencement of the program be delayed 3 years2 Will there be better preparation7

Responsibility for payment for transition pieces may need to be reviewed.

Permit fees. The fees are proposed for elimina- tion, but permits will be required to facilitate administration of the program.

Zones may need to be redefined.

Philosophical questions need to be addressed regarding:

Cost burden Legality Selective enforcement

There was a general consensus that no general revenues be used to ease the cost burden to individual property owners. There appeared to be agreement that the Ordinance should be put into place, along with the new specifications and that the Committee should proceed with a modified proposal for consideration at the November meeting, with a goal of January, 1990 for holding a pub- lic hearing.

Additional information on financing has been received and can be explored further when additional statistics have been formulated.


PAYNENT OF BILLS -- A motion was made by Nary Rachel Hoover, sec- ond by Bill Ferrell, and passed unanimously, approving payment of the bills per the list distributed.

Adjournment to Executive Session 9:15 p. m.

Submitted bye

Velma H. Lutz, Boroug ecretary

Page 1989-63


AMP NEGOTIATIONS — A reply from AMP has been received, expressing interest in proceeding with an agreement to pump groundwater treatment water into the sewer system. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Jeff See, to pursue a written agreement.

OTHER REAL ESTATE — A lot of ground near the Old Springs was recently placed on the market. The opinion of Carlyle Grey, a geologist will be obtained regarding the effect of possible conta- mination, should the lot be developed. Ken Kreider, a local real estate broker, will be requested to negotiate on behalf of the Borough for a possible purchase.

1990 SALARY/WAGE REPORT -- Salary and wage amounts for all employees were approved for inclusion in the 1990 budget.

Page 1989-64


Minutes from October 24, 1989 — 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Ferrell Martin Ryder See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Gail Knauer, Strasburg News

R. Alan Patr ick

The meeting which was advertised as a Special Meeting in order to fill a council vacancy and to conduct any other business was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

APPOINTMENT OF R. ALAN PATRICK -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, approving the appointment of R. Alan Patrick to fill the vacancy from the resignation of Fred A. Williams. The Oath of Office was admi. nis- tered by Mayor Kiscaden.

1990 BUDGET -- The first draft of the budget was reviewed and discussed. A deficit of $6, 895 is projected for the General Fund. Several expense items were scrutinized. A second draft will be prepared for consideration at the November 14th meeting. It will include a tax increase of . 25 mill, additional hours for the part- time police officer and police clerk, as well as line item amounts for proposed capital expenditures in the water and sewer funds. Additional up-to-date information will also be available for reana- lysis with projected revenues and expenses.

BUILDING CODE COMMITTEE REPORT -- At a meeting held on October 23rd, the consultant, Jim Quigley, reviewed his proposal for con- ducting a program study. Strasburg, Pequea and West Lampeter Townships have agreed to participate in this study, along with the Borough.

AMP SEWER FLOW -- The proposed agreement for sewer flow has been forwarded to AMP. They have requested a minimum period of two years, and an additional 10 gpm . for peak season flow. All; dis- charge will be into the line on the west side of the building; or directly into the gravity system. A motion was made by Bill Fer- rell, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, approving the requested amendments, and adding a provision for percentage pass- through of increased treatment costs assessed by the City of Lan- caster.

STRASBURG TOWNSHIP SEWAGE AGREEMENT -- A meeting was held on Octo- ber 19th with the Township Engineers (PSC, Inc. ) and Elvin Hess, Strasburg Township Supervisor, to discuss their proposal to formu- late an agreement for obtaining capacity for sewer service to

Page 1989-65

several township areas. A draf t letter has been prepared. A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, to forward the letter, as drafted, to the Strasburg Township Supervisors. SCOUT HOUSE -- The roof of the Scout House Building has developed a number of serious leaks. Chet Lutz was. directed to pursue contacts for remedial work.

Submitted by,

Motion for Adjournment 9:15 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Borough Sec. -etary

Page 1989-67


Minutes from November 14, 1989 — 7: 30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Ferrell Martin Ryder See

OTHERS PRESENT: Michael H. Ranck, Esq. , Borough Solicitor Susan Dreyer Robert Haug Steve Echternach Nick Ferretti Gail Knauer, Strasburg News Lee Blithe, Local Ledger

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- A brief review of information was conducted. Mr. Ranck was requested to prepare a right of first refusal agree- ment for property adjacent to the Borough watershed.




The Borough will host on Wednes- day, 11/15/89 at 8:00 a. m. at Historic Strasburg.

