john therry catholic high school term 1 week 7a · to develop faith filled young people who will go...

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John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

Lord our God, your Son so loved the world that he gave himself up to death for our sake. Strengthen us by your grace, and give us a heart willing to live by that same love. We make our prayer through our Lord. Amen. R. The Lord has done great things for us; we are filled with joy. When the Lord delivered Zion from bondage, it seemed like a dream. Then our mouth filled with laughter, on our lips there were songs. R.

The heathens themselves said: “What marvels the Lord worked for them!” What marvels the Lord worked for us! Indeed we were glad. R. Deliver us, O Lord, from our bondage as streams in dry land. Those who are sowing in tears will sing when they reap. R. They go out, they go out, full of tears, carrying seed for the sowing: they come back, they come back, full of song, carrying their sheaves. R.

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

Catholic Schools Week

This week we have celebrated Catholic Schools Week under the theme ‘I belong, you belong, we belong’. The brief video below encapsulates the inclusive nature of our Catholic Schools and our aim to develop faith filled young people who will go out into the world and make a positive difference to their family, friends and community.

Rest in Peace - Falmata Wako

Late Sunday afternoon, the school was informed of the tragic death of Falmata Wako, one of our Year 12 students who had recently left the school to attend TAFE. Falmata has 3 sisters who attend John Therry and one can understand the deep impact this has had on our school community. On behalf of the entire John Therry School community, we pass on our deepest sympathies to Falmata’s family and friends and we keep them all in our thoughts and prayers at this most difficult time.

The funeral for Falmata has been confirmed to take place this Saturday at 10:00am at St Thomas More Catholic Church, Ruse.

Eternal rest grant unto him O Lord, And may perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen.

The loss of a young life is one of the most difficult things for us to comprehend and make sense of, and can bring back painful memories from our past. The school has put in place a number of supports for our community to cope and make sense of this tragedy including additional counselling support for individuals and small groups and sharing information on how to deal with grief at year meetings. Communal prayer has also been important for our Year 12 students in drawing on their faith to make sense of what has happened. Information was also sent home to parents on Monday on helping children cope with grief and if you are concerned for your child’s welfare at this difficult time, please don’t hesitate to contact the school.

We will continue to follow our system guidelines on dealing with such tragic events over the coming weeks and months to ensure appropriate support and guidance is provided to all of our staff and students.

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

Catholic Schools Week is a special time in the year when we celebrate and give thanks for Catholic Schools. It is a time to give thanks for the wonderful learning and teaching that takes place each day in every classroom.

In our prayer, we acknowledge and thank all who work together in the service of Catholic Education.

On Thursday 10 March Staff joined Bishop Peter Ingham and the Director of Schools, Mr Peter Turner at our Diocesan Education Mass.

Prayer for Catholic Schools Week

Lord Jesus,

You came among us as teacher, to reveal to us the Father’s endless love and mercy. Our Catholic Schools continue to give witness to your compassion and wisdom,

seeking always to ensure that we are all welcome no matter who we are.

May our Catholic Schools continue to be places of belonging and sources of hope and enthusiasm for our young people and their families.

May the work of our Catholic Schools always be guided by the inspiration of your Spirit.

