jay villanueva acosta minor portfolio

Post on 01-Apr-2016






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Jay Villanueva Acosta Graphic Design Portfolio Visual College of Art and Design of Vancouver (VCAD)


JayVillanuevaAcostaVisual art • DesignMinor Portfolio

2 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

acostajay@hotmail.com | 3


Vancouver 24 Hours promotional ads

Find you in Muchu Picchu ads. The theme of the design is traditional presented in a very modern way. The main design’s core idea is to give the audience, the readers of

the newspaper(24Hours) a beautiful impression about Machu Picchu itself, to help communicate with the

audience and let them look forward on an exiting trip to Machu Picchu. The design focus is to simply mimic

the look of the old Inca artifacts, the textures and the architecture itself in a unique and modern way, in order

to connect and relate with everyone. To be able to present history with the culture’s ambience, and at the same time

make the audience feel that “this is something new“.

4 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

FIND YOU IN MACHU PICCHURead us everyday this winter for your chance to WIN a trip for two to Machu Picchu, Peru

Promotion March 22, 2014Promotion January 10, 2010

acostajay@hotmail.com | 5

6 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

acostajay@hotmail.com | 7


Loki Hostel Cuscowww.lokihostel.com

This is DAY 1’s chance for you to WIN a trip for two to Cusco, Peru featuring a trip to the historical Machi Picchu. We’ve given you the first luggage item to pack (INCA JAR), so just make sure you collect the remaining four items for this week’s suitcase. One item will be printed per day from Monday until Friday.

HOW IT WORKS!Step 1: Collect the five daily items published from April 21th - 25th.Step 2: Attach collected items to this ad.Step 3: Submit your full set of items and your completed entry ballot (below) then mail or drop off your submission to 24 Hours Vancouver, 554 East 15th Ave, vancouver B.C., V5T 2R5, ATTENTION: Promotions - Cusco, Peru, by Thursday May 1st (4:00 PM PST).


Phone Number___________________________________________________




Find today’s PASSWORD OF THE DAY for your chance to win daily prizes. Email the password, page number and date with your contact in-formation and the PASSWORD OF THE DAY in the subject line to van24win@sunmedia.ca before NOON (PST) of today’s publishing date as shown on the top folio of each page of 24

Hours Vancouver newspaper.

INCA JARToday’s collectableitem

*For your chance to WIN a trip to Cusco, Peru featuring a trip to the historical Machi Picchu, pick up your daily copy of 24 Hours Vancouver newspaper [A five week period denoated per this example: June 18–July 16, 2014]. Locate the WIN A TRIP TO Cusco Peru ad. Cut out all components as directed and save them. There will be a new item to collect each day. At the end of each week, you must mail or drop off your collected items, along with your contact information to qualify for that week’s vacation to Cusco, Peru. Entries can be mailed or dropped off to 24 Hours Vancouver office, which is located at 554 East 15th Avenue, Vancouver B.C., ATTENTION: Promotions Cusco Peru. We are open 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM Monday to Friday only. You will be given until Thursday of the following week, by 4:00 pm (PST) to submit your entry. Each week’s boarding passes are only valid for that week’s vacation prize. Your week’s boarding passes may not include items from different weeks, as each entry must contain elements from within the same week.

8 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

This is DAY 4’s chance for you to WIN a trip for two to Machu Picchu. We’ve given you the first luggage item to pack (VIRACOCHA), so just make sure you collect the remaining four items for this week’s suitcase. One item will be printed per day from Monday until Friday.HOW IT WORKS!Step 1: Cut this ad out. Step 2: Attach this collected item to your week 1 suitcase ad.Step 3: Submit your full set of items and your completed luggage tag (entry ballot on the week 1 suitcase ad) then mail or drop off your submission to 24 Hours Vancouver, 554 East 15th Avenue, Vancouver BC, V5T 2R5 attention Promotions! Deadline for submission 4:00 PM, Thursday, September 16, 2014.


