jobstreet annual sales convention - success in sales

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TRANSCRIPT Annual Sales Convention 2008


You are going to die. Annual Sales Convention 2008

Congratulations. You are going to die1. Every year is a game2. The objective of game is to build up your

“Achievement CV” from Jan 1 to Dec 31. 3. How much difference can you make to yourself,

others, company? How much difference did you make last year?

4. Forget about last year, its past, even if you did very good or very bad

5. This is a New Year. So we have to start with a New Beginning. Annual Sales Convention 2008

You are good.

That is already proven.

But being good is not enough.

Why are you here? Annual Sales Convention 2008

Begin with your Dream, your Goal1. What do you really want?2. Aim for more. It is better to aim 100 and

get 50, than to aim 10 and get 10.3. No one will give to you your dream. You

have to get it yourself!4. It’s never too late to start.5. What price are you willing to pay to get

your dream?6. Don’t let anyone look down on you. Annual Sales Convention 2008

Begin with your Attitude• It is difficult to list down Good Attitudes. It

is easier to list down Bad Attitudes– Complaining– Openly criticizing– Refuse to listen to advice– Think you are the best– Refuse to improve yourself– Always think you are right, everyone else is

wrong– Thinking that everyone owe you something Annual Sales Convention 2008

Begin with your Attitude1. Be careful of the ‘us’ vs ‘them’ thinking.

2. If you don't like the company, resign!, otherwise you will be miserable.

3. Loyalty to the company is a must, as long as you remain as an employee, eg wedded couple!,

4. Loyalty means inside the company and outside. Annual Sales Convention 2008

Begin with your Attitude5. Serve before expecting to be served

6. Have high standards for yourself

7. Never complain about how hard you work Annual Sales Convention 2008

Begin with your Habits1. Steps to Success…

– Your success depends on what you do.– What you do depends on who you are. – Who you are depends on Habits

2. What we do, say and think is 90% controlled by habits. Annual Sales Convention 2008

Begin with your Habits• Control your habits, and you can control

your Success.

• Failure is also because of habits.

• Develop the right Habits – SALES HABITS Annual Sales Convention 2008

Managing your RelationshipsBasics of Relationships

1. Why?

2. Good performance & skill won't get you very far. You need others to succeed

3. Five Rules for Successful Relationships:a. Be Yourself

b. Be of Value

c. Be Consistent

d. Be Truthful

e. Do What You Say Annual Sales Convention 2008

Managing your RelationshipsBasics of Relationships

4. You cannot get people to listen to you if they don't like you.

5. And if they don’t listen to you, you won’t accomplish anything!

6. Relationships = Expectations.

7. You must know the expectations and manage those expectations. Annual Sales Convention 2008

Managing your Relationships: People Skills

1. People are interested in themselves, not in you

2. What is the most interesting subject in the world to them? THEMSELVES

3. Take four words out of your vocabulary: “I, me, my, mine” and substitute for the most powerful word: “YOU”

4. Remember that the more important you make people feel, the more they will respond to you.

5. Avoid arguing. Annual Sales Convention 2008

Communication SF


Listen with interest and praise

make the person feel Important

use their Name

Ask questions Annual Sales Convention 2008

Personality SF

S + FH + C


Firm Handshake

Compliment Annual Sales Convention 2008

1. Grow up

2. Understand Yourself

3. Invest in Yourself

4. Eliminate “Cannot be Done”

5. “You are being observed all the time”

How to reach your maximum potential Annual Sales Convention 2008

6. “Everything depends on Relationships”

7. Choose your close Friends

8. Serve

9. Control and use your Emotions


How to reach your maximum potential Annual Sales Convention 2008

“You will be same person in five years except for

the people you meet and the books you read”

Charlie “Tremendous” Jones Annual Sales Convention 2008

Sales Mindset1. If I don’t get it done, they will get

someone else to do it

2. Overall/Ultimate end-objective

3. Accountability

4. Positive persistence

5. Failure acceptance Annual Sales Convention 2008

Sales Mindset6. Partnerships win – some else always

wants what you have and vice versa

7. Ready to Sacrifice

8. There are always people better than you

9. Learn, before you need it

10.There will always be jerks in your way Annual Sales Convention 2008

Universal Law

Law of the Ping-Pong Ball

a.k.a. Law of Cause and Effect Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of ‘Averages’1. Sales has always been a numbers game