ZONING SEMINAR I isa attended 1-day seminar on 11/08/89

OTHER BUSINESS Covered elsewhere under Old or New Business.



4 Parking Tickets 18 Equipment Cards 19 Speeding Warnings 11 Traffic Warnings

1 Accident 50 Criminal Incidents

5 Speeding, 7 Unsafe Speed, 6 Stop Sign, 1 each No Inspection, Following too Closely, Jr. Driv- ers License, No Passing and Red Light Violation

38 Thefts or Attempted Thefts, 5 Criminal Mischief, 2 each Disor- derly Conduct, Public Drunkenness and 1 each Harassment, Missing Person, Underage Drinking

Page 1989 — 68

94 Complaints

4 Criminal Arrests

20 Traffic, 2 Animals, 2 Alarms and 70 Misc. 1 Public Drunkenness, 1 Underage Drinking and 2 Criminal Mischief


WATER Problems are prevalent with oak trees weakened from previous infestations of gypsy moth.

Acidity in the ground water is increasingly difficult to treat. Alternatives to the present method are being pursued.

SCOUT HOUSE The response for volunteers was disappointing. Seven volunteers representing three families showed up. The assistance of the following is gratefully acknowl- edged:

Jim McCullough family

Mike McCullough family

Dan Sigman and guest

Jack Miller

Paulie Miller — Both on duty and off.


1990 BUDGET — Following a review, a motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously, for preli- minary approval of the 1990 Budget and the enactment of a tax ordinance establishing a real estate tax millage of 6. 00 mills. The tax increase is . 25 mill over present, and represents a mone- tary increase of approximately $3. 75 per year to the average prop- erty owner. Some questions were raised regarding the police vehicle budget, and it was determined that incidental items are covered.

ORDINANCE UPDATES -- A proposal has been received from Gehringer and Roth for updating the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances for compliance with Act 170, the Municipalities Planning Code. The proposal is for $2, 000 plus $50/hour for attending meetings. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, approving the contract as proposed.

P~ge 1989-69


REQUEST FOR RESTRICTED PARKING -- A request has been received from Steve Herron, 59 West Main Street, for the elimination of parking from the present fire hydrant restricted area, approximately 8' eastward to his driveway. Following discussion, it was determined that the present regulations governing blocked driveways ade- quately cover the situation at the Herron property, and apply in many other cases throughout the Borough. A letter will be for- warded to Mr. Herron.

CARRIAGE RIDE REQUEST -- A request has been received for approval for giving carriage rides through the Borough during the holiday season. The use is not covered as a Permitted Use under the Zon- ing Ordinance and will therefore be denied. The use of the public streets would be permitted, provided all applicable motor vehicle code regulations are met.

HEMLOCK LANE DEED OF DEDICATION -- A motion was made by Bill Fer- rell, second by Rick Martin, and passed unanimously accepting the Deed of Dedication by Ordinance.

PUBLIC SALE TRAFFIC SIGNS — A request for installation of signs to slow traffic on Lancaster Avenue, during a public sale, has been received. There are no sanctioned signs for this purpose. The sponsors of the sale will be responsible for informal signing. PAYMENT OF BILLS — A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Jeff See, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed. EXECUTIVE SESSION -- The meeting was adjourned into Executive Ses- sion at 8:25 p. m. in order to discuss personnel items and real estate transactions.

Velma H. Lutz Borough Secretary

The meeting was reconvened at 9:10 p. m. to report on the Executive Session as follows:

The Executive Session dealt with a situation involving a hospital- ization claim and alternatives available. Preliminary discussions were also held regarding means of funding real estate acquisi- tions.

F&age 1 '! 99 — 70


A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, outlining the following steps in dealing with the maternity benefit claim of Nick Ferretti:

1. Reimburse the employee for out-of-pocket espenses, less the normal $100. 00 deductible ($370. 00)

2. Immediately submit all medical bills to the Stoltzfus agency and follow-up in one week for a status report.

3. If there is not a satis factory response, notify the solicitor to contact the insurance carrier.

A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Mary Rachel Hoover, and passed unanimously, authorizing the solicitor to prepare a draft of conditions of purchase for real estate.

Page 1989-71


Minutes from the Special Meeting of November 28, 1989, 7:30 p. m.

MEMBERS PRESENT: Miller Hoover Patrick Ryder See

OTHERS PRESENT: L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Chester Lutz, PW Dept. Nick Ferretti, Police Dept. Sue Barnett

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

SCHOOL CROSSING GUARD -- A motion was made by Bruce Ryder, second by Mary Rachel Hoover and passed unanimously, approving the appointment of Evelyn S. Hanna, 437 White Oak Road, Strasburg as School Crossing Guard.