Find today’s PASSWORD OF THE DAY for your chance to win daily prizes. Email the password, page number and date with your con-tact information and the PASS-WORD OF THE DAY in the subject line to van24win@sunmedia.ca before NOON (PST) of today’s publishing date as shown on the top folio of each page of 24 Hours

Vancouver newspaper.Loki Hostel Cuscowww.lokihostel.com

*For your chance to WIN a trip to Cusco, Peru featuring a trip to the historical Machi Picchu, pick up your daily copy of 24 Hours Vancouver newspaper [A five week period denoated per this example: June 18–July 16, 2014]. Locate the WIN A TRIP TO Cusco Peru ad. Cut out all components as directed and save them. There will be a new item to collect each day. At the end of each week, you must mail or drop off your collected items, along with your contact information to qualify for that week’s vacation to Cusco, Peru. Entries can be mailed or dropped off to 24 Hours Vancouver office, which is located at 554 East 15th Avenue, Vancouver B.C., ATTENTION: Promotions Cusco Peru. We are open 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM Monday to Friday only. You will be given until Thursday of the following week, by 4:00 pm (PST) to submit your entry. Each week’s boarding passes are only valid for that week’s vacation prize. Your week’s boarding passes may not include items from differ-ent weeks, as each entry must contain elements from within the same week.

FIND YOU IN MACHU PICCHU INTISUNToday’s collectable item

Find today’s PASSWORD OF THE DAY for your chance to win daily prizes. Email the password, page number and date with your con-tact information and the PASS-WORD OF THE DAY in the subject line to van24win@sunmedia.ca before NOON (PST) of today’s publishing date as shown on the top folio of each page of 24 Hours

Vancouver newspaper.

This is DAY 2’s chance for you to WIN a trip for two to Cusco, Peru featuring a trip to the historical Machi Picchu. We’ve given you the first luggage item to pack (INTI), so just make sure you collect the remaining four items for this week’s suitcase. One item will be printed per day from Monday until Friday.

HOW IT WORKS!Step 1: Cut this ad out. Step 2: Attach this collected item to your week 1 suitcase ad.Step 3: Check back tomorrow for the next item to attach to your suitcase ad.

*For your chance to WIN a trip to Cusco, Peru featuring a trip to the historical Machi Picchu, pick up your daily copy of 24 Hours Vancouver newspaper [A five week period denoated per this example: June 18–July 16, 2014]. Locate the WIN A TRIP TO Cusco Peru ad. Cut out all components as directed and save them. There will be a new item to collect each day. At the end of each week, you must mail or drop off your collected items, along with your contact information to qualify for that week’s vacation to Cusco, Peru. Entries can be mailed or dropped off to 24 Hours Vancouver office, which is located at 554 East 15th Avenue, Vancouver B.C., ATTENTION: Promotions Cusco Peru. We are open 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM Monday to Friday only. You will be given until Thursday of the following week, by 4:00 pm (PST) to submit your entry. Each week’s boarding passes are only valid for that week’s vacation prize. Your week’s boarding passes may not include items from differ-ent weeks, as each entry must contain elements from within the same week.

Loki Hostel Cuscowww.lokihostel.com

acostajay@hotmail.com | 9

This is DAY 4’s chance for you to WIN a trip for two to Cusco, Peru featuring a trip to the historical Machi Picchu. We’ve given you the first luggage item to pack (CHAKANA), so just make sure you collect the remaining four items for this week’s suitcase. One item will be printed per day from Monday until Friday.

HOW IT WORKS!Step 1: Cut this ad out. Step 2: Attach this collected item to your week 1 suitcase ad.Step 3: Check back tomorrow for the next item to attach to your suitcase ad.

FIND YOU IN MACHU PICCHU CHAKANAToday’s collectable item

Find today’s PASSWORD OF THE DAY for your chance to win daily prizes. Email the password, page number and date with your con-tact information and the PASS-WORD OF THE DAY in the subject line to van24win@sunmedia.ca before NOON (PST) of today’s publishing date as shown on the top folio of each page of 24 Hours

Vancouver newspaper.Loki Hostel Cuscowww.lokihostel.com

*For your chance to WIN a trip to Cusco, Peru featuring a trip to the historical Machi Picchu, pick up your daily copy of 24 Hours Vancouver newspaper [A five week period denoated per this example: June 18–July 16, 2014]. Locate the WIN A TRIP TO Cusco Peru ad. Cut out all components as directed and save them. There will be a new item to collect each day. At the end of each week, you must mail or drop off your collected items, along with your contact information to qualify for that week’s vacation to Cusco, Peru. Entries can be mailed or dropped off to 24 Hours Vancouver office, which is located at 554 East 15th Avenue, Vancouver B.C., ATTENTION: Promotions Cusco Peru. We are open 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM Monday to Friday only. You will be given until Thursday of the following week, by 4:00 pm (PST) to submit your entry. Each week’s boarding passes are only valid for that week’s vacation prize. Your week’s boarding passes may not include items from differ-ent weeks, as each entry must contain elements from within the same week.

