john evans csp testimonies

Post on 02-Jul-2015






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Dear John,

I would like to thank you for the outstanding job you and your staff did in facilitating

our garrison's leadership and team-building offsite conference. I spoke to my staff and

participants who attended your program. We all agreed your strategies and design

methods would work within any organization at any level

Your program outlined how our leaders and managers would achieve successful

change at the strategic, operational, and tactical levels of the organization. You showed

us how to understand and master change to cope with change, embrace it, and then

develop a plan of action to collaborate with our mission partners, stakeholders,

customers, and the organization's workforce in order to implement and sustain the




Dear John

We were in a most challenging environment with the base closure decision announced, an

expose done by the Washington Post describing mistreatment of the wounded warrior, and recent

outsourcing of our base operations, resulting in a reduction-in force of over 350 skilled

employees. You showed us how to create a positive environment in which to motivate and renew

commitments to the organization's mission and vision for all of our command.

Through your mastery and understanding of Leadership Methodology, you helped us to

develop action plans, timelines, and ways to measure success. We are now in year one year of

using your program, that was specifically designed and built for us, and it is still working I would

recommend your program without reservation to any organization; your success was our success.

…I’m enclosing the information you requested at the conclusion of our workshop, including the evaluation

sheets. As you can see, the comments were very favorable. The verbal comments I’ve received from the

attendees have been positive in all respects. Some of the attendees have already started their “thinking”

sessions, and all have made use of what we learned during the workshop. My thanks to you for a very

stimulating and instructive two days…


I want to take a few minutes to thank you again for your help in promoting our 5-year

Maintenance program (5MP) initiative. I realize that I required you to absorb a lot of

information at the last minute to make this a successful program. In its’ aftermath I'm glad

we did it this way, and I must say how impressed I was with your understandings of the



My assignment was to develop and validate strategies to meet the demands of not only the mission but

the resources assigned to accomplish the mission. The work you performed set the stage for the

organization and its resources to be more fully understood. This allowed us to adjust to the constant

changing environment and to obtain the goals set for the organization. I still remember the title of the

training. "How to survive and thrive in climates of uncertainty". Over the last seven years you have

always been a source for training that I could depend on

Dear John:

Your address to our state trucking association's annual convention was fantastic. Your

presentation on " Leadership in the 21st Century" targeted our convention need and was the

highlight of our convention business meetings.

…Each and every time you delivered the right message with the right spin and impact to make the meeting

successful. I was always amazed to watch the audience laughing at something in your material and then trying

to take notes without missing the next thing you have to say. That tells me you are succeeding in your delivery.

Your year of having a top quality reputation with my clients is a direct result of the time, research, and effort

you put into each presentation. John, you know how to deliver the right messages at precisely the right time.

As I have done in the past, I will always refer you to others who need your services…


I am in the process of setting up your workshop for a full day of educating our members on

developing their own business survival plan. We will make that announcement at the March 6

event and I am certain this will give guidance and direction through the current economic

challenges plaguing our industry.

Thanks again for being a business partner with us and helping us through this tough time

…I have recently written a letter to John Evans, thanking him for the many years of excellent service he

has provided me. John is a Professional Speaker, Trainer and Consultant, exceptional in that

work, extraordinary in his understanding of audience concerns and most masterful in presenting just the

right words and message needed to allay those concerns. I urge you to consider him for your needs.

He has grasped these difficult economic times and shown us what to do to not only get through them, but

survive after the fact…

…In answer to your request for information regarding John Evan’s

capabilities as a speaker and instructor, I can only reply in a very

positive manner.

I previously employed John while assigned to the Charleston Naval

Shipyard in Charleston and at the Defense General supply Center in

Richmond, Virginia in addition to the current work he is doing for us

here in Jacksonville. I have used John as a speaker, instructor and

workshop moderator. He has also served as the leader of a most

successful upper-level management retreat we conducted for the Naval

Supply Center. In every instance his services have been top-notch. I

have probably reviewed in excess of 300 performance evaluations

submitted by my employees on John’s performance and have yet to see

any negative comments…

…I have seen and heard Mr. Evans in two workshops with attendance of 70 people in

one seminar and 65 in the other. The reviews from all participations were nothing less

