j terre register! · shon gave several pleasing selections. mrs. mabel horne presided at the pia...

Post on 20-Jul-2020






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Km. J„ W- Taylor ud won, Oeorgt, •t en-visitors a* tb» feoitfe of Mr. and Mra. A. L. H»wKb».

Mr. J. T. Henderson of BloomfieM, lows, vu ail over 8unday visitor.

Mr. and Mra. Julio* King of Iowf City have retnraed home after a "pleas­ant visit at the home of her parent*, Mr, mad Mra. Chaa. Da via.

Mr. and .lfjr*. £3bridg$ Horne ̂of Cf" ; dar Rapids* have retonwd bofco sftir vislti&ff at the Jtonu ttf hia mother, Mrs. ( Henrietta Harne.

Mm L. E. Bailey of Omaha ha* re-tamed to her home. Mrs. Bailey haa been visiting at the home of her par-eate, Mr and Mrs. €. W. Morris.

Mr. and Mra. h. B.-Pratt have ,e-tnraed home filer a pleaaant tonr •.hrn Pnleell, Okla., Emporia^ Kansas and Kansas City.

Mr. Rossell Hick* haa returned home after visiting with relative# in Cedar Rapids. ••

Mr. and Mrs. MeKmley Weeks were >ovw Sunday visitor# in, Albia %t the. home of their parents, Mr. and Mrs. B. T. Lewis.

Miss Mabto Dant left Tuesday for

Mr. Lawrea«« LM left Monday night for Phoenix,' Arizona, after visiting sev­eral days with his mother and sister.*,

Mias Helen Lewis is visiting relatives Minneapolis, Minn.

Mr. Curtis Williams is a visitor in •y\ ^Chicago, 111. . .

§> «( Mrsu Harry Owens is on the sick list «, this week.

Miss Minnie Thompson is quite ill at J»er home. .

Mrs. James Boknson remains quite ill * at her home.

L" Mr. and Mrs. George Mc-Gill are the #*roud parents of a baby girl.

f-\r Mr. and Mrs. Strand are the proud J I; parents of an infant.

Mr. Lucius Lec has returned home T'CfS' after an extended visit in Chicago, 111. ^FjsV Attorney Chaa. P. Howard left last

week for Hampton institute, Virginia, where he has accepted a position as as­sistant to the director of athletics, Chan.

- "Williams. Mrs. Howard and baby will ' follow within a few weeks. The By-

s ( scander wishes Mr. Howard success. h ' ; - Mr. Martin Brown, agent tor Em-

jnett Scott world war book had great success in our city among our race neo-

F - -j P'c selling his books. P- •% Mr. Hollv Nicholas, Mr. Horner

'* "Green and Mr. George Walfscale spent T',J Sunday in Buxton, Iowa, f * i <sV - -

(Mattie Yeaaey, agent.) £?S Mrs. Miller of Mystic is visiting her Si-' ion. Mr. Bennie Shoemaker.

Mr. Clark Hieks died Sept. 17 itt #" Clarinda and his body was brought to iifi Ottnrawa. He leaves to mourn; his loss yjJ his parents, sisters and brothers ar^ a

.•..•sdiost of friends. ** -W Mrs. Ella Greaver entertained at ft

* J2 o'clock luncheon, Hey. Edwards and family, Mfs. Lydia Greenup and Mrs. Mattie Green at her home, 225 Myrtle street. ? • • •

Mra. M. A. Lee and Mra. Efc. Mae Lee IJm. - i > {. •, j

Mn, JBeatries Terrell after an extend­ed rut in the east stopped over in the city en* route to her home in Des Moines to visit her annt and cousin, Mrs. A. Lee and Mm. D. Fine.

Mra. D. Mae Fine entertained a few friends 8unday afftefnopn in the honor of -Mrs. Beatrice Terrell Grahk. ~

Mr. L. W. Warren entertained Mrs. Beatrice Terrell Crank of Dea Moines and Mrs. B. Mae Fine at dinner Satur­day evening.