This is DAY 3’s chance for you to WIN a trip for two to Cusco, Peru featuring a trip to the historical Machi Picchu. We’ve given you the first luggage item to pack (GOLD LLAMA), so just make sure you collect the remaining four items for this week’s suitcase. One item will be printed per day from Monday until Friday.

HOW IT WORKS!Step 1: Cut this ad out. Step 2: Attach this collected item to your week 1 suitcase ad.Step 3: Check back tomorrow for the next item to attach to your suitcase ad.


Find today’s PASSWORD OF THE DAY for your chance to win daily prizes. Email the password, page number and date with your con-tact information and the PASS-WORD OF THE DAY in the subject line to van24win@sunmedia.ca before NOON (PST) of today’s publishing date as shown on the top folio of each page of 24 Hours

Vancouver newspaper.Loki Hostel Cuscowww.lokihostel.com

*For your chance to WIN a trip to Cusco, Peru featuring a trip to the historical Machi Picchu, pick up your daily copy of 24 Hours Vancouver newspaper [A five week period denoated per this example: June 18–July 16, 2014]. Locate the WIN A TRIP TO Cusco Peru ad. Cut out all components as directed and save them. There will be a new item to collect each day. At the end of each week, you must mail or drop off your collected items, along with your contact information to qualify for that week’s vacation to Cusco, Peru. Entries can be mailed or dropped off to 24 Hours Vancouver office, which is located at 554 East 15th Avenue, Vancouver B.C., ATTENTION: Promotions Cusco Peru. We are open 9:00 AM until 5:00 PM Monday to Friday only. You will be given until Thursday of the following week, by 4:00 pm (PST) to submit your entry. Each week’s boarding passes are only valid for that week’s vacation prize. Your week’s boarding passes may not include items from differ-ent weeks, as each entry must contain elements from within the same week.

10 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290






acostajay@hotmail.com | 11

Jay A


| P



acostajay@hotmail.com | 13


Adidas Sports Advertising Campaign

The Adidas advertising’s overall design is to dipict triumph, succsess and accomplishments through the

illustrations. The style is rather minimalistic, the colour chosen and used are bright colours inspired by “golden

tophies“ to mimic and portray perseverance, patience and intense joy. Simple but detailed illustrations are added to

emulate real life features. In the design, the main focus are the person because they carry the main message in

each ads. The title’s design is an attempt to look plain and simple to add a contrast with the overall look of the

atmosphere of the designs.

14 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

acostajay@hotmail.com | 15

acostajay@hotmail.com | 19

Chapters / Indigo books and music advertising campaign

22 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

Chapters / Indigo books and music advertising campaign

acostajay@hotmail.com | 23

Chapters / Indigo books and music advertising campaign

24 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

JayAcosta | PhotoAds


Vancouver Folk Music Festival

Music is considered a precious cultural asset and heritage of all the culture, customs, traditions and history. Folk

music consists of different variants of music from many cultures around the world. The concert posters are to

visually present the atmosphere of the upcoming event, to not only invite musicians alike but also invite more people,

new faces. The environment presented in each ad are to look appealing, peaceful to the people.

The colours used are brights to portray a happy and lively environment.

26 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

acostajay@hotmail.com | 27

28 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

acostajay@hotmail.com | 29

JayAcosta | PhotoAds

acostajay@hotmail.com | 31


Twinnings Tea

Some people handle stress well, but for others it can be devastating. A refreshing drink can help, perhaphs,

try Twinnings Tea. It can bring you peacefulness and will replenish your soul. These visual beauty of each boxes contains flavours of love. One colour for each

flavour. Each colour are light tint, to give a relaxing vibe to everybody. The packaging is specifically designed to

look simple but elegant, to simply brighten one’s day, to relieve stress.


