j nucl med 1986 verreault 1706 9

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  • 8/19/2019 J Nucl Med 1986 Verreault 1706 9


    leural effusions occur in 5 to 10 of patients w ith

    cirrhosis of the liver (1 ). In these patients, ascites is

    usually evident but a pleural effusion m ay develop in a

    cirrh otic p atien t in the ab sen ce o fd etectab le ascites (2 ).

    The e ffu sio ns a re u su ally rig ht-s id ed , b ut ma y b e b ila t

    eral or left-sided. The precise mechanism of fluid ac

    cum ulation is not clear.

    We describe a case w here a periton eopleural com

    m unication has been dem onstrated by radioisotopic

    meth od . T he p ossib le mec han ism s in vo lv ed in th e fo r

    mation of pleural effusion in liver cirrhosis are dis



    A 5 4-y r-o ld w hite fem ale w as admitte d for p ro gressiv e

    d ys pn ea o f re ce nt o nse t a nd sig ns o f u pp er re sp ira to ry in fe c

    tion. H er past history included a background of considerable

    a lc oh ol in ge stio n, a nd a d ia gn os is o f L ae nn ec c irrh osis h ad

    b ee n p re vio us ly made by l iv er b io ps y.

    On a dm iss io n, th e p atie nt lo ok ed c hro nic ally ill. S he was

    afe brile w ith reg ular pu lse rate o f 1 20 /mm an d a b lo od p res

    su re o f 1 80 /1 00 . T here w ere c lin ical sign s o f cirrh osis and

    fra nk ja un dic e. C he st e xamin atio n re ve ale d e vid en ce fo r a

    m as siv e rig ht p le ura l e ffu sio n. O th er p hy sic al fin din gs in

    Rece ivedDec . 13 , 1985; revis ion accepted Apr . 23 , 1986.

    For r ep rin ts c on ta ct: J ea n Ve rr ea ul t, MD, Dept. o f Nucle ar

    Medicine,Centre Hospital ier Universitaire,Sherbrooke, Qué bec,

    Canada, J 1H-5N4.

    c lu de d e nla rg ed liv er a nd e vid en ce o f fre e liq uid in th e p en

    tonea l cavity.

    The ches t x -r ay demonst ra ted a l ar ge r igh t p leu ra l e ff us ion .

    Othe r l abo ra to ry t es ts we re compa ti bl e wi th l ive r c i rr hosi s and

    t ox ic e ff ec ts o fa lcoho l. Tho racen te si s r eveal ed a f lu id t ha t had

    t he char ac te ri st ic s o fa t ransuda te a s d id a s amp le o f pent oneal

    f lu id . Fo rt y- ei gh t hour s a ft er t he t ho racen te si s o f 1 ,800cc , t he

    r igh t p leu ra l space was compl et el y r ef il led (Fi g. 1 ).

    T o p ro ve th at rig ht p le ura l e ffu sio n was re la te d to a sc ite s,

    5 mCi of technetium -99m (@mT c) s ulfur colloid w as injected

    with a se ptic te chni qu e i nt o t he ri gh t l owe r a bdom in al c av ity .

    A se ria l im ag in g stu dy was d on e in a nte rio r v iew a t in te rv als

    of 5 mm for 30 mm and at 2 and 24 hr postinjection (F ig. 2).

    Image s we re obta in ed on a l ar ge f ie ld -o f-v iew c ame ra w ith a n

    a ll-p urp ose , p ara lle l c ollim ato r. A t 2 h r th e ra dio co llo id a p

    peared in the right hemithorax and at 24 hr activity w as

    fu rth er in cre as ed . It c on firm ed th e p re se nc e o f a p erito ne o

    p le ur al c ommunic ati on . Th e p atie nt r es pond ed we ll to medi

    ca l the rapy and pleura l e ffus ion reso lvedcomple te ly in 10



    The a ssoc ia ti on o fhyd ro thor ax with hepat ic c ir rhos is

    h as b een reco gn iz ed fo r man y y ears b ut th ere h as b een

    much spe cu la ti on a s to its o rig in .