Mra. J. B. Nelson entertained for Mrs. Crank Friday evening.

A reception was given at Bethel A. M. E. church Monday evening. Sept 20 in the honor of Bev. J. H. Ferribee. Ke leaves Tuesday morning for confer ence.

Rev. Garrison of Galesburg was in the city Monday en route to Des Moines to attend the annual conference.

Mrs. J. B. Nelson entertained at din-der Thuraday evening Rev. and Mra. A Ford, Mrs. M. A. Lee and Mrs. D. Mae Fine. In the honor of her mother, Mrs. A. Anderson and nephew, Mr. Robert Davis of Terra Haute, Ind.

Anyone having news please phone 467G-J.



At the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Tfltker, 77 Seyenth avenue west, the members of" C. ?• and B.. club enter­tained sixty-seven of their friends Wed­nesday evening, Sept. 15 from 8 until 11 in courtesy to Mra. Fred H. Gres-ham, state president of, Jfoyta Federa­tion of Colored Women elubs. Mrs. C. W. Crushon welcomed the guest of hon­or. To which Mrs. Gresham responded l,her usually pleasing manner. The' boys trio consisting; of Philip

Waites, Oliver Ampey and Joseph Cru­shon gave several pleasing selections. Mrs. Mabel Horne presided at the pia­no.

Misses Lillian Williams and Alice Walker presided at th^ punch bowl.

Mrs, O. J. Smith, Mrs* C. Wilson, Mrs. Miller, Mrs. M.

Rev. Murrv of the A. M. E. church preached his farewell sermon Sunday, Sept. 10. His members and friends are sorry to lose him.

Miss Oleeva Rollins and Miss Edythe Redd gave an entertainment at the Second Baptist church Thursday night. A neat sum was realized.

Mr. Walter Wyatte and family have moved to Davenport.

Mr. Arthur Moore has purchased a Cadillac touring car. A few of his friends and family motored <to Cedar Rapids Sunday.

Mrs. Sadie Black has returned from Cedar Rapids where she has beerf vis­iting. .

Mrs. Anna King of Monticello, Mo., has returned home after being caller here on the account of the illness of her daughter, Miss Altha King.

Mrs. James Jackson of Hartforl, Conn., Mr. Charles Kenney and Mrs. M. Steward of Ft. Madison are in the hospital at Quincy, 111., as the result of an accident when their car turned over four'miles out of Quincy. Other oecupants were slightly. bruised. ' Mr! George Steward and Miss Agn?s Steward!" have gone to Quincy to be at the bedside of their mother, Mrs. M. Steward. • ,

Mr. Ravmond Cranshaw Jias returned to Burlington after visiting relatives and friends here. ^ _

1 Mrs. N. Colby and Mrs. B. Lacy of J.aBelle, Mo., were the guests of Mrs. Clarence Smith and Mrs. Harry Clin­ton.

Mr. Raymond Black made a business trip to Peoria, 111.. Monday.

A few Ft. Madison people attended the dance in Burlington last week.


(A. A. Bush.)

Mrs. A. A. Bush spent a short time last week in Chicago. She was accom­panied home by her son, Rogers, who spent a week with relatives.

Messrs. Fred Slater and Curtis Bush will leave this week for Iowa City to resume their studies in the university.

Mra M. O. Culberson is visiting at l>er former home in Minneapolis.

While our last items were for some eause or other left out of their proper issue, we regret that some of our ar­ticles of news failed to appear at all.

Master Paul Ivory Perkins, the 7-. vear-old- boy preacher of Chicago, III., closed a week's series of meetiuga on Sunday night at the Second Baptist church. While here he preached to

Mr. and Mm, John 8ayle« aad grand­daughter, Mias Joseph ins Da via, left Tuesday for their home in Canada after several weeks visit in Clinton.

A box social was held on Monday night at Bethel A. M. E. ehnreh as a closing climax for, the conference year. A large crowd was present, a good sum realised, and a general good time the result.