We ask this through Christ our Lord,


John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

◄ Feb 2016 March 2016 Apr 2016 ►

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat







7 DIO Girls Touch

8 School Cross



10 DIO Swimming

DIO Tennis

11 Whole School




14 Year 12 Half

Yearly Exams

CCC Cricket

15 Year 12 Half

Yearly Exams

P & F AGM 7pm

CCC Cricket

16 Year 12 Half

Yearly Exams

17 Year 12 Half

Yearly Exams

Harmony Day

St Patrick’s Day

18 Year 12 Half

Yearly Exams


20 Palm Sunday

21 Stations of the


Year 12 Half Yearly Exams


23 Yr 7 2017

Information evening

7.30pm in the Hall

24 Holy Thursday

Dio Rugby


25 Good Friday

26 Easter Saturday

27 Easter Sunday


29 Year 11 Biology


CCC Cricket



◄ March 2016 April 2016 May 2016 ►

Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

1 Athletics Carnival


3 Devine Mercy




6 Year 7


7 Last Day for


8 Staff

Development Day


10 Marist



School Holidays

Marist Basketball


School Holidays




School Holidays




School Holidays




School Holidays




Marist Basketball



Anniversary of

The Appin Massacre

18 School


19 School


20 School


21 School


22 School




25 Anzac Day

26 Staff

Development Day (Pupil Free


27 Students

Return for Term 2




John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

26 February 2016

Dear Parents and Friends of John Therry Catholic High School, The 2016 school year has begun and students and staff have returned with great enthusiasm, keen to learn and enjoy each other’s company on the journey ahead. Every year we strive to meet our students’ and families’ needs in relation to all aspects of school life. We have four key focus areas: Spiritual, Academic, Social and Sporting. Also, many opportunities are made available to the students in the area of Creative and Performing Arts. Parent support is essential if we are to meet our high expectations for the school. In recent years, the P&F has declined. Disappointingly small numbers of parents have attended Parents & Friend’s meetings and Working Bees throughout 2015. In 2016, I would like to improve this situation. There were a few changes in the past two years to encourage a Parent Forum and Consultative Committee which has enjoyed moderate success. However, we need to engage in meaningful dialogue with the parent body of the school in order to foster a more collaborative and consultative approach. The school Annual Parent Satisfaction Survey is a helpful tool but it is always more beneficial to have conversations about important issues and concerns. I would like to invite all parents to attend the first meeting of this school year on:

Tuesday 15th March 2016 at 7pm in the staff common room of the school There are only two formal Parents & Friends meetings each year. The first is the AGM in Term 1, 15/3/16 and the second is in Term 4, 29/11/16 which is the Finance Supper meeting. P & F Funds at present are being kept to outfit our new Gymnasium when it is built.

The Working Bee dates for the year are as follows:

Term 1: Saturday 27/2/16 8.30am – 11.30am Morning Tea and Parent Forum at 10.30am – Chisholm & Ryan Term 2: Saturday 28/5/16 8.30am – 11.30am Morning Tea and Parent Forum at 10.30am - Connolly Term 3: Saturday 20/8/16 8.30am – 11.30am Morning Tea and Parent Forum at 10.30am - Murray Term 4: Saturday 12/11/16 8.30am – 11.30am Morning Tea and Parent Forum at 10.30am – Ryan Please consider making a commitment to attend the P&F in 2016. Your opinions and ideas are very welcome. Maybe you would consider taking on a role within the P&F committee? The Nomination fors are attached with all relevant information for your reference. I am looking forward to a productive year. Please join me in this adventure. Karen Young Principal

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

John Therry Catholic High School Parents and Friends Association


I wish to nominate (Fill in name) _____________________________

For the role of (Please put a cross next to the nominated position)


Vice President


Assistant Secretary


Committee Member

Committee Member

At the John Therry Catholic High School Parents and Friends Annual General Meeting Tuesday 15th March 2016. Nominated by: ____________________________________________________ Signature of Nominator: ________________________ Date: _______________ Seconded by: _________________________________ Signature of Seconder: _________________________ Date: _______________ Nominations for Executive role are open to: 2.1 All parents of pupils currently attending JTCHS. 2.2 Guardians of children who are students of JTCHS. 2.3 Friends of JTCHS. 2.4 Staff of JTCHS may be members of this Association.

3. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE. 3.1 The Executive Committee will be elected at the Annual General Meeting by the Association

members. 3.2 The Executive Committee will formulate policy and co-ordinate all association activities. 3.3 The office bearers of the Executive Committee shall be:- * President, Vice President, Secretary, Assistant Secretary, Treasurer. * There will also be elected two (2) additional members to serve on the Executive

Committee. 3.4 Any candidate for any Executive Committee position shall be nominated and seconded and if

there are a greater number of candidates than are required a vote shall be taken. The election shall be decided in favour of the candidate with the greatest number of votes.

3.5 Nominations shall be accepted by the secretary in writing within twenty-one (21) days prior to the AGM, nominated, seconded and with the nominee’s acceptance.

3.6 In the event of a vacancy, the Executive Committee shall have the power to appoint a member to fill a casual vacancy on the committee until the next Annual General Meeting.

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

3.7 Terms of office for all office bearers shall not exceed three (3) consecutive years in any one position.

Nomination Received



4. DUTIES OF OFFICER BEARERS 4.1: PRESIDENT The President shall preside as chairperson at all meetings.


The Vice President shall preside as chairperson in the absence of the President.

