j rm i material annual tryouts november...

Post on 30-Sep-2020






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Wed .. NOW'. &- Ftrst ·~ident recltaJ.


Mn. Paul Sw......,.;1,~Jwianala To Start lmmedi· atel,,__.c- To Club Very Hiablir it-nded...:. I

Hai 0.pee From &.thanir Collqe >"rl .. NoT. 1-P'oolball pme

wllb Belhej a.t Newton.

H ... Statea Tlwit Then 11 A CtMt Deal Of Promi1i111 Material Sbowins U-T'hree V.wan. Are In The Runnln1

- Woulcl Like To H&Ye More T11H .• Nov. 1 l - N tm'1 dt1bate

TRYOUTS nuS AFTERNOON • I tr:rout1, 6:30 p,m, Tue.., Nov. 1 t - Arml•tlf'f..

l'l"f To o. c.. t 'r<o., ) I••.....,, I MANY S11JDf.llS VOTE ,..,.,... ...... o..p.Ju•io- -- ~IDENT TO GIVE Cl1lZENSlllP IN C. E.

WOMEN TRYOUT NOV. 12 TbOll'C llaldbJt •:t1 lwr Tum Wlll fte..

N"ITI" Two llourio C.....-Jill tr Res· U.t~f'C'l.I to Athtml'N ~4'

To o. H• ld 1• Chal"'I Republican Club Stimulate• l DUI~(£ l 1\1\Dr«! Subject Sb:eoeed F..- Ans le

- - A Good Deal Of Polit ical IUUIUil u llllunr..» Sat .. Nov. J-lt lll:aa v.auounced to- lntef'fft Of The Voter ba~~4?"~· .. ~~~~t~ A""'::' :~.~or t~~;

day that the Thciplan.i· play,~T:t: Will Be He ld la C~apel Mon· mornln~ b)· t'oarh Maurice A. H ....

:r:1~:r:~~~ ~:~:eu'Jl;~:~1ou11; au~~;'0;'~~= =~~:::~. t~~' t:e 1~!i~ ~!~~-~I 'lJ: 01b1~C•h;•;l•.•,N,•.=~·C.~lt-;, ... .,b•b~l•Co· ~~=T•b•.•~.·J,;j To dat~ CfJflt h u.-...· "Lillie RK

aaaount'.9d but Lbat tbt1 aeir..-lce. of Iese were or a .,.0ttn~ ace because or ~· •• ... '""°" Book" ton1ain" lht' 11ame 1 or a DDm• lln. il'aaul S tran.ob. GOS North A.ab the uvm~r • or them "otna: to the P e a ce Tnaty · Jkt wu •t.roued from tbe u .sle 01 ber or exe'C!llen1 11tn• J"'cn, lnchidlu

r,_i:d.,~: :t:~n:~:::..::,~~ =~~.- '0~~.~~~11~~ ~~_,~1::~1:: :·e;:~ HECKMAN: WED. NOV. lZ ~~"."::~:e:":fh~::,\:J~~ce ~,~:If!~: ~~,1

