join the fun! belize mission - thank you!...prayer team is available following the 10:15 a.m....

Post on 25-May-2020






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HOME CARE VISITATION SERVICES We provide visitations to hospitalized parishioners as well as respite care for sick, housebound members and their families within the parish and community. If you know of any persons who are in need of such visits, please contact:


Sunday, July 3, 2016

Welcome! It is a joy to have you worshiping with us. Holy

Communion is open to all baptized Christians, or you may receive a

blessing by crossing your arms on your chest. Children are welcome

to join in worship or attend Sunday School. Nursery/Toddler Care is

available during the 10:15 a.m. service. If you are visiting for the first

time, please visit our welcome table in the narthex (lobby) and say

hello to our clergy.

2801 North University Drive, Pembroke Pines, Florida 33024 Tel: 954-432-8686 Fax: 954-432-9009

Email: Web:

New-to-You Thrift Shop - Tel: 954-432-5437

The Clergy Rector: The Rev. Dr. Anthony B. Holder

Tel: 954-882-1838 (Cell) Email: Associate to the Rector: The Rev. Fr. Jeremy C. Froyen

Tel: 954-432-8686 Email: Assisting Priests:

The Rev. Fr. Bernard M. Griffith The Rev. Jacquelyn Rowe

Church/Lay Staff Parish Administrator: Winsome Henry -

Bookkeeper: Beverley Keizs -

Organist/Choirmaster: Tyrone A. Lans Interim Youth Coordinator: Sherry Husbands Sunday School Coordinator: Debby Prescott

Sexton: Clement Depass Technical Directors: Larry Harris, Philip McKay,

Neil Ng-a-Fook, Lennox Skyers

Office Volunteers: Patricia Adrian-Robinson, Eulie Brown, Dalia Emery, Paulette Goodison, Fay Goring, Brenda Harris,

Violette McKay, Beverley Summerbell

The Vestry Senior Warden: Michael Edwards Junior Warden: Sharon Rodgers

Members: Alison Adams, Claudette Derrick, Donald Dixon, Larry Harris, Sr., Darleen Louis, Jim March,

Donna Marsh, Dwayne Morrell, Ugo Okafor, Lillieth Rankine Clerk: Shevon Nelson Treasurer: Alison Adams

Holy Sacrament Online

Prayer Requests: Please keep the Church informed if prayers have been answered or if more prayer is needed. Names will be in the bulletin for 3-4 weeks and then removed. See eblast for last names.

Serving Today

TODAY, Sunday, July 3

8:00 a.m. Holy Eucharist

9:15 a.m. Adult Education, Large Conference Room

10:15 a.m. Holy Eucharist (Nursery/Toddler care is provided)

10:15 a.m. Sunday School, MacDonald Building

10:15 a.m. Confirmation Class, MacDonald Building

5:30 p.m. AA Meeting, MacDonald Building

The Jubilee Center of South Broward is a nonprofit social service agency, founded by four Episcopal Church congregations, whose goal is to provide meals to the

hungry and social services to the neediest in our community.

WE NEED YOUR HELP! Please help us by placing your non-perishable food donations in the

Jubilee food basket located in the Narthex.


Summer Sunday School During July and August.

10:15 a.m.

Awesome, Exciting Activities

Play while you Learn

Join the Fun!

Birthdays: July 3: Troy King, Nancy Lambert, Pauline Rigg; July 5: Phylis Chin-Fatt; July 6: Walter Fung-On, Shelley Wellington, Rafael Wilson; July 7: Jahangir Sharif; July 8: Alvia Alleyne, Luis Arce, Leah McLean; July 9: Blossom Chong, Shella Depass, Patricia


Anniversaries: July 5: Kevin and Debbyann Prescott; July 7: Jeffrey and Diane Cunningham

Belize Mission - Thank You! We would like to extend a huge thank you to all who contributed to, or supported

the Belize Mission Trip. We could not have done it without you!

Announcements and Events Children & Youth Corner

The Youth Connection will resume in August!

Upcoming events (see E-Blast and website for more information!):

Parent Teacher Meeting: stay tuned for date

Youth Sundays: July 31st, October 30th

Youth Band: Do you play an instrument? We need you!

