jehovah's witness' vs. the trinity

Post on 24-Feb-2018






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  • 7/25/2019 Jehovah's Witness' vs. The Trinity


    J-Dub vs. the Trinity 1

  • 7/25/2019 Jehovah's Witness' vs. The Trinity


    J-Dub vs. the Trinity

    Some Scripture

    To lay a basis for what is to come let us read some Scripture from Isaiah via the 1611 Authorized


    Is 43:10-13

    Yearemy witnesses saith the !"#$ and my servant whom I have chosen: that ye may %now and believe

    me and understand that Iamhe: before me there was no &od formed neither shall there be after me' 11I

    evenIamthe !"#$( and beside methere isno saviour' 1)I have declared and have saved and I haveshewed whenthere wasno stran*egodamon* you: therefore yearemy witnesses saith the !"#$ that I

    am&od' 1+Yea before the daywasIamhe( andthere isnone that can deliver out of my hand: I will wor%

    and who shall let it,

    Is 44:6

    Thus saith the !"#$ the -in* of Israel and his redeemer the !"#$ of hosts( Iamthe first and Iamthe

    last( and beside methere isno &od'

    Is 44:24

    Thus saith the !"#$ thy redeemer and he that formed thee from the womb Iamthe !"#$ that ma%ethallthings( that stretcheth forth the heavens alone( that spreadeth abroad the earth by myself(

    Is 45:5

    Iamthe !"#$ andthere isnone elsethere isno &od beside me: I *irded thee thou*h thou hast not

    %nown me:

    Is 45:1

    .or thus saith the !"#$ that created the heavens( &od himself that formed the earth and made it( he hath

    established it he created it not in vain he formed it to be inhabited: Iamthe !"#$( andthere isnone else'

    Is 45:22-23

    !oo% unto me and be ye saved all the ends of the earth: for I am &od and there is none else' I have sworn

    by myself the word is *one out of my mouth in ri*hteousness and shall not return That unto me every%nee shall bow every ton*ue shall swear'

    Is 46:!

    #emember the former thin*s of old: for Iam&od andthere isnone else(I am&od andthere isnone li%e


    And in fact this %nowled*e about &od / that 0e is the only &od is part of our salvonic

    understandin* for instance in ohn 12:+3a4 we find this statement by esus 5And this is lifeeternal that they mi*ht %now thee the only true &od' Amen7 I love these Scriptures they are

    foundational to our understandin* of &od8s nature' Startin* here and usin* proper e9e*esis and

    allowin* the ible to interpret the ible let us read some more passa*es'

    "ne of my favorite boo%s is &enesis and in &enesis is one of my favorite e9amples of who &od

    is' I will here scan in some of the verses from my 1;61 and )'


  • 7/25/2019 Jehovah's Witness' vs. The Trinity


    J-Dub vs. the Trinity +

  • 7/25/2019 Jehovah's Witness' vs. The Trinity


    J-Dub vs. the Trinity

    As the -V puts it in "enesis 1!:24/ 5Then the #$%D3Y0=04 rained upon Sodom and upon&omorrah brimstone and fire from the #$%D 3Y0=04 out of heaven' Blearly here we see

    that ehovah in heaven rained fire down from ehovah in heaven' 0mmm' Is this a statement

    about &od8s nature or not, Caybe we will *o to the S0DCA to put this problem to rest' The

    S0DCA is found in Deuteronomy 6:4 and is the most important verse to the orthodo9 ewishpeople it reads:

    50ear " Israel: The !"#$ our &odisone!"#$'

    =hew7 I thou*ht for a second that this &od mentioned in Isaiah was somethin* other than

    sin*ular entity' ut waitE what 0ebrew word is used here that means 5one in front of !ord'The 0ebrew word for a sin*ular 5one is 5yachid meanin* the only one' The word is used in

    "enesis 22:2where &od tells Abraham to 5ta%e your son your onlyson IsaacE' This is what

    we should find hereE let8s see' Ahhh shoot!! It isn8t that word at all, The word in 0ebrew

    used here is 5echad it denotes a unity or united one' This word is used in "enesis 2:24it isstated that 5a man will his father and mother and be united to his wife and the two shall become

    oneflesh' Caybe we need to *o bac% to Isaiah to ma%e sense out of this'