Rev. and Mr*. C. J. Dean, parents of Mrs. R. Thomas visited the past week in Clinton. They left Tuesday morning for their hcuna in Flint, Michigan.

Mr. J. A^Baston of Chicago was a g-iest in Clinton Monday night, en route to the annual'conference. He was accompanied by five others, the party left in their autos early Tuesday morn-ing.

Services were well attended on Sun­day in the morhing Bev. C. J. Dean of Flint, Mich., preached a soul stirring sermon; in the evening Rev. R. Thomas delivered his farewell sermon, and road the reports of his year's work.

Mrs. Frances Culberson has returned fiom a*several week's visit in Westren Iowa. \

Rev. Thomas was presented with a i>ew suit and shoes Ia&t week, and Mon­day night Mrs. Thomas was Che recip­ient of a dress, a gift of a few of their friends.

Rev. 1>, H. Owens, presiding elder, fct-ld quarterly conference on Wednes­day evening, Sept. 15. It is hoped that ce may be returned to this district.

Moines wore visitor* in Waterloo San-day. •

Services were well attended at An-tioeh Baptist ehnreh Sunday; fott ad­ditions to the church, one for baptism.' Items from Antioch Baptist Oburch.

Mrs. M. *Dowding is home from the hospital doing nicely.

Thd revival at Antioch Baptist church is progressing spiritually.

Last week, all t|»e licensed niijuatera filled the pulpit each night, and great was the manifestations of the Holy

M Walker, Mrs. R. Baker was in the receiving line.

Mrs. Carrie Perkins and Mrs. Mijiniellarge gatherings. „ Grey donated two lovely cakes. The forn^al °Pe°,.ngi®f


At a late hour the gneets was served a delicate repast by Miss Lucille Phil­lips, Mr&i Emma Thoinas, Mrs. R. Mil­ler, Mrs. P. Caulder, Mrs. C. Wilson,

Ada Green, Mrs. Alice Neal. | iS5J- liast Week" Motes. , "•Bobert Davis of Terre Haute,

'Jio has been visiting his . aunt, v-.! Nelson departed for his home

ili-vening. Mrs. J. B. Nelson

nitv Center' located in the parsonage of the A. M. E. church will take place Tueaiay evening with four nights of activities. _n

Rev. Thomas will give has farew II sermon on Sunday night preparatory to leaving for the annual conference m Des Moines. ,

The tag dav held last Wednesday was a success, and will assist the stewards in liquidating some of their ob^tions.

sad news of-the .death of jTfce concert and social given Thursday t«r in St, Louis, Mo.; ,1nieht for the stewards was a success, ine Bertram, whb dud, Monday night a box social will

given; this will be the last entertain-awford was held frofc# Mf.: ̂ pnt' for this conference year, 'church Sunday afternoon. J ipjjg formai opening of the Commn-« Dalmerson of Iowa City} ltit„ center located in' the parsonage ?f ^ "the guest of her daugit- • A M JJ. church, took place on

Beshears. . tt. | Tuesday, 'Wednesday. Thursday and jh of Clinton was in the j j-yidav of last week. The opening night

^of Dr. and Mrs: Beshears. I ^vea over to the white citizens. * and granddaughter, Alice ^ j B Chariton, chairman. A mas ?home from'a visit in Chi-, ' addre88 waa given by Rev. G. R.

, Cady, pastor of the Congregational 4. Anderson of Terre Haute, > chu,c'h The following nights were giv-' returned home after an extend-j en ov€^. ^ athletics, a concert by the

Fsit with her daughter, Mrs. J. B. community chorus, Mr. Schiller Emer­son, director. A drill by a g™up of

r | -luJB o . girls under direction of Miss Jensen, te Mrs. C. B. Lewis of Des Moines was volunteer supervisor of thelroal • ^

pfil lit Md Literature club, met .t She Mr,.-Mabel Thorny. Donag the

'•B- s°

hK'n ***** ",!r- 2J jjj-

Mr.- and Mrs. Stanley Caulder left gram was rendered at 4:30 when a -claHlcY VoViuci ivtw ^i aiu * , , , « _ Friday evening for New York City to ication and flag raising took place -

^#?ccompany the remains of his brother, der the supervision of the ^ A. R.^and M Nathan Caulder to Lexington, Ky.