4.3: SECRETARY: The Secretary shall:

i. Keep a minute book of all proceedings of the Association. Such books are to be open for inspection by the members, the Executive and the Principal at any time.

ii. Keep records of the activities of the Association during the year. iii. Have control of the property of the Association in conjunction with the Executive. iv. Notify the school office staff of Association meetings to be placed in the school

newsletter. v. The Secretary shall preside as chairperson in the absence of the President and Vice



The Assistant Secretary shall help the Secretary where needed and perform the Secretary’s duties in the absence of the Secretary.

4.5: TREASURER: The Treasurer shall: i. Receive all monies and issue numbered receipts for the Association. Ii. Keep an account of all receipts and disbursements in a book, which shall be opened

for inspection by members at all meetings. Iii. Maintain a bank account and where necessary open and maintain investment

accounts in the name of the Association. iv. Present at the Annual General Meeting an audited statement of accounts v. Shall preside as chairperson in the absence of the President, Vice President and


John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

John Therry Catholic High School

Year 12 Half-Yearly Exam Timetable

Monday 14th March to Monday 21st March 2016 – Week 8B ( Normal classes for all students Monday 21st March week 9A apart from Music, Extension History 1 and Mathematics Extension 1)


Morning Session – School Hall

8.50 am start

Afternoon Session – School Hall

12.45pm start


14th March

Week B


Drama (2 hours + 5 mins reading)

PDH121 PDH122

PDH/PE (2 hours + 5 mins reading)

Legal Studies (1.5 hours + 5 mins reading)

Chemistry (2 hours + 5 mins reading)

Senior Science (2 hours + 5 mins reading)

Community & Family Studies (2 hours + 5 mins reading)

Ancient History (90 minutes + 5 mins reading)

Design & Technology (90mins +5mins reading)


March 15th


Week B

Mathematics (All Levels) Mathematics (2 hours + 5 mins reading)

Mathematics General 1 (2hours + 5 mins reading)

Mathematics General 2 (2hours + 5 mins reading)

Studies of Religion 2 (2 hours + 5 mins reading)


March 16th


Week B

Physics (2 hours + 5 mins reading)

Entertainment (2 hours + 5 mins reading)

Students Study in library or sign out and go home

Note – Hall out - Set up hall for Harmony Day Assembly.

Set up F block and E7 for Exams.


March 17th

F-Block F1 &F2

& E7

Week B

English Advanced (2 hours + 10 mins reading)

English Standard (2 hours + 10 mins reading)

English Studies (Oral Presentation)

In normal classroom.

BIO 121 BIO 122

Biology (2 hours + 5 mins reading)

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

John Therry Catholic High School

Year 12 Half-Yearly Exam Timetable

Monday 14th March to Monday 21st March 2016 – Week 8B ( Normal classes for all students Monday 21st March week 9A apart from Music, Extension History 1 and Mathematics Extension 1)


March 18th


Week B

Food Technology (2 hours + 5 mins reading)

Business Studies (90 mins + 5 mins reading)

HKO 121 HKO 122 HKO 123

Hospitality ( 2hrs + 5 mins reading)


March 21st

F-block &E7

Week B

Normal Classes resume for all other students apart from:

Mathematics Extension 1 ( 1.5 hours + 5 mins reading) MEX 122 and MEX121

In E7

History Extension 1

( 1 hours + 5 mins reading)

In E7

Music - Musicology Core (VIVA) Period 1-6 JM to supervise. Students to do task and then return to class based on the Music schedule. In F-block

Normal Classes resume for all other students

Music - Musicology Core (VIVA) Period 1-6 JM to supervise. Students to do task and then return to class based on the Music schedule.

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just


Under the patronage of Mary, Help of Christians A Catholic Co-Educational High School to Serve the Macarthur Region

Demetrius Road ROSEMEADOW NSW 2560 Phone: 4645 8100 Fax: 4645 8111

11 March 2016

Dear Parents / Carers

Anzac Day is an important time to commemorate those who serve and have served in the Australian

Defence Forces. The spirit of Anzac, with its qualities of courage, mateship, and sacrifice, continues

to have meaning and relevance for our sense of national identity.

