jiit portal based on drupal

Post on 15-Jan-2015






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Jiit Online Portal: Drupal

Website Management for Today and Tomorrow

Presented by Prashant Saini


What is CMS? Drupal? (& Mambo, Joomla, Plone)? How Do they Work?

Support Forum - Drupal

Content Management System (CMS) Effective websites have regularly updated content Multiple sections are updated Updating should be easy (word processing) Updating by various authorized users

Content Management Systems allow: Multiple staff “updaters” Familiar interface Web page layout and design controls Management of text, audio and video content Ability to “rank” or “weigh” content Constituent interaction

Effective Web Presence= Multiple Content Sections Regularly Updated


Seasonal Appeals





Featured Video


Open Source Content Management Systems:





Content Management System (CMS)

Tool Kit


CMS Strengths & Challenges

All are FOSS CMS tools, require technical help to use

Drupal - A toolkit with many powerful, flexible toolsStrength - Online communities, web-based applicationsChallenge - Flexibility = Complexity

Plone - A single tool Strength - User Friendly default installation Challenge - Less flexibility, less potential

Mambo, Joomla - A single tool Strength - Usable/Good design out of the boxChallenge - Web-based applications difficult to do

Free OpenCMS Resources

www.opencsourcecms.comTest Drive Open Source Packages

www.cmsmatrix.orgCompare CMS Systems


Regularly updated list of CMS Systems


Open Source

Content Management System

Community Collaboration Tools

Installed on Organization’s Computer

Accessed through Internet Interface

Community Supported

International Translations

Powering 75,000+ sites in 2006


Has rules, constraints and processes

Can be modified in a variety of ways

Contains “core” functions: Drupal CoreFunctionality expanded through Modules

Takes time to understand, test and configure

Customization requires PHP programmer

Community helps you configure and support

Websites using Drupal

Websites using Drupal

Websites using Drupal

Websites using Drupal

Drupal Vocabulary - Modules & Users Drupal Core

The base installation of Drupal, includes some modules, themes and other add-ons

ModulesFiles that add functionality to Drupal, i.e., A “Search” module adds the function of search to a website

ThemesDesigns that give the sites a certain look.Modules give themes control of how things look.

UserA person who is registered on the Drupal website.Has user name, ID, password and email address

RolesHow users are grouped by permissions. Allows posting of content. Defaults are authenticated or anonymous.

Modules available online by name, category, date


Module Example

Theme Examples

Node:A piece of content. Can be a picture, blog, etc. anything in Drupal’s “create content” menu

Blocks:Places to put content,i.e., sidebar, footer.Modules can add blocks or can be added manually- Check for blocks when adding modules

Drupal Vocabulary - Nodes

Nodes and Blocks

Pieces of content = nodesCan be a picture, a block of text, a blog, audio, video, etc.

Content is placed onto page sections,Nodes are placed into Blocks

Navigation & Search

Top Articles :Notice Boards


Article Information

Calendar of Events

Faculties Profiles

Drupal CMS Concepts

Nodes are placed into blocksSearch

Current Articles

User Login

Article Information

Send to phone number

Article posting date

Previous Articles

You can turn on or off certain node attributes:Published, Moderated, Promoted, Sticky, Revisions

Published on - item is visible to authorized usersoff - item visible only to administrators

StickyItems are sorted by “stickiness”, then by date, affects their “weight” and where they are listed- July Article- June Article - May Article

Node attributes - “states”

Article Information

A way to categorize contentCategories contain user/admin-defined vocabulary

Example: People who post Articles on your website about surfing could categorize their posts:

- Article Topic - Notice Boards

Article & Notices can then be sorted and searched by categories



Provide ways of presenting data and data fields Using existing data fields and data, profiles are

built to meet specific needs for data entry, data viewing or searching for data.

Examples:- User Registration - user Intake Data Entry- user Search- user History Summary

Profiles - Overview

user Data Entry Profile

User123 Record

Profiles - Examples

user Name

user Address1

user City

user State

user Zip

user Programs

user Status

user Category

user Comments

user Name

user Address1

user City user State user Zip

user Summary Profile

user Name

user Programs

user Status

user Category

user Comments

user City

Users are grouped by Roles

CORE functions enhanced by Modules

Content Nodes are placed in Blocks

Themes give sites and Modules their look

Categories created through Taxonomy

Profiles aid data manipulation and presentation

Drupal CMS Review

Thank You

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