32 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

acostajay@hotmail.com | 33

Twinnings Green TeaGreen tea is known for its smooth flavor and refreshing taste. Green teas are made from leaves of the

Camellia Sinensis plant, the same leaves as black tea. Green teas go

through a process where the leaves are heated to prevent oxidation

while black teas are oxidized for additional color and flavor. The

result is a delicious tea that brews to a light golden color and unique

flavor. Twinings Green Tea is a style called "Sencha", known for its smooth, mild characteristics.

10 individually wrapped tea bags NET POIDS 38g (1.3 oz)


10 sacs à thé individuellement enveloppés NET POIDS 38g (1.3 oz)

Twinnings Thé VertLe thé vert est connu pour sa saveur douce et un goût rafraîchissant. Les thés verts sont fabriqués à partir de

feuilles de la plante Camellia Sinensis, les mêmes feuilles que le

thé noir. Les thés verts passer par un processus où les feuilles sont

chauffées pour empêcher l'oxydation tout en thés noirs sont oxydés pour la couleur et la saveur supplémentaire. Le résultat est un délicieux thé qui infuse à une couleur dorée et une

saveur uniques. Twinings Thé Vert est un style appelé "Sencha", connu pour

sa douceur, caractéristiques doux.


34 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

Twinnings Green TeaGreen tea is known for its smooth flavor and refreshing taste. Green teas are made from leaves of the

Camellia Sinensis plant, the same leaves as black tea. Green teas go

through a process where the leaves are heated to prevent oxidation

while black teas are oxidized for additional color and flavor. The

result is a delicious tea that brews to a light golden color and unique

flavor. Twinings Green Tea is a style called "Sencha", known for its smooth, mild characteristics.

10 individually wrapped tea bags NET POIDS 38g (1.3 oz)


10 sacs à thé individuellement enveloppés NET POIDS 38g (1.3 oz)

Twinnings Thé VertLe thé vert est connu pour sa saveur douce et un goût rafraîchissant. Les thés verts sont fabriqués à partir de

feuilles de la plante Camellia Sinensis, les mêmes feuilles que le

thé noir. Les thés verts passer par un processus où les feuilles sont

chauffées pour empêcher l'oxydation tout en thés noirs sont oxydés pour la couleur et la saveur supplémentaire. Le résultat est un délicieux thé qui infuse à une couleur dorée et une

saveur uniques. Twinings Thé Vert est un style appelé "Sencha", connu pour

sa douceur, caractéristiques doux.


acostajay@hotmail.com | 35

Twinnings Green TeaGreen tea is known for its smooth flavor and refreshing taste. Green teas are made from leaves of the

Camellia Sinensis plant, the same leaves as black tea. Green teas go

through a process where the leaves are heated to prevent oxidation

while black teas are oxidized for additional color and flavor. The

result is a delicious tea that brews to a light golden color and unique

flavor. Twinings Green Tea is a style called "Sencha", known for its smooth, mild characteristics.

10 individually wrapped tea bags NET POIDS 38g (1.3 oz)

10 sacs à thé individuellement enveloppés NET POIDS 38g (1.3 oz)

Twinnings Thé VertLe thé vert est connu pour sa saveur douce et un goût rafraîchissant. Les thés verts sont fabriqués à partir de

feuilles de la plante Camellia Sinensis, les mêmes feuilles que le

thé noir. Les thés verts passer par un processus où les feuilles sont

chauffées pour empêcher l'oxydation tout en thés noirs sont oxydés pour la couleur et la saveur supplémentaire. Le résultat est un délicieux thé qui infuse à une couleur dorée et une

saveur uniques. Twinings Thé Vert est un style appelé "Sencha", connu pour

sa douceur, caractéristiques doux.


36 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

Twinnings Green TeaGreen tea is known for its smooth flavor and refreshing taste. Green teas are made from leaves of the

Camellia Sinensis plant, the same leaves as black tea. Green teas go

through a process where the leaves are heated to prevent oxidation

while black teas are oxidized for additional color and flavor. The

result is a delicious tea that brews to a light golden color and unique

flavor. Twinings Green Tea is a style called "Sencha", known for its smooth, mild characteristics.

