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OELEGATION: Clarkson Gordon

Ragular County Council �leeting County of At.ha.basc<l Xo. 12 Tuesday, December 10, 1985

Reeve Kostit�: Councill01'S Ri.chs.rtls, Flasha, Bencharsky, Kei.th, �latoga, Patry, Lewis, Johnson; County Administrator C. Cutforth; Assistant County SecretaTy J. L. l•ioodward; Recording Secretary J. Kryvenchuk

It l'ias moved by Counc·i !lor Patry to approve the minutes of the ;-.;ovenber 26, 1985 meeting with the follotdng correction :

Page 6903--Cancellation of Taxes

It �<as moved by Councillor PatTy to repay Mr. Dzenkiw of SE-28-67-18-w4 the amount of $175 .42 for taxes that 1;ere incorrectly collected due to the sewage lagoon being on �lr. Dzenki�<'s la.nd.

�lotion carried.

Jt �o�as :novetl by Councillor �latoga to approve the agenda. with additions.

�lotion canied.

Les Tutty and Greg Clanahan Superi.ntendent of Schools S. Schtoold and Assistant County Treasurer r'l. Gushta were also in atten<lance, during this delegation.

The interim audit t<as reviewed in detail �<ith Council.

Reeve Kost\l• thanked )!r. Tutty and t'lr. Clanahan foT their presentation.

Banking Proposals This iten was also discussed l4hile the auditors l'iere in attendance.

Municipal Planning CoiiiiDission

M. Gushta presented Co unci 1 1d th a compar-ison of the three banking fi ms l.nte:resting in supplying services to the County, 1d th the recommendation that the County continue utilizing the services of the Treasu1'y Branch.

It was mo'red b>· Councillol' Benchat'sky to concur with the reconmenda tion of the /\ssi stant Tt'easurer to continue utilizir.g the set'vices of the Treasury Branch.

Motion carried.

Councillot's Richards and Keith left the meeting at 10:50 A)!.

In <lttendance: F.. Albet'ts, S. Alexander, A. Rabin; M. Griffin, lle,.·elopment Officer

Reeve Kosti" welcomed �1r. Rabin to the �1\micipal Planning Commission and to the employ of the County .

Chairman Alberts reported on the following items:

Lots 8 and 9, Block 38, Plan 7241 AH The )funicipal Planning Commission has no objection to this appli cation to amalgamate t"o lots 1<ithin the Town of Athabasca.

It >;as moved by Councillor l.e,.is to concur �<ith the recommenc!ation of the �1unicipal Pla!lning Co�nission to advise that the County has no objection to the amalgamation of Lots 8 anc! 9, Block 38, Plan 7241 Afl >;ithin the limits of the Town of Athabasca.

/ eev ..

Motion carried.

Page 6906


Regula'l' County Council �·leeting County of Athaba.sca No. 12 Tuasday, OecembeT 10, 1985

By-Law 11-1985 specifias that a maximum of 10 lots he a11011ed in a subdivision. The tentative plan shows 11 lots. Xo provision has been made for a �lunici pal Raserve. The p1."oposed roadway on the north side of Lots 9, t 0 a.nd 11 is on the edge of a ravine varying in depth from 20 to .�0 feet. Access to lots 9, 10, and 11 would have to be across this ravine and adequate access in this area �<ould be practically impossibla. Upon inspection MPC determined that the cul-de-sac at the enc! of this road would be in the 'ravine; also it was consi�erad doubtful if lots 9, 10 and 11 ha.Ye areas sui table for building sites.

In view of the above comments, �lPC 'recommended that this application be refused.

Tt wa.s moved by Councillor Bencharsky to concur "i.th the recommenda.tion of the Municip&.l Pla.nning Commission to refuse the appl icat; on of subdivision of the :-IE-13-65-19-w4.

Motion carried.

St' i-2'1-66-211-�<4 Due to the fact that thi.s land is zoned agriculture under the Bapeiste Lake Area Structure plan and ehere i.s a sub-divided pa.rcel in the Nol'th west CoTner of this quarter, the Municipal !'Ianning Commission advised that they must l'ecomnend this applica.tion be refused.

MPC further advised that they have serious concerns regarding the legality of H'l'. Paorter's a.uthorization due to the face that Mr. Porter's signature is no1: witnessed or notorized.

MPC advised tha1: an alternate solution may be to a>nalgamate the one acre subcii vision loii th the balance of the parcel under one title. At that time, an application for the proposed sub-division could be reconsidered.

I1: 14aS moved by Councillor Patr.y to concur with the rccommendaeion of the Municipal Planning Commission to refuse the application for. subdivision of the SW-21-66-24-w4.

�lotion carried.

Pine Grove Estates (Uchyeil) County Council was advised 1:ha1: on November 13, 1985, Councillor Richards and MPC Cnairman Alberts inspected this subdivision for the purpose of final approval. They found all concerns expressed in previous inspections have been C01'1."ected.

The Municipal Planning Comr:tission -recomneneed that this subdivision be givan final appr.oval, •<ith the County taking over the maintenance of .internal roads illlT.Iediately.

Councillor Keith returned to the meeting at 11:05 A.\f.

It was moved by Councillor Bencharsky that the final app'l'oval of Pine Grove Estates (SE-31-66-22-.-4), be tabled for final inspection to May 31, 1986.

