j1a packet 1 - odoriworld.com · answer the questions by filling in the blanks with the correct...

Post on 11-Apr-2018






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-tJ.' i .;t:---------------------U-5(t:-----------------------

1. Write the correct family tenns in the ( ) in hiragana.

( ) ( )

£=+ II I


@~ ~


( ) ( ) ME ( ) ( )

~ II. Write the ages of each family member in hiragana.


(q years old

(5 years old

( ) ~ \ \T'-t 023 years old

4,£'lvf t;i;Ij:"./ 46 years old


5 I 3 i)' I

Japanese 1A Packet 1

III. Answer the questions by filling in the blanks with the correct responses, based on the family sketchbelow. Use hiragana. ~

Question: 1;".:.p' < Ij: -fJ-' Iv I: Iv T'-t 1;" 0

Answer: ( ) T'-t 0 [Including self.]

Answer: ( ) T'-t 0 [Including self.]

~ Question: ::: tL Ix

[IJ l hi L J: -) : Let's read.]

Answer: ( ) T'-t 0 [Relationship]

Circle true (T) or false (F).

1. ( T F ) I am 14 years old.

2. ( T F ) I have brothers and sisters.

3. (T F) My family includes my father, my mother and me.

4. (T F) My father is 45 years old.

5. (T F) My father is older than my mother.

I 3 1J' I 6

~ 7F~/-T-t'-B*-~1


-tJ.' i .;t:---------------------U-5(t:----------------------

1. This is Keiko's family. Write the correct family tenns in the ( ) in hiragana,

( )t ~(~:T r;~( )e ~(

t: L}; 50 i!'Ph 46


~(f!. 0 I!J

hi;: 8 t:'\ \-9lt 9 It \ \ : ~t:- 20'- '-

( ) ( ) ( )

II. Answer the questions based on the infonnation above.



e~cr'.::Y~ "5}; 21

( )

7 I 3 1J'I


III. Fill in the blanks with the correct particles. Choose from Ij:, (J), t: .


3. : tL ( ) tJ t: L ( ) \ \ ~(dog) T'-9 0

[6~?l h i L J: -) : Let's read.]

Circletrue (T) or false (F).

1. (T F) Akira is 16 years old.

2. (T F ) Akira has a younger brother.

3, (T F ) Akira has an older sister.

4. ( T F) Akira lives with his grandfather.

5. (T F) Akira's sister is 22 years old and her name is Michie.

-tJ.' i .;t : _

U-:j'(t:----------------------1. Circle the correct sentence endings based on the infonnation given on the left

@\ 1.1tlv~ 1v11 1 6 ~ \ \ {AT'-9 B. T'11~ ') i {!,(,} 0

~7\.V 2, It Iv ~ 1v11 1 5 ~ \ \ {AT'-9 B. T'11~ ') i {!,(,} 0

Ken absent 3.lt£~,(,11 i; Ii> -) -I;{ < {!\ \

15 years Old) {AT'-9 B. T'11~ I) i {!,(,} 0

9th grade 4. It,(,~ ,(,11 : -) : -){!\ \ {AT'-9 B. T'11~ ') i {!,(,} 0

5. It Iv ~ 1v11 }; ~ -9h {AT'-9 B. T'11~ ') i {! Iv} 0

II. Use the infonnation below to do Parts A and B.

It Iv 9th ;th 9th \ \ < }; 10th 7 /'(Ann) 11th -fJ-'}; t: 12th

A Answer in hiragana.






9 I 3 1J' I

B. Circle the correct particles based on the information from the previous page.

1. It Iv ~ Iv {All B. (J)} i; Ii> -) -I;{< ~ ,(, tllv {t \ \T'-t 0

2. ;t h ~,(, {A t B. t:} 1; Ii> -) -I;{< ~ Ivtl,(,{t \ \ T'-t 0

3. It ,(,~ Iv {A /1 B. t} ;t h~Iv {A t: B. t} 1; Ii> -) -I;{< ~ Iv tl ,(,{t \ \

T'-t 0

4. It Iv~ Iv {All B. (J) 7 ~ /' r /' WASHINTON: -) : -) {A t: B. (J)} {t\ \ t:

T'-t 0

[IJ l hi L J: -) : Let'sread.l

!'P "5 }; < Iv 11 1; Ii> -) -I;{< \ \ 1; tl,(,{t \ \T'-t 0 l Ii> -) I: ~ \ \T'-t 0

-I;{ "') : -) (J) -fJ-' i ;t /1 -t \ \t: 1; Ii> -) -I;{< T'-t 0 !'P"5}; < ,(,(J)

-I;'.:.p'</l ll:'('T'-to };t:-)~lvt: };-I;'~~lvt: };tl;t~,(,t:

!'P"5}; < Iv T'-t 0 };tl;t ~ ,(,11 : -) : -) {t\ \T'-t 0 };tl;t ~,(,(J)

-fJ-' i ;t 11 !'P -) : T'-t 0

Circle true (T) or false (F).

