jan's final presentation

Post on 20-May-2015






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Learning Search Engine Learning Search Engine Optimization (S.E.O)Optimization (S.E.O)

A search engine is a web site that collects and organizes content from all over the internet.

Search engine optimization (SEO) however is the process of improving the visibility of a website or a web page in search engines

Identifying Keyword Opportunities

What are keywords?

Keywords are the words on your site that match these search terms in the search engine .

Therefore “keyword opportunities” basically deals with what is the likelihood of your site ranking high in the search engine’s feed back list.

What impacts “keyword selection?”

There are several variables that impact “keyword selection.” These variables can be divided into two groups. They are; Primary Selection Variables and Prioritization Variables .

Primary Keyword Selection:- determining whether the keywords are worth consideration for your SEO strategy.

Considerations for Primary Keyword Selection are:Ensuring keyword terms/phrases have sufficient search volumesEnsuring the chosen keyword terms are relevantAssessing levels of relative competition

Prioritization of KeywordsPrioritization of KeywordsTwo things to consider when Prioritizing Keywords in relation to products and services are: Competitive advantage for the product/servicesProfitability of the product/services associated with the keywords

Generating the Initial Keyword Generating the Initial Keyword Opportunity ListOpportunity List

The first phase of creating the initial Keyword Opportunity List can involve anything from adding names such as the Location of your Parish to names of the Parish Saint.In Choosing Relevant Keyword Terms/Phrases You do not just want common names for eg.”CHURCH” for this can cause your parish’s site to get lost in a sea of sites that also contain the same name.

Why On-Page SEO is Typically Why On-Page SEO is Typically Overlooked?Overlooked?

Search engines rank websites according to their authority and relevance to the search term as well as their authority on the web

On-Page optimization is basically about two thing:

Picking the best Keyword around which to base each of your pages

Making it as clear as possible to search engines that your page is relevant to those keywords

The Relevance of In-Bound Links

This is the process of establishing keywords to your website which help your website achieve higher ranking with the major search engine.


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