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A place for meditation and buddhist study

Weekly Events

Drop in Meditations

LUNCHTIMES Tuesdays: 12:30 - 13:00 from 4 September to 19 December

Thursdays: 12:30 - 13:00 from 6 September to 14 December

Make the most of your lunchtime with a

guided meditation session to help focus and

calm your mind. These sessions are a great way

to relax and create some space for reflection in

daily life. Suggest donation £3.

AFTERNOONS Dealing with Negative Emotions (drop-in class) with Kerry Prest

Tuesdays: 15:00 - 16:00 from 19 September to 24 October

In this drop-in class we will be looking at the

various types of disturbing minds we all face

in our daily lives such as anger, jealousy, pride

and neediness. Through discussion we will

see what each of these minds have as their

‘character’ and by doing so learn to not be

controlled by their every whim, taking back

control of our minds. With this class we’ll

learn to change our disturbing mental habits

into more helpful and realistic minds. We’ll

use some buddhist psychology as a basis,

examples from everyday life, and meditation

and discussion to learn a bit more about our

own minds. Suggest donation £6.

EVENINGS Mondays: 18:30 - 19:30 from 4 September to 18 December

Join us for an hour of guided meditation,

working with your mind and breath to

become calmer, happier, more focused and

relaxed. These drop-in sessions, which include

mindfulness and analytical meditations

inspired by the 16 Guidelines, are practical,

non-religious and suitable for people of all

ages and abilities, from beginners to more

experienced meditators. Suggest donation £6.

Discovering Buddhism Series

Discovering Buddhism is ideal for those new

to Buddhist philosophy and practise. Each

module runs for 6 weeks and you can attend

the whole module or just drop into individual

classes. You don’t need to attend the whole

module to deepen your understanding of

different aspects of Buddhist philosophy and


DB Module 9: How to Develop Bodhichitta with Celia Chambers and Craig Skeet

Tuesdays: 18:30 – 20:00 from 5 September to 10 October (6 sessions)

The attitude of bodhichitta is often referred

to as the essence of all Buddha’s teachings.

This module explores what Bodhichitta is,

the benefits of such a vast mind and how we

can develop from an ordinary outlook to this

vast mind of compassion. During this module

we will present the step-by-step methods

by which one can generate the thought to

benefit all beings by attaining our highest

potential. Suggested donation £6.

DB Module 10: The Wisdom of Emptiness

Tuesdays: 18:30 – 20:00 from 31 October to 5

December (6 sessions)

The Buddha provided an effective means

to achieve liberation from the uncontrolled

cycle of death and rebirth, and the perfection

of wisdom and compassion. The essential

instruction he provided for such amazing

realisations was pointing out reality, also

known as the emptiness of true existence.

When a person gives rise to the wisdom

that experiences emptiness then he or she

has the actual antidote to the obstacles to

liberation and omniscience. This course is an

introduction to emptiness and the cultivation

of the wisdom that realises it. Suggested

donation £6.

Discovering Buddhism Practice Mornings:

How to Develop Bodhichitta, Saturday 14 October, 10:30 - 12:30

The Wisdom of Emptiness, Saturday 9 December, 10:30 -12:30

See the Weekend Event section for further


Yoga for Relaxation and Balance with Christine Hodgson

Wednesdays 12:30 - 13:00 from 6 September to 20 December

“I feel a level of relaxation I haven’t

experienced outside of a spa.”

Jenessa Williams, Leeds Confidential.

Meditative yoga for relaxation and balance is

not your typical yoga class with an emphasis

on challenging physical postures, stretching

and breaking into a sweat! This uplifting and

relaxing lunch-time class focuses on simple

yogic techniques to deepen and calm your

breathing and relax your body and mind. Each

session includes non-strenuous seated yoga

postures combined with mantra recitation

and breathing exercises set to uplifting Indian

spiritual music. This class is a perfect way to

incorporate some relaxing ‘me’ time into your

busy working week. No previous experience

of yoga is necessary as these sessions are

suitable for all levels. Just wear comfortable

clothing for ease of sitting on either a chair or

the floor. Mats and cushions are provided. The

class is led by Christine (Simranpreet), a KYTA

qualified yoga instructor. Please note that this

yoga originates from an Indic spiritual practice

and is not Tibetan Buddhism.

These classes are drop-in. No need to book.

