joota chupai – another fervourful tradition of indian wedding ceremony

Post on 16-Feb-2017






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Joota Chupai – Another Fervourful Tradition Of Indian Wedding Ceremony

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Joota Chupai – Another Fervourful Tradition Of Indian Wedding Ceremony

Wedding is an auspicious occasion in the family; while the bride/groom prepare for the new journey together. In one manner, this social custom represents the fervour of life; so has the cultural evolution spread along such customs! We all celebrate the wedding through grand ceremonies and rituals that constitute the significant part of these occasions. The regions that have been enriched with great deal of spirituality and cultural attributes have worked out more elaborate traditions that are full of … 

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value and meaning. India could be called as the example where we find a fine customary appeal through the age old concepts that are still cherished. Apart from the religious spiritual principles, significant fun quotient has been also ensured through traditions like joota chupai by the saalis.

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Joota Chupai – Another Fervourful Tradition Of Indian Wedding Ceremony

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How come the groom return without his shoes? 

Stealing the shoes may sound awkward in a marriage ceremony but here in India this tradition is a must component! The popularity of this custom is such that it cuts across the religions and region even in such a diversified country like India. Still canvassed a lot in the Indian cinema, this part of the wedding ceremony generally takes place as a part of merry making in the pre vidaai culminations. The…

Joota Chupai – Another Fervourful Tradition Of Indian Wedding Ceremony

bride’s maids or more particularly the younger sisters of the bride are geared towards the great aim of stealing the wedding shoes of no one else than the groom! The groom that gets ready after the elaborate wedding ceremony to head back with his charmed bride finds himself without his footwear! How come the royal Indian groom move without his shoes? This question is of the paramount significance! The saalis are to be blamed for this act of bravery that they commit very secretly and as a dedicated team.

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Joota Chupai – Another Fervourful Tradition Of Indian Wedding Ceremony

It’s time for the ransom!

The ransom is now demanded from the groom for the return of the wedding shoes and this ransom could be really big to test the might of the groom. The groom feels the desire deep to take her bride home at the earliest generally remains silent and allows his male siblings (the brothers and friends of dulha) to settle the deal! 

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Joota Chupai – Another Fervourful Tradition Of Indian Wedding Ceremony

Making out the negotiations 

All the hyped drama is offered a spicy makeover by the groomsmen that now want to do the bargains directly with the saalis who are never willing to dole out the discounts! Interestingly, the ransom demanded is much more the cost of the pair of shoes stolen and this makes the tussle more negotiating type. The elders generally prefer to be the mute spectators at all these happenings and seldom do they interfere. After some negotiations, …

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Joota Chupai – Another Fervourful Tradition Of Indian Wedding Ceremony

the bridesmaids and sisters agree at a deal and the shoes are handed over. The groomsmen however still prefer to make the choices before the girls and want that the gang leader herself adore the groom with his shoes! Such requests are generally accepted as a mark of grace and respect towards the groom who is now going to be the soul mate of the bride waiting for the vidaai!

There is a real fervour build up through this rasm (tradition) and thus it such popular in the Indian society since ages.  Page 8 of 9

Joota Chupai – Another Fervourful Tradition Of Indian Wedding


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