jeopardy - pc\| $100 ch 6 ids...

Post on 26-Jul-2020






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Ch 6 IDs People U.S. Gov. Politics Random




$500 $500




















Final Jeopardy

1 - $100

Define cabinet. Who makes up the cabinet?

Group of advisors to the president. Usually made up of secretaries from diff. departments.

1 - $200

Define Excise Tariff

Tax that was placed on whiskey for the manufacturing, transportation and sale. It angered corn farmers.

1 - $300

Explain the Alien and Sedition Acts

Made it more difficult for immigrants to become U.S. citizens. It also gave the president the power to deport or jail any ‘undesirable’ immigrant

1 - $400

Explain nullification

States had the right to declare any federal law unconstitutional and basically ignore it

1 - $500

Describe the two political groups in the U.S. and what they supported

Federalists- wanted rich educated people to run strong central governments. Democratic-republicans wanted farmers to run strong state governments.

2 - $100

Supreme court chief justice that developed a treaty which kicked British troops out of North American forts

John Jay

2 - $200

Explain how Edmond Genet caused tension between France & USA

French diplomat that was sent to America to gain support, instead he started recruiting people to fight for France. This went against GW policy of neutrality.

2 - $300

Who was Little Turtle

Native American chieftain of the Miami tribe

2 - $400

Name the three department heads

Thomas Jefferson- state. Henry Knox- war. Alexander Hamilton- treasury.

2 - $500

What did the treaty of San Lorenzo give America?

The treaty of San Lorenzo gave us all land east of the Mississippi river and north of the 31st

parallel and allowed US citizens to use the Mississippi River and the port of New Orleans

3 - $100

Explain why the XYZ Affair created tension between America and France.

France blackmailed Americans to talk to their foreign minister and Americans got angry

3 - $200

What was the main problem of the presidential election of 1800?

There was a tie vote between Burr and Jefferson, so the deciding vote went to the House of Representatives.

3 - $300

Why were Southern states angry about the Bank of USA?

It assumed all debt throughout the nation which meant they would have to pay for Northern states debt as well, after having paid off their debt already.

3 - $400

What did opponents to the Bank of USA stress?

That Federalists had no right because it did not specifically say in the Constitution that they could create a federal bank.

3 - $500

What were the two parts to Hamilton’s economic plan for the nation?

1) Lower federal debt 2) create a federal or national bank

4 - $100

Who was Aaron Burr and who did he challenge to a duel? What political group was he?

Presidential candidate that challenge Alexander Hamilton to a duel. He was Democratic-Republican.

4 - $200

What is the difference between Federalists and Democratic-Republicans?

Federalists liked strong national governments run by the upper class. Democratic-Republicans liked strong state governments run by farmers.

4 - $300

How did George Washington’s death help to smooth relations with the French?

Napoleon issued 10 days of mourning as tribute for his death, and this sign of respect touched Americans

4 - $400

What were some of the decisions Jefferson made during his presidency towards federal spending?

He cut federal spending heavily. He lowered the size of the army, stopped the growth of the navy, and stopped spending money on social gatherings.

4 - $500

Explain the significance of Marbury vs Madison

Created the idea of Judicial Review, which said that the supreme court decides whether or not a federal law is constitutional or unconstitutional.

5 - $100

Explain the events of the Louisiana Purchase

Napoleon sold it to America, because it was useless to him, for 15 million dollars. It more than doubled the size of the USA

5 - $200

Explain the difference between the Judicial Act of 1789 and 1801.

1789 created the Supreme court. 1801 tried to increase the amount of judges in Washington D.C. to preserve Federalist power

5 - $300

How did Washington handle the differences between the political groups in America?

By not choosing a side. He set a good precedent for future presidents that when they took office they should look after the nation as a whole.

5 - $400

What is another name for the political system in the U.S.?

Two party system

5 - $500

Explain why the Excise tariff angered western farmers.

They grew corn for a living, and because it was too heavy they would turn it into whiskey. But the tax put stress on all parts of this process.

Final Jeopardy

Native American scout that accompanied Lewis and Clark on their voyage across Louisiana. She helped translate for them.


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