2. 20/12/8/3

3. Go Wide, Dig Deep Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Buy-in1. People will always buy ‘You’ first, before

they buy the product

2. Respect, Credibility, Trust, Love/Hate Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Annoyance1. Things our prospects and customers wish we wouldn’t

do that really annoys them:– pushy.– call too much.– disrespectful of their time.– keep calling if they say they’re not interested.– appear not to understand them, – don’t listen.– don’t know about our own products/ services.– rude, arrogant, or inattentive.– vague or unclear.– won’t take no for an answer. Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of 24/71. In sales, there is no such thing as 9-to-5


2. Sales is a 24 hours, 7 days a week ‘life’

3. You never stop ‘selling’ Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Q&A1. No one likes to listen to ‘sales talk’

2. The more QUESTIONS you ask, the more sales you get Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of the Panadol1. Creative solutions for customers will

always come from the ‘problems’

2. Sales is about ‘solving the problem’ not selling the solution

3. Example: We do not sell Panadol. We sell quick headache relief in 30 seconds. Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Momentum1. Never aim for the Big Bang. There is no

such thing.

2. Achievement comes from building momentum

3. “Start Small, Grow Fast, Make Money” Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Clarity1. A confused prospect will never buy

2. Avoid ‘jargons’ and ‘features’ and ‘latest this and that…’

3. Do not assume they understand you. Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Powerpoint1. Two major problems with people who

always use slides:1. Do not know how to use them2. Talking too much

2. DO NOT talk to the slides when presenting.

3. DO NOT fit many things into one page4. DO NOT get fancy with slide transitions,

builds and other custom animations Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of the 3-point Plan1. List (A, B, C)

2. Plan

3. Convert (A, B, C) Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of No ‘No’1. Try not to get the prospect to say ‘No’2. ‘Always use the Temperature Test3. Some Trial Questions:

– "How does it sound so far?" – "Does that make sense?" – "Is this what you're looking for?" – "What do you think?" – "How close do you feel this comes to

meeting your needs?" Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Belief1. Never assume they believe you

2. Tell them only as much as they’ll believe

3. Point out the disadvantages

4. Use precise numbers

5. If you have something to gain, let them know

6. Use the power of the printed word

7. Let them know who else says so Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Comparison• Comparison. When Others Are Doing It,

You Should, Too.

• We view a behavior as correct in a given situation to the degree we see others performing it Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Authority• Authority. When the Source Is An

Authority, You Can Believe It.

• Humans by nature have a deep-seated sense of duty to authority. Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Reciprocity• Reciprocity. When Someone Gives You

Something, You Should Give Something Back.

• We should try to repay, in kind, what another person has provided for us Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Consistency• Commitment/Consistency. When You

Take A Stand, You Should Be Consistent.

• Once we make a choice or take a stand (commitment), we will encounter personal and interpersonal pressures to behave consistently with that commitment (consistency).

• Involvement and Buy-in Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Scarcity• Scarcity. When It Is Rare, It Is Good

• Opportunities seem more valuable to us when they are less available.

• Things that can be scare: time, money, opportunity, physical Annual Sales Convention 2008

Law of Self Perception• Self perception. We learn about

ourselves by observing our own behavior.

• If we observe ourselves doing some thing then we reason that we must like the thing. Annual Sales Convention 2008

Door-in-the-face (DITF)• Make a LARGE request, then when it is

refused, make a smaller (real) request

First Step Second Step

get No! (large request) get Yes! (real request)

• Why DITF works?– Reciprocity.– Contrast Annual Sales Convention 2008

Foot-in-the-door (FITD)• First make a SMALL request, then when

granted, make a larger (real) request

First Step Second Step

get Yes! (small request) get Yes! (real request)

• Example: Blood Donation

• Why FITD works?– Commitment/Consistency, Self perception,

Contrast Annual Sales Convention 2008

Influence SF


Praise and encourage

Ask questions

allow the person to Save Face

use SMART goals

Encourage small improvements Annual Sales Convention 2008

Tele Dynamics1. What is the objective of a Telephone

call?2. To set up an appointment or another tele

call3. Why? Productivity – do not waste time

on ‘no use’ prospects4. What NOT to do in tele calls: long, facts,

explain, Q&A, defend, objections5. What to DO: create interest, next step

Who are you really working for? Annual Sales Convention 2008

“What scares me more than death?

It is that I lived, and died, and I did not do anything significant with my life.” Annual Sales Convention 2008

Make this new year a wonderful new beginning

for yourself and your loved ones. Annual Sales Convention 2008


The rest is up to you.

Thank You.

soft copy of slides: www.totallyunrelatedrandomanddebatable

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