5 o u w v * » * - — • « Mr. G A. R. with addresses and music by

^ ' jhe community orchestra. AP?J<?PT1®t® Rev. G. W. Harts of Salt Lake City, and well chosen words J*1^

nVtah, preached at Mt. Zion Baptist pastor, Rev. R. Thomas; at the Ihnreh last Sunda/ . the exercises refreshments were servea

Rev. A. B. Collins of St. Louis, Mo., by a committee of lames. _ iyS?i>wiH preaeh Sunday at Mt. Zion Bap- Rev. and Mrs. R. Thomas left Tue

chnTct 7 day night for the annual conference. k '4

f - Wigs , of Natural Human Hair V'l;Made According to Your Measurement Either Wavy or " Crimpy Can be Combed and dressed. Bay direct from Man

faeturer Write foe free catalog of switches transfomatlon strightening combs and everything in hair. goods

662 P. 8th Ave ALEX MARK



• The work Is Facinatlng And Lucrative $15. to $35 Per Week Jobs Waiting For YOU "

You Can Easily Get One- We Teach You How ̂Qnr course includes Shampooing, .Scalp Treatments, Facial |faasage

Electrolysis, Manicuring Marcel Waving, Hair Manufacturing, etc. When you have finiabad w« put you in touch with the best openings

intl»i«eoun< aihiest homes 's finest xd

pe pr


MUSCATINE NOTES. Bev. W. W. Williams/ preached his

farewell sermon Sunday, Sept. 20. $53.20 was realized from the rally given by Hie stewards department of church.

Messrs. Ed Bain, A. O. Powell an J Charles Hester attended the installa­tion and reception of the Masonic lodge at Washington, Iowa Saturday night.

Miss Helen Tomlin returned to her home in Des Moines last Tuesday aft?r a week's visit with friends in this city.

Mrs. Ada Edmonds left for her home in Hocking, Iowa last Tuesday after a brief visit at the home of her brother, Arthur Manley.

Mrs. Bernice Metlock returned to her home here after a fevf days visit with relatives at Monmouth, 111.

Mrs. L. Gardner of Bock Island .'S spending a few days with her father A. Seabrook.8

Anna Lloyd returned to her home aft­er spending the ^ast four weeks in Chi­cago with heT sister, Mrs. Addie Pash. home of her mother, Mrs. Jane Wat-kins.

Miss Phvlic King of New London, y*o., is visiting her sister, Miss Laura King.

Mrs. Rita Ashley and children have returned to their home in Keokuk after a pleasant visit with her husband, Mr. £. F. Aahbv.

Mr. and Mrs. Ed: Williafti entertain­ed Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson and Mr. Geo. King complimentary to her cou-fin, Mrs. H. Ashby on Wednesday eve­ning, cards being the diversion for the evening. ' Mrs. Ed. Williams and daughter, El­

sie, returned last week from a very pleasant visit in Mpscatine with rela­tives'.

Dr. and Mrs. J. E. Johnson enter­tained Madam O. Burkhardt and moth' er, Mrs. John Jones Sunday afternoon.

Dn J"., E. Johnson spent Labor day visiting relatives and friends in Hanni­bal, Mo.

OSKALOOSA ITEMS. (Treasola Taylor.)

Sunday waf a glorious day at the Second Baptist church. Bev. Palmar preached two soul stirring sermons.

Mrs. Eugene Bussell and Mrs. Mable. Crowder were party entertainers last week.

Miss Gladys Cross won first prize on a luncheon set at the fair last week.

Ms. Mable Crowder was hostess to a luncheon last week.

Mrs. Andy Beed is on the sick list. Mrs. Andy Beed is on the sick list. Little Carl Taylor was sick a couple

of davs last week. Bev. B. P. Palmer organized a Lit­

erary club for the young folks of Oska-loosa.