Motion defeated.

It •;as moved by Councillot· Johnson to concur 1·;ith the recommendation of the �funicipal Planning Co�runission to give final approval to Pina Grove Estates {SE-31-66-22-w4), <41th ehe Couny taking over the maint,mance of ehe internal roads inmediately.

�lotion carried.

Page 6907


Pac Beach Subdivision

Regular County Council �leeting County of Athabasca No. 12 Tuesday, December 10, 1985

MPC advi.,;ed that they �<ere approached by �fr. John Pa.cholok regarding the development agreement on this subdivi.sion consisting of 4 parcels. �fr. Pacholok had indicated that he �<ould prefer to put accesses to these lots where and as required. He indicated hc would be agreeable to posting a letter of credit to cover these accesses.

It was moved by Counci 11 or Keith to table the mat. ter of Pac Beach Subdivision accesses (Lot 21 and 22, Block 1, PI an 1110 TR) until the first Council �eeting in January, 1986.

�lotion carried.

AC!ministration tifas instructed to pt·epare a set of standards and procedures for the Municipal Planning Commission for the first meeti.ng in January of 1986.

NF.-30-67-23-1<4--Proposed Dumping Station--Summer Village of Island lake !If. Griffi:l reported that the County has approved a development perr.tit fot· soil teshng at this proposed dumping sta.tion, and ?·fr. Broh'P. of the Summer Village of Island Lake has requested a letter fror.l Council stating that the County has no objection to the location of this site.

I1: ''as moved by Councillor Patry that the r.tatter of the proposed dumping station on the :'iE-30-67-23-1�4 (Summer Villa.ge of Island Lake) be tabled until the next regular County Council meeting, pending !l.dmini stra.tion' s furthor investigation.

Motion carried.

Resolution regarding By-Law 10-1980 It >�as moved by Councillor Keith that the follo�<ing resolution be

adopted by Counc i.l:

WHEREAS the County By-Law Enforcement Officel." has inspected the lands, buildings or premises legally described as Lot 13, Block 2, Pla.n 1130 BN in the Hamlet of Colinton, within the Province of Alberta.

AND WHEREAS the County By-Law Enforcement Officer has presented to the County Council his inspection report with respect to thc condition of said lands, buildings and premises fo•' the consideration of Council;

AND WHERE.�S r.he County Council has considered the By-Law F.nforcenent Officers report and such other information as was available;

AND WHEREAS the County Council is desirous of preventi.ng and compelling the abatement of nuisances generally and regulating untidy and ��sightly premises l'ithin the County of Athabasca No. 12 through By-La.�< 10-1980;

AND WHEREAS the County Council finds that the conditions of the said lands, bui ldi.ngs and p1·emises contravene By-Lat< 10-1980;

AND WHEREAS the County Council is authorize by By-Law 10-1980 to provide by resolution that the o>mer, agent, lessee, or occupier of the said lands, buildings and premises remedy such conditions on the land in such manner as Council may direct.

NOW, THEREI'ORI!, BE IT RESOLVED 'n!AT: 1.. The lands, buildings and premises lagally desct•i bed as:

Lot 13, Block 2, Plan 1130 BN in the hamlet of Colinton within the pl'Ovince o£ Alberta are hereby found to constitute a nuisance and an untidy and

ightly contravention on By-Law 10-1980.

Page 6908

RegulaT County Council �leeting County of :\thabasca Xo. 12 Tuesday, December 10, 1985

2. The County Council hereby directs and requires MR. LORRY SIMM.St BOX 1172, LAC LA RICHE, AB TOA 2CO {THE OWNER) of the said buildings or premises to carry out the follot,ing �o�ork so as to remedy the ex;sting conditions on the sai.d lands, buildings or premises to the satisfaction of this County council:

a) Deb..-is left fTom the re�oval of an old house, b) Various objects of rubblsh left on the propet'ty be Temoved,

and c) The sa i.d pl'Openy be left in a neat and tidy condition.

3. It is further provided that if MR. LORRY SIJ.t.!'S, BOX 1172, LAC LA BICHE, AB, TOA 2CO of the said lands, buildings or pTemises fails, neglects o·r t'efused 'to cart•y out the t•o·rk specj fi ed in paTagraph 2 of this Tesolutin w; 'thi.n THIRT Y {30) DAYS of deli�·eq of this notice which o;i 11 be the day of , 19 __ , then the appropriate County officer an servants aTe heTehy authorize( and empo"cred to cause the said "ork to be done as the County Council considers necessary to remedy the untidy oT unsightly conditions exi.stjng on 'the :>aid lane: and 'the cost of the "orlc done by the County shall be charged to MR. LORRY SIMMS (THE OWNER} as a deb� due to the municipality �<hich shall be payable in full FIFTEEN (15) DAYS following the completion of the "ork or a 1 ternati vely, such costs shall be considered as taxes due a.nd oo;ing in respect of the said lands and shall be added to the t<.tx roll and recovered as such.

1. The proper officers and servants of the County of Athabasca No. 12 are he�eby authorized and directed to do all things necess<.try to carry out the remedial work to the said lands as se't out in payagra.ph 2 herein and to recover the cost of the said ��ork from MR. LORRY SIMMS (THE OWNER) of the said lands,

Motion carried.