As part of our annual commemoration John Therry would like to invite all members of the community

who have had an involvement in the Australian Defence force to attend the school assembly. This

includes family members, both past and present.

The Anzac Assembly will be held on Thursday 7th April from 9.30am in the William Murray Hall.

You are especially invited to stay for a morning tea and informal discussion with our year ten students

who are collaborating on the Anzac Schools’ Project. The focus for this year is on 1916 and

Australian involvement on the Western Front. The students will be filming parts of the assembly and

morning tea proceedings.

If you or a family member would like to attend this special service, please complete the return slip

below by 31 March 2016.

Yours Sincerely

Mrs Erin Ellard Gifted and Talented Advisor --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------


Thursday 7th April

The following guests will be attending the school assembly and morning tea from 9.30-11.00am.

John Therry student name: ___________________________________

Number of guests attending: ____________

Relative/Guest name/s: __________________________________________________________



John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

YEAR 7 VACCINATIONS Year 7 were given vaccination forms to take home this week. These need to be returned to the school office. Please ensure that all parts of the form are completed and you have included your Medicare number. NSW Health nurses will visit the school on the following dates throughout the year: 6 April 2016 Vaccine 1 HPV and dTpa 6 June 2016 Vaccine 2 HPV 31 October 2016 Vaccine 3 HPV and Varicella If your child is away on vaccination day they usually hold a catch up day within a couple of weeks of the vaccination day. If your child misses both days then you will need to organise to have the vaccinations with your local doctor. For information regarding vaccinations you can contact your local Public Health Unit on 1300 066 055. Please see the brochure below for further information.

Immunisation Information for Parents

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

SPORT REPORT TERM 1 2016 Round 4 vs St. Patrick’s College

Team Coach Result Comment

Open Girls Cricket Mr Cook Lost 3/75-5/64

The girls bowled to a skilled opposition, who batted 6 deep and 5 accurate bowlers. Nicole Rose was exceptional in the field, stopping some hard hit shots on the boundary. Our bowlers as a unit improved, with Natalie Mangal and Nicole Rose bowling well. Haylee Hoffmeister and Chloe Gray led the way with the bat scoring 19 and 13 respectively. MVP: Nicole Rose

Senior Girls Oz Tag Ms. Dobbins Lost 5-1

The girls put in an outstanding effort considering the heat and not having any reserves. We had a strong first half with a great try from Jess Bergamin. MVP: Elle Atalifo

8/9 Girls Volleyball Mrs. Hynard Lost 3-0

The team worked well together with everyone showing a good team spirit and confidence. There is still some room for improvement in the coming weeks. MVP: Ashley Redzic

8/9 Boys Basketball Mr. Peters Won 19-2

Great game today. MVP: Faaoli Wulf & Mitchell Kellet

8/9 Girls Basketball Ms. Morley Lost 17-8

Competitive game this week, but the girls remained positive and in good spirits and are very keen to make the finals. Great team effort. MVP: Jenna Steele

8/9 Girls Softball Mrs. Pellegrino Lost 7-4

After a commanding first innings, we were leading 3-1. Things were looking very promising with our girls getting an extra run in the second innings. Great game today. MVP: Hayley Pope

Diocesan Events.

The Diocesan Girls Touch carnival was held on Monday with JT represented well in the three Age Groups. The 13’s returned the best results of the day with some standout performances from Jenna Steel and Jessica Whelan.

Congratulations to Britney Moon and Gabrielle Dillon who were selected in the Open Girls Diocesan team.

Diocesan Swimming will be held this Thursday. A small, but strong JT team will travel to Corrimal to compete against the other schools in the diocese.

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

Once again, congratulations and well done to the following swimmers for winning Age Champion:

12 Years Rhiannon Cooke-Jones Cooper Mulholland

13 Years Phoebe Cotton Ethan Cairns

14 Years Leticia Salmond Hayden Keith

15 Years Molly Dowse Thomas McKinnon

16 Years Sarah Powell Cameron Haywood

17 Years Mikaela Zagari Liam Salmond

Perpetual and individual medallions for Age Champion will be awarded later in the year at the Annual Sports Assembly.

See below for Diocesan Dates.