~~:1:'· ;·,~!1

~~~~;/"~u:··~:··~::i:· Mn. 9.,•on""on l;r. well knuwn In d t!.al or 1 1111.erc~t In the 1,re11en t cloct~ 1 -- phUll• or lhli. topic w11r11 dh,cu111"d llku 10 h:4Vl' all ll nw1·1• u1mea added

tfle (l, ld of dra mallcls, bulnr a d e- ion •Ud fl. ai:roat deal of dlKUHIOll hu 1\'ock or Son:ga~r l11'o (k- S"aUoa.• b)' \·ernon Rhoadml, )-:dna Hoo•ar. to h\M hook. ~ In tbla tln8 ~{ •·ork trou\ Oelb· been carried on out.aide clua room.L " ' t\oolr l\tttl- To Ik> aod 1farr7 Zfaa. Tlu.'l men'• tryuuh1 wlll be held to 9.J co1te1e. Ltnd..tborg:. Sh• hu a1· rhe Repub1fcan Clnb bu bffu a ract· Ohenf'd A• • part of the dewotloa1, which . he f' hGPt"I Tut111dar, Xo~embt:r 11, .o· lteeD lo a 1number of plays apoa· or In allm ulatlng: a portlo.D or the •ere lo cha rge or MarJorht Bunce. at 6 :30 o'elotk. ( '1:11ndldatet wlU d,.,... aiored b7 tbo dlffereDt ora:anl&&llou put.r lnte.re•t. A nu1nber or laterHlln,;: f bapel '1erna nuver -.an,; a .. 010 . bale fu pnln " 'h lch wlll bt: annouac· ot O.. dt7 and ha11 hcnetr coathed • prnar1mli b1we been plan11ed for the tel flftoen ruhrnlc• before their tlmu t\a•ber nf lllftfJt tdi1ce ~Ing .::raduaL· CHOOSE orirrl'Tf.S TO DttXl' \WO weeks: w hkh llOl onh' the SENIOR co•'l"l't'r~ . pf tlll!llil\rnuoo. Mcrubt1r• or the fat· ed . trom the Lindsborg .1e1lool. Sbe ~ • t udc nt• and (acull}' • hould atlC!Pd I 1.t..L.J ullY \11111 Jud go th<' 1rr o'ut1t1, to wbtch

:!.'!:n~:d~he TbesphUu1 lll1thly roe· STATE W. A. A. MF£11NG ::~ ~;:rr:O:l~1 oJrn.,~~;d c~:~:t~:~ ' Rl!PoRTING ON WORI ~!~;1~~~Cut. aud r11cu1ly tuemben •~ l'lay boolll bue bttn ordered and tblf:lle tu.ch occulont.. Womf!n"" deb.:lto t r)•out s wlll be

tn'99tA within the or~ulutlon will Jam.iaon. Stes~n, HOO't'er Monday, N'oYember 10, Or. V. F . Meet.ins Call.cl For Frida,- To hold Wf'dne• d•>'· No\'Ptnh1.·r U, 11t

be .. Id Wednuda7 aflenioop In tbt Aad Brown To Repreaent Schwalm will CITo . ~n Aml1tlce •d• Vote t}pon· Coacl:a For 111:03100• •.',rloc

1100• ,·., ... ,1,',1,1

1<11h10•1·1.11umo re,;:ul•·

~· Mcmbor"I wl.ahl11i to trrout Local ~uociahon drn.1, a nd on1 t hf) following :W6dtl.M· . aO,. ••~•"' lYJ>Od •opt.;, ~t 0

c11ltl• p ' • ~or Prof. J. / !µ1b 11..,kman •Ill Play M•nohuo·• .,, " ""' "'" """"' •ud 1frops.' Oat plar from Leland J .. lndell, Mon .• N'O''· 3-DelesalcK cu the 11pc1-ak. Th@re wlll alao ~ mu.11ca1 Yrl. Ckt •• 3 l - At a m eeting or the- ~h., iutm'• "~'""fllld u•11m, a ud thoM! of

:·~:::~.~rr~~'::=o~':~!:r~:. :.:~=.~~,~~:; :!dui;.t':;d:):. ~0~~ =~:::;,::e~:= ;,:r~e~all :r~ leDSor clau tbta morulng a npor1 b~~r:·:~~~~· 1;c,•t~~~ ~~!1=1~~ ~~~ 4'" to warn.at a areM-1 t:rtfJt ao tb• ember 1 aod 8, were elect ed In the 1ram Friday, No•-ber U . ) f tbe play conimltl~ •u 11

"'9-ft aod tUl'e41 l.H!bate tllrt Ml"Ond M!me1ler •

.,_tOr ean lmmedlitt-17 1ta'rt tbe regular mceUng thlA e vcntnir. Tho.e Since the week. of N'c;i"emberl 7 la ~::111::-~~:ll~f: d:~1:1~:-;~1:,':: !: noih tht• \"ar,.lly ••HI women'• CfaAraetert Jn their paru. ,who "''ore olected to reprc•ent the National Dook. Weok. the ch.11.pel pro- reta('htid. ThM iirn~hloot hH oall· oarn11 ""Ill 11ar1M111\lu lu th11 tn11rnn·

J!W~l~r;,~ie';: ti;~·~:rJ!ll';. ~:! ~:~I 1~;.~~~!:~~lo~~;::~~lY.~~:~:~:~: ~~~~~· ... ~:l!u~:!:h~~e 1~~·r~r~:J;:~: ed a' meeting for nut Friday at nurnt at Winfield. Utl'f'tnhu G kL\d G.

tl!f'"t!"'outa wlll ~ Mn. 1. DanlGi EdM .Hoover, and F.1ther f\rQwn. turu, lncludln1 t lllb and atunta by wbkb Ume Urn matter of Hlecttn1 MAL£ QUARTET SINGS ~ dllb ad ..... Mn. Paul Swest- Voller ba1l seuon bu opened lo a number or 1tuden.••· a t:aacl; wlll be decided upon. ll \ p a. dltttt.or. and Leland Lladell. t.be \\'. A. A.. The (lqt mectlng l _.hoped that the HltctJon ot • plar O WJLL pio..v ....... nt or t he club.'_, waa l1eld Uita uenlna: aod ne1rl1 FRIEND Of a:IJ.EGE DIES ttlll be made before the Chrl1un.u AT GO D IU\11 ~.' "' ~ ~ , I0.-1 lrh1 t:ra•q___ sllJ"~ 10 play aud • ~ ~ i "*"' -•~ bolld~>:•· , 11N!5 ~·CLUB ~· -T:ir11~l team• litt~n tormeW:. C•p..j:° ~ .,. ...._ ~A reJ*'1,... waJ A.ilJo &Jrdp. by l bt Held • In Hutchlnaon---D_.. ...

• ....,.... lahu1 wcro el~tcK'" with tbu result John Kline cm. Money To cbalrman Of l hQ commtlte ror -Hiett• Mohler Spea k.......Shelly And :. ·' t1ll'ER STATE CONmf lbat Ylorcrnce Weaver I• captain otl Build Kline Hall-U..d I.DI a nd aecurln1 a cotnmcnt'.emta' . team 1. l-:athe:r Nonken ot team !. j I Brethren H · \PtiAht but no declalon wu made Tate ~n Prorr.m

and ~thel JamlM>n ot team 3. Pree· n ome Tbe pre•ldtct ncoanoeed l-h• l Ull ~ A 1a1tla. la Elected p,..,. tlce wlll a\art. thla week. trrao1e01eata for tbt.t ea.pw aud 11:owna Tlrnra,. O.:t. :O-Tl•O COlll!g., par•

: klnt Of Newl,- Oraan• 1 Uarlow. Kll-0.. Oc.l. U - Jobo b.ad heon end!'· lcl1h~l<'d in :m lnler-cHY KVOd·wlll

• •. · iaed Group Y. w,. SALE DOW. N TOWN j dK1181duc.6•u111dr11•,•d11qltbto~c:P11hr•0•1ooh:enco111l0•1,.•; party hold at thu COll\'t1!llfon Hall lu

• GIVES TH£ INVOCATION lln<chl••o• '""''"' •nd l ho "l•I• a1on •• Nov. 3-The orjl:a nlaallQn or 8alf' o r l J.IH"1t ADd U.rt""4 tic'hl"'lulN for the auct uear bore. Tb., tune,..t q11•rtet, compo~ect ot Charltn1 Au1tln,

tri'c Men'• Oloo Club wu t'Onipleted •·ur Satanlay •enlctll WCJrc h!ld \\'(!dne1da1 inora· Dr. fklnrralni. <>p.<G11 t'arm«11 t,;alotl :::;,~u:~n~h~::,' ... ' .. n:h:;: n=~~ <C~°.:~1~ •!~.~~~r ::i:~'~1::~ p:=~ A 14orond Chinese br&M a nd linen lo~; Untie Jobu". u be • •as railed bf ~ f 'oa•e •Uotl 1>er11. All$A )fa rg•rel Shtll)' 11laye-.d

41nt. l1°arry n er111rd • ' H rlocled •le will btt 11ponaorcd lhlH week b>' bt. frle-uda, was a man •·ho placed Wod.. Oct. :t - Prt·•. v. Y ' vlolln lllQfu 11ud Mr;i. Anna C. T1tc • ;-e;prc1Jdent and Lloyd l...t1rl!lo11. H<l· the Y. W. c. A. Thi~ •:ilu 111 lo other. flr11l. Ho bel:13Y(ld 't l~e ~ol· ... cbwittm of ' tbo CollUlO conduato6 1111ut.

1,:~~tf a ntl lr'1a1mrcr. bo hell! do"·111ow11 at .tl1n •rc lcpllono 1cure H llclnK 11 Cbr NtlAU ~i•l t u_ ~n " A1no114 1111,1 .,11u11 k,•r/\ of l.lw cr~11l11p: lV~t: wn l11Unu1t(ltl lblM "n,111111111: that 1HkC'l. ~at"rrlay ;1fhm1oou. Novcm· a nCI guo the money -.·hlch madu.poe :.be hho~atluu at •\ho o ftlctal open· llf'r" Ou;rn n . K Moliler nf lha co\.