It \�as noved by Councillor Plasha that the foll01<ing resolution be adopted by Councjl:

WHEREAS the County By-La�< Enforcement Officer has inspected the lands, buildings or premises legally described as Lot 4, Block 2, Plan 1604 HW in the Hamlet of Ellscott, l'ithi.n the Province of Alberta,

AND WHEREAS the County By-Lat� Enforcement Officer has presented to the Coun-ry Cou.,cil his inspection report with respect to 'the con�i tion of said lands, buildings and premi.�es foT the consideration of Council;

A.\'ll WHEREAS the County Council has considet'ed the By-LalJ Enforcement Office?�S report and such other information as «as available;

AND WHEREAS the County Council is desirous of preventi.ng and compelling the abatement of nuisances generally and regulating untidy and unsightly premises �<ithin the County of Mhabasca No. 12 thTough By-La�< 10-1980;

ANO WHEREAS the Cotmty Council finds that the concli tions of the said lands, buildings and premises contravene By-Lat� 10-1980;

AND fiHERE.tiS the County Council is authorize by By-la•.- 10-1980 to provi.de by r.esolut:ion that the owner, a.gent. , lessee, or occupier of the said lands, buildings and premises '!'ernedy such condi.t;ons on the land in such manner as Council may direct.

R re

Page 690\)

Regular County Council �·leehng County of Athabasca No. 12 Tuesday, December 10, 1985

are hereby found to constitute a nuisance and an untidy and unsightly premises in contravention on By-Law 10-1980.

2. The County Council hereby dire ct s a.nd requires MRS. TRUDY KING, BOX 510, BOYLE, AB, TOA OMO (THE OWNER) of the said buildings or premises to carry out the following l'ot•k so as to remedy the existing conditions on the sa.id lands, buildings or premises to the satisfaction of this County council: a) Remove the accumulation of lumber piles, h) Remove assorted unused appliances c) And general ruhhi.sh, and the said pro pert y be left in a

neat and tidy condition.

�. It is further provided that if MRS. TRUDY KING OF BOX 510, BOYLE, ALBERTA, TOA OMO (THE OWNER) of t.he said lands, buildings or premises fails, neglects or refused to carry out the work specified in pat•agraph 2 of this resolution within 1HIRTY (30) DAYS of delivery of this notice ''hich �<ill be the day of 19 , then the appropriate County officer and servant·-=s:-::a-:-r-:-e-----hereby authot'izetl anc! empo1·1ered to cause the said work to be done as the County Council considers necessary to rer.tedy the W1tidy or unsightly conditions existing on the said land and the cost of the !'ork done by the County shall be cha,-ged to MRS. TRUOY KING (THE 0\\INER) as a debt due to the municipality l<hich shall be payable in full FIFTEEN (15) DAYS following the completion of the work or alternatively, such costs shall be consi.dered as taxes due and o"1ing in respect of the said lands and shall be added to the tax roll and recovered as such.

4. The proper officers and servants o f the County of Athabasca No. 12 a.re hereby authorized and directed to tlo all thi.ngs necessary to carry out the t'emedi a 1 140t'k to the said lands as set out in paragraph 2 herein and to recover the cost of the said work from MRS. TRUDY lUNG (THE OWNER) of the said lands.

�lotion ca1�ried.

It was moved by Councillot' Patr.y that the following resolution be adopted by Council:

WHERliA.S the County By-Law Enforcement Officer has inspected the lands, buildings or premises leg.!llly described as Lot I to 7, Block 3, Plan 25 HW in the Hamlet of Rochester, within t he Province of Alberta.

AND WHEREAS the County By-Law F.nforcement Officer has -p1•esented to the County Council his inspection report with respect to the condition of said 1a.nds, buildings and prer.tises for the consiceration of Council;

AND WHEREAS the County Council has considered tha lly-La1-1 Enfo1�cement Officers report and such othe·r infornation as was available;

AND WHERR� the County Council is desirous of preventing and cor.tpelling the a .bateme nt of nuisances genet•ally and regulating untidy and unsightly premises within the County of Athabasca )lo. 12 through By-f,aw 10-1980;

AND WHERRi\.S the County Council finds that the conditions of the said lands, buildings and premises contravene By-Law 10-1980;

A.\'D WHEREAS the County Council is authorize by !ly-Lal< 10-1980 to provide by resolution that the owner, agent, lessee, or occupier of the said lands, buildings and premises remedy such conditions on the land in such manner as Council may c!i rect.

NOW, 1HEfl.EFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THA.T: 1 . The lands, buildings and pt·emises legally described as:

Et�c----Page 6910


Administration Building:



Roy Jones and T om Van Hout:

Regula'(' County Council Meeting County of Athabasca No. 12 Tuesday, December 10, 1985

Lots 1 to 7, Block S, Plan 25 HW in the hanllet of Rochester with in the province of Alberta are hereby found to constitute a nuisance and an untidy and unsightly premises in contravention on By-Law 10-1980.