Thursday 10th

March Diocesan Swimming Carnival (Corrimal)

Diocesan Tennis Teams (4B + 4G) – Wollongong

Thursday 24th

March Diocesan Rugby League (Wollongong)


Good luck to Haylee Hoffmeister an Chloe Gray who will be competing in the NSW All Schools Girls Cricket carnival next week.

Remember that there is a new way to nominate for individual sports for NSW CCC. This information can be found on the “JT SPORT PAGE” under the NSW CCC tab and then down the bottom of the pages under attachments

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

John Therry Cross Country Carnival – Competitors Only

145 students competed in this years Cross Country carnival. The usual suspects competed and delivered some impressive times over their respective courses. Final points for Champion House and Age Champion will be announced on Friday in assembly.

John Therry Athletics Carnival

This year’s carnival will take place on the 1st April, Friday Week 10 Term 1. The carnival takes place in Term 1 due to the Diocesan and NSW CCC carnivals moving forward in time. Our carnival coincides with the end of the athletics season so our elite students should be on top of their game to break even more records this year.

Permission notes have already been collected for students from the “Multi Note” handed out for the swimming carnival.

Students who require a lift to the Athletics Centre need to see Mr. Cook to reserve your place. Please be prompt, as the school only hires one bus.

For more information on any of the above notices please check out the “JT SPORTS PAGE” on google sites


email me directly.

Mr Jamie Cook

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

Our Lady Help Of Christians Parish News

Our Lady Help Of Christians Parish News

Our Lady Help Of Christians Parish News Our Lady Help Of Christians Parish News Our Lady Help Of Christians Parish News



Sat. Vigil: 6.00pm Tuesday: 6.30pm

Sunday: 8.30am Wednesday: 9.00am

Sunday: 10.00am Thursday: 9.00am


Saturday: 4.00pm 1st Saturday of the Month: 10.30am


1st Sunday of each month 5pm


Wednesday: Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 8am – 8.55am before Mass.

Thursday: Rosary following Mass (Rosemeadow).

Appin: 12 noon to 6.00pm at St. Bede’s Church, Appin.

12 noon: Angelus & Midday prayer; 1.30pm: Rosary; 3.00pm: Afternoon

prayer and Divine Mercy Chaplet; 5pm: Evening prayer 5.40pm: Concluding


1st Friday: Exposition & Benediction of the Blessed Sacrament 11am – 12 noon;

1st Saturday: Mass 10.30am

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 11am - 3pm.


Saturday: 5.15pm – 5.45pm Every 1st Saturday 11am – 12 noon


ST VINCENT DE PAUL CONFERENCE Tuesdays 12.30pm in the Presbytery.

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

Our Lady Help Of Christians Parish News



March - the Solemn Blessing and Procession of Palms will occur at the 10.00am Mass. Please gather in front of the School Administration building at the rear of the Church.


March 7.30pm - CHRISM MASS of the HOLY OILS at ST. FRANCIS XAVIER’S CATHEDRAL, WOLLONGONG, (Includes renewal of Priestly Ordination promises by all Priests of the Diocese).


March 7.30pm – SOLEMN MASS OF THE LORD’S SUPPER - followed by Procession of the Blessed Sacrament to Altar of Repose where Exposition will continue until Midnight. By tradition, the Church Sanctuary will be stripped, and statues covered until the Solemn Easter Vigil, in honour of the Lord’s burial in the Tomb. (Note: No 9am Mass today)


March (A day of both fast and abstinence).




March 7.30pm – SOLEMN EASTER VIGIL and MASS OF THE LORD’S RESURRECTION. (Please gather in front of the School Administration Block at the rear of the Church.)



8.30am - Mass



SATURDAY 19th March 5.15pm - 5.45pm


March 7.00pm – 8.30pm WEDNESDAY 23

rd March 9.25am – 10.00am

FRIDAY 25th March – 12noon

PLEASE NOTE: There will be NO Confessions heard on Holy Saturday 26th

March. By tradition, no sacraments are celebrated on Holy Saturday in the Church, in memory of the Lord’s burial in the Tomb. All the faithful should have confessed their sins prior to the celebration of the Sacred Triduum of Easter

ALTAR SERVERS Please let me know which Ceremonies you can serve at during Holy Week. Please ring the Parish Office and leave your name and telephone number. Thank you.