!!:t~:"'u:~u~=~u~~t ~;111:r .. ~:" O:t;~ ~:=~~~ennc~°,;l~:·:::n K~~'= :.:: ~:!:ht~:. b:!J!: 117r b:~~~b 0:1a~~ ~!.:!,.•.11~h·l~;o b~~;·~:l~o0n0.:~t~!; 1~==· !':::'· .!:;_~· 1~~· ~~b~l~n~~a:''!; ~jiwn where lhe con\eat wlll be JOm& lo'lely pleeet1 ur braM. "mt:morr. Kll.ne Hall I• • dormtton Hall of tbl• cltr. ae1h1nr. About 3,000 people at· betd. \ . . . , provJdluitt apar tmenh1 for maf"rica 1 eru111d lhh• m\.·iHlt1• which .,.,. •pon· i Tho c.lub uqw f'01ttalu1 !U mcmbtr1 l~G<'ll"R POU tA.>\ ' K ah1dc n11. Hosldf:fl other donation., t'OltCtm TO J,~i\\'H HGH.OOL t0r1Jd IJ)' thu llutchlu1Mn Chamber qndtn' tho lllrecllon ot M1'tl. Auna C. ' to tho Collcao ho 111•° K&V«'l bl• bom• Jt C:ommer1•c. Tale, M:rf. Mar1t:ucrlltc Jl11bbnrd 11'1 I 1-·tr tlt. ,;:nl one b1.1y and one i;lrl. and !Arm t u the Co\1 1.1.:c. t1Pilt1dln1 bll >"ro.nkllu PrlebtJ, frMhman, ha• ----tho occompaui.c. . Add IO 1hl1t ml:r.ture 10 f'lrC*leti . ? lltlcr yeani; In \he Brethren llor:ao bctn forced to r;h·o I.IP hi" .11tboo' rooarry IN.JYRED IU f ll 1

CUJll' of kll!Mtoa. 4 cup. Of date.. 2 tea- for tho •sod. work for the YHr bttdtlMI . of lh nnt. 111 ALL Tbe ad•lce of .. •l1'"•11* IPf"•k th = I FpoonJJ of qbaf'Tt;l•. a q!Jart o r propo• bullk and b,. ~one to bla homt

tntb" need• modlfJlng:. u you ban!\•llif. .•nd • phn or retuul11. Put lb GANDID IS DISCUSSED In ?'f'lbrHka. Mr. Priebe •H • Wot'klnu on l_..ll(hh• In LJ)"tnaaa:lum

Lo -.peak ' al all, of eourae, )'UU 11houll lhe <Wen ii1ld hake fifteen mlnUlet!'.. ==~~rndof h~httlll:~~.a~r r~=~!~: \\' lll'n J,.;M11fli'r ~111 ... : Kl1ouldt't"

,.. Eby And Williama Tell Of Hia Tt;ry much. " '"''11 Jul > ... ., t ry to • • ~nk 1110 tnatli. llut It iif fl Thu rc1111111 It trno loVt!.- Unherisll)' I Tl < c t l'I

from Mpe&klnJC al a ll. Tbc:1m folk!i • Work In India In Y. M. --· b'eUer t•> rt.1fraln a• tar U• po11J11lble I Life . • •

•llo r.re 1lw-a1• butting: In wllh tbt • About half of Lhf! time you ~"n·1 Meetins BRJGllT IN CHARGE l:i~';;, ~1

1j 3r~~n~r:n~._!:::e~~ ";:~ 1;::! :;.~~: !~ :~~·t1r:::~:.1 nuik"

11 ~1~1H~h::·~~:l ~-~~~:: 1~ :r"!:~~~ Tue• .. SO\". 4-r.andhl. ll•v leader f c >·mnawlum whlh~ wurldns wllh

or the 11uo·"lolc1m· n:• olt 111 lndla. Diact.&Nioa Group On Church l'IOD\IJ llgbh~ li!Ud 1l• tnfully Injured

~, ANDY BARS PROVED TO HE ""' the •uhJer\ !or dl"""'lou In Hi1tory 5--ed By W. hln,.ulf II• thu """ wnd l•I· Thu . . \", M. c. A. lhlM morutna:. 5. G .. Thi• Aft.moon' r11ll threw hlt1 rlihl • hOuldur out.

THE WAY OF ORIGINALITY Jlurbort t:by t>r<1• •t•d tbq •llltu4e - - . vi Pl•'"· II•• I• walklu1 around FOR HOLLOWE'EN GUARDIANS of lh• llrlll• h Go•otnou••• tow"d the l>r. J . ll•nlol ltrlcht wlll huo tod•r wllh Uou a id of\ <'II~• but la

• _. 1mall IJut pg111o·erru1 Jrtidor of D'lllloa1 t'.ban:e, of a dt.tcu1loo croup on chard1 uuabl" lo du tllll("h of hb"Wir:f. Tiie A• tbe auu r11lled It. ablnlDI en·1•u~f•I aexl year &ad may the O( t bo lndlauns. The pre.nt al· bltlOr'Y and apprctl9tlou. •PGrut0recl letldt-or on wblrh Mr. Yonie1 WH

ll&btmH' ebof"c the? eutcrn bori- e Uvrta or orlKloalltr be placed UPOD 1 t 1 elevate t he ladlanw I• the by lbf:i mt•lott •tadr d1PJP1rt.mcnt ?l wo rkf.n' .1lhi1.,.t1 1111 lhf: 1111<'1'_ um• aon I.he flnl morning 'bf lhlJI tnonl.h a alrona:e.r bHIJ.. N(lYfr a nln wlll i;:.~r;i ~ond Klltinpt., for he apent •h•' World stivtce nron p. Thf:'l flnit I ni.11luin floor "rul '"II with him. It mu•l ll•''o Ileen •.?-rtlcd, aa It the IOTO •eckln1t: girl ud the lo! o iom ... 1.,.r,nt)' >·earti tn Houl h Af,ric• mooting will. bf! htild tl1ll!' i1!tt1rnoon -- --looked 0111 upon the woTld and ~"· makhut ltQr • It In th~ thrlll• of eniworlcfna: t(lwud tb~ ioune aoal. at ,. : :SO o"rlock It\ lhc \'. W. room. MISSION FUND DRIVE tbe re11ull1 M mid·nlcht oranlca or rhentmHl on the rall or the foo Ward WIUlam.s preMDted Oaadbl ThlJI 1e-roup ofhm• •11 opportuolly IS SHORT Of OUOTA tbe pr&111ken.. But tbe pren111:era brld.:e Ju Ille "'draw"'- for tbe erou~ •• the leader of 8 •roup or ptople for • tadeou1 to ~me ecqu.alnt.ed --were ltOt bleuf'd,. wltb the ~lie of Joa: la now • thine of .lbe pu:L who wlll »tf'P rlgbt up and fill tbe wllb tb& blttorr of Ibo Chc1rcb -01 ra1n1Nll1tn t"ur " Hrlwf' I• Af"rk"•"' orlsfDllJll7. u there. be Heb a thla.g. Tbo ranlt.r au11ntM ori.lnlllJty pl•c.e o f on" of lh~lr fallen e»mpan• 1be Drethrtn ud to le•rn lo appre· Tu (;uatluu~ Cto.al ,,. u--•u blnted bf tbe Pl'Clldent ID - and they sot •bat tber •aoted. t lonJ11, Time Ktld u•ln thl• f011n.1c el•le It morr. •·~~ a e bapel &ddru9 la111t tan. I It llld uul come from the student~ hu bte11 dh,pJar.m amontc tbo ll'IUI·

~ With Prof J."rle• plaflnc lhfl part e\•er, Irritated brain. but from ' \ be tltude of tolloweni who •lib to buo Th••tfJ 11'1 • bf1 dlffttrcbf't? belwCM1n of a\.JRl~r~k Hohne11. J.>uy ml.nna n:rr d•Ptbw or alucere e Uorta of our fade pende-ace. Non·•iolence t• one womt:io e od mttn- \'ou take • man. Ue •' ~m.apltr- i&lden. IL la DOt_ the c-utom of ot tlle croups worlh•hll• tnlu. Whea lhe leut llUI• t blDP CH.Ii Ute

bu•IMM IQa.Ul(er F rln to do bual· 1 Clare.Dt'e Brown bad char&. e of t be iuatt.er wllti blm h• Oop, dowa In lac e4 wU.b • rluh· Dea rrom tbo boot at.ore •t two- d•Yollon part of the meel•IJ· bed. a:ru••• and u o.na u If be •He llsllt ~'11r ate.- aed c.b1rt.7 o'clock la ~be moraiu,;:, and ••1 dtlul'. and w-1nll to He thflr«'!I a WM k

• t ile ... iaa ror drtectJa~ the. DIOH-- hulen lO add th.al aacb lite boun Whcu )'on rind 1 man •ho ha• or t .. o: Aul taktl " woman and th<: me• la of 1dtakln1 trick.tit.era. ! 11 a drala. oa b .. bHltll. but at tbta rHched lhe a.ge- or JOO. yo• wm f_haJ wttl ~ dylos In tht m.lddli;, of tl10

May tlll• rullle attempu to ,Pl•~• llour. near l)' tblrl,J' pran•hl"I were I that he has elt brr uJted wbl•k.,. or iildl u1d unt mornlna dut'll be a p tan po.- calf. Jha.t dt4a t talk. lttatiid to cudf Mn-,_,. boaet:I- tobacto mO.t or blrA HJe-er u. let and do•l}lown prkl"c rJbboa by ''~ "1tJt.la ~e •rMuiel or.ArltOkt ...it to-cood ... ca•cf7 bar..._.ad what"•. It ak>ae. • I rard. "'...,.or.._ n,....,.. .,.. .,...,~ST WED raa&. s

