jm210.files. web viewminimizing harm. kansas city royals pitcher edinson vólquez ’s...

Post on 06-Feb-2018






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Minimizing harm

Kansas City Royals pitcher Edinson Vlquezs father died of heart failure and his family didnt want Volquez to know so his wife called up the manager and begged him not to tell Volquez until he had finished pitching. Some news organizations reported the death of Volquezs father while he was pitching, even before he knew about the tragic news. Another important point in minimizing arm is that if the family does not know about the death of a family member, DO NOT report it.

Sad news of a loved ones death should come in a private setting from a family member, relative and close ones not from the news.

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These are some more examples of journalists disrespecting the deceased and their families.

National Enquirer published a photo of Whitney Houston in her casket on their front page, which they had illegally got from one of the funeral staff. Even though they are violating the ethical principle of minimizing harm, this tabloid was one of the best sellers.

River Phoenix, an American actor, musician and activist who died at the age of 23 due to cocaine overdose, held a private funeral with only 60 mourners, however there were some journalists broke in a took this picture and then sold it to National Enquirer, the same tabloid that used Whitneys photo as their cover.

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1st example

German media bribed by CIA

Since Udo believed that a medical condition he has only gives him a few more years to live and is filled with remorse he decided to speak up about how the CIA has bribed the German media.

. Udo was the former editor of Frankfurter Allgemeine Zeitung, which is one of Germany's largest newspapers. He was secretly accepting news from the CIA and Germany's secret service and was spinning the news in a way that was positive for the United States and negative for its opponents.

*Udos interview video*

Dr. Ulfkotte said that corruption of journalists by the CIA is accepted and is widespread in the western media. Journalists who do not cooperate either get their jobs taken away or cannot get

jobs at news organization.

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2nd example

Arab dictators bribing journalists

The Arab reporters and editors have revealed to be corrupt because their only job is to defend the Arab dictators and their family members and henchmen. journalists are receiving funds from Arab dictators.Muammar Gaddafi. One example of these Arab dictators is

The current uprisings in the Arab world have uncovered the reality that


Muammar Gaddafi has been the dictator of Libya for more than four decades, however he was overthrown and killed in 2011. After graduating military college, he was involved with a movement of young officers to overthrow King Idris. In 1969, he succeeded in dethroning the king and became the ruler of Libya at the age of 27.

Gaddafi started to take control of Libya and his orders were to shut down British and American military bases in Libya, demanded that foreign oil companies in Libya to share a bigger portion of revenue and replaced the Gregorian calendar with the Islamic one.

Colonel Gaddafi and his sons were said to have financially supported journalists so that they turn a blind eye to what the Libyan government is doing to its people. The beneficiaries involved include newspaper editors, reporters and columnists from Syria, Jordan, Egypt, the Gulf and the Palestinian territories. Senior Arab journalists who now live in London and Paris also said that they have been included in the Libyan regimes payroll.

Not only Gaddafi has been bribing the journalists but also other Arab dictators including Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak and several oil-rich Gulf countries like Saudi Arabia have been bribing journalists for decades.

Hosni Mubarak

Gulf Countries

According to Wikileaks, Saudi Arabia has control of its image not only by monitoring the media but also by purchasing loyalties from Australia to Canada. In a released article titled Saudi Cables, wikileaks claims that the media is controlled by the oil rich country Saudi Arabia.

An example of how Saudi Arabia controlled the media would be when Saudi Arabia celebrated the beheading of its 100th prisoner in a period of 6 months in the year of 2015. This story was nowhere to be seen on the Arab media despite the storys circulation on wire services. Even the foreign media was relatively quiet about this milestone. If this type of news occurred in a different country, wouldnt this be well known worldwide?

Saudi Arabias strategy for co-opting Arabs media can be done in two forms, according to the documents which is neutralization and containment. Action done to any negative coverage in the media would be to neutralize it. Neutralized journalists are not expected to praise and defend the kingdom, but to refrain from publishing any news that reflects negatively to the kingdom. Containment is publishing praiseworthy news stories to paint a positive picture of the kingdom and also attack those who criticise the Gulf state.

The kingdom effectively buys reverse shares in the media outlets, where cash dividends flow the opposite way, from the shareholder to the media outlet. In return Saudi Arabia gets political dividends an obliging press, write Wikileaks.


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