than GLOWING. He not only motivates and stimulates participants but provides insights

and tools of how to change/improve performance…

…Not only do the evaluations indicate that the training was well received, but also several

employees have personally told me that they thought the program was great. The humor and

characterization, which you injected into the presentation, were liked by everybody. Several

people indicated that they particularly benefited from your sessions on dealing with people and

interviewing techniques…

…Tuesday, Wednesday, we held our annual HUMAN ENGINEERING LABORATORY (HEL) management

meeting “Best meeting yet” has been the resounding response, a training session on

communication led by John Evans, an excellent, knowledgeable instructor. I recommend him to

any of our readers for such a training session. Ours lasted 4+ hours with never a dull moment-

really great…

…I would like to take this opportunity to express my appreciation for the wonderful job you did

conducting our Third Annual Resource Management Seminar.

The session on “How to Meet Today’s Challenges in the Resource Management Organization”

Was entertaining and will have a favorable impact on our employee’s future endeavors in working

with others. Our employees continue to tell me how much they learned and how they enjoyed the


Thanks again for a highly professional presentation. We look forward to working with you again in

the future…

…As you recall, this two-day session resulted from a four-hour block of instruction that three Corps employees

and I heard you do in an Army leadership courses. The four of us were favorably impressed, thought that you

had an important message for our organizational managers, and the rest is history. I look forward to having you

back for a second two-day session. I will have some employees from my branch in attendance at the session.

Thanks again for a highly effective and professional job…

…Your presentation afforded each and every participant an opportunity to evaluate his/her

management style and then make a conscious decision to implement changes, where appropriate.

Should the opportunity present itself, I would highly recommend you to prospective clients who

are interested in stimulating their management staff to a greater level of productivity and


…Your address “How To Make things Happen,” at our recent Training and Development

Conference was highly successful. Judging by the many fine oral comments, I receive following

your talk and the many compliments you receive from those who submitted a written evaluation

at the close of the program your effort was very well received…

…During our recent conversations, I have expressed my appreciation for the contributions that you made to the

development of our human resources. I thought it appropriate to express these views in writing.





…I wish to thank you for delivering the banquet address with the emphasis on leadership. The

address was exceptionally well received by the attendees and contributed greatly to the overall

success of the symposium.

It is my belief that your philosophy is of benefit to managers at all levels.

Again, my thanks for a job well done…

Dear John:

I wanted to tell you how much the Pennsylvania Rural Development staff enjoyed your

presentation, Team Building: The Four Dimensions of Winning, last week. Your presentation drew

the audience in and held their attention. It was a perfect way to end the day on Wednesday. Trudy

and I heard many favorable comments about your presentation during and after the meeting. I’d

like to share some comments from our written evaluations with you:

Way to go on making us really think and be creative – Come back soon

Dear John,

Thanks again for the Customer Success Training you provided this Command from June through August. The

training was exceptional and very well received by our personnel. Of the 269 students trained, 94.8% of them

would recommend your training to other US Army Space and Missile Defense Command (SMDC) employees.

I wish you the best of luck to you in your future training endeavors and thanks again for

exceeding our expectations

Dear Mr. Evans,

I would like to thank you for taking time out of your schedule to make yourself available on the

20th of April for the Sequoyah Chapter mini PDI as a topic speaker.

The 8th Annual ASMC PDI was a great success! We received over 150 critiques from attendees

and the overall message was, "outstanding speakers; informative, educational, and enjoyable


As President of the Sequoyah Chapter, I would like to extend our thanks to you. Your

presentation set a very high standard for future speakers.

The Annual Meeting was a great success and a large part of that can be attributed to your valued input. Your

presentation provided the members present with important knowledge regarding issues that affect our lives

and industry every day. You were very informative and added quality to our program. You definitely lived up to

our expectations. Thank you for your time. It was our privilege to hear you.

I wanted to personally thank you for everything you contributed to our

recent installation banquet. The entire event was absolutely great. Your

talent as a public speaker was never more obvious. Everyone had a

great time thanks, in no small part, to you.

Your confidence is very inspiring to people. Your ability to communicate that

confidence is amazing to me. And our occasional conversations go a long way

in keeping my attitude right.

I simply can’t thank you enough for everything you do for me

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