Tm:. , Xuv. ·I - f•li:tlll'lf 1rnd ca.th • · raiouutlns: to "'' lni.va bet'n 11,.:.n tur tbO f und lo hll'lp work In Arrl(oa. A n• m&,. r or wlk-llor• ha ve 1:101 )'~l flDlilh•d Uu•lr wurk Of'

reportff, th11 .ium• 1h('r(!fortt. nQt b~l111t tln•I. ·r1;lM n1vney wlll KO t owai.rdi.- helpln• 1111, wJ°r-1' of ll"''· A. I). lleh~e.r, n o rulr un tb4' r ampu". Tbe COii ot Lh,- drtir"' for fond.J I• '400.

PAGE TWO WaDMl81>AY, NOV. 1, 199f

l'lhc.rnltl he il1Mtllll!IC l\f. h lK hCIJI. nut yon wako up In lhe morniu~ Mr. •11~1 Mn. Earl Crumpa.cker llt1d

Ttlen 1nu PDl J'OUl' 1ru~t In proT\- foraI•. •re here Tllllln11:: hLI: mother. Mr. W. W. llubhard WH 111 l\an-

ltPOJf1''!R9 Cks-lttl-*" M1.1h!.r Elhfl 8Wrb ~·" w .. 1,

~Tr.-= ~=-:.::~~ ~""'"° "'""" from an hour or broken r~l. I t..:nnk':e Marie of Lofl A.fta:e~. Call- --

denC"e anti he:lr h 11ke a rode, ll"', Hebl!CC3 crumpaekeor. Mnt •H Chy over th~ Wf'."ek end TlslUn,; -========================•! ~hf'n our F'nrn,.)''d on the l!llrk Hat Jo:nrl Crumpa_cker wm bl!l remt!mhered hi,. ratbe-r whn hn.• httn Ill In \he ;\frl•HF!ltSOX AS ITN c 'O~-STITL1"~S•'V ;;rP.f.N IT anct lt';i; neartna:t two ()'('ltJt k. n.it MISH ~ln3 Sl'icrrr be rorc. her hO•f'hnl for rrmr wt>okit. He. rouml

--- 1111u·rJrixe. Tioth Mr. ond ,Mr11. Crum- hi• rnth~r 1mHerlr11e much pall\, Do you eve r th ink whcu ·100 nre about you r work ln 11th0ol that your

conduct 1" cfeLermlnlng •ome penon'JJ Idea or the r.olltir;e? Athlete., mem· bers nf depulatlon t~am•. deblter.c. oraton. •nd atudent pm3tc)r11 perh•Pll Mate In n>nttrt with the con1Utnen~y more than othe1" and "hould tbere· rore bfo nmumally carerul or the fmpr~fons 111:h'f'n out hy lh~lr r.onduct u 1m;1eolon.1' r~lved may pow,.rrully ln tluenf'c tlnn.ncll\l or 1noral ~up110rt. nut the lllttdf'l11 t In hl1' ~orlnl lltii o n the enmJ11114 mny l1LlYC i1 11trnnK Jnfl11: cncfl, olKn. Pr1tn1IH o·f 'tucsllonahle c:baraNf!r, ()r JnkNJ which IJortlcr on ttbu5e do J\t>l di" at the campuM entrunce. They hccome commO•l knowl­edae of 1he con1Utuencr ancl may ml1tflllly Influence aom~oao a •alrul com­Inc to thft Collt•e or gl• lna ror Ua wupport nr ht>lplng • 11tuednt to come. h !11 aa4 but true that thote who gel out ln10 t he C'01111thu~ncy meet Lhc 11~oon-"Dld Mt and llO happen lhf'r«!"!--Anil If nne mu.st ndmll II, they rtm a fluJlh or 11hame mount. their hfow t11n1 t'nmo <-hlld or thl'lr Alma MlfU!l' hu ;io hurt her lnrhl{!l\Ce.

We "Kf'C"'. there n1l11ht hue hccn p~c:ker 11ro . a lumnl or M~Pher30n hut •to." ftn11rl)V'l11• when he lefl a u lr pttt to the girl'• dorm Jr tlle ('Ollt'~fl. IRnnday nl(l:hl. "Frie•" had nof ~n 90 mneh a· __ --

stalOJft h . Mr• . .-\. C. Kt>Utr ot lUnu.eohl, Lela nd Lindell ht'IPf'd In th4!: re. - - - K:.in.-.,., vl111l1e:d her d;m~hter, Velmu, porttn111: of tho Jo~arnu•u Union U..lfl

br:70~r111/!':fl ~:~" ;·,t~~n11

1:~~~e=:~~: 1H 'ho j1Urmlt~ wf>ek l"ml. I :';c~~nt.lon ror t he 1ll'irnhll1'1'n hr"t

Ru th Turner awoluii fr6m plt!aunt ===========:;:;::=============~ drtamlt In Ume to hear tho 8ehool 1 tong btln,;: 11un« wleh llCll•to. She •lnced anti Mid ... n.oomy, don't rou MAJ~C RADIOS want to run ont :ind tell them ::om~


lhln•!"" I GREEN ELECI RIC CO. "Wt>ll innytm. WhAt h1 II ? .. 10'1 S. Molrt St. Phone 131

M c: Phllf80n 11• n ~bool or Quallty and 111 ll""""1ill1 ret'OtU\111'11 Ill 111uch. Let "" Mt, ~•f'n fo run, do anythlnJ: which wlll brlnJt" a ny re1tr~h upon her ralr name or a canse or apolo«r to any atudcnt who ha. .. alltnded. " A <'llJ Ml u~n a blll cannot be bid", neither can tbf> unsportt1maallke ron. duel of ,..t11MnH1 or o Chrlllltn t6llt°'J:ill.-Ennuye Sl\lil'lAt.

"Tell 1hem, the lu.'u1" la ha ir a unt~ ~~§~~~~~§§~~§~~§~§~~~~~~~ orr anrl It hurt# 110 I ran' t Mlt>ep:: I --- '

H 1. ~olleae 5tddcnl I• all Ured oul, a aood way to ket ret11ted on

Slltur1l1)' t!li to JtO hlll\llnit without! a. llC!'n'lf'.

·---- - 1'htH remlnt1~ us that If u. t'Crtah)

ll may be but 12 trlle ('Olnttdenc4' for a rollcac 1tudeat 10 look Ahe~d offlclal or tile ;olle1te head ht"tn :1.c:-1 a nd see wbal th~ ratff or mhllfortunc hold fo •lore tor hlm. t1n't thl• a qUG.hat4td with the aun he 1ot last ! rree Montry where a man'• not 1. man unleA hh1 put Is rore11ba(lowe.d bf Frida)' nla'ht. we mlaht hue had II AOme a.nct1tor who e ither touah t Jn the Revolutionary war or c~me acri>t:a 'pau um 1ou.it ror supper.

the w.~11 .. Rogatsky

MilJ!ag Co. In the Mayno'flcr. But doet1n'L a tl'ludent llve-howaver, some wonder- "Nfneteen Hundred" I Just-tl1e came u othen and Jn the 1uun" pl~ee-hut not und(lr l11c. 11ame con- _ _. __ ....,. _ __ _. __ __,

drttone or nndn' tbe .. ~ e11v1ronmedt. c'ifADL£ ROLL "-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:_;·~· ;;;;;;;;~;;;;;;;;;;;;~~;;;;;;;;;;; Ma fty ere tba.o Wfto •>' (he JO~tb Of today I• '"ba:rd-botted'',, 10 (Ct. _ _ ::!

speak, aad care not ror tbe arore meutloned u re and ancr (hlnp ot tbla Walter Sort~on _ NoT. 11 • • .-. .-. • •• -=r-•• • • .-._. • • • •• • •• • ...._ mocfern au of " ucRo•• aad tbe Imported urtrr ldeH that a.re restricted to Cl.rtnce :SegleT .• - N'oY. 9 ~ •

edlfcottOlf not all a wbole b1U .. a commerc ial prorenton. T oa(h m a-,· ap. Helil!I• oeArm.On ---·-N"''· 9 • 0-t •r rrh .... "e""old Aim • pear Yhard·boll~d".otJcutonlhoorlaCl)_,Jll~be~qr,• •·t•~ .n!!Jl;:, butl.. . ,J.. ' li!f' .. ...... I . l,. ia:-. /' · -- ! hhn tliutb hl1 noble- enll11Cht1nent111 het~re ... Jttti duf\$r!9-r" lb ·rile "'b11111lnesif lt~'"l'&unv .. Wiii\: i • · · .. .,, ' i·•i. '

wo.,ld- wlll he cr1n1e-hll!i rt.alllM h" PTad h1 not yet In tho room tbe V£ fAllllLI- nuw I ' in nll ou_r deatl'ngs with fou, i~ this : to welcome you· janltOr 1wetpa out tach mornln111: ror the 6ecuUv·"· . 'llm t'nc'ftmE PRIZE ·~· • IDL '-Wlum • cordially, te counsel you w~Jt. and to,s~rvc you faith- I

l't"S •·o~ AES"lon a ., .. ,, • .,,.,. ,... AD. ,....,001

uh .. , • fully. But in the end you'll find these three aims II I• rorm• r , • .,. It hM llOon tho cuSlom or 1ho ••nlor e ll•• or tho Col- l'mr Frlt!Ay Nlaht • boil dawn to j ust one: to make this liank your ~