Suggested donation £3

Golden Light Sutra Recitation - Fundraising Event

24 hour recitation from 18:00 on Wednesday 20 to 18:00 on Thursday 21 September

In celebration of the United Nations’

International Day of Peace and to raise funds

for a permanent home for Jamyang Buddhist

Centre Leeds, students and supporters of

the Centre will be continuously reciting

the Golden Light Sutra (a sacred Buddhist

text) for 24 hours non-stop while dedicating

the positive energy to world peace and

the flourishing of the Dharma throughout

Leeds, the north of England and the world!

Lama Zopa Rinpoche said; “This text (Golden

Light Sutra) is very precious; it brings peace

and happiness and is very powerful to stop

violence. It gives incredible protection to the

country [where recited] from violence etc. By

hearing this text, one’s karma gets purified.”

The recitation of the Golden Light Sutra will

be streamed live from Jamyang Buddhist

Centre Leeds and we invite you to join us for

this special Dharma event. To find out how

to join in and be part of this event visit the

JBCL website at http://jamyangleeds.co.uk/


Social Events

This Autumn we are hosting a series of Friday

Evening Socials at Jamyang Buddhist Centre

Leeds and to start things off we have a series

of food sharing (potluck) events. These events

are open to everyone, whether you are a

regular at JBCL or just fancy trying something

different on a Friday evening. Bring some

vegetarian or vegan food to share.

Potluck and Poetry on Friday 1st September, 18:30-20:30

Bring a vegetarian or vegan dish to share

around the table and afterwards, those who

wish can read out a favourite poem. This can

be your own or a piece of poetry that you love

or has inspired you.

Potluck and ‘Jam Session’ on Friday 6th Octo-ber, 18:30-20:30

Bring a vegetarian or vegan dish to share

around the table and afterwards we shall offer

‘ the floor’ to whoever would like to sing a

song and or play a musical instrument. There

may be some time for improvisation so jazz

people come on over.

Potluck and Quiz on Friday 3rd November, 18:30-20:30

Join us for an alternative to the pub quiz?

Some general knowledge required. As

always, bring a vegetarian or vegan dish to

share around the table and afterwards, for

those who wish, share your short story with

everyone there. All welcome.

Meditations for Emotional Balance

with Kerry Prest

Wednesdays 18:30-20:00, 6, 13 and 27

September 4, 11, 18, 25 October and 1


Meditations for Emotional Balance is a drop-in

class looking at ways to deal with day-to-day

emotional challenges. Using discussions and

meditations we will explore a healthier way

to live with our emotions and thoughts by:

Cultivating an awareness of what our minds

are telling us, and exploring if we have the

option to believe them or not; Meditating on

self-confidence - discover ways to counteract

loneliness, lack of self-confidence and low

self-esteem; Exploring meditations for anxiety

in our busy lives. We all experience life as

“too busy” and “how can I fit everything in”.

These sessions will look at practical ways to

help keep calm in the storm. No meditation

experience is necessary, and you don’t have

to be Buddhist, just curious about how your

mind works and open to exploring new ways

of thinking. These classes are drop-in.

Drop-in or email smile@jamyangleeds.co.uk to

book a place. Suggested donation £6 per class.

Advice from a Spiritual Friend

Teachings on the Seven Point Mind Training with David Midgley

Thursdays: 18:30 – 20:00 from 14 September to 7 December

In the Tibetan Buddhist tradition, Mind

Training (Lo Jong in Tibetan) refers to a

system of Mahayana Buddhist practice that

aims to integrate the essential principles

of the spiritual path into everyday life in a

very practical, down-to-earth way. It was

first taught by Lama Atisha, one of the great

Indian masters who brought Buddhism to

Tibet about one thousand years ago, and was

passed down as a secret oral tradition until

the root text for this course, The Seven Point

Mind Training, was written down in the twelfth

century. The text gives detailed instructions

on how to integrate the precious mind of

Bodhicitta into one’s everyday life through

the heart practice of Exchanging Self and

Others. This is a particularly suitable practice

for lay practitioners with busy lives. The root

text will be explained following the detailed

modern commentary by Geshe Rabten in

the volume ‘Advice From a Spiritual Friend’

(Wisdom Publications, 2001). ‘Whether we find

ourselves surrounded by a herd of yaks on the

steppes of Central Asia or rush-hour traffic on

a crowded freeway, we experience the same

yearning to be free from the inner anguish of

our existence, and strive to find lasting peace

and well-being. These teachings on thought

transformation are as applicable today as

they were when Atisha first introduced them

to Tibet.’ From the Introduction by Stephen

Batchelor. Suggested donation £6 per class.