2. The County Council hereby directs and requires MR. JULIUS PUN((O OF BOX 97, ROCHESTER, ALBERTA TOG lZO (THE OWNER) of the said buildings or premises to carry out the following !'ork so as to remedy the existing conditions on the said lands, buildings ot' premi.ses to the satisfaction of this County council:

a.) That all cars, trucks, assorted farm machinery, stot'age tanks and

b) Other a.ssorted debris resulting from the past opera.tion of a COlnr.1erc ia l Garage to be removed, and

c) The said property be left in a neat and tidy condition.

3. It is fut'ther provided that if MR. JULIUS PUNKO OF BOX 97, ROCHESTER, ALBI!RTA, TOG lZO (TilE OWNER) of the said lands, buildings or -prenises fails, neglects or refuse<l to ca·rry out the �<ork specified in paragraph 2 of this 'resolution •;i thin THlRTY (30) DAYS of delivery of this notice •�hich 1dll be the da.y of 19 , then the appropriate County officer and se•�vant-= s--=a"" r""e __ _ hereby authorized and empo••e:r.erl to C<tuse the said �<ork to bG done a.s the County Council consi<le:r.s llecessary to remedy the untidy Ot' unsightly conditions existing on the sa.id land and the cost of the >;ork clone by the County shall be charged to MR. JULIUS PUNKO ('fliE OWNER) as a debt due to the municipality �<hi ch shall be payable in full FIFTEEN (15) DAYS follol<ing the completion of the work or alternatively, such costs shall be considered as taxes due and o�>i.ng in respect of the said lands and shall be added to the tax roll and recovered as such.

4. The proper officers and servants of the County of :\thabasca Xo. 12 are hereby authorized and directed to do all things necessar.y to carr.y out the remedial work to the said lands as set out in paragraph 2 herein and to recover the cost of the said ''ork from MR. JULIUS PUNKO (TH£ OIINER) of. the said lands.

t'fotion cat'r:ied.

Assistant Coun'ty Secretary l�oodwa.rd reported that the contract •<1 th C & I Consulting has not yet been signed. Burning is currGntly taking place for the installation of utilities.

Administrator C. Cutforth requested clarification from Council on staff involvenent regarding the Adninistration Building. Reeve Kosti�< informed Mt'. Cu'tforth that staff invol vcmcnt is for inspec'ti on purposes only.

It l'as moved by Councillor l'lasha that the meeting be adjourned at 12:00 t.o be reconvened at 1 : 0 0 /U<J.

Hotion carried.

Reeve Kosti1� reconvened the meeting at 1 : 0 5 At<1 with all Counci1lo1'S present.

It •�as moved by Councillor Keith to meet as a. committee of the •�hole at 1:05PM.

Hotion carriet.l.

-- � , . .c;::2 �nistrator

Page 6911

Regular County Council Meetil\g County of Athabasca �o. 12 Tuesday, Oeceaber 10, 1985

It was moved by Counci llor Patry to reconvene as Council at 11:17 P�1.

�lotion carried.

P�esent Administration Building Tendering : tt 1�as r.toved by Councillor Lewis to proceed with Public Tender on

Lots 17, 18, 19 and 20, Block 6, Plan 86725 (County Off ice Property) ancl that this property be tendered as either the complete packu.ge or any portion thereof.

REPORTS: Public Works Repon:


Motion carried.

Don .Morris, Public ll'orks Superintendent reported on the work that is currently taking place.

!t was moved by Councillor Keith to concur tdth the recommendation of the Public ll'orks Superintendent that the Public l�orks Deapartr.tent be closed fron Dccenber 24, '1985 to January 2, 1986 except f.or personnel to remain on duty to anst�er telephones on Decer.tber 27, .30 and 31, 1985. The personnel schedule is to be approved by the Public ll'orks Committee.

Motion ca:rrieu.

Ron Clark and Morris Nildpe lo, Boyle Seed Cleaning Plant: Mr. Clo.rk an� Mr. Nikipelo attended the County Council meeting to

requ est funding for the upgrading of. the lloyle Seed Cleaning Plant Coop for 1985.

Ron Clarl::, Proposed Boyle

Day Care Centre:


Municipal Hospital Purchase:

It was moved by Councillor Flasha. that Council proceed t�ith paying the County's share of. the funding for Boyle Seed Cleaning Plant upg·rac!ing in the 1986 calendar yea.r.

�lotion carried.

Nr. Clarl:: inforned Council of the intentions to forn a day care centre in the Village of Boyle, possibly in conjunction 1\'ith tho seniors lodge and requested Council's expertise in this matter.

Councillor Richards, representative of the Trail 'iorth Foundation, offered to invite Mr. Clark to the next meeting of the Trail Xorth Foundation.

Assistant County Secretary l'loodh·ard reported that he has spoken to Mr. Lloyd Chamberlain, Barrister, who has agreed t o act as the agent of the County to ensure the transfer of the property tal::es pl ace .

Administrator Cutforth advised he will contact �he Acting Administrator of the Hospital to co�firm what has heen done regarding the sale of thj s property.

Colint011 Reservoir:Reove Kostiw reported that the plans of Tritek Engineering and Mr. Crah'ford have been given to Mr. Nichols of Utili tics and 1'elecom:uunications for hi1

;. ieeve

Page 6912

. ..

Fire Commission Report:


Regular County Council Meeting County of Athabasca No. 12 Tuesday, Decemher 10, 1985

Administrator Cutfot"th wa.s directed to contact Mr. D. Shillabeer of the �1unicipal Utilities Division of UUlit\es and Telccor.ununications.