Je.ae to Co1uhuit wh•t they caH "11enlnr kid chty", ll hn been n day In Pr(, Oct. :ll-Fun. nol"c . witches. • bnn·kfng 11hqtne" in every .;cnsc of the word. = which tha e1lllw wa;e most 11rcm1lnonL IJ!l"Cll.U!O ot the n1anne:r In \\'htch tbey gho!(it. pumpkin · pl~. gay costumes • drn1e~ an1\ In •Orne t.~1J llCDVft out: the appearance or lmpcnonatlnc Q. and 1ome J\tjt •O ,., rutured the • n :.frl St t B k .. tramp... The clU!I hu b~n tlT&hted tbe prlTllUe ot tonducthtJC the annual all·whOol Jlallowe•en partr • r eay es a e an • cha"I period ot tbe day and Ha retult inucb crlt1cl1m hU> bee.n fortheorn· wblc:h took I'IAce Chi• Cfenln~ t.he • " • • tng.. Jt 11 often uu1cb to the tlelh;hl or the upptrcl&Htnen but not nlwars gymn.aalum. Trlo ef<trll 1'' P.ft: imon~ • Stren~ik~~ Abfhty • · ·

0 J

to faculty 11nd undercla&1men. wred by Che student councll. Plu:a the Wm1ap' H to SerYe u tho clH 11 111 t.o have •11t h 11 day In which they d eem. It neceuary t o- rn II anyly cletoratcd roC'Jm 111uml- 1. • • ••'!11 1 .. llr•1m:•r• • • • . • • • • • a •* •

•Pi>ee.r In tacky apparel why not let It b" cothltteLed u In *>Dlf, CH e• It d b b t If h h __ °""'",..,,._.._.._,.,,==""",.......,_...__ .... .._ ___ ~----'-apllffTS-"h6bo d1y''· or A number of KanAU ebl1t1H and unlve-telUH ~::!eni: :n: ~;:01~;ecn811!.:bt~d~ ,_ __ -____ _. __ .__...._ __ .._ _____ ..._ _ _ It t1 a lra.dltlon that the atafo"' •bould ban a dllJ detilgnated u .. hobQ. BULLDOG BARKS daJ", a.od II•• 1-nd act tile part ot auch charactcir'I. ::..,

4 ::1.• :~~ceh ~~~~~~:! ·~:!~~7:;::

J.t Jn ~haai:ln.s rn:1m the •·aenlor Mid da)'"' to "hobo day" lt wnuld len- I · ca the amount or crltlcfun and Mt{ll de111hL the 111tu<1enL bod7 a .. d rac~lly. !~~:..t~bo.,!;~~~1~!~r d:~80"t·~ a~n~I~~ ff·HNK lT OV£~1Hf>J aomethtng wo111t( lie accom11Th1hetl well worth "llmulatlu~ a. tradition, It Vf I H d k d A rirf10 t01· the· 1>~111 .ir~Met1 ,;l'oup pu·T IT 0 n ea wor an t.eam-111 woll worth t he con1h(e ratlon or the &tuihtnt hn1ly und e~D<l<'Jo..Hy the. went ro "rh·f:f Ot ramlly," ·whtctr K . · work ALMOST did the •ealort, In wh01e Power the choice J1 ptac~. conAllted ot Floreti('e Weuer, P'errr ~CI) ~:!,!~ the game with St.

HALV'AGF. Heckalan, Miidred Do1le. Ada Brunt, .,, ... _ _ Corlae Bowers, and LUllan. Hornlag. N 0 w ALTOGETH_ER

Ob•lou11I)', ttudenu "·ute time. tr there h1 an1thln1 on -..·hlch a com- ex~t:~~:~~ea~~U~ w~t~,n~~:1tt:~~~ a n'd we'll put il OVER.

:::~~= :::.!:• ~~:~ :: :=~~1~: :~.~:::~~ :~ ~:~: !~ ::::: :: :: ::: 'holped to enterta in mo ~n~Ht~ b~roro ~ ~ WI! Want ~ TOUCH• waa••co or 1oo<1 ho•r• by ittudenta. Stiident• do w1.11to time. · ~~_,,,, ·

lb~ ma ht prosr&m began. The ,to- ~ n= DOWN I - ·cram Jnc.luded n•mbtlu hy the Men·: .: !'u//f ;fJ

dee~"::'~~ ::·~~!" .. ::l :.~n1~":n~~11:u1-::~-:~:,..1:~:' 0a,-:11: :~~~ 01" club. a rudJng by Lutllle Crabb, ... ·;: _ ~ ~ Mutual1y youn, a whch d1nCG b1 Mrw. Mar.-uerlte

.. .,.DI few Quin... ln th• pall week ~nou1h tlnae ll.q been •pent In •uch 8obbar4. a 1turn. called "Bleep wan~ The F artllel'S Allia.nce ID9Ul'llnce Co. ~~~:~~:: ~toc:!:1·~~~dA:~n~~:"~==~:~ 1::';~'. •y~~d :.a!~~ tog•• an'ttan~ther which entertained ":W.~X..... PofiqMl*n" UC1UflM1 besln to appear on H•lpni'ent 'a1teot-.;1;0 ~oft a~ the hOnb poll~ t'he •PH••tot3 •tth the s ight ot a° Mo~ it.aa... ..t &at. dolt•4 ott, a.od 1Jln~1rty optened. :°!n::!~n~rl~~1°' ;it;~tlon bt I ';;;;;;;;;;::::~~~~;;;;;~;;;;;;:;;;;;;;,;;;i;;;;-;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;::::~;;;::::;;:;;;;;:

r ot" Ure bewlftt of pad.ti, reeUnp, amt lr~tablllty In &eneral, It •ome Attn tlic' r .: a ~uncb con- l ~ llwclea&I Hid patftt matken to Sndkate where ... 11ame.a~ were maM: ........ of n1:a °:a pie •nd u~b ~--oldo.f,._,_, ri~ .. a .... t,_, f'N• a&.J" to dat t bel'e would 'Ori ao need to wu1.e boura for week.a oa eod ,,.. •ned.• p P i-r- ,.,,,..,...,,... UJ,..,. "' J ::: .~.:.~-=-~::r::: ;!~,;o;:,!~ '•• day1 bcfon quluca. Did we!,•._....,._ ___ _. ____ ..,,


DR. A .. A.. FREEBURG Jlellllorauvo an(I PrnenUTO'


Dr. W. C. HEAn'ON PllY91CU!f AlfD -

Onr HwM.4'11••1 • R•. UJ - nio .. , - Ottfe9 ne

TILaahal•lnl Day waa ot't•lnall1 a dllJ Ml Nlde to thank Cod ror Hll 1 Zat.llH Bro'Wll au end.cl the Mi. OfN«i Pk.ae UI - a... U IX '------------' bRM'J'. Por tM Ptlpl .. k Nd a deep •••late betauo ••~1 kn•• Ue IOQrl·k ·A&sle footba11 pme at llu- 1------------'1 pip of '''"•Uo a ..... _.. t n:111 tba.ntl:htl • •ea the u,.,-e.t p•• •"'-• b1uan iu1 satardar. ,..._.._ ______ ..,,. __

eDOlll~:::; !!'e• =•T:!~~~l•ln.s Ha day or teatttng aml ~lea1t1re •• w e Mania Hill 1~ week e nd at A. M. t.6HR£NTZ. II. ~. ranl1 eat.eta tht ..... It of r....ennt tba'bb lll&l saarkt• the o r lctnal ObiMn- bAa .. ome near Oal•a over the wcelr. • .::: ~ ~

t tN daJ Mlllouttl we i.av. a ar-.t •b•ndake wbtn t" plladma ucl. ~ Offt ita"'6WI"• Draa .,;c

a ... Pk" 47J Ottlee Pllolle Ht DR. E. L HODO£,~

.>OLM'*'•--"- _, pMiluM. - - -· ftlX - PMIMa - OIL HI

.8.:-t~ .. ka.a~t ........ lO lM &a~le aM lb• a,..uaJac Cl&Haoe. Zl.nk. 'JO, wllo le teMll- '------------'11.-----------.1 --- ·-let .. tlllu rW• mo• .. • of•- btc I•,,.. hiP .oc.hool a1 - · -:T:: · ·-11~ -

o ... llePllono..cru..u *-'e llHk .........__

... ~ ..,.. .. ~. Aa4 •ha a ,.., Ml IOH bJ aad aaotMir mlled oa. frlelldl In the dormll0f'1 I F•

~=:::::.:~:::::::~·::=.~~:::: :;;;·~~~~:·: .. "::1 Carl1~•~ .: ~:: · - ·--· H ..... _ ... ,tit w....... L-----... -... -..... -.... -.. _ .... _1, .. _______ ..._ __ _,



t I

'WIDNi:sDAY, lfQV. II. 1980

MePHERsoN IS .. c.n.£Duc.1cTIONAL allrlb1•tM to •moki••· l'••N>r of1ll•tt;;~;; •• 11. Plutb•••· ,_ ~ ..... ft ~ ,. \ th " John Htrnly, 'H, ,.. .. hosae onr ~INS't11U110N-FOR THERE AR£ lS Ameo::::'~Qltl!I ~o~~~:::":;,.('~~:"!0~,~ <'hnrae. thf' •tta: f'Dlf. Mr. ll•rnly lntb8

MARRf£1).!t1'lJDENT-S ON THE CAMPUS tlnn•d lrrlt•llon of •h• mut111 m•m-IABILDT SPEAKS IR J . W. C. A. In••• '4'hooto ••Marlon. brun<!' f'f tfte '10u\h. ttoklina: !Ml C"ome to th~ 11•-·ley Harbfor and

Th., Ra. .. la,......, Of Homo. Ftbtn 2 To ! &-.Only Three tooth~kt m tlre month t'Oft'tfnt111lly ca .. ,,... Tait:: On ("h~hdrs or, n t•l1ty $hoo. Whtrf' flotripltillty and Merried Sta.hnta Jae Women-. Three Couples A r e , W'Dl\hl ht't th •it.mt' «"tf<'tt . 11 •.,.lrnd!ihlo--UalbnJ t.Md.. M:OOd •orkman11hlp prhall~ H•lrtut.a

