japan the land of the rising sun rogers herr middle school mr. fields mrs. ross

Post on 11-Jan-2016






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JapanThe Land of the Rising Sun

Rogers Herr Middle School

Mr. Fields

Mrs. Ross

Create a Foldable

Hold paper landscape and fold in half like a hotdog


Step 1

Create a Foldable

1. Hold folded paper landscape and fold into 4 equal sections.

2. Cut each fold line (ONLY on the top layer)

3. Label each section as seen on sample using the markers at your group


Step 2 - TOP
















Key Vocabulary Terms

Isolation: condition of being set apart from others, physically or otherwise

Empire: major political unit having a territory of great extent or number of territories or peoples under a single sovereign authority

Archipelago: a group of islands Population Density: avg. number of people per

unit area (e.g. square mile)


Japan is a group of islands, about 100 miles east of the Asian mainland.

Sometimes referred to as “Land of Rising Sun” Japanese people refer to it as “Nippon”

They believe their land was the first to be awakened by the sun.


Consists of thousands of islands but most are too small to live on. Japanese people live on the 4 biggest islands called:– 1. Honshu is the largest, and and most

populated island. – 2. Shikoku and Kyushu are smaller islands

south of Honshu.– 3. Hokkaido is north of Honshu.

“Ring of Fire”

What country is this… 10% smaller than

Japan 34.4 million people

living here Japan has 126.7

million people living on its islands

75% of the Japanese people live between Tokyo and Hiroshima

Physical Features of Japan

Japan's coast has many different physical features such as sandy beaches, and rocky shoreline.

3/4s of Japan is made up of Mountains. The tallest of these mountains is Mt. Fuji,

which stands 12,390 feet above sea level.  Mt. Fuji is more than twice the height of Mt. Marcy, the tallest mountain in New York State!


Experiences the same seasons as we do in the United States

Northern Japan is colder than Southern Japan in the Winter

Hokkaido is the big northern island of Japan, where the average temperature during the coldest part of the year is only 21 degrees Fahrenheit. 

In Okinawa, one of the islands furthest south, summers are very hot and humid just like NC

Winter 30-40 F Spring 40-60 F Summer 50-80 F

Japanese Etiquette

Gift Giving Etiquette

When giving gifts, avoid going to the pricey or extravagant side. Remember expensive gifts require equally/slightly more expensive gifts in return.

Unwrapped gifts, it is polite to express profuse appreciation for the gift, whether sincere or not.

Wrapped gift, in formal situations, it is considered impolite to unwrap it as soon as you receive it. ask the giver if the gift may be opened now.

Drinking Etiquette

When drinking in a group, serve each other rather than pour drinks into your own glass.

Periodically check your friend’s cups and refill them once the get empty.

When someone wants to serve you drinks, you must immediately empty your cup and hold it toward that person.

DO NOT start drinking until all have been served and the glasses are raised for the traditional salute “Kampai!”

Eating Etiquette

Impolite to eat/drink something while walking down the street.

Do not bite/clean your fingernails, or lick your fingers in front of others.

Do not make excessive special requests in the preparation of yourfood, nor wolf it down.

Do not use your chopsticks to skewer food, move dishes around, andNEVER dish out food to another using the same ends you just atefrom--use the top ends

Living Quarters

Living Arrangements

Land prices are extremely high. So most can not afford to purchase individual houses.

Most live in “Danchi’s” which are small apartments that are no larger than a large room in an American Home

What is a Danchi (Pop. D)

A very small apartment Divided into very small

sleeping and living rooms. The kitchen is usually

smaller than the sleeping rooms and a bathroom.

1/3 of the Danchi’s measure less than 11 feet by 11 feet.

Could you imagine using this to go to the Bathroom?

See we aren’t that different.

The No No’s…..

What is this?

Police Sub Station


Who needs a Cell?????

Vending Machine Heaven

  Decree No 127 (1999)

Decree No 57 (1870)

Overall proportion

2:3 7:10

Placement of sun disc

centered 1/100th towards the hoist

Size of the sun disc

3/5 of length

3/5 of length

Can you tell the difference

The national flag of Japan has a crimson disc, symbolizing the sun, in the center of a white field. It is popularly known as the Hinomaru (literally, "sun disc").

Mongol Invasions of Japan (1274 and 1281) the priest Nichiren presented a sun flag to the shogun.

Tokugawa shogunate (1603-1867) adopted the flag for its ships in the early 1600s. the shogunate decreed that all Japanese ships fly flags with the sun on a white field.

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