10 individually wrapped tea bags NET POIDS 38g (1.3 oz)

10 sacs à thé individuellement enveloppés NET POIDS 38g (1.3 oz)

Twinnings Thé VertLe thé vert est connu pour sa saveur douce et un goût rafraîchissant. Les thés verts sont fabriqués à partir de

feuilles de la plante Camellia Sinensis, les mêmes feuilles que le

thé noir. Les thés verts passer par un processus où les feuilles sont

chauffées pour empêcher l'oxydation tout en thés noirs sont oxydés pour la couleur et la saveur supplémentaire. Le résultat est un délicieux thé qui infuse à une couleur dorée et une

saveur uniques. Twinings Thé Vert est un style appelé "Sencha", connu pour

sa douceur, caractéristiques doux.


acostajay@hotmail.com | 37

Twinnings Green TeaGreen tea is known for its smooth flavor and refreshing taste. Green teas are made from leaves of the

Camellia Sinensis plant, the same leaves as black tea. Green teas go

through a process where the leaves are heated to prevent oxidation

while black teas are oxidized for additional color and flavor. The

result is a delicious tea that brews to a light golden color and unique

flavor. Twinings Green Tea is a style called "Sencha", known for its smooth, mild characteristics.

10 individually wrapped tea bags NET POIDS 38g (1.3 oz)

10 sacs à thé individuellement enveloppés NET POIDS 38g (1.3 oz)

Twinnings Thé VertLe thé vert est connu pour sa saveur douce et un goût rafraîchissant. Les thés verts sont fabriqués à partir de

feuilles de la plante Camellia Sinensis, les mêmes feuilles que le

thé noir. Les thés verts passer par un processus où les feuilles sont

chauffées pour empêcher l'oxydation tout en thés noirs sont oxydés pour la couleur et la saveur supplémentaire. Le résultat est un délicieux thé qui infuse à une couleur dorée et une

saveur uniques. Twinings Thé Vert est un style appelé "Sencha", connu pour

sa douceur, caractéristiques doux.


38 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

Twinnings Green TeaGreen tea is known for its smooth flavor and refreshing taste. Green teas are made from leaves of the

Camellia Sinensis plant, the same leaves as black tea. Green teas go

through a process where the leaves are heated to prevent oxidation

while black teas are oxidized for additional color and flavor. The

result is a delicious tea that brews to a light golden color and unique

flavor. Twinings Green Tea is a style called "Sencha", known for its smooth, mild characteristics.

10 individually wrapped tea bags NET POIDS 38g (1.3 oz)

10 sacs à thé individuellement enveloppés NET POIDS 38g (1.3 oz)

Twinnings Thé VertLe thé vert est connu pour sa saveur douce et un goût rafraîchissant. Les thés verts sont fabriqués à partir de

feuilles de la plante Camellia Sinensis, les mêmes feuilles que le

thé noir. Les thés verts passer par un processus où les feuilles sont

chauffées pour empêcher l'oxydation tout en thés noirs sont oxydés pour la couleur et la saveur supplémentaire. Le résultat est un délicieux thé qui infuse à une couleur dorée et une

saveur uniques. Twinings Thé Vert est un style appelé "Sencha", connu pour

sa douceur, caractéristiques doux.


acostajay@hotmail.com | 39


The Ocean and its Wonders book/story by R.M. Ballantyne

Before we proceed on the wonders connected with the sea, we shall realize the beauty of the composition of the sea

itself and its extent, depth, and bottom.The mission on the book is to elaborate the greatness

of the ocean. The artwork done on the project is an exploration, dipicting the paradise under the sea. The

design on the covers are arranged to cleary tell the story in the Ocean. The story of the ocean is peaceful and

colourful. The illustration’s aim is to share the treasure deep within the Ocean.

42 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

acostajay@hotmail.com | 43

Book jacket / dust wrapper

44 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

acostajay@hotmail.com | 45

Book cover / book illustrations / artwork

46 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

acostajay@hotmail.com | 47

TIME • greatest enemy and friend. indefinite continued progress of existence.past, future, present.

48 | Jay Acosta | 604 441 8290

acostajay@hotmail.com | 49

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