  • 7/25/2019 Jehovah's Witness' vs. The Trinity


    J-Dub vs. the Trinity

    !et8s read from Is&i&h 44:6a*ain to ease the mind:

    Thus saith the !"#$ the -in* of Israel and his redeemer the !"#$ of hosts( Iamthefirst and Iamthe last( and beside methere isno &od'

    =ait a minute' 5Thus saith the !"#$ the -in* of Israel ANDhis redeemer the !"#$ ofhosts, It seems that two divine persons are spea%in* here yet both are only one &od the

    Breator and Savior7 Arrrgggh! $oesn8t D9odus say what &od8s name is' '(o)us 3:14 re&)s:

    And &od said unto Coses I AC T0AT I AC: and he said Thus shalt thou say unto the

    children of Israel I AC hath sent me unto you'


  • 7/25/2019 Jehovah's Witness' vs. The Trinity


    J-Dub vs. the Trinity

    That didn8t help the

  • 7/25/2019 Jehovah's Witness' vs. The Trinity


    J-Dub vs. the Trinity

    D9odus +:1 admittin* that the 0ebrew would be rendered into &ree% a 5D*o eimiK5I am'

    And their 1;>H Kingdom Interlinear Translation of the &ree% Scriptures reveals that esus8

    words at ohn >:H> are the same: 5e*o eimi 3footnotes4 5I am 3interlinear te9t4' !et8s peerinto a few more resources the first bein* my most used interlinear:

    Jn :24

    Jn :5

    To be fair let8s loo% at theKingdom Interlinear Translation of the ree Scriptures maybe they

    have it ri*ht and everyone elsehas it wron*,

    Jn :24


  • 7/25/2019 Jehovah's Witness' vs. The Trinity


    J-Dub vs. the Trinity

    Jn :5

    =hy would they chan*e one of the most simple &ree% words that stand for 5I am into 5I havebeen as well as chan*in* D9odus from 5I am who I am into 5I shall prove to be what I shall

    prove to be, I mean every other place ego eimi come up in the -in*dom Interlinear

    Translation it is translated 5I am7 .or instance:

    in/)om Inter,ine&r Tr&ns,&tion

    Caybe the five 5translators 3see p' +4 were tryin* to hide somethin*' =hat was or is this

    somethin*, esus put it this way in response to the Fharisees when they tried to challen*e him'In Catthew )):+ citin* Fsalm 11@ esus said "How is it then that #avid$ speaing %y the

    Spirit$ calls him &'ord( )*essiah+,- esus stumped his s%eptical ewish Juestioners by

    presentin* then with a dilemma that blew their own neat calculations about the Cessiah "'ord-

    3as he did in Fsalm 11@4 when the Scriptures also say the Cessiah would be the "Son of #avid-3which they do in ) Samuel 2:1)'4, The only answer is that the Cessiah must be both a man


  • 7/25/2019 Jehovah's Witness' vs. The Trinity


    J-Dub vs. the Trinity

    3$avid8s son or offsprin*4 &n)&od 3$avid8s !ord4' esus is claimin* to be both &od and human

    at the same time7

    ="=7 ut wait7 =hat about ohn 12:+3a4, $oesn8t it say that we have to believe in the one

    true &od and this is part of our salvation, !et8s read that a*ain:

    5And this is life eternal that they mi*ht %now thee the only true &od' 3

  • 7/25/2019 Jehovah's Witness' vs. The Trinity


    J-Dub vs. the Trinity

    the new temple the *ate will be open a*ain and the &odLman the -in% of -in*s esus Bhrist

    will enter thereby' ="=7

    I would be remiss if I didn8t correct a favorite resource of ehovahMs =itnesses that is the boo%

    entitledReasoning from the Scriptures by the =atchtower ible and Tract Society' I will also

    refute some of the =atchtower8s misJuotin* of Bhurch .athers found in the =atchtower boo%letShould /ou 1elieve in the Trinity' I realize this is lon* but if you read it with thou*htful

    patience you will be*in to see ust how a false reli*ious movement can distort and twist not only

    Scripture but history as well as scholars' Dnoy but be warned it is a bit technical'


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