Now Liftmts In K line H a lt ' 1ttm• that mu1al attMt; t• ~"~'"'°" ll- •'-• trom now Oft wlll ~ o irem. .. t lolle br •mokfnir;. 1-fowner, on~ fllllrt1 to U! for •DPQlntmf'at" BM\uy &\op.

Thf're ar«" on th<e .rampa~ thl• rea ttttttn anr-rll!d people. Their- amokt' by thanc-e •nil nnt ttHtt11."' Tu!!., Xov • .f-"Tht" ti1ar:i.ctl!rhll'11 Pennanl!nt u.oo anti ••.-act.. tl...,.lfkallOll ranaea from ll'fthmen rn- M-n1on and lndud~ apec:l!l1 atn· of low~rtil lnlC'IH.Hlltt. ftC Frfend1.hlp" wu I~ tbeme In diit· "":;:======~=:;;'!~:. deuu. Th@y raaH fn hoort ol wort tram! 10 U. In air;@ 1be1 n:nge Crom (U&Jfon 111 Y. W. C. A. thlt: mont· r , • , ,..11. 001 any ooc 1ttm1 to ~nor. outy 1bre• or th ... .,odont• ar< MCGAFFEY AnENDS nt£ "'•· 1-utd"•d D1ll1r<1 lr<I In dr•"' Buy Yow tat• at 1diC'lf and 1urt>ly 1hfr are 10 be t"Omm cndtd. • STA TE l)EA.RS Ilona and took <'harae l)f the 11'1.etllnJt.

Mr. •nd )In. trwln Rump are esperienrlnJ: a long antk-tpaied d'l"eAm __ M'E£11NG f,;Ule AIM'ldl .. fd tbat tbe blf:ll.er ROTHROCK'S at ll\'ln!f In Kllne Hill. Irwin I• Tery lue:kr to h&Te a bufln~ •'Oman ror- """"' ,~1,_rl'f'llkh'•I or °'"&anbJ11llliHf"n"'·• ldt'a1_. of friendship W'f'I'<'. lhl" Phofte 417 • wlrC'. aa 1he nnr rount h~ money anct mau air;e 111• atrairs, ,:ivln,: him l hi,.lna- Th" p,. .. --. '~"""" nal rr~nd.11 on~ would have. \Ve Deliver morto time 10 1tady. When not occupted In lhfl!I manner she atta •• m:a.trou \ "i•ar OthPr rhftrat'tPrlstl<'tl or friendship '---- - --- - --.J ~·~:::n:u't~~n~ei.'":ao'!:nm!n w~:l~= !~le ~~.'";=~lp ~::: ~=r1;::~rl1~:;; _ :::: 1~1aDt:! .. ';',~o k::p--:~n~~:'!~; Ir------ ------. J('tlr .1':d l~ ret hlA }fU lf"f0

1t dt'«fet' In ""~~e. )Ion .• ~nv. !1-?wllM >:dlth Mc:OAf· l AllK-rla YoMr 8DIU)UllM!d that 11lu McPltenon Laan"'-Mr. 11.111f-Dr11.- f"red Andre•• ar~ ---- ---- - fe)". de•n nt wom .. n oc thf' C"ollfl1C4", tor lhfl Y. w. or-l;'a nlutlon .-onld hl' Ch L UJJ

llvhu:. ht Kline Hall. 'tM1 arc hotb . . • •Hcndtid lh(' abfet>nth a...nual JlU•h'' on f'al~ iM.i -.·eek nnd ur~('d ('\',•r r U.. • Auatin, from Hocky .,,.,..d. Colorado. Mr., ls t~kl111: r~~ular collf'.,;e work. t.."Onventk>n ot l)f'•R& or Wnm.r-n an<1 l mPml1~rtoJ1N"ur~nn".. • Collete Ase.at AllclN>w,i " ' Ill comiili'te bl" eoUec~ \\ e :rre P'f6o<I lo have 1b~ ~roup Advlw.,,. or iclrl.111 whlf•h "'""" In 1telll·1 Bnsltd in boy'tt dorm. work th\" )'ear; ~t'•- Audor.an hn· ot reonl& on our ca.m11u:o. l~C"nusa ut 11lon At K. S. A. c .. M•riha111n, IMt - ----- - ..._ _____ ....;.. _ _ __ _.

In,; been 1rr::id1tated from th6 College their 11rcll('nt eontrih~ninn. ond he· 1 l-'rl~Jny t111d Sl\!urcli\r. BOOTS r------ ------. hut 11prh}lc. She....., •• known Ill MliU1!,.au11e or lhe honor ! lt('y wilt hrlng to 1ho Til('etlng whlrh h1l'IUd!'1I h¥·1 BOOTERY f '""Imo Wlrie IMitoro lier m1Urt1tge. themselvt"s ,aud 10 the co11 .... ge 111 11tc iureti: 111u1 .111ro11o c11"l'm•~lonll4. w 11- 111 21c1 x. ) fohi Phon"" !!':'G Nu-Way Cleanen

Mr. n111I Mri1. llerherl Huthrn11rr future. f'11nn:e or the J)ft",iltlt nl. M1'A. ~h1.r)' P. Fall Faabiona For • 11d lllflo '""'Jl1\l{'r u1·f' nl~n nt'<'ll· • \·u11Zll<'. 1\:. s . A. ('. i\11"" Mf'lh1trf'y Faahionaltle Fellow•. Hawle1 Hotet l lcl • . J)iUltll or Klfue rtAI\. lUr. frnthl'4urr : DEAN SAYS T08ACCO Wll)I \'h'(• JIJ'Crthlt•tll or 1 !111 l\10!0l'h10n11 Phone 900. r,. 11 mlnhr1tir 11nd t.f!'ll lilo .. hlrt ,.nlh~Jtel · tl1u J)n11t Y«'l4r. . Shoea and· Ho1,ery. -·ork hold111 " pa11101·11e nt lho W c.1J.I AfFECTS THE HEART l-'rld11y c,·~11111.- 11u::.n~ w1n1 " 111111- C IMniftl' Serv;••· Wh'ldtA .-l111rC"h whore he IN d <1lng tl -- fllll't nt w.hll'h i1ho~~1 r.v fiwul t)' m~m- Ch••· Daron- Shoe .Sltop COLLECE A.GENTS

;,~;~., 11~:::d:,1!.0 "·;;:;01.:~11:':ft~~~1~~ :! Ulser-t And Cancer May Be C a u6 :::~ 7,~t~~ iu~· :,· t~,:~ 1~::~;;',:1:iu11 :1/1~ 10 H4"ar WARD' ~~FAMS. , i\lcntr or room tu )(1h1e n1111 next I 1e-d By Smok. ing---.Speakt 111' h<'lll iH l'ltlllhtn·a "' Ith Mr11 E•pert Repa irins JOA LENGEL

1cnr for all l)To11pettlve occupnut•. In.. Chapel L.'\JCl 1olmmer MNC. Ml1111fe Teeter

lnst her hm1brrnd t111lie 111ttddt!-l'lfy :rnd i\fon .. ~0,._ .:t-llf':zn ).fohle r an· 1-• ··-•he rlntl.,. it dMlirable to a~aln enter nnunr~lt ru diaper (his mornfnJ: ihat lhft te.ehlnlC' prnfe"tlon. In orttter- 10 he .,.018 .;oro~ to !!peak on R popufot Studenta do th'9 11h~ mut take r>ra<'llt"e u~al'h· aubJett, ... Tob~t:co:· lie lll•l~t~d

UPSHAW r11J". She hH t wn llltle boy11, that he W:tl!l not i:;h·in,: his bin7't>d . Meet Me a t

Cletoft Carner f t' l1 Into the •t•te or oplrtfan bbl wiK end~norlli( to tdve I m:atrlmonr chi• irnmmer. h l1 Ulldlu11 tbe triith. He look hbi materl"JI Chit h'8 wife made It 110 bot tor blfti f'rom one .or the '"llan:1.r<1 lfe:lltb st hom• fh:u he C':trrled Ire oh AUm- Tftlk" bnob written hy Dr. ~endcn· tner. All dne rt>1pect to Mn. Ca.rney. liall.

Furniture and Undertalrins Co.

• Alrrtct John1on I• enrolled In the r_

Hultqvi1t'1 Bu.,. Comer

Down Town

Afli!tulan.., ~lee Day or !Urllt S. T . llootioa J . W, Upahaw

Eatahliall~ct 1817 OfflM ...... 117

McPherson, K...a ColleJe u • •r~cfal •tudeau. He ta! Tl1ere a re tbree an1:1es fr'IJli\. •'hlcb f

II mlnlater nere In UcPhenon... , we l"an ,-few the ult@ or tob-.«o. 1. ; ;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;;;;;;;;;:;;;;;~:::::::::~::::::::::::::? Oor rootball t'apllll1 thtw yen hr• Jl'~oandal. ! Erteet upon the lndlortd· J ~

ma"led rnan. Herbert Hoclcatraster u.al hidud ln,; phy$lt.al 11;n11 menial.

hi A fd to be the t.ulut married man ~1~=;;.~ e!~e;:;.~ f~~nt~~~liler 1111-0kti

In • foo1hall' 1t1lt In tho state. Mr. Jame• s. Hice I• perhaps the . All or the dx:irene~ Lbat oa·('re

M'lDlor member of thl• 1troup or ru~ rn.anufa(:turred lo U!S would rea«h tCC'n iieople. lie 111 \'err murh Infer· around lht! world I H tlm~ IC pla«.>c1 ~led In m•ttUftl ane work. • eu~d lO' end. Tbt! nniou111 Qf money