1.(T F) Yukio is in the 7th grade.

2. (T F) Yukio is 13 years old.

3. (T F) Tsuita is the name of Yukio's intermediate school.

4. (T F) Yukio has an older sister.

5. (T F) Yukio's sister is also an intermediate school student

I 3 1J' I 10

-tJ.' i .;t : __

I. t": T'-t 1;'0 Write in hiragana.

U-5(t: -----------------------

2. 4.3.

II. -fJ-' I: llv T'-t 1;'0 Write in hiragana.


1. April 7. September _

2. July

3. October

8. December -------------

9. August

4. March 10. June

5. January 11. February

6, November 12. May

11 I 3 1J' I

IV. Match the questions and answers.

1. -fJ-',(,T'-t -I; , 0 ( ) A. !'P -) ::: ~ ,(, T'-t 0

2. t:'tL T'-t-l;'o ( ) B. ~.2(- ::: T'-t 0

3. t"::: T'-t -1;'0 ( ) c. 1; Ii> -) -I;{ < \ \ 1; tllv-tt\ \ T'-t 0

4, -fJ-''('-I;{-")T'-t-l;'o ( ) D. ;t Iv r!-") T'-t 0

5. -fJ-',(,tllv -tt\ \ T'-t -1;' 0 ( ) E. :::"-I; {-") -t -t 0

[6~~l h i L J: -) : Let's read.]

:::1; ~ 11 ~ - J~ (Kooru) 1± '('-tt\ \ -C-t 0 ~ - J~ (Kooru) -tt Iv-tt\ \11

~'1' ''/ (Doitsu) llv T'-t 0 ~ - J~ (Kooru) -tt '('-tt\ \11 L -I;{-") -) i nT'-t 0

.2(- L 1", ~,(, l Ii> -) l Iv ~ \ \T'-t 0 ~ - J ~ (Kooru) -tt Iv -tt \ \ /1 (f < (J)

}; t: -) t: (J) ~' l' '/'DOITSU :" (J) -tt Iv -tt\ \T'-t 0

Circle the correct answers.

1. I am introducing a (A. student B. teacher).

2. She is (A. French B. German C. Spanish);

3. She was born in (A. January B. April C. July).

4. She is (A. 24 B. 27 C. 34 D. 37).

5. She is my (A. younger sister's B. younger brother's) teacher.

I 3 1J' I 12


~ 7'~' ..-.(/' 1- -t' - B *-~ 1


-tJ.' i .;t:-------------------------U-5(t:----------------------

1. Circle true (T) or false (F) based on the information below.

My father is 43 years old. He used to be an engineer, but now he is a doctor.

1. (T F) 1; 1;11 4 2 ~ \ \T'll ~ ') i -tt Ivo

2. (T F) 1; 1;11 4 3 ~ \ \T'-t 0

3. (T F) 1; 1; 11 i;t .I. /' :; -=- J ENJINIA T' L t: 0

4. (T F) 1; 1; 11 i;t .I. /' :; -=- JENJINIA T'll

~ ') i -tt IvT' L t: 0

5. (T F) 1; 1; 11 \ \ i \\L ~ T'-t 0

6.(T F) 1;1;11 \\i \\L~T'll ~') i-ttlvo

II. }; L :::"t: 11 -fJ-' IvT'-t -1;' 0 Answer in hiragana.

1. 2.

4. 5.




I 3 1J' I

III. Answer based on fact

Ex. ~ -fJ-' t: 11 1 8 ~ \ \T'-t-l;'o

\\\\1\.., 1 8~\\T'll ~') i-ttlvo

1. ~ -fJ-' t: 11 :::"-I;{-") -) in T:-t -1;'0

[IJ l h i L J: -) : Let's read.]

T'-t 0 .; < -I;{-") -) i n T'-t 0 111111 i;t :. -) :. -)(J) -ttIv-tt\ \

T' L t: 0 .2(- L 1", \ \ i "'",(,:'"L T' -t 0

Circle true (T) or false (F).

l.(T F) . My motheris 46 years old.

2. (T F) My mother was born in July.

3. (T F) My mother is a teacher now.

4. (T F) My mother used to be a teacher.

5. (T F) My mother is a lawyer now.

I 3 1J' I 14

r- -



-tJ.' i .;t:------------------------U-5(t:------------------------

Introduce your family (including yourself) in Japanese. Attach a photo of your family or draw a

picture. Tell how many are in your family, names, ages, months in which they were born, jobs, schools,

grades, and their nationalities.

15 I 31J'I

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