journey into attraction - vol-iii

Post on 31-Oct-2014






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Journey Into Attraction - Vol-III


By Ted McGrath, co-founder

Who is myself?What do I desire to show up in my Life today?What is my purpose?

Continue to ask the questions above:They are techniques for utilizing meditation and visualization in our lives —30 minutes at a time 2 x’s per day.

By asking yourselves those questions during mediation you will take a journey into the depths of your soul and in turn you will discover and uncover the hero that exists within you. This is a hero that exists within each one of us. That hero can be traced back through all the fairy tales, through all the legends, and through all the myths, movie and tales, since the beginning of time. These are heroes that reside in the collective consciousness of the universe and each one of us identifies with a different hero, or several different heroes.

Has anybody had any experiences with their Hero or Super Hero over the last week, that made a significant impact on you or others? Describe or write out your experience.

The Stages of the Hero’s Journey

1) Innocence: It may be a new project or a new business that you are venturing into, we all start in a stage of Innocence, even a stage of being naïve, it’s the same innocence we have as a baby when we are born into this world.

2) The Call: The Hero always gets the call, where he ventures out of the innocence, becomes energized and gets himself into motion on the beginning of his journey.

3) Initiation: Then you reach the stage of initiation, where you the hero are faced with danger, the element of fear and doubt.

4)Allies: All Heroes meet friends along their journey to guide them along their path.

5) Breakthrough: You breakthrough to a completely new place, where the old you is unrecognizable now. You have become the hero that lies dormant within you.

Do you believe in the power and the immortality that resides inside of you, because it does, I promise you!

6) Celebration: The Hero prevails in his journey and celebrates in Joy and happiness. But he celebrates briefly as the next heroes journey awaits. He now has the skills necessary to begin his Next Journey.

In a recent talk given by Greg Braden, he talks about these powers that can be traced all the way back to the ancients 2000 years before Christ. Prophecy: which is our ability to project our awareness through time and to look into the future and the pastTo see future consequences if we make a decision today.The ancients believe time to be the secret to transcending the great challenges of life.

Einstein-Time is not what it seems. -The future exists simultaneously with the past. -At any given moment there are a number of different futures and possible outcomes.

-At any given moment in time many different experiences are playing out-These experiences are already created. Rather than creating our reality, we choose that which has already been created. These are known as parallel possibilities. -Every once in a while we can leap from one possibility to the next.

Could it be that all of us our prophets, that we all have this ability to look into the future and choose, just like we are all on the heroes journey, on our path to fulfill our destiny?

Implement: As you practice your visualization this week, choose what you want to experience in your future. What do I desire to show up in my life today?

Recent Polls show that 96% of the world believes in something that is invisible, that which we call god.

You will collect all the evidence you need along your journey. It has been said that we have the power to visit the future in our minds, experience it in detail, and bring the information back to the present.

Examples: Einstein discovered e=mc2. \Henry Bessemer: The Bessemer converter, to mass produce steel. Mahatma Gandhi: Witnessed the fall of the British Empire in a split second

This Power exists for every person on the planet, the power to make a bigger mark than Einstein

Implement: -Go into your place of Peace and meditation and ask yourself any question you want the answer to. How can I change the world?

-Pay attention to the signs throughout the day that the universe is sending you!

Do you believe you have a power in you greater than the world? Do you really?Describe or write out what that power is, what does it feel like?

Exercise: Think of a recent incident where you were shocked that everything could line up so perfectly and effortlessly through out the day. Describe and write what and why that happened. Were you intending it to happen? Is it Part of your Life’s purpose? Start to notice that the universe is arranging itself so that your destiny may be revealed. Write about it.

Are you Spiritual or do you just say you are? Is your relationship with the creative power an everyday thing or a once in a while thing? Either way it’s your choice, because it is your one on one relationship with your soul and the soul of the universe. All your answers to life exist in the soul, in your spirit, in your higher state of consciousness.

Nothing exists outside of yourself, without first coming from inside of yourself.

•Let go of old theories and discover new ways•Explore new questions and seek new answers•Don’t be conservative, be revolutionary-Heroes are Revolutionary•Meditate twice a day/ 30 minutes at a time•Pay attention to your heroes and where you are on the Heroes Journey

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