Mr. E. C. Allen, president; Miss Leona Palmer, secretary; Rev. B. P. Palmer, treasurer.

Misses Jefferson 9nd Jones left last week for Memphis, Tenn. They have been the guest of the latter's mother the past summer.

Mrs. Luella Johnson is an Oskaloosa visitor.

Mrs. Robert Franklin and daughter, Bobbie, went to Chicago this week for a visit at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Jessie Lee and her brother in Gary, Ind.

Mrs. Harry Appleton of Fort Wayne Ind., who has been visiting her daugh­ter Mrs. J. W Jones, left Monday for Kirksville and Kansas City.

Mr. Joe Barquette, who has been working in Milwaukee the past sum­mer is home for a short visit. Bev. D. W Brown closed his year's work as pastor of the A M. E. church Sunday. Bev. and Mrs. Brown left Tuesday for Des Moines to attend the annual con­ference. _ .

Miss Lensy is visiting her brother s family, Mr. and Mrs. Brown.

WATERLOO NEWS. Mrs. Etta Amen is confined to her bed

on 104 Bates street. A great day is being planned for at

the A. M. E. church Sunday, Sept. 19. Six o'clock prayer meeting will be h^ld in honor and thanksgiving to God for his mercies and blessings throughout the past year. Prayer meeting will be led by Mrs. Delia CaTey an evangelist of the Chicago annual conference who will Bpend the day with us. An old-fashioned basket dinner will be partici pated in by the members of the church in the afternoon between . 1 and 3 o'clock. At 3 p. m, Bev. W. W. Ewing of the Antioch Baptist chureh will preach. He will be accompanied by his members and choir. Come one and

Much indeed has been accomplished in the last two months. Bev. Boyd has succeeded in securing an eight-room par­sonage -which has been placed upon the church lot. We are proud to write that to make a modern house of it. The house itself is clear of debt. The parsonage the most of the money has been raised will be ready for occupancy by Oct. 1

The sub-annual conference held Sept 8 and 9 was a great success in every vhiy. Mrs. Sarah Cooper and Mrs. G E. Smith received the prize for having the largest report. Their reports were & tie therefore, both received the same gift which was a very nice Bible.

Mr. and Mrs. Leon Dowdan former residents of this city are moving here again from Peoria, 111.

Mrs. Carry Harper of Minneapolis, Minn., is visiting her relatives and friends here. „ : ' , „ ,

Father Lane and family, one W the pioneer residents of Waterloo and a highly respected citizen of Waterloo and devent workers in Antioch Baptist

e moved to Mi<^iigan where up their residence on' a

iiOtoe Dtftprding is hotne from the

the manifestations Spirit.

Sunday afternoon there was a union meeting Jield at the A. M. E. church. Bev. -Ewing of the Antioch Baptist chureh preached, and his chhir and con­gregation accompanied him.

The services were in keeping with the usual customs preceding the pas­tors attendance of the association or to conference. Bev. Boyd leaves Tuesday for Des Moines for the general confer­ence Antioch Baptist church wishes his return to Waterloo.

Bev. 8. Bates and Bev. G. W. B'Jb-irson will arrive in Waterloo Wednes­day, Sept. 22 to sit in council < in the ordination of A. L. Torpley.

Sunday night Bev. Bichardson (white) filled the pulpit. His sermon was enjoyed by all. Bev. Ewing is expecting to go to Yankton, S. D., to help Bev. Heriford in a week's meet­ing.

Chronic Catarrh. Our manner of living makes us very

susceptible to colds and a succession of colds causes chronic catarrh a loathsome disease with whieh it is estimated that ninety-five per cent of our adult popu­lation are afflicted. If you would avoid chronic catarrh you must avoid colds or having contracted a cold get rid of it as quickly as possible. Chamber­lain 's Cough Bemedy is highly recom­mended as a cure for colds and can be depended upon.