Monthly EventsPurification Sundays

Sundays, 10:30 - 12:00 on 24 September, 29 October, 26 November

If we want to rid our minds of negative habits

and imprints built up over many years, we

need to engage in purification practices.

Coming together in a group to do prostrations

and mantra recitation makes purification

strong and consistent. Prostrating to the 35

Confession Buddhas and reciting Vajrasattva

mantras are powerful methods for purifying

negative karmic residues which taint the

natural purity of our minds. The sessions are

open to all, regardless of whether you have

received initiations or whether you have taken

refuge. All you need is a wish to move on

from unhelpful actions done in the past with

openness to the power of visualisation and


Pujas (chanting meditations)

Pujas are chanted prayer ceremonies where

we show respect and devotion to Buddha

Shakyamuni and the Lamas of our tradition

such as HH Dalai Lama and Lama Zopa

Rinpoche. Pujas create merit (positive energy

and karma) for yourself or others. You can join

in the prayers and chanting from the sadhana

(spiritual text) or simply sit, listen and enjoy

the blessings. Feel free to bring offerings

for the shrine, for example biscuits, fruit or

flowers, especially for Tsog pujas. Donations


Tara Puja: Mondays, 12:30 - 13:15 from 4 September to 18 December

Join us as we recite the ‘Praises to 21 Taras‘

pujas on Monday lunchtimes to benefit

sentient beings around the world and remove

obstacles to JBCL projects. All are welcome to

join in or just sit and enjoy the blessings..

Lama Chöpa Tsog Puja: Friday, 18:30 - 20:00 on 29 September, 27 October, 24 November & 15 December

Lama Chopa (Offering to the Spiritual Guides)

is a special chanted prayer ceremony where

we pay homage to the lineage Lamas and

Teachers of our tradition, all the way back to

Buddha Shakyamuni.

Chittamani Tara Puja: Friday, 18:30 - 20:00 on 8 September, 13 October, *10 November & 8 December

This traditional Tibetan Buddhist devotional

practice to Tara is very useful for removing

obstacles in daily life and to your progress

on the spiritual path. Tara is called the “swift

pacifier” and the puja includes the recitation

of prayers, visualisations, meditation and

chanting the 21 verse praises to Tara in Tibetan

and English. The puja will be explained as we

go through. All are welcome.

Special pujas

Chittamani Tara puja to celebrate Buddha’s Descent from Tushita Pure Land

18:30 - 20:00 on Friday 10 November

Please join us for a special Chittamani Tara

puja as we celebrate Buddha’s Descent from

Tushita Pure Land, one of the four great Holy

Days in the Tibetan Buddhist Calendar. Feel

free to bring offerings for the shrine on this

holy day, such as flowers, fruit or biscuits.

Donations for the Centre are also welcome.

Weekend Events

Entering the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life - Chapter nine, Wisdom with Andy Wistreich

Saturday 16 September 10:30 – 17:30

Entering the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life’ by

Shantideva is one of the most famous of all

Mahayana Buddhist texts. Practical, timeless,

profound and even disturbing in places,

within its verses can be found the entire

Buddhist path to Enlightenment by using the

framework of the six perfections – generosity,

ethics, patience, enthusiasm, meditation

and wisdom. Andy is teaching this text over

a series of weekends and this visit will cover

the start of chapter nine on the cultivation

of wisdom and what it means in a Buddhist

context. As this is the start of a new chapter it

is not necessary to have been to the previous

sessions. This chapter will be covered over

three days, with the other two days in early


Please email smile@jamyangleeds.co.uk to

book on this course and for a copy of the

commentary so you can read chapter nine

of the text (in the translation by Stephen

Batchelor) before the teaching.