    In 1947, H ig gins and his colleagues suggested that

    p le ura l e ffu sio n was r ela te d to th e fa ll in th e c on ce nt ra

    tio n of plasm a pro teins (3). In 1958, M orrow , K antor

    and A rm en suggested that the fluid m ight com e from

    the blood stream as a result of hypoalbum inem ia or

    17 6 Verreault epageBissontal

    The J ou rn al o f Nuc le ar M ed ic in e

    Case Reports

    Ascites and Right

    Pleural Effusion: Demonstration

    of a Pentoneo P leural Communica tion

    Jean V erreault, Serge L epage, G uy B isso n, and A nd re Plante

    D ep artm en ts o fN uc ea r M ed icin e a nd In terna l M ed icin e C entre H osp ita lier U niversita ire

    Unive r si ty o fShe rbrooke She rbrook e Québe c Canada

    A 54-yr -o ldfemale wi th known l ive rci rrhos is presen ted wi th a r igh t t r ansuda tive pleura l

    e ffus ion and asc ites . To f ind the source of p leura l f luid, [@“TcJsuIfurolloidwas injected

    int ra pe ri tone al lyand a ser ia l imag ings tudy r evea led i ts pas sage to the r igh tp l eu ra l spac e on

    2-hr and 24-hr images. M echanisms proposed in the formation of pleural effusion in liver

    c irrh osis a re (a ) lymp ha tic d ra in ag e a nd (b ) d ia ph ra gm atic d efe ct. R ad io iso to pe m ig ra tio n

    speed m ay be a clue for differentiating these tw o m echanism s, being m ore rapid in the

    presence of a d iaphragmatic de fect .

    J NucIMed 27:17 6—17 9986

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  • 8/19/2019 J Nucl Med 1986 Verreault 1706 9


    bum in from the peritoneal to pleural spaces in a patient

    with rig ht h ep atic h yd ro th ora x. The a uto ps y s howed no

    g ross def ec t i n the r ight d ia ph ragm.

    S in ce lymphatic s a re mo re a bund an t in th e rig ht th an

    Â £ in the left diaphragm 10 , this m echanism m ight ex

    p la in tha t hepat ic hyd ro thor ax a re more f re quen tl y r ight

    sided. In addition to this, Leak (1 1) used electron

    m icroscopy to show that pores of 4—1 @ zn diam eter

    exi st between meso thel ia l c el ls a nd d iaph ragma ti c lym

    phatics. They provide a system of open channels

    th ro ugh whic h flu id s a nd c ells may ra pid ly b e remove d

    from th e sero us cav ities . What remain s u nclear is h ow

    and why the fluid leaves the lym phatic system and

    en ters th e pleu ral sp ace instead o fbe in g exp elled to ward

    the larg er collecting vessels. It m ay result from lym

    pha ti c sys tem ove rload (12 ).

    There is strong evidence to support the tw o m ech

    anism s. W e think that each of these can explain the

    form atio n of hyd rothorax from ascites depending on

    the c ase. Lymphat ic d ra inage i sp r obably the f ir st mech

    an ism to o ccu r in rea ctio n to th e p resen ce o f asc ites. It

    can be th e w ay by w hich hydrothorax w ill be fo rm ed if

    there is an overload of the lym phatic system . If it is

    insufficient, the abdom inal pressure increases and m ay

    c au se s ub se qu en t ru pt ure o fth e d ia ph ra gm . One obje c

    tion to this assum ption m ay be that pleu ral effusion s

    c an be p re sent i n l iver c ir rhos is w ithou t a sc it es . I n the se

    cases, th e altern ativ e ex plan atio n is th at th ere is co n

    genital diaphragm atic w eakness caused by an insuffi

    dent deposition of muscle and tendon bundles. W e

    p ropo se d th at th e c lu e to d is tin gu is h b etwee n th es e two

    mechanisms may be the use of radioisotope injected

    i nt ra pe ri tone al ly a s we d id .

    Indeed, w hen w e assum e that the radiocolloid in

    jected intrapentoneally is m ixed w ith ascites fluid and

    consider that its m igration from peritoneal to pleural

    space w as right sided as w as the pleural effusion, w e

    c an p re sume th at th ere i s a re la tio ns hip b etwee n a sc ite s

    fluid and pleural effusion. Furtherm ore, our proposal

    extends to the tim e required to show accum ulation of

    the agent in the pleural space. If it happens within a

    few minutes, as it was reported by Faiyaz and Goyal

     13 , a diaphragmatic defect isprobably present partic

    u la rl y when the a ccumu la ti on i s a s int en se a s per it onea l

    activity. If it takes a longer period of time as was seen

    fo r o ur p atie nt, th e p erito ne op le ura l c ommunic atio n

    may b e a ttrib ute d to d ia ph ra gmatic l ympha tic s p artic

    u la rly w hen th at accumu latio n is less in ten se th an p er

    itoneal activity.

