jaquie scammell · 2020. 8. 18. · jaquie is described by audiences as infectiously enthusiastic,...

Post on 31-Jan-2021






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  • Jaquie ScammellKeynote Speaking and Conference Workshops

  • Jaquie is described by audiences as infectiously enthusiastic, wholehearted, centred and extraordinarily present.

    The minute Jaquie steps onto a stage, you know you are in the presence of someone who is incredibly authentic and deeply passionate about service towards others.

    You cannot help being struck by her infectious energy. You find yourself leaning in as she reveals unique teachings with a deep appreciation for the human side of business. This translates to practical tools for the audience to take away.

    Jaquie places her focus when crafting a message for your audience; she makes it relevant, and easy to listen to and follow. Her keynote experiences have afforded audiences to sing, cry, connect, meditate, belly laugh and furiously take notes to ensure they capture the essence of her message. She captivates her audience, helps people get out of their heads and into their hearts, and engages them to the last second.

    Jaquie is mostly known as Australia’s leading customer service expert, helping create a service mindset for those seeking growth in their organisations and themselves.

    She works with an extremely diverse customer group that represents several industries and sectors. This lends to a variety of stories and case studies to help the audience relate. She is the real deal when it comes to practising what it means to live a life in service to others.

    In 2013, she launched her own business as a Thought Leader of Service. This followed a diverse career with over 20 years of leadership experience in public, private and not-for-profit sectors starting with the McDonald’s franchise system and expanding to major sports and entertainment venues such as Wembley National Stadium (UK), Emirates Stadium (UK) and the Australian Open Grand Slam.

    As an author (Service Mindset and Service Habits), regular blogger, media contributor, and qualified yoga and meditation teacher, your audience will easily connect with and relate to Jaquie. 2



  • Speaking Topics

    Service Mindset

    Extraordinary Presence =

    Extraordinary Service




  • “I recommend this book… to any leader wanting to build an exciting and dynamic organisation founded on great customer service.”


    Jaquie creates an experience for audiences that has them asking: what would it feel like to be on the receiving end of my unique service style?

    Her approach is simple and humanistic. She takes the view of the ‘whole person’ in the workplace. She transforms mindsets for people to view how they serve themselves, their teams and, ultimately, how an organisation serves its customers.

    At the very least, her talks instantly spark greater self-awareness and deeper empathy, and people take with them clever ways to break down the walls between each other.

    Jaquie has helped thousands of people develop their emotional and social intelligence so they can perform at their best as professionals in the business of service.

    She has studied organisations that have adopted a service mindset and reveals in her keynotes the behaviours and conscious habits needed to create the greatest service outcomes.

    Service Mindset

    The Service Mindset Presentation will:

    • Reset beliefs and attitudes towards service

    • Break down walls between employee and customer ‘us’ v ‘them’ mentality

    • Motivate cross departmental teams for greater cohesion

    • Recognise internal service (EX) as equally important as external service (CX)

    Conscious Service Leaders Value Model

    © Jaquie Scammell 2018FORMATTED FOR PRINT

    Leader Type






    Behaviour Focus

    Influencing Educating

    Engaging Follow Up

    Supervising Coaching

    Transacting Strengths

    Disengaged Wellbeing

    Individual Impact






    Network Impact

    Cumulative Advantage

    Competitive Advantage




    Employee Performance





    Customer Impact










  • “If you are a service professional, this book will become your new bible.

    Rather than advocating massive organisation wide transformational effort (which rarely works), this books takes us through the 27 habits that will create a service mindset, and grow the organisation (and you personally).”


    Extraordinary Presence = Extraordinary Service A deep dive into practising presence is not only good for a leader’s wellbeing, it’s powerfully good for your culture, community and humanity.

    Jaquie has long been driven to understand the most important qualities of being present to others. She believes that the foundational service habit of maintaining presence is the very definition of leadership.

    During times of heightened levels of fear, anxiety and uncertainty, people are feeling more fragile and vulnerable than ever before. Now is the time for leaders to serve themselves and develop practices that support their best professional selves.

    Organisations that thrive have leaders and teams practising being present and encourage people to bring their whole selves to each and every moment.

    Jaquie unpacks the process by which present–minded leaders thrive when interacting with others, which ultimately impacts the effectiveness of their communication styles, the way they create connections with people, and their level of calm and care displayed throughout a day.

