journey to zimbabwe the ideological basis and practical implications of my search for the...

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Journey To Zimbabwe

The Ideological basis and practical implications of

my search for the appropriate use of science

and technology

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

What this lecture covers

Ideological basis of my quest – philosophical, ethical and analytical aspects.

Early attempts to make engineering career relevant The birth and early years of HUPAT The primacy of Africa and appropriate technology Why a focus on Zimbabwe Work in Zimbabwe The future - Zimbabwe, Africa and the global context

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study


Ideology – set of ideas that guide one’s actions Philosophical base – nature and purpose of

humankind Ethical principles – grounding on how we relate

to other humans and nature Analytical principles – interpreting the world so

we may systemically plan, execute and analyze our actions

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Making Engineering Relevant

Choice of computing Experiences in industry Computing as a tool to research society’s

development Beyond computing – what technology is

needed Building relevant science and engineering

focused organizations

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

HUPAT’s Beginning

Call from African Student Association Academic Excellence grant 1998

– Infusing AT in the curriculum– Workshop on AT

Visit to Drexel University Surveys and nominal group technique with Students National conference on AT Workshop in Accra at African Summit Visits to Cuba – 2003

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Appropriate Technology – AFRICA

Ideological basis – “primacy of Africa”– Based on identity: “African nationalism– Based on materialist analysis: Africa is the

resource richest continent, Africans are the resource poorest people, therefore center of highest exploitation

Practical work: South Africa, Rwanda, Mauritius, Guinea-Bissau

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Why Focus on Zimbabwe?

Visit of 2002 to NUST – discovered ‘brain drain’ in Zimbabwe

Importance of supporting Zimbabwe in the face of the economic blockade

Linking AT to control of a nation’s development

AT and land reclamations – issues and opportunities.

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

My Year in Zimbabwe

Aiding the Academy in spite of the blockade Technology innovations to deal with fuel shortage –

my observations Plenty of food – not enough processing Government leadership – dealing with inflation,

corruption, intrigue, and the blockade International conference on Appropriate technology Consulting on National strategy for ICT in Zimbabwe

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

The Future of AT, Africa and the World

Technology to increase production and independence

World is becoming more globally attached – via multinational development and international communication

Requires African unity – Pan-Africanism Will the AU provide the direction?

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

More on Ideology

Nkrumah-Tureism – ideology for decolonization Philosophical basis – ‘man’ is good, human

consciousness comes with an obligation Ethical basis – Humanism, Egalitarianism,

Collectivism Analytical tools –

– Class/Nation analysis– Dialectical and Historical Analysis

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Historical Materialist Approach

A tool for analyzing history and current conditions, used by political analyst since K. Marx

Explains distinctions between different modes of production

Focuses on the balance between the forces of production and the relations of production

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Technology in the Forces of Production

Forces of production consists of the people doing the work, their skills and their tools.

The tools used in production are the technology and this technology is closely linked to the skills needed to use and maintain the tools.

Technology has become more complex and capital intensive over time.

Advances in the ‘forces of production’ push changes in ‘relations of production’

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Maintaining Old Relationships

Those in control of production (owners of the farms, factories and mines) want to maintain their control to continue to use the wealth of the labor process for their interest.

The development and selection of technology is done based on class interest.

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Background Information

Technological development and potentials must be placed in the proper context!

Historical reality of exploitation Current Constraints to development

– external– internal

Development Alternatives

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Basis of Underdevelopment

Colonialism. Neocolonialism. Corruption. Political & Economic Instability. Unequal Trade.

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Technology in Zimbabwe

Pre-colonial Colonial Invasion and occupation Early years of Independence Current period of land reform Future scenarios

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Early Zimbabwe

Horticulture Peasant farming Cattle raising Subsistence oriented Trade Mining and iron work

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Colonial Occupation

Early settlers were miners that depended on African farmers

From mining to commercial farming Money and bartering Early consumerism Education: Missionaries and the state

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

New Zimbabwe

Focus on expanding trade partnerships Focus on Education Limitations of Political compromise Training a technical strata

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Land Reclamation

Reclaiming land – a drastic change in relations of production

Drop in productivity – causes and the role of technology

Building infrastructure to compliment land reform

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

AT for Land Reform

Housing construction Mechanizing farming – an issue of scale Access to information – the management of