Suggested donation £25

Essence of True Eloquence with Geshe Tashi Tsering

Saturday 23 September, 28 October & 11 November, 11.00 - 17.30

Geshe Tashi will lead us through the

arguments, logic and examples we require

to understand the far-reaching advantages

of having an understanding of the Buddhist

concept of emptiness. Geshe Tashi is very

aware of the importance of developing

insights into the true nature of reality and

by continuing to teach on the subject of

emptiness, he is hoping to bring us closer to

our own understanding of the subject. Geshe

Tashi will base his teaching on the Essence

of True Eloquence by Lama Tsong Khapa,

translated by Robert Thurman. (Full title of the

book is Lama Tsongkhapa’s Speech of Gold

in the Essence of True Eloquence: Reason and

Enlightenment in the Central Philosophy of

Tibet (Princeton Legacy Library; translator:

Robert Thurman.) Geshe Tashi is well known

for the warmth, humour and clarity of his

explanations of Buddhist philosophy.

Please email smile@jamyangleeds.co.uk to


Suggested donation £25

Discovering Buddhism Practice Morning - How to Develop Bodhichitta

Saturday 14 October, 10:30 -12:30

This morning workshop is a chance to

practice the techniques explained during the

Discovering Buddhism module on ‘How to

Develop Bodhichitta’. We will look at a few of

the practices covered in the module and offer

advice and techniques to help you meditate

with confidence. You don’t need to have

attended the classes to join, you can just drop


Suggested donation £6

Lamrim Meditation Retreat with Ven. Mary Reavey

Beamsley, North Yorkshire

Friday 20 October (evening) to Sunday 22 October (after lunch)

Join us for a weekend of meditation, teachings

and reflection on the Lamrim, the Tibetan

Buddhist presentation of the ‘Stages of

the Path’ to happiness, peace of mind and

spiritual enlightenment. On this residential

retreat, led by Buddhist nun Ven. Mary Reavey,

participants will learn about the different

Lamrim meditations and enhance their

understanding of the practice through guided

meditation sessions, discussions and Q&A’s.

There will also be the opportunity to take the

8 Mahayana Precepts, a traditional Buddhist

practice to deepen the retreat experience.

This retreat is suitable for all levels, whether

you are new to Buddhism, just interested to

find out more, or would like to refresh your

current Lamrim practice and enjoy the benefits

of a residential retreat. The retreat starts with

dinner on the Friday evening followed by

the first session and ends after lunch on the

Sunday. The venue is the quiet Beamsley

Project on the outskirts of Skipton in North


Suggested donation £160 for the teachings, 2

nights dormitory / twin room accommodation

and meals (except during precepts). Limited

twin rooms available. To find out more and to

book visit the JBCL website at:



Please email smile@jamyangleeds.co.uk if you

have any questions about the retreat and the

Lamrim practice.

Refuge for a Happy Mind with Geshe Thubten Sherab

Sunday 5th November, 10:30 - 17:00

Most people understand that states of mind

such as anger, attachment and jealousy have

a negative impact on our peace of mind and

quality of life. We really suffer when our minds

are under the influence of disturbing emotions

and often feel there is nothing we can do to

change our experience except to indulge in

worldly pleasures, such as shopping, eating

and going out with friends.

While these do bring temporary pleasure,

relying on them for happiness can wear thin

or even stop working. So what do we do then?

On this one day course with Tibetan Buddhist

monk Geshe Thubten Sherab, we will explore

an alternative way to find happiness by relying

on the Three Jewels of Buddha, Dharma and

Sangha. We will look at what each of the

‘Three Jewels’ mean and how they support

and guide us to create the ‘inner refuge’ of

happiness and peace within our own mind.

We will also look at why taking refuge in the

Three Jewels does not mean giving up the

things we enjoy, but changing our reliance

on them, and how refuge is an active process

of developing our wisdom, compassion and

experience of life. Suitable for those with a

basic understanding of Buddhism and anyone

who would like to receive teachings from this

highly regarded teacher and Buddhist monk.

About the teacher:

Geshe Thubten Sherab was born in 1967

in Nepal and entered Kopan Monastery in

Kathmandu at age nine. He completed his

Geshe degree at Sera Je Monastic University

in India. Geshe Sherab teaches in English and

over the last decade has taught Buddhist

philosophy and practices across the world.

Please email smile@jamyangleeds.co.uk to

book. Suggested donation £25

Introduction to Buddhist Tantra with David Midgley

Saturday 2 December, 10:30-17:00

On this one-day course we will look at what

Tantra means in the context of Tibetan

Buddhism, how Tantra works, why it is a

powerful form of practice and why the sutra

path is a foundation for the practices of Tantra.