The matter of the Fire Club delegation, which appeared at the Council JOeeting of C'(ovemher 26, 1985 was tabled to the next County Council Sleeting.

Agriculture Board:


Budge t and finance CoiDilittee:

1'4anagemcnt Collllllittee:

Public Works Report:

Staff Liason CODUIIi. t tee :

Disaster Services Col11lllittee:

Councillor Johnson reported that December 19, 1985 at 9:00 A.\f.

the next meeting is scheduled for

Councillor Lewis reported that the next meeting 1dll be held on Decenber 16, 1985 at 10:00 ��-

It was moved by Councillor Patry to concur with thCl recor.\J1lendation of the Budget and Finance Com�ittee that any over-expenditures be carried over to 1986 allocation of funds.

Motion carried.

There "·as nothing further to report at this time.

It was moved by Councillor Keith to continue with the lease of the survey equipment from R. Keglowi tsch to Janua.ry 1, 1986 and that the listed equipment be purchased follo1dng Jo.nuary 1, 1986 for the price of $8,750.00.

Motion carried.

Councillor Jllasha reported that l>ublic Works Committee meetings will be held every second Priday.

Councillor Richards repot·ted that the last mooting of the Staft Liason �as hnld to discuss the plans for the Christmas Party.

There �;as nothing fut"ther to repor.t a.t this ti.l!le.

Economic Development COIIllllittee: There was nothing further to report at this time.

Atha.basca General Hospital:

Boylo General Hospital:

Atha.basca Health Unit:

Greater North Foundation:

Councillor Richards reported that the facts concerning the resi.gnQ.tion of the Hospital AdministratoT will be released upon completion of the audit, �hich is now taking place.

Councillor Flasha reported that the Boyle General Hospital is still looking for a doctor, and that they are considering some renovations and a closed ambulance entrancCl.

Councillor Lewis reported that the annual meeting �ill be held in January, 1986.

Councillor R.i chards reported that a meeting was held on December 9, 1.985, and the possiblity of changing audit firms was discussed. The Foundation has requested that the requi.sitions be received earlier this )'jear , cv�if they have to be estimated.

z. zi:L

Family and Community Support Services:

Boyle Seed Cleaning Plant:

County Recreation

Regular County Council �!eeting County of Athabasca No. 12 Tuesday, December 10, 1985

There \�as nothing further to report at thj s time .

Councillor Flasha requested that some of the Councillors attend the next conference to be held in �dmonton.

It l<as moved by Councillor Keith ths.t all of the Agriculture Servic� Board members be a.ut.horizcd to attend the next convcmtion regarding Seed Cleaning plants.

�lotion carried.

Board: There �as nothing further to report at this time.

Regional Recreation & Further Education Board: Councillor Patry reported that the Coordinator is lea\�ng for a

period of 2 months for holidays .

Midnight Twilight Association:

Trail North Foundation:

Agric:ul tural Developl:lent Committee:

Toudst Councillor Kostiw reported that the County hosted the December 1 , 1985 meeting of t h e Midnight Twilight Tourist Association.

Councillor Kosti w reported that the next neeting �<ill be held in January.

There was nothing further to report at this time.

Airport Coumtission:There ��as nothing further to report at this tine.

Brick School Centre:

County Library Board:

Athabasca Landing Pool Association:

Boyle Senior Citizens Lodge:

Fire Col:llllission:

Councillor Le�is reporte� that a meeting was held on November 26, 1985 and a budget meeting on December 9, 1983.

Cowcillor Lewis infor�:�ed Council that the billing for the Brick School Centre .for the paving of t.he street in front of the building totals $11,371.00.

Councillor Kostiw reported that a 1:1ecting of the Libra.ry Board will be held in Dece�ber.

There was nothing further to report at this ti�e.

Councillor Bcncharsky expressed concern that the funding is not being t'eccived at an early date .

There was nothing further to report at this time.

Keeve _

l'age 6914

Regular County Council Meeting County of Athabasca No. 1.2 Tuesday, December 10, 1985

Community Transportation Committee: It is to be noted tho Councillor Richards was absent during the

<iiscussion ancl voting on the next item.


AOJOURNlffiN'f :

Councillor Lewis presented Councillors �ith a copy of the minutes of the last meeting and discussed the purchase of a ne1� vehicle and the sahry of the Coordina.tor.

It was moved by Councillor Lewis that the salary of the Comnunity transportation Coordina.tor, Mrs. Oo·reen Richards, be increased f·ro\'ll $100. to S210. per month, effective iumed1ately.

Motion ca1•ried.

It ��as noved by Councillor Le•;is that, if the CoUL'Uunity Transportation Com�ittec finds it necessary to purchase a bus, the County will pick up the shortfall <lnd charge a favore.ble rate of interest.

Mol:ion carried.

lt was moved by Councillor Bencharsky to approve the accoUl'ltS of November 29, 1985.

Motion carried.

It was moved by Councillor �atoga to adjourn the meeting at 2:40 PM, to be reconvened on December 18, 1985 at 10:00 A.\t.

