
Post on 07-Aug-2015






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Be able to communicate about media production

in discussions Task 1: Name _____

Verbal Communication

Verbal communication is using things like speech sound and words to communicate with someone things like cheering shows happiness or shouting can show anger.

Non Verbal Communication

Non verbal communication is using things such as body language to communicate by standing straight it makes someone look confident where as if you’re slumped down and looking at the floor you look like you don’t really know what to do. You can also use gestures like if you’re across the room and it’s noisy you would gesture taking a sip of a drink to ask them if they wanted a drink.

The newspaper challenge

The first thing we did was describe how we where going to build a high tower made out of newspaper and sellotape but then when we had to make it we weren’t aloud to talk for the 15 minutes we were making it

Good Group Communication Skills

Listen to what people have to say

Research what your group is discussing earlier on

Take peoples ideas in to consideration

Don’t go to a loud area

Consequences of poor communication skills

Group doesn’t get along

None of the work gets done

Group loses out

Group could fail an project

Discussion Guide:


A good environment is good for a group as sometimes it can help the group concentrate where as when you’re surrounded by noise from things like cars it puts you off a bit as it’s harder to think

Supporting Resources

Having things like a computer can help a group as they can back up information on the internet

Discussion Ground Rules Resources:


A list to help the group discuss what you are doing so no one gets side tracked or starts just messing around.


You have to make sure you can get through all the topic being discussed in the time that you have. So set a certain amount of time for each subject in the topic

Discussion Ground Rules:

Some of the ground rules should be things like:

Be quite when someone else is talking

Be polite when talking about someone's point

Don’t be rude

Always make sure the information you give is valid and up to date

Always take part in the group

Make sure your point is relevant to the subject

No swearing

Make sure everyone gets a chance to speak

Don’t go over the time limit

Make sure you have nothing tuned on to distract you (e.g. phone)

Interacting with others: The Soler theory

S: face squarely . When talking to someone you want them to be in your direct view so it looks like you’re paying interest to the conversation

O: Open posture. When in a interview you shouldn’t cross your arms of just let them drag next to you as it looks like you don’t want to be there you should do things like put your hands on your knees.

L:Lean. By leaning forward it looks like you are taking interest and that you want to hear the rest of the conversation

E:Eye contact. This shows that you are listening to the other person and want to know what they have to say

R:Relaxed. It is important to be relaxed so you don’t like nervous or unconfident.

Social Media Group Debate

1. You must decide upon an opening statement. This should state your opinion, position and the arguments you will be proposing.

E.g. Censorship is wrong because everyone has the right to free speech.

Opening statement: Social network is bad because it allows people to see things you don’t want them to see which can lead to things such as not getting a job

Questioning Your Opponent

 1. If Facebook is a good website why do people get bullied and end up committing suicide 2.Why do Facebook need to monitor things you look at which are not related to Facebook3.Why is there a lot of fake news articles posted on to Facebook which can cause stress for certain people wo don’t know it’s fake.4. If Facebook is good why are there crimes committed

because of it 5. why does Facebook need to buy what’s app 6. Why are business charged sufficiently more to post adds

then on other websites7. Why is there fake adverts8. why do Facebook allow company's to see your ip address 9. Why does Facebook need to buy Oculus Rift10.Why do Facebook sell your private information          

My point in the debate

My point will be about how Facebook buy all the social company’s and monitor the users though things like cameras or microphones which is a violation of our privacy yet we are tricked in to it because it is put in the middle of terms and conditions which makes it harder to spot as not a lot of people read through the terms and conditions so they can get away with.An example of this is in the Facebook messenger app which Facebook forced people to download if they wanted to message their friends but if you looked in the terms and conditions it clearly says that they will take pictures and videos make calls and sms messages and listen in through the microphone

Answering Debate Questions

3. You should have answers prepared which will be used to respond to your opponent’s questions. Imagine that you are from the other team and determine what questions may be asked of your team.           


4. You should have a final conclusive argument/statement drawn up which will be proposed at the end of your debate.

When you have determined who will be responsible for each portion of your team's debate, it is up to you to prepare yourself for the challenge that lies ahead. Only one team will win this debate. The winning team will: Have a solid background regarding all material. Have plenty of evidence to back up claims. Be creative/psyche out opponents. Outclass opponents/never give an answer of "uh...."

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