jesus only savior

Post on 28-Nov-2014






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"I am the Bread of Life...I am the light of the world...I am the gate for the sheep...I am the good shepherd...I am the resurrection...I am the true vine...I am the way, the truth and the life; no man cometh unto the father, but by Me." John 6:35; 8:12; 10:7,11; 11:25; 14:6; 15:1


Is Jesus the Only Savior?

Ray Bohlin,

Christian Voices from AfricaIs Christ the only way? Our traditional faith, after all, also knew a Creator God. Does Islam not also contain moments of truth? My lecturer says that these three religions are only different paths up the same mountain – at the top of the mountain (eternal life) they all converge. What do you say? Is the Christian faith unique? How could I be sure about this?A student in Religious Studies, Ghana

Is Jesus the only Savior?

Aren’t all religions basically the same?

Is Jesus the Only Savior?

Aren’t there many ways to God?

Is Jesus the Only Savior?

If Jesus is the only way to God, what about those who have never heard?

Religious Pluralism

Religious Pluralism is the view that all religions are equally valid as ways to God. Pluralists often refer to the fact that just as there are many paths up Mt. Fuji, so there are many paths to God. Differences among the religions are superficial.

The pluralist believes

everyone is blind but him!

Weaknesses of Religious Pluralism

The differences in teaching among the religions are fundamental in nature and mutually contradictory.

The teachings of the major religions about God or “Ultimate Reality” are contradictory. Hindus are pantheists or polytheists. Buddhists are atheists or pantheists. Muslims are theists and unitarian. Christians are theists but trinitarian. These views cannot all be true.

Weaknesses of Religious Pluralism

The teachings of the major religions about man and salvation are contradictory. Hindus see man as fundamentally divine, but trapped in this world due to ignorance and bad karma. Deliverance comes from changing our beliefs about reality and our true identity. Buddhists see man as trapped in this world of suffering due to selfish desire. Deliverance from this world comes from extinguishing desire, or seeking the aid of supernatural beings in doing so.

Weaknesses of Religious Pluralism

Muslims believe man is weak but not sinful in nature, and under God’s judgment for his disobedience to His laws. Salvation comes through submitting to the laws of God. Christians believe that man is alienated from God and under His judgment due to his sinful rebellion against Him. But salvation can only come as a result of trusting in what He has graciously done by providing His Son Jesus as an atoning sacrifice for our sin, and by His Spirit changing us from within.

Weaknesses of Religious Pluralism

The contention that what matters is not objective teaching but moral and spiritual transformation, is untenable.

Again, how do we really know this is the case? On what authority do we believe this is so?

Weakness of Religious Pluralism

It is impossible to believe that all religions are true without radically altering our defintion of “truth.”

Weaknesses of Religious Pluralism

The fact that there may appear to be similarities in some of the effects in the lives of followers of various religions is no proof that they are identical. Jesus drew a strong distinction between external morality and piety, and true internal spirituality (Matt. 5–7).

The belief that all religions are true in the sense that they all bring us to God requires that we believe they are all false in what they objectively teach!

Weaknesses of Religious Pluralism

It seems improbable that that which is false could be the means of helping us experience that which is “true”!


Weaknesses of Religious Pluralism

Religious Pluralism is untenable for the orthodox Christian, because it demands that he deny the most important teachings of Scripture. Religious Pluralism requires that we abandon belief in the uniqueness of Christ. His claims to deity, and the biblical teaching about His atoning death and resurrection cannot be true, if Religious Pluralism is true.

Weaknesses of Religious Pluralism

But if these teachings of Scripture are false, then Religious Pluralism must provide a better explanation for the wealth of evidence, which has led so many to conclude that they are true. The evidence cannot be simply swept away!

However, if the evidence is convincing that these teachings are true, then Religious Pluralism must be false!

Buddhists in Heaven?

Christian Inclusivism is the view that though Jesus is the exclusive Savior, nonetheless many are included in His salvation who have never explicitly trusted in Him, nor perhaps even heard of Him.

Buddhists in Heaven?

Inclusivists believe that God accepts an “implicit” faith in lieu of explicit faith in Christ. This may be in the form of a response to God’s general revelation through creation or conscience, or through truth in other religions . . . or through some other means. Most inclusivists believe that Scripture supports their view.