�lotion carried,

Page 6915




Regular County Council �1eeting County of Athabasca No. 12 Continuation of December 10, 1985 l'lednesda}', December 18, 198 5

Reeve Kostiw; Councillors Richards, Matoga, Kci th, Patry, Leh·is, Johnson(AM), Flasha; County Administrator C. Cutforth; Reco ruing SeC'r.etary J. Kryvenchuk

Reeve Kosti14 reconvened the meeti ng of Dece mbeT 10, 1985 at 10: OS AM.

Administration Buj ldi ng :. Reeve Kosti1� reported that the p iles are being set in place, with some problem baing incurred with rocks.

Municipal Hospital Purchase

Colinton Reservoir

�dministrator Cutforth reported that Acting Hospital Administrator 11111 agreed to provide a list of assets as soon as possi�le, and to arrange the title transfer.

Reeve Kosb�> reported that a letter has bc(m received from Uti U ties and Tcleconm��icat\ons, indicating that funding has bee� approved '€or the Hanlet of Colinton l�ater Systems Improvement.

T t �<liS moved by Co unci llo:r Pa t�y to a.ccept the Trite k Engineering proposa.l for Colinton Reservo:i.'r. a.nd to get firm quotes on sod·ium rer.tova 1 .

Motion carriec.

Discussion took place regarding tho costs incurred by Frank Crawford in heating the current water reservoir. The Public Works Committee were di rec ted to discuss this matte� wit h Mr. Crawforu.

Amisk Lake Traile� Park Miscellaneou s Lease ApPlication -� lette·r h'as recei vee from Aml.sk l,ake Trailer Park solJ ci tor requesting that this lease application be further r.eviewed.

It was moved by Councillor Keith that Council recommend an extension of 15 years to the existing lease for Ar.tisk Lake Tr.ailer Park.

Motion carried.

Fire Co�ssion Repo�t


Ad.ministratio:� was directed to set up a neeting of Councillors t<nd fire Chiefs for January, 1986.

Athabasca landing Pool Association Councillor Keith requested that he be removed £:rom the Board of the I.anding Pool Association. This matter 1�ill be further discusseu at the next Council meeting.

Black Fly Steering Co�ittee Councillor Matoga inforaed Council that the report will be out shortly.

Summer Village of Bondiss There was nothing further to ·repor.t at this ti:nc.

Steering Committee--Caslan/North Buck Lake


Councillor Lewis informeu Council that the report on this study should be available shortly.

Alberta Public Safet am A to request funding for the


Page 6916

Regular County Counc:i.l �teeting County of Athabasca No. 12 Continua�ion of December 10, 1985 Wednesday, Deccmb�r 18, 1985

Energy and Natural Resources Lotter--Re: Unauthorized Clearing Adr.tinistra.tion was instructed to inform Energy and Xatural Resources that the unautho·rizec! clearing on N\'1-11-68-24, Sl�-18-6 8-23 and S�-13-68-24 will be reclaimed and restored by the Local Councillor, Utili.�ies O€ficer and th e Public l�orks c!epa.rtment.

ID Request for Dog Remo��l--Calling Lake C orresp on den ce �<as received fr.ont ID 17 request ing that the By-Law llnforcement Officer from the County of Athabasca remove the um�anted dogs from the Calling Lake area.

It •<as r.toved by Counci llor Keith that Administration inform ID 1.7 that the duties of the By-l.aw Enforcement Officer al'e too involved to allow fol' the W1dertaking of the removal of the dogs from the Calling Lake area.

�lotion carried.

Freda Goodall--SE-16-67-24-w4 Correspondence received fron �lrs. Goodall in regards to this property o;as discussed by Counc i.l.

It was moved by Counci llot' Patry that Administration be authorized to negotiate with Mrs. Freda Goodall reganting the damages on the existing roud of Sl'i%-16-67-24-<;4.

Motion carried unanimously.

Divisional Boundaries Discussion took p la.ee r eg<>rding the ef.fecti.ve date of the ne1� divisional boundat'ies. It \ifas the decision of Council th<>t divisiona.l boundaries be effective in October, 1986 for the next municipal election.

Formal maps of the new divisional boLU'ldarics are to be presented t•i th the Annua 1 Report.

Cancellation of Taxes--Baptiste Lake Farms Assistant County Secretary l�oodward informed Council tha.t according to Saction 63.1 of the l'lunicipal Taxation Act, the taxes on J.l. -16-66-21\-«4 are ch<>ngec from Vac ant Residential to Agt'icul tural Farmland.

It was moved by Councillor Patry to appeal the taxation a.ssessenent on LL-16-66-24-"'4 at the Court of Revi sion for 1986.

�lotion carrie d.

Cancellation of Mobile llome License Fee--Neil and David Strong

Payment of Fire

Assistant Secretary \'iood1�ard informed Council that correspondence had been t'eceived requesting that the mobile home license fees on Xoil and David Strong's mobile homes be cancelled, as they are a part of the fa1'ming operation. It was the recommendati.on of J, L. l�oodward that this ca.nce llation be granted.

It was moved by Councillor Lewis �hat Council concur 1�ith the reconmendation of Assistant Secreta.ry IVood•;ard that the mobile home license fees on th e homes of �eil and David Strong be cancelled.

:'<lotion carried.

Guardians It ��as moved by Councillor Keith that Council pay the f; re guardians an honora.rium o€ $100.00 for the f ir e season.