Please email smile@jamyangleeds.co.uk to

book. Suggested donation £25.

Discovering Buddhism Practice Morning - The Wisdom of Emptiness

Saturday 9 December, 10:30 -12:30

This morning workshop will be a chance to

practice the techniques explained during

the Discovering Buddhism module on ‘The

Wisdom of Emptiness’. We will look at a few of

the practises covered in the module and offer

advice and techniques to help you meditate

with confidence. You don’t need to have

attended the classes to join, you can just drop


Please email smile@jamyangleeds.co.uk to

book on this session. Suggested donation


Invitation to become a friend

The contribution of time and effort from

volunteers and the money raised from

donations during classes go some way to

maintain JBCL but they don’t cover all the

running costs. In order to fulfil the Centre’s

aims it needs your regular support and you

can do this by becoming a Friend. A Friend is

someone who wishes:

• to be part of a Dharma family and the JBCL


• to have support for their Dharma practice

and to give support to others

• to support a peaceful, positive place in

the heart of the city where the Buddha’s

teachings can flourish

• to demonstrate their commitment in a

practical way by giving a regular donation of

money or time.

Friends make the commitment of a regular

donation or volunteer their time to enable

JBCL to meet day to day running costs and to

ensure the Centre will be in Leeds for a long

time to come.

Please email smile@jamyangleeds.co.uk or

look on our website for further details on

becoming a friend of JBCL.

Suggested DonationsWe want to provide the maximum benefit to

everyone, and we hope you find the classes

at JBCL of value. By making a donation to the

Centre you help others benefit too. Our Centre

and its activities cost over £1,000 a week to

run. Our volunteers do not get paid, but we

cover their expenses. A city centre location is

expensive and some of our teachers travel a

long way. We do not get any grants, and rely

almost entirely on donations. If you want to

support us, please donate towards the cost of

these classes, or even better become a friend

of the Centre and donate regularly.

Suggested donations:

• £3 for a lunchtime class

• £6 for an evening class

• £25 for a day class

If these are too much for you even the smallest

donation makes a difference. Most of all, we

hope you enjoy the classes, and benefit from


Become a

FriendHelp shape the future of Jamyang Buddhist Centre Leeds

Gift AidGift Aid means that for every £1 you

give, JBCL gets an extra 25p from HMRC;

helping your donations to go further.

To qualify for Gift Aid, what you pay in

tax must at least equal the amount we

will claim. Please sign a Gift Aid form in

order that JBCL can reclaim from HMRC

the tax on your donation and please

inform us if you cease to be a taxpayer.

Thank you.

