jeopardy review literary terms shakespeare hunger games harry potter game of thrones 100 200 300 400...

Post on 04-Jan-2016






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Jeopardy Review

Literary Terms



Harry Potter

Game of Thrones

100 100 100 100 100

200 200 200 200 200

300 300 300 300 300

400 400 400 400 400

500 500 500 500 500

Literary Terms for 100

Define Climax

Literary Terms for 200

Define Allusion

Literary Terms for 300

Define Connotation

Literary Terms for 400

Define Hyperbole

Literary Terms for 500

Define Onomatopoeia

Shakespeare for 100

When was he born?

Shakespeare for 200

When did he die?

Shakespeare for 300

How many plays did he write?

Shakespeare for 400

How many words did he introduce and are now recognized by the Oxford English Dictionary?

Shakespeare for 500

How many variations are there on the spelling of his name?

Hunger Games for 100

Who wrote the Hunger Games?

Hunger Games for 200

What is the name of the main character?

Hunger Games for 300

Aside from Peeta, who becomes allies with


Hunger Games for 400

Why do Katniss and Peeta attempt to eat poisonous berries?

Hunger Games for 500

Who does President Snow eliminate and why at the end of the book?

Harry Potter for 100

How many books are there?

Harry Potter for 200

Who gave Harry his famous scar?

Harry Potter for 300

What house was Harry originally going to be placed in?

Harry Potter for 400

What is the name of the three headed dog?

Harry Potter for 500

Why can’t Voldemort touch Harry?

Game of Thrones for 100

How many books are there in the Fire and Ice series?

Game of Thrones for 200

Why is Jon’s last name different from his family’s?

Game of Thrones for 300

Why is Theon Greyjoy in Winterfel?

Game of Thrones for 400

How does Ned Stark end up in Kings Landing?

Games of Thrones for 500

Why does Joffrey kill Ned Stark?

Answer for Literary Terms 100

What is the point in the plot that creates the greatest intensity.

Answer for Literary Terms 200

What is A brief reference to a person, place, thing, thing, event

or idea in history or literature

Answer for Literary Terms 300

What is associations and implications that go beyond the

written word

Answer for Literary Terms 400

What is boldly exaggerated statement that adds emphasis without intending to be true

Answer for Literary Terms 500

What is use of words that imitate sounds

Answer for Shakespeare 100

What is April 26, 1564

Answer for Shakespeare 200

What is April 23, 1616

Answer for Shakespeare 300

What is 37

Answer for Shakespeare 400

What is 3,000

Answer for Shakespeare 500

What is over 80 variations

Answer for Hunger Games 100

Who is Suzanne Collins

Answer for Hunger Games 200

Who is Katniss Everdeen

Answer for Hunger Games 300

Who is Rue

Answer for Hunger Games 400

What is to defy the Capitol and both die rather than one kill the


Answer for Hunger Games 500

Who is Seneca Crane for allowing Peeta and Katniss to make a

mockery of President Snow and the Hunger Games

Answer for Harry Potter 100

What is 7

Answer for Harry Potter 200

Who is Voldemort

Answer for Harry Potter 300

What is Slytherin

Answer for Harry Potter 400

Who is Fluffy

Answer for Harry Potter 500

What is Harry’s mom loved him so much and died protecting him which now protects him from

Voldemorts charms

Answer for Game of Thrones 100

What is 7

Answer for Game of Thrones 200

What is John’s mother was not Catelyn Stark, he was a bastard

Answer for Game of Thrones 300

What is he was a warden of the North

Answer for Game of Thrones 400

What is Robert Baratheon asks him to be that Hand of the King

Answer for Game of Thrones 500

What is he was an evil little sh*t! And thought he had something to

do with Joffrey’s fathers death

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