jesse, norman g6rxufh...

Post on 25-Aug-2020






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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

Sta~da:d F o r~ Fo r ~e ~be rs of the Leq~s~at ~ re

2. Marria9e (s) date place

I 3. Si9ni!icant events for example:

A. JL#YA/.;•/ au Ji .. U!f--:?L r::brlJ1(e~.< ~ ... d.-.,//.;·/ A I~ •

B. Civic responsibilities ____________________________________ _

C. Profession~~~~(,_, ~~.~~~/~~---------------------------------------- I J

6 .

B. State __________________________________________________ __

C. National ________________________________________________ ___

7. . ..

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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12. Other applicable informat ion -'/~u· ~ ... · ~r

-----·----··--- -------------

·-- - -- --·-· .. ______ .. ______ ____ _

Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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Sources Log For Legislation Entries



- ~4~~;/ Non Applicable Applicable Information obtained

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

. . 1 ·~· 'il;. : . :r , . · . · OAVIOPETERSO;NJ:rnE

nmy,·trayer, left:. of Guidant' OJrp. in­m ~ ~ .. vascular graft Friday .at Des feart·.Center. From right, John 'Under­·d, JameS Lulek and Dan~ Alexander.

-' . S·t . . . SENIOR SPEAKERS

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: \ . ' TRENTON WflLIAMS: · ·. · ~ ... ·~ Lincoln High School.,. ·.

County leader ... .. . Jesse dies


·Norman Je..t;Se,: a · public servant · for more than , 3()

years, died Sunday . from complications of lung cancer. · .He was 62.

Jesse was Polk County de­velopment manager at the time of his death. He had also served as county manager and as a Democratic state representative.

Colleagues remember him as a witty, intense civil ser­vant dedicated to pouring his · talents and in­sight into his work .

"Just by vir- . . tue of the years · he worked in. the county and the number of people · he Jesse · knew, Norman was a wealth of knowledge," said Teree C8ldwell-Johnson, Jesse's successor as county manager.

Jesse's lung · cancer went undetected until a month ago, when he ·sought treat­ment for a persistent back-ache .. The ~cer had spread to his spine, and he spent the next few weeks in and out of Mercy Medical ~nter. He died at Kavanagh House.

Dan Johnston, . Jesse's companion and f~i"tnGr law ,partner, said, . "People would sit UJ? and listen when Nor-



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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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WlUt:Lt:\.:LCU WllU a JUVUUJ

ago, wheh he ·sought treat- . · inertt for a persistent back­ache .. The cancer had spread to his sj)ine, and he spent the

. next few weeks in and out of Mercy Medical <:enter. He died at· Kavanagh House. ·

Dan Johnston, · .Jesse's · · .·:: .. ~ · ·· companion and former law '···· partner, said, . "People would

: 'and .::BUU sit up and listen when Nor-bouflifelong · man began:to talk," he said. ge:· crushes. . When Jesse. was . county for:untirlng inanager, he took a special xtations. •: . ·. interest in. working thr~:mgh speakers:" af · . · the county to :pravide safe,

'ltions aeross. · . affordable housing for fami-13 years of · lies, said Martha · Willits, ~ ... · >lated··. their ·. former county supervisor .. · . · · ·: .- "·., Caldwell.John.son · remem-

l I1:etta ·Ben~~· bers Jesse as a "jack of all an~"'""~.._. · · · trades." "He . waS a ~enais-·om~Ank. e'~.n'ljJ. · .. ALICIA .KERR.: .•... : . . .. ... ·eltw~~ ·4 CartJsleHigh'School .;'·: :::: ~~h~:··~= U·es· :. lf.J.: • . a·t~ ~ · · · family " she .,..,.;d · ~. ·.' .1.. · :.,.( , . , ~ .· .

' :. ?. ··~·.· .· - · . · Jesse was called a "flam-1too;· yoU·~ boyarit lioeral" · ~d a "brash · >ring ~ ! upstart/' among other things, t to ·~1QVert. while serving six tenns in 1k . ~ these ' the. Legislature. In 1980, he. · of.tbelr own was defeated by Republican

~ .:· .: · · · ·JoAnn Trucano. He then be-May· ~d ·the . came the head of the county· 1t 39,500~~- .;. attorney office's civil bureau. from .Iowa's He . was county manager s: on. the.: po-:' .. from 1993 to 199f3. a~.~~~ .'/ Three days after Jesse was . . .wefelleruor· ·. · charged with drunken driy-

i,ans;r. ·A~~·. ~'. ing in March 1996, county auN supervisors announced that

~ out.. . .-.; ... : : he'would. be replaced. Jesse he audiences · · · · · · · · ! was then appointed to the

. ~ JOSH DREYER: 't · ~r · . J 48 : . ,. . . Hoover High·ScQc>or· newly created position of

-'..(...; ·,, : . . . manager of development. · ·. His duties will be per-, l ... \. , ·· · • · ' • · formed by other county staff

>• papers · :~~r~~~~~~~o~ . .. , , .. . . ·' . .. . to proceed, Caldwell.Johnson

. : ,t:t·~ .. · · " . ·~ .. . .d . : '( · , . · . : · · . · Sat

. · ·, .:· StOred in a doWiltown .~ependence In addition to Johnston, J f.d .. · :· ·tXWding, Edwards said. Jesse is survived by his · 1tj\r i , .:~isp!'obably~<?f·~epremier . mother, Hele~ Jesse, and t o.. .:· ootlections m the COW1lly m·terms of brothers, Rollin ·and ·Glen

,:•tntonnationl- ancr materiali' from the Jesse, all of Des Moines. -ctioii 1'. •. Koreari:War~· eSpecially fr~ the per- . Arrangements are pend­mpus ·.: ,.~e of : the comtno~ , : ~ldier~" ing with. Hamilton's Funeral Jf the ;,· ,Graceland President Dave:Oinefelter . Home. · three \':i.said}~t's not a huge program in terms & M,. : of ·. drawing lots of . studentS and Reporter Mary Jane Credeur can be

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Source: Iowa Territorial and State Legislators Collection compiled by volunteers and staff at the State Historical Society of Iowa Library, Des Moines, Iowa.

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