DISCUSSIONS -- Informal discussions were held on the following:

Ferretti hospitalization claim

Reorganization meeting set for Tuesday, January 2, 1990 at 7:30 p. m. , followed by meeting with all employees.

The annual holiday party will be held on Friday, December 15 at 7:30 p. m. , at the Lutz home. The Williams plaque will be presented at that time, as will the House of Representatives citation. Problems encountered with PennDOT street opening permits.

Trash accumulation at Clifton Carter property.

Sidewalk program/phasing.

Submitted by,

Velma H. Lutz, Bo gh Secretary

PAGE 1989-72


Minutes from December 12, 1989 — 7:30 p. m. 0

MEMBERS PRESENT:. Miller Hoover Ferrell Martin Patrick Ryder See

OTHERS PRESENT: . L. James Kiscaden, Mayor Michael Ranck, Esq. , Solicitor Chester Lutz, Public Works Dept. Robert Ham, Police Dept. Sue Barnett Lee Blithe, Local Ledger

The meeting was called to order by the President, Henry Miller, followed by the Salute to the Flag.

MINUTES -- The minutes from the November 14 and 28 meetings were approved as printed.

TREASURERS REPORT -- The report for the period ending 11/30/89 was accepted and filed for audit,

SOLICITOR'S REPORT -- The report on pending real estate transac- tions was presented in Executive Session from 7:35 to 7:45. Mr. Ranck reported that the litigation involving the Feister suit against the lending bank is continuing, with briefs having been filed. No action on the bankruptcy is anticipated until that suit has been decided.

MAYOR'S REPORT -- The report contained the-'following:

CHRISTMAS ON THE SOUARE — December 17th at 6:30 p. m.

TREE OF HOPE Took part in program December 3. Suggest that future programs be delayed one hour to reduce traffic interference.

POLICE CRUISER Recommend processing of papers for acquisition of cruiser under state piggyback program.

A motion was made by Rick Martin second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, approving the recommendation.

APPRECIATION Mr. Kiscaden expressed his appreciation to Mary Rachel Hoover for her 12-year service as a member of Council.

PAGE 1989-73

AWARDING OF PLAQUE -- Henry Miller presented a plaque to Mary Rachel honoring her for outstanding dedication during her term.



LEGAL Meeting with Solicitor outlined. FLAG



A General Assembly Resolution encourages d isplaying POW/MIA flags. To be referred to VFW for input.

Complaint received on cost for Zoning/Subdivision Ordinances. A copy is available in the local library for reference.

16 TRAFFIC INCIDENTS 3 Speeding Arrests, 4 Speeding Warnings, 3 Other Traffic Warn- ings, 3 Equipment Cards, 1 Park- ing Ticket, 1 Stop Sign and 1 Windshield Obstruction.


18 CRIMINAL INCIDENTS 7 Theft, 3 Harassment, 2 Dog Law/ 3 Disorderly Conduct and 1 each Underage Drinking, Simple Assault and Bad Check;

3 CRIMINAL ARRESTS 1 each Armed Robbery, Theft and Simple Assault.

111 COMPLAINTS 15 Traffic, 8 Animals, 1 Alarm and 87 Miscellaneous


WATER 1 Fire Hydrant destroyed by vehicle.

Major water main break repaired on Pleasant View Drive.


3 Leaking services repaired.

Plowing and cindering during 2 winter storms.

SCOUT HOUSE Working on assembling scouting leaders to address building

PAGE 1989-74

maintenance policies. FLAG Community flag removed twice in

two weeks. Roping put in place by Lafayette Fire Company after first incident. Recommend not replacing at this time.


1990 BUDGET -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin and passed unanimously approving the 1990 Budget as proposed in November.

TAX LEVY -- A motion was made by Mary Rachel Hoover, second by Rick Martin and passed unanimously establishing a tax rate of 6 mills for general purposes beginning January, 1990.


REZONING REQUEST -- A request for rezoning was received for the tract located just west of the Strasburg Masonry Plant. The tract was approved for subdivision as an add-on to the masonry plant tract. No action was taken on the proposal. Mr. Eberly will be contacted to discuss alternatives.

PAYMENT OF BILI S -- A list of bills for approval was distributed. A motion was made by Bill Ferrell, second by Bruce Ryder, and passed unanimously, approving payment as listed.


SIDEWALKS -- A workshop meeting was set for Saturday, January 13. Submitted by,

Motion for adjournment 9:10 p. m.

Velma H. Lutz, Boroug ecretary

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