    Such a study can b e done either by the use of[@mTc1

    sulfu r c oll oid o r [9 9mTc]ma cro aW@ted a lb um in . The

    ra dio ph arm ac eu tic al c an b e in je cte d in tra pe rito ne ally

    at the end of th e usual diagno stic or therap eutic p eri

    toneal puncture. It can show the source of pleural

    effusions in liver cirrhosis and also in patients w ith

    peritoneal dialysis (14). W e postulate that the speed at



    hypertension in the azygous and hem iazygous system s

    or be second ary to ascites either by direct p assage of

    fluid through a diaphragm atic defect or by its transport

    t hr ough the d iaph ragma ti c lymphat ic s ( 4) .

    H ypoproteinem ia as a sole cause can be elim inated

    for there are many patients, cirrhotic or not, w ho have

    lo w serum pro tein lev els b ut n ev er d eve lop h yd ro th orax

     5 . I fazygous hypertension ispresent due to col laterals

    b etw een th is sy stem an d th e p ortal sy stem , tran su datio n

    of fluid into the chest m ight appear. However, this

    can no t ex plain h yd ro th orax o ccu rrin g in Meig s sy n

    drom e w here there is no portal hypertension. The m ost

    probable explanation is that hydrothorax is derived

    d irectly from the perito neal flu id eith er th ro ug h a d efect

    in the diaphragm or through the lymphatic channels

    th at p en etra te it.

    A t l ea st t hr ee s tudi es ( 6—8)have p rovided evidenc e

    that hydrothorax com plicating cirrhosis is generated

    from a sc ite s t hro ugh a d ia ph ra gmatic d efe ct a cqui re d

    a s a re su lt o f in cre as ed in tra -a bdom in al p re ss ure . This

    has been dem onstrated eith er by rap id passage of d ye

    from th e ascites in to th e p leu ral effu sio n, in du ctio n o f

    a hyd ropn eumothora x by th e in tra -a bdom in al in sti lla

    tion of oxygen, thoracoscopy, or by necropsy findings.

    The other m echanism proposed in literature is that

    p erit on ea l flu id p as se s to th e p le ura l s pa ce th ro ugh th e

    diaphragm atic lym phatics. Johnston and Rodolfo (9)

    support it by the dem onstration of unidirectional trans

    port of carbon particles and radioiodinated serum al

    FIGURE 1

    Chest x-ray showing large r igh tp leura le f fus ion

    Volume27 •umber11 •ovember1986


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  • 8/19/2019 J Nucl Med 1986 Verreault 1706 9


    ,) s

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    @ 1






    .@ :

    @ ::@

    FIGURE 2

    Serial anteriorimaging study of abdomen and thorax. A:5 mm, B: 30 mm, C: 2 hr. D:24 hrafter intraperitonealinjection

    of [@‘TcJsuffuro lloid.Migrationof radio iso tope is seen on 2 hr(C)and 24 hr(D)images

    w hic h the radio iso to pe m ig rate s from pe rito ne al to

    pl eural space may be a c lue for di ff erenti ati on be tween

    the two pathophy sio lo gic al mechani sms propo sed in

    the l iterature . Such a di ff erenti ati on may inf luence the

    patient's tre atment. If trans it time i s rapid, a macro

    sco pic diaphrag matic defect co uld be so ug ht. If transit

    is slow, o nly medic al tre atm ent has to be c ontemplate d.


      Picker In ternational H igh land Heights O H

    170 8 Ve rre a u ft,e pa ge ,B is s one ta l

    A C K N O W L E D G M E N T

    The authors thank Mrs. LiseCôtéorherexcellentsecre

    tanal assistance.


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  • 8/19/2019 J Nucl Med 1986 Verreault 1706 9


    1986;27:1706-1709.J Nucl Med.

    Jean Verreault, Serge Lepage, Guy Bisson and Andre Plante CommunicationAscites and Right Pleural Effusion: Demonstration of a Peritoneo-Pleural

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    (Print ISSN: 0161-5505, Online ISSN: 2159-662X)1850 Samuel Morse Drive, Reston, VA 20190.SNMMI | Society of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging

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