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

Our Lady Help Of Christians Parish News EXPOSITION of the Blessed Sacrament before Wednesday Mass 8am – 8.55am.

AN AFTERNOON OF PRAYER each Thursday from 12 noon to 6.00pm at St. Bede’s Church, Appin. Formal prayer times: 12 noon: Angelus & Midday prayer; 1.30pm: Rosary; 3.00pm: Afternoon prayer and Divine Mercy 5pm: Evening prayer; 5.40pm: Concluding prayers.

LENTEN DEVOTIONS Every Tuesday during Lent, following Mass at 6.30 pm, the Rosary will be prayed at 7pm followed by the Stations of the Cross at 7.30pm.

PROJECT COMPASSION boxes, as well as envelopes for those who prefer these, are available at the doors of the church. Please take one home and place it where it can be seen as a reminder of the corporal work of mercy to “feed the hungry”. Thank you.

PASCHAL PRECEPT Each of the faithful is obliged to receive Holy Communion at least once a year. This is to be done between Ash Wednesday (10th February) and Trinity Sunday (22nd May) unless for a good reason it is done at another time during the year. All the faithful are obliged to confess their grave sins at least once a year. CHRISM MASS In celebration of Pope Francis’ Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy, St Francis Xavier Cathedral will be lit up in a wash of purple and yellow, "Lighting the Way" for this year’s Chrism Mass on Wednesday 23rd March, 7:30 pm. Everyone is warmly invited to witness this historic event of the Cathedral under lights and to celebrate the Chrism Mass prior to the Easter Triduum.

LITTLE WHITE BOOKS with reflections for each day of Easter have arrived and are available at the Piety Stall for $4 each.

THE SISTERS OF ST. JOSEPH this year celebrate 150 years since their foundation in 1866 at Penola, South Australia, by St. Mary MacKillop and Fr Julian Tenison Woods. To mark the occasion in the Diocese of Wollongong, there will be a Mass at 10.00 am on the Feast of St. Joseph, Saturday, 19 March 2016, at St Francis Xavier’s Cathedral (36 Harbour Street.) RSVP before 4 March Sr Julie Simpson RSJ 4677 1477 | 0418 674 452 |

DAY OF THE UNBORN CHILD St Mary's Cathedral on Sunday 3rd April. Beginning with 10:30am Mass, followed by the Angelus and procession and concluding with Benediction at 1:30pm. Information: Family Life International 95199111

FAMILY CONFERENCE/RETREAT The 'National Association of Catholic Families' will host a Weekend Family Conference/Retreat April 8-10, 2016, at Merroo Christian Centre, Kurrajong, NSW. Talks and activities for all ages - come and enjoy the excellent speakers and like minded company of other Catholic families. Includes (chaplain) Bishop Peter Comensoli, - daily Mass, family catechesis and prayer, great outdoor activities, plus evening social entertainment. For copy of flyer or further information contact: or phone: Mary: 0298753664, or

Karen: 0413539378. Registration & Bookings

CRAFT GROUP will meet again FRIDAY 18th

March at 12 noon in the Parish Meeting Room. New members are most welcome. Please provide your own lunch and come share lots of talk and fun!

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

Our Lady Help Of Christians Parish News

WEEKEND RETREAT Benedictine Abbey, 695 Mountain Road, Jambero. Friday 8th – Sunday April 10th.

Presented by Sr. Magdalen Mather. Enquiries 4236 0533.

JOHN THERRY CATHOLIC HIGH SCHOOL are holding an information evening for Year 7 2017 on Wednesday 23rd March 2016 at 7.30pm in the school hall. If you missed our open day and are interested in enrolling your child for Year 7 2017 please come along and hear what John Therry has to offer. Enrolment packs will be available on the night. For further information please contact the school office on 4645 8100.

CHOIR MEMBERS Group 2 choir needs more members. The group focus is towards families, and a number of members from the same family are part of this choir. All ages are welcome. If you are interested please contact the Parish Office “To sing is to pray twice.”

In today’s second reading, St Paul says, “For His sake I have forfeited everything; I have accounted all else rubbish so that Christ may be my wealth.” Does my stewardship suggest that I could say the same?

John Therry Catholic High School Term 1 Week 7A

“Recta Sapere” To Know, Love and Relish what is Right and Just

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