jesus antonio-uriarte-arredondo

Post on 07-Jul-2015






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An e-learner's presentation.


1 L2

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To help students practice. 1 L2

Compare your views with those of a group of teachers who discussed this issue at a training workshop on teaching English to children. Do you agreewith their views? Did you think of other advantages or disadvantages?After taking the timeand reading the views of what the teachers had to say about the advantages and disadvantages i feel that they are explaining correct things that happen in the classroom. How some students have the disadvantage of understanding the teacher since they have a limited English knowledge ,and also how using only English can develope confidence in the classroom. But i think that it can also put a student down and not want to participate with the rest if he doesnt understand it.

-Students get to listen and understand the language from the teacher.-Students will feel more confident in

-Some students will not be able to concentrate.-They won’t understand anything from -Students will feel more confident in

using the language.-Students will practice more in teaching.

-They won’t understand anything from the teacher .-Students may lose confidence in the classroom.-it might us teacher a bit longer to explain since their might be students that dont fully understand.

How can I make students overcome their Ask the student to show you the work they Shyness? Did and then ask for them to share it with

their partner, or group.Whats a usefull technique for the students Whats a usefull technique for the students To remember the modals? Do a dynamic activity with the modals to

remember them more.

In English, showing examples or drawing am image on the board.

Its an Intro level so I would use English with objects covering the nouns in the questions.

Depending on the students level but I would use English, unless the students are having a difficult time understanding and then I might speak to them in Spanish.

What are you going Lets go see the To do for halloween? Spider-man


Did you hear about Do you like to see Did you hear about Do you like to see The storm coming to the walking-deadOur city? Sitcom?

Did you see the Are you going to Superbowl this Ashleys birthday Year? party?

When we give a simple instruction to the student on what, or how to do smething.

Become difficult if the student is not aware of the language.

-Explain how to Bandabe a wound.-Explain how to Bandabe a wound.First I will start of by having the box of bandades and cleaning the wound with soap and water then I will put peroxide on the wound, next I will dry around it with a towel, finally I will cover it with a band-aid and tell them that their all set and not to get the wound dirty or it will get infected.



The way that I feel about my students, in my classes their are different feelings I get with my srtudents. I sometimes have a surprised and wonderful feeling when they out work themselfs and accomplish not only the tasks that they have to do, but also when they speak and hold up to a 5 minute conversation, and thats coming from an intro level class. Now when I am in my upper intermediate class or my advanced groups working I expect a full English class without the need of Spanish since they passed the Oral Exam to get their. But they sometimes come in after their lunch period and totally forget that they are in English class and just ask for instructions, talk to one another, and even sing in Spanish that their gets me pretty upset and just ask for instructions, talk to one another, and even sing in Spanish that their gets me pretty upset and annoyed coming from them. Therefore as you can see my classes are all up for surprises since I get the behaivor of an intro level student from my advanced classes. But I see that they feel like they dont need to keep practecing since they know it, not knowing that they can easily forget it if it is not practiced.

Now what is something that I do to get control of the class, well i start of by telling them that they are going to have the first five minutes of the class to get whatever it is that they have inside that needs to come out and then we will begin the normal class. Does it work? Most of the tim it does I get control of 15-18 students which are mainly girls and begin the class, then after 15 minuts of working with those that tend to listen and work I get my group back. In my intro class I know that they wont be speaking English but the effort that they put into it is what counts and it makes me feel great knowing that there are some students that want to learn. So as you can see my learns make me feel like the wonderful teacher that ever taught to the worst teacher thinking that I cant control them.


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