Knowledge Agriculture beyond farming The government’s commitment: the 2004

National Budget

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

The Financial Blockade

Anti-Zimbabwe forces are blocking access to foreign exchange

Lack of Foreign Exchange leads to – Reduction in production, alternative $ market,

hyperinflation Hyperinflation leads to domestic disruption Technology used to maintain blockade

– Media – misinformation campaign– Electronic controls on money

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Decreasing Dependence

The selection of techniques and technology must be designed to decrease foreign dependency

Changing relations of production – the control of agricultural, mineral and production resources must be in the hands of the people.

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Selecting Technology

Increases productivity while minimizing use of foreign exchange

Focus on goods needed internally Complements the labor force Utilizes domestic resources Complementing the educational system

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Training for the Future

National University of Science and Technology

Polytechnical Universities Regional research stations New universities

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Approaches to Development

Develop extensive infrastructure - ports, airports, large plants, etc.

Concentrate on agriculture. Small and Intermediate technology. Government sponsored projects. Privatization. Multi-country coordination - such as a Pan-

African effort.

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Information Technology

Email and web access. Electronic libraries Expert systems. Decision support systems. Simulation and other planning tools. Database systems. Appropriate hardware and access to software.

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study


Medical and Health applications Agricultural, Livestock, and Food issues and

needs Energy Options Natural Resource Exploitation

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Appropriate Energy

Electrification - power plants and local electricity.

Solar alternatives - power, heating, and cooking.

Energy reliability and self-sufficiency. Manufacturing energy producing equipment Scale issues.

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Water and Sanitation

Water purification Plumbing Sewage issues Water for irrigation Toxic waste and dumping sites.

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Water for irrigation

human powered water pumps animal powered water pumps solar powered pumps water harvesting

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Environmental Issues

Toxic waste Dumping sites Deforestation Pollution from excessive use of wood for fuel Pollution in Urban areas due to low

standards for auto and industrial pollutants

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Small Workshops

Local workshops serve small-scale producers, and provide

– low cost household items– subcontracting and maintenance

services for larger firms– products and repairs

One of fastest growing sectors Lack of access to skills,

information and technological options limits expansion

Jewelry workshop in Bulawayo

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Zimbabwe’s Future

Expose the blockade Technological support for ‘Land reclamation’ Universities working closely with regional

research stations Major water project using the Zambesi The mines and factories will be next !

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

My Year in Zimbabwe

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Working at NUST

National University of Science and Technology, Bulawayo, Zimbabwe

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Aiding the Academy

Teaching in spite of the blockade, inflation and strikes– No books– Limited library– Shortage of equipment

Curriculum development Research with faculty and students

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Plenty of food

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Not enough technology

Farmers largely dependent on rainfall and animals to plow

Fresh foods and some dried foods, limited food processing

Storage issues Transportation of goods

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study


Unity Village and Coke

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Government leadership

Dealing with problems:– inflation, – corruption, – intrigue, and – the blockade

People showing support at Government organized Independence Day celebration

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

International Conference on Appropriate technology

Approached NUST in 2002 Planning committee in October 2003 Involving government, business and international

forces Theme “A Knowledge Management Approach to the

Development of Appropriate Technology, with a focus on Sustainable land-based projects”

Hosted by NUST at Bulawayo Rainbow Hotel

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

More on Conference

Problems encountered Content:

– Industry and production– Construction and architecture– Transportation and solar technology– Water, Agriculture and environment– Knowledge management and appropriate computing

Future work: – National conference next year, – international conference in 2 years, – Interim international steering committee.

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Consulting in Zimbabwe

Proposals with NUST UNDP project on e-readiness study and ICT

strategy for the country Contributions as international consultant In progress – surveys and workshops Potential outcomes?

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

The Future of AT, Africa and the World

Technology to increase production and independence

World is becoming more globally attached – via multinational development and international communication

Requires African unity – Pan-Africanism Will the AU provide the direction?

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Africa’s Future

Happy Children at Independence Day Celebration

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study

Linking Zimbabwe, Africa and the World

Cuban doctors working in Zimbabwe

Journey to Zimbabwe –A Case Study


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