javascript #6 : objets et tableaux

Post on 05-Jul-2015






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Javascript #6 : objets et tableaux


Javascript : Objets & tableaux

1. Primitive values

A primitive value is a datum that is represented directly at the lowest level of the language implementation. In javascript, one of the types Undefined, Null, Boolean, Number, or String.

Primitive values

Primitives are values, they have no properties

Primitive values & immutability

var title = 'The Honourable Woman'; title.year = 2014; console.log(title.year); // undefined

Wait a minute …

var title = 'The Honourable Woman'; console.log(title.length); // 20 console.log(title.indexOf('o')); // 5

To be continued …

2. Objets

An object is a collection of properties and has a single prototype object. The prototype may be the null value.


Objects are aggregations of properties. A property can reference an object or a primitive.

Objets & propriétés (1)

var tvShow = { title: "True Detective", year: 2014, author: "Nic Pizzolatto" }

console.log(tvShow.title); // True Detective console.log(tvShow['year']); // 2014

console.log(tvShow[0]); // undefined = "HBO"; console.log(; // HBO

Objets & propriétés (2)

var tvShow = { title: "True Detective", year: 2014, author: "Nic Pizzolatto" }

for(var id in tvShow){ console.log(id + ' -> ' + tvShow[id]); }

// title: True Detective // year: 2014 // author: Nic Pizzolatto

Objets & méthodes

var tvShow = { title: "True Detective", year: 2014, author: "Nic Pizzolatto", fullName: function(){ return this.title + ' by ' + + '(' + this.year + ')'; } }

console.log(tvShow.fullName()); //True Detective by Nic Pizzolatto(2014)

Objets & constructeurs

function TvShow(title, year, author){ this.title = title; this.year = year; = author; }

var trueDetective = new TvShow("True Detective", 2014, "Nic Pizzolatto"); console.log(trueDetective.title); //True Detective var fargo = new TvShow("Fargo", 2014, "Noah Hawley"); console.log(fargo.title); // Fargo

Objets & références (1)

function TvShow(title, year, author){ this.title = title; this.year = year; = author; }

var trueDetective = new TvShow("True Detective", 2014, "Nic Pizzolatto"); var trueDetectiveBis = trueDetective;

trueDetectiveBis.title = "True Detective Bis";

console.log(trueDetectiveBis.title); // True Detective Bis console.log(trueDetective.title); // True Detective Bis

Objets & références (2)function Author(firstname, lastname){ this.firstname = firstname; this.lastname = lastname; }

function TvShow(title, year, authorFirstname, authorLastname){ this.title = title; this.year = year; = new Author(authorFirstname, authorLastname); }

var trueDetective = new TvShow("True Detective", 2014, "Nic", null);

console.log(typeof; // object console.log(; // Nic console.log(; // null = 'Pizzolatto'; console.log(; // Pizzolatto

3. Tableaux

Tableaux & Objets

Arrays are list-like objects whose prototype has methods to perform traversal and mutation operations. Neither the length of a JavaScript array nor the types of its elements are fixed.

Créer un tableau

var tvShows = ['True Detective', 'Fargo','The Leftovers','Silicon Valley'];

var lostNumbers = [4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42];

var things = [1, "deux", 3, 4, "five"];

Lire un tableau

var tvShows = ['True Detective', 'Fargo','The Leftovers','Silicon Valley'];

console.log(tvShows[0]); // True Detective

console.log(tvShows[10]); // undefined

Modifier un tableau

var tvShows = ['True Detective', 'Fargo','The Leftovers','Silicon Valley'];

console.log(tvShows[0]); // True Detective

tvShows[0] = 'Gotham';

console.log(tvShows[0]); // Gotham

Ajouter des éléments à un tableau

var tvShows = ['True Detective'];

console.log(tvShows); // ["True Detective"]


console.log(tvShows); // ["True Detective", "Fargo"]

tvShows.push('The Leftovers','Silicon Valley');

console.log(tvShows); // ["True Detective", "Fargo", "The Leftovers", "Silicon Valley"]

tvShows.unshift('Gotham ');

console.log(tvShows); // ["Gotham ", "True Detective", "Fargo", "The Leftovers", "Silicon Valley"]