Help Needed!: Adults needed to teach Sunday School and assist with

the nursery. Youth needed for Facebook, Instagram and website.

The New-to-You Shoppe:

Monday thru Saturday ~ 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m.

Summer Closing The NTYS will be closed beginning July 17th

re-opening on August 15th.

We will continue to accept donations during this time.

We thank you for your donations and patronage!

You are invited! The Hospitality Hour Committee will host the Coffee Hour after each service. Please continue to join us in the Hetrick (Parish) Hall for fellowship. Donations are gratefully accepted. Please use the container provided.

Sixth Sunday after Pentecost: June 26, 2016 Offering: ????

Average Offering Needed Weekly: $9,885.00 Attendance: 8:00 a.m: ???? 10:15 a.m: ????

Comments: ????

Holy Sacrament Episcopal Church

Warriors On the Road to Service and Honor in Praise (WORSHIP)

July 8-10, 2016

Lake Placid Retreat and Conference Center

Theme: God’s Love Shines Bright

For Grade 6 and Up

$150.00 per person

If interested, please give the participant’s name to

Debby Prescott, Michael Sewell, Sherry Husbands or Judith Keane.

DAUGHTERS OF THE KING: Thought for the Week

“Hatred stirs up conflict,

but love covers over all wrongs .”

8:00 A.M. & 10:15 A.M. HOLY EUCHARIST - RITE II

All baptized Christians are invited to join us in receiving Holy Communion.


The Processional ??? H. ??? Opening Acclamation …………………………………. BCP 319 The Collect for Purity …………………………………… BCP 355 The Gloria …………………………….………………… BCP 356

THE LITURGY OF THE WORD Collect: Seventh Sunday after Pentecost ………………… BCP 230 Prayer for the Hurricane Season The Lessons: First Reading: 2 Kings 5:1-14 Psalm 30 ………………………………………. BCP 621 Second Reading: Galatians 6:(1-6)7-16 Sequence: ??? The Holy Gospel: Luke 10:1-11, 16-20 The Sermon The Nicene Creed ……………………………………… BCP 358 Prayers of the People Form V …………………………. BCP 389 Confession of Sin ……………………………………….. BCP 360 The Peace ………………………………………………. BCP 360 Announcements

THE LITURGY OF THE HOLY TABLE Offertory ??? The Doxology The Great Thanksgiving Eucharistic Prayer A ………………………………….. BCP 361 Sanctus ………………………..………………. S. 128 The Lord’s Prayer ……………………………... BCP 364 The Breaking of the Bread …………………….. BCP 364 Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) ………………………. S. 161 Communion Songs Post-Communion Prayer ……………………………… BCP 365 The Blessing The Recessional ??? H. ??? Dismissal


Eighth Sunday after Pentecost (Proper 10) Amos 7:7-17, Psalm 82, Colossians 1:1-14, Luke 10:25-37

Prayer Team is available following the 10:15 a.m. Eucharist

This Week at Holy Sacrament

Monday, July 4 - Independence Day Office Closed 6:30 p.m. Exercise Class, MacDonald Building

Tuesday, July 5 7:00 p.m. Friends Reaching Friends, Parish Hall

Wednesday, July 6 6:00 p.m. Fellowship Purpose Group, Church Office Building 6:30 p.m. Exercise Class, MacDonald Building

Thursday, July 7 3:30 p.m. Bible Study, MacDonald Building 7:00 p.m. Choir Rehearsal, Church Building 7:00 p.m. Liturgical Dancers, MacDonald Building

Friday, July 8 Youth Retreat, Lake Placid

Saturday, July 9 Youth Retreat, Lake Placid

In observance of Independence Day, the Church Office will be closed Monday, July 4th.

Monthly Blood Pressure Screening

Sunday, July 17, 2016 in the Parish Hall immediately following

the 8:00 & 10:15 a.m. services. All are welcome to have blood pressure taken!

The July book is

“The Sins of the Father” by Jeffery Archer Review & Discussion on June 29th at 7:00 p.m.

We extend our condolences and prayers to Evan and Marcia Cassir on the death of Marcia’s brother, Winston Anderson. May God comfort Marcia and her family at this time and may the soul of Winston rest in peace. Amen.

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