    Having studied meditation with monks, worked alongside world leading spiritual mentors and teachers, and dedicated time to her own daily practice in mastering presence, Jaquie has the skills and strategies to unlock your limiting beliefs, teach you to be OK with what is out of your control, and help you learn simple tools to self-regulate and maintain an energy of calm among chaos.

    During these extraordinary times, we need extraordinary service from leaders and the key is for them to have extraordinary presence.

    The Extraordinary Presence for Extraordinary Service Presentation will show leaders how to:

    • Deepen their level of self-awareness

    • Appreciate the effects of mindfulness and practices of presence, to be their best professional selves and bring out the best in others

    • Rewire new habits and ordinary behaviours in order to create a positive ripple effect throughout teams, culture and humanity

    • Self-regulate and manage emotions during times of stress and uncertainty

    • Develop new techniques to have a more harmonious life




  • Add one of these sessions to extend the impact of having Jaquie speak at your conference.These workshops can be expanded to large conference style presentations that are interactive and creative or can be delivered in a smaller team environment where appropriate. They can also be delivered online virtually.

    Workshop Topics

    Serve Yourself

    Meditation for Elite Performance

    Reset your Service Culture

    Conscious Service Leaders

    Skills of the Heart

    Embedding New Service Habits





  • Serve Yourself When we are in alignment with our bodies and minds, and our emotions and spirit, we start to feel better; we feel more harmony in our day and we are better to be around (at least that’s what others would say). When leaders serve themselves by committing to practices and routines that make them better than yesterday, they are doing good not only for themselves but for their teams, the business and community.

    Tap into the four intelligences (Physical Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, Social Intelligence and Spiritual Intelligence) by accelerating cohesion in life that feels effortless.

    Learn how mindset, beliefs, personal rituals and the habits of great ones are what you need to integrate for you to grow and realise your full potential as a leader.

    Give your leaders an insight into how it feels to be fully in the drivers seat of their lives and impacting others as they intended.

    Meditation for Elite Performance We are all at risk of bypassing perhaps the most important thing that the world needs right now – being present for a peaceful mind and community with other humans.

    The busy professional often says the reason they don’t meditate is there is ‘not enough time’. Ironically, meditation is anything but a waste of time; in fact, it buys you time.

    Meditation helps you be more effective as you release your addiction to a scattered mind.

    As you observe the energy of the current day in our society, you may be feeling the need to support your team like never before. Through some form of mental training you can help them gain:

    • Better self–control• Improved concentration• Mental clarity• Enhanced emotional intelligence and empathy

    Jaquie uses a combination of guided meditation, breath work and awareness activities. This workshop will shift people into a calmer, focused and sometimes energised state. It is perfect for straight after lunch or at the end of the day. (Suitable for beginners and advanced practitioners and anywhere in between.)




  • Conscious Service LeadersDive into three foundational pillars that make up a conscious leader (Strengths, Values, Mindfulness). Warning: this is only for those who dare to be honest and brave, and who are ready to step up and get out of their heads.

    We must be leaders of people, not results. Everything you need to be the best leader for yourself, your team and your organisation is already within you. You just need to get out of your own way. Really. You need to get out of your own head, stop reading the rule book and remember the one thing you are here to do is to serve. This is a self-assessment of your leadership on steroids.

    Skills of the Heart Develop devoted employees and lifetime customers.

    Softs skills such as Emotional and Social Intelligence are now in the top three key work skills and capabilities needed. For leaders, this means the business world is looking for leaders who have the ability to connect with people in a deeper, more meaningful way (staff or customers) enabling them to get things done and solve complex problems, despite the abstraction of technology. A critical skill for the future.

    Embedding New Service HabitsTactics for rewiring new habits in busy service environments and making them stick.

    It takes 66 days to rewire a new habit. Whether you want to create an implementation plan for your teams or you are wanting to rewire some of your own habits that are limiting your growth and development as a conscious leader, you need to learn how to commit to what you want your new normal to be. With perseverance comes growth, both in skill and confidence.

    Reset Your Service CultureHow to make Purpose and Values real and meaningful at work.

    Values are what shape who we are and how we handle situations. They affect how we act and how we make decisions. In a service environment, Purpose and Values can be the obvious missing link to creating a more consistent service culture. Learn how to make your Purpose and Values MORE REAL for your employees, suppliers and customers … take them down off the wall and really use them.




  • JaquieScammell.com | 0431 133 904 | hello@jaquiescammell.com

    Schedule a Discovery Session Today for your Conference or Event

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