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

4 September 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

5 September 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Disc Bud 9 How to Develop Bodhichitta

6 September 12:30 Yoga 18:30 Meditations for Emotional Balance

7 September 12:30 Meditation

8 September 18:30 Chittamani Tara Puja

9 September 10 September

11 September 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

12 September 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Disc Bud 9

13 September 12:30 Yoga 18:30 Meditations for Emotional Balance

14 September 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

15 September 16 September Entering the Bodhisattva’s Way of Life: Wisdom

17 September Facilitators Training Day

18 September 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

19 September 12:30 Meditation 15:00 Dealing with Negative Emotions 18:30 Disc Bud 9

20 September 12:30 Yoga 18:00 Start Golden Light Sutra 24 hr Recitation

21 September 18:00 Finish Golden Light Sutra 24 hr Recitation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

22 September 23 September 11:00 Geshe Tashi Essence of True Eloquence

24 September 10:30 Purification Sunday

25 September 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

26 September 12:30 Meditation 15:00 Dealing with Negative Emotions 18:30 Disc Bud 9

27 September 12:30 Yoga 18:30 Meditations for Emotional Balance

28 September 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

29 September 18:30 Lama Chopa

30 September 1 October

2 October 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

3 October 12:30 Meditation 15:00 Dealing with Negative Emotions 18:30 Disc Bud 9

4 October 12:30 Yoga 18:30 Meditations for Emotional Balance

5 October 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

6 October 18:30 Potluck & Jam Session

7 October 8 October AGM & Trustees Meeting

9 October 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

10 October 12:30 Meditation 15:00 Dealing with Negative Emotions 18:30 Disc Bud 9

11 October 12:30 Yoga 18:30 Meditations for Emotional Balance

12 October 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

13 October 18:30 Chittamani Tara puja

14 October 10:30 Disc Bud Practice Morning: How to Develop Bodhichitta

15 October

16 October 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

17 October 12:30 Meditation 15:00 Dealing with Negative Emotions

18 October 12:30 Yoga 18:30 Meditations for Emotional Balance

19 October 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

20 October Lamrim Retreat with Ven. Mary Reavey

21 October Lamrim Retreat with Ven. Mary Reavey 19:00 Advice from a Spiritual Friend starts

22 October Lamrim Retreat with Ven. Mary Reavey

23 October 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

24 October 12:30 Meditation 15:00 Dealing with Negative Emotions

25 October 12:30 Yoga 18:30 Meditations for Emotional Balance

26 October 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

27 October 18:30 Lama Chopa puja

28 October 11:00 Geshe Tashi Essence of True Eloquence

29 October 10:30 Purification Sunday

30 October 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

31 October 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Disc Bud 10 The Wisdom of Emptiness

1 November 12:30 Yoga 18:30 Meditations for Emotional Balance

2 November 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

3 November 18:30 Potluck & Quiz

4 November 5 November 10:30 Geshe Sherab Refuge for a Happy Mind

6 November 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

7 November 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Disc Bud 10

8 November 12:30 Yoga

9 November 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

10 November Buddha’s Descent from Tushita 18:30 Chittamani Tara puja

11 November Geshe Tashi Essence of True Eloquence

12 November

13 November 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

14 November 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Disc Bud 10

15 November 12:30 Yoga

16 November 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

17 November 18 November 10:00 Wellbeing Day

19 November

20 November 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

21 November 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Disc Bud 10

22 November 12:30 Yoga

23 November 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

24 November 18:30 Lama Chopa puja

25 November 26 November 10:30 Purification Sunday

27 November 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

28 November 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Disc Bud 10

29 November 12:30 Yoga

30 November 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

1 December 2 December 10:30 Intro to Tantra Workshop

3 December

4 December 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

5 December 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Disc Bud 10

6 December 12:30 Yoga

7 December 12:30 Meditation 18:30 Advice from a Spiritual Friend

8 December 18:30 Chittamani Tara puja

9 December 10:30 Disc Bud Practice Morning: The Wisdom of Emptiness

10 December

11 December 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

12 December 12:30 Meditation

13 December 12:30 Yoga

14 December 12:30 Meditation

15 December 18:30 Lama Chopa puja

16 December 17 December 10:30 Purification Sunday

18 December 12:30 Tara puja 18:30 Meditation

19 December 12:30 Meditation

20 December 12:30 Yoga





Where are we? Jamyang Buddhist Centre Leeds

31 St Paul’s Street,



Tel: 07866 760460

Web: www.jamyangleeds.co.uk

Email: smile@jamyangleeds.co.uk



Follow us on Twitter:


Who are we?

Jamyang Buddhist Centre Leeds (JBCL) is a

registered charity established to help people

learn about Tibetan Buddhist meditation,

philosophy, psychology and ethics. Although

based in Leeds, students from many areas

of the UK - and the world - attend our

events. JBCL is affiliated to an international

Buddhist organisation called Foundation for

the Preservation of the Mahayana Tradition

(FPMT) which is part of the Gelugpa lineage as

practised by His Holiness the Dalai Lama. The

FPMT was founded in 1975 by Lama Thubten

Yeshe (1935-84), one of the first Tibetan

Buddhist monks to bring Tibetan Buddhism

to the West. The FPMT is currently guided by

Lama Zopa Rinpoche with the inspiration of

HH Dalai Lama.

FPMT is an international non-profit

organisation following the Mahayana

Buddhist tradition through teaching,

meditation and community service. FPMT

is a network of over 160 Tibetan Buddhist

centres, retreat venues, monasteries,

nunneries, hospices, publishing houses and

related activities. FPMT provides integrated

education through which people’s minds and

hearts can be transformed into their highest

potential for the benefit of others, inspired by

an attitude of universal responsibility.To find

out more about the FPMT visit www.fpmt.org.

Visit www.jamyangleeds.co.uk to sign up for

our fortnightly newsletter.

Registered Charity: 1109242 Company No. 05403805

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