Keep Well and Be Happy. Ii you would be happy you mast

keep vour bowels regular. One or two of Chamberlain's Tablets taken imme­diately after supper will cause a gentle movement of the bowels on the follow­ing morning.

cruel aad Inhuman treatment. For more particulars see petition. Aad that unless yon appear thereto

and defend before aooa or the second day of November term, A D., 1920, of the said court, trhiek will commence at Dea Moines on the 1st day of No­vember A. D., 1920, of default will be entered against you* and judgment ren­dered thereon.

Dated this 14th day of September, litctfU , ... > - !-

W. O. ANDERSON, Attorney for Plaintiff.


In the District court of the state • ef Iowa, in and . for Polk county, No­vember term, A. D. 1920. 1

Hosry Butler, Plaintiff.

vs. • -Oda Butler,

Defendant. To Oda Butler:

You are hereby notified that on or be­fore the 1st day of October, A. D. 1920, the petition of the plaintiff in the above entitled cause will be filed in the office of the clerk of the District Court of rhe state of Iowa, in and for Polk coun­ty, Iowa, claiming of you an absolute divorce on the grounds of desertion and adultery. • For further particulars see petition,

and unless you appear thereto and de­fend before noon of the second day of the next term, being the November term of said court, which will com­mence at Des Moines, Polk county, Iowa, on the 1st day of November, 1920, default will be entered against you and judgment and decree rendered thereon.

Dated this 14th day of September 1920.

W. G. ANDERSON, Attorney for Plaintiff.


a* v.-

I ** ' hSU i&Vw..YAOl<.

i";'* .f'-iifeiijfcr'i •

Eufaula 30 Minute*



Eradicates Wrinkles First

Application Light­en the Skin

Pi ice 85c

Eufaula Beauty Cream (Vanishing)

Soothing Refresh­ing greaseless-leav

es a Clear Light Skin

Price 60c

Rose Bipwn Face Powder Soecially Prepar­ed for brown Skin Fargrsnt, smooth and velvety.

Price 60c

All High Class Beauty Culturists

Carry Eufaula Toilet Prepara­

tions because they

are the best '


'Try it.

ORIGINAL NOTICE. In the District Court of the State of

Iowa, in and for Polk county, No­vember term, A. D. 1920.

Kate Tilson, Plaintiff,

vs. Ned Tilson,

Defendant. To Ned Tilson:

You are hereby notified that on or before the second day of October, A. D. 1920 the petition of the plaintiff in the above entitled cause will be filed in the office of the clerk of the District Court of the State' of Iowa, in and for Polk county, claiming of you an abso­lute divorce on the rounds of non-sup­port, cruelty and infidelity and con­viction of a felony. . .

For further particulars see petition and unless you appear thereto and de­fend before noon of the second day of next term being the November term cf said court which will commence on the 1st day of November, 1920, default will be entered against you and judg­ment and decree rendered thereon.

Dated this 14th day of ' September,

102°" W. G. ANDERSON, Attorney for Plaintiff.


In the District Court of the State of Iowa, in and for Polk county, No­vember term, A. D., 1920.

Christiana Pitts, Plaintiff,

vs. Albert Pitts,

Defendant. To Albert Pitts:

You are hereby notified that on or before the 20th day of September, A. D. 1920, the petition of the plaintiff in the above entitled cause will *be filed in the office of the Clerk of the Dis­trict Court of the 8tate of Iowa, in and for Polk county, claiming of you an absolute divorce upon the grounds of

TO EVERY LADY Important Booklet

Important Personal Cluurm Send address on postal

ewd and receive by return mail, absolutely FREE. this interesting booklet ex­plaining how to esuuly ac­quire that subtle quality whieh every lady is desir­ous of baring—a simple and lasting way of im­parting personal charm. It is an interesting state­ment of important infor­mation every lady should know. Send NOW—this free offer ends .soon. Address Ik B. 410, Battle Creek; Mich.