~ ~trl!t . Dorothy Ma.n::h11.ncl la nuocher ,peut tor toba~o 111 19~8 "''ouh.\ n· t!H'dlll 111t11tfan1. Slic ht enrolled for \'Cra1:e $!.{! for C\"ery mnn. woman. two tmu ni or art wbrk which •h-e and child In the Unftf!d St11.ll'!'!. Th~ thlnlu vdll ho or rirat;tlcal m!le 10 11rotu mnc:!fe t>y the mannracturerl'I hor. Mr. anti )fr11. MArrhund ll"e vn wu GO milllon dollar" in 1928. 1-·11 .. College Hiii. IO~$ 1lue= to clJCtueue ~tu\.111 and

Mr • • t>hll Kaurrnin11 t'nme11 tt1 tt11 :~;c:~~:r t~~.~:"'~10 ~~~~~11~~8 d:i':u:~'.i! fnm1 l:.ly1·111, 1<1111Kn11. lie IH a trc•h· Hmoklnc: 0 d~ureuc lm.M the Htlnl<' :i:;cr~rul ti ' 'r1·y v11l11u1Jlc foo1hall e~fet.t u11011 the tren·onH s~·11 ttm n1J

tse\•eral ho1.1n or n•. '· On lh" othe r Mr. ltllfl .i\tr._. Wull:u·c McDanohl h:tnd lt .. dmns;cs 1he lit-:: bt::tl from

mako llrnlr home ILt W nMo, Kant!lllti J) to fO lJCi\h; pe r Heeond. the Dctrn durh111: lhu •11mmer and come to Me· Kiited; rhh• becomes rrnhe d;rn,:;eromc Pt11mm11 whero Mr. M cDanold nl· in ifme of isoevtire stralu: It intreai1c1. tends • chool 111 the -·IHter. rn ht. t he blood prei;1rnre: and IL 111 111,. #'Dant time Mr . Mc:llanold work1 al r1lrect cauff'? ror hartlculng or thto J\othl"O('k'1 •tocerr store. or1eriM1. The elfeet upon t!le 1!1·

Tbe 0011 man lh1U llrtnr• hli Wire ,;estlve • >'littm ~~m8 to he u1at Ir •lon!f lo llf'hool •Ith him h1 Mr. Wen· dcstror• lhe :i111iethe. Uloren ur thf•

: .. '~:r~b~~'!;..hn~'.'~,!~~~h;:4 kn~°: Blomach and intc!tlne-..t arti , lir.._«"1 ly

::. ::d ~~:.~;:~1:.,~~~1°:~· te:i:~ f •h• ..,.. ...... .,..,, Mr. Hubbard I Union Ba rber Shop : "::~lt~·~,,~:n::::~itr~~r:·::':.; Baek of MePhenon A Chlten" I bee n In IUC'h work •Ith hlM rather ac Rank I Hugoton. Kansu.

llr. Vlr«ll Wuver •nd • •lte ; omel'-----------......J f rom 011rden City. Kauau. He 11 a I I 1ftec-h1nlc whPn nol Of'tuPled · by hla trhool work. ,

Mr. Clarenae4

Melnbardt la ~ mln­lttl"r. ll" b1 e11rolled,a11 a Junior and


Thoro-Bread Brea~ u yo.;; Best Food .

Eat more of iL


Collere TallOI' ....i eJ....,.l!•----..-. ..... .....:-....;.;;;.._-!

Since 1887

The Old ltellahle


Carson & s~ The Cleaner. that Satldy.

Coll•&'• Arenta 0 Gene" Dawaon

and Kl!tlllit Ha7W-

ffARKER The Life Time Pen

Almen-Lovett Orug.~.


Haircut 3llc _t•HL-

Obrlincl &:.Aapesren ..... a.diee a.-.

----~"­___ , o.&.,. --

Tlit ._.. t/C.I? ,._Jl"'1tf- C_,J., Tn¥1 GfflW 1it1ltlt- l.t .liinNJ• jlJ.•-U UM. • H'I I I -N I t ,.,....ff &1-.. ..

G-E Floodlightirig~insFavor for Football- Hockey -Track-: Baseli.lll:Tennis

G-E floodlighting equipment h2s a winning record. I ts viaorics arc counted in terms of pleased specc:aton, inrn;ased attendance, satisfied coaches and players. · - ---

The development of G -E athlecic-licld lloodlighcing equipment was planned with,, ever'{, consideration for !he fund.memal and special playing conditions it must meet. That is why the big Novalux projectors give =pie t !)d evenly diffused ligln over the encir~ playing area. · - - l

The development of General Electric . lloodlighcing equipment ruas largely bttn the work of collcge-uained men in the G·E organmcion

-<Xht!' wlkge-uained men a1e largdy rapomible for the 'oncinuing lt:1dersbip of General Electric in furnishing the meny ocher products which bear che G-& monogram.

JOOI c• Uf '"' r.c~C&AI. lLS:CT&JC P&OC&4Nr •t.OAOCAST C¥!:U' U1'UaDAT

, .. ,.,.. .. m o" A );ATlO~·WlDr; l'.•.c. !'lr;TWC)lJ:


.., ..... ctat ..

'1~ SPORTS ~ ilL-T-.:m:-::--~-.. -~-~-, -l~-:~-G-~---kt-... -...... 1. =-;:---LL--ftAXD1~~17f: L~=~ltl~~~ ..... ~,,.~~~·= .. ·'=· ...... ~~~·~:_~~=:!.:•....J iULIJM:MI FIGHT BIJT GAMES THIS WEEK batween B•ker arul Ottawa •hoold Marocin'' - -·-·--·-·--·-.. ::? o H. _______ ...,_....;,_ .........

' Amoa• Co..teren.C'e !kbool8 ''""" been repr,rted a• Lance H Wblle - - ···------1 1 :u:. ~-. IJOWNED BY ST. MARY'S " ••d Ottawa O. Bla<kablrU --• 1 u . ••....- -.. of ~

Dlopl&,. Betl F-Of The Sea· • ._.:-.Game ci:-r !Mn i

NOVl!MRER 1 I Yellow _ ---~O t 21. • llol ~ ll«loanr . .. 0 110,..4 al ouawa. Ir Lo ....-1. t haL Ottll ,. .. ......, •• L•dlr Strlkero _ .• _ ... -·• : 10. (.'llJU - ......, ~.

McPh~un:~~.t'l:e~:~~ !t Nu•tun. !~~:;~ ::.:~':;~ =~ ;:: :.;;-; Knl«ht• -·-:--·--········o % 16. Palace of Sweets .

s1.IK'~=~·· ••· Waabburo "t To- :.:-~..;~·.:~·~~ ':t~u~ =·~ PICTURE FRAMES

ST. llARY'S 21, Mc.PHF.ISON 0 Halu!r TIL Wm. Jewell at Kanua ::r~r ~~ .. ;:~:::!..:.-:': Made to Order.

• Secwe btdtcale• !

;..;... llaJt ~h Tho 'Kllllehi. Cltr. NOVl":Mnen 11 1111111\ be C'.allOll 1•0 .. JJn:c" me mber ORIE J. ABEL • LtoedJ .. n, Oa.o To•cluJo•'ll l KauAU W etile1an 'Ill. Jlar'" Tet1eh· ;,~11:.;;:~,'~.:~':!c!: ~~·::...-: at. Sma~ley's ' er•atSallna.. IL------------

-- C"d l~urie8 4' hLil ~k lhllt. both· Tb.a n .• Oet. :so-011pt11~n~ldtbe RESULTS e rrt1 him cotu1.~· uK1 llK"n. ,.1----M--K-.------

b .. t to.rm ot the M&10n t~o ~ o~ or r..iun W~k• Oamcs " la t('r pnrn 11., "xperlcncad tho mhJ. Merccanmti.'leteCr o. ?'•re , downed by the 1· ary • tot1utt" of bcrAJdns: fabf """"' •D4 bu

::•::,b~:c~°:1~1r 21~~:~ ~== :,~: K·Wetl~yan '1 , Beth1n1 i . tx-f>n ._WNl'IJlf;~ • JW'Ot«tl•I[ lllMk ! Get lbo Ha.bit . , • Oet It Here.

iH£ McPherson&: Citizena

State BaDk ., ot M.-9.ii­Capllal and Swplue

•127,000.00 Tbe l"robkm of &be~ .. oar

-...:~:.-tbdJct.ln and It was a well hagbt SL Mary•• ~•. McP he:nKln O. I "°c-r idntt. I hMtlo rrom 1-11rt 10 tlnllb. Dlaplay. I J)aker G7, Ottawa 0. -- 1.-----------.....J'IL------...;;----'

la* 10 lmprovod otrenso •ml durenae. to~!;:~~~~ (~1=~1'1;;:: 0tc~I:!~':: ~=~ J------------. iii• Jlo\ldOlt n>•do tho going pr~llf .CO!"FERENS£1EA.NDINCCS d•!<ated a Saul• Pe railroad tum I' TH£ E-verym-'• Library rpun tor tho Knlsbl>, aud th•t had I ROY~ BARBER Excellent for aupplement&ri tf Nttle for e Yt:f)' toucbdo•n Lber I u to G. SHOP ream., • .._ : '°'· A weak • pot tn the D•lldoc Jin• W L T Plt. O.P. flpwftd thtl Knla:hte l.ht:lr flrJl Buker - • -·4 {I 0 1.000 u. Sow UIAL flH) "S\,·e..lf.."8" '"'"'" th.-d 115 North Maln 90 c;.enta a ~~·~~ tpuebdown In lh ~arly pll'l or U1t1 S t. Marr'!! :J p O 1.00U H. ' .- 1e•mn "11!1 the JC.\\~e1Jc-1·aa cluen '-----------.....: Catalogue on r..equeat:-. Qn\ QUarter. The klc.k for 1oa1 wu K-Wetltiyan l :! 1 .333 S!. thr>' baire 1bc ~•an or dopo out'c tbe 4silt· a UUI• wl4e and ther co•nted n ethany _u t J .:s:u 1%6. llulldop. but. d~ ~·t mna 1gf oply e 111 lhe th •l ~u••hn. ~hu•· Mcl"nenton _ o 3 v .vuu lti::t. an)1hlng In lhla blJt Jr"U~ bat.lie. t'1-the:tr -be•t form or the evening, ou.a,,..u .•. u J 0 .<JOO 57. • - -