�lot ion c an i ed,

By-Law 41-198$--Road Closure 1 t was :ooved by Counc i.llor r eading.

( t� . � / ;\ ;r p&c s

Johnson to give lly-Lal·l 41-1985 first

Page 6917

Regular County Council Meeting County of Athabasca �o. 12 Continuation of Decembe� 10, 1985 l'iednesday, December 18, 1985

TTansalta. Utilities--Pole Moves It •;as moved by Councillol." Patt'Y tha1: the matter of pole moves from

Transalta llti.U'ties be referred to the Public l�orks Committee for investigation, to report back at the next regular Coun'ty Counci 1 meeting.

�·lotion carried.

Private Telephone Line for Public Works Superintendent It •�as the recommendation of County !\dmi ni stra tor Cutforth that Council pay for the installation of a private line to the home of the Public Works superintendent.

It was moved by Councillo1� Lel'is that Council not pay for the installation of a private telephone line to the residence of the Public Works


Motion defeated.

Andy Anderson Letter


This item \�as referred 1:0 the Agricultural Service Board to be dealt 1<i th in due cou·rse.

Reeve Kosti�< was in vi ted to ans1·1e·r telephones on the Celebrity Panel for the Associated Canadian Travellers on Pebruary 1 and 2, 1986 for the Telerama '86.

Th:i.s item 1�as presented for informati.on only.

Conference o£ Reeves and Mayors--St. Albert


It 1�as moved by Councillor Keith that Reeve Kostil< be authorized to attend the Reeves and Mayors conference to be held in St. Albort on January 17 and 18, 1986.

�1ot ion carried.

(nlvert 1 mile West, 1 mile North of Grassland


I1: \'as moved by Councillor Plasha that the local Councillor be authorized to approve the action requi:red to resolve this matter.

!'lotion carried.

Cro� Lease Application--Pt. NE-7-65-2-w4 An application for a miscellaneous lease Has received from Energy and Natural Resources for Council's considera.tion.

I1: \4as moved by Councillor. Flasha that Council express no objection to the Crown Lease Application on Part of NF,-7-65-22-1�4, provided current County set-back standards of 234 feet from the centre line of a numbet'ec! highway can be r.tet.

)lotion carried.

County Owned Vehicles It \4as moved by Councillor Let<is that all County employees �<ho have the privilege of taking home County vehicles have this privilege cur'tai led as of ,JanU<.trY 1, 1986.

It l<as moved by Councillor Keith that this item be tabled to the next regula.- County Council meeting, pending further i.nformation regarding cost of taking tt·ucks home as compa�ed to the cost of paying milea.ge to personnel.

�lotion car.ri.ed.

Reeve ��l�Ys"� to�- --·-(

Page 6918

Poohlmann Request

Regula-.: County Councjl :-!eetlng County of Athabasca No. 12 Continuation o f December 10, 1985 l�cdnesday, December 18, 1.9� 5

This item wns tabled to the next regular Count)' Council roee-cing.

PUBLIC WORKS Spectrolab Proposal

It was moved by Councillor Flasha t o table this item to the next regular County Council neeting.

Motion carried.

High Water at Narrow Lake

Road Priorities

Arson Rys invoice

Bnoshing PrograJJ.


It was moved by Councillor Le•ds that the County of Athabasca :\o. 12 contact the University of Alberta and D. Sparrow, the Associate �1inister of Public Lands and Wildlife expressing objections to the proposal of phosphating Narrow Lake.

:-lotion carried.

It •<as moved by Councillor Matoga that this item be tabled to the next regular County Council meeting.

Motion carried.

It was moved by Councillor Keith to pay Arson Rys $1000 out of Oivision t4's backsloping budget, pending Public Works investigation and approva 1.

County Administra.tor C . B . Cutforth infot'med Council, at this point, that divisiona.l budgetting and spending is contra.ry to Section 262 of the Municipal Government o\Ct.

It "as moved by Councillor �!atoga that this item be tabled to the Janua.ry 14, 1986 meeting , and that this invoice be investigated to ascertain if it ,,·as previously paid.

)lotion carried.

County Administrator Cutforth infotmed Council of a pt'oblem •�here a grader operator did some brushing and was compensated at $5.00 per hour and further, that this �<ork was unauthorized.

As a point of clarification, Public l�orks Chairman Flasha informed Council that grader operators were direct�d that, if authorized by tho Councillor, grader operators could do brushing, signing and !larking of culverts , etc. at grader operators 11·ages.

It ,,·as moved by Councillor l<eith that no work be a.uthor.ized by Councillors regarding grader operators until a wage rate and standards to handle such problems have been developed, excepting emergency iter.ts and regular grading.

)lotion carried.

It h'liS !lOVed by Councillor Patry to adjourn at 12:00, to reconvene at 1 :JO PM.

Motion ca·rried.

Reeve Kostiw reconvened the meeting at 1:1.5 P�!.

By-Law 42-1985--ApPointment of County Administrator It »'aS moved b)' Councillor Keith to give By-La�< 42-1985 first reading.


Motion carried.

co7y A m1n 1 strat.or

Page b919

Regular County Council Meeting

County of Athabasca No. 12 Continuation of December 10, 1985 �ednesday, Dece�ber 18, 198B

It was moved by Councillor nasha to give By-La.w 42-1985 second Teading .