Biblical Inclusivism?

Melchizedek (Gen. 14:18ff) and Jethro (Exod. 2–3) are referred to as priests of the true God, outside of Israel.

But it must be pointed out that these men lived and served as priests before the founding of the nation Israel, and that they are described as believing in the same God as Abraham and Moses (cf. Gen. 14:19,22).

Biblical Inclusivism?

Naaman the Syrian is cited as an example of an “implicit” believer outside of Israel (2 Kings 5). But it is clear that he came to an explicit faith in the God of Israel (cf. 2 Kings 5:15,17).

The repentant Ninevites are often cited as believers outside Israel (the book of Jonah). But it is clear that they came to an explicit faith in the God whom Jonah preached (Jonah 3:5), just as Naaman had.

Biblical Inclusivism?The Magi who came to worship the newborn Jesus are sometimes referred to as “implicit” believers. But it is clear that though their prior beliefs were no doubt pagan in nature, they were seeking the true God, and were directed by Him to His Messiah, Jesus.

Biblical Inclusivism?Cornelius the Centurion is perhaps cited more than any biblical figure as an example of one who had come to “faith” before hearing of Christ. It is true that he is referred to as a “pious” man before hearing the gospel (Acts 10:2).

Biblical Inclusivism?

But though he was in touch with the true God, he did not receive salvation until he heard the message about Christ through Peter. The angel who prepared Cornelius for Peter’s visit told him that he would bring him the message through which he would be saved (Acts 11:13–14). This is exactly what occurred (Acts 10:43–44).

Biblical Inclusivism?

Malachi 1:11Acts 10:34-35Acts 14:16-17Acts 17:23Romans 1:18-23Romans 2:14-16Acts 20:24-26

Exclusive Statements of the Bible

Everyone who believes in Him [Jesus] receives forgiveness of sins” (Acts 10:43). “God is now declaring to men that all everywhere should repent” (Acts 17:30).“For there is one God, and one mediator also between God and men, the man Christ Jesus, who gave Himself as a ransom for all” (1 Tim. 2:5–6).

Exclusive Statements of the Bible

“He who has the son has the life; he who does not have the son of God does not have the life” (1 John 5:12).

“So faith comes from hearing, and hearing by the word of [or about] Christ” (Rom. 10:17).

We must conclude, then, that the voice of Scripture affirms that for one to come to salvation, he must hear and place his faith in the message about that salvation which God reveals to him.

Some Remaining Questions

If Christianity is exclusively true, are other religions totally false?

What about parallels to Christianity in other religions, like incarnations of God, and sacrifices to God?

What, then, is the source of other religions?

Some Remaining Questions

If salvation comes only through hearing and believing the gospel, what about those who have never heard of Christ? Is there no hope for them?A text that gives us some guidance in this area is Luke 8:18 Cornelius, Acts 10:2.

Those who haven’t heard

We sin with or without the Law, Rom. 2:12-15None are innocent, Rom. 3:10-12, 23Are those who ”live well” saved by works?“Seek and you will find,” He will send a – missionary, Acts 8:26-40, Acts 10 – a Bible, Ps. 119:130 – a vision, Dan 2:7 – an angel, Rev. 14

Some Remaining QuestionsNo one will be in heaven apart from the fact that the person and work of Christ made it possible. Acts 4:10-12Jesus is within reach of all of us.“From one man he made every nation of men, that they should inhabit the whole earth; and he determined the times set for them and the exact places where they should live. God did this so that men would seek him and perhaps reach out for him and find him, though he is not far from each one of us. (Acts 17:26-27)

Some Remaining Questions

Sincerity is not salvationAll other faiths operate by works

“I have never had a problem knowing what is right and wrong in most situations; what I have lacked is the will to do what is right.”


“I have traveled the world. I have searched high and low. I have found nothing that satisfies my mind, my heart, and the deepest longing of my soul like Jesus does. He is not only the way, the truth and the life; he is personal to me. He is my way, and my truth, and my life – just as he can be for anyone who reaches out to him.” (Ravi Zacharias, The Case for Faith, p. 166)

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