jirafe ecommerce strategy session 7 product insights every merchandiser should monitor

Post on 16-Jul-2015



Data & Analytics



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Commerce Strategy Session:7 Product Insights Every

Merchandiser Should Be Monitoring

Do you know which products your customers love?

Do you know what products are helping you drive revenue with each of your customers? Do you know which ones will keep them coming back for more in the

first 90 days?

Some Industry Stats:

50% of merchants say it's difficult to make decisions that affect their store's profitability based on your current

ecommerce data (Jirafe Poll)

More than 80 percent of brands send the same message to all of their customers, and not all customers are

created equal (hubspot)

66 percent of Amazon’s sales are repeat purchases - they optimize for returning visitors, but the industry

average is 7 percent. (ClickZ)

The likelihood of driving a purchase from a campaign that involves exisiting customers is 14x higher than

from new customers. (Referral Candy)They’re more likely to buy. The probability of selling to an existing customer (60-70%) is much higher than that of selling to a new one (5-20%). [1]

They’re less price sensitive. 85% of customers reported that they wouldn’t mind paying more for the assurance of a superior customer experience. [2]

Understanding Customer Behavior is Hard...Without the Right Tools

These Guys are Nailing It!

Total basket value • Number of products • SKU’s • Descriptions

Category • Price • Promotions


Pages visited • Time spent on page • Entry and exit pages

Products viewed • Ad banners displayed • Images clicked


Referrer • Keyword • URL • Domain • Base URL • Category

New user • Returning user • Location • Time


Google Analytics Only Gives You Half of the Information You Need.

Cancelled orders • Products returned and exchanged


Products purchased • Taxes, shipping costs • Other processing costs •

Number of orders by product and category • Average order value • Number

of orders


Transactions approved, pending and denied


E-commerce Merchants Also NeedTransactions, Product, Order & Customer Data.

Questions Jirafe can help you answer the following


How do you encourage people who’ve viewed your products to take the next step?

How to go beyond the basics of web analytics systems (that only provide page-based

views of data) to get real analysis of merchandising and eCommerce?

How so leading retailers turn window shoppers into customers?

How can you use data to make product recommendations?

How can you use what you know about your website visitors to guide your customer's

decision journey?

How can you determine which products to lead with during promotional campaigns?

UP NEXT: 7 Key Product Insights You Need to Master

What Insights are Needed to turn your online store into an irresistible shopping destination ?

● Much like brick-and-mortar stores, in order for online stores to generate

revenue they must present their products in an appealing manner that

entices customers to shop.

● It’s important for merchandisers to know how customers are reacting, or

not reacting, to certain products so they can change the merchandising of

the online store in order to make it more profitable.

The Importance of Great Merchandising

● They are making data-driven merchandising decisions to drive traffic to

various product segments and categories.

● Example: Diamond Candles puts seasonal products and best sellers on

their home page

How are leading merchants turing window shoppers into customers?

The Most Successful Brands Are Looking Beyond Page views

● The look at which which products customers love, and how they can

deepen their relationship by helping them uncover new items over time.

● What products can turn your browsers into buyers?

● Which products can unlock new revenue opportunities?

Know Where to Focus Your Efforts

What Should You Do With Your Non-sellers

● Every brand has products that don’t sell, how do you manage this products and

make room The easiest way to push non-sellers is to discount them.

● In Jirafe, you can also view the performance of your all discounted products in order

to decide if they should be reduced further to help your clear inventory and make

room for your newer, full-price items. (screen grab of insight)

● Right: Discounting products that are out of season in order to make room for in-

season products.

● One way to push Cold Products is to run a promotion, such as a

weekend-long discount on “selected items” (cold products), in order to

spark interest in those products again.

How Do You Manage Products That Once Sold, But Aren’t Selling Now

Visit jirafe.com to learn more or start a trial!


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