james blunt music identity

Post on 30-May-2015






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James Blunt Music Identity


James Blunt

Album Artwork He used abstract art for the covers of his first albums and this implies being different and looking at a different genre. The use of art also suggests being indie as it is very simplistic and this would appeal to a wide mass audience and uses bright colours to catch the eye of the viewer connoting a positive and upbeat feeling for the music in the album. The newer album artwork is much more professional like his videos suggesting that he is more like a pop star now than an indie musician when he first started. It looks more professional since James Blunt is well dressed and groomed compared to his starting artwork where he had messy hair and wore jeans and a t shirt for his music videos.Visual themes in the artwork could be seen as being different with the use of only him in the artwork on his own. Also could show him thinking about something with his music having common elements about people in his life.

Videos• James Blunts image has changed from when he first started as he looked more like

an indie singer. This was connoted through the colours shown being pastel connoting a warm and natural feeling in his songs. In his newer songs he is well dressed giving the idea he is more professional and grown up to an extent and became more of a famous star, and his videos use a brighter colour scheme of primary colours connoting energy, movement and popularity. Whereas as his early work connoted being still with the use of remote locations in his videos and being very simple and almost thought provoking or being symbolic in a way.

Videos continued• His videos use lots of performance and narrative in them giving the idea of a story

being told through the video as well as giving a personal connection through the use of the singer performing.

• There is no focus on props in the videos but use of instruments form the song giving a natural feeling for the video. The lack of props in the videos connote the simplistic feeling again and being a starting musician and this has continued into his newer videos but they have had more people involved giving it a more personal feel and giving an energetic atmosphere to the video.

• Lighting in the videos is high key making it feel positive and look energetic fitting his style of music currently. His older music used low key lighting and focused on the centre of the shot. He also uses lots of medium close ups and medium long shots showing the scene around him continuing the narrative.

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