9Je4'l:i ·In the 11eoeond quarter and he ld BULi.DOCS TO BAm.£ Cunference leaden. Dakar and St.

Bulldo• Barber Shop West of Community' Bldg.'

112. East Marlin Haircut 25 c.enta

Small~j;~~ . 221 ~~133 ~:Z •. tJlct.' OuUdo1 l ine runr.tloucd very I w., ure o.ndoua lo aee tho two

llti• opposlor; · t eam acorelt•. St. Marr·•. get to~other and Ught h out •------------' 1ihrT• eame Yerr near the r:oal line MENNONflIS FRJDAY ror lhe cba m1>lonshlp but It loob -------------------''"-..-..:..""'"""'"' -·l lacked U1e added punch to earn· I 11• If Baker lin11 tt little oft.he advan· @ 10c, 4be,11$c, 11.50

*1i• acfo111t, a nd u the half endu• tho R' I B - ,- - Th TwO ta~o .. ·Ith that mu Lau1a of theln ..._!rec ~ 'IH4'k,,,.,

r o •Lood t·O in f/' r or. the I Y& ry e tween e.e lu tbe runulnl;\ l• hu. --/> School• It Keen And t M · Ann • The Dope Fairly 1- -- -·-- -=--- - JULIA KJN6' ·S· arv '";p tho t htrd quarter the 1lulldo 1 Well Even r------------. -.J. ~ ·

UDO we&ltcncd Ju•t a bit and atafn • __ \~ t*'"- ............ , . , Pffonit.zo .. ~lowed the Knls;bt!I ~ touchdown 1-•rldiaf wlll bi! thti ,great clay w lum s • I p • CANOl~:r- • · Koda l'f~ Pd a ioal k i ck makl11g: lhtt :t(()f (I thA Dulldog1 meet their old Riva l•, pec1a nces ~ ,..~ 11·0 .. tbe Q1Hrtt>r ended. Jl ..... fn the )fi!noonlte. on the Bothe! tllum· n==~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~======g t~e l~at. qnrter that St. Mary'a huited ncJd. Last year llrn Dull.I ~aat&d for their mo11t point. nd In dog• de feated n ethel h)' n lar,;P tllle quuter theJ wcorcd lwo toueh· l!.tOl'e but according to N J,Orh• rrottt •own1 '• ud added • ga.1 lctek eilch the Mennoullo· camp they are' ooil'vt­•l111e ud the ll(:ore •tood H·O ati tbri. hag a nrnch •lronser team thla yNr salie ended. lt wu coward tht e.od and are determined to win under ot tho pO'le lhCL tblo~• looted bad 1111y tlrcum$llnee1. Be thel deteat~ ~.,St . • ~ar1'• and the UulldO«IJ were d ihe Qhllll'.H.::o lndlftna and n!No .won '9'hhln U•Q 1ord• ot n tour.hclo•·ti bu trrpn Lile T onne11;J1.Cft Poltlechnle


'i!re ttirow• tor a loai auul die! uut cuhe111:e hJ' • "ore or G·O. lAtit • eell L s te!ly. A prtUJ J'AM from Miiier lo ther a nuc.ed another TICtOt)" 10 tbelr awlR~n w·· eene1v Co• ...... tbo tvtt.lu r.ei or Lho a vc:nln11: lltt h,- dctonllul:' a ~tronJ; lndcpen· OU • . , , 'J'


Hose That pleaae the p~ -d ey~

$4 to "$10 All Week .,,.

•Dd Dearly nollud " t1..1uc:lldown ror I !lent icum from "'owton. Alliance Exchange Co. • SHOES ••• HOSl~Y -

th& 8t1,hto11. Kho11i•lng o much Improved form ll:.=========-==-11~==================::;==~:::: Tbe;Bt1l!~o11 did •o•ne vcrr good l o\'Cr preYloua ,;em~ the Uulldog•l l t.ac•UQ aad time and •.:•tn thcr l wer~ bhlln1e a more re11:ular •trlde

·~,~~~ l~~~n1'::~"u::r ~h:o~1

.ne ,.::~,.~ ~·~'.:~ ~~~:1r:!~Y=~d Stin M:1~1·:r:~11:i1~ Baldwin Music Store Ing a igpott bNnd of ruothnll tho

1 u y will Pl'C11(tnl rt fa:Nte r brund or Sheet Muiic _ Acc.euoriei

1tundop fo~1bt C\'er>· mhrnt .. of thto root hall whtm the)' Journey to New· ••me ,nd nrr nearly ta 11ted the et· ltHI 10 buUe the Meaiauultn. Tbt.. Columbia and Victor Record.a

. ~e Superior :Lumber C~~y~:-~ Building Material and :~:~ t ~~--~l~:te:;1c~~=~~d::! :~m~c~~.:~* •. !~~~:~~~11;h.:l~~. :i~: l'hoao 290

l•ual 110\Ul1IM. • t11I' t~·o t ttll lUtt meet I-'rlll:&y night J

~.•·UISJ;80~ N 81'. MAR\""S tu hue. u out . . The 111·0 tt>w.m~ aro Ostlund Sfudio ~\•tr-Mer lO: . f 'aloua d11Pf'd to he pb(iat f'l'C,, &Jl tu '*• 1-' inA na .... l"M»4°""ph)' Phone 40 .. , tilim ..:_ _ .. JlT _ Mr..CC.r1l1y du1•• b ('.Onceru«.'11 but tbh1 win b(> Kodnk Fln.IKhlng aad HyiipUes •

~·a:·.~-- . no____ K1u1cn~w fo11p;ht oot 011 the grldlrun and it t•JrnnntU ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~,.,~~~~:~:_;~~~.·~;·~·~··~· ~·~ ~brir - ··- .. 0-.~--·· •....• "StHb 11l1011ld be u rctil baUJc , '· !....-----------' .. 1:: : f ;~1~·.:~~-=- . :::~ t

Bl•~ - ---···-LE_. Wer1•I The WilbeN °M~ Sh~ The Gi!t For Her PHOTOGRAP.HS

COAL · · -.: ·= .. - . . ... ·

°'\• ..:.:,_, __ ·-···Q.-;--.. 11• Klenc~I s n~r'!6Norih o:'~oclW. . · ' ' • • ' . ,

Aftdef~on ... ...... L . - • 0011.-hur Th Id l ' bl n.(;.,..o., •. _ .. .. nu _ ___ 11011 1•:1!i.r~...:!' .. e .. and Kodak F1'- !.l..!..-ill.ab•ill __ Ju ____ Dur1&aj._ __________ _,

1 ,..,...WJK

M•1'7'• ''• Mc:r1uw110P '4, )•nl• trum - t/AttJI AC!thamqo. Ht. Man•'ts HG. lost ?:?. • W B l" · • ""

BUMKARl': , Flni downll. St.

1 'MciPbenou m"do so. lol't 18: J,ltUlhf, • c c lCVC m WALKER s· Tuo1·a· . et. ar~r>""11, i ror 15 yard•, ucracc Good Work . . . . 21.1 '"""· •1<ro ..... to tor " ' G d S · Ladiea' aad M•"• wriat &Dtl ,.rd •. ucr .. :e , •. , yard•: tor .... rd I oo erv1ce . . . . .tra ••• tcJa;..

--· St. Mtrr'• •tt•m1ll• • &. (Om- and Good Materials. New Waldemar claaia1, rm•• 1•lctod '1 for -4


,rarda and hue.rcQptutl • 2': MePher•on.,altcmpted a. i:omJ>lct· ~ • Vogt' s .ad Wacelett. ""

1 ror H ,.. ..... ••d toterttpl .. •: l Electric Shoe Shop J. Ed. G .. •taf·~n

pe.a&IUea. St. Marr·a ' for U )'ard1. - -lllcPll.,...n I !or 4o yudo; rumbl... 102 l!!as~ Eµclid 11 l N. MAI_ N STRUT

8l. lr .. r 7'ts 1 , Mr.Pht!n'on ! a11d r e· !~§§§§§§~§§§§~5~~§§~§§§~=~ COTH'ed 3: tout'Wdown•: Klenck J. nouchud: polnt1; a.fte'I' touchdown.

Klocll l plate k ick . n ouchar• • 11 .i.e. kick. -:"' •

OPPlOIAUJ: Refe.re.\', Thomii.,, BAKER'S CAFE

307 N. Maia '


Chili and Sandwichea THE NEW

STAY WITH THE BULLDOGS, .AND YOU WILL ALWAYS COME JiBRE. =:~-=:::!~ ~~b::..e.r ; head I • .:::: ~ ~~ ~.'

&Nreb14 .. n,n: 1~~~~~~====~~~======~~::::~~~~~~:1~~~~~~~~~§§~~~~~~~~~~~~~~g 81.. lilar7'1 ~- t .o 1 U-H :""--- ----



0===.0' . BURKHOLDER LUMBER co. Slaeaffer Pem and Peaeiis' ~11Udlrig Materi~l ~d Coal

Phone 16

McPherson, Kansas · ·

Wahl Evenharp Pens and Pepcih We .... jut wl..t :roo--. C- bi ...i iit-11 .......

Bixby,· l.indsay 4 Cq . . ,, DRUGS •• • awa.ay

top related