java - i/o · java.nio • in java 6,...

Post on 24-Jul-2020






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Summer 2019



• File is a class used for retrieving properties of files or directories on a disk

• Objects of class File do not open files or provide file processing features

• There are a few constructors, including one that just takes a String representing the path to the file/directory

• Many of the methods in the File class are purely for gathering information. Examples:

• canExecute() – Does this application have execute permissions on the file?

• getAbsolutePath() – Returns the absolute pathname of the file as a String

• isFile() – Is this a normal file?

• isDirectory() – Is this a directory?

• exists() – Does this file/directory even exist?

• list() – Returns an array of Strings with the names of files contained in this directory

• listFiles() - Returns an array of Files with the names of files contained in this directory


• Other methods actually make changes that don’t require the file to be opened. Examples:

• delete() – deletes this file or directory

• deleteOnExit() – deletes this file or directory when the JVM exits

• mkdir() – creates a directory with the path of this File object

• setReadOnly() – sets permissions of this file/directory to read-only


• In Java, I/O is handled with streams

• A stream is a buffer of data flowing from one place to another

• An input stream flows from an input source (keyboard, file, etc.) into a program,

usually to be stored in variables

• An output stream flows from a program to an output destination (screen, file, etc.)


• Three stream objects are already associated with devices in Java

• – standard input stream object

• System.out – standard output stream object

• System.err – standard error stream object

• Many I/O libraries are in the package

• You can see the hierarchy of classes here


• There are many built-in stream classes in Java for processing different types of data. Two

primary categories: byte streams and character streams

• InputStream is the base class for byte stream input classes

• OutputStream is the base class for byte stream output classes

• Reader is the base class for character stream input classes

• Writer is the base class for character stream output classes

• Byte streams read one byte at a time (binary data)

• Character streams read one character at a time (unformatted text)


• When using streams, note that there are often checked exceptions that need to be

handled. So pay attention to which methods can throw them.

• Example: Input streams will have various read() methods that may throw an IOException

• Also be aware that the various streams should be closed when you finish with them

• This is done using the close() method

• Streams are all considered resources, so you can use try with resources to close

them, as well (review the exception slides if you need to)


• Text File: A file made of readable text characters, looks like screen output

• Binary File: A binary file containing unformatted data saved in its raw memory format

• Text files are typically created with character-based streams, while binary files are

typically created with byte streams

• Sequential File: No regular record structure, typically read or written as an entire file

• Random Access File: Structured as uniformly-sized records. Can read/write either

sequentially or by accessing records anywhere in the file


• Basic file I/O classes

• FileInputStream – for byte streams

• FileOutputStream – for byte streams

• FileReader – for character streams

• FileWriter – for character streams

• For the input streams, the primary method is called read. There is a version that reads

one byte (or char) and a version that reads an array of bytes (or chars)

• For output streams, the primary method is called write. Versions for single bytes/chars

and arrays of bytes/chars.

• JFileChooser – a Swing component for popping up a dialog box for easy browsing

and selection of a file (we will return to this later)

• Example: – older example which uses the file stream

classes to copy one file to another


• Buffered streams help increase efficiency. They use a buffered array of bytes or

characters. The buffered stream classes are:

• BufferedInputStream - for byte streams

• BufferedOutputStream - for byte streams

• BufferedReader - for character streams

• BufferedWriter - for character streams

• Buffered streams are used to add functionality to other streams (buffering)

• Usually constructed out of other stream objects


• For example, to apply buffered streams to file i/o, we can create file streams then wrap

them in a buffered stream object. Examples:

BufferedReader infile1 = new BufferedReader(

new FileReader(filename));

BufferedOutputStream outfile1 =

new BufferedOutputStream(

new FileOutputStream(filename));

Reader r1 = new BufferedReader(

new FileReader("file1.txt"));


• In Java 6, Java’s “New I/O” APIs were introduced

• These are stored in the java.nio package

• We won’t go into detail on these

• The major difference in philosophy between this and the traditional package is

that java.nio objects are meant for non-blocking I/O (note that this is generalization and

does not apply 100%)

• Blocking I/O stops all other processing when a thread invokes a read/write request. If

there is no data available, the thread stops until data is available.

• Non-blocking I/O can request some data for reading/writing, but if there is no data, it

continues processing other requests, often other I/O calls.

• So, the new I/O package is better for reading/writing from multiple places at once (this is

very useful when reading through network connections)

• This is often done using a Selector object


• One very useful class in the java.nio set of packages (even if you are working with the older I/O packages) is the Files class

• This class often interacts with other objects in the java.nio.file package, such as Path and Paths

• This class contains a number of static methods that are used for working with files

• Many of these do the same things that the File class does, but since the methods are static, you do not have to instantiate an object to do them

• Some examples (these assume that a path to a file is stored in the String strPath)://Returns true if the file at strPath exists


//Returns true if the file at strPath is a directory


//Deletes the file found at strPath



• - This program reads an input file and writes an all -uppercase copy of it to an

output file. First argument is the input file, second argument is the output file.

• – This does the same as, but does it using a custom version of a Writer

• - This program reads an input file and counts the number of times a word

appears. First argument is the input file, second argument is the word to search for.

• - This program uses some classes from the java.util package in addition

to a file reader, and it lists all the words in the input file along with the number of times

each word appears. The one command-line argument is the input file.

• Frost.txt - here is a sample text file you can use to test each of these programs

• – This demonstrates using absolute paths and also uses java.nio

• – Shows reading and writing to a random access file “at the same time”


• Since Java 1.5, some new classes were introduced that made I/O tasks easier

• Formatter class – an interpreter for printf-style format strings. Can create a

Formatter object already attached to a file

• Scanner class – a text scanner that parses simple tokens more easily. Can create

a Scanner and pass in an input stream or a File object


• Serialization of objects: representing an object as a sequence of bytes that includes:

• The object’s data

• Information about the object’s type

• Information about the types of data in the object

• A serialized object can be written to a file as a single item and then read from a file and


• This can be done with the classes:

• ObjectOutputStream

• ObjectInputStream


• An object can be serialized if its class implements the interface Serializable

• Serializable is a marker interface like Cloneable

• To write an object with class ObjectOutputStream, it must be a

Serializable object

• Each instance variable in the object must also be Serializable

• Or declared transient, which means it will be left out of the serialization

• Can combine with File I/O streams.

• Example:

ObjectOutputStream output;

Output = new ObjectOutputStream(

new FileOutputStream(“myfile.dat”));


• Actually reading and writing an entire object is done using the readObject() and

writeObject() methods of the appropriate object streams.

• When you are reading in an object using readObject(), it is always returned as type

Object, so you will almost always need to immediately cast it

• For example, let’s say you had a custom serializable class named Person, and an

ObjectOutputStream called output, to write the a Person object to a file, you would do

something like this:

Person p = new Person();


• If you wished to read a Person object from a file with an ObjectInputStream called

input, you would do this:

Person p = (Person) input.readObject();


• – A serializable class example

• – Shows serialization of objects of type Foo

• – Shows deserialization/reading of objects of type Foo


• Some of these examples use newer features (Chapter 15 from current textbook)

• These are examples from an older edition of the textbook, some of which use Scanner

and Formatter

• These are examples from an even older edition that don’t use the new features

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