Motion carried.

It was moved hy Councillor Patry that By-La•� 42-1985 p:roceed to third reauing .

�lotion carried ummir.•ously.

It Nas moved by Councillor �!a.toga. that By-Law 42-1985 be given third and final reacing.

Motion carried unanimously.

Reeve Kostiw administered the Oath of Office to County Administrator Charlie B. Cutforth.

S�er Village of Island Sewage Lagoon Administrator Cutforth recommended that Council advise the Sur.uncr Village of T.sland Lake that no objection be voiced , subject to approval from the .Standards and Approvals B>:anch Alberta Environment.

It was moved by Councillor Patry to concur with the recommenrla.tion af Administration that no objection be voiced rega.rding the location of the Sewage Lagoon a1: the Summer Village of Island Lake, subject to appro,,al from the Standards and Approval Branch of Alberta Environment.

�otion carried.

Colinton Sewage Lagoon It •vas moved by Councillor Lewis that .'ldninistration request Utilities and Telecommunica.tions to i.nvestigatc the possibility of <lumping ra•� sewage into the Co linton sewage lagoon.

Motion carried.

It was moved by Councillor Hatoga to meet as committee-of-the-�<hole.

�lotion carried.

It �·as moved by Councillor Keith to reconvene as the Count}' Council


Motion carried.

Preliminary Agreements : f t was moved by Councillor Patry to approve the follm1ing preliminaries:

The Afri.can Methodist Episcopal Church of Wilberforce Wilberforce, Ohio Northerly 17 feet of the land descx-l.bed 1mder certificate title 41131.-P-58, amounting to 0.22 Ac., being part of the Nl'/%-15-66-20-w4

For the purpose of survey and construction of a road. Consideration : $5i.20 for 0 . 2 2 Ac.

Norman and Jean Benson Box 102 Rochester, AB The Northerly 66.5 Feet of the N�-17-62-24-� For the purpose of survey and construction of a road. Consideration: $�00 per acre .

SlOO per extra strand of wire (1 mile of fence) Sl,OOO per � mile of fence


Spruce Trees must be t�ansplanted --a sum of S25.00 must be paid. --a sum of ,�2:;0.00 must be paid for garden

.l?lot .

. �.¢�· . _., 2oF� �.\dmini��rator ..

Page 6920


Janet Fix Rochester AB �-16-62-24-w4

Regular County Council �eeting County of Athabasca No. 12 Continuation of December 1 0 , 1985 �ednesday, Decemher 18, 1986

Seventeen feet in width more or less along the North boundary of the «bove r.tentioned lands for the purpose of upgrading SR 66.1 . For the purpose of su·rvey and construction of upgra.ding of SR 661. Consideration: Lane! required shall he paid for at the rate of &500

Sonia Pix Sox 88 Rochester, AB SEI(-24-62-2S-w4

per acre.

The Souther})' 66.5 feet of the Si;l&-24-62-2S-w4 excepting thereout road plans 6241 RS and 243 CL. For the purpose of survey and construction of a road. Considero:t.ion: SSOO per acre

Rhonda Jenkins Box 68 Grassland, AB

S25 for each planted tree to he removed. (Council ' s stipulation--Maxioum of 15 trees.) ih'alnage along highway to be improved as pracTical .

SW and SE-33-68-17-w4 The Southerly 33 feet of the Sl'l'ls-33-68-17-w4 and the lVesterly 33 feet of the South�rly 33 feet of the SE\i-33-68-17-1<4 containing approximately 2.00 ac. more DT less. For the purose of surver and construction of a road. Consideration : Sl.OO

Louis Nimco Box 44 Colinton. AB S"-30 and NW-19-64-21-w4 For brushing and backsloping along the west boundary. For the purpose of survey of backsloping and construction of a slope. Consideration: $ 1 . 0 0 for trespassing.

$500.00 for fencing along west boundary of the SE-3!)-64-21-w4.

Motion carried.

It was moved b)' Councillor Flash a to approve the increment for �lr . �ilber Kerr, grader operator.

Motion carried.

It was moved by Councillor Keith to pay Lloyd Flemmer, grader operator the regular grader operator' s rates for the disputed hours of burning brush.

�lotion carried.

DELEGATION: Joe Jewell Reeve Kostiw presented Mr. Joe Jewell and fa�ily with a bear skin for the cahin, on behalf of the County Council and the School Board.

Mr. JCtvell 'l'equested that Counci 1 investigate the possiblili ty of cancelling the road allowance between the Nl\'-8-66-22-•,·4 and the NE-7-66-22-w4.

Council instructed Administration to investigate this request.


Page 6921

Regular CoLmty Council Meeting County of Atha.basca No. 12 Continuation of DeceoheT 10, 1985 Wednesday, December 18, 1 9 8 5




� 'L Gushta reviewed the �iunicipat Budget �<ith Council .

It �<as moved by Councillor Keith to approve the accounts of Xovember 2 9 and Noven1ber :;o, 1985.

Motion carried unanir.1ously.

It �<as noved by Councillor Flasha to adjourn at 3 : 0 0 PM


�lotion carried.

,. ;.-. 6:=:: :.� -£': . .

/ . t'ol1:9'ty Administrator

/ Page 6922

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