Supprimer des éléments d’un tableau

var tvShows = ["True Detective", "Fargo", "The Leftovers", "Silicon Valley"];

console.log(tvShows.shift()); // True Detective

console.log(tvShows); // ["Fargo", "The Leftovers", "Silicon Valley"]

console.log(tvShows.pop()); // Silicon Valley

console.log(tvShows); // ["Fargo", "The Leftovers"]

Tableau et chaine de caractère (1)

var tvShows = ["True Detective", "Fargo", "The Leftovers"];

console.log('Best TV shows of 2014 : ' + tvShows.join(', ')); // Best TV shows of 2014 : True Detective, Fargo, The Leftovers

Tableau et chaine de caractère (2)

var tvShows = "True Detective, Fargo, The Leftovers";

console.log(tvShows.split(', ')); // ["True Detective", "Fargo", "The Leftovers"]

Parcourir un tableau

var tvShows = ["True Detective", "Fargo", "The Leftovers"];

for (var i = 0; i < tvShows.length; i++) { console.log(tvShows[i]); }; // True Detective // Fargo // The Leftovers

Recherche dans un tableau

var tvShows = ["True Detective", "Fargo", "The Leftovers", "Fargo"];

console.log(tvShows.indexOf("Fargo")); // 1 console.log(tvShows.lastIndexOf("Fargo")); // 3

console.log(tvShows.indexOf("Looking")); // -1 console.log(tvShows.lastIndexOf("Looking")); // -1

Tableau associatif ?

Nope, Object literals!

4. prototypes

Objets & prototypes

Chaque objet possède un lien, interne, vers un autre objet, appelé prototype. Cet objet prototype possède lui aussi un prototype et ainsi de suite, jusqu'à ce que l'on aboutisse à un prototype null. null, n'a, par définition, aucun prototype et forme donc le dernier maillon de la chaîne des prototypes.

Prototype d’un objet (1)

function TvShow(title, year, author){ this.title = title; this.year = year; = author; }

var trueDetective = new TvShow("True Detective", 2014, "Nic Pizzolatto"); var fargo = new TvShow("Fargo", 2014, "Noah Hawley"); console.log(typeof TvShow.prototype); // object console.log(TvShow.prototype); // TvShow {}

Prototype d’un objet (2)

function TvShow(title, year, author){ this.title = title; this.year = year; = author; } = 'HBO';

var trueDetective = new TvShow("True Detective", 2014, "Nic Pizzolatto");

console.log(TvShow.prototype); // TvShow {network: "HBO"} console.log(; // HBO

Prototype d’un objet (3)

function TvShow(title, year, author){ this.title = title; this.year = year; = author; }

var trueDetective = new TvShow("True Detective", 2014, "Nic Pizzolatto"); console.log(; // undefined = 'HBO'; console.log(; // HBO

var fargo = new TvShow("Fargo", 2014, "Noah Hawley"); console.log(; // HBO = 'FX'; console.log(; // FX

Prototype d’un objet (4)

String.prototype.sayYoupi = function() { return 'youpi'; } var test = "test"; console.log(test.sayYoupi()); // youpi

String.prototype.indexOf = function() { return 'nope'; }

console.log(test.indexOf()); // nope

Retour au primitives

var title = 'The Honourable Woman'; console.log(title.length); // 20 console.log(title.indexOf('o')); // 5

String.prototype.returnMe= function() { return this; } var a = "abc"; var b = a.returnMe(); a; // abc typeof a; // string b; // abc typeof b; // object

Merci pour votre attention.

BibliographieEloquent JavaScript - Marijn Haverbeke

JS101 - Alex Young http://daily JavaScript Fundamentals - Jeremy McPeak

Guide JavaScript - teoli, BenoitL, delislejm, Ame_Nomade, SphinxKnight

JavaScript JavaScript … - Angus Croll

ECMAScript Language Specification - Ecma International

Javascript: The Definitive Guide - David Flanagan

CréditsGame of Thrones - David Benioff et D. B. Weiss

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