joint action news - april 2014

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In this issue you will read about the new changes within Joint Action, our Marathon runners and other supporter events and a message from the Chairman of the Patient Liaison Group.


www.jointacti • Text SPRG99 £10 to 70070 Joint Acti on News – April 2014

Joint Acti on News

Joint Acti on would like to wish its fi ve Virgin Giving London Marathon runners lots of luck for their impending challenge. The race takes place on Sunday 13th April. If you plan to head down there, please let us know and we’ll send you some balloons to help cheer our team on!

Mike Barrett Vikram Desai Callum McBryde Ben Norman Craig Ulyatt

Good Luck!

Joint Acti on seeks step-change for orthopaedic research We are changing the way we fund research. For some years, we have been funding small-scale ‘pump-priming’ grants, and we have been delighted with the successes of the research we have supported. However, following a review of our Research Strategy, from 2014 we will be shift ing to just fund one targeted, larger grant, which we believe will have an even bigger impact. This change means that we need your support more than ever, as we look to make a step-change in the research landscape for trauma and orthopaedics.

What is the background to this? We have been concerned for some ti me about the lack of clinical trials in trauma and orthopaedics, and believe this is an area where investment of energy and resources is needed. A clinical trial is a parti cular type of clinical research that compares one treatment

with another in pati ents (or someti mes in healthy volunteers). This is a crucial stage of the research ‘pipeline’ when new treatments that may have been years in development in the laboratory or engineering design process are tested in people to see what diff erence they make.

Conti nued on page 2

The team from York Trials Unit: L-R Dr Catherine Hewitt , senior stati sti cian; Dr Catriona McDaid, Senior Research Fellow; Professor David Torgerson, Director York Trials Unit, Ms Belen Corbacho, Health Economist and Dr Stephen Brealey, Research Fellow and Trial Manager.

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Mavis makes her mark!In December last year, Mavis Parker celebrated her 80th birthday and, instead of presents, she asked that her friends and family make donati ons to Joint Acti on.

Mavis raised £120 thanks to her generous friends and family.

If you’re interested in doing something similar, please contact us on 020 7406 1767 or email info@jointacti

www.jointacti • Text SPRG99 £10 to 70070 Joint Acti on News – April 2014

Clinical trials have to be carefully designed and planned, and expert trial methodologists and stati sti cians are central to their development. Under the new strategy, Joint Acti on money will fund the development stage of clinical trials that can then be funded by major funders such as Arthriti s Research UK and Nati onal Insti tute of Health Research – as such, we will be using our smaller pot of funding to secure more large grants for clinical trials in trauma and orthopaedic research. In this way, we hope to achieve a step-change in research – with more trials, at more centres, looking at treatments for more orthopaedic conditi ons.

How will you do this? We have adverti sed widely for a University Clinical Trials Unit that could work with us to help us achieve our aims. Following a highly competi ti ve selecti on process, we have now awarded a grant to York Trials Unit to do this. They will receive a grant of almost £60,000 in the fi rst year, and we hope to conti nue this funding for three years. This grant will pay

for highly skilled and experienced staff to support clinical trial development.

How did you decide to change the strategy?This strategic change has been led by the Briti sh Orthopaedic Associati on’s Research Board and Research Committ ee, aft er careful deliberati on by some of the UK’s top orthopaedic researchers. The Board and Committ ee will also conti nue to monitor the progress of the unit at York to ensure that the money is making a real diff erence and being put to the best possible use.

How can I fi nd out more?There is more informati on on our website at, and we will provide updates to all our supporters in the future annual communicati ons that we will be producing.

Don’t forget that your donati ons will help us to fund this grant, which will make sure that the best possible clinical trials into musculoskeletal conditi ons can happen.

If you’re interested in doing something 020 7406 1767

Joint Acti on News – April 2014

Mavis Parker celebrating her 80th birthday

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www.jointacti • Text SPRG99 £10 to 70070 Joint Acti on News – April 2014

Message from the BOA’s Pati ent Liaison Group Chair

Hello there! I wrote to you this ti me two years ago telling you a bit about the BOA Pati ent Liaison Group. I thought I’d bring you up to date.

Aft er my last lett er, several of you wrote to me and I’ve had the occasional email conversati on with the York Group. Some folk responded to our request on behalf of the BOA for lay members to join their various Guideline Groups. Furthermore, the PLG was able to recruit a new member through this programme! Thank you everyone who contributed.

The PLG is 10 years old this year and I am compiling a short history, which will be on the web site in due course All of our documents, terms of reference and annual reports are there to be seen too.

If any of you wish to set up a PLG at your local Unit (like York, and as Belfast is trying to do) I would be happy to off er support and advice.

We are always keeping our eyes and ears open to fi nd new corresponding members (folk who parti cipate fully in the PLG through email, but do not att end the meeti ngs). If any of you feel interested let me know and we can discuss it!

The PLG is pleased to work with Joint Acti on, and we look forward to conti nuing our close relati onship.

Best wishes,

Nick Welch

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Fundraising made simple!


www.jointacti • Text SPRG99 £10 to 70070 Joint Acti on News – April 2014

Our Fundraising Pack is full of great ideas to get you started on raising money for Trauma & Orthopaedic research. As the weather gets warmer it might be a great idea to plan an outdoor event.

Whatever you decide to do, you’re not alone. Call us on 020 7406 1767 to request your Fundraising Pack today. We’ll help you every step of the way.

Can’t remember your login details for your Joint Acti on account but would feel safer giving a donati on online instead of posti ng one? You can now give to our appeal through JustGiving to or you can even text SPRG99 £10 to 70070 (if you want to donate more than £10 via text, the £10 text can be done a maximum of 3 ti mes).

The following people recently left a bequest to Joint Acti on in their Will. Their generosity will live on in the Trauma & Orthopaedic research that benefi ts future generati ons of people with musculoskeletal conditi ons.

Susan Ambrose Ernest FewkesGileon Holroyd Herbert JordanNatalie May McDonough Christi na Porter

If you have left a legacy to The Wishbone Trust in your Will, please speak to your Solicitor about making a codicil in favour of Joint Acti on.

In Memoriam

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