Mrs. E. F. Butler, 721 C. Ave. W., Albia. - . ^ Mrs. Luna Herroll, Poro System, 731 N. Fellows Ave., Ottumwa Mrs. Margaret Walters, 401 N. Lincoln St., Mt. Pleasant Mrs. Josephine Wilson, (Hair Refiner), 136 South 6th St., Burlington Miss Gertrude Hyde (Walker System), ®^1 13th. Mrs W.J. Shepherd (Poro System) 1023 W. 13th. Mrs. Anna Claybrook (Poro System), 1551 Buchanan St. Mrs. Marv Barrett (Walker System), 1010 Center St. , Mrs Etta Smith (Poro System), 1625 Buchanan Mrs! Izelia Robinson. 1627 Walker (Walker System) Mrs. Mary Scott (Walker System), 1040 4th St. Place Mrs. Ada Green CPoro System), 935 L St. West, Cedar Rapids. Mr W. P. Akersj Fine Custom Tailoring, S. Main St., Buxton


EUFAULA CHEMIGAL CO. 151 W. 53rd St. New York

Good News For All Hen

Simply Wash the Hair Oh! Boy!! Dr. Pryor's Wonderful $oap

Is the only preparation on the market that will straighten the hair without turning it red or in: juring the scalp. The latest scien­tific discovery. Will not give the hard, porcupine effect, but makes the hair soft and wavf. Price $1.12 per package. Agents'outfit $5.50. No samples. Big money for agents.

A. STUART NOVELTY CO. 2513 Lake St., Omaha, Neb.

Are you adding to Old H. C. L. by neglecting to protect yourself against expenses incident to sickness, injuries and loss of .time through accidental means f

Are you prepared to pay the increased cost per visit from your physi­cian in case your illness confines you for a long period?

Will not a hospital bill and a nurse combined prove a drain upon your resources?

Would you be interested in an insurance policy that offers ample pro­tection against these conditions—at a rate that is within your means— and with a company that is sound? If so—Call

H. S. BURN AM, Insurance Salesman

Drake 4259-J, Res. 1062 17th 8t.


AGENTS; Ray's Hair Straitener Big Money; 50 cents Bex Free. Send

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WATCH YOUR STEPS WHY PAY $50.00? Get our Complete Course and Diploma in Hair Dress­ing and Beauty Culture far $10.00 including $5.00 worth of Treatments. Send address to-day for new terms,

W.T. McKISSICK & CO. P. O. Box 102 it grew mine

WILMINGTON. DEL. " It will grow youri.


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Nelson's New and Old Books

50.000 BOOKS TO Select From

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boiled rice instead of soap, and then —>*I don't know. Eave you tried tv rinse la clear w»ter. arythlng elael"—Fnck.

Price $1.00 at any drag atora or sent fn plain wrapper tJ any cddi-esson racsipt of price.

£. gents Wanted Everywhere



REGISTER! Colored Republicans!

MEN AND WOMEN IN the approaching brown October days the slogan

is ta Register in states and cities where the reeis-_ regis­tration law prevails. A voter who doesn't Register is like a 14-inch gun without ammunition.

Get Your Name on the Books the First Registration Days

IF YOU HESITATE YOUR VOTE IS LOST. In order that you may vote for Harding and Coolidge

and against Cox and disfranchisement, you must Register, and by so doing you draw first blood from your ancient political enemy, the Democratic Party.

Be a Good Samaritan

IF your neighbor has forgotten the importance of Registration, remind him of it. If your neighbor

j; ; has journeyed from the South, seeking freedom, education and opportunity, tell him to Register so he can obtain these benefits by voting for Hardin? and

• Coolidge. Be your "brother's keeper." .


• ' '


Our collector will, start on his an­

nual visit soon.' Be prepared to see him

when he calls.

•mall Dogs Quickest to Learn. The best kind of dogs to train to per­

form tricks are tbe smaller ones, such M terriers, poodles, spaniels, collies, and dschshnnds. Tbe poodle Is tbe cleverest of an.

: « j


A i a

top related